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Bunhead17 Aug 2016
I'm a prisoner in my own city
with invisble handcuffs
and a target on me
no matter what choices I make
you'll still never let me be free
I just wanna fly
but everytime I try
you shoot me down
because the sky was meant for the birds
but don't you see,
i'm a bird too
so why won't you just let me be
Inspired by maya angelou ♡
Adrien Jul 2014
Quiero pintar tu cuerpo con mis dedos, de mil lineas y puntos
Para capturar los mil verdes que toma tu mirada
Segun el tiempo, segun la hora.
Para guardar conmigo el sabor de tus suspiros,
Y el de tu oreja,
El de tus labios,
Y el de tu lengua.

Quiero cojer estos tesoros inaprensibles,
Estas gemas inalcansables;
Como de mis dedos la arena,
El polvo de oro que se escapa;
Nubes suaves y edulcoradas,
Por cual viento invisble llevadas.

Quiero pintar tu cuerpo con mis dedos, de mil lineas y puntos.
Para mostrar al mundo y a la faz del Sol
Lo que puede brillar una pequeña flor,
Como puede cambiar un miserable en hombre mejor.

Quiero ser tu siervo, alimentar tu fuego
Proteger de mis brazos tu belleza
Y hacerte sonreir para que sea dia
Quiero estar a tu lado poque estoy enfermo
Y eres la prescripcion que me hizo el cielo
Quiero robar el nectar a tus labios
Y tocar tu piel para estar con Dios
Quiero ser tu sombra para seguirte por donde estes
Quiero ser tu alfombra para que me toques con tus pies
Quiero ser la orilla a la que vaya tu barco
Quiero pintar tu cuerpo.

Quiero oler, quiero tocar, quiero sumergirme alli dentro de la corriente pacifica casi magica, de té y de menta, de miel y de lima, con los ojos bien abiertos para sentirme vivir y la boca y cada poro del cuero espeso que cubre mi cuerpo debil.
Quiero vivir toda mi vida en este instante, en el que mis pelos se levantan, en el que mis entrañas sobresaltan y mis pupilas se dilatan, cuando me miras y lees en mi alma, y juegas con ella, cuando paseas y bostezas en el jardin secreto de mi sueño cuando posas tus pies sobre mi boca sobre mi letra cuando caminas sobre mi, sobre mi poesia como sobre un camino que no lleva a ninguna parte, para no irse del pais solo recorerlo no salir del museo porque tu eres mi galeria de arte.
Quiero tocar, quiero oler, quiero sumerjirme, dejar de orar, de pintar puntos y lineas, quiero alcanzarte.
Estoy movido por esta fuerza salvaje que late en tus pupilas,
Esta misma que mueve el insecto  hasta la flor prominente, es lo que hace sudar y empapa los páramos cada noche como para bautizarlos y lo que mueve los sequoias a tratar de tocar los cielos por miles de años ; la excitacion y efervenscia en las ramas de los bosques cuando llega el alba, las alabanzas y los cantos de hadas vestidas de plumas cuando viene la luz, el susurro del insecto y de monstruos minisculos que musitan llega la luz, llega el color
Tu eres mi luz , tu eres mi calor cuando me atrapas en el abismo verde de tus ocelos dulces que quiero oler, quiero tocar.
Quiero sumerjirme en las galaxias celadon de tus fanales que percibo a veces en el cielo, quiero con la boca y las venas abiertas impregnarme de la clorofila que moja tus ojos es lo que mi cuerpo pide, mi cuerpo suplica, el eucalypto a mi garganta a mis pulmones el aire puro, el aire limpio, quiero oler tu haliento, estar penetrado de calor, y de fuego por un instante que me mires como el pajaro secreto que toca su nido por un instante y por un instante solo, cuando se ilumina la noche por un fragmento de segundo y que desaparece, quiero volar contigo quiero parar el tiempo porque cuando me miras vivo. Quiero tocar quiero oler quiero estar contigo, porque eres mi luz, mi ilucion y mi dia, la mas bella creacion que hizo jehova.
Cry Sebastian Jan 2010
Trying to capture a moment, but the moments ever changing.

I paint in oils
-oils outlive my mortality
-oils extend my message
oils prolong my life after death.
It's a gamble because anything could wrong when I'm not there to care for it.

So I start by sitting in front of a huge blank canvas.

So I start by sitting with a mirror in my hand.

The canvas is intimidating.

My mind tries to capture the final product
- composition,
toned down?
bright colours?
thick smears of paint?
hyper realistic?
or make it an abstraction from reality?

I half-fill a jar with turpentine to clean my brushes.
I fill a small jar there with linseed oil to thin the paint.

On my palette
-a small squish of cobalt blue
-proceed on thinning it.

Lift brush,
dab it into the paint...
almost reach the canvas.

I study my face to see where I'll start.


4 hours pass.
The sun has moved.
The shadows are softer
and the shadows longer.

Accurate painting is not about talent as much as observational skills-
thats why you can stop for years but if you have learnt the art of seeing you will be able to paint a more realistic picture than when you quit the previous time.

All my contemplation sees the sunset
without a stroke being applied.

I flick a switch and a new light appears-
harsher with darker shadows-
it doesnt allow the paints show their true colours
but at least it is consistent.
I don't like what I see in this light.

Days have passed me in front of this mountain-
when I started it was sheer will that got me here-
not because I want to
but because I know I can paint better than most a
nd some will think it's worth something-
might  make a bit of extra cash on the side.

When I was younger I pumped out canvasses faster than toilet paper
but now I dont know Wonder Boy anymore-
too much distance between now and then.

Out of sheer impatience I decide to put a wash over it. I mix a bright orange mixture. and start brushing the canvas-
the brush is too slow so I start pouring it out of it's linseed mixture bowl straight onto the canvass and rub it with a cloth until no more white can be seen.

I hate the result-
my compulsion led me to trade a white blank canvas
for an orange one-
I'm nowhere closer to coming up with an idea than when I started and now I have to wait two days for the paint to dry. By that time I would have aged two days and my resolve might not be what it is right now- the little I have left.

So the final result of my painting-
a blank orange canvas hiding behind my bedroom closet.
Derek Wings Apr 2012
my heart is in a cage
the cage is invisible
but my heart is barely visible
hidden behind so many bars that are practically invincible
because every bar is made from a scar
i dont even know how many there are
so many; it seems more like a prison
everytime feelings have risen
they couldnt get break out
and who wants to break into a jail
when every attempt seems to fail
it seems ive been trapped in this cell
ever since that one time i fell (in love)
how long have i been here
i cant even tell anymore
sometimes i just sit and stare at the lock
and everthing that is blocking the door
someday it will open
as long as the lock isnt broken
atleast thats what i'm always hopin
I do believe one day
you will find the key
to this invisble cage
but you better hurry
it only gets stronger with age
beware of  the jokes
and meaningless conversations
that never get serious
because they will turn you away
as i try to run away
but i hope you swill stay
and break these scars
so i can let go of all the pain
and all this rage
stuck inside my rib cage
Oscar Mann Oct 2015
I’ve always needed the city more than it needed me
Wandering its prominent streets
Being nothing more than an anonymous ant,
Crawling past the lines of mechanized zombies
With equally anonymous ants driving them

More than once have I bathed in its street lights
Hoping that it would find my personality shining through
Or hunted down my reflection in its windows
Expecting that visibility would lead to the end of my anonymity
I’ve always needed the city more than it needed me

But now my point of view has finally shifted
As I wandered the streets of the city I hold so dear
Finding that my need to be needed has changed

Finally I have discovered that the invisible man is happy
He is never told to go away
He keeps on wandering, amongst his fellow ants
Under the city’s street lights, reflected by its windows
Not feeling the need to be needed
Not feeling the need
Not feeling
Dougie Simps May 2014
It's quite outside
Not a noise a play
Not a sound hits
The veins absorb more blood
The sweat on my forehead drips
I'm transforming
I'm becoming who I really am
A monster from a son
An enemy from a friend
My god, I'm evil
I'm demented and insane
I endure the darkness of the soul
I fein for the pressure of pain
Injections of the venom
A death Sentence with a chair scripted my name
I am who I was when you thought you knew me
I'm a villain, I'm still the same!
This animal has been released
The fury of rage broke open my enclosed cage
Where love letters fell to the floor from super woman's page
Spider-Man, superman, send em all my way
My powers aren't going to eletricfy your heros, it's invisble but corrupts the reaction of the face
Terror pumps through my heart
Anger feeds my fist
Blood is replaced with toxins
My thoughts are molded and crisp
STOP ME! I dare you, try!

**Are you kidding me? I'm not an evil villain at all!
Ya just love negativity and anguish
You wouldn't of read this if I didn't say words that die
That intrigue you!
Haunt you and daunt you!
Why do you all love misery?
Why do you need my psychotic thoughts to help you sleep at night?
It probably helps your ignorance, loneliness doesn't match insanity...
Shut up! You know I'm right.
The most messed up twist you'll ever read. You people only like sad and crazy writing. You're does love company #YouCantStopMe
Sink into the masses
never to be heard from
or spoken to
Never judging
For you know what it's like to be judged
It's what made you decide to become invisible

Hide away once the day is done
Cry inside
but never shed a tear
Wish for a life
One where you're seen and loved
Above all loved

Hope that one day you'll live
without fear of pain
of heartbreak
of cruelty
of lingering eyes and twisted faces

Dream that one day
you'll have enough courage
that eventually none of those things will bother you
that you won't have to remain invisible forever
KathleenAMaloney Apr 2016
Idea of Heaven
So Greatly Loved
I pray your Children's
Heart Remain

I love you more
Every minute of these Final Moments
It is Your Love I fight For
Grace Feeling Lost to me

And yet I can't Accept

I Love You
That is the only Reality

Your Smiling Eyes
So Beautiful

What is a Castle
Without a King
Or a Temple
Without a God Adoring

Hogh Priestess Dowry Given
For the Bride of Heavens Kingdom
Your Work God's Presence
Your Vision Gods Life

Mystery of the Snake
Power of Gods Life
A priests  King
And a Woman's Man

Come To Me
Or May it Be
That I come To You
Jay Jimenez Aug 2012
I came to you in a dream
my fingers bleed
writin you
invisble letters
people read
No one knows me here
while I lay in a unknown house
slowly memories creep on me
memories of holding hands
and popcorn
and popcorn
and popcorn
I look up to the sky
and what do I see
a shooting star
and its shining for me
but what would happen
if you were that star
would I wonder
just what you are
up high above
shining over this place
I remember how beautiful you were
when your smile lit up your face
a thousand miles
never seemed so far away
you're like a diamond in the sky
but you're invisble during the day
shine bright
my shooting star
how I'll always wonder
what you are...
Whats Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, never heard of it, mustn't be real
Chloe Zafonte Mar 2016
Dark hair, a paler face
Unique and such a disgrace
Shorter than the rest not expected
to fly the nest! With a very troubled past yet no one knows I matured fast. Sitting in my own personal jail, words sink in like hammers to a nail. Expected to love others who don't deserve my time to ones who see my existence as worthy as one dime. I'm just a puppet cutting away my strings hoping, praying somewhere and someday I will find my wings.
Lexie May 2014
Oh silent wet and milky wash
Running down a glassy face
Doll like features and cold lips
Gently dropped by God's hand
A gift of rain to tomorrow sunshine
Little rivers winding through
Tell me I can still live without you
A poets remorse and empty words
The thoughts he said but no one heard
Could you just listen to a humble story
Could you just watch me cry
My invisible tears and speak silent words
Read my lips and kiss my cheeks
Red. Tears. A potent brew
But is it enough to sting you
Like a shaft from a bow
Like an arrow you pierce my soul
Like a stone from a sling
You leave me to fall
In empty shallow waters
Drowning in but a few inches of sea
Invisible tears on steel cheeks
Rusting as I start to weep
The phases of matter all turn into one
When her lips touch mine
It burns like a thousand supernovas
And freezes like the vaccuum of space

The stars spill bright light through the invisble river
That holds no air in the darkness

The cheek of her face brushing mine
Fills me with the feeling
Of my heart when I see crescent moons

I can't wait to float away
Into the bright swirling stars
In the distance
With nobody but you

And maybe when we do that
We'll feel the stars pull us back
Like on starships
Lori Carlson Apr 2010
For Gertrude Stein

that vast land
a wanderer's dream
to wonder
to ponder
in awe

like spiderwebs
lineages of pearls

a land of invisble boundries
boudaries unlimited
ideas limitless

like a woman's thoughts
tree branches
no time no space
the melting of Dali's clocks

a land of no beginnings
no middle
images endless

like the vortex
spiraling inward
This poem was originally written in a tree branching, spirally down the page format.
Unfortunately I cannot capture that appearance here.

Inspired by Gertrude Stein's The Geographical History of America

(c) 1995, Iona Nerissa

All poetry under the names Lori Carlson or Iona Nerissa are the sole property of Lori Carlson.
Please seek permission before using any of my writings.
~Lori Carlson~
The cameras were set  the madman of Hello after snorting so sinus powder
was hopped up like a fat kid in a cake factory.

So Gonzo any thoughts on the new HP?

Gonzo. Well always new they'd find a way to steal my thoughts and secertly mentally **** me and kidnap Mr pickles!


Gonzo Yeah I know thats why im only taking pills from trusted drug dealers like
Mother Terresa, And Capt Grabby Hands

Are you okay?

Gonzo. hmmm  what's it all mean dear lady?
sure you  capture me drag me to your dungeon have your way with me
take some pics update your facebook status like anyone gives A ****  what you eat for dinner or your a lonley cat lady.
but honestly who doest like *****?'

*** your insane and put that away!

Gonzo. What i was just getting my trusty  pocket fisherman
and my invisble anti earth crab spray.

I dont even wanna know.

Gonzo. hey ive learned always bring protection no matter how they look the flying monkeys are everywhere!    

Ummm do you need help?

Gonzo. Ever **** next a man who has no sense of smell  yeah kinda takes all the fun out of it kinda like  some new changes.
do like magic miss?

Ummm well .

Gonzo. check your cooler.

Theres nothing in it.

Now call your sister i bet she's gonna have a baby.

Wow how did you know that? Magic?

Gonzo. no we've been  having fun after that annoying husban of her's
finally goes to work.

Hey he's coming over and he ses he's gonna.
Hey where'd you go?

The interviewers  cell rings.


Gonzo. Magic!
Jenovah Apr 2017
Invisble choke hold on my throat
Churning stomach acids
Seeping up my esophagus
Unwelcomed irrational fear
Breaking down the door
The door to my panic reflex
Sweaty palms
Lungs feeling like hardened clay
Heart beating hard beneath
A shakey rib cage
Voices float around me
But the words are drowned out
Like sinking under water
Focus out of sight
Out of mind
I am against the ceiling now
Only to crashland
Back into existence
In a time laspe of mere minutes
breezeblocks Jun 2013

the air turns from icy, to being on the furge of suffocating
the flowers are opening, sun warming their petals
the birds are singing at the break of day
the sky is blue, a clear window to the invisble stars above
you breathe in and it's almost too much

and so it's spring, and you're in love with the idea of love
you move to a new city, a city that never sleeps
steam rising from coffee cups simultaniously
as lungs ache and hearts desire a soul
who they don't even know exists

you kiss a boy that tastes like mint and friday nights
you take him home and let him rough you up
waking to white sheets, soft skin
as the sun cast shadows over the room as it rises
and he becomes a stability you didn't know you needed
i love him so much help
david mungoshi Oct 2015
Wherever the drum is sounded
There will his feet and ego lead him
For there's none so adept as he
At fouling the mood with a few
                home truths
when the village brew is frothy and virile
There too will his keen appetite him drive
For there's none so deferred to as he among
Folk hungry for forgivable misdemeanor
                and some home truths
He's the inimitable village drunk
Endowed with a surfeit of expletives
For there's none so free as he here
To douse all and sundry in invective ubiquitous
               laced with a few home truths
This village drunk is high on the power granted him
By a grateful captive audience that's allowed him
Freedom to free them of secrets and all
When he dons his invisble crown and dispenses
              a few home truths 'bout everyone
cherry rose Jan 2015
Blinded by choice. Shh why cant you hear those silent cries? She is reaching out  with her misunderstood voice.
You cannot see that invisble exit she seeks. She can, hearing those beckoning her spirit, as she reaches into another dimension not fearing touching deaths blade. Tired of the uphill journey just to let her name  be spoken upon those lips that dont see or feel the difference. Selective in what emotions they want to feel. She can walk by her very breath  unheard as her heartbeat slowly aches and wants to fade away. Feeling her existence is just that, it appears a shell,where echos can be heard now that  her heartbeat has flatlined. She is finally free from the weight of hiding her heart and how her own  family exited and evicted themselves from her when .....
She lived.

(C) 2015 cherry rose
"I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone."

Robin Williams
NitaAnn Jan 2014
Imagine you are a child, alone in the darkness, trying to scurry away from the monsters for if they saw you, they would hurt you. You stayed shut up inside yourself, ensuring you did not move, did not look them in the eyes. You pretended it was not painful by going someplace else. Pretenses and secrets were how you hid in the darkness, how you survived. When you were unable to hide, you would smile at others, be thankful and polite…but when others would leave your mind returned to the darkness, the only solitude you had.

Imagine you were invisible and silent, your mouth forced close by others. They did not want to hear you, they could not hear you, they would not allow themselves to see you. If they were to hear you, they would hear themselves stumbling along in the darkness. They would see themselves grasping at the walls to steady their pace. They could not see you, for if they saw you, they would see a reflection of themselves in you, so instead, they threw you into the darkness and they force you to remain there.




Lovey Aug 2016
Wake up.
Put your mask on.
Make yourself invisble to pain.
Dont break.
Dont cry.
Dont fall.
Dont smile to much.
Dont be to happy.
Dont talk to much.
Dont look anyone in the eye.
Dont show emotion.
Dont feel..

Make yourself look perfect for a person.
Make yourself look "good enough"

Dont eat to much.
Dont talk to certain people.
Dont be friends with this person.
Dont get good grades.
Dont be better than someone else is.
Always stick below everyone one else.

Dont be noticed to much..

Go home.
Throw something.
Make yourself look not perfect.
fall to the floor.
How many of you feel exactly like this.
dafne Dec 2013
You're always
At battle
Against me

Maybe you would've been better
Without me since day one
Because you felt invisble
And all the attention was on me

I'm sorry
I truly am
I know how it feels

Please stop battling against me
its been far too long
So long that now I am
At battle with myself
And there's never
A resolution
Or treaty
Or peace
Within me
There is no end
mads Jun 2012
There aren't enough hours in the day,
For every bird to sing it's sad, sad song,
And there isn't enough human ears,
Willing to listen to such *******,
The little wren's chirp,
Is only a siren song,
To warn you of the little things in life,
That people are yet to notice,
It's so wrong how feather's litter the sky,
But we don't fall down to devastation,
We simply catch feather's, adding them to our hair,
Birds are like the invisble beauty of the earth,
No one actually gives a **** about their existence.
I don't quite know.
sanctuary Aug 2014
Lets build a fort
Just you and me
We'll protect it
We'll keep it that way
Even if it rains or storms
Lets make it stand its ground
It will be our sanctuary
Our dwelling place
Away from all of this
Away from everything
You would never have to feel alone
You would never have to be invisble
You won't have to pretend to be anything
I would listen and so would you
We'll swear to secrecy and idiocy
Lets build a fort, just you and me
What color would you like it to be?
I want to see a sunset from that fort
I want to be near the ocean from that point
You'll be free and so will I
Serendipity Jul 2020
Her frizzy hair
was simply
an invisble halo
being wrapped
in strands of gold.
within twenty first century promotion
   sans scientific paradigm
dogmatically hefty, kinetically lofty,
   and poetically thoroughly, xyz beliefs misalign
wherein mechanistic Ptolemaic,

   static venerated yin yang benign
choreography describing elementary forces
   governing heavens inviting jinxed, kooky,
   loopy measures necessitating pacific rectification
   to guarantee spatial objects remain in line

which notions trotted out
   a cosmic deal with invisble ink
   omnipresent, omniscient omnipotent
   benevolent creator link
synonymously afffixed terrestrial
   firmament (planet Earth) nsync

   with bedrock of deified Gibraltor
until undisputed supposedly
   figuratively hermetically sealed
   fostered religious (church) fathers
   to do more than blink

when inquisitive minds (undaunted
   though invoked as heretical martyrs)
   blaspheming solidly entrenched
   blind faith functioning with charm
mingly quaint association with amulets, churinga,
   equisite fetishisms guiding humanity

   innumerable journeys kickstarting
   legendary modus operandi initially harm
   less lee sounding out,
   what manifested into a schismatic alarm
   regarding millennial questions
   underming liturgical moorings
   strong lance heaving arm

irrevocably toppled geocentric mindset,
   nonetheless this oblate spheroid dance
sing with the stars redoubled
   devout hangers-on fixed
   with barnacle cleaving devotion stalwart stance
Page Number Two:

populace behooved (as would be expected),
   when Douting Thomas' revolutionary screeds
   threatened (prior to unending)
   univeral schema just by chance
and despite proclamations pronounciations,
   and provocations roiling status quo
   hashtagged as evil rants

eventually zealous warfare between
   growing heliocentric individuals  
   with sacrilegiously blatantly deranged
fiendishly gnarly heathens –
   perhaps the Renaissance own Timothy Leary

the dawn of a quantifiable, explainable theory
(minus all those concentric embedded orbital paths)
   diktat preachers eventually became weary
to challenge recalcitrant (purported hell raisers)
   (****, I would have fit right in as a rebel rouser)
   whereby agents provocateurs spout vestigial claim
   to Gaea remaining front and center of galaxy
   on par clubbing with Mother Mary.
L T Winter Sep 2016
Pieces of me
I let dewindle and stay.
This invisble war
Was love-

Into lon-li-ness.

I've been circle sawing
Idle thoughts
--Prozac tents,
Disregarding her while
Crawling caterpillars are my skin,
I begin to drift algrid monotones.

With lead volcanoes
Weighing majestic suffering

To broken keys and hanging fingers.
Eleni Oct 2019
You are my single lifeline
The mask I wear to confine.

With a plastic shield- I am out of my senses.
Frivolous safety, with endless expenses.

Coughing green and blue ice
Why do I seek life on Neptune?
Far from warmth and invisble to naked eyes
Rings of glass dull the distant cries.
Hira malik Sep 2017
There are tyms when nothing as real as pain;
And than,
She shielded herself again
With strong silent invisble wall
With same expressionless face,
Doing all chores
Performing daily duties
And shut the door on her heart;
For sometyms, forever....

"Y dnt u close it for eternity?";
"I have a hope
And endless diminishing hope
For i know there is nothing as real as pain
And i am v scared!"
S Sep 2017
A human's mind is such a flash thing.
So flexible, so destructible, so invisble,
Yet so huge.
You can't explain your mind,
Somehow it's the source of your every thought.
But it's fragile,
One day our thoughts will vanish from our minds.
Which is why our best thoughts,
they must be stored,
but Where?
Should I share the most valuable thing with someone else? Another mind? No.
I must write,
I must keep my thoughts and feelings in the pages, where they're safe.
I will let the ink and the paper be my trusted ones.
Written on January 24th, 2016
Ryan Nov 2015
In a void of deep depression for too long,
same sad songs on repeat I know my hearts gone.

Stuck inside i'm a prison to myself,
confined to restraints, this invisble strait-jacket
maybe I should just hit the hammer, nail in the casket.

But after all these negative thoughts, you learn one thing,
everyone goes through hard times, its a part of lifes sting.

You have to learn to scale darknesses cutting egded claws,
learn to live with yourself, we all have flaws.

Once you hold a deep trust within your soul,
the universe will move out of your way, you become whole.
And in the grand scheme of things all problems are null.
tears they have two reason sadness or theres joy
for what ever reason the tears they will deploy
rolling down your face tears either side
tears there not invisble from them you cant hide

it is natures way there to let you know
with happiness or stress tears  are there to flow
it is your emotions the way it has to be
rolling down your face for everyone to see

— The End —