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I sit in the top of the wood, my eyes closed.
Inaction, no falsifying dream
Between my hooked head and hooked feet:
Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat.

The convenience of the high trees!
The air's buoyancy and the sun's ray
Are of advantage to me;
And the earth's face upward for my inspection.

My feet are locked upon the rough bark.
It took the whole of Creation
To produce my foot, my each feather:
Now I hold Creation in my foot

Or fly up, and revolve it all slowly -
I **** where I please because it is all mine.
There is no sophistry in my body:
My manners are tearing off heads -

The allotment of death.
For the one path of my flight is direct
Through the bones of the living.
No arguments assert my right:

The sun is behind me.
Nothing has changed since I began.
My eye has permitted no change.
I am going to keep things like this.
Martin Narrod Oct 2015
Under the legs of giraffes falling in love by being licked to buy a deer deer licking giraffes Gareth Pugh transforming signs pigs that can't **** but **** bricks in the tea cups personal Hispanic designers transforming into anorexic girls tornadoes in Pennees that buildings can't stop where pro-skateboarders take millions of dollars of drugs that are crystals and mugs and improve haircuts to make mugshots better who go to bathroom the stress says this transvestites in British airways first class airplane ride bathrooms **** **** ******* ******* **** in and list ***** used who's spending money and and aunt uncle and uncle gay and lesbian **** show putting faces in the toilets and wedding the water stopping at rest stops work carnival junkies pay tolls and gas station attendants charge super fees going to grocery stores to buy cream soda likes Sprite flavored train send peanut butter cup chocolate **** sores and send aunts uncles and uncles undulates and pigs passing by signs changing words miss read words changing over and over again passing through Stardome popularity celebrity. Rachel Lynch by skinny victory over and over groups of people lost in bathrooms starting outs in the story telling each other being wet by Harry Potter. In the beginning their hair was wet eyeballs were sore they took drugs text transform them into night sweats and their minds ate breakfast as they arrived at the circus storytelling they wore black costumes and shrunk like Alice in Wonderland having to **** and **** and eat but they were silent until the drugs came back into their systems and then they remembered each other. My father's brother Jim's son was lost abandoned me inside a marketplace in Colorado roadrunner was treated having a disease rather than being a drunk and given medication while lost in the end of the world's apocalypse. Symphony after symphony lost and returned and lost an overturned enveloped in the mall or people in different sections provided different offerings like curiosity giving oral *** or rubbing ankles or kissing on heads or **** ******* each other to death. Moving through security checkpoints falsifying drugs by providing sticky chewing gum pulling it from their mouths while Hispanics were extradited to other South and Central American countries. Oh my God insanity bliss favoritism chocolate peanut butter cup Carnival riding red neck necking car crash crashing insanity. Goblins introduces lighting fuses of other uses oxymoronic hyperbole of onomatopoeia and sounds raking the ears, breaking Pap smears in the vaginas of men with penises of early surgeries. Michael Gottlieb as a hog, tigers and dynosaurs, Jim Morrison poisoned, Transformers rising to the Chicago skyline TIE interceptors of cellular structures musing youths. Hallucinations of blasphemous miniature creatures giving faith to words transforming to the name of this movement this movie: The Shīt Shūw.
Luca Feb 2011
Don't stop me.
Not that I'm unstoppable
It's just improbable,
That you'd stop me.
I'm saving you embarrassment.
Can't you see!?

I'm not just anybody,
I'm that somebody.
The one in the back of your head
The whisper on strangers lips,
I can't be controlled.
You can't contain me.
You've never seen me,
But somehow, you think
You know me!?

You know of me.
I'm shown as a shadow
A broken reflection,
Of what I'm able to be.
I bring change,
I force advancement,
I am the future.
Free me, then
Help me free yourself.

Change is inevitable
Not non-negotiable
So unleash me, and use me
So you can live,
Like you deserve.
The man in the mirror
envelops his fractal fingers
over my scathing sight,
seeking quixotic symmetry,
the apogean gift of harmony,
with his enigmatic allure,
disillusions me off vanity;
off a falsifying dream.
The liar traps me in his liar,
to aid in his endless search for perfection
while shaming me for the sins I repent.
Vanity is one nasty thing.
Monica Figueroa Dec 2015
Today the last seam ripped
From the veil of purity
I bound myself within
I’ve come to the realization
It was merely a handicap
Masquerading as a noble cause
So adamant not to play the game
My choices left me with no defense
No shelter
I’ve given too much credence to the interactions of chemicals
Falsifying chemistry
Turning a blind eye to deceits
In a way I was always aware
But I eagerly brushed those thoughts aside
Hungry for something else
Aching for some sort of natural connection
But when everything is coordinated and man-made
There is no such thing as innocence
Merely naïve souls unwilling to adapt.
2015 Copyright Monica Figueroa
Hooflip Mar 2013
They publicize Education with promise of security. Falsifying all your leizure and reward.
While you drown your accounts with tallies and numeric rallies they develop the technology to summarize, tax, bill you with your debt and fill your mold in the position you strained and craved for.
Broken and stacked back rattling
You stand on a pile of panic and,
Manicly fade into the grave they plotted, and you dug.

Technology is our downfall.

We see the button and push it
Free of refrain.
Curious, instantaneous passionate trust in all the oncoming waves of silicone information.

The image is cast;,..
It attempts and so succeeds in including you in this performance
This, plastic
These fading lights.

So it seems our nation is fueled by a finite flash.
With the filaments finally finkled out, the bright idea gone,
The shepard is shot and the sheep are frenzied.

As the population grows great in numbers alone, the engine is fixed with rusted parts and the plan...
A long, smooth drive with the emergency brake cranked the whole way.
We'll see just how far mediocre runs,

We'll see...
Amitav Radiance Jul 2014
Sometimes all the love you give
Is returned with a resounding deceit
Believing all the while, you are the cynosure
Yet, the centripetal force keeps you moving
Apparently, in sync with the lovers heart
When you realize, the asynchronous beats
But words are betraying the innermost deceit
Cracks appear, yet we turn a blind eye
Until it’s too late, when we stare at a wide chasm
All you want is to plunge into the darkness
Emotions run chaotically around the heart
Ripping away the veneer of love
Falsifying all beliefs, redeeming hurt
Eroding away the base of the relationship
It’s all there, in the saga of pseudo love
We stood on the shores of forever.
The transient waves
lapping at the Cliffside
Grinding granite
to bare sand and
granting mysticism to

Grand piano typebars snicking
to the roar of bonfires
burning the taste buds off our fingers
            Our tongues busy in rituals
          gifting freedom from base function
              to commune with Passion.

Newfound Oldschoolism
        stuttering confidence
                and alcohol imbibed clarity
screaming Ginsberg at Apathy so that sand might best stone

                  Spinning dizzily
in Rockland in Moloch in Purgatory
Dying vicariously under the table
while illiterate Jazz read
our right accusatory
                                 for falsifying veracity

Sitting in jail cells in
San Francisco for setting
         the sky aflame.
        And it is aflame.

Inmates burning with
unspoken tomes spoken
Who in madness spun truth
        in whipped tongues, begging
        for something worthy of Censure.
Who Rapture took under wing
        and proclaimed “Child!”
Who ripped open the sky
        to play with father time
        while mother earth ran green
                   in envy.
Who were acquitted on appeal
        to dance in the moonlight on the
        shore once more together,

        Who found lust skipping stones alone
and welcomed her to join us
Hedonists wearing it like a
badge on bare underbellies
rubbing orgied in reverence
       Running fingers through coarse
hair windblown and sparking
with electric sensation.
       Exploring, pioneering
quivering legs and chests
beneath and atop us.
       Inventing love while sinking
quickly in slow sands
while smooth hands grasped
for the fleeting finite
      Whispering sweet everythings
without words for they
would be wasted here.
      Pulling needy lips away
to idealize Communism
as Bourgeois swine wallowing
in prosperity and sweat
of our nightly deeds.
      Complaining of lost chances
and brevity of copulation
when we’ve defeated the bedsprings
      and Fantasizing of the bed, car,
floor, park, studio, and once
on the hood for good measure
      Forsaking sleep to defy
the mandate of the setting moon
      Praising the glinting ******
of Adonis and Aphrodite
in mutual longing
as the sun blinked into
existence through the window
until in merry acquiescence we
     dozed, dreaming
we had set San Francisco aflame
and lit our cigarettes on its
While we slipped little squares
under our tongues and GoldenGatePark
turned alive and welcoming;
Gleeful mourning at the loss of self
        at the University
Rambling on about enlightenment
        full of pretentious humility
Establishing Anarchy in our veins
        so we might be closer to god

               And god lives right there
               in the shack atop that
               hill, handing out nature
               to the masses
sitting on benches, fried to comprehension.
       Proclaiming that the world
was bleeding glory to bewildered
       Breathing in fog and smoke
to join oblivion quickly
       Bumping Kerouac’s ashes in
the selfsame alley
       Piling intoxicants to run sleepless
through the streets

Dragged out of gutters
        covered in nothing
               the morning after
                     finding our clothes
                          draping streetlamps
                     and leaving them
               in testament.

Yearning for that heavenly connection
         and finding it
Scaling the walls of
        the mind to
find mountains at
        the summit and
        climbed those too
and clamored past
        the clouds
and the stars until
       We found worth at the edge
of the universe.

                                             20 September 2010
Copyright 2010 @ Tyler Ryan Rodriguez
Aztec Warrior Jul 2015
It's hard to walk
the dunes of depression.
Not only from the loose shifting sands,
but the presence of soul eating,
demonic illusions
that pretend to be poetic
yet are just rotting, hypnotic words
hell bent on falsifying your mind.

The ironic indentations
in this madness
is you are standing amidst
blue sky lithium dreams
of xanax desires,
stuck with rainbow's
colors pounding at you,
making you think everything is fine
as the whole world burns;
a "one day at a time"
horror show
that shouts a *******
symphony in B sharp major.

no wonder
I love the "blues".

Aztec Warrior 7/12/15
May my sweet friend find peace
Sal Gelles Oct 2014
we can't stop our hearts from beating,
our lungs from breathing, so why
try and stop our minds from thinking?
they can destroy us once they're
overclocked and overloaded,
over-simplifying complicated situations.
we still try to forget ourselves,
and how they're always there,
but it's inevitable, atomic,
how time moves us, but we cannot move time,
only by falsifying hands tracking
secondary measurements, little ticks
that eventually drive us mad.
not with anger, but with sadness,
time slips, and we slip with it
back to innocence, perseverance ensues,
and we soon see how time changes
without our hands in the clock.

you can take your hands off the gears now,
and keep the time set where it was,
and before you know it,
that too shall pass.
passing time without reason or rhyme.
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now When It Comes To Writing Words...
of... REALITY Verse... !!!

And Rhyme Driven Raps...
That STICK To The FACTS... !!!

My Pen REALLY Does That... !!!

It Expresses On Things...
Like The Way Life STINGS...
When We See KILLINGS...
That Make NO SENSE... ?!?
Because of Ignorance...
That Leave Folks Sad...

That’s Right My Pen Does That... !!!

It Also Writes Rhymes...
That Come From My Mind...
That Flow With Bass Lines...

So What My Pen Does...
Is FAR From..... Dumb..... !!!

It Runs With Stuff...
That’s Rough And Tough... !!!

Because It Comes...
From A Head That’s Strong...
With Creative Skills...
And The Type of Will...

That Lyrically Chills...
Mind States Instilled...
With Limited Thinking...
Who Are Currently Sinking...

Because of The Way...
That The World Now Sways...
Due To Viral Strains...
That Are Causing Pain...
Pretty Much EVERYDAY... !!!

That’s Really NOT How...
My Pen Gets Down... !!!

Now It Has Caused Frowns...
In The Type of Clowns...
Now Running Their Mouths...

As If They KNOW...
EVERY Last Thing About EVERYTHING... !?!
When They CLEARLY DON’T... !!!

Now My Pen Sees MUCH...
But Is... Wise Enough...

To Now Recognise...
That A Lot In This Life...
Has Been Contrived...
By... EVERY Skin Type... !!!

When It Comes To Getting...
That... Money Prize...

And That FEAR’s Been Spreading...
Through The Annals of Time... !!!

To Ensure That WISE Guys...
Can Indulge In Crimes...
That Keep ENDING Lives...
Like Those Neck Ties...
That Cut Lives Short...
In Ways That Are RAW... !!!

So My Pen’s *******...
As Well As Being PURE...
With The Core of My Thoughts...

So DOESN’T Protract...
Or Make Things Collapse... !!!

My Pen DOESN’T Do That... !!!

It’s More Inclined...
To Deal In Straight Rhymes...
That Are Clear And Precise...
And Deal In Vibes...
That Wanna See RIGHT... !!!

Instead of The Wrongs...
That Keep Causing PROBLEMS... !!!

For People TRYING...

And To Get To THRIVING...
Instead of... DYING... !!!
Because of Pens LYING... !!!

That Deal In Writings...
That Keep Conniving...
And... Falsifying... !!!

While What My Pen Does...
Is To Keep DEFYING...
Those Putting Up FRONTS...
That Deal In FRIGHTENING... !!!

Because What Their Hiding...
Is How They’re Conspiring...
To Get To Confining...
Through TYRANNISING... !!!

So That Lives And Minds...
Find Themselves CONFINED...
In A Future Designed...
To... CONTROL Lives... !!!

In Ways That May NOT Be So Nice... ?!?

So My Pen Designs The Type of Rhymes...
That Deal In Defining...
How Things Are Declining... !!!

Because of Heads Devising...
All Kinds of PULVERISING...
... Systematic Protocols...
So That Freedoms Are LOST... !!!

So What My Pen Drops...
Are... LYRICAL BOMBS... !!!

For Those Who Can See...
That Today’s Societies...
Are Feeding FALLACIES...
And... Technologies...

That May Just Be...
What ENDS Humanity... !!!

My Pen.....
DOESN’T Deal In Conspiracies... !!!

... Please Believe Me... !!!

It Deals In What’s REAL...
So In... Summary...

My Pen Is Inviting...


How People Perceive...
Everything From Vaccines...
To The Type of Policies...
That Now DON’T Seem...
To Want Us To Be Free... ?!?

So My Pen Now Tracks...
How Things Are Being Mapped...
WITHOUT... Caveats... !!!

It Simply Stands...
When It Comes To Humans...
And How We All Act...

So This Last Line...
Is One That’s EXACT...

When It Comes To TRUE Rhymes...
... Reaching My Notepad...

There’s No Doubting That...

“ My Pen REALLY Does That “...
As the poem says people.
Avoid to analyze the brighter side and devoting the time to sheer demise does reprise the roll of shine in any eyes
yet appointing the energy towards  the level of degree dancing against the apathy shall decree your presence is gliding into a free sea of unity. Combustion from duality, divinity through unity in reality it's impossible because dimensionally we eventually consciously know it's not here. It won't ever be here. Bridge it over and disappear. From 3 to 4 then onto 12 unless you prefer to see a realm such as hell. Purgatory, or whatever it may be called is not only your mind with walls, but a body whose physics residing in limits denying the finish and a spirit within the disharmonious limbs of reflections so grim from falsifying hymns.
wolf mother Feb 2014
making a playlist titled you you you
taking a pill at the **** zoo
******* fools wasted on the pavement
chasing waists on the pavement

i'm tired of these ******* games you're playing
tic tac toes on the cusp of my aortic valve
**** hippocratic oath falsifying fingerprints

i am to you, just an oddball goodfornothing sonofabitch
semi-sweet curvature of the lungs
tar-coated nail-biting feminist *****
some uppity analyzing self-righteous bore

well *******, too, then
*******, too
i'll do alright in the world, got some chew
that i'll spit out a rhyme with, all that hullabaloo
i am those whos, on a dead *** dandelion making wishes on elephants (such buffoons)
and finding that donkeys are nothing but mumbling tools
Oddities of nature;
Simplistic conjugation of effects,

One not without the other.
However simplistic,
It is rarely made aware to the consciousness of any living form that nature is odd.
Therefore our misuse of time,
Conjuring and confusing our ideas of our nature,
Would be better spent falsifying the idea of time itself.
Barton D Smock Aug 2013
since being found, father busies himself helping mother locate her copy of the report of missing person.  if sister thinks hard enough about puberty she can pick a lock.  she treats her fingers as if they’ve fallen into the wrong hands.  paints her nails with white out.  

I clean only at night.  I scrub severely the bottoms of my feet in the event I start retracing my steps.  any thought I have lasts as long as any thought god has

on volunteering.  my one friend became my friend by feeling up the top half of a train tied mannequin I’ve come to believe has been falsifying evidence.
Often times, abominations misled;
memories beyond travels abound,
with a mint of souls falsifying the "wind"
"flossing" our inner guide they intend...
maintaining a "*****-game" like "secret agents"
what’s for the future?
having travelled from afar
is this our place?
to delineate as “aliens” scudding from the surface?
Who are we-but sojourners casting a dice of chance!
hitting the freeway, but for what "price"?
followed by a little "preparing the way,"
What else would we think about, anyway?
In time and space...or anywhere else!
We are always here!
We will always be here...

Muhumuza Kenneth. E
The "abductees" can comprehend this more "deepely".
once in a while we encounter "visitors" from afar. you can only "believe-when-you-see". (whatever else said about "them" seems to be so shallow & vain-as compared to the reality of a cosmic equation that earthside mortal intelligence hasnt managed to "answer" or "calculate" as of now. "Visitors" or not: some of us will always Love & Cherish them for what they are. it doesnt matter what they are here for. what matters is the idea of "cosmic oneness". arent we All "One"? )
eden halo Feb 2014
I used to bathe in PVA
to hold myself together,
the striptease of confession,
forging a synthetic skin
to let people under, tear
asunder, take
a piece and frame it
like a rubbing of a leaf
or gravestone,
lock it in a locket,
gild your open heart.

One childish summer, I
stood on a street corner
with a friend, de-winged
ants knee deep, picking at her
sunburnt shoulders, peeling
her away, leaves to the wind
like a flowerbud
or christmas present,
trying to find her
angel wings
halfway between shoulder
blades and tissue paper
skin, volant as powder down.

Some precious things
are best left veiled.
Medinah Aousunt Dec 2015
Screaming inside, no one can hear me pleading inside.
falsifying pride, no one can tell I'm dying inside.
Poem created by Medinah Aousunt
Blood Soaked Dreams
Rivals over my nightmares
Truth revenges over the falsifying fact
As rumors fly through my mind
Overtures of enriched fables
Embark on minds’ eye
As it wanders off into depths
Of the journeys awaiting
Peddling right past the path
Interstate mind flare, as it all gets twisted for U-turns
Questioning the mind-erased populous
As one would say… Where to go; Who to be
One’s enjoyment of rightful thought
As freedom expresses its pureness
Theory of moments
Fore the next second could change it all
The belief in the strength of becoming
Only gives the mind its purities
Focusing on the indulgence of knowing
That all will remain okay
Knowing the courageous path to take
A path which enriches the soul
The opening of my beautiful wings
To show all that it’s a brand new day
A lustrous event is about to begin
The striding momentum
Has strengthened its bouts
The meaning of reality
Its blissful harmony
With its surroundings
As life’s doors opened up
To shed a brand new light
A journey opens up
To play in favor
To Truth of Being!!!
©Aiden L K Riverstone
agdp Jul 2010
realize, realize
defense mechanisms
not on impulse rather
falsifying my intention
to deter my pure elevation

you took out the genie,
but the wish maker in me
got left in the lamp hampering
strokes to my mind in the past
that I fully finally freely let go
no longer wavering
now waving adieu

finding again that old courage
to pursue you
AGDP © 2010
ZWS Sep 2015
There's a lot of people out there who will tell you that they used to be romantics till they got hurt
And they'll tell you that they still should, and that they're completely aware
It's like a high you once had that you will never again reach
Even if you tried you couldn't feel, even if you cut yourself you couldn't bleed

So what I do when I ask you and you say I do
Am I just another believer who's killing the dream
Should I grab my things and have a way with them
Like you always do, and end up hurting you too
Or should I swallow my pride for a romantic sacrifice

People talk about diamonds like they never lose there value, yet they can be so easily mimicked
Isn't it sentimental, or is it something about mother nature's chemist
But everybody's got something to say
They all like their diamonds laced with *******

Talking to you is like playing a word game
And I'm not doing so hot
What is romance if I've already had a shot
What is a movie if I already know the plot
My script isn't true until it's old and used
Should I keep falsifying truths, or should I find something new
Lemon Apr 2020
Something. It was always something.
And whenever it was nothing
That something came crashing in
Amplifying, magnifying, falsifying

Nothing is ever as hard as living
Nothing was ever as easy as quitting
Surviving was unforgiving
Dying was unremitting

A broken heart and broken bones
Diverging cries that we condone
Death is whispered in unwavering tones
A vacuous home; an empty throne

No one lone thing could change the world
For better or worse, all unknown
Transcendence be the killer of all
Be a hero, die alone

A broken heart and broken bones
Diverging cries that we condone
Death is whispered in unwavering tones
A vacuous home; an empty throne

A tattered quest
A broken trail
A sin confessed
All’s bound to fail
A heart of stone to anchor down
A heart of gold, a thieves’ crown
A heart of ice to thaw the beast
An injured heart, long deceased

A broken heart and broken bones
Diverging cries that we condone
Death is whispered in unwavering tones
A vacuous home; an empty throne

A damaged soul, laid to rest
Unforgiving and unremitting
A hero's tale, told at best
Rescript and falsely fitting
Paul Mackenzie Oct 2009

It's all arriving now,
Live or die,
Quiet sound that crawls on tainted ground,
Be the saviour of my soul,
Swipe aside the burning flames and rise,
Atone mysteries unknown.


Deep in the mind lies the ancient answer,
Fighting for freedom,
From the salient anchor,
Looking for what is already found,
Searching the past,
Condemning the future,
Falsifying fate to the encore rapture.


The flaming forests where we dwelt,
And the old gods that before we knelt,
Escape the hell of surface fear,
Crawl through the fire 'cause the new gods are here.
julio lapensee Mar 2010
Sunlight! dont DARE you peek through my black shutters for I am Angry with YOU!!!
Thy falsifying rays of Sunshine you try to cast upon me will not wake me from my Midnight slumber!!!
I embrace the thought of endless Night and need not close my eyes to see it!!!
YOU sunlight, will not see this Soul untill it has been found by "HER"
Her who has cast me into my Dungeon of BLACK!!!!
Therefore leave me alone
I dont dare speak thy name or see thy purpose!!
Leave Now and leave me to my sleep so I may wake one day to HER!!
there is a simple mono toned beeping in my brain

and as its bleeping, i keep saying

these fireworks for stars are brighter than they ever are

and i'm only lost on this captivating island for so long

i gaze and to gaze, is a miracle itself yet not as miraculous as the planets risen high in the sky

and as deep as the resin in my pipe.

and the grass, so much greener

and the water in this puddle is much cleaner

although i've gazed for such a deliberate extended time

and how it flies

like fireflies or some annoying dragon fly.

all flies. do fly but how high could i take this dragon fly

until she loses oxygen and begins to forfeit her life?

am i this dragon fly? Do i really wanna to die?

Does anyone?

hold on

anyway, as i was saying

am i viewed as absent minded,

when dwelling within my mind

seems to me to be fine?

is it absolutely outrageous that i can't hear you when you speak?

or that i choose not to?

because when you speak, i think, and when i think i dream, on all of that which i percieve to be truthful and great

and stuff

but i'm just analyzing, and finalizing how i really feel about the situation.

and in that deep contemplation i am in a state, and as i am in my state of being late

you are awaiting a response. which you instantly say


I hate the n and v in that word.

with their sharp edges and falsifying curves.

staring into space now until  every color is one and every object a blur.

and then their is silence

and if you actually cared about the science of it all

you would know i only see what i want to see when i sleep

and so do you, but it's all the same to me.

i'll weave in and out of our conversation as i am

day dreaming of something blue, with warm heat rays

piercing into my very core.

it doesnt mean i'm bored, i just have an imagination,

what? oh...nothing i wasnt here for that anyway....
Mitchell May 2011
To the magical what are and what is's
That tattle on each other while riding on a naked leather
Nonsense from the other side of a lover's fence
The way she preens herself in the afternoon light
Hair falling as if trying to take flight
With eyes that move back and forth
A pendulum of absolute consistency
Round about in Her love which trickles down a recent rain struck
Nodding for from the base which breaks and ticks
With a fit of the nick bleeding from a cutting pick
Razor's edge in a pledge of beauty but falsifying cause' of another duty
From hair turned pin points to appoint oneself again
Into humanities mainstream realizing that it may all be just a dream
Where reality evaporates into a sky that slices into pieces like pie
And love was a thing to do when you didn't want to be alone
And hate was a thing to pass the time because you hate to lie
And regret was a feeling that never knew how to quit dealing
And obsession became all of one's reason
To keep on stealing
Orchid Apr 2018
So the story goes,
The girl who left
Had a heart of gold.
Her soul was precious,
And she was kind.
She always just seemed fine.

And so the story goes,
She left the world
With a pain in her chest.
Her life was short,
They say and repeat.
Forgetting all reasons why.

But so the story goes,
Ten years after her glow,
Changed and twisted
To fit a dream
That speaks of untrue times,
Covered by well said rhymes.
They are undeniably lies.

And so the real tale goes,
She didn’t want to be seen,
And she found a way to hide,
To be gone from all sight.
And she didn’t want them to talk,
But all they do now is talk;
Her name remains.

The real tale shows.
That words picture her
With unrealistic strokes.
That their stories make a lesson,
That was never really learned.
Falsifying her as a winner,
When all she did was lose.

And the real tale knows,
That the people talking now,
Wouldn’t talk if she didn’t hide.
And when joining her
They’ll walk past,
Forgetting that her name
Ever passed their lips.
Amit Pokhrel Sep 2018
The ordinates concealed in your infinitesimal rationale
Insufficiencies portraying vestibules in your feverish attires
Every new soul you see makes you feel homeless
Dizzying altitudes you feel inside the depth of cavities
Indifference on pain and sufferings you crave for
Hell; you feel inside grandeurs of perspectives
Hate; for the dearth of adulation on you
Liken Gaia could have never taught you of your frailty
Postulation of Karma and de-carnation of meanings made you converted
You were on the path of revolt
Against, say, cosmos!

Every symbolic gestures remind me of your meddlings
Penultimate; utter grievance of never ending poignancy
The night sky could have never baffled about your existence
Palpitation could have never made you shiver
But you have cried,
Of your loneliness!

A tiny fraction of clairvoyance I gave
Pulled you down into the puddle of wanderings
Instigation of a melody; created the symphony
A mere touch; drenched you into the silken lake
I spoke for your heart and you praised
Then, I gave you love but I got caged

How could I have done whatever you wished?

Since nobody knows,
The culminating dichotomy of your pantheistic ideas,
And of a maggot growing inside you
Breathless desires governing your feet,
And the time falsifying your plutonic ancestry
Mosaic glittering over your virtuous self,
And the tapestry of vanity covering your abysses
Depleting number of Hordes and Tartars fighting for your existence,
And devalued meaning of your modern-self

All those songs that never could soothe you
Teeny panting of your blasphemous heart
Multitude of distances you travelled
Series of condemnation bouncing between you and me
Your fleeting poverty
Your affections on materials
Like you die the death of pertinence
Love shall never please you

Nonchalant, over the,
Embargo you created on the faith
And the game you created on the bliss
But you shall never win
Since, you are a mere human soul
Bless you!!
Amit Pokhrel Sep 2018
Oh! Wilderness!

My friend from the futile land

I, a devoid soul, of emancipation

Of the wilder lands—

Where covets and virtues of the past

Do not have their say.

The morbid authority of present

Does not have its reign.

And, you from the epitome of pulsating catharsis,


The falsifying dreams of redemption

Doesn’t bite with it’s jaws

And, doesn’t gnaw with it’s claws!

I seek you

Over and throughout

Where dark alleys do not contain

Souls weeping it’s heart out

Like never-ending rain shower.

I seek you

A longing for the warmth

Where the scorching desert suns

Do not burn the nativity down

Into human ashes!

I seek you

Like in a search for the continuum

Where meek hearts don’t dare to sedate themselves

In the near fear of the dragon inside—


Oh! Wilderness, my friend

I dream of you—

As a mother gazelle teaches its fawn to nibble grass leaves at dawn

As a clear stream runs south drenching the feeble land

As a man who forgives the crime of a mute with silence

And, as a smile that brightens up the face of a child

—herein, a meek human heart

Dreams of you!

Oh! Wilderness—

You shall be the rays of hope when I run dry,

Oh! Wilderness—

You shall be the joy when I wrench my heart out for a cry,

Oh! Wilderness—

You be the ivy wrath I shall put on when I’m to die!

Dear wilderness,

Let there be no servitude—

Only be there a desire—

To conquer the vacancy in the soul—

The eternal fear of eternity

And, the end of it!
alxndra Apr 2015
I cannot see
my crescent eyes
draw lazy hallucinations
in front of me
it is simple
to ****** the deranged
from bottle to bottle
culprits may range
yet still valiant
and never faltering
at falsifying what is sane
Arlene Corwin Sep 2017
Does He Still Deny A Climate Change?
    (asked by the least political of observers)

Is he denying still,
Or is he stalling, stone(y)walling
Wailing about other things,
Like Mexicans and walls while slinging
Maddening, outrageous barbs
About the so-called loss of jobs
To South Korea while a North Korean
TV lady sobs with joy
About a bomb to be employed
(You all know which I mean)
That starts a chain
That takes out half a planet.

Does he still encourage fossil fuel production
Leading in the wrong direction?
Does he not see rising seas
And floods and famines and disease
Around and as potential?
Heats and droughts and quakes to come?
Or does he see the states as humming?
Self-deception quintessential:
Who can call it otherwise?

What is a lie?
And how does one get by with lying
And denying, falsifying, flying
In the face of truth
As often as he tries – no, does.
With head, mind, pen, hand buzzing
I shall stop! But you, my friend
May make a noise, examine cause, while empathizing
Till an end.
This being written off the cuff,
Now it is time to send this off
Into the world of cyber.  

Does He Still Deny A Climate Change 9.3.2017
Our Times, Our Culture II;
Arlene Corwin
Does he still deny a climate change?
jeffrey robin Sep 2013
It is not the time nor the place
.......      ......
For vanity

We **** ourselves by falsifying love


You must  fight the EVIL



Love is for healing holding and nurturing

Love is the creation

The creator

The self that you really are


Quit ******* around!

You pretend to be NEEDY so long and then you are





Destroy your sense of WISDOM and you're doomed

Doomed to be
In high school


Agh--///!! ///
You portray a painting but you don't get the picture.
You wanna be someone else but you birth to become one soul.
Society what keeps you falsifying your identity.
You trying to live a false entity.
You are your worst enemy.
Things can get tragic. So drastic. Make your soul become elastic.
Stop faking like plastic . Pressure is heat can melt that fakeness can turn it to glue .
Now you in the thick of things.
Revert to the painting  you are the picture can you get the illustration.
Ty Mann Jun 2017
Wrestle for a moment
Hold your breath
Visit the new place
We have to go back sometimes
Goo Goo Dolls hum verses
We look dead
Dead in the eyes,
long and strange
eye contact that perpetuates the quiver
I know life is in the pupils but the blacks seem grey and the lull of the lips is subtle
She hesitates
You can look at someone with such specificity that words are fragile and empty
Lean in
See the pain in the curve
A wanting
A numb quiet pulse
A rush of scent
It's burning
You're burning
She's a fire in your throat
A thirst
A few good days
A few
Is it real?
Is this real.
Warmth in the embrace
A breath on the neck
Plight of the song bird in the early morning light through a screen door
A storm memory
Rain on impulse
And she speaks
Smiles even
But trust is
fleeting, falling, failing, falsifying
Rib cage shutters
Shut the door
Her voice is soft and delicate
Filled with syllables of fear
I am not a solution
Or the freedom
I am the heart
And strange
Wild and filled with the wonder of heartache and pain
We wrestle
You wrestle
Hold your breath

— The End —