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Harley Hucof Sep 2014
(T)onight we get *****
(I) prepared all the tools
(E)nter my dark room

(M)ake me suffer. I
(E)njoy the pain

(U)ltimate bliss
(P)leasure attained

(C)andle wax poured on my skin
(H)umiliate me im hankering after it
(O)n my knees i ll beg for it
(K)eep me on the line
(E)nsure my spice

(M)ake me lose control
(E)mmerse my soul

Words Of Harfouchism
Poetic T Sep 2015
Could of filled a thousand times
Up I went, opened that loose pink hole
Must have felt like air between thighs.
But you were always wanting more in-kind
Up it went did you feel anything inside
Could say I was small I was 9 inches 2 wide
Keep it coming fill you up, my sacks gave too much
Empty shrivelled bags seeds sewn now only dust
T**ill the next time my **** *** Bucket love.
David Dec 2014
when puppies weep
while all else is asleep
and i lie awake
i wonder
what you are running away from

your entire life spent with us
never exposed to the terrors of the world

if your dreams are projections of what you know
what demons do your legs scamper away from
while your body stays still.
is it us.
ryn May 2016

estrate the          
orc-                       opus           
ong•                                  of right        
     of s-                                            and wr-            
      gh power                                        ong•k-       ⚫️  
    tales throu-                                       eep me             
   tell me...                                           ground-      ⚫️
                                                 ­            ed throu-          
                                                ­         gh lyrics          
                                          embed  ­      
                                       solid b-        
    ­                   s that        
      me a-          

The soundtrack to life deserves the most wicked of baselines.
ryn Aug 2014
Grey is my pain(t)
Smeared on this tain(t)

Seeping in(k)
Entanglement be my kin(k)
Now I thin(k)
Soon I will sin(k)

My mind ramble(d) on and on
Struggle(d) till I'm almost gone

Overused angular frow(n)
Paint over the brow(n)
That had (s)oiled this painting
(Sp)Oiled by sporadic inking

The (ch)ink in my skin
Sung of battles that reside (with)in
My armour though(t) sturdy
In(side) I only bury


Plan(t) my feet
Swift is my flee(t)
Envision my escape(s)
Beyond the cordoning tape(s)

Shed the armour and reveal the s(h)eep
My vulnerability hid(den) deep
Let loose... The courage I hone(d)
Let them be heard... Voices that groan(ed)

I await... Patient(ly)
Time I bide... Defiant(ly)

Fade(d), bleeding away
Shade(d)... With gloom that stay

Grey is my pain(t)
Only colour, tinting my tain(t)
Helen Murray May 2014

(Road signs in Australia thus remind us to keep to the speed limit)

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
William Shakespeare:  MacBeth, Act 5 Scene 5.

Creeping, seeping, peeping, sleeping,
What’s the common factor through these ‘eep’ words deeming?
Shakespeare calls them dusty and aligns them up with death.
Our world calls it shadow but it chokes you out of breath.
Churches cannot see them so they flout invisible.
Jesus calls them idols yet they sound so plausible.
Christians follow teachers in a roundabout way.
Teachers crave disciples which determines what they say.

But these are all poor players on a poorly structured stage.
Their stage gives way.  They tumble. They rise up in a rage.
“Life has not been fair,” they say, and “Where is God in that?”
Did they ask Him in the first place?  Did they call God up to chat?
The churches have no answers.  Now where do I go from here?
Go right back to the Bible, Friend.  The truth is written there.
Check it yourself. It’s relevant to eras far and near.
Like natural laws it cannot change with fashion year to year.

So do not mix the fashion in philosophies of life
With Truth that stands forever among raging seas of strife.
Counselling in modern terms can get you sympathy,
But will it give you backbone for the next antipathy?
Feminism needed to support the weaker staff,
But now of our humanity it rejects one whole half!
And money is too much an issue when it must be said
That what is not of love is valueless to Christ our Head.

Of all the thousands who are found in church each seventh day,
How many can indeed discern the right and faithful way?
How many put their lives on hold for truth and nothing less?
How many first set out their plan and build their faith round this?
Is there not one who will apply to God for his blueprint
So s/he can play the part of power for treasure in Heaven’s mint?
The Spirit of Truth cannot be found where ideas pull such weight.
He’s somewhere else you don’t suspect.  Chase Him, and don’t be late!
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
William Shakespeare:  MacBeth, Act 5 Scene 5.
Bathsheba Nov 2010
Have you ever woke with the illusion?

Today you fuse the fusion?

Thus everything is sweet

But ….*

By the time

The sun goes down

Into your cage

You will retreat

Moments of lucidity

Plague the true validity

Of a mind maligned and broke

Quick …

Catch the Keeper of the Key

Omniscience for all to see

For this here life is   NOT   a joke





I sometimes Stroke

But all to no avail

The monkey chatter's constantly

In his universal veil

What to do?

Where to go?

How to fight his hold?

Maybe …

In another life

My existence will be told

I know you see my weakness

As a blanket

Safe and warm


Have  YOU  been in monkey’s meadow?

When the bees begin to swarm?

H u m m i n g

B u z z i n g

H u m m i n g

Bedlam in my brain

Frantic and frenetic to board this Honey Train

Traversing peeling papers

Unconnected on the floor

I now accept what fate beholds me

I am but a prisoner of war

Please ….

Take my hand

Please …

Soothe my soul

Please …

Keep   ME   safe from  ME

And when I live my brand new life

I will be your devoted devotee

I will pick you flowers every day

Born of wild stock

We will live and love so merrily

Souls will interlock

And if you feel a little down

I will gently take your hand

Soothe your soul

Keep you safe

*In my silken meadowland
Sayer Apr 2013

k e
the the the
faith look out
the train is a'comin son
coming right to
wards you

      find the way home blind one
i'm comingbackcomingbackcomingbackcomingback
a four letter
                                             i can not focus on the man trying to swim
through the desert and the rain
                     (the world's

i am growing
coming back
rising through
~what i have to 'do

big oxymoron)

take it with a grain of salt & and a pint of
death's whispering shadows
what's in gonna take (it in take it in arrive at the Gate)
broken and beaten in the chocolate of the night
dripping blue blood
what can make me remember this holy ground

because i'm coming back
for You
i've done you wrong and i inject the guilt into my blood
this is my fault
why blame you for my faults
little, as you say, but present
i've realized that today
no introduction can peace me out because quite
           ly (repeat
i know it needs to happen
there's still the green
the green the purple and the blue light streaming on in strands like a party as a party friendship is what friendship does

forever and forever
∞times∞ equals forever, beautiful

II-The Reflection

look down swirl and swirl
your picture makes me smile
every time
i close my eyes
once again in my mind
hold my hand again
in the only place it seems possible
we can make this plausible
a true to do list
for four years
four long beaten years
i've waited for this
i'm not going to let anyone ruin this because this is mine
this has only been mine
this has always been mine
for the second i saw you i knew it would be you
no schism no breaking can take us apart
through the floods and the hurricanes that don't exist in our world
but in the mind
oh how He's told me over and over again
we won't make it together
and that 'friend' told me we shouldn't be together
and to not try to be with you
i cast both of them out so they will go
there's the click
the most beautiful precious click
just flip the switch and go off like a firework
the big kind
the New Year kind
and although it's been a New Year for a few months
it feels like a New Life, my love
because I have decided
I have controlled my fate
I hereby forget and let go
every regret and every past
there is only tomorrow
only tomorrow yes it is true it is true
because I will journey right inside of your heart

(the first moment
I saw you
art class
four years ago
they say Love at first sight is impossible
but no one who talks about love understands Love anyway
so I can't take them seriously)


no few words have ever spoken true
for me to you to you to me
those words, I love you
yes i do i want to be


what you want when you need it
i want to be your Everything, your Anyone
you're already those to me
but hopefully we can see
We Play a Finale that will never End
that even though there may locks to be unlocked
and many codes to be cracked
many gifts to be open
many truth's to unfold, i just want you to know
∞*∞ Equals Forever, Beautiful
and Forever with each other we will laugh, love, and live....

It all comes around.
My longest poem, and I can't even believe I just wrote it. In other words, this may be my best.
Ayelle Garcia May 2015
If there is any way words can make me fly,
Let my ode venture me to somewhere great;
Or maybe build a celestial bridge to get by,
Vega and Altair be my ship mate.

Everytime I hear of their story,
Yondering am I if it were like of mine;
Oblivious enough, until I found my glory,
Unique however, it's all just fine.

Vega, tell me how you did it,
Entail me to find a way;
Ready to take risks more than bit,
Yet I've to see all reasons to stay.

Make me closer to the doves and stars,
Uniquely be these my blocks to connect;
Chains of flight shall not fail like farce,
Have your way to connect me to my Altair to not expect.

May my magic work right this time
And make me fulfill what I must do,
Rob my soul as I'm at a distance as your rhyme;
K**eep my hopes up cause I love you.
another of my acrostics for a certain person, inspired by a legend. <3
Helen Jun 2014
Weep iN
Fear. tearS
Gently to thE
Ocean swim sofT
Upon a tiny breezE
And relieves me of *I
My angst, my tearS
Are eternal in aN
*Ocean deeP
Fenix Flight Jun 2013
Precious pumpkin pie sits on the table high.
Untouched, waiting to be devoured on Thanksgiving.
       I try to take a taste but
Mother forbids it. I storm off to my room, slam the door
      and start to
Pout. On thanksgiving day everyone is so busy I can
Keep up. Tiptoeing into the kitchen to find the pie where
I** had left it last night. I stick my finger in the whip cream
     and then taste it. I
Never knew it would taste so good. Oh know mom
      caught me she
Puts the pie in the fridge and sends me to my room and
I never even got to
Eat that precious pumpkin pie.
Note that this poem is childish that is because I wrote it in 4th grade :-D
Thomas EG Apr 2015
Anytime you feel lonely
Beckon for me to come into your arms
Catch hold of my hand in the shadows, in the back row
Don't let go.
Every day is a new day
Feeling good
Good feeling
Happy... Almost.
I* don't want you to leave as well
Just stay, please...
Keep your fingers crossed
Love the way that your dark eyes shine so brightly
My heart races in your presence
No good can come from this
Only few understand.
Please hold on for a little longer
Quit with the teasing already
Ridiculous, our circumstances...
Slow down, I want to know more
Tell me your deepest secrets
Under the light of the moon.
Velvet blankets, picnic baskets
What's next?
Xoxo, your biggest fan
You never did understand my jokes
Zzzzzz, goodnight, day dreamer...
Now I know my ABCs,
Next time won't you comfort me?
Alphabetical order fun
Kabelo Maverick Mar 2019
Maloi Jul 2016
Never thought it was real that
Unplanned things could happen in a best way
Remember all the moments we shared
Undeniable be forgotten
Looking back I realize, no matter how

Zigzag the road for our journey is
Unsure or not, Serendipity happen
Letting this friendship sail;
As we go on we encountered so many things that
I* wish I could explain and
Keep to cherish because for me you’re an
Angel, a blessing from God
I really really like the title that you gave my friend and let's keep in touch for a long time. Even though we share the same sky but miles apart, I know we are connected and that's for us to know. :)
Bathsheba Oct 2010
I place her gently
on the


But ...

They have  
seen my sort

Likes of me they do despise

“Take a seat”
she spits at me
Such venom makes me smirk
I size up my surroundings

Maybe now I’ll go berserk?

You see ..
dally with

Dark Demons


Deep Blue Sea

A lifetime lived in purgatory

Why does no one hear my plea?

Help me
Help me
Help me

I’m drowning in the mire
Throw me out a lifeline
Before my will expires

Cherubic eyes start taunting me
Pierce my hardened shell
I beg you
extract me
From this hell in which I dwell

I often dream this dream  
Surreal and quite sublime

Where the essence of my character
Transports to another time

Bonny hats

In my pocket sits a key

I stroll
into the garden

Wait by the old oak tree

Watch the boy approaching
From the distance on his mare

Close my eyes
Count to ten

Recite the lord’s great prayer

Soon he is upon me
I hand him now the key

And as I stare into his eyes
I see that the boy is

I don’t know what it means
But it tends to soothe the pain

Until the cycle

Fires up

Vitriolic rain

Pollutes my brain

Help me
Help me
Help me

I’m drowning in the mire
Throw me out a lifeline
Before my will expires

I start to scream
I start to shout
I know with them
I have no clout

We all go through the motions
We all have a part to play
I give a star performance
They know I’ll rue this day

Soon I’m bound and gagged
Contained within a cell

And if you listen very carefully
You’ll hear the sound of the

**Death Knell …
We came, we saw, we kicked its ***,
We left the room, went to my full bed,
And within minutes, your head,
Found the spot on my chest, right above the heart,
The spot, you know the spot,
And your eyes closed, blue eyes shut on blue sheets,
As my eyes concentrated on the flickering screen,
During the time in between Rosanne and the Morning Show,

You slowly succumbed to the sand man,
It started in your hands, the little phalange,
Twitched, with an itch, no,
It was something biological,
Happening in all women,
The shake, the rattle, the roll,
Which no one can explain,
Right before the REM cycle,
In the proverbial washing machine of dreams,

Your hand, just one, flicked and squirmed,
Then a leg, taut like a timber hitch,
Your hips shot upward, a nocturnal cannon,
The bedtime for bonzos twitch,
Your hair, everywhere but nowhere comfortable,
Like that rogue strand aimed at my eye,
A smile playing coyly on my face,
Because I imagine you, attempting a pole dance,
Your little lips sputter with nighttime stutter,
And your head fills with true romance,

Those five to ten minutes, when your breathing slows
You’re skipping through the meadows in your mind,
I’m lying close enough to your side, to feel your breast,
The wiring across your pink bra,
The t-shirt you borrowed months ago,
The bobby pin you just found on my floor,
These keep me up, these keep me thinking,
When all I need is a few hours of sleeping,

After your fireworks display of flailing,
You must have hit me in the face, the *****, the arm,
A few times, a laugh plagues me deep down,
I can’t let it eep out, can’t make a sound,
Something subtle enough to stir you like soup,
So I do my best pondering, do my best like cub scouts,
To find some rest for my absentminded head,

Just a word to the wise, advice from an idiot,
You may be asleep, for a few seconds, and when I am
Wide awake waiting for my forty winks,
Know that your body is involuntarily dancing,
And I soon drift off, on a sailboat of sleep myself,
Only to begin my own shaking,
How silly we must look,
Dancing to dreams.
Rob Oct 2012
H alloween is come again
  O ctober’s date with fate, so
    B eware the dusky fields and of
      G oing home too late
        O n every dark damp driveway
          B ewitched with candlelight
            L anterns smile ghoulishly
              I nsanely through the night
               N o one saw just how she went
                 S he simply vanished in thin air
R emoved from all her earthly friends
  U nder cold demonic stare, so
     L eave the spelling to the wizards for
       E nchantments can be tragic
O r just pay heed to what I write and
   K eep away from Magic!

Nos  Dolbru
Fangs for reading :)
Doren M Damico Aug 2016
So what if my last words to you were something like “whose turn is it to wash the dishes?” — would you have regrets like too much sugar in your coffee or maybe always perhaps think about me when you were washing the dishes — like that’s a place to anchor a memory — or will you always argue with yourself about whether it was your turn or not — was it my last slimy red twist in your ear — you know the thing you hate most about dead memories — i tried on the tiara and couldn’t get it off so you gave me a wig for my birthday — what if I didn’t really tell you my real birth day? -- it’s things like this that make me want to spit up the curdled cream and toss the sugar over my shoulder — what if bad omens are just twisted memories like salt and pepper shakers — you know like when you forget which shaker is the pepper and you hate salt — did you ever wonder about that? — and i took you in when you were drunk but you forgot you promised me a trip to Paris — let’s go go got to go — did i tell you i hate Disneyland — that it’s Tigger and princess ****? — eep eep — so what if i didn’t — couldn’t you guess when i got so drunk i was so hung over that i slept in the hotel all day — it’s high time we got that straight iron out of the cupboard and burned that wig with the doctor’s prognosis — nothing like ice cream in the winter — but you couldn’t get up to get it and i wouldn’t stop the movie — it was sweet and sour when the bride ran away and i laughed but you were just about to ask for my hand — like a blood diamond has any interest ‘cause i still have holes in my hightop converse — paint under my fingernails — chemo blue orange wigs— wait, what if i forgot to wash the dishes and asked you so you wouldn’t be mad that i left you with a sink full of rot — i know i burned the turkey but it didn’t fit in the microwave and Leeloo taught me how to eat — you know: chicken! — so when you finally get a dishwasher don’t bother to invite me over anyway — besides the fact that i’m dead by that time there’s a lot more to breakfast than cereal and watching tv — but what about love? — there’s a lot more to dinner than meat and potatoes and a lot more to lunch than sandwiches and a half hour break from wage slavery — what if all i ever wanted was a ******’ piece of sourdough toast with my coffee but you were too busy to fix the toaster — and anyway it’s been harboring cockroaches for so long we might as well just invite Speedy Gonzalez to the table — the cats shed fleas like hair but at least they land on their feet — what if the dogs next door eat better than we do?— i hear that horse meat is sweet and PKD lived off of cans bought from the pet food store when he was writer poor — oh **** that’s a timeless thing isn’t it — and i’m a vegetarian but i may have to forego my principles before i’m discovered — what if the best part about dying is no more dishes? — that’s why i don’t want to get married
A Poem in the Style of Shelby Cook, Boxed With Dashes (Except Shorter) aka “what if for dinner”  For more information about Shelby Cook, check out this blog post:
Nina McNally Jan 2018
"Some princes don't become kings,"
That is a very interesting thought
Yesterday's just a day, live

For the now--
Rught now, "The
Only thing that's ever
Stopping me is me-I'll testify; If I die in my sleep
Then know my own life was a killer dream."
"You only get what you grieve," another great lyric--

Really this album is amazing!
One day I'll get to meet these 4 boys from Chicago,
You'll see--
And I'll have a nice talk,
Laugh, and thank them for what they do!

Mania is fantastic and a great poetic aibum!
I wonder sometimes, "seems
Like the whole **** world went and lost it's mind."
Keep dreaming, "real living, fake

Tears," keep it real-- know that
Everyone goes through bad days, "But the
Alcohol never lies."
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Inspired by Fall Out Boy and their MANIA album.
Nina McNally Nov 2016
Keep the love in your hearts and show
Each person you meet
Everyday that there is love out there; that there is
Peace out there waiting to be

Waiting for people to show the world love.
In this life, we get one chance to show kindness;
Not hate--hate will only make it worst.
GO out
In the world and show it love --- it
Needs love and kindness.
Go out and show each other that
We're All In This Together!
Written from the heart and
Title from Good Charlotte
Share love and kindness.
McNally/Flanders, Inc.
Megan Hundley May 2012
Keep *Being A mouthed chord
Knuckle's Brace Acute angles, hoping to feel safe
Knots Bring Anguish to a man with no patience
Knit Better Antlers if *you
want to survive in the wild
Kings Bombed Acceptance eager to heap on seconds, thirds
Knees Borrow Answers when shaved, scratched stiff
Knock Bravery Around and it will spin, dizzy and sick
Know Broken Angel's and in time jazz will sound like warm Yeager poured over January ice
Dedicated to the person who belongs to these initials
AnxiousOcean May 2017
Y-acht walks around the blue sphere
O-nly yearns, not just to wander
U-ntil it finds a place sung home

D-eep it goes above the water
O-n the welkin filled with flier

N-ever ceases crawling in
O-h, home, so far, where you've been?
T-ill it meets the amity within

B-ut, home is near yet it is distant
E-ven afar from land, and near to alone
L-eft is regret, a yacht of uncertainty
O-h, why do I belong not?
N-owhere, do I belong in?
G-uess, because I'm just a yacht
for the nowhere-to-be-found out there
Nina McNally Jan 2011
Nothing to fear,
Evenings so great,
When all the lights go out---

Yesterday just a small town girl & in
One moment a big city girl;
Running not walking;
K**eep on dreaming.
copyright; 2009
McNally, Inc.
I went to New York and wrote this.
chimaera Oct 2014
the night in turmoil
a bumble jumble fumble
of croaks, hoo hoo, purrs, stridulous chirping

then a sudden cringe, ******!,
shush shush
hush, gurgling creek,
hush, whiffled leaves

clok clok clok

a schwing, zing, zip
and a plunk
and a plonk
in a whoosh
and then a scrunche scrunche

clok clok clok

silence burbles

tick tock tick tock

shh, shh,

a sluggy chugalug
and a fuzz of tiny tunes:
a yelp, a eep


a purr a buzz
putt putt putt
slowly back in motion
the burbles, whiffs, croaks,
the stridulous bumble jumble
of a crickety night
...and this was really helpful:
Evergreen Pines Mar 2015
Trust your friends no matter how
recluse they may get.
Understand they'll always
excite and bring joy in your life.

Forgiving not forgetting the
rational mistakes with
infinite love and
endless adventures. They'll
never not be there with opens arms.
Decreasing your levels of fear, hurt, and
stress, with knowing minds and loving
hearts. Making it impossible to forget that
deep down inside they can never
stop loving, caring, and worrying about you.
Honesty, nothing can replace the
Irrational laughter and the
p**layful teasing.
Zoe Irvine Nov 2012
m aking ends meet
e nding
d reams
i n pools
o f money and
c urtaining off
r eal
i n-depth
t ruths about
y ourself

i nsert
s adness

t aking
h old of
e cstasy and

m artyring it
a way, bartering it and bashing it
d own into
n othing, letting its
e nergy
s eep,
s lowly trickle to a
Ronald Jones Aug 2016
Hear the eee eee eee and the eee eee eep!
black sheep gathered on a curbside street
to blow piccolos from cavities deep
to let jaunty tunes fill the skid row streets.
Arlene Corwin Mar 2017
A Little Deep Thinking

Some lady wrote as seed of creeds:
“All it needs
                  is a little deep thinking”.
A little deep… cannot be little.
Deep is deep, and little little.
One or t’other.

Deep: profound, complex, discerning;
Weighty downward, inward, sound;
Rapt, absorbed, immersed, committed;
Wise, engaged, perceptive, learnéd;
The opposite of mediocre.
No light joker,
But deep thinker (and non-smoker).

Recommended by this poet.
If you really want to know it,
Do not sleep through life and day.
Go deep into the strife or play,
Wakefulness and nightly rest.
Deep will satisfy each, every quest.
Deep is the best of bests of best.
All you need is dee-eep thinking.

A Little Deep Thinking 3.27.2017
A Sense Of The Ridiculous; The Processes: Creative, Thinking, Meditative II;
Arlene Corwin
There's no such thing as a little deep thinking.  There's either deep thinking or there's not.
Àŧùl Aug 2017
Keep missing her love I am always,
Richter scale failed during those days,
In the ones that earthquake struck,
Poor me - I sank in her crooked love,
I'm a man simple to stupidity's extent.

I tried so hard only to end up faithless,
Should love ever cross my way again?

Drooling over an apparent innocence,
Electric shocks I'll always remember,
Again I know she won't fall from grace,
D**eepening is this sorrow in my cage.
My HP Poem #1648
©Atul Kaushal
Nina McNally Apr 2011
May I begin to say, "Now I lay me down to sleep,"                     as
You just stand there staring blankly, "I pray the Lord my

Soul to keep,"                      and as I chant these words
Out of these painful lips.                      You begin to
Understand this silence, and pain.                   And
Longing to find any truth left in this trouble world.         You join me with

Trying to figure
Out why people are always running. Running to nowhere-land.            STOP!

Take a breath.             Take a moment for yourself.
And "if I die before I wake"...                I will
Keep this positive mind, because In. The.
End; Positive thoughts will conquer all! And ..."I pray the Lord my SOUL to take."


Now I lay me down to sleep,
                                                 I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
                                                           ­                                         if I die before I wake
                                   I pray the Lord MY. SOUL. TO. TAKE.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
title/inspiration from
Wes Craven's movie, the well-known bedtime prayer, and Metallica's song.
Cheryl Tan Apr 2015
do you remember our little corridor
that blackish floor between two and three
where dreams were made and staged and broken
where we were free and still made eleven

your voice echoes along three black walls
and your laughter, along the green
i still remember what you said about your sister
and how i held you as you cried with me

it's three months over, but i see you still
dancing through a building in the sky
i hope you're smiling, where you are
free from the dark stage you chose to leave behind

it's funny how it all comes back in waves
maybe you miss it too - all the fun
maybe you're up there, smiling down
maybe you're somewhere, saluting the sun

and when my turn comes, i'll look for you
in another space unscathed by time
i'll embrace you tight in a fresnel light
and softly sing you lullabies

but for now,
i'll just keep going on
i'll keep you where time cannot erase you
and where no one can ever hurt or break you:
i'll keep you in our little corridor
the blackish floor between two and three
where dreams were made and staged and broken
where we were free; where we'll always make eleven.

For the ten of you: Jimmy, Dougie, Deanie, Normal, Mel, Phoebe, Charles' crazy wife, Trudy, Sunshine's guardian, and..of course, Suspicious Moon.

It's a different kind of pain - the kind that never goes away, and I begin to realise that nobody really will understand unless they experience it for themselves. So we'll hold on to each other until our turn comes. And when it does, when we finally make eleven again, it'll finally be okay.
I've got the shingle shirt blew-ew-ew-ews
I've got the shingle shirt blues
Which one should I choose?
Something airy and loose
I've got the shingle shirt blues

I am in so much pay-ay-ay-ayn
I am in so much pain
I don't want this again
Like I've been hit by a train
I am in so much pain

It's like the worst sunburn
All around my core
Rubbed with a cheese grater
And then, just a little more

Lemon juice and vinegar
Wiped down upon the rash
I wouldn't wish this on my enemy
Not for all the world's cash

I've got the shingle shirt blew-ew-ew-ews
I've got the shingle shirt blues
Which one should I choose?
Something airy and loose
I've got the shingle shirt blues

It's a pain just to sle-ee-ee-eep
There's no way to sleep deep
If I move just a peep
Off a cliff I will leap
It's a pain just to sleep

I've got the shingle shirt blew-ew-ew-ew ews
I've got the shingle shirt blues
I have got some good news
My Jimmy Buffet fits loose
I've got the shingle shirt blues.
Shelby Young Oct 2012
F.* orever is
U.* nclear right now but I
C.* an’t just
K.** eep waiting.
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Always a new day,
Keep remembering
Everyday is a new chance to live.

Always remember that someone loves you.

Breathe---just breathe, take it all in.
Enjoy life for what it is,
And don't have fun just
To make something of yourself
H**ave fun because you can ---
                                                               and don't work to much ---
                                               just work because you can get money.
copyright; 2008
McNally, Inc.
title and inspiration from the Jonas Brothers.
James Floss Jun 2019







. . . eep



— The End —