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It's getting hard in the RSA
even those who don't get paid have to pay
the insane tolls
the cops on petrol
just to get on there way
you under stand what I say
the difrance between we and they we have hi-def blue ray they have it hard desray it means destiny I don't have a plan to get a fan or a groupie I know you probably thinking this ****** mind is doodie but its my duty to make things know especially the things that aren't shown on tv like corruption or so called special selection and the detention of those who don't deserve it because you deserve it

I'm on buzz cause of this love I'm getting from my team it feels like a dream I'll rise to the top like cream but with skin like milk chocolate my imagination flows like water out of a facet, tap I've got talent in the rap and my connection to my soul  is uncapped
I'm just warming up like a kettle I'm like a precise metal in fact I'm talent in its purest form I should be on cable or at least the periodic table but registered as unstable because I'm on a hair trigger jack rabbit with my bad habits like talking about things I don't know then asking   About things I don't know you know making the unknown known remember my curiosity  been burning like an ember

I truly fear for our women ashamed of the cards they have been given or delt and the blows that have been felt on their surface and in their core these stories I hear just leave my heart sore I need to flyaway on the broken wings of my generation with the help of some recreation  to stop the exploitation of those who don't know better not because they could have Learnt better but been taught better you can call It third world problems I call it mankind problems because it affects us all and we're all one after all ilitaration is a mews helps send across my point of view so light bulbs flash ding an idea that's was a great example of onomatapia  it's a process of elimination in a  copulative form these thoughts and ties are more messy  then the perfect storm but I plan to help heal our nation not by confrontation but cooperation

I hope these notions stay in your mind like the blank slate sticks with the blind and the peace with the deaf order In the hands of the ref or better yet Organised chaos,
Because that's realistic But we didnt request it, It's like a pay off  see there I changed the rhyme scheme From aabb.Too abba It's redundant to say But it helps me see,
my potential so I know my credentials and knowing you is essential to keep your heart full your flaws on tour don't think it  trifle but gargantuan like Rabelais' book but most wouldn't know his literature or calling any man sir  but they know facebook I hope these notions stay in your mind like the blank slate sticks with the blind and the peace with the deaf by now I'd  think you'd like to be deaf tired of my voice but I have no choice but to make a statement about what my emotional state is I hope these notions stay in your mind like the blank slate sticks with the blind and the peace with the deaf the name of this poem is emotional theft
This is a slam spoken word poem also, it was my first attempt at one 2011 February 7
Isha Nov 2016
Jeg tager bøgerne ud af reolen og bladrer manisk siderne igennem
For at finde en sætning
Eller blot et ord
Dedikeret til os
Finde sammenlignelige, naive digtere for at prøve at bevise
At der i andre tider levede nogle som os
Gående op og ned ad de samme gader
Med fingrene flettede på præcis samme måde
Nogle som os med delt spyt, som vugges med hovedet hvilende på den andens bryst og dette blik, dette hjem vi har skabt i hinanden
Men ikke det mest sortklædte firserpar, der skiftes til at tage et sug af deres delte Gauloises
Ikke Strunge’s bankende brystlomme, nej, ikke engang Gainsbourg og Birkin, ikke Tafdrup eller Thomsen, ingen, nej, nej vi må være guder i al vores almindelighed, guder der køber cola i kiosken, guder når du skyller sveden af mig, vi må være engle når du ligger med dit hoved så fredeligt på puden, dine øjenvipper der ligner fjer og dit rytmiske åndedrag
Vi må være søskende, skilt ad ved fødslen
Skulle vi ikke skamme os, for alt det blod vi har delt
Skulle det ikke være forbudt, ulykkeligt
Skulle vi ikke love hinanden
At lukke øjnene til hver en tid
Skærme os fra solen
judy smith Apr 2016
Who says you can't arm twist yourself into doing practically anything? Victoria Beckham — stylish mum, fashion empire czarina and social diva — took that notion a **** few notches higher as she posted a picture of herself on a sofa on a photo sharing site, leg extended high above her head at 90 degrees. The picture went viral immediately with a huge buzz around her impressive flexibility. She captioned the photo, 'It's amazing what you can do in culottes...those ballet classes are paying off!' (sic) It's not the first time she has showed off her moves. Last year in Singapore too, she kicked her stiletto-clad feet into a high pose as she relaxed on a sofa.

These celebs are advocating it, too...

Posh Spice aka Victoria isn't the only one. British actress Kelly Brook showed of her flexi *** on her sitcom show. Actresses like Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston have also taken up exercise regimens that stretch their bodies to the limit. Angelina Jolie's workouts are said to include the stability ball leg, squats and kickboxing, known build flexibility and balance. Jessica Biel is a firm follower of her five days a week cardio with strength training and pilates classes that have been credited with getting her such a lean ***. And Megan Fox ensures she is flexible, too.

Advantages of being stretchy

Being flexible and stretching out is not the realm of just gymnasts, athletes or swimmers. Anyone can and should be like that, for it's not just before starting a workout that one faces tight hamstrings and a sore back and neck. These are issues that plague those with sedentary jobs as well. Thus, flexibility can help in gym training and dealing with the stressors of everyday life. It also helps the body to heal. Increased flexibility also leads to improved posture. Once the earlier tightness goes away you start to sit right and walk better, too.

How Much?Stretching muscles twice a week is enough to build overall flexibility.

For anyone

A common myth is that being flexible will only work with younger people. It is actually for anyone of any age

Exercises to help you get there

Chest dumbbells: Lie flat on a bench, holding dumbbells in either hand. Now lift the dumbbells overhead together and slowly bring them back. This stretches the pectorals.

Abs stretch: Sit on the ground with the ankles facing each other and the knees flexed. Now put pressure on the knees and press them to make them touch the ground. Hold this for 20 seconds and repeat.

Shoulders delt: Hold the elbow of one arm with the other hand and pull the elbow across the chest. Hold and repeat for the other hand.

Curling cat: Kneel down on all fours and curl the back upwards in the same position. Hold this and start again. This increases flexibility of the back.

Hamstring stretch: Place your leg on any raised area in front you, like a stool or chair. Now, extend it straight without bending the knees and bend the torso to touch the toes. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat.Read more |
JM McCann Apr 2015
The innocent pig! Slaughtered in the blood stained room.
The man stands over the corpse and laughs.
he peels the skin off the pig,
scolding the dead for pig her small imperfections.
For some game, that needs fresh skin.

The surface of her body and soul, in
a grey factory fit over a mold by a
person who has delt with tens of thousands
of innocent pigs and can only see the skin.  
A conveyor belt takes thousands of animals,
whose only fault was being too heavy, into a drying room.
The pigs not animals but objects now, slaughtered
for entertainment.

The “vegetarian” football player takes
the skin of the poor mama pig and chucks it to his friend.

The misguided soul! Taught tediously to truly think that
the typical time of the gentle piglet far better spent dead
than to live a hellish life, nor will this soul know the
pig is both dead and lived a hellish life.

A hole in the pigs skin and hollow air rushes free.
Punted away into the woods.
Again and again.

The game starts.
The chubby guys line up and smell each others breath,
both sides scream like monsters and charge at each other,
they don’t punch each other, so it’s civilized.
The skinny guys also line up next to each other,
trying to outrun the other guy, yeah
I say guy because society is sexist but moving on,
so they try to outrun each other, one guy in an attempt
to not allow the person to catch the thin layer of pig skin.
The guy running forward tries to get the quarterback (basically
the star of the team the guy with dreamy hair and a nice body
who is either a cool guy or a ****)
to toss him the hollowed out pig skin, so can run and look cool
until another “light” 180 pound guy tackles him to the ground.
The stands, all criminson red, go wild,
Fist bumping, jumping up and down, beer drowning the floor,
at the sight of the guy with the dreamy body
tossing the misshaped ball,
to the guy who just hand the wind
out of him.

Yes this is all football.
I make fun of things because its fun, I may or may not know this poem to be a factual recitation. Yes I have been in the mood to bash football a bit
Patrick Leduc Sep 2010
O! How the winds cry!
O! How the earth weeps!
O! How the heavens pour forth their tears!

Thy face knows no blemish!
Thine eyes rich as diamonds
Your perfect attributes cause all others to pale in Comparison, like the tapestries of Arachne!

O! the Sun wishes to shine as you do!
No! 'Tis blasphemy to even but dream
Of placing oneself above so fair a maiden.
The fury of the Erinyes at those who dare
Is apparent to all.

O! The thought of not seeing
Your impeccable features once again
Is maddening!Heartwrenching!
But my gaze is like a stain
Upon thee. No love is felt
But pain is delt
Insanity comes upon me.
With little hope;much despair
For me, I beg, Send a prayer
I cannot; WILL not bear the agony
Of which is like the apostles upon the stormy sea
Whence Jesus remarked "Oh, ye of little faith."

I am such a man incapable of receiving
Thine divine compliments
Which I save myself from with doubt
And questioning;O! the torment!
I love thee, I try to show it
But I am unable to merit
Affection in return

Time and time again
I exult you my friend,
Yet how can you receive my words of praise
When your words I do but raze?
O! The neverending cycle which perpetuates
The need for love, which does not abate
How can I love you
When the thought of self-love is so new?
But I feel like to you I do belong
Chose me or deny; the point of my song.

Oh! How the crucible of love
Causes me pain in the heart
Self-love does not endure in part
Or in whole, but love for those dear
And love for those near
Is where true love starts.
Last night I found the troubles of the irony of my life
The fascination of non-fictional figures and new strife
I ask death to keep his promise and bless those who took me out this earth
And if I my own hands don't bless me but replace my curse

See when the lights are down low is when the truth stands behind
But lies of us is better in the light of the shadow we like to disguised
And she once asked me whats love with out recognition
And what's hurt with out any truth behind the decision

And what's your hurt.....
Or are you to ***** to express that emotional feeling
I look at her with pain and a disgusting illing
Because only me and the ones that hurt me no's the horror behind my revealing

My brother and sister promise that they will sing about me
And if my girl is dieing of thirst they will refill her with me
The story's we kept and the memory's we felt
My sister is my number one love
It's crazy how much emotions we delt

And I never new I had another part of me that was older then me
Met him when I was 5 now he's apart of my history at 23
All we shared .. was gun shots blood cots abused and welfare
And as it got better our separations will never compare

So where's my promise .. World where's my promise
You promise me opportunity and equal values
But curse from being called ugly and now handsome limited my statues
So you can understand that my ******* is the only way I show my gratitude

And what happens when the lights are up high and the smoke is down low
Cuz gun powder is what I saw when I road on east New York streets
And who would believe a good kid like me
I was more into bitxhes **** history and open heart poetry

But mistaken and moved to the south
Showed me new patterns so I had to finish my own Brooklyn's route
I did....Taken what I learn in NYC and planted into these tre4 kids
But I never got caught but I guess I got caught for what I use to do did
And challenged me to fix the out come of a new level grid

Now I'm better off in the books of lost souls
And the scriptures of old scrolls and new roles
Still catching duty of my past fixtures in my head
And I can't seem to let these demons go even if I was dead

But ill follow these angels to see the  games they play
Cuz ill never fade away...  ill never fade away ...ill never fade away .. Ill never fade away....

Just sing about me
Just sing about me
Just sing about me
Just sing about me
................I promise
They say diamonds are forever
Whether this is true i dont understand
Im delt with the hand of little or no money
Its funny im a joke im a fool
I go to school everyday study in many ways
For what ? So when im older i can have mula or moola
Whatever you want im living life by rules
Where people with no heart start out rich
And people in touch with their souls dont have ****
Excuse my french but i have a foul stench of poorness
Not only in money but love
Kevin Sep 2018
To those who say suicide is selfish
Understand you can never understand what they delt with
You may say you have it worse than they did
On deeper levels that **** was well hid
Somethings easy to you may be the hardest for others
Its not easy to leave mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters
Your strength my weakness, your weakness my strength
Those who suffer go through many trials of a dark never ending length
Some wear there scars on there sleeves
Others hide it tucked well deep beneath
Help sometimes is not what they really need
I can assure you this wasn't a selfish and greedy deed
They loved you so much, more than you'll ever know
Sometimes in an ironic way the better is finally letting go
Whether you believe in afterlife or rather nothing at all
Remember the best of times and for them stand proud and tall
There being may no longer reside on our earthly plane
But forever in our hearts and mind they shall always remain
We will never fully understand and comprehend
I'm not a religious man but I know we will reunite in the end
Dedicated to my best friend Josh! And all those who have passed or have delt with a suicide
Ston Poet Dec 2015
Uhh..God bless all the real ones mane..

Aye (I'm pimping3)..pimping..Uhh,Yeah..(I'm pimping4)..(pimping..I'm pimping..I'm pimping3)..Uhh,Aye
..(I'm pimping
4)..Yeah mane..Uhh..(I'm pimping3)..pimping,..
Young Ston..Only For The Real mane,..Yeah
(I'm pimping
/(I'm pimping2)...the industry like Bishop Don Juan mane,Yeah/2
Yeah,..(I'm pimping3) the bishop....Yeah mane..(I'm pimping3)..pimping, like Bishop Don Juan homie..Yeah, I'm pimping the industry, they ain't gone play me..(I'm pimping2) the Bishop.. (I'm pimping2) Fifty..(I'm pimping2)..the industry just like Don Juan mane, (Aye Yeah I'm pimping3)..I'm..(pimping2) Kat Williams....,Yeah mane,aye..(I'm pimping2)..Yeah mane..Aye

Ain't nobody gone play me, they better not even try to homie, ****, I'm way smarter than what I look like mane, I'm too wise to be another industry puppet aye..ain't nobody around me, ******* **** or falling in the white mans society trap..We all surpassing the **** ****,..
/yeah..(I'm pimping3)/2
Like   Bishop Don Juan my *****,..
/yeah..(I'm pimping3)/2
Like Fiffty..
I **** so hard, like DJay.., I'm the Mack mane call me Goldie.., no free me, because I'm never getting caught homie, I'm dodging the, El Chapo mane.. **** the laws homie.Imma **** my nig..dawg..I grew so fast at a very young age,**** I had to why wait...Yeah I had to get my **** together sooner than later mane. No more kidding around homie,..Aye, I wanted to put all of my depression under my feet so I could get  my mind right mane, so I started smoking the pacc at 15 mane, I was kinda going down the wrong street, God had to correct me, Thank you so much Heavenly Father, you always pleases me..Ayo..
I'm pimping the industry like Bishop Don Juan mane..Aye..

Aye (I'm pimping3)..pimping..Uhh,Yeah..(I'm pimping4)..(pimping..I'm pimping..I'm pimping3)..Uhh,Aye..Yeah
(I'm pimping
/(I'm pimping2)...the industry like Bishop Don Juan mane,Yeah/2
Yeah,..(I'm pimping3) the bishop....Yeah mane..(I'm pimping3)..pimping, like Bishop Don Juan homie..Yeah, I'm pimping the industry, they ain't gone play me..(I'm pimping2) the Bishop.. (I'm pimping2) Fiffty..(I'm pimping2)..the industry just like Don Juan mane, (Aye Yeah I'm pimping3)..I'm..(pimping2) Kat Williams....,Yeah mane,aye..(I'm pimping2)..Yeah mane..Aye

Yeah.., I'm pimping the game, while these other musicians too ***** & afraid to spit the truth mane, but not me homie, its my job to let my ****** know whats real, instead of influencing them in a back of a hearse man, Yeah..
Im feeding yall ****** life instead of death, so listen clearly,.. Yeah *****, I'm preaching , Yeah I'm preaching (Yeah2)..Only The Holy Spirit coming through me..Only wisdom coming, outta my mouth mane,..,Im blessing the street ****** with knowledge, Aye.Yeah..
OFTR no false claiming my gang or you will get delt wit discreetly mane, if you know what that mean, just stay lo key away from me.
..Yeah OFTR,.
I does this for my family, we standing tall against, Satan Yeah..(I'm pimping
3)..pimping.. Like Kat Williams..Aye,

Yeah..I'm pimping the industry like Bishop Don Juan mane..(Yeah*2)...
I'm pimping.. Uhh, This is my story,..,show & tell, so I'm only telling yall real ****..let's get it man..Yeah..Aye..
I'm pimping...
My heart will steal,
my words you'll feal,
right in side you're hope will Heal,
Just get through it,
you can do it,
hold on tite or you'll just lose it.
don't go mad inside just sad?
keep your sane and diss the lame
life's a game so look for fame
help some hearts and get the name
speak lit low and help them know
peace is hear for them to glow
take a walk and feal my talk..
see it played your'e favorit show
led the way with my gold chalk..
forget the bad of past you had,
make new be glad,
   your'e tuff You're Rad,!
that pain that hole
often thaught of takes control
that mess that loss that empty goal,
thinkin back that costly toal,
It's your road And it's your choice,
make some sound to hear your voice,
down the path be strong its bumpy,
hear my song and don't be grumpy,
not alone,
stood felt  like stone,
full rock hard ,
I'm  sure no **** my words sock hard,....
[you had felt it so you delt it,
never grew a heartless clue,
I choose nice for your rude lies,
lookin over in despize,
fought the stress don't need a mess
for caught up in you're knot ties.
statin truth nor fantasize
feel it first before criticize,]

you know your heart has just be grown.
You were tuff when  **** got ruff,
bin there done that know the stuff
as it seams those memory dreams
thew away,
oh day by day,
hears your luck it blew my way,
with your heart
"click heal restart"

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Jesse   Mckush
Arrywillbeloved2013© copy right protected
Rickie Louis Oct 2011
I draw my sword and brace my shield,
like a shining knight armored in the shining night,
I ascend the peaks of hearts.
Battling now only the weight that which I believe protects me,
I slowly shed myself to bear the journey that lies ahead..
One piece at time my armor falls to the ground,
risking abrasions and damage delt in future waging hearts.
I soon become naked of all but the plate that hides my chest..
As I search through the valleys,
deep in the crest,
I feel it's beating.
Warmth soon takes me, leading me to it.
With each hopeful stride of my double edged sword,
I find I'm only slaying shadows of demons that once dwelt within.
As each war's waged my heart becomes exposed and weary through what once protected it.
Soon I find myself faced at the entrance,
as I slowly descend down jagged and torn pieces,
I feel the raging heat of it's breath burning and searing flames engulfing me,
I feel it all around me.
I place my shield overhead, hoping it's truth protects me.
Then I lunge,
swinging right then left using the weight of the sword that once hindered,
striking only cavern walls, it seemingly alludes me.
Remembering stories of those before,
I begin to hold doubt and realize through past pains this dragon won't be slayed let alone captured,
I'm only battling myself.
As my journey comes to an end I turn,
I suddenly see it, staring directly into it,
I see it's no beast at all.  
I know in that moment,
I'm nothing more than consumed by hopes of what already lives within,
and blinded by what was expected.
This dragon that I chase (love), has alredy slayed me.
Of course another poem about the trials of finding love, but first letting go of your armour, and realizing there's love within stronger than any that could be found.
There a few things I need to say, and this isn't a poem. its more of a letter or a ***** out. I have seen the crap you post. I don't get u *** u act like u were some innocent victim. Im some horrible lying **** who broke ur heart. ***? Let me say my dear boy that I have loved u from day one and I still do. ur the one whos got this anti -me thing going for no reason *** ur afraid of letting your true feelings be felt and delt with. I may have said a fib or two when we spoke online the first time but at least everythg I said then wasn't a complete lie unlike others...... I don't hold that against you. I don't bring that up to you and talk **** about it. You seem to think that just because I didn't ever say I loved you that I didn't... it was so hard for me not to say it or to try and not feel it *** of her sitting in your bed each nite. that's why I didn't ask you stuff *** I didn't want to seem like I was being all nosey and being all in your business. you didn't ever say so I didn't ask. I figured if you wanted to tell me you would. I didn't want you to think I was trying to know your all of ur personal ****. I tried so hard to not have feelings for u and I thought I did a good job but that too was a joke. I have never felt like I do about u. it ***** that we don't talk like we used to and really ***** that we don't see each other....I miss u so fuckn bad. I still cry over u *** u were my perfext match. you are strong where I am weak and vise versa. Ur really great in the areas I need help in and I can help in the ones ur not in. I still want you to read to me. I still remember the things u said to me the first times we used to talk. the time where I fell in total love with u. I pains me to see some of the stuff u say on there. I didn't mean to not ask things or seem interested in you or act like I didn't want you to come over....I did that *** I wanted to see if u really wanted to come over.. um...all I wanted was to be with u from the beginning and I still do  but I don't think u will *** your trying your hardest to forget me. I guess im  not one to stand out and keep one wanting ......I wish I could erase all ive found out since oct 1st *** it makes it even harder to get over u....I don't want to but its really stupid to keep trying if you have made urself believe that u hate me or convinced yur self u do. I will write more if I remember but I have to go to bed now and I hope u sleep too... It just upsets me that I meant nothing like the others and that uve made urself hate me.....when I cant stop loving u.....this *****.
Casino Love

Friends tell you you're not ready
Dont jump in with both feet
They dont know really how you feel
Or what you truly need

They think they have the answers
They try to give advice
Say one day you'll love again
But just give it some time

You listen to their every word
And you know there being nice
You think you know what's truly best
So you decide to roll the dice

The first time that you start to play
You feel a love that grows within
A remembered joy of something new
That you think will never end

You want the love that you feel
To not come crashing down
You'll give all you have to play the game
So true love can be found

Then you realize they were somehow right
And that they knew just what to say
They had seen the future in the cards
But still you're glad you played

So now you go to just have fun
And Play the hand that you're delt
No worry for if you may lose
For true love will win out

Carl J.  Roberts
Smoot Feb 2011
Checking out seems easy compared to playing the cards life delt me with.
Take this sip and drink to the sadness im blessed with.
Kiss this **** thinking Im smiling for your kind lies or your rotten slices of "im your friend" pie.
Feed me the truth you choke on or the reality that made you shoot coke to forget.
Give me the lines that your heart cant beat
give me the music your feet cant seem to keep up with.
I want the ***** truth that gives you cavities to speak.
That mud storyline that locks you behind bars of judgement because I can no longet hear that bs the media tries to force into now dead ears.
No fears just through with the emotions that gave you power. face life liar this relationship
is no longer ours. This you and me has been sour no punch line just this I flushed ish like this now how bout you spoon feed yourself that.
Amuse someone with the facts, you tried beating my dreams down with hollow bats.
swallow that and choke on spite for this the last time, I'm over it.
tyler v Jan 2016
This addiction I'm addicted to is writing rhymes when I'm missing you I know you want it to like sticky glue I'm picking you straight sticking to you cuz my addiction is I'm addicted to you.
Baby my life is full of scars in my brain from smoking shards everyday getting harder everyday trying to barter everyday just to send you messages everyday in any way that I can.
You think it's easy being a man? when the cops came do you know why I ran? Cuz going to jail zero bail zero mail wasn't the plan. But instead, hugging you loving you rubbing you trying to be a man for you trying to do what I can for you  with a d.o.c. felony warrant out for me not for you I'm crazy over you let's get back to my addiction I'm addicted to you.
It's going to get better well at least in this letter it is. why? because if it wasn't for my guy I d just sit and cry and wished Id die but it seems like he's keeping me alive while I stress hard at night cuz I got no reply my girl didn't press six every time I called I woulda just bawled my eyes out which is usually not allowed in here where fear is considered week you better not leak a tear or you can just push the button and get the **** up out of here but I'm still here faceing three years I thought youd stick with me but why do I feel your unsticking not sticking to me slowly falling off I feel like I'm being robbed without you everything I ever loved is gone because I'm gone?? Where is God? Well, like my kid he's gone and I'm just being real I'm not trying to hate on quote our Creator but he's not here either no disrespect to the readers of this if you're believer I could see why you'd be ****** but really I can care less so let's try to get back to the reason why I'm writing about addiction for no reason or why my hearts supposed to be pumping blood but instead is bleeding like my knees bleeding from kneeing from needing help but not seeing im delt being beat with belts can't go to school with welts cuz they're afraid I'll tell well can you blame me? **** it **** me take a picture and frame me  I'm ashamed I was ever anybody's baby I mean am i going crazy? maybe it's because lately I'm back to not giving a **** I don't believe my luck but I'm forced to with no remorse or chorus I just keep writing of course sitting in jail eating the porridge  we get every morning weather my cellys  snoring it don't matter anymore cuz I'm being filled with hate till the moment I snap or break like taking the juice away I used to pour  in my cake pretty soon it's going to be too late to bring back the man that would have done anything for your *** **** **** I just gotta  give thanks to HATE for putting up with me as I'm stressin G cuz obviously without my ***** I seem a little wobbly wobbling around I swear he knows everything I mean without having to explain anything.
I want to flip out trip out then dip out but I'm stuck here with my **** out as My ***** rips out and dips out with my heart that's scarred now it's hard sometimes when your straight blinded from the outside but reminded by thoughts that are rewinded and replayed everyday i cant get away cuz praying doesn't work so **** the **** that said it would or said it could change my life  instead I struggle just to stay alive and not cry cuz nobody gives a **** about ty. That's why I'm holding on so tight to this girl I've been trying to find my whole life I'm just glad I didn't **** myself with those knives or am I?
I really don't know but I hope my pain in this shows from the highs and lows to the blankets we use as pillows this addiction I'm addicted to is feeling these flows even when nobody knows if when or how the story may go you may be told someday when you're old that your dad didn't make it cuz he couldn't take it no mo now that's just real your dad couldn't heal without you! now to the women he dated and married to make you I swear I don't hate you it's not too late to make it up to you its just hard to be free will they ever release me? I mean the systems like a disease like cancer and *** till your deceased trapped by the ultimate gang of police that does the government's ***** deeds till they feed us full of diseases never release us I mean where is Jesus? They say he died to free us but really I think he committed treason the reason is because he couldn't free us he couldn't be us he escaped back to the safety of the heavenly gates where he could watch people in pain dying everyday women getting ***** kids taken away you ask me God isn't real and Jesus is fake so to the pencil that helped  me write this Thanks.
I wrote this in jail while in the hole looking at 20 to 30 months. "I was feeling it"
Eyithen Sep 2018
Girls like her peak in High School
Always thin
Good at everything
Great at sports
Lots of friends

Girls like me?
A wallflower
I'm not alone
I have sort-of-friends
I'm a shadow in the back of the class
Always silent
Mid-season I'm failing
Getting grades up just enough
for the final report card to say I'm "smart"
Fool the colleges i do
Silently being the only one who doesn't understand
But the class is moving on without you
Crying because I'm "not good enough"
Below/Average at sports
Never good enough for the team
Stuck on the sidelines
Always watching
My life is a TV program
I laugh and watch
But never feeling a part of it
I'm just a spectator

Girls like her peak in college too
Even more beautiful then before
A boyfriend to match
And a petite body that looks great in everything
Flying through college
Instagram model

Girls like me?
Flunked my first year
Home i go
More clueless than ever
"I changed my major" i tell them
I put on the act
"I know what I'm doing"
It's all a lie
A mask I wear
Falling apart inside
Feeling despair
The tears come easy
They come fast
How long will this misery last?
Comparing, Comparing
It's a bigger high school now
Except no one gives a **** this time round
I did this to myself
Want to fix it
Is it too much to ask for a win?
Medication helps the focus
I am making a plan

I'm learning
I'm finding myself
It's okay to take my time
It's okay if I'm a little slow
So why do i feel like I'm just fooling myself?
Everyone has a different path
I haven't given up
I haven't stopped moving
So why i am walking the treadmill?
Moving but still in the exact same spot?

I'm jealous of girls like her
They got it all
Wish things were different
Wish i was given their hand
Cause fate has delt me a rough one

She gets the grassy meadow
I get the stormy mountain
She gets prince charming
I'm still waiting
She uses her wit to defeat the witch
I escape and run through books and other things that distract

What is wrong with me?
Why can't i be good at things?
Why is this so hard?
I wish things came easy.

We were friends
Me and her
And i hate the green monster
that leaves me with this jealous anger

Stay away
Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat
All they do is cause me harm
All the doubts and pain creeps back
I keep reopening the wound.
Those negative thoughts i though were gone?
Well they are buried in the back of my mind ready to resurface.

This is just the beginning of my story
I know this
I am destined for greater things
I know this
I will make it
I know this
I will graduate
I know this

Yet, Girls like her
Leave me with lies that echo...
I have been struggling with school. I want to do well yet i self-sabotage. I am getting better. I have a plan and i am going to succeed and fight through college, yet i see pictures of a friend from high school and that is all it takes till i start to spiral into this black hole of doubt and fear.
Lysander Gray Nov 2011
I could lay you down
and breathe your hands.
I could brush the dust
from your eyes.
And I could hold your moon in my palm;
A junkies palm,
the scarred hand of Judas.

But that would not make you happy.
You wish to hold me
within your glass house gaze
and to touch my soul
where hands have never dared.

The game will not be played
by your rules,
once the pawn is a queen.

In your palm you held the ace of Spades
but it was a losing hand
to your filthy heart.

And the dealer delt away
Whilst the jokers laughed and joked.
And they held their stigmata out
for the babes to see.
But they only saw flesh.

With a needle dipped in ink
she wrote me a stigma in italics.
I can still see it;
In the moving daylight,
In the roving daylight,
In the shadows of light
on a palm.
Cameron Araujo Oct 2012
love may bleed red, but passion bleeds blue
passion is what conects, me and you

keeps us strong, for a eternal bond
lets us see, our rights and wrongs
holds us close, and hides our fears
makes us want, to count the endless years

makes me smile, and makes me melt
with this passion, it doesnt matter what cards where delt
cause im here now, and here for good
so hold me tight, like you should

for the passion, and for the cheer
dont let go, because inlove is here
Jeremy Betts Nov 2023
A bad hand delt, a crippling hopelessness felt
In possession of a heart that can't and won't melt
Whipped unmercifully with a tanned hide belt
So often in fact it no longer leaves a welt
Only a lonely darkness under this human pelt
Always knew when the fear was near by how bad it smelt
And out of respect, or maybe terror, every time it arrived, I knelt

Rai Dec 2010
Twisted fate meant they missed each other walking the same street within minutes of each other
Twisted fate led her down a one way street
With no one to turn to for help
She never imagined life could be so hard
She needed the thing that
Twisted fate decided she couldnt have
If life had a heart
She would still hear it beating
There would of been that fateful meating
Of minds so alike
Vibrant in understanding
And glorious in technicolour dreams
Twisted fate had so much to explain right at that moment
Maybe they missed the signs
The man who picked up her paper and opened the door with such ease
Her searching smile looking for understanding
But finding a wall of fear
So she still walks alone
And him
He walked into the middle of the road
No longer caring for a life without love
Sadly Twisted fate delt him his final card
Funny how life continues regardless of its mistakes
My melody is the tune,
the happy feal of june,
sleep untill noon rise awake for the moon,
No school no cruel!
where that dress with out havin to stress,
cauzz your a beuty'
                remember.  Not on deuty,.
The heat the sun out-on-a-run,.
bein you, duss havin fun.
we've all felt rain,
          we've all delt pain
I'ts the natural I'ts the gain.
moving on will keep it sain.
bin there. done that.
she's odd, she's fat,

Cause you're "cool"         HA, you Fool!
          your'e word's you're slick?.
                                      Your heart.          your SICK,

     we take the left because we know the right,

down the road they'll be a fight, thinkin thinkin up all night,
words they say sure aren't right,
  the sky is blue'       they have no clue  your day got gray ,
                                        you're thaughts are cray, you're mind is clay!? wer'e in may
                         SAY GO!,  cant  stay!.  

       it's long.       might do you none...
walk you long. read can't go wrong,.          
                so now your'e hear,
      You're sippin beer?
                       Look at that,   Your'e finally cheer, :)
sincere a real friend to all, answer the call catchin ya fall. Jesse  *Mckush
Henry Brooke Feb 2015
Days pass so fast beween those hills

the ones of suffering delt with skill

A heart not clensed from ill design

softer than silk, fresher than pines.

I write this thousenth letter with a mix

the juice of my oragans, stones and sticks.

So hang around if you feel alone,

and hear the letter leave the stone

and become bone from a bush.

Cast 'tween lands of firery ice

my body acts; I pay the price.

******* of a blueprint, my cardboard genes

still fail to smell a rotting dream.

The clean produce with an iron strength,

a deadly aurora of graveyard stench.

Between the rosebuds, black as soot

lies my ****-bush pushing roots.

Free to amend, from time itself;

Id then be able to cure my self.

Days do pass fast beween these hills

the ones of dementia, of feeling ill

A heart not yet ready to resign,

for there is hope in Valentine.
Work in progress
phil Aug 2018
spent an entire month in the hospital
and not once did i see a toothbrush
or my wounds anointed with a topical ointment
it was clear an infection was there
considering my leg turned an odd
shade of green, it was honestly a
grisly seen to see my flesh come off with ease
my doctor tried telling me i
was only seeing things, he said “what do
you mean? thats just the light. its not green.”
i said “hell no! i got perfect eye sight,
and that **** aint right!”
he blew it off with a soft “pfft”
and just continued on with his shift
when i first got there a nurse asked
what happened to me, and i told
her the story of my fall from mid-air
as i listed al of my injuries, she sees how
lucky i am, and said “could’ve been worse.
could’ve gotten diabetes.”
i couldn’t say a word, i was so confused
at what i’d just heard. all i thought
was are you kidding me? am i hearing
this right? these are the people taking care
of my life? i didn’t know what to say,
just laughed it off and said, “wow, hadn’t
thought of it that way.”
i remember feeling so disgusting, sitting in
my own filth, yet they only felt
like discussing each pill they gave me
feel like they barely even washed me, used
like two or three hand wipes. i was
feeling hella musty
it was so embarrassing. i was doing PT
and got a whiff of the air passing
around the room. i remember thinking
why does it smell like ****? i took
one look down, and saw it all
over my ******* gown. they gave me
new clothes, and put the others to be
disposed. i confronted the nurse, i
learned thats a tactic that never actually works,
she treid to prove me wrong, she
checked and said “you see, nothing there”
“well clearly it wiped off on the other
pair.” and i pointed to the clothes bin
i had forgotten some dude came
in and emptied it out, then she
just looked at me, full of doubt
they made me feel like i was stupid
like i didn’t know what i was
talking about. i’ve never delt with
such incompetence, had me feeling like
i didn’t even matter. no wonder
i lost my self confidence
L S Tesler Sep 2015
hvis jeg engang glemmer, hvordan luften dufter om efteråret, hvordan sand føles mellem mine tæer eller hvordan en hånd på min kind skaber ro i mit sind, så fortæl mig det hele. fortæl mig hvordan jeg plejede at tale om alt, hvad jeg synes er så fantastisk og hvad jeg tænker, når hele min krop er træt og jeg kun kan hviske mine ord. fortæl mig hvordan vi lå i timevis med mine ben over dine og mine læber på din nakke, hvordan ordene "jeg elsker dig" aldrig blev slidte på vores tunger, hvordan jeg altid talte om eventyr udenfor og du altid ville grine af mig og ryste på hovedet fordi du vidste at jeg i virkeligheden hellere ville ligge i vores utallige dyner i utallige timer, som var hver dag en søndag. fortæl mig hvordan jeg altid druknede i dine øjne og blev stum i hele minutter, og hvordan jeg ville tale i søvne om alle de ting jeg aldrig siger, selvom jeg slet ikke behøver fordi du allerede ved det. fortæl mig hvordan min hånd passede så perfekt i din, at alle klichéer om den eneste ene blev til virkelighed hver gang din hånd fandt vej til min. fortæl mig hvordan vi kunne grine til vores øjne løb i vand og vores maver var ømme, og hvordan vi kunne falde i søvn i hinandens omfavnelser fordi trygheden gjorde os søvnige. fortæl mig om alle de syndige øjeblikke vi har delt, og hvordan vores kroppe smelter sammen, når lyset er slukket. fortæl mig hvordan jeg aldrig kunne undvære dig og hvordan det aldrig var smertefrit at forlade dig, når du stod i mine natbukser og med uglede krøller. fortæl mig især hvordan vores læber var bløde og om alle vores lange kys, der aldrig skulle være endt. fortæl mig hvordan resten af verden altid var så ligegyldig, når bare vi havde hinanden. fortæl mig at du elsker mig, og at du aldrig vil gå. så kan jeg huske igen
Geno Cattouse Sep 2013 melody.

Scarring.No reverie

Rotund.Not svelt.

Verbose.not soothing.

Coarse. Not felt

Come. A card has been delt. A farthing is due.
Pound of flesh or two.

Come.skip to his leu.a tortuous dirge.
Come to the very end of days.

Come children, no turn to return to. My child.

A lemming's trance . Dutifull ant by rote. Chant-like.
Forward to the witches castle. Then the horizon

To the witche's castle.

To scatter there.Fodder held ******* to the wayward wind.
Hubris comes calling. Now falling
To forever or never.... forever.
Kyle Dickey Jan 2015
I've been broken and fallen to prices,
I've tried so hard,
Tried to make it work,
Get you to love me,
Been the sweetest most romantic guy,
I've delt with your problems and imperfections,
But you break me and I've had enough,
Enough of you and your ****,
You will never be mine and have ignored me one too many times,
My feelings have fallen back to numb and you're the one that made them emerge,
So I'm over it all and back to the way before we met,
Before you crushed me,
Not feeling, no want,
Nothing but anger that I controll with ease,
You won't break me again but I may you,
Because when you come back,
Wanting me,
Wanting my protection,
Wanting me to make you feel happy,
I'm gone and out of your reach,
You will never know how much you missed.
Traci Eklund Jun 2013
where to next?
where am I going to lay my head...
in a foreign bed or on the ground again?
How these days grow long,
endless endeavours.
I love it.
Although the tendancy to fall hard.
Smile because it is all you can do,
laugh because silence is deadly.
when one day folds into another,
another card is delt,
you take the hand your given,
with no sorrow,
you carry on...
for today is filled with scars
as was yesterday and tomorrow.
it builds character they said
it will get better
I believe it will...

I just hope I don't get lost
finding my way back home
wherever that may be...
Liv C Dec 2010
When it rains it pours,
the energy will not stop to be ignored...

The ink digs deep to draw out the red life carrier,
if only to let down the barrier,
maybe I could be happier.
We rely on cars to reach a destination,
but so does the homeless man..
with the amputation.

Hats of color are passed around,
the eyes speak of lust..
and homeward bound;
candles burn and release negativity,
the world lacks such..
creative positivity.

Dazed and confused the battle continues,
where the medicated life support is crushed..
into the walls of the venues.
Songs of passion and desire,
send innocent minds..
to rewire.
Absorbing the thrill of your addictions are felt,
let me take away..
the pain that is delt.
Butterfly Aug 2010
The nightmares come.
The dreams they go,
Thru my mind and heart they flow.
Making sense of what's to come,
I can not believe what you have done.
Seeing you behind those eyes,
I still remember all of your lies.
Shaken up and broken down,
You put a terror into this town.
I miss the thought of what I felt,
I hurt for her and the cards she's been delt.
Not only for her but me as well,
You put so many thru a certain hell.
The call you made just a day before,
Were you coming for me to get your score?
The nightmares they come,
The dreams they go.
For in my mind,
My heart you froze.
Unlocked passion,
Tortured soul,
What were you thinking,
Do you even know?
You had my heart,
In a way you still do.
I can let noone else in,
Only a few.
Lessons learned.
Advice is found.
The cuffs you wear will abound.
Life you will serve.
And so will she.
The poor little girl,
She will never be free.
aar505n Jan 2015
The truth is much harsher when it is out of the blue
but then it isn't really out of the blue, is it?
Lingering, hovering, nagging, gnawing
at the back of my mind,
fingers just of it's reach.
Each time it would come close to the surface
I would glimpse at its purpose,
only to get nervous and kick it back away.
So I may stay oblivious to it just a little longer.
I knew this to be the lull before the storm
And now the horrid truth has pull the storm in to my orbit
Full of lightening, but what is its target?
Great flashes of light burns through the night
leaving heaps of ashes among the trash.
I remain unhurt, undamaged, unburned.
Others haven't faired so well.
Feared the flash and rightly so
Their pain stains the ground in the form of ashes.
Ashes and dust stains everywhere, even in the heaviest of rain
A reminder. Of what's to come. What's to be returned.
And I -
I watch it all.
The Writting on the Wall on the ground.
I might be unburned but such a sight
unhinges me something terrible
Prys me open just enough to cry.
Pouring tears lost in the roaring rain.
But crying all the same.
Because I don't know why it's you.
I don't know why you have to die.
Dodging lightening all your life until now a streak is lodged in you.
Breaks and splinters inside tightening its hold.
Even though you are burning up, I have never seen you look so cold.
I wish it was one of your famous poker faces
Tricking us you are going to fold
but at the last minute revealing a hiden ace.
If ever there was a time to play your ace, it is today.
Don't let this be our last game
But you have no control over it do you?
Have to deal with the cards that has been delt.
I must admit, these cards are ****.
No aces to play but that won't stop you
You'll play till the end with the same grace you've always had.
So for now lets keep playing.
We still have time, we've always had time
You are not ashes, yet.
And when that last flash does occur
Then I will say goodbye
And in the morning cry all the more
Mourning you and everything you were.
One of those poems that just come pouring out. It's good to get things off my mind
DC raw love Mar 2016
How can I begin this true and yet very odd story... Do I begin it when I was a child, my adolescent years, teenager or get straight to the last two years.... Yet they would all tie this story together.... At present I'm sitting on my poarch, straight up in the hood "lower 3rd, Alexandria Louisiana... Back to more shortly... Back... Did I tell you that I am a 55 year old successful business man from Ft Myers, Florida... Oh by the way I was a functioning ****** addict for the majority of my life, sold mega dope... And I love black women... Let me tell you, if you haven't delt with southern hood black girl attitude, you ain't seen attitude....

How life goes on and how things change..... I met a girl that was something different, could it change my life or will it be a fight.... Friday night in the hood is a different life... From dinner at the country club.... To staying clear of a fight..... Living in the hood still feels right...

As times have changed, black girls these days hold their ***** tight.... It will always cost you change, so what else is new in life.... It can come very cheap or very costly depending on the game....
Ignatius Hosiana Jun 2015
Fear sleeping for with it my ideas might be gone
By either dying or reverting to where they were born
I hold each piece of memory like slides up a microscope
Nursing them tenderly so that they don't lose hope
And I walk my little fingers over my phone screen
While words from all corners of my mind scream
Can't risk the cacophony in my head turning into a maze
'Cause my mental universe is a cow I must always graze
Sleep tries to have her finger pressing my eyes
I fight back because I can't stand watching my good as it dies
Drowning into hours of foolish immobility
Losing a time I could have maximized my ability
So I keep scribbling a pen when I tire of tapping
Satisfying my ***** obsession so it doesn't think about eloping
I think I'm not a poet but an addict to glamourous words
Probably hoping to come across one that will glue the shards
I'm playing with the hand fate's delt and the cards
Can we blame them for soaring when they were given wings,the birds?*,
Trying to find sleep ... :o
Selecting music is just as important
As keeping good hygein
And shaving your *****
It's the difference between
Creating a moment or killing it
A good song can bring you closer
But choose the wrong song
N feel the distance greaten
The moods been killed
You've been delt the
"Move back 3 spaces"
Cole Silvers Dec 2013
Each absolute delt,
suit blurs and my hand folds into a smirk.
Swept under the rugged folds of throat.

Red and black to black and white,
placed violence at benevolence.
Ink stains indelible, only while the cut's fresh
Rewritten in medium of hope and asterisk.

Astral risks, they've got more value then ever kid,
tacking down the gray skips, (hypocrite) can't imagine the mix.
I tale freezing leaves six feet from the ground as practice.

© Cole Silvers
Vida Sep 2024
I want you to understand me
truly me
What makes me
What makes my muscle sore
What shakes me to my core
There is so much more to me than you will ever understand
You weren't delt this hand
no matter what I tell you
You cannot understand my struggle unless you have lived it
You cannot be the person I talk too unless you have felt Like life is not worth living
I know I have friends thats a fact I do not doubt
I don't want a friend.
I want a person that I can live life with forever.
And they will never leave me through love and sorrow.
They will want me around, not as a love but to love
The person who time stops when we're around each other.
But you can't be my oxygen and neither can I
I have to breathe the air that lies in the sky
Aggie Fredette May 2013
Crisscross scars decorate your face
Telling of long gone difficult times
That you'd rather not speak of
For though the jagged scars
Have long healed over and scabbed
The memories are still as fresh
As when they were first delt

— The End —