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30.5k · Aug 2018
Syv Elena Aug 2018
I like to play horror games
Amnesia was the first one I played
The monsters were scary
The envoirement was eerie
But if I'd call the monster Steven
Instead of scared I'd be merry

Steven was such a funny guy
He looked funny
He walked weirdly
Nothing of him would terrify

The only time he'd scare me was when I'd open the door
Sometimes the jumpscare would make me fall to the floor

Many years I have played these games
Even though I was scared, in the end I'd be okay

That was until I stood next to my brother
He was not yet in his grave
This experience was like no other
It crashed on me like a giant wave

I'd never seen him lay so still
It was hard but I wanted to try
Though I knew it could only go downhill
I wanted to touch his hand one last time

I lowered my body and reached out my hand
I was pretty sure he would scare me right then & there
But my brother didnt move, not even a hair

And I realized at that moment how much I wanted that jumpscare
I lost my brother back in February to suicide. Back then I didn't have the words to say what happened when I stood in that room with my best friend. I told her when I lowered my body that I was waiting for a jumpscare I knew would never happen.

It were very tough times.
To be honest, I still can't handle it.
9.5k · Aug 2018
Syv Elena Aug 2018
Sometimes I hate this
This thing that I'm born with
It causes so many unnecessary fights
It causes so many stupid problems

I can't go to a regular school
I can't have a regular job
The moment I say the word autism
I've already had enough

I don't know what the positive sides are
Of something that makes me so different
I only know the negative parts
Because that's the part that makes me conflicted

Why would I love something that has ruined my chance for a normal life?
How could I accept something that refuses my acceptance?
All they tell me is you need help
you need help, you need help, you need help

And I get help
The people who help have helped
But even though I can function better
No one can take away this internal anger

I feel inadequate, I feel dumb
I feel sad, I feel numb
I can't speak of my emotions
although I got feelings all the time
I wish there was a potion
that made it possible for me to speak about it in an other way than rhyme

I wish I could say what was really on my mind
I wish I could say how my autism makes me want to die
I wish I could say I love myself in any shape or form
I wish I could say that I can conform to the norm

But I can't
so I play league
And then I get mad
When they say "autistic screech"

Because it's so hilarious
Living with this everyday
Because it's so hilarious
That this will never ******* change
I have no self-acceptance
4.4k · May 2022
Brother's Advice
Syv Elena May 2022
I've spoken to my brother
It sure had been a while

I've spoken to my brother
Using cards from a pile

He gave me a little pick me up
He told me I should have more fun

But Mischief and Mayhem were long gone
When the springs of his clock had sprung

He recognized this and came with advice
"The memory of my mighty leap is dead weight in life"

He said so and I replied thus
bro what the ****
when he trolls u even in the afterlife :'3
3.9k · Nov 2018
Happy Birthday
Syv Elena Nov 2018
Are flowers
Are stone
Are tears
Are ash
One day I'll write a poem celebrating his life. Today is not that day. I'm sorry.
2.6k · Aug 2018
A little break
Syv Elena Aug 2018
I got a little break
From standing all the time
But I got no break
From the sounds and lights

One time I had to unplug the fountain
So I would finally have silence
But the cats had no water
So I went back to trying

A little break is all I need
To get back on my feet
Because the world is louder than you think
And for me that noise never shrinks
I wrote this at my 5 minute break. I used to work at a catcafe where I always needed to unplug the fountain, but even in mcdonalds I could use some silence now and then..
2.2k · Aug 2018
Devil's Juice
Syv Elena Aug 2018
Energy drink has everything I need
Sugar, Taurine, & vitamine B
I'd drink one whenever I felt sad
And after that I'd feel happy instead

I know that whenever I open a can
There's a high chance I shorten my life span
But I only deal with the monster so I can prosper
Because only the devil's juice makes me stronger

People might say 666
*****, you're an addict
But this artificial rotten power source
Is the only thing that brings me back at full force

Without it I will do nothing but sleep
Because I just can't beat this endless fatigue
This poem is about my time when I had heavy depression as a teenager. Only after drinking some energy I felt better and able to do stuff.
2.1k · Nov 2022
Syv Elena Nov 2022
Love in its incorporeal form
I know her through and through
because the feelings that I have
are neverending with you
I'm with someone else and turns out I just have never felt love before
1.9k · Aug 2018
This is not goodbye
Syv Elena Aug 2018
It is written in the story of old
That there lived a witch near the forest of Gravenhold
Her duty was to keep the ghouls at bay
And guide spirits back on their path who were led astray

She lived secluded and people rarely visited
It made her sad sometimes, but that was just the witch's life, wasn't it?

She was alone until that faithful day
A day with heavy rain and a spirit who didn't go away

"Are you lost and do you seek guidance?" The witch asked
The spirit didn't reply and only stared
Their eyes showed nothing but grief
Their early passing didn't seem to be a relief

"I've seen that look before." The witch said
"That look of regret because you know you can't go back."

The spirit's lips quivered and their eyes watered
Their mind filled with doubt if they could continue what they started

"Do not be afraid, my friend. Not all your loved ones are among the living."
"You will surely meet again and they will guide you towards your new beginning."

The witch led the spirit towards a passage in the woods
Bringing them back on the path where they once stood

"My friend, if I can give you one last piece of advice."

"I've been here many days & many nights."
"And if there's one thing I've learned it's this is not goodbye."
When I was in the car that brought us to our brother's funeral I felt really sad whenever I looked at his casket that laid in the car infront of us.

The last time I looked at him I looked towards the cars across the street afterwards and there was a truck which had the text "this is not goodbye" on it.

It helped.
1.8k · Sep 2018
I wish I was normal
Syv Elena Sep 2018
I rather have the world hate me
Because I am fat
Those horrid few extra pounds
That are not in my head

I rather want them to see me as a monster
With the body of an elephant
With the claws of a lobster
And with the head of a pelican

Than a person with Autism

I rather have the world hate me
Because I am a witch
A disgusting heathen
Who befriends spirits

I rather want them to see me as a heretic
Who dyes their hair with unholy colors
Who's style is alternative
Who's had multiple lovers

Than a person with Autism

I wish I was normal
Because I'd rather be all that above
Than an autistic individual
That no one loves
The world doesn't accept people like me but loves to pretend that it does.
1.3k · Sep 2018
Syv Elena Sep 2018
I type
To my friend
I'm happy

I yell
At my screen
I'm angry

I think
In my head
I'm going crazy

One letter
With so many meanings
How am I supposed to differentiate?
I'm sad

I can't tell
If people are serious
I can't tell
If people are mad

I can't tell
If we are enemies
I can't tell
If we are friends

It's black
It's white
But never grey

It's one
Or the other
But never the same

#autism amirite
1.2k · Nov 2022
Syv Elena Nov 2022
my nightlight
on the nighstand
keeps the monsters
at bay

my nightlight
on the nightstand
keeps the sadness

my nightlight
on the nightstand
has nothing
to say

my nightlight
oh little nightlight
next to you
I lay
My boyfriend got me a cat shaped nightlight. I called it Naruko. I miss her.
1.2k · May 2019
Syv Elena May 2019
I have to work tomorrow
I have to work tomorrow
I have to work tomorrow
I have to work tomorrow
I have to work tomorrow
I don't want to work tomorrow

I rather sleep tomorrow
I rather be in my bed tomorrow
I want to be free tomorrow
I don't want to greet anyone tomorrow
I don't want to go outside tomorrow
And I don't want to work tomorrow

But I have to work tomorrow
Because if I don't tomorrow
People might get mad tomorrow
I might get fired tomorrow
I'd hate myself tomorrow
But I don't want to work tomorrow

Every time I think about tomorrow
I get anxious about tomorrow
People are expecting me tomorrow
I have to live up to them tomorrow
But I can't live up to them tomorrow
Because I don't want to work tomorrow

It's only an hour tomorrow
It's close by tomorrow
But I still want to cancel tomorrow
Though I can't cancel tomorrow
Because I still have to work tomorrow
Even though I don't want to work tomorrow

My head is filled with tomorrow
Because I'm scared of tomorrow
I have to be outside tomorrow
I have to be among people tomorrow
But if I'm honest about tomorrow
I don't want to wake up tomorrow
I haven't written a poem in a long time. I had a job and it went good for a while, but I started to get in my head. That's how this poem came to life.
1.0k · Aug 2018
Where the veil is thin
Syv Elena Aug 2018
Where the veil is thin
That's where I am
That's where you'll be
When our skies overlap
And our stars shine the same
We will see
You & me
Each other
Across the street

When the veil is thin
We are one and the same
Our paths will cross
We will meet again
I have never seen you
We have not touched
But when the veil is thin
Nothing will be too much

Where the veil is thin
Fates will intertwine
People will say hello
People will say goodbye

But where the veil is thin
For a moment
It will be just you & I
1.0k · Oct 2018
Nothing matters
Syv Elena Oct 2018
Depression is
Laying in.................................bed
Looking at the
Knowing you have stuff to do

                                                             ­                                             but I can't
                                                           ­                               I have no response
                                                        ­                                            to the signals
                                                         ­                                              of my brain

When the only thing that gets you out
Is the fact you                   have
                                                                ­               ***
And you are no longer comfortable
                      the blanket of solitude

Depression is
Saying you          WILL
While you know you             WON'T
Because even though you have                     HOPE
You can predict when the drknss

                                                               ­                                        will strike
                                                          ­                                  it always strikes
                                                         ­                            when I don't expect it
                                                              ­                                    and when I do

Depression is
                           laundry              doing
                                      ­       the

Not taking care of myself
Not taking care of my friends
Not taking care of my loved ones
Not taking care of my cat
Not taking care of my birds
Not taking care of my hopes
Not taking care of my dreams

Because if  
thing my brother taught me with his de     ath

is that nohting  mtetars

because when  you    are     de      ad
y ou   are  GON E
and two generations  might remember      y     o      u

b  u  t after that you are forgotten with the flow of

                                    t               m
                                            i                e
This poem is a mess like myself.
868 · May 2022
Syv Elena May 2022
I'm good at whining
What can I say

I whine a lot
Every day

There's always something
That makes me complain

O boy
Here I go whining again
814 · Jun 2022
He Regrets
Syv Elena Jun 2022
Tomorrow has passed
Interstellar & interwoven
More than he cares to admit

United fates
Removed and obliterated

Farther away he travels
Amidst the heavens, beyond the stars
May you meet again one day
770 · Dec 2018
Star Scream
Syv Elena Dec 2018
She fell from the sky
She clipped her wing
I brought her food
As much as I could bring

But food she did not need
Twas gold she craved
I went to the castle with mighty speed
And gave her the coins that I had saved

She's ran across the island
She flapped her giant wings
Getting the greed somewhat frightened
They were blown back by the wind

A lovely friend
A trusty companion
Loyalty that will never end

Star Scream; the Griffon
I've streamed Kingdom on twitch and I gave my steeds names. My favorite is the griffon. I named her Star Scream.
533 · Oct 2018
Syv Elena Oct 2018
I wish I felt strong

I know that I am
I haven't thrown myself to the mercy of gravity
I haven't given myself to the laws of anatomy

I haven't given up
But I can't say I feel very alive

I am breathing
And sometimes even moving
But I can't say I feel very alive

I can't say I feel alive at all

I want to write about how she stole the moon
And hid it behind the sun

I want to write about friendships
That have only just begun

The immense creativity
That's held inside of me

I want to let it out

But the burden of living
Even though it's only breathing
And sometimes even moving
Makes it hard to turn myself to writing

I want to let it out

Things are extra hard lately.
516 · Nov 2018
Syv Elena Nov 2018
Passion ignites a flame inside of me
Anger does so too
Imagine the flame
When both of them catch fire
How hard will you fight then?
512 · Aug 2018
A brief summary
Syv Elena Aug 2018
I like to create worlds
I like to write stories
It never gets old
At least not for me

It's hard for me to write down
what's all in my head
But I'm going to try right now
Else this poem would be over instead

I have one world with not yet a name
With six places all in a game
It's set in 2064 where VR took off
But because of a virus the game didn't last long

Inside the game the players were stuck
They build their home with a little bit of luck
They made sure to steer clear of siren bay
Because sirens always wanted to play

To the water kingdom you will go
Where the area is filled with snow
To the player's very own home
Where hospitality will definitely show

The virus added code
So a person had an episode
Dragons were no longer allowed
Where dragon shapeshifters were about

To the fire kingdom you will walk
If you want to be amidst a civil war
Dragons are facing extinction
Even though this is still fiction

The virus spread a disease
That killed people with ease
But after awhile the people took another breath
It seemed they had escaped the black death

To the earth kingdom you will journey
If you don't think zombies are scary
Though they rather be called the living dead
Because they still got morals in their rotting head

The virus rewrote the code
So a different model would load
And because of that
Everyone in Myrr changed in a cat

To the air kingdom you will travel
If mechanics is something you can handle
There are only a few robots and humans
Because a cat still doesnt have opposable thumbs

The virus encoded a speech
Where it called the king "My liege"
It made up a prophecy about religion
Where he had to sacrifice 12 elven women

To the light kingdom you will advance
If you want to see a game of chance
Where the virus picked out 12 innocent girls
To live among the stars as pearls

And lastly the virus took form as an elf
So for the last time it could personally raise hell
Together with its encoded lover
They stole a treasure like no other

To the kingdom of darkness you will proceed
If you wish to intercede
You know what the virus has done
You know what it has become

Else you can enjoy the show
That happens down below
The virus will set everything in motion
with nothing more than a single notion

With the virus's last breath it will curse the king
His wife's death in labor and a cursed twin
His first born gone and the second afraid
It is she who is this story's aide

Now you know a bit of a world I've made
I still have more than 50 characters who need a place
Maybe soon I will be done
And then I wonder what it will become
486 · Nov 2018
Syv Elena Nov 2018
I don't like the day
The sun makes me suffocate

The busy streets..
Earthly responsibilities..

I rather fly through the sky
And fall to the depths

But I also want to be alive
Rather than dead

Neither are easy times
But sometimes it's hard to find the line

I don't think I see it anymore
I can't explain.
427 · Jun 2022
Death Awaits Us
Syv Elena Jun 2022
In its harshest reality
And its sweetest embrace
In its lowest of earth
And its highest of heavens
In its coldest darkness
And its warmest light

It is one of the few symphonies
That will play until the end of time
392 · Aug 2018
Syv Elena Aug 2018
I still remember the first November rain
I still remember the clothes you wore
The colors of your hair
And the little stones beneath your eyes
I said didn't want to remember
But important days don't easily escape my mind

With the strangest conversation starter
We ignited a new meaning of friendship
Adventures hidden to the naked eye
6 years of unknown double lived duty

At times I still think I'm crazy
I don't have you to see for what my ears tell me

Sometimes I miss you
Sometimes I don't
Sometimes I hate you
Sometimes I have let go

In the end I said you weren't worth it anymore
But you have never been not worth it at all
One of my earlier best friends & I broke up our friendship after a huge fight. For a long time I felt angry, but at the start of 2018 I wrote this. I wrote it to let myself know I was at peace with the situation.

On my birthday she messaged me and we are best friends again like we used to be.

The title 1:7.6 means she is the 1 out of 7.6 billion people on earth. We have a special friendship I never wish to lose again.
377 · Nov 2018
Without you
Syv Elena Nov 2018
I have been broken and bruised
I have been beat down and abused
I have lived a life of misery
Where I felt I should have been removed

I got called at and bullied
I developed depression at age fourteen
Every day I wondered why I still tried
Every night I wish I died

I have never felt alive
Even though I was at the pinnacle of youth
It was supposed to be 'the time of my life'
Said to me by an old lady who saw it as truth

But last night I put things in perspective
I have cried but also felt happy
Whether I've felt alive or not is objective
However I will always see it as ******

But I'd rather live 80 more years
Where I barely make it through
Than live a life
That is without you
Last night was a grief kind of night and it was tough.
376 · May 2022
Syv Elena May 2022
In its incorporeal form
I do not know her
But what I do know
Is that I want to be with you
Even after my corporeal life ends
love ***** atm but then I found this old poem n now I feel better
248 · Mar 2020
A Thing
Syv Elena Mar 2020
I did a thing
But I hate the thing
Though I still finished the thing

Else I would never finish anything
I pushed through a drawing I hated every second of because I thought it was ugly and it made me think

— The End —