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30.6k · Aug 2014
Jealousy envy and greed
Veemz Aug 2014
Obviously he's more successful cause everyone supports what he does
And me I'm sitting here in jealousy and envy just cause because
Be happy be happy cause you have everything you need
While i sit here with jealousy envy and greed
16.0k · Aug 2014
Veemz Aug 2014
It's so funny
How someone so young
Can make an impact
On someone so much older
9.9k · Aug 2014
Mary Jane
Veemz Aug 2014
I know when everyone is gone
And the whole world has their backs turned
I can turn to you
Thank you
Mary Jane
7.6k · Aug 2014
Veemz Aug 2014
We are polar opposites
We are different
Now think about this
Don't opposites attract?
7.0k · Aug 2014
Veemz Aug 2014
I know you have ears
But when was the last time
You listened to music
3.6k · Aug 2014
A drug called love
Veemz Aug 2014
Alcohol keeps me distracted
Until i realize
Our love was a drug
And you're  still in my system
3.5k · Dec 2014
Losing love
Veemz Dec 2014
It's funny I wonder why I loved you so
Cause that night I told you I drove drunk looking for you
You were no where to show
Shows how much you actually cared for me
So close to death, so blinded by love but now I have some clarity
Who i once thought was the girl of my dreams turned out to be a nightmare
A heartless girl who if lost a best friend might not care
I like to believe that I didn't lose you Rather you lost me
Cause I lost all respect for you when You didn't stop me when I drove drunk and didn't care what it  would've cost me
3.0k · May 2015
Late night talks
Veemz May 2015
When we have our late night talks
We seem to forget what's written on the clocks
We get consumed with the stories that we say
And we anticipate another talk later on some other day
At the peak of night when everyone is in a slumber
We pretend our problems seized to exist like an imaginary number
We talk about life and the lack of genuine souls
And how we live with people that are monsters and trolls
So life moves forward as we shift our gear
But never forget the late night talks we had our freshman year
2.7k · Aug 2014
Veemz Aug 2014
I feel us drifting
Like the waves of the ocean
I'm lost at sea without you
But i just keep thinking
Life is like a rolling wheel
It keeps moving forward
2.6k · Aug 2014
Your drug
Veemz Aug 2014
It started 3 years ago
I was instantly hooked
Just the littlest bit and i needed more
It's true what they say about drugs
They are addictive
And Jess i cant get enough of your love
2.5k · Nov 2014
Veemz Nov 2014
Once a friend
Then a best friend
Then a girlfriend
Unfortunately an ex girlfriend
And now a shadow
That follows me wherever
I go
2.0k · Dec 2014
Emerald eyes
Veemz Dec 2014
The girl with the emerald eyes
Is the girl who can see through your lies
She is the girl who can unmask your disguise
And show you what you have yet to realize
Layer by layer she will peel and peel
Her beauty exceeds past the realm of unreal
Shy but strong
the girl with the emerald eyes can see past your  wrong
With vision so perfect she is never blinded by love
Her heart searches for the knight in shining armor sent from above
To sweep her up and carry her to a castle
Somewhere fancy where the demask curtains have gold tassels
I hope she sees what I hide to say with my general lies
Just be careful you don't get lost in her emerald eyes
1.9k · Jan 2015
Veemz Jan 2015
I guess it's ok
That I spend the lowest points of my life
1.9k · Aug 2014
Veemz Aug 2014
Everyone may look down
But i promise you
You will conquer
You will destroy
You will achieve
But most importantly
You will
Prove them wrong
Dont ever let their words get to you
1.8k · Aug 2014
Death and me
Veemz Aug 2014
Death walked into the room
Looked me straight in the eyes
He said are you ready to die?
I said i was born to die
Death smiled
God smiled back
1.7k · Aug 2014
Veemz Aug 2014
Life is a ever changing
Nothing ever begins and ends the same way
Thats why
life begins with L
And ends with E
1.5k · Dec 2014
Veemz Dec 2014
I chased you and ended up with a broken heart
Then I stopped chasing you
And started chasing my dreams
And looked back only to notice
you started chasing me
And Realized I'm ahead of you
1.5k · Aug 2014
Goodbye to childhood
Veemz Aug 2014
Every hello has a bye
Every candle doesn't stay lit
Every song has an end
Every thesis has a conclusion
It was fun while it lasted
1.3k · Aug 2014
Veemz Aug 2014
She said i love you

He said i loved you
1.2k · Aug 2014
Veemz Aug 2014
As i set off to college
I remember i loved you for 3 years
And you only loved me the summer going away
I've never felt so happy
1.2k · Aug 2014
Veemz Aug 2014
It's a learning experience
1.0k · Aug 2014
To be alone
Veemz Aug 2014
One second your there
Then you're gone
Thats why i prefer
To be alone
1000 · Jan 2015
just a thought
Veemz Jan 2015
Sometimes I like to think
But this thought made me realize
That we are
Eventually becomes we were
969 · Aug 2014
The moment
Veemz Aug 2014
Stop everything you're doing
Enjoy this moment
Dwell on the past
Hope for the future
And By this line of the poem
The moment had already passed.
898 · Aug 2014
Veemz Aug 2014
He asked
How are you so brave
It replied
Walk to the edge
Then walk back
I wrote this when i walked through the dark streets at 11:11pm. I got scared halfway through my walk cause i was in a different region. I was inspired by my own fear
897 · Sep 2014
1 in a million
Veemz Sep 2014
No matter how far i am
And no matter how sad you get
Just remember one thing
I feel like the luckiest man
Just to have You in my life
808 · Aug 2014
im not ready
Veemz Aug 2014
I have this sick idea
why does my departure
mean the end
why cant it mean
our beginning
im not ready
to let you go
783 · Aug 2014
Veemz Aug 2014
I walk Into the subway
And get drawn to those hazel eyes
All of a sudden
I wasn't in the subway
I was in love
778 · May 2015
Veemz May 2015
When I was chasing you I felt that everything I did would take me one step closer to you

And as aspected each step led me straight to you

Now since we have broken up every day feels like I'm walking one step away from you

Sooner or later you'll blend into my horizon

And one day I will look into my horizon and not even realize how far I've walked from you
770 · Jan 2017
Veemz Jan 2017
Don't forget you only have a limited time

Don't forget breaking the laws of the universe is the only crime

Don't forget to taste the sweetness of some candy

Don't forget that everything can, in its own way, be handy

Don't forget to think outside the box

Don't forget that you once had chicken pox

Don't forget that no one can control who you are

Don't forget that you have made it this far

Don't forget action speaks louder than words

Don't forget that sheep stay together in herds

Don't forget to play and win your prizes

Don't forget beauty comes in different shapes and sizes

Don't forget the present will soon be the past

Don't forget everything is not made to last

Don't forget to feel all the emotions on the scale

Don't forget not all criminals go to jail

Don't forget to fall in love and find a wife

But most importantly don't forget to live your life
Late night thoughts
708 · Aug 2014
Veemz Aug 2014
although we aren't saying goodbye to each other
we are saying goodbye to the people we once were
696 · Oct 2015
Something worth reading
Veemz Oct 2015
It's crazy to think that we actually don't know anything.
Well let me rephrase that so it doesn't sound so intense.
We only know something by how we interpret it.
Therefore, our knowledge is 100% dependent on our interpretations.
Unfortunately not all of us interpret everything the same way.
So how do we actually know if we know what something is?
Now there's a lot of exceptions to this like math and science because they do not depend on my interpretation.
But history is very much interpreted by others.
And not just the history of man but the history of the universe.
We seem to forget that we lack the ability to actually understand the nature of universe in general.
We know the how, the what, the where, but not the why.
We do know physics and math and all but those are all elements that are encompassed by the universe.
This is just like how I don't say that you're squamous epithelial cells or a cerbeal cortex. These things are just found in the human body. They don't actually say anything about the character of a human.
We as humans seem to just interpret everything as we journey through our lives
And get so caught up in believing we are supposed to be living our lives to work for money so we can buy the necessities for our survival.
However, that's beyond the scope of what I'm trying to say. We fail to see that the universe is a working system just like the human system.
The universe has a personality and that personality is different for everyone. Just like how you act different to different people in your life.
Now, in order to have a good life you have to be kind to the universe.
We know the most simple way is just do the right thing and be kind to people and treat people with kindness.
I feel like all religions try to say this but they go over board with it.
We can be on the track to world peace if we all just understood that being nice to everything brings a pleasant response.
I think that's the universe's way of telling you that you're living life correctly.
Thc induced thoughts*
684 · Apr 2018
Psychedelic thoughts
Veemz Apr 2018
Let’s take a walk and step outside the mind
There is more to discover, there is more to find
What are we? Why are we here?
Are questions with answers that are not quiet clear
The past is the collection of memories that are already gone
And the future are memories that are still yet to come
I missed the train of thought cause I forgot my ticket
So loud but unseen like Chirping cricket
So take my hand let’s see what is unseen
Just Make sure you don’t get lost in the world of dream
672 · Aug 2014
Poetic brothers
Veemz Aug 2014
And all of a sudden

a hobby  Became a competition
667 · Nov 2014
Veemz Nov 2014
I sit here drowning in thoughts of us
Helplessly screaming for your attention
Only to realize you were never there
And so i stop and relax
And float, then swim back to shore
662 · Apr 2021
A three word picture
Veemz Apr 2021
We are the canvas

The memories we make are the paint strokes

At last I see the painting that has formed

And this picture is not worth a thousand words

Only three

I love you
I haven’t posted a poem in a very long time. I was lost as an individual but I feel good
654 · Nov 2015
A day in new york
Veemz Nov 2015
Time stops when our stars align
It was you and I and the New York skyline
The day we took a trip to the concrete jungle
The times when life wasn't all jumbled
We walked through the streets with out a care
The only worry we had was to pay the bus fare
The sun shined bright and set so smooth
A perfect day in the city only time could prove
The Stars moved in order as they began to align
And it was at very moment I felt the halt of time
630 · May 2015
Veemz May 2015
She was toxic but it was my own dose of poison
A cold hearted ***** but it is satisfying to touch what's frozen
She had the mind of a criminal and found the way to my heart
Then stole it and ran away just because she is smart
See she had no heart to begin with so she wanted mine
So she waited for me to fall for her... It was just a matter of time
But The day will come where she returns my heart because she feels like waste
Only to find out that my heart has been replaced
578 · Nov 2014
Veemz Nov 2014
they say time is the best medicine
isn't it ironic that a doctor has the most patients
553 · Feb 2015
Veemz Feb 2015
If that plane leaves the ground
And you're not with him
You'll regret it
Maybe not today
Maybe not tomorrow
But soon
And for the rest of your life
540 · Feb 2015
Piano man
Veemz Feb 2015
His poetic handles played the notes in beautiful synchronization
Black key white key white key black key
It was his only way to escape the never ending maze he called life
The notes ringing with such a pleasant tone
Even those who were deaf couldn't resist
His hands crafted songs while his heart thought of the rhythm
The rhythm of their love
A love that did not last longer than the song he wrote for her
539 · Nov 2015
Let's stay awake
Veemz Nov 2015
Let's stay up and feel the calmness of earth
Let's stay up and talk to see how much time is worth
Let's stay up and say good morning to the sun
Let's stay up and say that the day has begun
Let's stay up and watch as the moon goes away
Let's stay up and forget about all the stress of the day
Let's stay up and notice the beauty of peace
Let's stay up and walk in the middle of the streets
Let's stay up so we don't have to sleep the night away
Cause the moment you wake up it begins another day
Exams make me contemplate life
535 · Dec 2014
Lesson learned
Veemz Dec 2014
Even though you weren't in my life for the longest time
You taught me a lesson I'll remember for an eternity
527 · Jan 2015
Dear god
Veemz Jan 2015
Dear god,
I want to know how she's doing
I want to go back to when I was happy with her
The butterflies in my stomach
The racing of my heart
The nervousness in my voice
I want hold her again so badly
I want to kiss her soft lips
I want to get into the fights
I want to tell her she was right
Right about how if we dated our friendship would stop
Right about how she wasn't the girl for me
Right about how I should enjoy college without her
Cause if there's one thing she taught me
Is that I need to focus on my identity
And for that
I want to give thanks to her
For if it wasn't for her i wouldn't be me.
And for that one beautiful month I am forever grateful
485 · Aug 2014
Veemz Aug 2014
I feel like
I'm on top of the world
Until i realize
the world is on top of me
481 · Dec 2021
Veemz Dec 2021
I wish I could’ve been there for you
I wish I could’ve stood up for you when he put you down
I wish I could’ve put my foot down when he raised his hand at you
I wish I understood how difficult it must’ve been to raise two kids with a monster
I wish you had the vocabulary to articulate how you feel
I wish the Indian society wouldn’t judge a single mother
I wish I never gave you a hard time when I was growing up
Although I look like him I promise I won’t be like him
I will respect my wife and never lay a hand on her
I will listen to my wife and never undermine her
I will be responsible with my money and never put my family in bad situations

But most importantly I will be a great husband and father because we never had one
Family trauma reunion
473 · Jan 2015
The heart is a toy
Veemz Jan 2015
When we fell in love
We gave each other our hearts
I kept yours safe with me
While you played with mine and broke it
Now that we parted it makes sense that
I can't stop thinking about you cause I have your heart
And You became heartless from breaking a heart
470 · Aug 2014
Veemz Aug 2014
When we don't talk
Every second
Feels like a minute
Every minute
Feels like an hour
And every hour
Becomes unbearable
466 · Jan 2015
definite infinity
Veemz Jan 2015
The relationship lasted a month
The break up took a second
But the thoughts are never ending
459 · Jun 2015
The prince
Veemz Jun 2015
The girl that brought me back
Is the girl that put me back on track
She is the girl that helped me move on from the past
And helped me realize that it was not meant to last
She helped me realize better women are in the world
And I should date someone that thinks like a woman not a girl
The girl that brought me back longs for her knight to save her day
And to scoop her up and take her away
To far magical palace where she is his queen
And the grass on the other side is the same shade of green
She needs her prince, she knows that is something she may lack
Maybe just maybe her prince is the boy she brought back
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