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I often sit here
I am alone and content
I don't need a soul.
Mr X Jun 2014
The people we really love
Do not have to be 'someone special'
Kate Deter Jun 2014
It’s hard to move forward in life
When Past still has its razors lodged in your flesh.
It’s hard to look to the past for help
When Future’s clouding your vision.
It’s hard to live in the present
When Past and Future are using your mind
As a rope in a game of Tug-of-War.
Riptide May 2014
I see her tears
She lost her mom
Maybe one day
She'll be back
But for now
She's gone
With her mom

Death, I blame you
For this
And more heartache
Oh, I haven't forgotten
You took something
That belonged to me
When I was young, innocent and naïve

You've been bullying
people for too long
And now that I've grown
Meet your death sentences
My shape shifting pen:
Riptide is the key to the poem. Riptide is Percy Jackson's pen that transforms into a sword when pressed. Percy Jackson is Poseidon's son and Percy saves the world and Olympus with his sword - Riptide. So read it the poem again now.
Kaye B Anderson May 2014
You are.
Are you?
You are.

       *Only you
A play on the words you and are.

Meant to be read in any tone the reader prefers, and in any way they would like to perceive it.  An open poem for an open mind. Is the 'you' referring to the reader who may be in self doubt... or will the reader think of a love in their life
.. are they the one?

Just came to mind so thought id share.
Kaye B Anderson May 2014
"I will never break your heart" you said,
Speaking of the ***** that my very existence relies upon,
that pumps every inch of my blood-
                                                 every trace--

"I will never break your heart" you said.
How vain!
It was never yours to break in the first place!
Jaanam Jaswani Oct 2013
He creeps near to the foot of my bed
With that smirk
Oh he's come to cocoon me away to his army
Of dented men
With cropped souls

He asked
But never said please
To come with him
Where it's warm
I shook my head

He persuaded me
But never said please
To come with him
Where gems trickle down your face
I said no

He insisted
But never said please
To come with him
Where his home was
I refused

He forced me
But never said please
To come with him

When a comforting light pierced through my eyes

I couldn't see what it was
For it was far too beautiful
It sheered the man away

It was so modest
So against the beauty of living
Of looking, of tasting
It was a stoic;

It was like the water
So against the grains of sand
Of dirt, of ink
It was a stoic;

It was so indifferent
So against the pull of pleasure
Of sin, of feeling
It was a stoic;

It was like god
It was god
For nothing
Would come close
To freeing the devil off the foot of my bed.
Jaanam Jaswani Apr 2014
We share our deficiencies:
A haven of sorrow and fury

Friendly - they say hello
In mischief and spite.
Warm or cool under your feet
They swerve near nonchalant districts
And foamy lips

Destructive - they leave without saying goodbye
A routine they developed
Over the series of washed up regrets
And maroon sediments

Attached - they stick like superglue
To the pang they forgot to tell you about
They leave and take a part with them
And inevitably imprint themselves onto you

We share our deficiencies:
A haven of sorrow and fury
To Mari - the brave one.
Kate Deter Mar 2014
Two lefts don’t make a right.
But I make use of this.
I want to make the left left choice,
Find the left left word.
Because this left left word
Is the opposite of the “right” word.
It does in the opposite direction,
Forges its own stream.
And this is the left left choice.
This is my way.

— The End —