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Lady Narnia Feb 2023
Tumbleweeds toss and turn their entire lives
Not a single ask of questions or whys
Simply free in it's simple ignorance
Beautiful among the windy dissonance

To roll forever is a perfect dream
Though how dizzying forever can seem
Is one tumbleweed like the other?
Could one have a sister or brother?

Unlocking the secrets of eternal joy
Through a funny, little, weedy toy
I guess that's the secret of rolling around
Infinite wisdom abound
May 2018 · 624
To Touch the Sun
Lady Narnia May 2018
Stranded for years upon this tormenting land
My heart yearns to leave the forsaken sand
With new wings spread, I will freely fly
To touch the sun, the beautiful sky

Determined to escape, I diligently build
Using every last brainpower I've willed
Day by day, feather by feather
This will be my greatest creation ever

Finally, after so many dreadful years
And all the painstaking tears
My wings are complete, I'm ready to soar
Standing before a cliff, I see the new door

Taking flight, I battle the wind
Reaching the sky, it's more than I imagined
Watching the world below me disappear
I'm suddenly embraced by immense fear

The distance increases ever so morosely
and danger lurking, more and more closely
Doubt enters my mind, I quiver and cower
Will I reach my goal or lose my power?

My wings are melting, the sun is near
Flashes of memories of all I hold dear
This must be the end, I'm holding my breath
But all is blurry, this must be my death

I find myself upon cool, green grass
The sun is gone, what was to pass?
Underneath the moonlight, upon new land
I notice something different about my hand

A black imprint on the tip of my finger
Inspired by the story of Daedalus and Icarus with a mixture of a overcoming my personal, overwhelming challenge.
Dec 2016 · 705
Circle of Art
Lady Narnia Dec 2016
In this quiet, chilly room
Sit friendly faces lost in gentle thought
With comforting shadows warming their hearts
Sitting back and beginning to go

Fingers clamour, key by key
On obedient machines ready to paint pictures
Of little letters holding hands
To become a perfect masterpiece

They watch diligently with curious looking eyes
As their hands dance across the board
Step by step, checking their form
Like an actress playing in performance

Like groups of musicians, painters, and more
But muse and paint is not what they do
They are painters of a different medium
Who write all with pen and quill too

Creative minds weaving baskets of English
Bundled with words of mystical magic
They are the few destined to stumble into Narnia
They are a different few, we call writers
Sep 2016 · 724
Noble of Light
Lady Narnia Sep 2016
Earth's sweet candle fills the sky
As the twilight signals signs of a sleepy sun
Making its way to the bed on the other side

Leaving splendidly with all its royalty

A radiant sky of golden nobility
Showering the mountains with glorious yellow
Embellishing the land with beauty and splendor

A kingdom of majesty, born of brilliant fire

Loyal silhouettes take their post
Outlining the mountains with striking precision
Every detail, lavishly traced onto a canvas of light

Gilding the landscape with splendiferous shine

Good night dear sun
Your spouse will take your place
Bidding to us good morning

*Painting murals of magnificent moonlight
"If only I could be so grossly incandescent"
Aug 2016 · 863
Fireflies in the Distance
Lady Narnia Aug 2016
I seat myself upon the cool shadowed grass
Carefully watching for blended pieces of rock
The shadows are cumbersome, but the moon aids me
While I sit upon a hill, and discover the world

My eyes gaze upon the dream beyond
where the blissful horizon covers the landscape
I look in the distance where the lights take stage
Dancing upon the city that drifts but never sleeps

The candle light glow creates a magical painting for me
of fireflies and magic, a dreamy display of wonder
I smile happily, feeling the night's comforting chill
Letting it fill me with a peaceful, fuzzy warmth

As the grass brushes my feet, I relax and think
About the beauty here, so grandiose and spectacular
How you always love to dance away in the night
My dear glistening friend, sparkling afar

Thank you for your attraction of lights
for being so quaint and alluring me with speckles
How I love you so, my dear, dear home
You're always here, and here now with me

I will remember this and visit you each night
Home sweet home ~ <3
Aug 2016 · 1.5k
Memories of Ice
Lady Narnia Aug 2016
Hundreds of years, why did this war begin?
Hundreds of blizzards, we never did win.
Unable to remember why we even fight.
This war has very long lost its sight.

Trudging against the cold, burning pierce
Of the wind; frigid, shattering, ever so fierce.
The clouds remind me with their dark, gloomy shade
These dreams were always meant to die and fade.

My friends, gilded with white in the ground they lay.
My family, colder than the ice today.
Slain by my kingdom, faster than this savage air.
Slain with golden armor, I can't believe they would even dare!

We fought so the chaos would cease!!!
Yet here I am carrying my friend! Or at least a precious piece...
The beginning of the end of our broken, little hearts.
It ends so much more quickly than it starts.

Lady Iceheart, I can't give up. I will press on.
Our sanctuary, our home. It must be won.
I'll forge the path we would never forsake,
And lay your dreams of ice in my chilling wake.
Aug 2016 · 1.6k
Lady Narnia Aug 2016
It's time for lunch
And I want food
Something with a punch
Something really good...

I ordered a burrito
With delicious pulled pork
Its a little big though
I might need a fork...

I'm ready to eat
This incredible dish
I go and take a seat
And fulfill my wish

Bite after bite, heaven reaches my lips
As every taste bud meets an angel
This wonder perched upon my fingertips
Takes me beyond to an untold fable

Delicate mixtures of cheese and cream
Succulent pieces of tender meat
Miraculous flavor beyond that of a dream
On a tortilla of silken soft wheat

There is only one word left to say
As the tasty story comes to a close
Returning from this indulgent fey
Feeling like a remarkable rose

Jul 2016 · 826
Too Close to Home
Lady Narnia Jul 2016
I knock on the door, mellowing around the porch
Wondering when the clouds will turn over
With their distant display of arduous flight
Will they fall out of the sky? I wonder

The door opens with clicks and clanks
The seconds have passed and so the sky shatters
Not by some cataclysmic or destructive force
But by the woman operating the barrier

A spectacle of gold catches my eye
Emanating from ten earrings and a nose ring
A greeting that far exceeded my expectations
But a worthwhile one for it is my sister

She greets me warmly and leads me inside
Her Egyptian style hair flapping around her head
I look through the open gateway
And step into the ominous black

Into my old home where fear strikes me
I measure my distance continuously from the door
Each step treading against the cold, white tiles
Hoping the cold and white stays in the ground

Tiny taps welcome my sandals
As little Jeremy's wet nose sniffs my toes
A curious little ferret he's always been
And my sister's favorite furry critter

My sister examines me, reading my expression
Gifting me with peace by assuring me she is not here
I relax at being spared reliving those memories
They were always inflaming or violent

She would battle with me, screaming and fighting
Push me into a chair, claiming "the truth"
Shove a white door into me and my grandmother
Drive me to the point of sprinting away in the night

I'd battle back, fighting and screaming
Defending my will, my right to my being
Holding back against her "loving" strength
Breaking enough to throw a fist at her once

This whirlwind of a home...
"Mami turned over a new leaf, sis. She changed a lot"
My eyes grew wide as I turned to my sister
I could say nothing to the lie but close my eyes
Jul 2016 · 8.2k
Daydreams of Narnia
Lady Narnia Jul 2016
Keep me in your arms
Cherish me, like you always do
Twirl my curls and stroke my hair
Kiss me on the fore head sweetly
I always want to be here

My cheek on your chest
Hearing the sound of your love
Thumping a beautiful tune to my ear
The beats gently reminds me
Just how much you truly care

Serenity surrounds me and I drift away
Escaping the world and falling into us
I see you in this little dream
Meeting my eyes, inspecting my soul
You're lost in me as I am lost in you

The air filled with a careful chill
I'm untouched for I am of fire
A flame kindled by your fiery heart
Of which burns of love, deep for me
Clad in armor, you kneel at my side

Oh dear and humble knight
I'm honored to be your lady
Like the wardrobe meets Narnia
We're dreams that cross paths
To a whole new world unlike any other

A place of splendor and awe
Radiating with gentle magic
That is what we are, my dear protector
Stay by my side a humble knight
And I will be your faithful lady

~Lady Narnia
Jul 2016 · 981
Lady Narnia Jul 2016
I'm a ciabatta, fresh and nice
Hot, pleasant, with a lovely spice
I'm to die for, a mouthwatering vault
Though, some take me with a grain of salt

I'm not your ordinary loaf of bread
"You're an odd bun," society said
Though every recipe has a flaw
Those flaws still make people awe

They're what make me who I am
A little over spicy but sweet like jam
I'm my own recipe, which I uniquely cook
With imperfections that are easy to overlook

Try to break me for my mess-ups; laugh
But remember, broken loaves are still tasty aff c:
Every slice a perfect dedication to the whole
It's natural, built into my beautiful soul

With lovely curves raised to imperfect perfection
An aura that fills the room in every direction
A welcoming presence that invites everyone
Come and gather, we'll all have fun!

I'm a hearty bun with a heart of bread
A soft and warm one that leaves love in its stead
I love making friends, they fill me with glee
But you're special, so you can call me Panini 🥪
Jun 2016 · 911
It'll Be Okay
Lady Narnia Jun 2016
Where dark clouds loom, eerily passing vile
Peek through and see the light
Radiating tenderly, it'll bring you a small smile
Everything will be alright
I promise
Jun 2016 · 3.4k
Company Picnic
Lady Narnia Jun 2016
I'm surprised we're having a picnic on the east wing!
Our company almost never gives us anything!
Underpaid with no benefits makes this picnic even better
To think I was going to give in my resignation letter

With so many hamburgers, hot dogs, and more,
It's a fast food restaurant galore!
A table packed full with yummies.
Today, a lot of beef will be in tummies.

People reaching for their plates
The caterers come out of their waits
One by one, they serve each voracious goer
For a pay that probably couldn't get any lower

Janice comes, with her broken polish and nails
And a scream a joy echos out like whales
She's so drunk, oh my god haha she's so wired
It's the unpaid overtime or another threat of being fired

Poor thing... we finish our girl talk
and problems on my mind, I begin to walk
Feeling my appetite begin to poke me,
I bite into my hamburger with resounding glee

Nipping the bread, it's fluff presses against my lips
I close my eyes, as my senses go in dips
The precious aroma of divine baked bread
As my tongue and bun are set to wed.

Each bud met with delicious waters of steak
The ketchup creating a dreamy, saucy lake
Scrumptious, delicious
Incredible, nutritious...?

It doesn't matter, I've met my goal
And the taste, goodness it makes my mind roll
Forgetting everything while I finish the rest
Golly, this food is the best
Jun 2016 · 708
Time Travel
Lady Narnia Jun 2016
I take a trip back to the past
All the while, seconds fly fast
Reversing nature's clock of causality
History distorts to become my reality

Nightmares of darkness cloud my wake
I rise and run for my life's sake
Anguish claws me with devilish ******
Life eluding me, my timeline loses ticks

But stepping though this terrible fate
The clock rewinds again at an incredible rate

Entering a new dream, I walk as I will
In this heavenly home, so preciously still
And in the distance, I see you and run  
Towards you, I go to your glistening sun

Met with curious lights, I wince my eyes
And open them again to a resplendent prize
A picture of the past, the dear angel I miss
It overwhelms me with deluging bliss

I see you, you whom I have loved so
I've lost so much, why did you have to go?

An embrace is placed upon my soul
Laying to rest the price of my toll
With tender strokes, you weave my peace
My troubles are lost to time and cease

With gentle steps, you fade into the white
You tell me let go and I obey without a fight
I smile, taken home to the present where I belong
With a priceless silence where nothing is wrong

The memories pass and lavish my heart
A beautiful finale before my new start

Everything is okay for I can happily smile
Years can pass and they'll no longer be vile
The past that's plagued me is my future no more
My life is no longer lived with this timeworn war
May 2016 · 718
A Brand New Beach
Lady Narnia May 2016
Key after key, letters clamor onto my screen
In valiant effort to create that never before seen
Braces and brackets, colons semi or not
It's taking some time, patience and thought

A picture, painted by ten thousand letters
Divinely presented with wonderful CSS headers
And more, this picture will be able to do
For its features will be far from few

Talk to another, quickly and fast
Chat in groups, to make relationships last
Co-authoring easier with dynamic group editing...?
Assuming it all works, I'm still hoping and betting!

Wave after wave, this beach will come together
I'll be darned if I have to say never
The sun will rise, and so too a poet
Where they'll certainly smile, I just know it!

This digital sea by which I float,
a long voyage that awaits this boat
One where I will design the pristine shore
Bringing poet passengers, more and more
May 2016 · 438
Abysmal Rain
Lady Narnia May 2016
These showers of mine
Drown my many fears
With showers of Earth
Hiding streams of tears

Dripping so solemnly
A melancholy rhythm
It fills me with streams
Of watery dissonance

With voices resounding with malignant contempt
Echoes fervently clouding my mind
I listen and weep, remembering the sound
"be gone my child, for you are unworthy"

Crumbling catastrophically
Within my torturing abyss
A broken sky of crystal shards
Every piece, mirroring my misery

I'm hurt
Hurricanes of emotions whirling within me
I'm scared
But press forward to the march of drops

Beginning my pilgrimage, an arduous adventure
To rebuild from their wounds, so innocently inflicted
To light my sky once more with humble fire
And tread, steadfast, along the rivers of the rain

"Après la pluie, le beau temps"
Lady Narnia May 2016
I want to tell you something
Yes you, the curious reading one
The resplendent, spectacular one
The unique one
The beautiful human being
With the extraordinary, outstanding soul

Have a wonderful day
Like daydreams and honey
You deserve it
May 2016 · 396
Dawning of the Morrow
Lady Narnia May 2016
Where birds distant raise their wings
Sunshine meets to declare the morrow
They, calmly quaint within their homes,
See the beacon of dawn and rise

Good morning
May 2016 · 14.9k
Novel of Black
Lady Narnia May 2016
Oh, how dark our history is
You, my author of misery and pain
With fingers set to scribble my demise
This is our story, writ with chaotic pen

One that left calamity in its wake

You would always start the chapter
Every page inked with words of black
On the point of a pen, you'd viciously write
Using the sharp edge to stab into my being

Scripting, deeply, my eternal damnation

You erased my name and made me delusional
Always forcing me to your divine will
For the pen, always mightier than the sword
Was kept toward the edge of my neck

Swearing to strike at any given moment

Always determined, I'd end our sentences
Fighting to gain balance and bear the final period
Yet it was not without consequences
For you and I were wrought with scars

Etched into the bottom of our hearts, a burning black

If only these words painted a happy picture
But the thousand only paint a picture of pain
A dreary battle between two broken forces
On timeworn pages, brittle-ing on and on

Begging for the piece that holds our final chapter

And that chapter swiftly came for I was the ending
Leaving in the night, gone without a trace
With no words or ink left as a guiding clue
Carefully escaping from your paper prison

Free from the agony of the writer's press

On that day, I began my life again
Starting a happy story; free, original, and new
A home of letters filled with love, life, and joy
Where I'd never dare see you again, my dear, dear author

And never bleed black from your miserable weapon
May 2016 · 1.4k
Hi! I'm Narnia
Lady Narnia May 2016
I suppose I should tell you a little more about myself...
Something that has at least a LITTLE wealth.
I've always loved to write poems but stopped
I just kind of moved on and dropped.
Hopefully by the time you finish I'm still writing.
Stopping to write is a habit I'm fighting.
I'm quirky, fun, and love to be silly.
I'm a girly girl; romantic comedies, make-up, all that ***** nilly.
I own a skateboard and play video games occasionally.
I socialize a lot and try to stay with company ever so painfully.
I love people, though I can be shy.
It's just a thing I do, I don't know why.
So there's a lot about me,
I hoped you enjoyed my story heehee.
Hopefully I can actually meet you too!
See you soon, I bid you adieu. c:
I've just come from Poetfreak, pleased to meet you all c:
May 2016 · 364
Spring's Company
Lady Narnia May 2016
This lovely evening
The garden sings, singing Spring
It's here

The air strokes my cheek
And I turn
The lilacs catch my eye

They swing slowly and softly
Like a rocking chair cradling back and forth
Whispering the dawn of rebirth as they silently grow

Lacing them through my hand, it's so sweet on my palm
With the dampened cool keeping me company
Lovingly watching over me to make sure I'm still comfortable

The rustling of the leaves greet me
I greet back and say
hello hello
They rustle once more

I close my eyes and hear the Earth
Mother Earth listens to me
Tell me mother, was this meant for me?
Child, child. My life is for thee.
May 2016 · 701
Puzzle Games
Lady Narnia May 2016
I don't want to play this puzzle game.
It's always all just the same.
Pressing my finger, piece by piece.
Hour by hour, never to cease.

This ardent little game people like to play;
How I wish they'd leave it at bay!
I take the time to put millions into one.
It is nice, but in the end it's never fun.

I get distracted and led the wrong way.
Time starts to go in this beautiful, easy day.
You take me in and I can't focus.
Then the world disappears like hocus pocus!

Pieces scatter and I become your puzzle.
I take my cheek and into you I nuzzle.
I see the picture and everything seems to fit.
I was meant to be the last fitting bit!

Your breath sweeps me in and everything is clear.
I grip you tightly in this moment so dear.
The night is slipping away and I'm overtaken.
This is right, I can't be mistaken!

You hold me, I keep your embrace
My heart beats in this heated race
Once two pieces, into one from two
The world comes back and I look at you

But with the world, you did not come.
I look around and I just feel. Dumb.
I'm broken, my puzzle, it's a ruin!
How could they, my god, how inhuman!

There's more to me than meets the eye.
But they never stay to see it finished, why!?
There's more than just the picture you know!
Why is this happening, why is it so!?!?


I'll put my pieces back together later tonight.
Hoping I can get this right.
Hopefully someone will see my bigger picture,
Rather than their playful caricature.

I like to play games, but I can't do this alone.
I don't like to be played, it's hard to finish in that kind of tone.
May 2016 · 317
Dreams of the Sea
Lady Narnia May 2016
The sun wakes me, telling me good morning
I spread its gift, and wake you too
And from the sandy beach, released, you rise

The waves flow, greeting us as they pass
brushing the sand to pristine perfection
Sending the pebbles yonder adrift

A serene display of careful dedication

The sun takes me, and so do you
Its blanket of sunshine, your aura of love
Engulfs me with warmth, freeing me to you

Cherishing with a smile, unto you I lay
Lightly and tenderly, you stroke my cheek
Stroking my cheek, I now beam brighter

The dawn a mere candle to our skyline beyond

I kiss you tenderly, gentle as the ocean
You return it, a wave onto me
One that comes back, always for me

Brought together under the same sky
Preciously paired to eclipse the dawn
You are my earth, and my waters are yours

*For land meets sea, we shall forever be ~ ♥

— The End —