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Feb 2017 · 945
Random Note 2
Dear J,

       Did you know, there are billion of stars that made up a galaxy?
       The sun is the closest to the earth.

P.S. Stay close, baby.

For My Dreamer
Feb 2017 · 749
Note to Self
And if all else fail, do not be afraid of the pain.
It may hurt, i know, but that's how it should be.
You need pain to understand how important it is to feel comfort;
To appreciate the little things life has to offer.
To see the things you've never seen before.
To hear the simple words that could make you smile again.
A thank you,
A sorry,
Or even a goodbye could be beautiful. To realize that there is a big, wide world waiting to be explored.
To summon all the courage and strength you do not know you have.
To do amazingly great things you do not even know you can.
To make you realize your potential.
To know that above all this you are still alive.
You feel the pain because you are alive.
It makes you more alive.
And in all of this hurtful experience, there is God -- making all things new for you.
There is pain because there is love, and there is love because of God.
Pain that is achingly beautiful.
You just have to look on the other side to realize this.
Feb 2017 · 573
Random Note 1
Dear Somebody,

     Nobody wants to see you sad and lonely.

Always here,

For My Dreamer
Jan 2017 · 953
I'm that fictional character in your life.
The deleted movie scene.
Filmed but never made it to the screen.
To the previous sun in my life.
Nov 2016 · 835
Cross on the broken lines
How ironic it is that you need to cross on something broken just to get to the other side.
Funny, right? When i first saw this road sign I thought to myself, there might be something wrong in the sentence construction. But as I ponder on it deeper, i realized something significant in a person's life: YOU REALLY NEED TO CROSS ON THE BROKEN LINE TO GET TO THE OTHER SIDE.

There is a cautious voice inside that may cause you to stop in the middle of your tracks. You will experience bumps and may be chased by cadillac pains, and yet...

there is something about your exhausted breathing, strained hands, bruised feet, that sends a tingling sensation into your chest; your pumping heart is still fighting for where you want to be. You take a little step forward. Again. Because you strongly believe that beyond these broken lines, just beneath the horizon of clouds, is the place where you belong.

You cross the broken lines that make you feel incomplete to fill in the gaps.
Slowly now.. making your self whole.
For the nth time.
Jun 2016 · 2.8k
When I am Missing You
There is a certain kind of longingness that even words nor photographs cannot fill in.
And that is when, i want to write about you, the most.
This amount of emptiness needs to be said. It needs to flow like the ink in my pen or the the blood in my veins,
to sustain my sanity or else...
Melancholic thoughts will run and invade my mind until all the hope in my heart is gone.
This is my other way of saying i miss you and this is just a part of the whole feeling. I miss you so much J.
Jan 2016 · 868
Reading You
When i was young, i was very fond of reading stories of different kind. Be it a fairytale where i could be a princess who would soon meet her handsome prince. An anecdote of some legendary ****** who saved her town from a monster.

My books were full of pictures, colorful and in peculiar shapes. But when i grew older, books became thicker and less entertaining for me. The images i am used to seeing in each page disappeared in every turn. As i grew taller, the fonts in my books grew smaller.

I lost the joy of reading.
Slowly, it fades.

But then i met you.
And reading becomes my hobby again.
But it is different with you.
I came to love those complicated, hieroglyphics-almost codes that made up your personality.
I love how unpredictable you are. Like i'm reading a tragedy but in the end, turned out to be a comedy, or a sweet love story.
Nevertheless, everything you say and do, you never cease to amaze me.

I came to love reading...
It just came out. Unedited piece. Kindly suggest revisions if you want. I'm open for it. Thanks! :)
Dec 2015 · 1.1k
I lost count of...
I lost count of the sheep while waiting for sleepiness to take over.
I lost count of the seconds that tick by while waiting for your plane to take you home to me.
I lost count of my footprints on the sand while waiting for you to come follow me.
I lost count of the dandelion seeds i blew away to the fields while waiting for the wind to whisper to me those words from you,"i miss you."

I lost count of the days.
I lost count of the nights.
I lost count of the stars and stop wishing upon the moon.
I lost my sense of numbers.

Why did i still not lose my feelings for you?

Cause baby, the truth is...
I'm still hoping; not minding how long i will be waiting; that some day, you'll hold my hand and say those three words-i love you-to me.
I lost in writing while thinking of you and of how can i rid of the feelings i have for you. It's too painful that i don't know what to do anymore.
If one day you'll read this, you know what to do, because i will still be waiting for you.
-for the man called J
Dec 2015 · 871
For the Man called J
I'm in pain and it's all because of you.*

I shouldn't have let you in my life in the first place.
I shouldn't have let you creep inside the barriers i've built all my life just to protect my self from this kind of feeling.
I shouldn't have let you own a space in my heart.

Because now, i do not know how can i survive a day without hearing your voice, seeing your smile, or have goosebumps whenever i see you steal a glance.
Because now i do not know how to fix that barrier, or i doubt if it will be strong enough to resists your every touch, your every stare, your very presence.
Finally because i don't know how to take back that space that you have claim, not forcefully, but so effortlessly that it surprise me how much of my self is willing to get hurt. Over and over again.
A repetitive process.
A series of nightmares.
Slowly break my heart, my dear, as it metamorphose into a million glass like liquid called tears.

Until all of the feelings i have for you hangs itself up in the air and be left stranded. Until it is all gone. Gone forever.

-This one's for you.
Not so much of a poem, it's just i can't take the pain anymore.
Jun 2015 · 1.8k
A Vintage Love
I have these two watches that i keep for so long. It both held the same  time, when you and I first met.

   That exact minute my eyes witnessed,
that rare of a beauty.

         As how one galaxy collided with other galaxy to yield the most exquisite scenery of stars dancing and kissing each other.



               I have kept these for two simple reasons.

               First, as a reminder that we are existing in the same lifetime.

                Last, so i will not forget that those watches, contain the time of two distant space.

* Just like us.
I am just amazed of how we have the very same timezone and yet we lived many miles apart, divided by the sea.
Jun 2015 · 4.4k
Fool Moon
I lay awake tonight,
sleep departs from my weary soul.
It might be the effect of the caffeine i took this afternoon..
Or the moon in it's full bloom.
But i think it's something more.
Something more alive.
A reason with no explanation.
I think...
I think it's her...

The way she walked elegantly towards me, holding the tray of my order.
    I saw flashes of the future;
a bride of mine,walking down an aisle

the way her scent-a mixture of vanilla and rose-caught inside my lungs when she got so close..
  it felt like every  breath i have is branded and exclusively for her

the way she smiled and the way her voice sounded when she asked "do you need anything else?"
    like the melody of a violin to the tune of Franz Schubert's Ave Maria
So gentle and calm and warm

And the way I was hypnotized or crazy enough to respond...
  You .
I need you in my life .
Will you marry me .
I really wanted to write a short story and i do not know how to start. lol
And I don't even know if this is what a man really feels when he's inlove. I just wrote this after hearing FS' Ave Maria today on my way to work..
Suggestions anyone? :)
Jun 2015 · 1.0k
Broken Record
Can you still hear the music my heart is making?
Gentle and clear.
I see you.
I feel you.
I need you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.


All I can hear now is the beat of your heart-
Loud and firm.
**I see her.
I feel her.
I need her.
I love her.
I love her.
I love her.
I love her.
I love her.
Not you.
It's been awhile since i posted something happy here but now that all i could feel is brokeness.. i couldn't fill my pages with words to mend a broken heart.
May 2015 · 2.1k
Dear Summer
Mister Golden Sun,*
Dives in the cool pool of clouds
*For he too, feels hot.
My first Haiku.
I would like to dedicate this to Miss Donna who loves haiku and summer :)

Summer is definitely in ü
May 2015 · 1.9k
Her Poetry
He asks her to write a song for him,
She composes for him, her poetry...
                                                        He asks her to tell him a bed-time story
                                                        Sh­e lulls him with her poetry...

He asks her to sing a song for him,
She recites to him her poetry...

                                                     ­            He asks her to dance with him,
                                                            ­   She moves him with her poetry...
He asks her, to be his girl.
She smiles, *and gives him her poetry...
Poetry is what makes her.
May 2015 · 2.4k
My Universe
Let loneliness' tears explode and be transformed into thousand moaning stars tonight,

My universe whips with meteors...
                                                  ­   Slashing the earth's flesh, 
with scorching ***** of fire.

My universe cries an august rain...
                                              Leaving the earth in deep waters,                    
breathless,  it won't survive.

My universe hurls hails...
                                                  Cr­ashing the earth's face.

My universe whispers comets...
                                          Making the earth sigh with fiery passion.

My universe frets in pain...
                                                 Deafening sound echoes                          
                                ­           in earth's hollow station.


My universe in my arms is collapsing...
                                               ­    And I,
the earth, am dying with him.
Realizing you become the reason that I live...
Apr 2015 · 6.0k
a feeling?

(Or not)
This is the worst part of my depression.
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Make me Cry
I want to do a movie-marathon,
Running from morning til noon to midnight.
Watch all the saddest movies ever filmed.
Or spend this day reading stories, novels, proses.
All told by broken souls, fueled by heartaches.
'Til all these pain metamorphose and birthed into tears.
'Til all these hurt goes away along with this release.


I am growing tired of saying "It's okay. I'm fine."
Enough of the lies!
Those lines..
It kept me from being  human,
For it suppress
the cries,
the screams,
the state of fragility.
It kept me from feeling weak,
from being vulnerable.


I need to hear your voice, to soothe my restless soul.
I need to feel your hands holding mine, making me feel that i am not alone.
I need to see that look in your eyes, penetrating inside me,
reviving embers of my being
that is slowly drifting away.
I need to...
Oh please!
I need you.
Anything you can offer to take away this emptiness.

*Until I can see I.
Until I can hear me.
Until I can feel and be myself again.
I cannot cry when I'm depress.
And right now, i cannot cry.
I'm in so much need of tears.
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
Teach a Child
Teach a child to beg--
And he will grow with self-pity.
For his self only.

Teach a child to live with dreams--
And he will spring up like a tree.
Nurtured by the world's challenges...
For himself.
For others.
A random thought while watching street children begging on the footbrige.

Train up a child in the way he should
go; so even when he grows old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

I miss my J12 students...
Mar 2015 · 24.4k
He's no Poet
He’s no musician.
He doesn't make melodies through violin and guitar strings.
Yet he composed, haunting ballads in dramatic tempos,
Rhyming every lyric,
Harmonizing, making it dance in a musical euphony.

He’s no seamster.
Yet he cuts and he traces,
plain words and printed phrases;
Then he sews and he weaves it skilfully,
into a lovely concrete poetry.

He’s no painter.
He just has a palette of pigmented letters,
splashing colorful lines on his blank canvass.
A blast of contained evocative memories,
Streaking and shading mixtures of kaleidoscopic imagery.

He’s no storyteller.
Yet from him, I heard the most romantic tales-
One, of the moon and its lover sea.
Reciprocating shy glances, whispering I love you’s,
while kissing behind the sprawling mountains.
Though the dawn will come, they do not fear.
For after the majestic tribal sun leaves his stage,
There’ll the lovers be once again reunited.

He's no poet.**
Yet he writes--
stanzas and verses.
And oh! it revives,
every strand of emotion,
every sense of intuition,
Inside me.
A lyrical perception,
Sheer perfection,
Arousing perpetual reactions,
From me.
I am not good at this. I just want to express my pure gratitude, appreciation and awe for you.

"I am no poet. Never thought of myself as one. Just a guy dabbling clumsily in words"
Yet even, everything you do amaze me.

Thank you all wonderful people on Hello Poetry. I just realized this moment that this poem was featured as Daily poem yesterday.  I have never imagined any of my work will be posted as daily. Thank you all for the hearts, re-post,share, comments and messages. You really made my heart and soul so happy. :)
And most of all, thanks to the man who inspire me to write this one. :)
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
There's no such thing as broken dreams
Only broken dreamers.
Don't count yourself in.

Maybe it's not just the right time for it.
Do not give it up.
Live it.

God's NO is not a rejection it's a REDIRECTION.
Trust in Him for He prepared a beautiful future for those who trust in Him with all--their hearts, strength, soul and mind.
(Jeremiah 29:11)
Mar 2015 · 1.4k
Where I Belong
I followed my heart,

And to my surprise...

I found my self trailing off...
Right behind*  **YOU.
"I'm not leaving. I'm still here."

These words spark glimmers of hope inside me. That maybe, just maybe...

A work in progress :)
Mar 2015 · 3.7k
Your Daily Dose of Lang Leav
I'm smiling --
but at the back of my mind...
Oh wait,
I don't have my own mind.
My sanity is replaced with lunacy.
Packs of delusional facades.
Illusions and charades.
Dreaming of nightmares within a daydream.

Detoriating senses.
Everything started to fall apart.
I am lost for words.
For you had taken my heart,
The day you walked that direction, opposite to what i'd took.
One final look.
Without any goodbye.
I started to cry.
And cry.
Until it drowned all that was left of me--

Your memories.

My world crumbles.
I cannot think of any word that would best describe this feeling..
These feelings..
But I cannot contain it. Not anymore.
I cannot escape.

So I will just fill these pages with--
Random letters..
Figures of speech.
Metaphors and similes.
Something only your heart could understand.
Because that heart was once mine.

I miss you.
And I don't have any idea why.
I don't know how to let this feeling pass.
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
If these words
If these words can only be transformed into --
Arms, to give the warmest embrace.
Soft caress to touch, your wandering soul,
Trailing off, losing it's way beyond the horizon.
Healing hands, that can heal the broken hearts,
Wounded prides,
Scarred lives.
Lips, to kiss away every ounce of sadness,
Every bit of depression,
Every stubborn pain stabbing memory.
If only these words can reach your heart and feel for you..
To steal the unhappiness reflected in
your eyes,
In your every movement,
In every suicidal thoughts toying in your dying dreamland.
If only.
**It will.
For those who feels lonely, depress, hopeless,loveless...
Look up and you will find someone who longs to be a part of your life.
Feb 2015 · 993
What He Does Not Know
"I'll let you in on a secret.
Will you promise to keep it?"

He is...

The allegro of every moment's decresendo.
The sense of deja vù, in a series de novo.
The lyrics of my song,
The right to my wrong.
The notes in my music,
The wisdom in what i believe.
The reminders on my board,
The message of these words.
The image in a scenery,
The metaphors of my poetry.
The giggle in my laugh,
The memories of my photographs.
The smile in my tears,
The courage to face my fears.
The North star in my sky.
The only truth in all the world lies.
The flame of my fire.
Every second of my hours,
My very reason for living.
The secret i held inside my heart.
Secured away.
His presence--
Justify my existence.

*(Don't tell him, what he doesn't know or he might...)
To a king from a princess.
I want to write something about how you make me happy.
Thank you.
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
A Stomach Wish
A girl hungry now,
words flow from her mouth.
She hopes, where it falls, wisdom will sprout.
and one day may there be food to feed
**millions of empty stomachs that plead.
Edited by: Mr. Joe Adomavicia
Thank you sir, for your suggestion and taking time reading this one.
It was written for all people who feel hungry for something. For those who
seeks answer and thrist for attention of someone they care for.
But most of all it is dedicated to those
people who have nothing to eat,
literally. Those who begs just to survive. (Especially children)
Let us extend our hands and hearts to them.
Those words I've been dreading to hear,
Not boldly uttered--
But clearly, I could feel...

Unspoken words, indeed they sear...
     Seemingly rendering you unfettered.
     Our flags mismatched in mauve and teal.

I marched my fingers, slowly,
To your cheeks down to your lips.
Touched the traces of stained tears.
From deep slumber,
You've awaken.
Eyes fluttered open.
Those eyes.
They spoke.
Those eyes.
They told me to stay---
To stay.

I cupped your face while time froze in
     Locked in tender gaze as my heart dips.
     Reflected in yours were the wasted
     Felt the weight of commitment's anchor...
     Dragged over a land forsaken...
     With dastardly lies...
     Tinting future skies so grey,
     But my mouth would welcome the urge to
     Of the courage long held at bay...
     This minute... This day...

Sweetly tortured by your kiss.
The pain came.
It pierced me to where i am.
My heart shattered before it dies.

These subtle hints you conveniently miss,
     Only hastened the end of this game...
     Time had seen our hearts set adrift...
     We are only playing,
     A broken, detuned harp...
     Withholding our conflicting wants, much
     like a dam.
     Protecting us from defeated cries...

     So let us dispense with sweet
     Let us bid farewell to the dream of our
     unified fates in one painful sigh...

Along with all our
And your words of goodbye.

My first collaboration piece with THE ONE and only, Mr. Ryn. :)
Thank you sir for your patience while working on this.
I'm in awe. Domo-arigatou.
Feb 2015 · 804
Back to Life
This is how forever starts.*

Eight-letter word, poisoned goodbyes.
Fabricated stories of promises,
concealed truth--
Pure lies.

I tasted death, hot and raw,
On my lips.
Sipping more, letting the venom creeps.

Dark becomes darker now.

Squeezing sounds of muscles coming faster in the background.
Undeniable pain,
I scream.
Swiftly losing sane,
A traumatic dream.

With no one to find me.
To save me, I  know,
No one will dare.

Time hanging is lifeless.
Naked, with only hopelessness.
A picture of creature so worthless.

Yet, from somewhere You came and found me.
My day is doomed, but You set me apart.
My bondages, brokeness,
mistakes and awful past.
You paid it all when You shed Your blood.
A selfless love.
You'll never know what life is until you die--
in Christ.
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
If you ever happened to...
If you ever happened to miss me one day,
It's probably because I'm gone.

If you ever happened to see me one day,
Walking down these streets,
Go ahead, you can greet.
"Hello, how are you now?"
Ask me questions, everything you want to know.

If you ever happened to remember me,
How we were so happy.
How I love you-
And you,me?
Those moments instilled in my
Creating a sense of nostalgia,
Of hope, that perhaps we are meant to be.

If you ever happened to, someday realize, you love me.
(laughing to myself)
It will never happen.
I know it will never be.
For you had married her. Not me.

If you ever happened to hope for a
story with me.
It will be too late already.
Ours, died long before it can even be alive.
To the man I hope to love but cannot. This is NOT for yoü
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
I can't seem to rhyme my words
With my breathing.
My heart beating--
My lips quiver.
Making my voice shiver.

A salad of letters.
Read. Dare.
I in game.
The eyes.
They see.
A fool hater.
Aloof heart.
Heart of moc in somber
Chamber for emotions.

My universe collapsed.
Yet you remain.
Engraving in me, your name.
Another soul like yours, I can never find.

Relentless. Creating anagrams in my mind.
Anagram rambled in my mind. Like what you are doing to me. Just the mere sight of your name, shudder my sanity.
Feb 2015 · 15.8k
LOSING YOU (By Lang Leav)
I used to think I couldn't go a day without your smile. Without telling you things and hearing your voice back.

Then, that day arrived and it was so **** hard but the next was harder. I knew with a sinking feeling it was going to get worse, and I wasn't going to be okay for a very long time.

Because losing someone isn't an occasion or an event. It doesn't just happen once. It happens over and over again. I lose you every time I pick up your favorite coffee mug, whenever that one song plays on the radio, or when I discover your old t-shirt at the bottom of my laundry pile.

I lose you every time I think of kissing you, holding you, or wanting you. I go to bed at night and lose you, when I wish I could tell you about my day. And in the morning, **when I wake and reach for the empty space across the sheet, I begin to lose you all over again.
This is one of my favorite Lang Leav's write. Just wanted to share here for i'm having the same feeling now. :)

Because I'm in awe of her. And of you.
Feb 2015 · 5.6k
False Hope (by Lang Leav)
I don't know if I want you,* he says. But I do know I don't want anyone else to have you.

It wasn't good enough, I knew that. Honestly, I did. In my mind it was crystal clear. My heart however, was having a serious case of selective hearing. All it heard was, I don't want anyone to have you. And within that---was a glimmer of hope, a spark of optimism.
Because I'm in super awe of her. And of you.
Feb 2015 · 552
I woke up suddenly.
As I felt weighing pair of eye staring at me.

It was yours.

"Why?" I asked.
"Nothing." You replied cooly.

I want to go back to sleep.
Yet I cannot.
Your eyes, smoking.
With your hair messy like that.
Shirt buttons come undone.
Revealing the body of my beautiful man.

My breathing shallowed.
Your smile shadowed.

Fighting the urge to touched you first.
I lost the battle with your next words.
"Make love to me."

I reached out.
Aimed for your lips.
Breathings harder.

My alarm sounded.
It is morning.
Oh my.
Another helpless dream.
For the man who invaded my sleep by slipping into my dreams. Another sleepless night. (sigh)
Feb 2015 · 448
For You
You fill---
My mind.
With words.
My heart.
With love.
Thinking of You does good to me :)
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
In her dreams only
Sitting alone.
Amidst the sea of strangers.
Is a dainty lady.
Flowing in her ears, a sweet melody---
The song of a singing violin.
Eyelids are heavy.
Body is tired and weary.
She's now sleepy.
Her mind is wandering towards---
Hers forever.
In fantasy.
For my kind sire.
Feb 2015 · 2.3k
My heart...
The only
For someone who already occupied my heart. And forever occupies it.

Do not involved your heart for short-term relationships.
Feb 2015 · 450
Now this is what happens when i started missing you.
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
The Moon shines its brightest
The Sun is absent.
Claim your own light. Be who you are and shine.
Feb 2015 · 491
Thinking of you
Darkness surfaced.
I waited.
For you.
Silence stilled the night.
Maybe you fell asleep.
Beside your lovely wife-
The idea pained me.
Reality hits hard.
You are part of her.
And here I am.

Feb 2015 · 1.3k
Por favor
Hindi mo na kailangang sabihin...
"Lumayo ka na sa akin."
Darating ang araw, mapapagod ang sarili--
Ako'y kusang hihinto.
Pero hindi ang puso.

(You don't have to utter words
"Stay away from me."
For someday I will grow weary
Of waiting.
Of loving.
Of understanding.
Of hoping.
Myself, it will stop.
But the heart won't.
For you.
Feb 2015 · 981
Lord, am I still worthy,
To continue on this journey?
If everyday I still can see,
The old me.
A sinful lady.
My ghost, it haunts me.
That I fell to my knees.
How I feel so empty.

My child, can't you still not see?
You are special for you belong to me.
I shed my blood so that you'll be free
From your past, bondages of sin.
So just continue your battle with me.
Just believe..
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness."

Will fear no more, for You are all I can see.
The look of grace.
Unfailing love.
Forever I'll be thankful,
For it is you who found me.
"Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that
Christ's power may rest on me."
This is the love I have found
And in this love I am found.
Feb 2015 · 951
And to you who
Kissed away someone's sadness with
Your gift of
Love and Laughter.

Amazing girl,
Soft-hearted, always fair.
Saying sayonara to bitter-sweet
Experiences of twenty-one years. Here
Now an
Visage of a woman of fierce.
This is the poem I made for one of the most limited edition best friend/sister/teacher/confidant/ I have in my life, for her birthday. One of the very special
Feb 2015 · 833
May I know your name?
You to me
are the most beatiful sight to behold.
A work of art.
A romantic story waiting to be untold.
I see you walking, bare-footed on this white-sand beach,
How i want to kiss you inch by inch.
Your dark brown eyes, reminds me of a hundred year old book-
speaks thousand of emotions,
telling history
of great men,
of war cries,
undying love.

We step
Closer to each other.
Until the only gap between us is our breathing.
My heart thumps in wild skips.
I just pray that before the moon takes over the sun in the sky.
I will be able to ask you,
"Til Forever, will you be mine?"
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
The Red Button
Let the children's laughter, resound in my memory.
Soften my heart, remind me of it's genuinity.
Whenever patience leaves me.
Inspired from a man and a boy playing inside the bus.
Jan 2015 · 1.3k
To my last kiss
If only he knew how much I wanted---
To be beside him.
To look intently in his eyes,
until all the words left unspoken inside my heart metamorphose into million tears.
So that he'll know how much I wanted---
To be
The girl he wishes to care for
The lady he prays to marry someday
And the woman he will love to cherish, to dream with,
to hold and to adore
someone he'll want to grow old with
Until all the breath we have in us is gone.
So that he'll know how much I wanted---
To be.
But I know this is only me,
who longs for him
to love me.
Jan 2015 · 822
Jeremiah 20:9
My heart - it speaks Your name;
Like a fire contained within my soul
It consumed me.
And I cannot keep silent.
Of how the way you love me.

— The End —