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Hannah thomas Sep 2021
My bio professor told us

Every month
The outer layer of skin
fully replaces itself
yet months later
I still felt the sting of your touch
The next class she told us
Every seven years
Every cell has replaced itself
It took me that long
to speak of it the first time
After trauma repeats itself
I wonder if I can forget
I wonder if my bones
Will ever forget the chill

But later she told us
Every 8 years
Your skeleton
Has broken down
and replaced itself again

What a beautiful thought
That one day
Not skin, nor cell, nor bone
Will have ever known you

One down...
...Seven to go
Anniversaries aren't always happy.
May 2021 · 310
How I knew I was Healing
Hannah thomas May 2021
I realized
That if in the end
I lose you
Or I lose myself
I know who wins
This time
I choose me.
I'm not sorry.
Feb 2021 · 557
Hannah thomas Feb 2021
I have hidden
For far too long
Afraid of all the things
You told me
I could never be
No longer
I let you convince me I was so small. I'm not.
Feb 2021 · 315
self control
Hannah thomas Feb 2021
Silence drips off my tongue
like the deadliest poison
I have not run out of
words to say
I simply have the control
to keep unkind words where they belong.
Feb 2021 · 709
You Got Away
Hannah thomas Feb 2021
I feel phantom hands
touch my skin
I try so hard to remind myself
no one is there
but in an empty room
I fear for my body
You got away - I got the scars.
Keep fighting girls and boys. It has to get better one day.
Nov 2020 · 236
The Taker
Hannah thomas Nov 2020
This weight inside only grows
Each conversation adds another brick
I am so sorry
I never learned how to divide
Only take
And so I take the weight off your shoulders
And place it onto mine
I know this is not expected
But I have come to expect it of myself
I do not know any other way to be
I'm so sorry
I only ever learned how to take.
Oct 2020 · 286
Your Orbit Circles Back
Hannah thomas Oct 2020
Your gravity
Has always brought me
Back to you
It is always the times
I am so close to escaping
That your orbit
Circles back
Dragging me into you
Kicking and Screaming
Awaiting the next time
That you let me go
To decide you want me again
Is this fun for you?
Oct 2020 · 96
I Am Now
Hannah thomas Oct 2020
I am no longer afraid
Of the woman I am
I no longer cower
At the words I say

I am strong
I am bold
I will not back down
Sep 2020 · 124
Hannah thomas Sep 2020
The ache inside of me
Groans like desert for rain
like the waves for the shore
Like stars for the rest of morning
And it sounds so beautiful
So poetic
So perfect
An agonizing masterpiece
But it still aches
Sep 2020 · 103
Hannah thomas Sep 2020
They say

“You don’t choose who you fall in love with”

But I did.
In the end of it
I did
Because I could have chosen
To walk away
Every time you started
To run
But every time
I stood still
I chose you.
And I’m afraid this time
You might be gone for good
And I still choose you.
I could have ran too.
I think, in the end, I will still always choose you...
Sep 2020 · 75
Hannah thomas Sep 2020
You ease my cautious soul
My dear, you do not know
How difficult this is to do
Bringing out the wild girl
Mar 2020 · 95
Hannah thomas Mar 2020
When I came back
To a ghost town
I thought your phantom
would still reside
somehow I am far more haunted
by your absence
How is that possible?
Mar 2020 · 95
Mistakes I Keep Making
Hannah thomas Mar 2020
How did I give my heart
To a silly little boy
With trembling hands
And half a heart
He wasn’t even sure
How to use
I mistook you for a man
My apologies
Mar 2020 · 133
Hannah thomas Mar 2020
You were long gone
Before you ever said
The least you could do
Is stay gone
Feb 2020 · 174
Hannah thomas Feb 2020
Is the scar
That buried itself
In my bones
No one sees

So no one knows
It is a hidden battle and how do you make them see the invisible
Jan 2020 · 100
True Love
Hannah thomas Jan 2020
Give me a word
And I will write you a novel
Give me your hand
And I will give you the world
This is not the cry
Of a desperate heart
This is the outpouring
Of the purest love
Know that whatever you give me
I will return one hundred fold
Please do not mistake this
For weakness
Please understand this
For all that it is
I will give you a love
Deeper than the oceans
Even on the days
When all you can muster
Is a raindrop
This is not desperation
This is love
This is sacrifice
This is all it means
To love with all you are
Dec 2019 · 110
Hannah thomas Dec 2019
How do you bring me to calm
How do you still the waves
of a once ever-storming sea
How do you see through my disguise
How do you unmask me
with so much as a look
How do you know nothing about me
but everything all at once
Nov 2019 · 113
Will She Shatter?
Hannah thomas Nov 2019
She felt heavy
Like stone
But looked pretty
Like painted glass
Like something breakable
But untouchable
Nov 2019 · 378
New Day
Hannah thomas Nov 2019
I wake up in the morning
Messy hair and droopy eyes
Sun shining through
The cracks of the window blinds
It is a new day
Yesterday is gone
And today just begun
It is the perfect time
To begin again
Nov 2019 · 163
Hannah thomas Nov 2019
I don’t know what it is
That leaves me both
Reserved and over the top
What brings me
To either extremes
I promise I can hold my temper
I promise I can weather the storm
But when I heat, I burn
And when I rain, I flood
Nov 2019 · 618
Spring in the Winter
Hannah thomas Nov 2019
The snow is falling
The world around me
Seems to fall silent
All they see
Is the bitter winter
But for me
This is my spring
My own time
Of new beginnings
And fresh awakenings
Nov 2019 · 154
Hannah thomas Nov 2019
He grabs my hand
His touch is foreign
But not uncomfortable
Nov 2019 · 132
I Tried to Write Again
Hannah thomas Nov 2019
I keep trying to find the right words to write to you
But it turns out the same every time

"I wish I had told you sooner
and I know you are not one for many words"

and then...

I stop..

Every time..
Not because I am at a lack of words
but because I know, to you,
it will make no difference
If you could see the words
pouring from my chest
it would make no difference
because you did not feel the same
and you did not understand
how deeply I was rooted
in a place that I knew
I could never stay in
and so what good does it do
to write to the one plucked me
just to watch me wilt
and never looked back
May 2019 · 197
I Am What I Was
Hannah thomas May 2019
They look at me like a pariah
And maybe they're right
Maybe that is all I'll ever be

Maybe no matter where I go
Who I was will always follow
And maybe we never change

-Maybe that is all I'll be-
Hannah thomas Apr 2019
Don't you dare tell her
that you ever loved her
Don't you dare teach her
that that is what love looks like

How dare you teach her
to feel so small
How dare you teach her
to swallow her words

How dare you look at her bruises
and call them friendly reminders
How dare you teach her
that love can be violent

How dare you hold her heart
like it was made of thorns
How dare you leave her
like she was the poison

How dare you treat her
like she did not spend her nights
******* the venom
out of your veins

How dare you speak of her like dust
when she was the only one bold enough to love you.
I used to believe the things you told me, but I am no longer the little girl you disregarded.
Apr 2019 · 241
Hannah thomas Apr 2019
I let them believe they know me
But I lie through my teeth
Feed them what they want to hear
To keep them at arm's length
To keep them in smoother waters
To keep them far from the ugly
Because it is far more dangerous
Beneath the surface

And they have never been good swimmers
Apr 2019 · 1.2k
One More
Hannah thomas Apr 2019
Break me apart
Split open my sides
Let me bleed every reason
For me to give you
One more chance
You do not deserve

But I will give it to you anyway
Because what is one more
Crack in the glass
What is one more
Stitch in my heart
What is one more scar
To last me a lifetime

What is one more memory
To break me at the thought of you
You have already burned your smile
Into every brainwave
So that every time I hear another boy's laugh
I can’t help but hear your voice
Like a sweet melody in my ear
I can’t help but picture
Your smile on their faces

So what is one more
Heartache in the long run
What is one more chance
When in the end
It always comes back to you
Apr 2019 · 370
Who Hurt Me
Hannah thomas Apr 2019
When They asked me
Who hurt me
I almost said your name
I almost cursed at the top of my lungs
The day we ever met
I almost broke every plate
In the kitchen
I almost cried another ocean
To drown out your memory
But I didn't...

I simply said myself

Because who lets someone stay
After setting fire to the bedroom
After leaving the ***** laundry
All of all their past lovers
on the bathroom floor
After leaving bloodstains on the carpet
Because who lets someone break them
over and over again

How can I blame him
When I could have walked away
at any time
My dear if I could hate you, I would.
Mar 2019 · 205
Who I am Without you
Hannah thomas Mar 2019
There are days when sleep
is my only solace
when the ache within me
is so strong
all I can do is lay still
but there are days when I
can not stay still for a moment
where life
flows so strongly through me
Sunlight spills over from every motion
Where all I am is uncontainable
And I choose to believe
that is who I am
Sunshine and contagious enthusiasm
Sadness has never been my name
Flood has never been my nature
On my weakest days
I am still an ember burning
On my greatest, I am the sun
Bringing life
Depression I know who I am
Without you
And do not come back.
Mar 2019 · 319
In Other Words, I Love You.
Hannah thomas Mar 2019
When he says I love you
It tumbles clumsily off his tongue
As if it was an accident
As if he were not expecting it
When she hears it.
The butterflies turn to fireflies
Cause a flame inside her stomach
Cause her to glow from the inside out
When it is over he leaves
Apologizes for the way it all crashed around them
She never asked for his “sorry”
But accepts it anyway
She folds his apology like a love note
And slips it into her back pocket
Places it there for safekeeping
In case he ever needs it again
He ***** on worries and hesitations
She could always taste in on his lips
Despite the fact that he would never kiss her
But she never minded
Her own lips were coated in nicotine
Left her addicted to everyone they touched
She had already made a home out of his smile
Made a safe place out of his arms
She didn’t mind careful
But she did detest cowardice
There is no place for fear in love
Love was not for the faint-hearted
It was made for the bold
For those daring enough to bare their souls
Despite the evident risk
And she had made a friend of him
Love, that is
She knew his ins and outs
Learned first hand the way it caused
An insatiable fire to those prepared
And the way he brought aching pains
To the ones who were not
Experienced the way he destroyed
From the inside out
If he was not the center
He does not like to share space
Lust is his least favorite roommate
Lust is always dressing up as Love
Always borrowing things from Love
And returning them broken
Lust is an attention hog
Always finds a way to make himself the center
Lust is stubborn
It takes months to kick him out
And each time he tries to come back
But Love is always patient with him
Hopes that he will change
Sticks around to see if he does
But Love sets no expectations
Simply waits, even when it takes forever
Sometimes I think Love waits
Far longer than it should have
But love has never seen it that way
Love’s favorite game is hide and seek
His favorite place to hide is behind words
Words like “drive safe”
“I’m proud of you”
“How was your day?”
…“How did you sleep?”…
Love may love the bold
But Love himself is cryptic
Showing up in actions
Unseen by untrained eyes
That is how they became friends
Love and her
It was their nature
Hiding behind words and actions
Being bold didn’t mean never being scared
It meant doing what scared her
It meant loving with every drop of her
Even if those around her couldn’t see
Even if the ones she loved the most
Did not hear her words cutting through silence
She would not stop pouring into hands
That were never taught how to hold
Because even if they never learned
That does not mean they never could
She would never stop wearing love like a badge of honor
Even when others told her it was weakness
She didn’t know how
She never wished to learn either
Maybe that is why careful never bothered her
Because she knew not all could do it
That not everyone had that capacity to feel
To feel everything so deeply and still crave more
Not everyone could throw themselves out to sea
Believing they will not drown
It was a talent of hers – unrelenting optimism
Watching the world crash around her
Never missing a beat
And running back in to rebuild
With hopes of a better outcome
Always believing that tomorrow will be better
That this time it might be different
He came back; he always does.
He looks at her with storm cloud eyes
The ones that always leave her stunned
The same ones that also scare her
Holds her close the way he used to
“I’m sorry” is all he says
She pulls the note from her back pocket
Slides it between his fingers
And asks
“How did you sleep?”
Mar 2019 · 176
Hannah thomas Mar 2019
You turned around
And could not see me
But I was there
I was always there
Even when you ran so fast
And so far
I was with you the whole time
You could not hear my voice
But I was calling to your heart
From before you began
I was whispering in your ear
I love you
I have never left you
I never will
Feb 2019 · 219
Hannah thomas Feb 2019
I often forget
I am breaking in silence
I cannot hold it against him
For not knowing
How deeply I am aching
Maybe if I could tell him
I could never tell him
What difference would it make?
Speaking to ghosts in the starlight
Sitting on park benches with phantoms
Of a boy who is now the living dead
To me
He was everything
The boy who saw himself as nothing
Words I still hear ringing in my head
I still pray for him every night
No, not to be mine
But to be alright
To see himself as all I did
But he is only a ghost of who he was
Or maybe it’s me
The ghost
Is that why he looks right through me now
Or why when I call his name
I no longer get a response
Maybe that is why
He never kissed me
Scared I would pass straight through him
See straight through his insecurities
Call out the things he feared the most
I wonder if he ever thought less of me
For seeming so transparent
For wearing emotion like a badge of honor
I have so many unanswered questions
But what good would it do
To speak to a ghost on a playground
Under a diamond sky
The first place he ever held me
Like I meant something to him
What good would it do?
Feb 2019 · 318
Thawing Hearts
Hannah thomas Feb 2019
When I left
You stopped freezing me out
So since
The ice caps have been melting
And so
I have been drowning
In a sea of a lackluster love
Of which I cannot escape
I wish you could have loved me while I was still around
Jan 2019 · 302
Dependable Habit
Hannah thomas Jan 2019
I feed them laughter
Until they leave
With stomachs full
Of my own self deprecation

I am my own worst enemy
I let Ivy vines climb
The walls of my lungs
In attempts to replace
The vacant space
With something beautiful

I’ve been told I draw
A crowd
That people tend to love me
To love my endless smile
And warm embrace
Once I was told my heart
Could be seen for miles
They mistake this
As a choice
My empathetic heart
Has never known
Any other way to live
But little did they know
I’ve been at my journey’s end
For years now
I have been running on empty
No time to stop and think
When you are preoccupied
With everyone else’s thoughts

People are always around me
I have been told they tend to love me
Sort of in the way
The drunk loves the bottle
Or the addict loves the needle
In a way that we all love something
That can take the pain away
I am nothing more than
A dependable habit
A catalyst towards peaceful sleep
And a calmer mind

People are always around me
And it feels a bit like
Being stranded out at sea
Billions of living creatures
Surround you but you
Are the only of your kind

I have been told people
Tend to love me
Sort of the way
A child loves the comfort of
A soft blanket
Or the feeling of
Safety it brings them
And while the addict
May love the needle
And the drunk, the bottle
The child, their blanket
They are not IN love with them
They will never be IN love with them
They are simply dependable habits
A catalyst towards peaceful sleep
And a calmer mind
Jan 2019 · 143
My chest full of poetry
Hannah thomas Jan 2019
So I let the ink spill from my chest
as if there was never a heart there
to begin with
just streams of poetry
flowing through bursting veins
If my heart never existed
it was never broken
in the first place
So lets pretend
my mother never heard
my heartbeat
that my father didn't spend
my childhood teaching me
the scariest monsters in this world
were never after my blood
they were after the pounding
piece inside of my rib cage
but its just a hallowed out cavity
nothing resides there
it was only ever a black hole
swirling vortex
******* up all people had to pour into it
never spits it back out
just disappears
So let the ink pour from my chest
I'll write you another lovesick memory
play pretend, splash around before if dries
so I track it with me everywhere I go
If my heart never existed
it was never broken in the first place
Jan 2019 · 188
Here again
Hannah thomas Jan 2019
You promised me the last time
was the last time
but here we are again
stitching my heart back together
threading myself through
with hollow promises
feeding myself self-help lines
"Everything will be okay"
"You are better off this way"
It doesn't make the ache
drain from my chest any faster
but I will smile anyway
smile like I always have
It's the only way I ever learned
how to make it through
because when the world
around me is so loud
the only thing I can quiet
are my own words
so I swallow them down again
they never taste any better
on the way back down
but the bitterness of my own words
are still sweeter than the feeling
of heartbreak
but here we are again
stitching pieces together
hoping this time really is the last time
Hannah thomas Dec 2018
I am tired of waiting in the middle
Of placing my faith on either side
In both hope and inevitability
I am so tired of relinquishing power
To those who never deserved it
Tired of tying my heart to a balloon string
And auctioning it off to those with
Their heads in the clouds
And feet not planted on solid grounds
  But for you
For you I would have done it
A million times over, maybe more
And I never would have grown tired
I could have given you  every piece of me
And still have given you more
  But you were tired too
And soon grew tired of me
I was far too docile for you to love
Far too expected, never enough wild
To satisfy your pallet
Said if I was a spice, I'd be sugar
So i suppose you never had much
Of a sweet tooth anyway
I was never much good at chemistry
Never really got it but I tried
Tried to alter my molecular make up
In attempt to fix myself into
Something more bitter for you
Found I could never shrink myself
Small enough to become what you wanted
  And eventually I stopped trying
Eventually I grew tired
Tired of speaking of you
Like the last drop of water
Or last molecule of oxygen in the atmosphere
Or a planet, or my entire night sky
I grew tired of your 3 ring circus
Of you keeping me around
Like just another one of your acts
I have assumed the title of ring leader now
And you, my silly little boy
Are just a clown
Dec 2018 · 423
Space boy
Hannah thomas Dec 2018
Bright eyed boy
with stars littering
his midnight sky mind
I could never tell him
how he meant the world to me
Or the way it took everything in me
not to run and wrap my arms around him
All I want for him is clarity
but that is no something obtainable
with my moonlight beams blinding him
so I try to create distance
I try not to fall into the gravitation
Of his orbit
but it has never been my nature
to run away from the things
that set me on fire
but I will not give into my desire
of the feeling of skin against skin
and lips intertwining
not when it comes at the cost of his sanity
Dec 2018 · 201
Never Alone
Hannah thomas Dec 2018
My darling forget your hurts
for I have forgotten mine
There are embers burning
Inside your heart
Trying to start flames
From past troubles
But my dear
My dear I know it hurts
But you have to stop
Fanning old fires
You are no longer
What you were
So let it die
Rise from the ashes
You are far stronger
Than you believe
Brush the soot
Off of your shoulders
The storm clouds behind
the blue of your eyes
have disappeared
but you have left the smoke
My darling it will clear
It will not last forever
And even if it did
You would not be
Any less than you are
Even if life is never
The way you expected
You are only stronger
Than I ever thought you were
I know right now
It is hard
So crumble if you must.
But know I will be here
Through the fires and storms
I am no stranger
to the maze you have created
for yourself
I will stand outside
Until you find your way out

Please know you will never end up alone
Oct 2018 · 832
Witches don't die
Hannah thomas Oct 2018
I am fire and brimstone
paint me witch
and burn me with your insecurities
Hang me high on a limb
let me be a warning
tell them what becomes
of little girls with big ideas
with loud mouths
and unusual expressions
show them what it means
to be creative
how to paint with innocent blood
and call it justice
Wipe us out as quick as you can
Recognize us by the magic inside
or the devil you see in our smiles
drive us out before there are more of us

But there will always be more of us
For most of us still live in the shadows
Still fear for our lives
But oh, us courageous few
stubborn with pride in our quirks
will never die.
Try as you might,
slaughtering us by the dozens,
we will remain an unwavering memory
an example for those in the shadows
ready to come out and take our place.
Oct 2018 · 281
Blending In
Hannah thomas Oct 2018
I'm surrounded by a sea
of people who do not see the hurt in me
who do not believe in my ways of expression

and I sit here trying to contain myself
trying to make myself less of me
to fit the forms they expect me to come in

I never can
I always fail..
And I am learning to be okay with it.

But everyday is something new
another part of me I must conceal
and i am coming to the point

where soon there will be nothing of me left
for them to take way

and i think only then will they be satisfied
Oct 2018 · 155
How to Destroy yourself
Hannah thomas Oct 2018
Absolute destruction
Is believing
In fairy tales
For so long
That you expect
Others to
Be able to
See the magic
In you
When they can't
even see it
in themselves
Oct 2018 · 163
Out With The Tide
Hannah thomas Oct 2018
I let myself do this
get swept up
in the whirlwind
of chaotic emotions

Let waves of hope
crash over me
and pull me out
with the tides

I always end up
too far out
to be able to find
my way back to the sand

And so I drown
gallons of love songs
fill up my lungs
until I'm done for

One of these days
I know i will not
wash back up on shore
and this cycle will destroy me
Oct 2018 · 1.1k
Building up Rome
Hannah thomas Oct 2018
It is okay to hurt
It is okay to fall
like a pile of ashes
to the ground

but my dear

in the morning
you must rise
you must open
your walls again

you must never
give up on you
and above all else
you must remember

it doesn't have to be tomorrow
not even the day after
or the next after that

and you must remember
that these things
take time

it is okay to
open up to people
right away
it is okay
to be cautious
since you have
known this hurt before

but don't let that
stop you from
living beautifully

and it is okay
to fall in love
with hands that are
no longer his

but don't let that
make you afraid
to give your all

and it is okay
for these things
to take time..

your ruins
may leave you
feeling empty

but my dear

there is so much
life left in that
Colosseum crumble
he left abandoned

rebuilding will come
but please remember

           -Rome wasn't built in a day
waiting is agony but one day we'll be okay again. This is a process and that's okay.
Oct 2018 · 181
I Keep Doing It
Hannah thomas Oct 2018
I have this tendency to break
To write myself into stories
I was never meant to be a part of
Paint myself the burning book
Light myself on fire just to keep you warm

Sometimes I forget how to just exist
Without emptying myself out
Into someone else's cup
Letting them drink my everything beautiful
I always regret it in the morning

But I always do it again
Chaotic upheaval
Everyday I pluck my heart from my rib cage
I scatter it in gardens
whose soil will never reap the full harvest
of my love

I wonder how long i can do this
Until there is nothing left
Oct 2018 · 245
Opposing Forces
Hannah thomas Oct 2018
lady of ashes
more ember than human
flame engulfed flesh
burning down bridges
no longer safe to cross
eating up houses
no longer homes
just hollowed out hearts
with out inhabitants

son of the ocean
no soft flowing stream
hurricane hands
uprooting whatever he can
drowning those who dare
to swim too deep
without being invited

colliding catastrophes
steam, crack, sizzle
of hand against hand
canceling out the
destruction in each other
chaotic contrast
evaporating into clouds of grey
docile identities
formed out of destructive behavior
Sep 2018 · 152
Hannah thomas Sep 2018
It's becoming easier
to picture myself
with someone better
even if it's just me

-loneliness doesn't scare me
Sep 2018 · 913
Galaxy Love
Hannah thomas Sep 2018
I think I'm beginning to understand
That the galaxies under my skin
Were never made for public consumption

That the stars in my eyes
And the moonlight in my hair
Would be more than they could handle

That the planets within my veins
Would remained unexplored
Until the day that HE comes

And gets lost within
My milky way skin
and solar system mind

Too in love with my space
That he never wants to
Come back to the ground

More alien than human
It's the only way he'll survive
That's the only kind of love
I want

The kind that's out of this world
Sep 2018 · 156
Battle of Two Graves
Hannah thomas Sep 2018
Daughter of Akkedian blood
There has long since
Been venom on my tongue
And fire in my veins
From curses of generations
Far from mine
From blood spilling
Into pure Euphrates river
Tainting the bodies of water
That birthed me into this world

Some days I lay in bed
While an assemblage
Of ancestors
Parade their way
Through my rib cage
Shaking my bones
Stampeding their way
Over my heart
In attempts to break through
The barricades I've set
In front of them

There are graveyards
Of decaying bones
And one great grave
Where there once
Was a stone
And both
Have made sacrifices
Of blood
On my behalf
One from hatred
The other from love

And I know my choice
     but still the battle goes on
Sep 2018 · 669
My Sister's Reflection
Hannah thomas Sep 2018
"You have her smile"
"you look the same
but you're so different"

Hollow me out
Scoop me into
A shell of my sister

sliding into shoes
I am both too small
and too quiet to fill

Meek mouse playing house
In the home
Of a lion

Always a reflection
Never the real thing
Always just a copy

A two dimensional figure
Of a figure that I
Can never become

We are so different
Contrasting opposites

As in everything
That she ever was
Is unobtainable to me

Steadfast lighthouse
And I am the shadow
The sun casts behind it

So when I stare
Into that mirror
All I've ever seen

Was a reflection
Of a reflection

Looking back at me
i will never be her.
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