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22.3k · Mar 2014
Ivy Haegan Mar 2014
Love me til I'm blue
Catch my every tear
Love me til I'm blue

Swallow me up in blue
Help me touch the clouds
As I breathe in what's true
Save me from my doubts

Swallow me up in blue
Drown me in the sea
The words will come on cue
If you'll let them be

Love me til I'm blue
Cause words are so unclear
Every part of you

Swallow me up in blue
Let me smell the flowers
Forgive all that they do
You've merely got hours

Swallow me up in blue
The earth, sea, and sky
For there are very few
Who have wondered why

Love me til I'm blue
Call my every fear
Love me like you do

Swallow me up in blue
Before my life will end
I've only one to choose
But I can still pretend

Love me til I'm blue
Catch my every tear
Love me til I'm blue
16.2k · Jul 2014
Worn, Strong, And Beautiful
Ivy Haegan Jul 2014
My father wears
leather work boots
they are tough and worn
with thick but thinning soles

My father has
calloused hands
they are thick and strong
from years of work and guitar

My father plays
an old guitar
it's beautiful and cracked
and comes to life at his touch

My father has
a big heart
as worn as his boots
strong as his hands
and more beautiful than his old guitar
15.6k · Mar 2014
The Unwanted
Ivy Haegan Mar 2014
Take down the names of the unwanted
Make sure that I'm on the list
As rain pours down their faces
Remember that we exist

The sound of the marching footsteps
The death of an innocent man
Remembrance of what it once was
The times when it began
7.3k · Mar 2014
Ivy Haegan Mar 2014
Teeth on lips
Breaking skin
Splitting flesh
Tasting blood
The resistance to desire
Unrelenting desire
That makes me 
Love *
You all at once
The desire of your skin
Against mine
Teeth on lips
Breaking skin
Splitting flesh
Tasting blood
To maintain composure
So no one can see
The desire
No one
Desirable *
Dedicated to the beautiful boy
5.3k · Mar 2014
Red (10w)
Ivy Haegan Mar 2014
I dream of
golden skin
As it burns
Angry red
4.9k · Jun 2017
Four Feet and Ten Inches
Ivy Haegan Jun 2017
Girls my height are supposed to be petite
Skinny and proportional
When I would read seventeen magazine and they would show the best outfits for your body type
Mine was never on there
Not big enough to be curvy
Curvy girls in magazines were curvy all over
and average height
The petite girl wasn't supposed to have curves at all
The petite girl was thin
The petite girl could wear anything

Why can't short girls have *******?
Because when we do, we're a fetish
And for some reason, when you fit a fetish people assume you're there for them.

"I like short girls because you can pick them up when you ****."
"Short girls don't have to get on their knees."
"Can you **** my **** standing up?"
"A C cup on a short girl is like a DD on a normal girl.”
“I like ******* short girls because I can really take control.”

My mom always criticized me for wanting to dress slutty
And it broke my heart because I never wanted to look slutty
I just wanted to wear what my skinny friends could wear
And sometimes it's hard when you can't find high waisted shorts that cover your *** all the time, even right after you stand up from sitting in the car for 30 minutes and they rode up a little, but a little on you is a lot because you don't have a flat *** like all of your friends do, but you can't go a size up because then they're too big and they still don't give you the coverage that at first your mom wanted for you but that you now want yourself because you can feel the heat of people staring because girls like you shouldn't wear those kinds of shorts, and at parties they think it's okay to touch if it's not covered, and you've been in this H&M for 3 hours and nothing fits you like it does that tall, pretty girl with the A cups in the fitting room next to yours,
But how could my mom know that
At 5 ft 4, she weighed 98 lbs on her wedding day
You can wear anything when you look like that
I suppose it sounds better out loud
2.5k · Mar 2014
For The Beautiful Boy
Ivy Haegan Mar 2014
This poem is for the beautiful boy
That makes my heart jump to my throat
And to this day makes me stutter and choke
on my words

This poem is for the beautiful boy
Whose happy golden eyes
That will someday bring my demise
are so alluring

This poem is for the beautiful boy
Who doesn't like to read
But tries to understand my need
for books and poetry

This poem is for the beautiful boy
That loves the ocean, sea, and lake alike
And cannot picture life
without me or water

This poem is for the beautiful boy
That never fails to make me smile
And makes me laugh when all the while
he wasn't even trying to

This poem is for the beautiful boy
Who knows what to do when I panic
Who tells me to breathe and shut out the static
of the rest of the world

This poem is for the beautiful boy
Who laughs at his own bad jokes
That somehow help me cope
with my troubles

This poem is for the beautiful boy
That's much too tall for me
Towering at six-foot-three
I stand on my toes

This poem is for the beautiful boy
Who I don't deserve to keep
And doesn't know what a relief
it is to have him

This poem is for the beautiful boy
Who can make me forget
Everything with just one kiss
leaving me wanting more

This poem is for the beautiful boy
This poem is for my beautiful boy
Dedicated to The Beautiful Boy
2.4k · Jan 2015
Ivy Haegan Jan 2015
They say that when you lose an arm
Or a leg
Or a hand
Or a foot
You can still feel it there
That your brain is so used to having it there
That it can't conceive the fact that it's gone
So you still try to grasp for things
Before you you realize that you don't have a hand to grasp with

I'd always wondered how soul-crushing it must feel
To just forget it's not there anymore, because it still feels
so real, so there
And then have to be forced to realize all over again that it's gone

But you aren't there anymore
Half of my soul, of my body, of my heart, of me is with you
My heart is so used to having you there
That it can't conceive the fact that you're gone
I reach and you're not there

*You're My Phantom Limb
Dedicated to who used to be *my* beautiful boy
Ivy Haegan Mar 2014
The mind is endless space 
So much room for so many ideas
The phrase "open-minded"
Is a wonderful phrase indeed 
To open that infinite space
And to accept knowledge, opinions
And other things
Things you can not simply get
By yourself 
So now, you must agree with me
When I say that the phrase
Is incorrect and impossible 
The only correct phrase 
For the meaning of 
Would be "close-mindedness"
No one has a small mind
They just refuse to fill up
The humongous space they have
They want to believe 
That they have all the knowledge
That they'll ever need. 
That, of course, is impossible
And irrational. 
But These people are not
Or dumb,
Or stubborn,
**They were simply taught wrong
1.5k · Jan 2015
Accent (10w)
Ivy Haegan Jan 2015
and his voice is melodic to me
captivatingly beautiful
like music
He's not the beautiful boy, but maybe someday he could be
1.5k · Jul 2014
Ivy Haegan Jul 2014
you are my blue
you are my serenity
and my buoyancy
my happy skies,
my comfortable denim

you are my yellow
you are my optimism
and my bliss
my incandescent sun,
my summertime glow

you are my green
you are my resurrection
and my liberation
my vivacious budding,
my sturdy oak tree

you are my red
you are my passion
and my fortitude
my pulsing heart,
my ceaseless flames

you are my white
you are my solace
and my relief
my unperturbed clouds,
my blank slate

you are my hues
you are my spectrum
and my exuberance
my opaque neon,
my life-altering colors
Dedicated to the beautiful boy
1.4k · Apr 2018
So Sad
Ivy Haegan Apr 2018
I want to be mad
I want to be mad but I can’t be mad because it’s not your fault that your life is moving faster than mine
I want to be mad but I can’t because every time I almost get mad and I almost yell and I almost throw something
I’m sad
I’m sad and then it’s hard to move and it’s too hard to yell and it’s hard to do anything but cry
I’m sad because you’re beautiful and I love you and you love me but soon you won’t be mine to love anymore
And that hurts more than it angers me
I still feel like if I love you hard enough then you won’t leave
Even though it’s not true
And when I remember that you’re leaving anyways I try so **** hard to feel angry so that I don’t have to feel sad
I’m still sad
I’m still so sad
So sad that it’s hard to eat
So sad that if I laugh it makes me cry
So sad that it gets hard to breathe
And if only my ******* stove worked I could make some tea with honey and calm down
And if only I could close out my computer tabs so I wouldn’t have to look at the  birthday presents I can’t get you
And if only you weren’t leaving me I wouldn’t have to wish I was angry just so I don’t have to be so, so sad
1.3k · Mar 2014
Forgetting Something (10w)
Ivy Haegan Mar 2014
Sitting, biting my nails
Missing something, someone
but who?
934 · Nov 2016
The First of His Kindness
Ivy Haegan Nov 2016
He's better than I am.
Kinder, wiser, much more patient...
It's the patience and kindness that I can't help but envy
I'm so quick to judge.
Others must earn my kindness.
He's one of the rare and beautiful souls that will leave the world better than he found it
It's in his nature to plant seeds in every footstep,
While others trample life beneath them.
He's the Greek goddess who was so lovely that flowers sprung up wherever she went.
But he's different.
He's beautiful on the inside
He leaves something substantial in his path.
Flowers are pretty and fleeting,
but he plants oak trees behind him.
The trees he leaves thrive for centuries, they grow tall and strong and beautiful
Generations upon generations see his trees and they love them
He will leave forests in his wake and maybe no one will know that these forests are his...
But that's not why he leaves them.
Planting seeds in his footsteps is in his nature and I believe that's why I might love him.
Ivy Haegan Aug 2014
He took the sun and hid it within his flesh
With the light in his fingertips,
He then touched my heart-
To this day it is overflowing with a luminescence far brighter than the one in the sky
Dedicated to the beautiful boy
695 · Jul 2015
Writer's Block
Ivy Haegan Jul 2015
Writing about something you love is
supposed to be easy
But he is composed of words that I am
convinced don't exist yet
613 · Dec 2015
Your Smile Is My Church
Ivy Haegan Dec 2015
I sit in the pews
And I read your gospel
Of pretty things that you say
Things that make me okay
Things that lift me up
This word of God of sorts
That divides my soul in half
Tearing the black, tar-like mess
That is myself from it and
Condemning the demons within
To Hell where they came from
Leaving behind a clean, pure
White slate that's just waiting
To be filled with your love
The love you blessed me with
The love I don't deserve but
So willingly take because of
The way you say my name
And make me feel whole again
A feeling that seemed so gone
So long gone that I lost my will
And it became a downhill battle
Slowly but sure surely
Burning my demons with the
Light of your love that I am able
To accept and hold strong to
Without your blessings and
Unconditional love that seems
To be unheard of I couldn't have
Overcome what I have overcome
And it's it your Old Testament
That rewrites my New Testament
Saving it from the flames of hell
That devour the voices in my head
The ones that's scream
"You're not good enough"
"You don't deserve him"
"You'll **** the ones you love
Along with yourself
Create distance before it is too
Late for all of you
"Maybe hurting yourself will give
You the control that you can't find
You lifted my crucified heart
From its grave that it laid dead
In for much longer than 3 days
And you removed the nails
And saved it from the devil
Known as self hatred
You held my hands in prayer
And through your hands
Flowed love and freedom
From myself that I needed
You made self love an option
And by looking at you
I just know that
*Your smile is my church
517 · May 2015
An Apology
Ivy Haegan May 2015
This is unhealthy, isn't it?
Depending on you like this...
I can't help it, though.
You save me over and over and over
And I know you must be tired
By now, who wouldn't be.
I try, I really do try...
But after ruthlessly trying,
Over and over and over,
I have to come back to you,
Crawling on my hands and knees,
Scraped, bruised, and bleeding.
I can only live through so many
Kicks to the head
And I'm sorry, so so sorry
That I lack the strength to end it
So I wont have to live through so many
Kicks to the head
And so that you'll never have to save me again
512 · Jan 2015
Chain-Reaction (10w)
Ivy Haegan Jan 2015
Broken people aren't good for anything
except breaking other people
491 · Apr 2015
The Killer
Ivy Haegan Apr 2015
Don't try to save me
I'll only pull you down to hell with me
I'm toxic
Don't let me contaminate you, too
Because I'll fall for you
Every time
I can't stay away, I love you
But you,
You can get your distance
So please, please
I'm begging you to leave me
Sure, it'll break me
But I'm already broken, aren't I?
So really,
What's the harm in saving yourself?
For the boy who is trying to save me
Ivy Haegan Jan 2016
I may be broken
And at some times
I feel hollow
I don't love myself
The way that I should
So I'm told

But I love you
More that I thought
I could love anything
You wake up some thing
Inside of me I thought
Was long gone

I feel emotions
That I forgot about
Ones that make me smile
You gave me hope and
Reasons to enjoy my life
I forgot about

I want to do
Everything in my power
To make sure that you
See how beautiful that
You really are the way
I never did

You lift me above
My sins I have committed
To myself and my body
And to those who care
About me and even
God himself

You pulled me out
Of the pit of darkness
Filled with the demons
That lived inside me
Filling my head with
Vicious truths

I can't thank you
Enough for what you've
Done for my well-being
You showed me the light
And the love that comes
With your help
Ivy Haegan Jan 2015
He said love
I heard lies
I murdered his words
378 · Apr 2015
Forgive Me (10w)
Ivy Haegan Apr 2015
I love you but I think I'm killing you slowly
372 · Feb 2014
1:00 AM
Ivy Haegan Feb 2014
It's 1:00 AM
And you think about him
His tan and sun bleached hair 
His dark and happy eyes
That look he gets when he's worried
Or focused
Or angry
Or sad
Or concerned
His real smile- the contagious one 
His happy golden eyes 

It's 1:06 AM
And you think about him 
His eyes on you when he wants you
His self control when you push it
When he pulls you close & gives in
And kisses you
And holds you tight
And loves every second of it
How he says "Go to sleep, beautiful"
His voice when he's being ****

It's 1:13 AM
And you think about him
If you fell asleep in his arms
If you woke up in them
If he was the first thing you saw
With his small smile
With his morning eyes
With his perfect body
With his perfect everything
If you started the day with his kisses
If you woke up tangled up in him

It's 1:19 AM
And you think about him
His infectious laugh
His ridiculous accents 
He's everything wonderful 
The way he can't sit still 
His cute look of 'approval'

It's 1:26 AM
And you think about him
*like you always do
[first post!]

Dedicated to the beautiful boy
327 · Jun 2017
Ivy Haegan Jun 2017
I can feel your soul when I'm close to you
It gives off a comforting kind of warmth
It's soft and yellow, like candlelight
It flickers from your chest to mine
When you have your arms around me
And you make me feel so safe and in love
When your soul flickers into mine
I am ignited and I can feel you in me
And I give off a comforting kind of warmth
It's soft and yellow, like candlelight

— The End —