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Garrett Burger Mar 2018
"The world is in my hands"
It's a metaphor

Pinching the moon (with one eye closed)
It's an illusion

The spiders under my bed,
Tell me it's okay to dream,
And then they bite me
In my sleep

             I toss and I turn till morning
                                            I turn away from the day,
           And I toss the remains into the night

Despite it all, I dream.
Mar 2018 · 620
You can't call (a soul)
Garrett Burger Mar 2018
You can't call a soul


But is lifetimes away
From awakening
As much as I adore the sound of your voice
You don't sound like yourself
When you're tired anyway
I'll let you sleep.
It's your sleep
Your journey
And it's the most important.
And not mine to disrupt.

I shake your slumber
I make the room too hot
And too cold
I'm dancing with the music high
And crying louder than the music's lows
You'll be waking up too soon with me around.
And it's important to get the full amount
Before you awake

It's a good thing my feet are on the ground
Otherwise, I'd fly right over through you window.
And if the shattering glass managed to sound better
Than the fall to the floor,
I wouldn't be up to much sleeping either
I sat on the ledge for awhile. Until you closed the window.
I still have my wings, but I still come back to the ground
Garrett Burger Mar 2018
; and you iniciated it.
you found your way
                                                and you meant it.
I understood
with the immediate
connection of our eyes
and the composure of your face
that you were really here
in front of me
Without permission
and without validation
we both cried in joy
at the same time,

I'm dreaming,
I know it.
crying deeper

Intensely in love
with arrising sorrow
My dream
delivered a moment
that I will value
like the love we
I stopped questioning,
and looked into your
eyes again
before returning to
your embrace,
Because I wasn't going
to waste this
regardless of the reality
of it.

I love you.
I irrationally and intensely love you.
the moon aligning with the
opening of the gazebo
that night.
Reminding me it witnessed
what I still feel
in dreams
Mar 2018 · 514
solid like sand;
Garrett Burger Mar 2018
Solid like sand
Panic and sweat
The despair of a
Wandering soul
Frantically paced
It passes you by
You stand still in
Your sweat is the
Ocean mist
Your panic is the
Rushing waves
The beautiful wave
In your hair
Sea salt sprays
To caress your aura
In fogged saute
The tides lowered
To reveal this
Wonderful place.
Cutting the ropes
Free, to sail
Another day
Because right now
I enjoy being ashore
The sun rises, the
Sun sets
All in opaque skys
The sun is meeting
Its last cloud,
And I'll be
Finally ashore
For its arrival.
The warm
Rays on this
Wet skin.
Basking in it,
Even before
It begins
Feb 2018 · 529
Garrett Burger Feb 2018
How beautiful a skirt
Creating your own wind
a smile, so genuine
a laugh, a grin
Spinning in your dress
making the crowd
Dancing alone, in your favourite shoes
ones that weren't
handed down to you.
You dance in blue
Spots, and black.
The wooden floors and all their cracks.
You sing the lullaby
and dance yourself to sleep.
You awake in a song
and play it all again
on repeat
You dance in the box
That holds the jewelry.
from dancing, to darkness, that's all I know.
Either putting on a show,
Or in a black box.
I have not yet found, an inbetween
Garrett Burger Feb 2018
Silence, I'd want all of it.
Running so fast after that button was missed
Too anxious to really make it a hit
Among everyone, there'd be admiration
A sun, or two.
But the work wasn't up to par for you
At least that's what I heard
I don't write for anyone, as blunt as that may seem
I still find myself looking for approval
For the work already created
I'm not looking for validation
To create and be creative
But often too afraid to strike out
In dissassaproval
Of work, I'm most vulnerable of.
I don't ever want to create a piece that has no resolution
To just leave an open wound or thought
Left to be just that
I feel obligated to share a brightening shade to my darkest moments
In order for someone to truly benefit from my shared work
That is why the pieces in my drafts, stay in draft.
But what I can tell you is,

I'm still not always ok.

I feel like my life is kept in the drafts folder.
Yeah, I'm always progressing in life, in the journey
Even in what seem like standstill moments
Of solitude and suffering.
But that's the thing,
I'm progressing
So isn't all work, published or not in life, still a "draft"?

None of our journies are over yet.
Let's share our drafts
And create our finished work, together
Feb 2018 · 761
Valentine. To, me
Garrett Burger Feb 2018
Just fading, fading in and not out. A wide eyed, glazed stare. Looking so deeply, at nothing. Loving deeply, loving intensely.
I must be insane. So clearly, so erotically,    insane.

Thinking you'll be here. Waiting for the call. Your words. A surprise, to wake up, to see you, to see you want what isn't there. For it to be fulfilling, and to be my satisfaction.
Wanting to say no, I'd say yes, and then always asking myself why.
So intensely, so lovingly, so delusional.    so insane.
Like when you're tired. So sleepy, you nod your head. As if it were 50 lbs and you keep driving anyway. The second your eyes close longer than the average blink, you burst out of the trance as if electrocuted. Startling yourself, ******.
So angered at the mere thought of falling asleep at the wheel. No harm done, but still shook by where you almost were. The point you almost reached
I'm done wanting the ring. The sound of the phone. The regret and hope in the tone. Your voice can be heard by another, but not me.
I want to love myself, as much as I've loved the idea, of love.
I heard if i love life, that it will love me back.
What if I'm done expecting anything in return,
Could I still, love life
What if I just let life do whatever it feels,
And I take care of the love part, for myself.
Jan 2018 · 316
Pocketing Shells
Garrett Burger Jan 2018
In a hand,
or two
Pocketing shells
to hear the ocean,
somewhere else

I lie awake
Can't sleep, @ night
Wondering how
that could be?

So I returned the shells
to the ocean,
to hear it again

I trusted in their placement,
that they were right where
they should be
And collapsed in weeping
When the answer arrived
That I was meant to be here too

I never made the return drive
because home was right here
I trusted in their placement
And in return, found mine

And the last line has yet to be written
Jan 2018 · 249
Garrett Burger Jan 2018
Chained to the moon

Creatures of the night and habit
The phases and the phrases
Spoken, much the same
Are we much like the moon in that way?

Tilting and shifting
A gradual slide
Through the spectrums of consciousness
We are wide awake
Much like this moon

And as the tides within us, settle like the waves
And lower, like the tides
We find ourselves calm again

Until the next, high tide
Garrett Burger Jan 2018
Lost in a film
I'll get lost in over thinking
Lost in your need for company
And bored with the idea of small talk tonight,
Or always

Annoyed in all that it is
To talk and exist
With someone else

When all that I want
Is to be alone
And if I wanted more, I'd find it.

I'll find you right where you were before
And I'll find myself, on a journey
I'll sit in the back, or maybe the middle.
Not wanting to be seen, I'll dress bland
And crowd myself with anxiety,
That should fill a few seats

"Don't sit next to me"
"No, I'm fine"
"Yes, I came here alone"

No, this seat isn't taken
Yes, I'd like a friend

No, no one said a word.

I would have left lonelier
From having to play pretend
So instead, I said nothing, and thought nothing
And found me being a friend to myself

And it was freaking awesome.
Jan 2018 · 247
I'm pushing you
Garrett Burger Jan 2018
What were yesterday's
Became today's

And what's today's
Will try to be tomorrow's

I'm only here
And now it seems I'm everywhere
Except where I need to be

I give you an inch
You take a foot
Both my feet
My arms too

I sit in a ball
This mess
A nest

I'm ready to fly again
It's a good thing
I still have my wings

Jan 2018 · 301
I'll stop scrolling now
Garrett Burger Jan 2018
Around in a space
Suppose I'd be somewhere else
If I could
Though I can
And choose to think I can not
The brightness
The addiction
The cloudy, spacious cell
I'm in, and out
Of my mind
I'd cry if I'd see me from another's eyes
Sitting alone, addicted to loathing
Crimpled in procrastination
And wanting the world to align into place
When the words I write are what distract me tonight
Though seem to help the most
The work I should be submitting
Shouldn't be here
It should be to the tasks around me
That I neglect to hear
It should be to the aspirations
And to my bodies needs
Like cleansing my face
Drinking my tea
And oh yeah...
To stop ignoring that I have to ***.

No, not clever, just
Some truth.
We may all fall susceptible
To a procrastination loop
Jan 2018 · 488
Garrett Burger Jan 2018
trendy things
trendy thing
trendy thin
trendy thi
trendy th
trendy t
tired o
tired of
tired of t
tired of th
tired of thi
tired of this
Garrett Burger Jan 2018
I sailed to the ocean today
Across the landscapes
Of many
Amongst the roughest
Of rocks
Sailed through life
And the valley
Only to find an empty ship
To top

I sailed with no sail
I sang with no voice
The holes in this ship
Did not matter
Because it doesn't leave shore

Alone in the gardens
I rowed in dirt ruts

The sun dried up the fantasy
Arriving in the solitude
That I hadn't left

I'll use the pieces of this ship
To build a new one
One without holes
One that doesn't need a fantasy to be reality
But reality to be the fantasy
Jan 2018 · 238
wet pockets
Garrett Burger Jan 2018
They seemed dry,

The sunny sky
Warmed and dried
The laundry outside

While sitting in the rain
Immersed in the pain
The clothes get wet
The longer they set
And the longer they'll be, 'til dry

Rushing the rain
Can't be done
And neither can air drying clothes

They may look dry

Though if you take them out of the sun too soon,
You'll be left with the wet pockets to remind you

How wet those tears made them
Let yourself heal.
Jan 2018 · 452
The art, of owning less
Garrett Burger Jan 2018
As a minimalist, fearing art
Something so dear to my soul
My heart
The beauty, the expression
Became a material
And that, was not necessary

The pondering of question
"..Is this necessary"
Clouded and filled my canvas
The materials to paint with
The ink to write
Drowning again, it seems

Life free from attachment should liberate us
Not condemn us.
Not restrict us, though free us
Allowing us so much more, by having less

Art is necessary, even to the minamilist,
Of minimalist
Art is a tool of expression
Not an attatchement

I'm not attached to these paints anymore than
The clothes I wear
I feel just as much with these paintings on the wall
As I could if they weren't there

Minimalism is knowing that we still have
These memories, thoughts and emotions
Even when the objects aren't there to promote them

If I'm out of paints, I'll write in pen
If I'm out of paper, I'll go to the walls
If all else is gone, I'll sing the words

Free from attachment,
I still am able to enjoy these tools to use
And just as happily
Would give them to you

Materials do not truly give us anything,
And certainly should not take anything away, either
Jan 2018 · 456
The Seasons,
Garrett Burger Jan 2018
Welcome each other
A passing, of conversation
Whispers into the ear of one,
to the next
Conversing back and forth as banter will do
Only until suddenly, The conversation stops
And only one is left
The whispers of the other are gone,
And the chatter has stopped
To all be left on the sole speaker,
The new season

Not an involuntary change,
But a gradual loosening and shift to
something different,
Something new

The days show no evidence
But the mornings and nights still show
Remembrances of what was before it.
Just as the summer seems to shutter
In the thought of winter,
Spring was there to fade it out
In the mornings and nights,
So summer only knows from the memory
That winter was so far from where it is now

Hope is spring,
We don't have to fall

The Seasons can change anyways
Jan 2018 · 563
Tears on the Flowers
Garrett Burger Jan 2018
Happily a drip
Off a petal, or two. Reaching out for another,
It seems
As if each flower is begging to get the benefit
Of the next drop.
Nothing to waste, soothing down from one petal
To the next,
Down the leaves that follow it
To the stem
And into the unseen ground.
The roots that help it grow
Fragile, it seems
The flower petals.
Yet they welcome these harsh rains.
They know that even a lost petal or two
From it
That the rain will help it
More than it hurts it.
The tears of these flowers go to the roots
And build a better stem
A stronger, flower

The life of the flower is much a balance
Too much sun, they wilt
Too much rain, they drown
But with the balance of the 2
They grow.

Why do we wish to block our rain
When even the flowers
Understand it
Thoughts from the garden
Jan 2018 · 323
Move. Or I will
Garrett Burger Jan 2018
Proposing to post a poem.
One that is my proudest
One written so peacefully

I found this instead.

Finding it more and more often
Posting a lyric instead
That doesn't match the song playing
In the core

Of me, I feel it.
Heart beating, heart breaking
Heart singing
Heart wasting

Wasting away in a scorned past
One that is not relevant
That did not last
To the poems seeking to be shared

Move. Or I will
Out of the way
Your emotions are far overplayed
They've been listened to
And addressed
I've been raw
I've been patient
Displayed my best

I've learned from the experience
Though now it's time to rest

Reside to your slumber,
Find a new host you call home
The house is empty
And I'm not alone

I will move,
It's my decision.
My actions
My light
Without attachment
Without possession

Without scornfully burnt tires
Without redemption
Without needing approval

Make way for light.
Move, or I will

Because I'm too focused
On what's under each rock

These mountains don't move
We navigate around them
Over them
Through them

Move or I will
So it looks like, it will be me.

I've addressed this mountain from every angle
And I'm still not making it home
Time passes
Fog clears
Seasons progress
And change
And it's still the same mountain

I'm ready for the beach
What you let it be, it becomes. Emotions, hear them out to avoid getting stuck on repeat. These sounds keep me from hearing my favorite song.
Dec 2017 · 385
Garrett Burger Dec 2017
Provoking change.
The intuition of all of nature
Feeling its presence in the wind,
In the oddly hued shadows
Casting from a direction not yet seen

I could hear the bliss. The happiness in her eyes
As she caressed the passing clouds along her moment,
Caring for the moment like the first steps of her child
The first steps of change
I felt welcomed in her arms

She gave it her all, this was her breath,
Her essence, her meaning

Yearning so passionately for others to understand
And to welcome change
This was her cry for understanding
To open our eyes for possibilities
And to showcase the other side
Of life.

For us to not underestimate size, and ourselves

To question what we thought we knew
About the order of things
And what the power of change
And where it can take us

Live from our soul, live a pure life
True to yourself
And allow,
And inspire
Others to do the same.

Live with meaning. Live your purpose
Written the day of the eclipse, 2017.
This piece really does take me there again
Dec 2017 · 653
Sleeping in The Attic
Garrett Burger Dec 2017
sleeping in the attic.
I allow the sensation,
the atmosphere to be formed and felt
No illusion of yours
creates the things I imagine and feel
on my own,

In this attic
some would say
the slanting ceilings
bring me down
But I,
would disagree.
which is why
I'm In the attic

I see the peek. The rising walls
Lifting me along with it
Though their opinions are not relevant,
So should be my choice of words.
but, because, though

I'm here.
I'm here because I chose to be
choose to stay
The walls too close to echo
my thoughts.
too close to shout
Even the whispers are heard
in full volume

Maybe I rushed that one out.
let's take it back to,
the attic.

Not room for too much,
Just too little time to worry
about space for the things
You don't need.
don't use,
or don't have.
Only the things that belong
make it with you
When you live in a space,
like this

I'd cover the walls,
Though I don't like the metaphor
I'd wait until tomorrow
to address the issue,
Though I have no way of knowing
when tomorrow has arrived.
yet here i am.
Avoiding it anyway.

and I'm already hearing myself being talked,
and thought.
into only a space as small as these 4 uneven walls

to no surprise.
Only until I closed my eyes
did I see
The reason I'm here
In the attic.
Dec 2017 · 375
contact in my phone
Garrett Burger Dec 2017
I'd delete your number
though I'd just remember it.

I'd get rid of your favorite shirt
of mine
though I'd just imagine it,
  on someone else.

I'd call to say,
"I miss you.   "
though the time it would take
For you to answer,
would be enough for me
to change my mind,
and maybe even back.

I delete your number.
because you are not a part
Of my life.
I delete your number
Not to forget
Though to remember,
That we are all on our own


And things can only impact us
The way we let them

What is done, is done.
Though what we choose to do after
As the result,
That is us

I call to say "i love you"
Though it wasn't you

Same voice
Same name.
not you.

I'd delete your number
Though I already have.
The satisfaction
of knowing
What your contact means to me

You won't ever be, just a number.

In my phone, you stay
Dec 2017 · 436
Garrett Burger Dec 2017
Without knowing places, my place it seems
Looking for the best, the attention.    a scheme
Writing for freedom, rightful, a taste
A taste of satifactury
A taste of bliss
A taste of all the wonderful things I miss
For looking in darkness where it can not be found
Searching for answers
The ones you don't know when they're found

Granulated light, from the bedroom abyss
I wrote this in hopes to remiss
The things about you that I almost see
Guess the open door to this cage gets the best of me

Too tired to see, with eyes wide open
I dropped the key, I closed the shackles
No need for this. Running too much a hassle
Staying put in my cage, so addicted to castles

I willingly stay in this dungeon
Just to remain closer to the stories
That were once told
To me, to us

I've had enough.
I know the story, the only way out
I lay down the screens
Technology, you are the dragon.
Guarding this castle, you keep me in.
A distraction, of many, I see the curse.
I will see you as a tool, to remove this thirst

We are who we are, what will be       will be
Appealing to the masses means nothing to me
Along in this journey, out of the castle
The mightiest stance.

Alone in the beacon,
I fulfill these plans
To leave the stories behind
Goodbye, the castle
Sometimes, poems don't seem fitting to have titles. Spiratic, unrestricted, undirected writing forms itself as it goes. And while sure, the poem may have a perfectly fitting title once it has been heard, completed. Though why spoil the escalation ahead of time, with a title that shows the end at the beginning. Telling the reader what it is before the words in the poem even knew, just isn't right to me.

— The End —