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Jan 30 · 190
This is my Underswamp
Micah Jan 30
the hands on the clock stall at the center of it all, unmoving
everything , stutters, slides, stammers around them
silences bubble up in the swamps of entropy
in these celestially celebrated serenades.
I grind my heart into a paste
for sealed mason jars
to be opened when
the nights
flare up
of yesteryears,
to be comforted
with the tastes that eluded
my tongue, in all the years I left behind,
in the bags I left unopened under the bed,
Straight from the planes I pulled them from.
These are back aches from staying still in the buses
That carry me from one moment to another, place to place
The metaphoers escape me
Nov 2017 · 634
Ghosts of Christmas past
Micah Nov 2017
Stains trail her fingers
like ghosts from fifteen Christmases ago  
Mom's brand new china plates at her feet
taunting her from beneath

She rubs mirrors clean
of herself, hoping to wipe her
gently disdained breath fogging up the
cracked windshield of a toppled car

There's seven shades of shame
Ten tints of timid inferiority
Fourteen flashes of frantic
Hundred hues of hurt
Micah Nov 2017
1. try not to think about it
2. you have it so much easier than so many people
3. You can't help me
4. so?
5. your taste in music is ****
6. I'm leaving
7. what pain do you have
8. it hurts Micah, the universe hurts
9. don't be so depressed all the time?
10. Don't you wish you had gone with her?
11. I can't sleep, I want to die
12. You sing horribly
13. you are paranoid and bitter
14. you are a bully
15. I'm leaving
16. you aren't worthy of being my son
17. there's no life in your art
18. this guy? he's such a loser
19. go to sleep
20. who does he think he is?
21. you don't know the difference between w and m?
22. He's a lost cause
23. You made her like this
24.You made her like this
25. I'm leaving
26. but why does he make them suffer so much?
27. People like him are the worst
28. I was his powerplay
29. you are not good enough
30. I grew up too fast, they made me
31. are you out of your so-called depression?
32. useless
33. She's gone micah, she's gone
34. you can never escape becoming your parents
35. I'm fine, don't worry
36. you can't dance for ****
37. I'm leaving
38. He fell
39. I sometimes wonder, is it my fault?
Do you have any sentences that broke your heart?
Micah Oct 2017
The wheels on my train go
Cowardice Cowardice Cowardice Cowardice Cowardice
Phew Phew Tired
Scared Fear Scared Fear Scared Fear Scared Fear Scared Fear
Phew Phew Paralysis

This journey has me exhausted and old
Useless running away into the desert
Lord it would be better if I were dead
Where is the voice now, I ask from desperation

Speak master for I am listening

Oct 2017 · 396
Wistful Thinking
Micah Oct 2017
My house has seen too many monsoons
deranged doors shrieking in paranoia
The paint is flaky, lost to the elements
Teacups chipped and dusty, spoons bent in telekinetic fatigue
My fans are fans of decapacitation

But there comes a time that
you would like to cohabit this hostile hostel
With someone who is not bitter at the stars
Someone with doorbells and not medieval fortifications
With smiles that warm the winters and cool the Indian heat

I've lived this way for far too long, hiding from the sun
unworthy of someone on the other side of the bed
emotions unkempt, ruffled thoughts and passions raw
Torn smiles and hands skilled at pushing away
Words that shy from affection and the touch of death

I have a house to renovate, I don't know how to make it a home
So I sit on the porch, waiting, till they have had a look inside
Sit, till they decide this estate isn't real enough for them.
Oct 2017 · 424
My dreams have my tears
Micah Oct 2017
The sulking sun
left me some gifts;

a purple dusk and
cool mountain breeze.
golden sundried stalks waving
Grass reeds swaying
A lithe dancer's innate grace.

Such a rich stage
for a wonderful show
I almost forgot
that you were beside me.

It took a while
but it would come, eventually.
I smelt it before I saw it,
Your flannel was ablaze.
You looked on in mute pity
as I cried
and cried

leaning in to kiss
my tear doused face
scattering away
ashes in the wind.

Collapsed I cry,
under a purple sky
waiting for it to end.
and begin afresh again.
Micah Oct 2017
Do you see the wreckage I walked out of
Braced myself, Fire Flame, Crash landing.
And the smoke of death has reached my flared nostrils
What is the less poisonous of two fumes?
One reeks of death, sadness and inevitability
of blood, tears and the pain of living.
The other smells of green ignorance
Take my pain.

So I, I took the path well taken, for I
didn't have the courage to look
at the broken bone jutting from my shin
Dull me, Numb me, Let me waste away in bliss
This existence is my bane, my plane crash.
Micah Oct 2017
I am starved for light, the sun only touches my treetops
Diving deep in freezing water I search a warm sun
Wading through crowds  doing vocal exercises
Getting ready to sing, speak and shout
but never listen

My freedom isn't here yet but if you would be willing to restart
My heart, there would be a lot of poison to pump out
Be a little butterfingered with scalpel
Cut me up in a thousand places
Let my bad blood run
And when I
Oct 2017 · 479
Micah Oct 2017
I haven't written at length for a long time now and my maelstorms are worse. I haven't written for my heart and the protest inside has reached a crescendo of violence. The dam is at its limit and I am the explosion waiting inside. My conductor has quit and the orchestra has lost its sanity, timbral destruction and cymbal apocalypse. I watch helplessly the drowning flutist and the bleeding pianist. Whale song rings in my ear all the time, and I am tired of this dismembering dissonance. My nostrils flare in the polluted river and the acid water has reached my lungs. They burn with the intensity of jealous stars and pull me in like black holes. Sometimes the heat is too much and the cold offers nightmarish dreams of death. So I bear the burden of two jackets soaked in ice water. My teeth, eyes and nails feel like they might fall into my food and I won't have the energy to even care for self-cannibalism. The church has fallen on our heads and my life is frothing at the mouth. The madness is finally settling in, violently setting up camp in my soul. My veins pulse rhythmically like the drums in a System of a Down song.

Father why have you forsaken me?

In your eyes forsaken me.

In your thoughts forsaken me.

Oct 2016 · 867
Micah Oct 2016
Some years later, they will look back to this time and ask how we did not see it,
What we cursed, ridiculed and cut away would become our only saving grace.

The effects would manifest only as humanity started getting wearier of the destruction it had wrought on itself,
Tired of nuclear winters and oxygen-less atmospheres, water-stressed economies on the brink of downfall

And in those days, stories would come from different and remote parts of the world
Of people made of miracles, walking around in daylight, unclothed in hazmat suits and around whom the world seemed more friendly

And the scientists will run to these 'saviours', desperate for hope, desperate to save their once dominant race,
And then they would study them , hair to toe, and they would find their worst fears come to pass

Years ago, Humanity was crazed by a trend to cut away seemingly useless parts of themselves,
These 'useless' parts would now offer a new lease of life to an historically arrogant species

And they will then  build shrines and temples to the Appendix,
The vestigial ***** that pulled humanity from the brink of extinction.

And the people who shunned appendectomy as a sin will reign supreme,
Rulers of a kinder world.
weird dreams
Sep 2016 · 768
Micah Sep 2016
I must tell stories again,
Of people I haven't met,
Of hearts I haven't felt.
I must let my soul out,
To wander into another pair of eyes,
Into veins that throb to another heart.
Weary I am of my one narrative,
I must tell stories again.
I must know what it means
To be more than me.
Aug 2016 · 1.2k
White Noise
Micah Aug 2016
Two pairs of eyes, one yours and  one mine,
Unfocused, we stare beyond the ceiling.
The room is awake with white noise,
Only we are dead to all it's appealing.
I am barely aware of your hand in mine,
Like I am aware of the clock and the still running shower,
It is a spot on the horizon, this room is far far away,
And the silence grows outward like a deadly flower.
And my lover floats with me on this numb sea,
Ebb and flow we go, from one memory to another.

You may leave us now dear reader, for our agony is still too fresh too feel,
Come see us when the dam breaks and pain demands an appointment.
Come back then dear reader and witness the downfall of your muses.
For now we must lie here hand in hand, unthinking, unspeaking and be a mere poetic disappointment..
Aug 2016 · 1.2k
Micah Aug 2016
The silence is pristine in a shower.
Freely mulling in a cocoon of hot water,
You are safe, in the womb of the moment.
Nourished by this aquatic placenta.
Your mind is set free of the burden of noise,
To meditate and reflect on its own voice.
And grow thee to enlightenment slowly, steadily.

I leave with this advice, bathe thee readily,
For that is the key to life.
Naked Nirvana? Rediscovering the joys of bathing xD
Aug 2016 · 1.4k
Micah Aug 2016
I have your heart in a vise and I'm tightening the screws
Watch me wring you for every bit of joy you thought you had
You are on my worktable and after I dry you to the bone, I'll go to work on you
I will whisper sweet nothings into your ear as I pull out your fingernails, one by one
Say my name, you will beg for me, I will give you nothing but agony, but you will still thirst.
The title is a pun on whom this is about
Aug 2016 · 1.2k
The Morning Walk
Micah Aug 2016
Paroled, I step gently into the soft dawnlight,
I feed on the cold that wraps around my ribs,
And the little sleep that clung to my eyes is purified.

I am suddenly stunned motionless by the silence,
The difference is tangible in its almost gentle touch,
The oppression is lifted and my tears are called to reverence.

The morning is upon me, with it is rebirth,
The death of darkness at the holy altar of life,
And the birds, in rustled rhythm,sing to me of my worth.

And the baptism is complete, the water hath crossed my head completely,
I will live now  in the blues of the sky, the greens of the trees and browns of the earth,
I will make my home in the nests and burrows of the world, make my bed on the wind,
I will eat over the fire and bathe in the rain; soles on mud, I will make my way in the unknown,
This is my promise to you, I will reside in the beauty of this realm and seek it willingly.
The darkness will not hold me down
Micah Jul 2016
"Are you cowards?" I asked, "Why do you try to escape.
Life is a teacher, heartless but wise."

In pity they looked upon me, as if for the first time.

"Sweet little soul" they answered,
"there is yet innocence in you, devoid of the demons we seek to ****."
Micah Jul 2016
I dreamt often often of this moment
This merging of our bodies
This dance that everyone plays with you
I wanted to show you I was different
But you had already built your home in the Tundra
I hadn't known how much you hated the summer.
Jun 2016 · 350
Micah Jun 2016
I crave it, that feeling of fulfillment,
I crave what my mind has not truly known,
The freedom it had only glimpses of,
in between half-finished verses and smudged sketches,
Through the letters spotted by tears and laughter that sometimes ripples through,
I've had enough of defense mechanisms and inferiority complexes,
I'm done with shallow conversations and half-deaf relationships,
Dumbing down for a larger audience is not worth my confidence,
I ask only for a truly open heart and a world that will yet again not listen.
Apr 2016 · 360
Growing out of my skin
Micah Apr 2016
A little child watching TV, I was fed clichés and stereotypes all day long. I decided I'd never succumb to being put in a box. So I changed fast and furiously, always on top of what they thought of me. If they call me x, I'll be 56. So I changed and changed, going through piles after piles of masks.
Now I have forgotten what I look like.
I go to the mirror for answers but it spits my past disdain into my face. And I stand there, tired of not being, and trying to be. All these masks have changed my face and I am lost. Forever.
Apr 2016 · 689
Micah Apr 2016
Nauseous and weighed down by a pit in my stomach. I feel the same things I felt that day in silences that often overwhelm my senses. I cried for you, I felt the insides of the void you left behind and cried some more.
I didn't know you as much as I should have. I didn't talk to you as much as I should have. I didn't hold your hand or massage your feet as much as I should have. I didn't understand that you could go away, as much as I should have.
I regret my callousness when I remember how they cried when you left us. When I remember how I cried when I thought of the pain everyone was going through.
Ever since I could see, I saw you. Smiling and praying and scolding. I never did expect that you would have to leave. We never think that the places we seen since birth could one day no longer be there, do we?
But thank you, thank you for calling me your grandson, for praying for me night after night, for imprinting powerful Bible verses into me. For giving me your vitamin candies. For holding my heavy hand in your frail one.
You are the kindest soul I have ever seen, always smiling, always talking to random people like they're your children. You smiled better than flowers did and spoke of only good things. Never did I hear a harsh word even begin to form on your lips.
I am sorry. If I could, I'd remember all your smiles and all your wrinkles. And all your love.

Thank you for being my grandmother.
Micah Feb 2016
Hoardings of longer legs and shapely curves
Fat lips slowly parting from ****** hymns
Inch after inch of giant television screens
Vomiting blamelesss skin oto my couch
Blotting the real bodies of real people
Kicking my mind, blind and dumb
To the point of nominal resistance
To all notions of primal restraint
Sell your *** someother place
Leave these homes alone
Sep 2015 · 876
AlphaBet Clouds
Micah Sep 2015
This amazing architecture of allure; awe-some

to behold , from beneath bed upon beautiful bed

of clouds, cotton-white, concrete-gray and crow-black,

this dangerous density diligently damning my dainty

existence; ever eliciting earnest

and fevered fallacies of false pride to be fatally felled by

this gigantic gale-mother, these gods of galactic proportions.

Hold me, as I help myself hallucinate about heaven in hell,

Innately inundating my lost innocence with it.

Joyously joining in jovially joking about our jubilation in,

Killing our Kudis and our Khaleesis in keeping with,

Our love of labeling lust as love and losing ourselves to,

Mankind's madness for maleficence. We manipulate

our naive needs into necessities, neutralizing all notions

Of obscenity, Obese in our omissions.

Petulantly, we punish any probability of penance or pity.

We will soon quiver and quake, while quail will fly in this beautiful quag,

Resting reluctantly and resisting the requiem of the realm,

That holds a sad semblance of the sky's seas.

Traveler, your traveling is less than trash if you haven't traced

This ubiquitous umbrella; untouched and untainted

By the viscous vice that voraciously vitiates the viscera.

Wait, weary world look up to the place that no words can describe,

To the heavenly xystus that acts as a xylophonic xylem to our xerical and xeroxed dreams.

Yearn traveler yearn, for your eyes to look yonder forever,

To feel the zigzagging zephyrs that witnessed every zenith of history, from Zoas to Zebras.
Kudi - Punjabi for lass
Zoa- protozoa
Aug 2015 · 656
Micah Aug 2015
None of these places,
The towering cliffs,
The roaring seas,
The vast clouds,

None of them remind me of my inadequacy,
As much as your eyes do.
Jun 2015 · 1.3k
The Unsilent Folk
Micah Jun 2015
Have you ever halted in the middle of street,
Stopping, and pausing even your heartbeat,
All because you heard a voice,
A voice with your name cradled in it.

You might have turned around then,
Searched and found no familiar faced friend,
Then you might have walked on again,
Telling yourself it was all in your head.

If you're to be believed.  

But if you had ever followed that sound,
You would have very well found,
A world apart from yours,
Where magic reigns and physics holds no doubt.

A place of wonder and awe,
Beauty, the likes of which you never saw,
Beautiful in nature and its creatures,
A place without limits or laws.

A garden of gold, silver and platinum,
Where beautiful bodied angels lightly hum,
And sing of music and knowledge and all that is to admire,
Where every sorrow, every pain is lost in the depth of a harped strum.

If you ever followed the voice you might find a world that is,
Much more than you ever saw or dreamed,
But only if you have the courage to follow,
That Voice to This World and let it swallow you whole.

And That's what they would like you to believe.

But No! I'm here to tell you to flee,
The song of these sirens points to no paradise free,
They call out the names of those that they thirst for,
When your crimson blood calls out to their very being.

They don't discriminate between a man or woman,
Fair or dark, animal or human,
But there's one life they spare,
A child with more innocence than they can bear.

So when a child tells you of an invisible companion,
Know that the little one is not lying,
Know the danger is closer to home than you think,
There's destruction coming, one beyond comparison.

There's more threat in that one harmless, faceless voice,
Than eerie laughter in the night of no noise,
More death resides in that one unsolicited call,
Than in the blackness of the darkest voids.

Do you know the terrors of the seven hells?
Then you better be listening to me well,
Because if they call you and you do look back,
They will find you and rejoice at the agony in your yells.

They are sharpening their teeth,
In anticipation they are waiting to eat,
And even as we quietly whisper about this abomination,
All they want is a few human tears and a little human meat.

Well that is, if I am to be believed.
Jun 2015 · 883
Did You Fall Too?
Micah Jun 2015
P* erception of perfection you peep through,
Pasty pallid skin, polished and hairless too.

O rifices overloaded with objects inserted,
Onus on organs contorted and inverted.

R ated R for restricted but,
Revered in every racing, raving heart.

N o escape, never real, a never-ending reel,
Note now how it is the act and the squeal, never the feel.

I t is its own doom, on a breakfast platter, glittering,

S erving your imagination an unforgettable, unfulfilable fantasy.

A lways present to build a prison cell and still calls you free.

T rue to itself but a lie nevertheless,

R uinous rapture you have there, rupturing a future,

A way from the light to higher heights of depravity fly,

P ursue a mirage, put on its chains now.

Did you fall too?
I was hoping you'd give me a hand.
Jun 2015 · 459
Micah Jun 2015
The day I put a mirror to my heart, To find out who I really was,
This world didn't change me, it didn't burn me with its flame,
No! I gave in to it, And once again I had no one else blame.

By now most of you know now,
This is your story too,
And no matter how much we draw and paint it red, green and blue,
We just can't fake it anymore.
It's still just cardboard world,
Yearning to be burnt down.
Jun 2015 · 531
Micah Jun 2015
Laying awake at ungodly hours,
I've often stared into a ceiling that I reflexively believed to be present.

But, whenever I did find myself at leisure from sweating and sleeping,
it was always too dark to make sure that the roof was still there. And this invoked a primal fear within me.

If you need to ask why I felt afraid, you've never been a father.

A father closer to the grave than any of the naive goals he'd set for himself as a child.
A father who had traded his breath and blood for bread and a burrow.
*This uncertain roof, often made me ask, "Has it been worth it?"
Jun 2015 · 774
The Nothing
Micah Jun 2015
Strutting feathers,
Nose I hold in high contempt of all things,
Look at this preening fool in bad weather,
And find in me a little piece of nothing.

A hole, another null area, a void,
A reciprocal infinity, a tranquillity internally collapsing,
A black space within my darkest face ,
One never acknowledged publicly.

Therein lay the worst thoughts 'never' had,
It is the place where my Nothing hides,
You have one too.
Have you found it yet?
Please read on only when you do,

This Void never really goes away,
And I fed it, in the hope of making it disappear,
Threw at it all that money can buy,
And all that it couldn't,
But at the end came to a realization,
That Everything you do has an effect on this hell hole,
But nothing you do, will ever decrease it,
Your only hope remains in keeping it constant and bearable,

*For this is the meaning of life,
Keeping this Nothing from becoming you.
Jun 2015 · 884
Micah Jun 2015
I waited for the green line,
To dance and dance in time.

I waited for a smile to show,
Above the cold stethoscope.

I waited for the white cloth,
To rise and fly like a newborn moth.

I waited for this coffin to move,
And dance to our favorite tune.

I waited for the headstone to be a prank,
Of your imaginative think tank.

I waited for the reverie of your voice,
To tease me for staring out of the window,
So much so that it's the only thing I do,
To wait for you is all I know

All lifelong I waited for you to be heavensent,
Waiting for you is all I know now,
Who saw that in the end,
It would be you waiting for me somehow.
Jun 2015 · 701
Lying Friends
Micah Jun 2015
It is one of the fifty five ways to find a friend,
Do they plead ignorance when you need it the most?
Do they hold up that gentle facade till the very end?

When you don't need reality,
Do they make it go away with something witty?

Even with grief and sorrow written all over their faces,
Do they laugh , laugh and laugh, till they don't have to hide their tears?
Do they call you home when you are moping in your dark spaces?

Can they hide their sorrow,
To Make you forget your fated tomorrow?

Their eyes may wrinkle a little lesser each time they smile,
Their voices may not quite seem to be fully existent,
But you are still taken by their mirth, as a balm for a while.

*Oh how I pity the departing soul that doesn't have friends that they didn't buy,
But how much more pity I have, for those whose friends cannot lie.
Jun 2015 · 785
Observing You
Micah Jun 2015
Observing you
Animated, you speak in increasing overtones, filtering even traces of any creeping monotones.
With a passion that boils like lava in volcanic fissures, you express your convictions in strong hand gestures.
I see in you a certain glow, within which your inner strength shows.
I know now that you're one to stand up and not leave.
I see in you, a solid belief.

Your head whips back, as growing laughter wracks you in vibrations sharp, every little motion originating from your hearts little shards.
I see in you, something I don't see in me, a bravery to bear the brunt of a dishonest society.
No need have you, to repress or regress every feeling or thought, so subconsciously you confess. You detest going through the motions, but know enough to be true to your emotions.
I see in you something for me, honesty.

As you speak of the people you lost and the people you just had to let go of, an incomplete smile and lying eyes tell the story that your lips just cannot. Smothered by the memories, your smile waits for the tension to release.
It twitches and ceases, seemingly against its own wishes.
I see a broken world in your eyes, but also a flame that never dies.
I see in you a veteran of storms, a resounding bell that never stops.

A temper you hold, that often flares in your eyebrows.
I steal a glimpse, even when you won't let it show. But you hold your beast down, and a more permanent smile replaces that momentary frown, as you reject the things that make you drown.
I see in you kindness and resilience.
I see in you, empathy and forbearance.

You speak of a thousand places and times and a oceanful of faces.
You speak of the worlds that you are a part of, the experiences that you're at the heart of.
Your eyes tell is wonders that are and have been. Even your songs bear the mark of the celestial, a beauty that stands on a pedestal.
I see in you, the work of God and now to the effect I see how you really are, imperfectly perfect.
This is the first spoken word-ish project I have taken on. Please critique
Aug 2014 · 577
The Unsilent Folk
Micah Aug 2014
Have you ever halted in the middle of street,
Stopping, and pausing even your heartbeat,
All because you heard a voice,
A voice with your name cradled in it.

You might have turned around then,
Searched and found no familiar faced friend,
Then you might have walked on again,
Telling yourself it was all in your head.

If you're to be believed.  

But if you had ever followed that sound,
You would have very well found,
A world apart from yours,
Where magic reigns and physics holds no doubt.

A place of wonder and awe,
Beauty, the likes of which you never saw,
Beautiful in nature and its creatures,
A place without limits or laws.

A garden of gold, silver and platinum,
Where beautiful bodied angels lightly hum,
And sing of music and knowledge and all that is to admire,
Where every sorrow, every pain is lost in the depth of a harped strum.

If you ever followed the voice you might find a world that is,
Much more than you ever saw or dreamed,
But only if you have the courage to follow,
That Voice to This World and let it swallow you whole.

And That's what they would like you to believe.

But No! I'm here to tell you to flee,
The song of these sirens points to no paradise free,
They call out the names of those that they thirst for,
When your crimson blood calls out to their very being.

They don't discriminate between a man or woman,
Fair or dark, animal or human,
But there's one life they spare,
A child with more innocence than they can bear.

So when a child tells you of an invisible companion,
Know that the little one is not lying,
Know the danger is closer to home than you think,
There's destruction coming, one beyond comparison.

There's more threat in that one harmless, faceless voice,
Than eerie laughter in the night of no noise,
More death resides in that one unsolicited call,
Than in the blackness of the darkest voids.

Do you know the terrors of the seven hells?
Then you better be listening to me well,
Because if they call you and you do look back,
They will find you and rejoice at the agony in your yells.

They are sharpening their teeth,
In anticipation they are waiting to eat,
And even as we quietly whisper about this abomination,
All they want is a few human tears and a little human meat.

Well that is, if I am to be believed.
Going back to my roots.
Micah Aug 2014
Somedays, when the voices around him plunged into a violent chaos, he would get up from where he lay. Wordlessly he'd walk out of the door, every step seemed to pass right through the flooring. Such a silent yet determined gait, he held. While the insides of his house painted themselves red with the blood of broken words and hearts, he doggedly kept his stride in synchronization with the silence in his heart.
The caresses of the wind that once he held so dear, felt like a wasteful largess now. It swept bittersweet memories into his eyes, like a battering ram through all his defences. He reminded me of the teetering top in that moment, right on the edge of falling. But as vertigo captured him, he became aware of the fall that loomed before him.
Sighing, he set to work picking up the pieces, before the cursed wind swept it out of his control once again.
And there it happened, where it always did, like an unlearned mistake. Before the moment completed itself, he was submerged under the weight of his overbearing sorrow once again. Like a schoolyard bully, it tossed him around.
And as his heart finally came to terms with the inevitability of its hopelessness., he embraced the pain. Holding it close to his heart like a returning lover.

No longer barred, the tears finally flow, steady and slow.
I find myself drawn much more to the poetry of exhaustive styleless description, suits my lazy nature.
Micah Aug 2014
Finding you was easy,
The squirrel that finds an acorn,
One that it is happily surprised to see.

Making a place for you in me was a little harder, you see,
It digs steadily, small paws boring into the ground,
Reconsider, a safer place for you is deeper, farther in.

Losing you is harder still,
Winter's coming,
And I haven't had my fill.

Losing someone before being found,
It may not be profound,
But even the squirrel will tell you now,.
Deeper does not mean any safer than above.
May 2014 · 2.8k
Why I scream
Micah May 2014
Do you hear those screams, piercing the night? It’s a little annoying sometimes, just when I’m trying to sleep, a shriek tears that delicate fabric of silence, and jolts me awake, once again. I’m not scared of those screams, but there’s something familiar about them, something, about that voice, that dread that cripples my heart-That voice. It belongs to me.                        Sweat rolls down my tiny face, like on a warm summer night, except now every part of me shivers from the cold, on the inside and the outside.

And slowly I start to remember why; why I scream.

The reminder, the memory- It comes. Silently, like a thief tiptoeing into my room. I bear witness unable to move, Still as a rock, I’m smothered by the weight of it, unable to breathe.“Go away”, I try to scream under the weight of a disobedient voice. But it’s no use, the naustalgia is unstoppable.           The coming nightmare whispers silently into my terrified ears, “Shush, enjoy that pain, they say everyone likes it.”And it comes, the pain so painful that death is sweeter. I can’t embrace it, I never will.

 And I’m taken to the past. To the day it all went downhill.

“So many colours!”, I said, as I gaped at the garishly painted wall that I tried to grasp with my gnarly little digits. I was never bored here at the kindergarten, unlike some other muskrats who only bestowed their presence to show off their capabilities to produce saltwater from their eyes and dolphin mating calls from their blackhole-like mouths. Some talent.

It was a sunny summer day and the only thing I didn’t like about it was that every adult complained about the heat -all the time- my mum, my dad and my teachers, everyone. I remember thinking that all these grown-ups were absurd. Sure it was a little hot, but winter was always coming, so it was only fair. Change was constant, but it was such a bright day, why complain at all? I felt exceptionally happy, the whole day was a treat to my imagination laden senses.

Pity, it was such a good day to eat chocolates too.

Another thing I remember about that day was that pesky little boy, who didn't strike me as obnoxious back then, but now I’m retrospect he was really quite a block in the chimney stack. He’d entered class yesterday with the Doraemon pencil that recited generic phrases from the popular kids show, stuffed proudly in his chest pocket. And as he walked to his seat, the sound of his footsteps were punctuated by tiny “oooh’s” and “aaah’s”, as adoring little preschoolers watched the invaluable speaking object reverently. Unable to deal with the sudden adoration prudently, he got ahead of himself as his world fed that ancient balloon- The male ego. He started teaching "art" forms such as scribbling and scratching. And because I was the one sitting next to him, he felt the need to bestow upon me his vast knowledge of the subject. I didn’t really mind this condescension only because the implement he used to teach me was so exquisite. I sat there listening to him till I got bored of him talking about his Daddy and his money.

Then that little bird had started to sing so beautifully, humming at the trees as it sat on our windowsill. Every shrill note out of its little beak sent the "historic" words of that boy deeper and deeper into the dark recesses of my tiny mind. The effect of that simple melody was immediate. I stood up and started to sway slowly to the windowsill. (Even though the things I remember about this make no sense to me now, they are quite an accurate representation of my state of mind at that point.) I loved the little sound that the little birdie made, the memory of it still makes me want to jump and dance. I cooed back to her, “Coo coo(I’m happy too I tried to chirp to her)”. She looked at me quite a while, cocked her head a little to the side and cooed once more before flying off.

She replied!

She understood what I told her and she replied in kind. My wonder making mind went into a mad frenzy. So all the cartoons were true, you could really speak to animals. How I wished, I had a poké-ball! I marched to the teacher in small short joyous steps as she wrote on blackboard and clutched on to the end of her Churidar because my little hands could only go so far.          “Teacher, Teacher”, I squealed in ecstasy, “That birdie spoke to me”          “I’m sure she did, sweetie, now go back to your seat.”, she replied.

Deflated but happy nonetheless, I skipped back to my chair merrily, thinking of little birdies and a magical Pokémon. I remember, I loved how that know-it-all pencilbigmouth kept asking me to tell him what the birdie told me. Even if I hadn’t loved to see him beg,(which I did) it was my little secret, how could I tell him? How would he even start to understand? (Yeah I was being quite the drama queen in my head back then, blame the TV.)



Here I break apart from my rapture into the past and find that in my subconscious, the memory gets blurry somehow, like the radio running between stations on daddy’s phone, I get snippets of thoughts and feelings as the memory fractures into a thousand pieces.

“Mumma must understand what the birdie said.”
"Pokémon exist."
“Oh! Chocolates! Yay.”
“There’s more, if you want some.”, a gruff voice resounds in my heart.
"More yay."
“Why is he removing his clothes?”
Then suddenly,  I remember the pain- searing hot and burning through me-as clearly as sunlight through trees. Crying and screaming, I tried to escape, but to no avail. There was a big man in front of me now. His lust-crazy eyes, ******* out every piece of my existence. Somehow he was inside me and it hurt, it hurt.

How was he inside me?

Why did it pain so much?

Didn’t he hear my cry?

Stop it.

I couldn’t move, I could do nothing but scream.                                                  He touched me in my softest parts, painfully, pinching me and tearing my skin apart. It was a sea of agony and I was drowning. As I struggled to breathe, the blackness finally took me under. That unconsciousness had saved me and cradled me, lulling me to sleep in its darkness.

It felt like death but crueler, because it let me live.

Looking back I realize, the sun wasn’t bright because it was happy, it was warning me. The day wasn’t bright, it was becoming hotter in foreboding. The bird didn’t tell me it was happy, it told me to fly away, far away.


Why are you still making me cry? After all these years, even when you’re asleep behind iron bars. Why are you still here, holding me down in your death clasp.?

Stop it. It hurts.                                                           ­                                                 It hurts.                                                           ­                                                                 ­  I can’t breathe, I’m choking,                                                         ­                          I’m dying.

I’m dyi…..


Calm down, I yell at my panicked heart. Slowly inhaling and exhaling, trying to fall back into my dysfunctional sleep, I lay back into my sweat soaked bed and close my eyes. And as the blackness of sleep slowly washes me down under its waves once again, I hear it again, somewhere over the dark horizon.

Stop it! I like this darkness, stop screaming. I sit up once again. I tell myself I’m not afraid of these screams anymore. I ignore the shrieks and the unease growing in me and close my eyes once more. Then I realize that the cries of terror that resound in my ears like a half-forgotten memory, they belong to me.

And once again I start to remember why, why I scream,

And once again the memory comes.
This is based on a recent **** that shocked India as a nation.
Oct 2013 · 590
Your Lies
Micah Oct 2013
If I shed a tear each time that you lied to me,
I'd be walking slowly on a iced sea,
Frozen over by the numbness that I feel,
Every time that I'm deceived.

- Micah Alex
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
A Future Left To Mould
Micah Sep 2013
Dear Me,

I Hope this reaches you in time,
Fifty years down the line,
I am not yet you but you are still me.

Is the future worth it?
Or is the world still where we left it?
Ambitions still bound, waiting to be set free?

Does India still cry out in pain?
Do her daughters still lie *****?
Is it the present unchanged?

Does violence still define our religions?
Worship places still soaked with the blood of the pious?
Is the present still the future unchanged?

I hope you don't regret me,
I promise I'll help You grow,
This is the generation I will change,
Lets lead this nation to heaven above!

I will strive today so that,
The poor, homeless and hungry,
Don't rot and die on every street, in every city.

Strive so that corruption is forgotten,
No penny is ever ill-gotten,
To lead this nation, into unity.

Let us stand as one,
The present and future,
India, Pledge today to shape the future right,
Just we visualise its glorious light.

A generation to change.
Aug 2013 · 864
The Truth
Micah Aug 2013
We see such a truth,
Half hidden behind a stranger's veil.

How we dine from the crops we reap,
But see not the seed that was sown.
We eat the honey from our glass jars,
But know naught of the dead bees and hives torn.

The truth is often within what,
We try so hard not to see.

Chopsticks and toothpicks to eat with,
But The Amazon lies **** amidst tree stumps for all to see.
Your hair can be dyed black day after day,
But the wrinkles will always remain close enough to feel.

Sometimes the truth is an open secret,
Something everyone promises not to tell anyone.

Stardust we are, born of chance they say,
Yet we emote, judge and live.
The unplumbed depths of the soul lie undiscovered,
But a wretched face is all the mirror can give.

The truth is somehow not full,
But Like the moon,
We await its glory,
Maybe it just is too soon.

Humans try to deface, hide and delete it,
But every night has its end in the dawn,
No matter how proud humankind grows,
They will cry and rejoice when the full truth is born.

Truth is the elusive cat we chase down our streets. We trample it, throw it and pull its tail.

But still in the end, it has 9 lives and always lands on ts feet.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
The Memory.
Micah Jul 2013
I get snatches from an early memory,
Mother holding an axe overhead,
The evening's firewood she sought,
From the log of wood that lay ahead.

She brought down the blade,
Blunted by time and use,
It stuck onto the log refused to let go,
She lifted the axe with the log and all, brought it down with a rage.

I remember a sharp pain on my left side,
And warm liquid flowing on my face,
I remember the crowds running and and hurrying,
I turned around to see what was happening that way.

I heard the rumors of a scream, whispering violently,
Like an irritating fly it unsettled me and my mother, shocked,
But the scream did not originate within my throat,
A collective roar split the land where the crowds so quickly flocked.

flashback stops

I am now the feared one-eyed pirate that  sails the seven seas,
A silent ghost of a tear appears from the eye that isn't there,
Alas! Now the legends of how mine disability arose,
Makes only for whimsical tales narrated in the company of another jovial wayfarer.
Inspired from a real life scene of a slum-dweller cutting firewood with her 3-4 year old son looking.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Micah Jul 2013
The billowing curtain awoke her,
To the voices that carried whispers over the wind,
Through the bay's serene extensive port.

As if in a trance, she followed that breeze,
That tendril of fresh ocean air touching her skin,
Leading to witness moon and stars hold court.

The ocean lay in front of her, teeming and voluminous,
It would have continued onto the sky, if unrestrained by the horizon.

Cold moonlight flooded her face, and she heard again those ancient echoes,
Such wonder she saw in these waves as they spoke, teased and enlightened.
Anyone who's watched the cartoon movie 'Sinbad the Sailor' will see my inspiration.
May 2013 · 1.5k
What Kills Our Children
Micah May 2013
Cold smiles,
Unholy lies,
Dark hearts,
Groping hands,
Perverse thoughts,

Practical words,
Invisible swords,
Heartless refutes,
Unimaginative rebukes,
Hypocritical beings,

These are the things,
That melt the snowflakes in the sun,
Trample sparrows yearning to soar,
Dampen embers smoldering within,
Poach the tiger cub learning to roar.

These are the things
That leave Little broken hearts,
Strewn on the road,
Next to twisted little minds,
Where jaded immature thoughts unload.
Micah May 2013
She told me to let her go.
Her son told me that I wasn't good enough.
And that he was leaving too.

I'm still not alone.
But now I fall into my own shadow.
In the grave, I'm truly and completely alone.
May 2013 · 2.9k
Calypso's Sorrow
Micah May 2013
The awake hummingbird flits,
At speeds beyond imagination over dark daisies and roses,
Little Pearls unerringly grow in deep ocean sands,
Concealed behind deceiving waters from the times of Moses.

A wobbling chair shifts on the glistening porch,
By the sands that move with the soul of the azure sea,
Where Calypso sits nestling the locket of the man she will lose tonight,
All of creation moves with her sobs in perfect harmony.

In the vistas of far reaching coconut trees,
The wind rushes to and fro,
Concocting a strange chilling melody,
A song that the seagulls forgot; that now only the ancient spirits know.

These notes that precede and proclaim the farewell that is to come,
Once again trapped within the confines of her paradise,
Calypso will cry once more when the man she had loved would have to go,
Deep within her aching heart without any comfort, her tears would have to suffice.
Calypso in Greek mythology was the daughter of the evil titan Atlas. After the war between the Titans and the gods, Calypso was detained to island of Ogygia to live in isolation for eternity. Even though she wasn't evil she was punished for her father's sins.

In the recent fiction novel series "Percy Jackson", Percy, a demi-god (son of Poseidon and a human) is trapped on the island. Where Calypso falls in love with him but he has to leave as early as possible. So Calypso for the second time in her long life is forced to let go of the hope that she would at last have a companion.
May 2013 · 682
What I Could Never Have
Micah May 2013
Hold* my hand tight,
Let us walk through *hurricanes,

Soar over the seas to lands unknown.

And I will take you to tomorrow,
Till the Isles Of Illusion,
To gape at Castles Of Glass.

Aisles of Autumn trees,
Don't compare to your evergreen eyes,
That soft smile,
Goes through me like thunder,
When my hand within yours you hold,
My heart feels like its about to leap and fall.

If I could just dare to dance,
I'd be Skipping on the stars,
Be Laughing out Loud.

You're the dream that I can't wake up from,
The distant glimmer that I want to believe,
The one thing that will forever evade me.
Sometimes even when when two hearts are willing, Love cannot happen.
May 2013 · 1.4k
The Madman
Micah May 2013
I'm walking through crystals of insanity,
Mad I may be, but everything is clear to me,
But still it doesn't look real, feels like a dream.
Strange Insanity.

Strange Insanity,
How when I'm muddled I see your hypocrisy better,
You call me raving mad all you want,
But I'm still more honest than you'll ever be.

I'm still more honest than you'll ever be,
Looking beyond your best,
I call a ***** a *****,
But I'm not perfect.

I'm not perfect,
Little by little my masks peeling off,
In between chocolate sunshine moments of utopia,
A strange frenzy to fill rivers with your blood.

A strange frenzy to fill rivers with your blood,
What can I say, with your chrysanthemum fading away,
Simple Phobia overblown into monster clowns,
Ghost towns of my fury populated with thistles and brambles.

aiufdln asdcnuie dfyvb wiuinvcn,
wafuib You are not what you show me,
No! I'm coming to **** asfduiahnb,
Let me taint the crystals of my insanity with your blood.
Feb 2013 · 714
Zombies In The Closet.
Micah Feb 2013
Death* took love,
Her heart crumbled,
The grave had ruptured.

Decaying bodies tumble out,
No respect for life,
They stagger.

The walking dead,
Roam her heart,
Eating up her life.

Hands held high,
She's falling to her knees,
Tears come.

Night gives way,
Sun's coming through,
The zombies crashing, falling.

She's smiling again,
Ear to ear,
Life has just changed,

Despite the skeletons you have,
In the dark closet,
Hidden beneath shame.

Truth will set free,
Our Savior saves,
**You and me.
10 word series.
Feb 2013 · 856
Our Song To Her.
Micah Feb 2013
Sitting on the window; looking out onto the terrace,
I was gazing into the twilight, feeling the wind seep into my heart,
Right then he had started to play.

A lonely figure in the moonlight, he was a solitary monk,
Strumming away on his guitar,
Luring out heaven’s saddest notes on the way.

And I began to lose myself too,
In the depths of his deep baritone voice of immeasurable sorrow,
As I vainly fought to blink the tears away.

His music had taken me home in another time,
Into her loving arms softer than soft,
Those that nursed me once and set me right.

I took the violin in my trembling hand,
Accompanying the lonely singer, I lapsed into the past,
The past that I didn’t want to have fight.

The fire that had taken her body, raged within me now,
Every note stabbed our souls as we keened; the world awoke to us,
Mine and his, our grief and music intertwined.

He finally looked up, right onto my face searching a balm for his fractured soul,
And all he saw was his own pain reflected in mine,
We kept on playing; Into that dark, cold night.

**For our first love,
The first face we ever saw with open eyes,
For a mother, A gasp of fresh air,
For the love, the love of our life.
The brothers that grieve for the mother they will never find again.
Jan 2013 · 1.9k
My Journey to God
Micah Jan 2013
Small* eyes that slowly grow,
See beautiful worlds turn ******,
Sense that arrogance in people,
Sensuality turning minds lonely.

But, unspared this onslaught,
I hear thoughts within the dark recesses of my mind,
That shame and shock me,
Fearing to dig further, afraid of what I’ll find.

Chasing love into barren deserts,
Mirages and illusions leave me thirsty,
In the race to fill up the hole in your heart,
I am begging for love, where could it be?

Turn slowly to the lies we’re fed,
Inside and over time, we change our sights,
Till the point that rational belief is lost,
My disbelief with blind faith would fight.

One day I stood on the precipice of truth,
And love that overwhelms, I found it,
Hopelessness wasn’t my life anymore,
Because rags do not a prince befit.

Finally when his love overpowers my every doubt,
And we surrender to the flood of heaven,
That void inside is at last, filled,
With forgiveness, seven times seventy seven.

So if you struggle to believe in a god,
Who loves, lives and sets you free,
Get down on your knees and say,
“God if you are there, Show yourself to me”
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
The Storm Within
Micah Jan 2013
I'm Lost within the storms
They rage within me 
I ***** in the dark 
Trying to find my way out of this mess. 

I want to live like you live
Smile because you want me to
And laugh because i mean it 
Every tear takes me further down. 

I'm still not all i want to be
Still become sad for nothing
Still fear the great unknown
Worry because that's all i can do. 

Maybe this is the boat close to land
The only hope hidden by the fog
Maybe this is the way i'll learn someday
That you'll always hold me forever and ever.
Jan 2013 · 1.0k
Scarlet Grace.
Micah Jan 2013
The rain stings your face
as you scream into the night
hands held up, you fall to your knees
break free girl, of these chains so tight.

Death holds you by the throat
pins you down and bullies you
all you need, is scarlet grace
from the tree of Golgotha, to renew.

To save you, he was speared
As thorns bore into his skull torn
he chose to go to hell for you
than remain without you in heaven.

Light pours from his bleeding scars
joy and happiness to fill you now
this is all he ever knew
to save, forgive and love you.

So have hope, keep believing
you are everything to him.
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