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Dec 2017 · 416
Like the Sun
Isabelle Dec 2017
Your love is like the sun
It gives me light and warmth
But I can't even come
Unless I choose to burn
Old poem

Inflamatory Love
Nov 2017 · 423
Isabelle Nov 2017
Don't let me go
           let me go
Now you go please.
Wednesday night musing.

youre in cloudnine
so happy that you wouldn't want to lose it
then suddenly it's suffocating
so you asked for a little space
then you became so accustomed to the space
so now you told me to go
and leave you in your **** spacious world
Nov 2017 · 2.1k
Summertime Sadness
Isabelle Nov 2017
Summer time
summer love
as hot as the summer sun
brighter than the summer stars

summer time, summer love
but seasons do change
and summer only lasts every summer
so before you go, kiss me hard
kiss me long, the one that lingers
kiss me, the one that will get me through
the next summer
Kiss me hard before you go..
-Summertime Sadness by Lana del Rey

Playlists and Footnotes
Nov 2017 · 501
Isabelle Nov 2017
Come on skinny love just last the year
Pour a little salt we were never here

-Bon Iver, Skinny Love
Skinny Love

no weight
shrinking, skinny
wasting away
skinny love
our love
never will grow
because never nourished
skinny love

Playlists and Footnotes
Nov 2017 · 630
Isabelle Nov 2017
Yeah, I want you
But I can't have you
So I want you more..
and more... and more
Heard from the song Minimize.

Stubborn Love
We chase, we want
What we can't grasp
We hold, we grab
Whatever chance
Even a little attention
Even a little affection
From people we like
But don't like us back
Nov 2017 · 472
Tell me
Isabelle Nov 2017
Tell me
The first time you met
How your stomach spinned
How the butterflies danced

Tell me
The first time you talked
How you fidgeted on your own
How you stuttered with every word

Tell me
The first time you touched
How your senses aroused
How your heart wanting to burst

Tell me
The first time you dated
How the billion of stars aligned
How the lovely moon smiled

Tell me
The first time you kissed
How time momentarily stopped
How magical, ephemeral it felt

Tell me
The first time he forgot
How betrayed you felt
How petty it seemed

Tell me
The first drop of tear
How you tried to wipe it away
How you acted okay

Tell me
The first time he lied
How hard you cried all night
How you forgave the next light

Tell me
The first time you fight
How he screamed so loud
How you hide like a child

Tell me
The first time he tried to break up
How your heart almost stopped
How you shamelessly begged

Tell me
The first time he walked away
How you cried in despair
How heart broken you've been

Tell me
The first sign of fading away
How the fire slowly loses it’s spark
How the story unfolds a twisted plot

Now tell me
How nights were so long, sleepless
How tears were almost blood
How dumb and numb and doomed it felt

Now tell me
How you handled the pain
How you remain “in-sane”
How you stitched every broken part

Now tell me
How time has nothing to do with it
How moving on was so hard
A state of mind, a choice

Now tell me
The moment you let go
The moment you forgive
The moment you walked away

-of memories
-the people specially him
-from the past, the pain

Now tell me
How freeing it felt
How the burden was lifted
How the heart was relieved

Now tell me
The moment you smiled again
The wicked grin “i’m over it”
The moment you’re living again

Now tell me, after him
The first smile
The first life
Ahh, much sweeter, better, genuine

Now tell me
That you learned a great deal
That you are stronger than before
That “first love” will always be special

Now that you’ve told me your story
I know, i know, you’re over it..
At some point in our lives
we need to be broken just to be whole again. First love will always be beautiful..

Surprising that i was able to write this long one, right now, while at work :p
Isabelle Nov 2017
Would you be the one
To end all the “what ifs”
And all uncertainties?

Would you be the one
To stay on the shore
Amidst the waves of storms?

Would you be the one
To dye my hair
When we get old and grey?

Would you be the one
To call me baby
Even when we reach ninety?

Would you be the one
To pull my wheelchair
When I can’t walk straight?

Would you be the one
To defy the gravity
To steal the stars in the galaxy?

Would you be the one
To prove the world and persist
That forever exists?

Would you be the one?
Would you be the answer
If I was the question?
Long ago in my drafts. Finally decided to end it this way. Gone into a vacation and I feel like I have a lot to say, but no words would come out, ughhh.
Nov 2017 · 503
Love birds, not
Isabelle Nov 2017

*But we aren’t love birds
I’ll get lonely if you leave
But I wouldn’t die
Haiku on my way to my first ever solo travel.
Nov 2017 · 430
Inspired by my 3rd Hike
Isabelle Nov 2017
As the dusk kissed the dawn
the moon starts to shy away
fireflies replace the stars
lovely birds start a lively hum
gradually waking up the sleeping sun

Slowly the flowers will flourish
waiting for the first sunbeam
that will pass thru the dashing trees
inside the pale green mountain
where unfathomable beauty hides

Soon as the moon bid goodnight
cold day air is born
perfect for the orange juice sky
dancing clouds will make a way
for the mighty sun to show its might

The first strike of the light
turns everything into emerald green
the energy is renewed
and the mountain is proud
for the wonder it holds will be seen

The bushes, the trees
the insects, the animals
the flowers, the grass
the rocks, the pebbles
all live in harmony

Didn’t know such beauty exist
wonders of nature truly a gift
And only those sucker for beauty
will dare to find, such places
where magic lies
The path is muddy and bumpy
but the summit is all glory
the mountain is never lonely

Yep yep. Random words fresh from the mountain haha! Looking forward to more mountains to climb!
Nov 2017 · 760
Repost: Walking Corpse
Isabelle Nov 2017
I am a walking corpse
Looking for you
To take back my heart
Which I offered you before

Your cold hands
Your harsh words
Your dry feelings
Your empty heart
Is what killed me

I am a walking corpse
Looking for you
To take back my heart
Which I willingly gave you before

My want of attention
Your lack of affection
My want of action
Your lack of emotion
Is what killed me

I am a walking corpse
With a body and soul
Looking for you
To take back my heart
This poem turns one year old today. Originally posted last November 1, 2016.
Oct 2017 · 413
Isabelle Oct 2017
Fell down
To the ground
Halo’s gone
Skin scarred
Not a human
Now dressed as man
Wings burnt
Heaven sent?
Did he obey
Or betray?
Or testament?
Just a random write.
Overheard on the bus, a guy was telling his friend that he dreamt of an angel. I don't know, it really caught my attention. I don't even remember if I ever had a dream about an angel.
Oct 2017 · 435
Inspired by my 2nd Hike
Isabelle Oct 2017
Be the flower amongst the grass
That blossoms like it’s always spring
Climb a mountain, touch the clouds
Feel the air in your face and hair
Soar up high, spread your wings
There’s so much beauty you’ll need to see
There’s so much in life you’ll need to live
I had my second hike last Saturday. And yes, it was so fulfilling. Nature is so stunning, breathtaking. God is the true creator.
Oct 2017 · 436
Isabelle Oct 2017
They say that I deserve a love that comes back
   Like waves, both strong and calm
     it always return to where it belongs
     it’s first love, the shore
   Like raindrops that hits the ground
     that flows back to oceans
     then soon returns to sea of clouds
   Like the seasons that change
     from spring to summer, autumn to winter
     consistent yet seasonal

They say that I deserve a love that comes back
It’s beautiful, promising, but I don’t want it

I want a love that stays
Not the waves who leaves
Not the raindrops that evaporates
Not the flowers that withers
Not the one that falls
Not the sunny then rainy
Not the cold then warm

I want a love that stays
A kind of love that doesn’t go anywhere
A kind of love that lasts
A kind of love that we all deserve
Raw, first draft. Just need to write this down before the idea fades away. What about a love that comes back and stays? Sounds better? I don't know. Just another cheesy not cheesy 5minute poem because I am too tired to sleep.
Oct 2017 · 499
With your words..
Isabelle Oct 2017
Call me pretty
Call me silly
Adore me
Glorify me

Hug me
Hold me
Keep me
Love me

Write me
Make love to me
Write me more
Undress me
Undress me with your words

Call me lovely
Call me ****
Worship me
Cherish me

Kiss me
Lick me
**** me
Melt me

Write me
Make love to me
Write me more
Undress me
Undress me with your words
Inspired by Michael Faudet's Undress Me.
Oct 2017 · 320
f society
Isabelle Oct 2017
Scrutinizing eyes
All staring at her
They call her a ****
Because she smells
of cigarette and lust
**** society
A smell doesn't tell
The whole story
When did it become a standard???
Oct 2017 · 895
I silenced the universe..
Isabelle Oct 2017
The splash of water slowly fades
I managed to stop the exploding grenade
The lightning bugs didn’t even bother to buzz
The birds, the cats, the howling wolves, i hush

I quiet the city sound, the busy street
I suppress my heart, every beat
I shut everything, everything to hear you
I silenced the milky way galaxy to listen to you

And then there I heard, i heard everything
The silent cries, the tears pouring
The commotion, uproar in your heart
The emotions wanting to burst

I heard your heart shattering
I heard the blood dripping
I heard every breath you released
As you picked every broken piece

I heard a happy noise
Followed by a cracking voice
You break out a long sigh
Then a very desolate cry

I love the riot in the stillness
Because I can clearly hear you
Every fiber of you
Every sound of you

And for you, my secret love

I will shut the world and open my ears to you
Until the day I finally hear a genuine laugh
I will silence every galaxy in the universe
Until the day you finally hear me too
Inspired by a spoken word poetry performed by a Filipino, specifically the line "pinatigil ko ang kalawakan para makinig sayo". I'm not so sure of this one, so I just let the words flow.
Sep 2017 · 526
Let it out
Isabelle Sep 2017
Tonight i'm so tired
That i let out a loooooonngg sigh
And let a tear fall
A haiku because im starting to reach my limit. Let it out, write it down.
Sep 2017 · 684
The difference
Isabelle Sep 2017
The stars were just plain stars
Until one night you sat beside me
And together we watch them dance

A flower was simply a flower
Until the day you gave me one
And put some on my messy hair

A coffee is just a mere coffee
Until one fine morning
You made one for me

The night, the morning
The summer, the spring
It’s all different

The cold, the rainy days
The oceans, the places
It’s all different

Everything, yes everything
Everything is different
Everything is so so so so much different
When it’s you I’m with :)
Or shall I say, better? :)
5 minute poem on my way home
Sep 2017 · 569
I don't own it
Isabelle Sep 2017
While you offer me those
sweet words and lovely poems
I am writing the same for him

And while you whisper
“I miss you” to me
I silently say the same to him

Sorry but it’s true, I ain’t over him
So tighten your grip, don’t slip
I don’t want you to get broken just like me

And as much as I hate saying this
It’s not you, it’s me
It’s always me, always me

And I can't accept anything you will give
Because I can't give what I do not have
-my heart, because sadly, he still owns it
I don't know how to say this to you.
Sep 2017 · 370
Isabelle Sep 2017
*If I was the question
Would you be the answer?
Work in progress.
Been so out of character lately.
Sep 2017 · 374
I said "no" twice
Isabelle Sep 2017
I said “no” for the first time
At first it doesn’t seem right
I felt so guilty
And kept saying sorry
I felt so sad
It felt like I was so bad
It consumes me, guilt
It felt like it was my fault
As for the second time
It was a lesser crime
Still, there was a guilt feeling
But it somehow felt freeing
To say no without explaining
To say no without minding
To say no because you simply don't like it
To say no when you truly mean it
I'm learning it though..
12 am thoughts
Sep 2017 · 1.1k
Good Morning Haiku
Isabelle Sep 2017
The sun is beaming
Amidst the stormy weather
Oh, a good morning
Good morning from PH :) The rain finally stopped. How lovely to walk outside..
Sep 2017 · 393
Isabelle Sep 2017
Under the moonlight
In the middle of the cold night
You will hear an elegy
The coldest, saddest story

Of how his heart was stole
Of how he lost his soul
To a maiden so heartless
Yes, a maiden so heartless

Many said, it wasn't stole
Instead he sold his soul
For a priceless illusion
To be with the girl of his ambition

So the story goes
The sinister he calls
To bargain something worthy
For a heart that costs no penny

He sold all of him
To get all of her
But the wicked will win
And the fool will suffer

Buying her heart doesn’t mean
Getting her love and affection too
Giving all of you doesn’t mean
Getting the same of what you do

So every night you’ll hear
Like a wolf wailing to the moon
Who can’t get hold of his dear
A man murmuring a mournful rune
Finally finished this one, after being stucked in my drafts for a long time.
Yep, up for some stories.
Sep 2017 · 377
Isabelle Sep 2017
Forgetting easily is a gift
and a

Atleast to me.
Sep 2017 · 710
For you
Isabelle Sep 2017
Not all who comes back
Should be welcomed
Maybe I've been going back too much lately..
Sep 2017 · 364
Asleep and Awake
Isabelle Sep 2017
It's been a long time
Since i last had a dream
Funny that last night
After what forever it seem
You were still included in my dreams
-both when awake and alseep

In dreams and reality..

When you are at work but this thought comes to your mind and you badly need to write it down so you sneak from work to get it done
Aug 2017 · 1.7k
Multitude and Inordinate
Isabelle Aug 2017
To you, love was about multitudes
To me, love was inordinate

“I love you” I would say
“How much” you would ask
-Lang Leav

You like specifics, you like to hear
How much I do, how much I can
But darling, my love is inordinate
I couldn’t quantify, it’s too lavish
Sometimes unconscionable
And multitudes is never enough
If you ever ask me again
I’ll ask you to count the star
On every galaxy
Until you loses track
I’ll ask you to count every grain of sand
On every ocean floor
Until you ran out of numbers
I’ll ask you to listen to my heartbeat
On every second of the day
Until the infinite of infinities ends
And if ever you asked me again
Of how much I love you
That’s my definition of “how much”
12:38 am poem. Inspired by Lang
Aug 2017 · 400
Stains and Scars
Isabelle Aug 2017
You left me tainted
With pain and tears
So i tried to bleach
To remove every stain
I scrubbed so hard
But i got wounded
So i bleed again
And starts to hurt again
The stains are now scars
And now i will be forever reminded
Of how i tried to remove you
Yet i got marked instead
This is inspired by my shirt with stains. I tried to bleach it then washed again again, i rubbed and rubbed until the shirt was torn! Lesson learned! Haha
Aug 2017 · 461
Carnal Solution
Isabelle Aug 2017
Write down the lines
Then burn it with the lies
Shut the mouth that sins
Seal it with a kiss
Bodies collided
The heat cannot be denied
Let lust consume me
To forget what he’s done to me
It was meant to end in fight
But naked in dimlight
When did it became a habit
To let our bodies speak
Instead of listening to our heartbeats?
I guess I can't desist
My desire for you I insist
And it's stronger than your sins
Yeah, watever comes my mind.
Late for work. Ugh.
Aug 2017 · 550
Isabelle Aug 2017
Look up, what shape do you see me tonight?
- Said the lovely moon

A solar eclipse
What a lovely sight
Seen by the lucky eyes
how fascinating it is to know that at one point of your life, you will be able to overcast a powerful sun.
Aug 2017 · 423
Isabelle Aug 2017
Like a piece of art
  - an abstract painting
   erratic, incoherent
   you can't comprehend
   only the painter (you)
   and his knowing eyes
   will see right through me
   only the painter (you)
   and his knowing hands
   will know the story on
   every stroke, every line
   every shade, every color
   only the painter
   the selfish painter
   will put me on display
   will hang me on the wall
   will risk me being judged
   to people who will never understand
   but will not care to what they say
   because he is a selfish painter
   and will just smirk behind the scene
   because he's the only one
   who truly understands me..
Only you will understand.
Aug 2017 · 344
Shame shame shame
Isabelle Aug 2017
Shame shame shame
Shame on those who reads leaked scripts
Shame shame shame
Shame on those who spreads leaked photos
Shame shame shame
Shame on those who watches leaked episodes
Shame shame shame
Shame on me xD
Game of Thrones. I can't resist XD
Sorry not sorry.
Aug 2017 · 2.5k
Isabelle Aug 2017
why can't it be the two of us...

Kasabay ng pagkawala ng mga linya
Sa saliw ng isang malungkot na musika
Muli na namang pumatak ang mga luha
Na unti- unting nagpalabo sa aking mga mata

Muli na namang tinatanong ang sarili
Bakit nga ba hindi,
Bakit nga ba hindi tayo?
Bakit nga ba walang tayo?

Hindi ko alam ang mararamdaman
Sa tunog ng iyong pangalan
Mga ala ala ay bumabalik
Parang sinasaksak aking dibdib

Akala ko okay na ako
Akala ko lang pala
Akala ko tanggap ko
Hindi pa pala

Muling nagtatanong sa sarili
Ano ba ang aking mali
Patuloy ang pagtulo ng mga luha
Sa indak ng malungkot na musika

Kailan kaya magiging payapa
Ang pusong mas durog pa sa paminta?
Malungkot lang talaga ako ngayon. Trying hard sa tagalog poem.
Aug 2017 · 371
My good morning
Isabelle Aug 2017
The morning shines
The sun is beaming
Everyday she blossoms
Like flowers in spring

Contagious smile
A lovely laughter
My heart will fly
At the sight of her

To open my eyes and see her
Oh I can stay like this forever
She is my morning coffee
That wakes every part of me

She is a beautiful dream
But I like mornings better
Because everytime I wake up
I know she's real
I just feel inspired today
Aug 2017 · 627
Dirty Dancing
Isabelle Aug 2017
     the silhouette of the crescent moon
     two hearts on a dim room
     heavy breathing and sweat
     rhythmic, music so sweet
     shadows of the night
     ***** dancing under the moonlight
The moon is watching..
Aug 2017 · 1.4k
Isabelle Aug 2017
My heart is cut into two
One for me, one for you

I bleed of love
If you return the same love

I bleed of blood
If you break the other half

I do not know if it's magic or what
But still I live with a broken heart
Lunch-break poem.
Aug 2017 · 308
Isabelle Aug 2017
camera is broke
still i capture each moment
of you in my heart
Morning Haiku :)
Good morning from Ph
Aug 2017 · 319
Isabelle Aug 2017
I am not pretty
That’s why you’ll never notice me
Don’t mention my hair
Don’t ask my day

Typical ******
Always on the corner of window
Don’t ask what music I listen
Don’t ask the poems I have written

Don’t ask me, don’t notice me
Because I am easily mistaken
Mere questions, I thought was an attention
A little attention, I thought an affection

Maybe that’s the reason
Why I easily get attached to people
Who shows even a little interest
Who shows even a little care

I always long for affection
That's why I am always mistaken
My subconcious tells me to write this.
Jul 2017 · 241
Isabelle Jul 2017
When you said I need you
I do not know if I'll be happy or scared
I just don't know
Need to let this out.
Jul 2017 · 366
Not for good
Isabelle Jul 2017
It’s been a long time
Looks like it’s been a very very long time
It’s haunting me
Wanting to break free

I always leave
Then comes back
Sometimes it’s the other way around
(What’s the difference?)

I always stop
Then starts again
Sometimes it’s the other way around
(What’s the difference?)

It’s the tide, the high and low
Washes what’s on the shore
Then returns what I thought I already lost
-memories, emotions, words

I comeback then leaves, I start then stops
I am coming back, again and again
To free the emotions, the words
To meet the shore, where I always belong

It’s the waves of poetry
That brings me back, always
To my first love
I always come back, but always not for good..

How I miss reading and writing. Sorry for the poor poem, it's my first write after what seems a very long time!
Jun 2017 · 507
Isabelle Jun 2017
As the tears are drying
And the heart stops hurting
And the love starts fading

*She also stops writing
Turns out heartbreak and love is her favorite muse.

I miss reading and writing :( Sorry friends, haven't been on the site lately, and I think I'll be gone for some more time..
I badly need a break *sigh*
Jun 2017 · 528
Isabelle Jun 2017
sorry to my unknown lover
sorry that I can't believe
that anybody ever really
starts to fall inlove with me.....
Sorry by Halsey.. such a sad song..
For you.. sorry that I am too blind..
Jun 2017 · 1.7k
Old Jeans
Isabelle Jun 2017
Old rugged jeans
I couldn't throw away
Because in it's tiny little pockets
I am keeping, the pieces
of broken dreams
and broken us
Old jeans, old us
Jun 2017 · 418
Poorly Drafted
Isabelle Jun 2017
Unfinished stories
All drafts
All hanging
No rhymes
No patterns
Just a mere plot twist
It’s the story of us
Poorly drafted
With a beginning
A storyline with no ending
The story of us.
Jun 2017 · 320
Isabelle Jun 2017
Running out of time is a big lie
And age, is nothing but a numeral
Never gets old..
Jun 2017 · 546
Bits and Pieces of You
Isabelle Jun 2017
A brush of fingertip is heaven
A wink takes me to paradise
One smile then I die
One dance is like a forever

Bits and pieces of you..

Your love
A pill is an overdose
A drop and I’m drunk
Overwhelming, intoxicating

Bits and pieces of you
is too much, too much
What more a whole lot of you
Can do??
First draft, too lazy to proofread.
Jun 2017 · 398
Isabelle Jun 2017
Don't ever build home in people
They all come and go
And when they leave you
Again and again
Homeless you'll be

Sad thing about being away, is when you do not have a pen. I miss writing and reading!
May 2017 · 6.7k
Pray for Marawi
Isabelle May 2017
I can't sleep
The horrible news is bothering me
My fellow Filipinos in Marawi
Are being attacked by Maute Group/ISIS
They are burning down the place
The houses, the hospitals, the churches
And if you can't prove that you are a Muslim
They'll take you as a hostage
Those who don't wear hijabs "are taken care of"
Horrible, really horrible
My fellow filipinos there are suffering
Muslims and non-muslims
It's not supposed to be about religion
It's supose to be being people, human
It's suppose to be "humanity"

*"Save me from people of the world" Psalm 17:14

It's horrible, really horrible. How can these people be so cruel?? It's really scary, really scary
Almighty God, I pray for my fellow Filipinos to stay strong amidst this crisis. May we find strength in each other and may you protect each of us from those inhuman people. We pray for peace and unity. Amen
May 2017 · 320
Isabelle May 2017
I can't comment
I can't put a heart
I can't repost
I can't add to any collection
What's wrong with HP?
Anyone else?
May 2017 · 4.5k
Moon Lovers
Isabelle May 2017
She doesn’t always look the same
Sometimes she’s a silver sphere
Fooling you that she is bright
But she’s just a mistress of the night

Sometimes only half of her you can see
Following you wherever you’ll be
She hides while dancing in the sky
Half, still a full beauty up high

In time, she becomes thin, crescent
Like a smile, a blissful moment
She looks delicate, discriminating
Only a part of her, still breathtaking

And only those prison of the night
Will witness the euphoric stint
Of showing pieces of her then
The beauty of becoming whole again
Look up, what shape do you see me tonight?

This is inspired by Phases, a poem by Midnight Rain, my friend here at HP. Thank you for the inspiration :)
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