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May 2017 · 827
Isabelle May 2017

Stomach is empty
Emotion is empty
Mind is empty
Ink is empty
This poem is empty
May 2017 · 674
Isabelle May 2017
The metered verses I draft
The soulful songs I sing
The seductive poems I write
The adorable words I spill
All these, are no longer for you

But I am not selfish
I am leaving some for you
Some pretty
pretty bad words..

… Curses …

The curses are for you
So yeah. B*llsh*t
I just need it.
May 2017 · 1.4k
Isabelle May 2017
In a world
where words
breaks and mends
  -- trust and hearts
questions are better than tears
what ifs are better than fears
That feeling...
It's like, an escape, delusions, illusions..
Apr 2017 · 613
Isabelle Apr 2017
You keep on recycling your
"I'm Sorry"
For new mistakes

And I keep on recycling
"I forgive you"
My always mistake
It's 1:13 am and I can't sleep, and obviously I'm a mess here
Trying to write anything
Trying to make sense of everything
Apr 2017 · 752
Be Kind
Isabelle Apr 2017

All these related words..
The world will be more humane..
Be kind, just be, what you gonna lose?
Apr 2017 · 643
Future me?
Isabelle Apr 2017
The future me, my love
Depends on how you treat me now

But then I realized, the future me
Depends on how I allow you to treat me

Going deeper, I realize
The future me, depends on me

Not you, not they
Only me, my choices and ME
Trying hard to catch up with the daily writing.
Apr 2017 · 6.7k
Pagod na ako
Isabelle Apr 2017
pagod na ako
kakalakad palayo sa iyo
kakatakbo pabalik sa iyo
pagod na ako
maghintay ng kahit ano
maghintay ng anino mo
pagod na ako
sa mga paghingi mo ng tawad
at sa aking pagpapatawad
pagod na ako
pagod na ako sa iyo
pagod na ako sa sarili ko
Hindi ko alam kung bakit ang lungkot ko ngayon :(
Nakakapagod na kasi.
Apr 2017 · 508
Isabelle Apr 2017
a drepressed loner
in a dark comic drama
his world a social sattire
alienated and desperate
he visited support groups
to relate to others
until he met an
alluring iconoclast
who introduced him to a world
of brawling, violence
until he finally entered into
a world of fight club
it becomes an addiction
a different belief
it becomes his sedative
an escape
until sentimentalism
becomes a horrible lie
so a different path he runs
A raw poem.
First rule: Don't talk about _____. Second rule: Don't talk about ______.
So yeah, it's one of my fave movies of all time. It's just crazy and brilliant..
Apr 2017 · 904
This Girl
Isabelle Apr 2017
There is this girl
Who appears out of nowhere

She looks at me
She smiles at me

A look that cuts straight to my core
Waking up my veins, my body, my soul

A smile that pierces through my heart
like a billion of Cupid’s arrows

On top of the other, one right on the top of the other
Then another on top of the other, arrow after arrow

My soul

My heart

And this is the part of the dream
Where most girls will grab your hand

Where most girls will embrace you
Kiss you, saves you

But this girl isn’t the same
Isn’t the same with most girls

This girl didn’t save me
This girl holds my hand

She smiles again
And asked “are you ready?”

And finally I am
I am ready

She didn’t save me, together we fall
No, we didn’t fall, we jumped

And this is the part of the dream where
as we were falling into each other

I woke up, I woke up
Too bad I woke up

It could be perfect, this girl
But it was just a dream

This girl..
Just a dream..
Because I couldn't sleep. Ugh.
Inspired by This Girl.
Apr 2017 · 549
Fade away #npmdreams
Isabelle Apr 2017
She is always afraid of waking up

Because her dreams die when she does

Her dreams fade away

fades away into reality

fades away


Too busy to write so I'll just repost this old piece of mine
Apr 2017 · 520
Isabelle Apr 2017
Adorable face
Within, lies a vicious trait
Be keen, don't be faked
Just used the adorable-horrible topic for this little haiku.
Apr 2017 · 1.0k
Isabelle Apr 2017
Creative you need not be
Rational or not
Only first letter that would fit
Senseless it may be
The thing is
It's still an acrostic
Consider this one, please
Please? Haha!
Apr 2017 · 323
Isabelle Apr 2017
When mind spilled the words
The two hands will do the work
Tool for poetry :)
Apr 2017 · 749
Overworked :/ #npmmeta
Isabelle Apr 2017
As the blanket of stars
Light up the sky
Here I drown
In ocean of works

Mountain of papers
Piled in my table
Waves of emails
Left me miserable
9:16pm Still at the office :/
Apr 2017 · 465
Isabelle Apr 2017
A haiku a day
Keeps my sanity at bay
A refreshing way
Haikus are lovely :)
Apr 2017 · 465
Isabelle Apr 2017
We live, only to perish in the end
We die, to celebrate the life we had

Life takes away things from us
Death takes away our lives

It's a chain, a cycle
Feeding one another

Give and take, but in the end
It's just the same
It's just the same.
Apr 2017 · 753
Isabelle Apr 2017
I’m in love with the moon
For it never leaves me when the night comes full
It gives light in the dark sky
Which makes me love even more the night

I’m in love with moon
For it shows up every night
When I’m all alone and wanted to plight
When I’m sad and there is no one beside

And I am wishing that you are the moon
So that you’ll never leave me when the night comes full
And you will give me light
Under the sky of the night

But you will never be the moon
For the moon is consistent every night
While you are away and not by my side
Revised old poem of mine.
Apr 2017 · 488
10 Words
Isabelle Apr 2017
Foolish heart, hear my warning
Stop before you start falling
Entry for day 17.
Apr 2017 · 633
Isabelle Apr 2017
When she answered I am fine
Her voice cracked
But no one noticed
When she said I am okay
She faked a smile
But no one noticed
When she told you I can do this
You didn't noticed
The tears she tried to hide

Is she that good at pretending
Or does anyone really cares?
Day 16 entry.
This is for you, my friend, I see you. Please don't be afraid to show it all, help yourself..
Apr 2017 · 867
Isabelle Apr 2017
Don't hurry up things
For there is definitely
a time for everything

Grow your wings,
Wait for the rain to stop
Wait for your beauty to glow

Not too early, never too late
Just in the perfect time
You will shine
Entry for day 8. Super late post.
"What's the hurry?" line from page 8 of Colleen Hoovers' Point of Retreat. The word hurry caught my attention. And also, those lines were an excerpt from my old poem- A Time For Everything.
Apr 2017 · 474
Isabelle Apr 2017
Great about the net?
Is I get to stalk my crush
Get some pics and blush :)
Entry for day 7. Super late post :)
Apr 2017 · 292
Changes, eh?
Isabelle Apr 2017
I was offline for almost 2 weeks
Dang! Hello Poetry is now pretty
But now I've got a question,
What is that Streams button up there?
Haha, I gotta get used to these changes :))
Apr 2017 · 410
Isabelle Apr 2017
"I love you too"*

*It is the magic word
that changes her world
Entry for Day 6.
Write something that changed you, or that changed the life of another.
Yes, words can change you..
Apr 2017 · 719
Fitting in the mold
Isabelle Apr 2017
Trying to fit in?
I always dreaded that feeling
But then, as they say, change is inevitable
I have to accept it like I don't have a choice at all

So yeah, I will definitely try
Not to fit in the mold
But to keep my shape and smile
Just be myself and be bold
Entry for day 6. An old piece which I revised just now.
When I started to work, every aspect of my life was affected, but didn't totally changed. Change is.. such a big word.
Apr 2017 · 516
Isabelle Apr 2017
Your smile is free
But never undervalued
2 liner entry for Day 5. Write anything about what you think is important or undervalued.
Apr 2017 · 1.4k
Very Unconventional
Isabelle Apr 2017
You shouldn’t be there
At the back of my mind
You shouldn’t be
My morning and waking hour thoughts
You shouldn’t be
my 11:11 mantra
You shouldn’t be
my wish upon a shooting star
You shouldn’t be there
It’s very unconventional
You should be here, right here
Right beside me, here in my arms
My entry for Day 4.
Apr 2017 · 520
Not a Diamond
Isabelle Apr 2017
Diamond crown, diamond rings
Diamond gown, diamond things

Appearance is glittering
On the inside, rotting
Don't be fooled.
Apr 2017 · 1.1k
Spare yourself
Isabelle Apr 2017
Spare yourself from all the "what ifs"
Destiny is a psychopath playing with our hearts
Too busy to finish this, so i'll leave it this way.
Mar 2017 · 724
Isa pa?
Isabelle Mar 2017
Okay lang, isa pa
Papatawarin din naman kita
I'll forgive you, again and again..
Mar 2017 · 1.7k
Love, blood (Haiku)
Isabelle Mar 2017
She paints what love is
A burning red, it's her blood
And it drains her out
Love will drain you out.
Mar 2017 · 1.7k
Hopeless, not Romantic
Isabelle Mar 2017
Call me hopeless but not romantic
Chocolates, flowers are not automatic
Saturday date becomes mandatory
Celebrations are now obligatory
Don’t blame me for being like this
I am not much a fan of cheesy flicks
My love, why state the obvious
The way I look at you is so much of a proof
That I am hopelessly inlove with you
Yeah, another cheesy poem with inappropriate title.
Mar 2017 · 565
All into Nothing
Isabelle Mar 2017
All the things I have done for you
All the love I am feeling for you
All of me I have given you
All my life I offered you


All the fights
All the “I love yous”
All the tears
All the laughs


All the kisses
All the memories
All the plans
All of us

Two words
Love is never a game.
Mar 2017 · 552
Only in Poetry
Isabelle Mar 2017
I can tell you all my secrets
I can love and make love to you
I can boldly call you mine
All this I can do, only in poetry
Reality in poetry. All the things I wanted to tell you, my outlet of emotions. What do I do without you..
Mar 2017 · 716
Time, Death (5-7-5)
Isabelle Mar 2017
Time is an insult
Primogenitor of death
The ultimate thief
Time is the boss.
Mar 2017 · 386
3 Words.. 4 Words
Isabelle Mar 2017
Three words
“What about us??"
Four words
*“It ends with us."
it ends with us..
Mar 2017 · 613
Her Name (Repost)
Isabelle Mar 2017
This morning will be a different one, for he will meet a girl
With an auburn eyes, a winsome smile and a hair that is curl
Strange she is, but in a beautiful kind of strange

The boy will stop and stare, will be lost in her haunting sad eyes
She will not notice, and will never knew, that cupid has
shot the boys young heart

The boy found a reason to go out every morning
To see her again, he was hoping
For her smile becomes the sun that brightens his day

He will sit from afar, and with an admiring eyes, just watch her
She paints, she reads, and sometimes plays with her dog's fur
He will silently watch and enjoy the beautiful scenario

It goes for almost a week
"I must be crazy, why do I stalk this chic?"
But he doesn't know the answer

All he know is, the girl brings peace to his heart
Her eyes and smiles are a piece of a pure art
and her laughter is a song to his ears

He could not explain it, watching her makes him happy
and sends a warm chill to his heart, very fancy
"I need to know her name"

The next day, the boy waited in vain
But the girl never came
"I'll wait again tomorrow"

It's been a week, but she never showed up again
In his chest a sadness and pain
Could not accept, she looked for the girl

He found out that the girl loves to paint
But the smell of the chemical will cause her to faint
That's why she sneaks out and do it once in a while

He found out that the girl loves reading
But her eyes failed her, every letters are dancing
That's why she sneaks out and pretends to read

He also found out that her hair was just a wig
And her red lipstick was to hide her pale lips
And finally he found out her name

With a sound of a breaking heart
He reads her name
*On her graveyard
Happy 1 year to this poem :)
Mar 2017 · 648
Isabelle Mar 2017
You keep on hiding the pain
When all I wanted to do is break the chain
You keep on covering the tears
When all I wanted to do is embrace your fears
You keep on saying goodbye
When I know it’s just a lie
Why do you keep on pushing me away
When all I wanted to do is stay?
Walang sagot sa tanong na bakit.
Feb 2017 · 718
Pieces don't fit anymore..
Isabelle Feb 2017
Your kiss on my lips
Doesn't fit anymore
The spaces between our fingers
Doesn't complement at all

You caused my heart
To break into pieces
And now that you are trying to stitch it
The pieces don't fit anymore

The pieces won't fit anymore
Or maybe won't be completed at all
(Because parts of me, I already gave to you)

I may be whole again (maybe not)
But never the same
There will be holes and cracks
But I guess, I can still be functional
I hope..
Another raw poem. Just wanted to let my emotions run through my pen or should I say, keyboard. Haha. I'll revise it, or maybe not.
Feb 2017 · 779
Too Happy?
Isabelle Feb 2017
Someone has stopped writing our love story
Are we too happy to be punished like this?
Why does it rains whenever I start to feel happy??
Feb 2017 · 3.6k
Hanggang dito na lang..
Isabelle Feb 2017
Hanggang dito na lang..

Mahal, hanggang dito na lang tayo
Ubos na ang mga luha
At namumugto na ang mga mata
Wala ng magbabago pa, wala na
(Wala na nga ba? Ako ay umaasa pa)
Dahil ikaw ay malayo na, ikaw ay malaya na
Trying hard sa tagalog poem
Feb 2017 · 568
Indak- UDd
Isabelle Feb 2017
O iindak na lamang sa tibok ng puso mo
At aasahan ko na lamang ba na di mo aapakan ang aking mga paa
Pipikit na lamang at magsasayaw...
Habang papiglas ka, sa'yo ako ay tatabi..
Ikaw parin talaga. Masakit pa din :(
Feb 2017 · 719
Isabelle Feb 2017
As they always say
Nothing is for eternity
So does loneliness
Even if it feels like it will
I am telling you
It will not last forever
Trust me, it will end soon..
Feb 2017 · 6.2k
To my future love
Isabelle Feb 2017
We may have crossed the same paths and walked on the same parks. We may have eaten on the same restaurants or probably have used the same coffee cups

There might even a moment that we’re on the same place or maybe some million worlds apart. And probably I have sat behind you on a bus, but we don’t even know each other yet

And maybe, at some point of our lives, you were so happily in love with your partner. While I am crying over a spilled milk and my messed up life. And you, living a life full of laughter

To my future love, I wanted to tell you so many things. But for now, let us bide one’s time

Let us make the most of this moment, make mistakes and learn from it. Let us love and get hurt so by the time we meet, we are mature enough to handle our relationship

My future love, I am on my way. I may be a bit late, but please be patient. I waited for you for like a lifetime, promise you, I’ll be there on the right time

Until then, please think of me and I’ll dream of you. And one day, the stars will align to spell out our names. Our hearts will beat in synchrony and finally we will realize we have known each other all along
Inspired from Lang Leavs’ A Postcard
Happy Valentines Day poet friends ❤
Feb 2017 · 1.1k
Stop, in the name of love..
Isabelle Feb 2017
*City sounds, city lights
Chaos, hustles and bustles
Amidst the busy street
I saw you, only you
In a world of deafening sounds
And blinding lights
There was you, only you
And in a world where people come and go
You choose to stop and stay
You ask me to stop and not let go
And in the name of love, I did
Another raw poem. With reference to
Feb 2017 · 926
I can't
Isabelle Feb 2017
*and no matter what I do,
no matter how it hurts,
I can't take back the love I have given you
I just can't..
You can't take back love, you just stop loving, but what was given, was already given, wasted or not..
Feb 2017 · 1.2k
Chasing words.. boring work
Isabelle Feb 2017
While at work
Random thoughts crosses my mind
Then I’ll hurry to my note
To write down the line

Along the formation of sentences
I always get lost in the process
Poetic thoughts and verses
Gets tangled, I can’t progress

So I ended up with chaotic words
Unrhymed lines and incoherent thoughts
Vague ideas, unfinished poems
Scribbles, doodles on my notes

I am chasing word per word
Trying to form even a rhyme
Or whatever comes my mind
Just to amuse myself during my boring work
The title says it all..
Jan 2017 · 709
This Is How I Found You
Isabelle Jan 2017
I followed the marks of your tears
Until I reached a door of the unknown
I have to overcome my fears
To see someone like my own
Who has demons as peers
Buried in ones deepest dungeon

You wanted an escape
And I was about to run away
You are not a man who wears a cape
And I just want somebody who would stay
Even when I’m not in my perfect shape
And someone who will not sway

Amidst the battle, you hold my hand
The demons we could not fight
So together we make a stand
So much better when someone is on your side
Let us make an unbreakable bond
And in each other’s arm let us hide

And this is how I found you
In my way to break free
Myself, I see in you
So we helped each other flee
In darkness, I will hold you
And one day, through it a flare we will see
Out of randomness. Busy bee. When I feel so exhausted at work, poetry is always to the rescue :)
Jan 2017 · 2.9k
Isabelle Jan 2017
For 939 years he is living
To live such a long long long life
I do not know if it is a curse or a blessing

Centuries swiftly passes somehow
Past to present, present to future
He was there before, he is here until now

Every death of friend or foe
He witnesses and will never forget
Left alone, soul is full of woe

The Goblin’s immortality
Was said to be a punishment
And never an eternal tranquility

The sword stuck in his heart
Is the key to death he longed for
Then only his life and misery will depart

It is only the Goblin’s bride
Can pull out the sword in his chest
So for centuries he searched for a wife

Until fate finally reveals itself
One look, ahh, a lovely bride he met
Sad love he utters to himself

This love will cause him death
But after a long time, it made him feel alive
Now he don’t want to lose his breath

But his choice will only bring demise
And his newly found happiness
Will only last until his bride dies

Pull out the sword, the Goblin will turn into ashes
Let him live and his bride will die
What a tragic story, love until one perishes

“I have to disappear to make you smile
This is the decision I have to make,
I have to end my life”

It was long ago planned by a diety
Immortality not a reward but a punishment
A sad love, it was their destiny
Note: I somehow altered the ending.

Inspired by Goblin, a korean drama which I finished watching last night. It was sad yet beautiful drama. So beautiful that I can't get over with the story.
Jan 2017 · 295
Isabelle Jan 2017
Cut loose the tie
Before everything ends to lie
Don't ever regret it
Some things are not worthy of it
From now on, i do not know you.
Isabelle Jan 2017
•fig•ment : something made up or contrived
•re•al•i•ty : the quality or state of being real

*Dreaming while sleeping, and sometimes awake
Whimsical fancies fueling escape

Wishing is for the uncertainties
Collecting more than three from genies

Checking out my daily horoscope
Astrology might give me some hope

Calling out all the deities I know
Bending my knees, blessings they might bestow

The magic still holds expectations
Of this world its seen from all views

But the signs are unclear, faded
It doesn't feel useful when put to use

And I still await, alone
For something that may just come passing by

Or maybe in the form of an angel
Dancing with howling clouds across the sky
Collaboration with my friend, NB. I'm so happy with this one, thank you for accepting my request!
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