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3.4k · Jul 2022
Dear Testosterone
Corbyn Jul 2022
Dear Testosterone,
You made me sweaty, ***** and sometimes angry too
But I would be lying if I could say I know what I’d do without you
You changed my life from the outside in
Showed me that living as my true self is not living in sin
Each month I’m amazed by how much change I see
In my face, my voice, my hair and all of me
3.3k · Jul 2022
Top surgery saved me
Corbyn Jul 2022
No longer set back by the uncomfortable masses of fat resting on my chest
I’m free to live and breathe DEEPLY
Each day I uncover more of the truth to who I am
I spent many years yearning for this feeling of relief
Here it is
I’m ready
2.6k · Jul 2022
2 years on testosterone
Corbyn Jul 2022
Today I can look in the mirror and see myself
752 days and one major surgery later but wow I see myself
1.4k · Nov 2020
Tear me apart
Corbyn Nov 2020
my skin is howling  
my tears descend
the pain is somehow still caged

my throat swells
my jaw tightens
the hurt must stay within

its more painful than anything I’ve ever felt
like a pack of wolves tearing my heart out
the pain is eating me

eating more than I ate for the years my dysphoria got me to starve myself

i can’t hide anymore
tear me open if you must
but tear me open in the right places
1.4k · Aug 2020
Little brown boy
Corbyn Aug 2020
Tears dried on your caramel cheeks
Wondering why there’s so much to be scared of
Thinking about escaping to a better place

Where you do not feel like a burden
Where you had not been a mistake
Where you are not scared of being condemned

But you already had to accept
There’s no where to go and no one to turn to

You have family as reliable as a bike with a broken chain
Friends who are scared of you
And a brain that has not yet developed

Through the terrifying thoughts
Horrible memories
And flat out traumatizing events

You are still fighting

I know most day hurt being in the wrong body
I know most days you just wish you’d been born right

I know that one day you’ll be getting closer
To being able to present how you want

I know you’re scared

But there’s something I need to tell you
Something I need you to trust
Dry your cheeks and listen to me

you are now loved
you will be okay

there is nothing wrong with who you are
you’re allowed to be you
we are two months on testosterone and becoming the man we’ve always knew we were

I’m so proud of you
Corbyn Nov 2018
Dear,                                                Date: Today
          eating disorder.

Maybe you were once a friend
Maybe your promises shined a bright light into her dark thoughts
Maybe you saved her from demons bigger than yourself

I know how a person can become so desperate
Holding on to every source of light even if it's artificial
Grasping onto every empty promise
She's trying to feel full but how can she feel full when you've made her empty

I know who you really are
You blind her like high beam lights on a dark night
You control her like a claw machine
You trick, deceive and lie to her
Telling her that her worth is measured on a scale
You want nothing more than to put her in a grave

But you're in for a big awakening

She is starting to see on her own now
She is starting to fill herself full
Full of food and full of love
You're getting weaker every day

Goodbye, eating disorder

      A body that knows how to bounce back
893 · May 2021
Painting the world
Corbyn May 2021
For awhile life was painted gray
There were colors of love sitting dormant inside

Love that shines brightest is seen as a threat
Life couldn’t take something that was so true and bright
This cruel world cannot dim the colors of our souls
Let’s paint this dark world with color once again
708 · Feb 2019
Corbyn Feb 2019
Tik tok tik tok
When will I be thin?
I’ve been starving myself all these years
I really can’t seem to win

The number drops a little  
Then followed by some more
How much more of this treacherous time
Will I be able to endure?

I see that I am changing
But never quick enough
How come no one ever told me
Starving is this tough

If I could go back and eat
I want to said I would
But my brain has tricked me
And never tells me that I should

I can’t go back at this point
If only I was thin
Maybe it would make this game
So much easier to win
702 · Dec 2019
icu pt. 1
Corbyn Dec 2019
Ambulance ride
Why did I do this?
I’m scared I will die
Losing coherence
Seizures arise
I don’t remember
Days of that time
They’re scared I won’t make it
My family cries
I had a suicide attempt a few months ago that almost ended my life. I want to write poetry to help myself process what happened. I’m going to tell my story in segments because it’s hard to write about. Thank you all for reading my work! <3
674 · Jan 2018
Corbyn Jan 2018
staring at my phone
waiting for your name to light the screen up as it always has
but I keep waiting
patiently then not so much
I should accept that you're gone
but easier said than done
when I think of our memories
my heart hurts
being filled with joy
then having it ripped away
smiling at the photos
only to have that smile slowly turn into tears
605 · Jan 2018
losing myself
Corbyn Jan 2018
there's this person I see so often
yet my brain has some how forgotten
I see this person in the mirror
this person fills me up with fear
this person that I see
this person is not me
there's no emotion that I feel
is my life even real?
I think I'm losing it, I really do
when will this awful feeling be through?
509 · Dec 2017
Corbyn Dec 2017
at the end of the day you only truly have yourself;
love yourself, hold yourself and care for yourself
because there is no certainty that others will
499 · Apr 2019
152 days
Corbyn Apr 2019
Your kisses dance on my lips
I wish that I could stay
Running your fingers around my hips
I want this everyday

Don’t worry I’ll be there soon
And we won’t have to wait
I’ll always be in your room
We’ll go on cute dates

You spread a smile across my face
When you hold my hand
My heart always begins to race
I never knew what life had planned

Your kisses dance on my lips
I’ll be there soon to stay
Running your fingers around my hips
I’ll have this everyday
472 · Jan 2018
constant battle
Corbyn Jan 2018
somedays getting out of bed feels impossible
eating feels like a failure
and trying seems meaningless
sometimes the days seem brighter
eating feels like success
and living feels worth it

- those are the days
that I live for
405 · Dec 2019
Corbyn Dec 2019
I live my days with you on my mind
Looking for happiness but it’s so hard to find
Wishing someone would take away the pain
I know I’m not crazy and I know I’m not sane

I close my eyes and there you are
Even though the past is kind of far
It feels like it was yesterday
When you almost took my life away
392 · Dec 2017
Corbyn Dec 2017
the days you spend

no longer feeling the familiar ache in your chest

noticing how at ease you feel

wondering how long this feeling has been here but you were too unaware to notice


but confused

is it my time to feel good?

is it my time to bloom and flourish?

you can't help but latch onto the piece of you that wants the illness

but even so

you choose each day to take steps forward so you can ensure that tomorrow

you will wake up

and you will no longer feel the familiar ache in your chest
370 · Jan 2018
take your time
Corbyn Jan 2018
I must inflate my lungs with oxygen-
with my deep exhale
they shrink-
with my breath
my newly produced carbon dioxide flees-

life may bombard you with struggles
sometimes until you feel as if you might combust-
you must then
breathe in the good-
deeply exhale the bad-

-you're gonna be okay
367 · Jan 2018
not so good days
Corbyn Jan 2018
I lie awake at night
reliving memories in my brain
I need to get to sleep
but it brings on so much pain
the pain is not physical
all though sometimes I wish it were
because it'd better than the hurting
I constantly have to endure
345 · Nov 2020
no comfort
Corbyn Nov 2020
205 days until I’m free
the biggest weight lifted off my chest

where’s my reflection?
the mirror doesn’t show it

is the sight of my naked flesh

exhaustion has become too familiar
each day feels like eternity

burying my body in clothes way too big
it brings some comfort

335 · Aug 2020
Corbyn Aug 2020
“Baby girl, you’re a tomboy”
“You need to look how I tell you to”

Youngest of five boys
Was supposed to be the baby girl
I never was
I’ve never been that
             I told myself to fit the mold
There’s nothing wrong
There’s nothing wron
There’s nothing wr

Dysphoria kills
Hiding in the closet would be the cause of my death
I need to be me
But who am I?
My life has been spent shoving myself into a space never meant for me
326 · Mar 2020
Dark black
Corbyn Mar 2020
I never knew black could look so dark
A tar like sludge rushing down my throat
They told me I had to
That it wasn’t a choice

Cherry flavored charcoal has ruined my mind
It was a darker black than anything I’d ever seen
It was either that or death
One dark black for another

As I downed two bottles of what no one should ever ingest
I cried and cried at the mess
Dark black in my mouth, on my face and in my mind
In a way it saved be but is another way altered my mind
314 · May 2018
Summertime sadness
Corbyn May 2018
Mind filled with memories I’d pay to have removed
Constantly trying to win
But I always tend to lose
Waiting for the day that I can finally be set free
From all of the memories
that have been consistently haunting me
Wishing my life away puts me at ease
I don’t believe in God
But I’m begging him please
Leave me be
But not really
Let my soul escape from me
The sun is ruined
As am I
I am a burden
But I ask why?
What have I done to make me bad?
Summertime always makes me sad
It’s not the summer or the spring
It’s the trauma voice that continues to sing  
“ you are tainted” it always says
How could I not believe what’s in my head?
313 · Jan 2018
promises to my body
Corbyn Jan 2018
I will no longer wreak havoc on you

I will no longer let you suffer because I was convinced beauty meant taking up less space

I will no longer let you confuse beauty with being sick and being sick with beauty

I will no longer starve you from not only food but happiness as well

But instead, I give you permission to thrive

I give you permission to take up space because your thoughts will always be more powerful than collarbones and thigh gaps

I give you permission to be authentic and not give a **** what anyone else thinks

I give you permission to truly live

I give you permission to love yourself
313 · Jan 2018
Corbyn Jan 2018
at the end of the day
we all want the same thing
to be loved
to be validated
to be appreciated
so why is it so hard to do?
is it because we live in a world that has taught us to hate ourselves?
we have ridiculous beauty standards
whether be it be a guy, girl or anyone in between
it's too much
be kind to one another
be kind to yourself
283 · Mar 2018
Corbyn Mar 2018
something that can make you forget grief and suffering
your name is synonymous
your laugh intrudes my mind in the best way possible
my mind cannot mimic your beautiful voice
your words consume my mind
i hope this feeling is everlasting and not fleeting
my burning passion wishes we were more
but i must be patient
my feelings for you are deep and intense
the thought of us is freeing and pure
you are the one i've always wished for
being vulnerable is scary yet romantic
272 · Aug 2018
Corbyn Aug 2018
trauma changed me
took away my innocence
left me with fear

what’s behind the corner

laying awake
scared to sleep
body shakes
I begin to weep
267 · Jan 2018
the park
Corbyn Jan 2018
we talked and talked
talked about our hopes and dreams
our fears too
I never would've thought in that moment
loving you would leave me hurting so much
232 · Nov 2020
Corbyn Nov 2020
Skin begins to crawl while seeing this mess
Binding my chest and trying to rest

I don’t see myself

Living in this body is betrayal
Everything is wrong feeling unwell

I don’t see myself

Looking down is not much better
Body is making it hard to get it together

I don’t see myself

Mind is screaming to give up
Living life like this hurts too much

I don’t see myself
227 · Mar 2021
Corbyn Mar 2021
At this point days, weeks and months have passed

I know longer ask myself how I feel
There’s no doubt in my mind that I’m in love with you

I love you
With my whole heart and with my whole being

I’m not scared or worried
I’m not gonna hold back

My love for you is real, vulnerable and infinite
211 · Oct 2018
tough days
Corbyn Oct 2018
some days are hard
hard as the bricks
that built a wall around the heart
no way to be hurt
each brick ironically built by heartache
molded into what once used to be
a heart so soft that you could watch it melt in the hand
hands of people who helped build the wall
who were the foundation of pain
the pain wrapped around your heart
its no longer soft but hard as steel
178 · Nov 2020
Corbyn Nov 2020
so many words in my head
all trapped in the depths of my brain
that no soul will ever explore
168 · Jan 2020
Corbyn Jan 2020
I don’t remember much of the time
Where I was in the hospital about to die
Awake for 36 hours
But what is time?
When you’re not coherent
Everyone’s afraid you will die

Memories come in fragments
I don’t know why
I try to remember
It makes me cry
I feel like I have lost that time
I want to know what it felt like to almost die
147 · Feb 2020
Corbyn Feb 2020
There’s pieces missing of my life
I know I should have thought twice

Taking the pills
and mentally preparing my will

But knew it wasn’t right

I drove to help
So glad I did

If I had waited
I would be dead
135 · Apr 2020
Where am I?
Corbyn Apr 2020
Everything is black
I don’t know where I am
Everything is unknown

this couldn’t have been the plan
my body is shaking
they rush to my side
my heart is racing
theyre afraid I might die

Levels of consciousness vary
I verbalize many of sounds
My limbs are impossible to carry
In my head I am no where to be found

My eyes were open
And my mouth too
I took too many pills
I didn’t think things through
Somewhere in my mind
I’m hoping I don’t die
And my body took the controls
and said, “We have to stay alive“

— The End —