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 Feb 2018
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Decent degrees,  desert degrees,
They're all the same, you two need time
Apart to lie upon the furbished frame,
I think of love , I think of greed,  I think of hate,
I think of fighting,
They all correspond in what the world crisis is today in hopes to stay away from utter destruction, so the dysfunction
Has a hold on us,
The trees die, corporates build,
No care at all,
The lames they stay in places just to release all their hate,
Then look for a little shoulder crying when the other don't relate,
Ignorance doesn't make it far in a world as cold as this,
It could the power of negative spreading or in the face of a fist,
I think of things in life that keeps me living for tomorrows,
The vultures they creep, while being so flawed,  it's alright,  there are no more sorrows.
 Feb 2018
at first i looked at you with my teeth barred and i hissed. under my breath i spoke, "great. a room mate in treatment. just what i needed."
i spoke but two words to you,
and then you spoke back.
softness, kindness, genuineness in your voice.
and when you laughed, the little snort you did made me smile.
we shared our stories for those two hours.
people stopped by our door and stared in looking at why we were laughing so hard, and then they laughed because we were contagious.
we shared the same issues, and made light of our situations, finding love and comfort through one another.
and when i cried, you swaddled me and fed me words of peace and wisdom.
when it was a hard day we had to ability to place our hands on one another backs and say to the other, "hey, i know today was hard, but I am proud of you." And when she was proud of me, I was proud of me.
I was proud of her.
I was proud of us.
And she was my best friend, and the amount of times we repeated the words, "i love you, i love you, i love you." to one another. Is unimaginable.
But, as all good things do, everything started to fall apart.
Or maybe just I did.
I said things I regretted.
I hurt my best friend. The person who I loved, and in turn hurt myself.
I loved her.
Oh my gosh I loved her. I'm not gay, at least I don't think I'm gay,
but i loved her more than any pulsing, living, breathing thing on this planet and I know they say soul mates have to be romantic but why can't they just be your best friend?!
And when we parted and I didn't get to touch her skin again, it's been what seems like years now, it's as if the winter came early.
A darkness fell upon me and oh it was dark.
Darker than her hair.
Her wardrobe.
Her sense of humor.
And now we rarely talk.
I love when I see your name pop up on my phone, the purple heart emoji next to it, that's my favorite emoji, I use it for the best people.
And I ******* hate it, too.
Because I can't put into words how sorry I am.
How much I miss you.
How much I need you right now.
Maybe I loved you so much because you gave me the feeling of importance that no one else ever did.
I can't put into words that you were exactly what I wanted in my life and now you are gone and I can't get it back.
maybe I just did.
 Feb 2018
Rebel Heart
I don't carry the burden of emotions
That much you should know is true
So the teardrops must be Voss water
That drenched this letter meant for you

So like the million unsaid things
Hiding behind my tight lips
And the million unsent texts
Stopping on the edge of my fingertips
I promise I too will disappear

Out of the million unkept thoughts
You could never guess
And the million unfelt feelings
I could never express

And out of all the things
I'll always regret
My biggest regret
Will forever be
Never showing
How Much I Loved You.
(If I have to be honest, my heart and mind are drained from today... I might not upload for a couple days as I try to get my mood right but enjoy this throwback part of a letter from elementary-version of RH. Happy Writing~BM)

(Front Page 2/18/2018)
 Feb 2018
K Eaglechild
The day I stop wishing for you to back to me,
Is the day you’ll actually return.
but by then I’ll already have moved on.
 Feb 2018
Amanda Kay Burke
The saddest part is
You can't even tell yourself
Apart from the drugs
After so many years ****** has taken over a portion of you thst you will never get back. I hate that evil drug. I wish I hated you too.
 Feb 2018
Skye Marshmallow
I am no longer a child
Not the innocent, little girl I used to be
She is now but a memory
Replaced by a new face
It is unfamiliar and out of place
It's eyes so distant, they are alien
Coloured in with grey pencil
A complete contrast
To the rainbows that once filled them
They are gone now.

I miss her:the little girl
She was bright and she was bold
And I miss her
She used to wear sunshine coloured hoodies
With a smile that matched
Her happiness burned like a bonfire
Lighting up all around
She danced with no music
Sang with no song
Laughed with no reason

Her imagination ran riots
Stories flooded out of her
Tales of all kinds
Bejewelled with wild ideas
She dreamed up a new universe everyday
Explored her mind as though it was a jungle
She swung around on emerald vines
Excitedly breathing in
Every scent, every colour, every shape
Getting drunk on endless possibilities

The girl that fills the mirror smiles sadly
Her dull eyes overflowing with invisible tears
I do not know how to comfort her
She is stranger looking out at me
I choose to be blind to her mind
A war of conflict rages on in me
I am angry, red hot
Knowing she took away the sunshine
Though I feel pity, too, for the blue salt trails
That form crystals on her fading cheeks
Pity for colour she is rendered.
Part 1
 Feb 2018
I think it will take me a long time to ever truly trust someone again.

Including myself.
 Feb 2018
You make me feel light as air, gazing at the world without a care...
 Feb 2018
Vale Luna
(read forward, then backward, line by line)

I ran.
Not knowing what else to do
There was so much blood on my hands
It was mine
The kitchen knife
Caught in my chest
Consumed by
I was heightened by
But running on
Wasn’t enough
While trying to stay calm,
Losing control
It was me that would end up
Dead. Because
He was
In front of me
The whole time
It was too late
I found myself
Locked in chains
My fate was
Forward: from the victims perspective.
Backward: from the murderers perspective.

 Feb 2018
Jen Snow

Is the worst

It limits
It binds
It confines


Don’t go too far
Don’t run too fast
Don’t work too hard
Don’t fly too high
Don’t love him or her
Don’t cross that line

Red warning lights ahead

If you


Fall in line

But not me

I want to build the biggest wings


I want to break
All the boundaries

I want to go where
I shouldn’t

I want to feel
So alive

That passes


Fearless passion

I dive

And even
I go

It will


 Feb 2018
lie after lie
tell 'em I'm fine
lie after lie
and they start to

lie after lie
and you start
to believe
lie after lie
but the blade
couldn't be tricked

lie after lie,
tell them you're fine
lie after lie,
glass is now
in your veins
lie after lie,
you tell yourself
"That's not deep enough."

lie after lie
rose petals on the floor
lie after lie
one poem burned down
lie after lie
your blue eyes staring
at the hole where
lie before lie
my heart used to be

lie after lie
and soon
you don't know,
lie after lie,
you're not fine

lie after lie,
and soon,
lie after lie,
it's not
a lie.
 Feb 2018
Rebel Heart
She always saw the best in those
Who were the worst for her heart
She let those in who didn't deserve
To see the broken pieces of her art
(An old gem from the infamous lyric wall because I'm too drained to post anything else.. Enjoy~ BM)

(Front Page 2/13/2018)
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