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 Mar 2016
Echoes Of A Mind
Jeg ligger i sneen
Og føler ingenting.
Kulden rør mig ikke,
For den har allerede
Gnavet sig ind til mine ben...

Et ensomt snefnug falder på min kind,
Blidt det rammer,
Men jeg mærker det ik'
Hvorefter det langsomt smelter
Og triller ned ad min kind
Som de tåre
Jeg har grædt i tusindvis...

Mine fodspor i sneen
Er snart dækket af hvidt
Jeg tænker,
At dette ville
Du nok gerne have set...

Dette hvide landskab,
Der skinner så blidt.
Og jeg smiler,
Men kun et øjeblik.
Før jeg erindre,
At sådan blev det ik'...

Frosten bider mig i næsen,
Men i øjeblikket er jeg
Et halv-sociopatisk væsen
Og derfor
Ænser jeg den ik'...

For jeg ved ik' hvordan
Jeg skal komme igennem dagen,
Som uret snart slår an...

Den sidste dag, den sidste time,
Før du lægges endeligt til hvile.
Men lige nu vil jeg ikke tænke,
Ikke føle, ikke mærke sorgens lænke,
Der langsomt tynger mig ned...

Jeg vil blot ligge her i sneen
Før jeg går ind
Og lægger de sidste roser
På kisten...
Dansklæren gav en opgave om at skrive et digt om sorg indenfor det semantiske skema: fik 3 minutter og dette digt er mit resultat af den opgave.....sjovt nok beskriver det meget godt min følelsesmæssige tilstand lige for hvor jeg efter 3 hårde uger endelig tillader mig selv at gå ned med den stress, som jeg har gået rundt og kæmpet for at holde i skak...
Expect a lot of poems to be released since I have nothing else to do while being tied to the bed due to stress
 Mar 2016
Echoes Of A Mind
Like tea with lemon
It's not always
That I'm understood
People think I'm weird
And often avoids me
Or that's how
It used to be
Back in elementary

Like tea with lemon
Some people find me sweet
While other won't even dare
To get near me
Since they don't understand
The person I am

Like tea with lemon
You can drink me from a cup
And I'll warm you up
Or you can pour me out
In your sink
Never experience
The warm feeling
Which I might have left

Like tea with lemon
You can add sugar
To make me sweet
Or honey
If that's more
To your liking

Like tea with lemon
I'll only be tasty
When I am warm
So don't let me
Get so cold
That you won't
Drink me up

Like tea with lemon
You'll have to make me
From the bottom
Begin with water and leaves
But don't forget the
I gave myself a challenge a made a impro-poem based on the sentence "Like tea with lemon"
 Mar 2016
Echoes Of A Mind
Everything would be easier
If I hated you
'Cause then I wouldn't always have
To defend
When they talk about you...

I wouldn't have to make it clear
That I'm just as bad as you
When it comes to creating this mess
I could have rejected you...

Therefore I get ******
When people call me a victim
'Cause I had a choice
So there's no ******* way
That I am a victim...

But if I hated you
Then I would have spared
All the energy
Which I'm using on defending you
And that's a task
Which is really ******* me...

'Cause if I hated you
Then I would only approve
Of the awful things
Which has been said about you...

If I hated you
Then I wouldn't care about
That you're just as troubled
As I have gotten
As a consequense of this mess...

I keep telling people
That you're having a hard time
And that it won't help on it
If we keep speaking ill about the guy
Who only has as much of the responsibility
For this mess
As I...
Don't think that I see myself as a victim...
 Mar 2016
Echoes Of A Mind
You might see me as a stranger
But I won't stop seeing you
As a friend...

I'll still offer you a hand
If you ever ask for help
I'll still care about you
Though you treat me like air
And I'll smile at you
Though you won't smile back at me...

Your back might be turned against me
And you might give me the cold shoulder
But once a friend of me
Means always a friend of me
And that's a rule
After which I live...

So keep treating me cold
I don't really care
But you can't stop me from worrying
About the people I hold dear
And yes, even after all this mess
You're still one of the people
Which I care about...

So though we might be back
At being strangers
And though we have hurt each other
And that bridges have been burned
Then I won't try
To treat you differently...
I don't know what to say about this poem...
 Mar 2016
Echoes Of A Mind
It's holiday
Now I can heal the wounds
Which you gave me
Not so long ago

I won't have any tears
Hiding behind my eyes
Just because of the reason
That I saw you pass by

I won't have this awful feeling
Of something heavy
Stepping on my chest
Who knows
Maybe I'll finally be able
To get some rest

The fact that I
Don't have to see you
Means that I can start to forget
And reset myself
Back to before we even meet

But don't begin to think
That I hate you
I'm just hurt
And hurt feelings
Are hard to show in a positive way

But the fact that I am
Angry, bitter and sad
Is only a confirmation
Of how much
You actually means
To me
Or else
I wouldn't even care
To waste all this energy
On those feelings...
Holidays... This will either be a struggle to get through the days or a struggle to put everything behind me and start over...
 Mar 2016
Echoes Of A Mind
I used to make jokes about
That the guy,
Who I have only known
For a few months
Could be the one
Who I could end up
Loving more
Than the guy,
Who I have known
For almost
Four years...

I never thought
That the joke
Would become
I wish this wasn't true...
 Mar 2016
Echoes Of A Mind
I'm just a lost boy
Looking for a place
Which i can call home...

A warm place
Or a pair of arms
Which will hold on to me
Longer than only a night...

A place I can feel safe
When the world becomes too much
For me
To handle on my own...

A shoulder to cry on or a warm hug
When I'm feeling down
I might find it
In the place
Which I can call home...

Lots of arguments will be there too
But without fights
Life would be too

And love...
Well if my roommate
Isn't a cat or a girl
That might be there too...
Just being bored at KUA...working on my feeling of being lost...
 Mar 2016
Echoes Of A Mind
I'm tired
And since I'm not eating
Then my energy
Is non-existing
I'm barely keeping my eyes open
As I type in the words
For this poem.

I'm trying not to make typos,
But it's hard when you only see
A cloudy version of the keyboard
Since your eyelids are slowly closing.

Outside people are enjoying
The sun
Which for once
Are shining over Denmark
But I'm just sitting inside
The University of Copenhagen
Occupying myself
So that there's no time
For crying

I bought myself a new book
One by Niccolò Machiavelli
I plan to read it
In the holiday
And I'm really looking forward to this
Since through the last four years
People have often recommended me
To read it...

So while Green Day's "Panic Song" is playing
On my headphones
I'll finish my poem
And return to my book
'Cause though I'm tempted
Then I can't keep wasting my time
Writing poems
Just to I keep myself occupied.
Maybe I'll take the book
And go read outside
In the sunshine...
Ok....Back to work!.. :)
 Mar 2016
Echoes Of A Mind
Fortryder jeg,
At jeg lod dig ind
Jeg fortryder ikke,
At det var dig,
Som jeg lod ind.
Men jeg fortryder alt det,
Som vi nu er blevet til...

Jeg fortryder ikke handlingen gjort
Under påvirkning af følelser
Følelser, som jeg ikke kendte til
Før jeg mødte dig
Men jeg fortryder handlinger,
Som jeg har gjort
Fordi du sårede mig...

For lige så meget,
Som jeg holder af dig,
Lige så meget smerter det mig nu
at se dig.
Allerhelst så vil jeg ikke
Være i nærheden af dig.
For dette gør ondt
På mig...

Jeg fortyder ord sagt i vrede,
Hvor jeg mig befandt
I en såret tilstand
Hvor jeg kun kendte til en måde
at afreagerer på...

Jeg fortryder så mange ting,
At skrive om dem
Ville tage en evighed
Men den ene ting,
Som jeg ikke fortryder,
At jeg lod dig ind....
 Mar 2016
Echoes Of A Mind
Can you tell me why
It is
That I love him
Even after that
He has
Deeply hurt me
Over and over again
Broken me down
To the core
Left me bleeding
On the floor?...

Why is it
That I just can't forget
All the memories
Which now only are a pain?
Maybe I should just go
**** a random guy
So I can delete
The specific memory
Which I want to forget
The most...

Be happy
At least it was with someone
Whom you love
My mom says
Trying to cheer me up
But I'm not
So sure about that

'Cause she don't know
About all the mess
Which happened
She's not the one
Who becomes sad
When she sees him
Passing by...

So tell me why
This boy still is on my thoughts
Together with all the things
Which have been said and done?
My "Age of Depression"
Have now become real
I'm not really eating
And I feel really sick
But I'm trying to look fine
That on the inside
I cry...

Tell me why
I didn't listen
To my friends' warnings
Telling me to stay far away
From this one guy?
But I couldn't
Even when I
Actually tried...

Tell me why
Everything went
As wrong as it did ?
Why everything is a mess
And why is there
All this stress
In my life
At the moment?...

Why can't I eat
Even though I'm hurting
From starving
Through the most of the day
And then only eat a little
At dinner
With my family
To cover up
That I'm in pain...

Why can't I make myself hate
The person
Who hurt me?
Why can't I honestly
My friends
When they make innocent jokes
About him
Just to cheer me up?...

Tell me why
There isn't a remedy
Which can delete
All the bad things
Which have happened

Or maybe a time-machine?
Then I could change
My choice
Of going straight to
The university
'Cause then I would
Never had meet him
And there wouldn't be
All these problems...

Tell my why
I don't feel happy
and why my nights
Are sleepless
Tell my why
The only person
Who knows how
To handle me
When I'm feeling like this
Is out traveling
And won't be back
Before June...

Tell me why
My mind
Is humming
A sad tune...
Just sorting out in my thoughts....
 Mar 2016
Echoes Of A Mind
I don't want to remember him
I want him outta my head
Stop occupying my thoughts
Please, let me get some rest...

I don't want to hear his voice
Don't want to see his face
Don't want to remember his touch
I'm halfway in my grave...

I don't want to look him in the eyes
Neither do I want to talk
I don't want to get near him
I want to get away...

But since it's all memories
There's nowhere I can hide
'Cause these ******* memories
Will follow me 'till I die...
Let me forget....
 Mar 2016
Echoes Of A Mind
I don't want to live
'Cause I'll only remember
Which I want to forget
Which before
Could keep me happy
On a bad day
Now only hurts
And reminds me
That feelings are a burden
But luckily for me
I can no longer
Feel anything...

What before was worry
Have now become stress
I'm all broken down
Not getting any rest
My dreams are affected
By the memories
So that even the sweetest dream
Suddenly turns into
A nightmare...

I want to delete
All these memories
I want to go back
Before they were made
I want to prevent them from
Ever being created
I'll start with the earliest
It all began
With a pack of my favorite chips
And a,
Back then,
Unknown person...
 Mar 2016
Echoes Of A Mind
How do you get over a broken heart?
I don't know anymore...
What else can I do?...

I've  gotten me a new hobby
I've tried to decive myself to believe
That he's not the one
Whom I love...

I've tried to listening to music
Music always help,
But this time
I really can't pick myself

Music doesn't make me happy
I have no appetite
I don't feel like sleeping
I would pefer to die
If I died I'm pretty sure
That everyone would be much happier
Mostly I..

I wouldn't be crying the whole time
I can almost fill buckets
I wouldn't have to eat
There's no taste at all
I wouldn't have to try to sleep
There's only nightmares, no dreams
I wouldn't have to hate myself
For only bringing trouble
To friends and family...

So as you can see
Everyone would be so much happier without me
Specially I would be...

So I'll ask again
How do you mend a broken heart?
When your closest friends are out the country
And you're just sitting in your room
With your curtains pulled down
Just starring at the lyrics
Which you've written on your wall...

Silence is the enemy...
Don't wanna fall in love...
It amazes me this will of instincts...
Shot through the heart...
Another one bites the dust...
Chaos rules the inner hell...

Diffrent lyrics
Different songs
Different artists
But not a single one
Can cheer me up again
Singing always help
In the shower or when I'm stressed,
But right now
I don't even want to talk...

I'm a gamer
But neither this
I want to do
My guitar gently weeps
More gentle
Than I do
It's sad since I haven't been
playing for a while...

I should be making dinner
And this poem have to end
But before I leave
I'll ask again
How do you mend a broken heart?
'Cause I've never felt this dead
And I've survived worse
Afterall, I had classmates
In elementary
Who tried to push me
Out the window
From 1st floor...

I've been beaten and spitted on,
But neither that have hurt this much
So please tell me
How do I mend my broken heart?...
I know nothing about love and less about heartbreak....I really should have stayed behind my curtains...
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