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Xyns Mar 2014
Hollowed out
Bitter to the core
Cleanse the soul

Break the harlot
That bleeds scarlet
Lose the sanity
That taints humanity

Filled with rage
Turned cold
Live in disgust

Trust no one
Murdered for fun
Those who ****
Accept what's real
Xyns Oct 2017
It makes me sick to my stomach and oh so intensely nauseous
How I helplessly play your laugh on loop, like an involuntary shrine, inside my aching head

Stunning smile, smooth voice belonging to a trickster so skillfully dishonest
New self-made self-esteem; empowered to say you can save yourself instead

Sin-stained waltz with a demon, misery's baggage kept hidden in closets
Black and white scenes bleeding grey; colors slaughtered as beauty is violated then abandoned- dim, dull, and dead

A cheap shell of a person, drained dry then discarded- intimacy ******* and cautious
Belittled my self-worth, fed your ego; *emotional homicide every night I layed on "my side" of your bed..
Xyns Oct 2017
She gripped for her sanity
Clinging to potions and herbal remedies

Searched for words, desperately
The void leading to alternative poetry

Never feeling things clearly
Composing rhythms more effectively

Lifetimes lacking serenity
Her words easing more than Hennessy

Masterpieces to occupy infinity
Or, at least, hold their own, indefinitely

Even to her, her muse is a mystery
Craving simplicity, not denying complexities

Finding the insignificant inspiring
A much greater fate to which she's aspiring

Accustomed to an unbound mentality
Skilled to manifest, persuade her own destiny

Success infects, not only genetically
Prophetic grandeur that she'll fulfill, definitely

Spitting out diction- somewhat addictively
By design, she's cursed as a poet, respectively
Xyns Apr 2015
I find the richest
In your absence.
Xyns Jun 2017
4 lines down
Half a gram to go
Sorrows drowned
Becoming hooked on *blow
Xyns Mar 2014
Blowing smoke
Rolling up
Let it burn
Take a puff

Little escape
From the day
Open minds
Stolen time

Filled to the rim
Sips with friends
Tilt up the end
Pouring again

Little break
From a life
Open bottles
Stolen dances

Party with them
Party with us
Party for fun
Party for love
Xyns Feb 2015
Now floating up and down
I spin, colliding into sound
Like whales beneath me diving down
I'm sinking to the bottom of my
Everything that freaks me out
The lighthouse beam has just run out
I'm cold as cold as cold can be

I want to swim away but don't know how
Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
Let the waves up take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion... yeah
Let the rain of what I feel right now...come down
Let the rain come down

Where is the coastguard
I keep looking each direction
For a spotlight, give me something
I need something for protection
Maybe floating junk will do just fine
the jets have sunk, I'm left behind
I'm treading for my life believe me
How can I keep up this breathing

Not knowing how to think
I scream aloud, begin to sink
My legs and arms are broken down
With envy for the solid ground
I'm reaching for the life within me
How can one man stop his ending
I thought of just your face
Relaxed, and floated into space

Into The Ocean
Xyns Dec 2014
It hit me like a brick wall

Like I had been punched in the gut with pain, despair, and self loathing..
And it continues to come in waves..
Xyns Jan 2019
Sometimes it’s like I don’t even know you
And I can’t stand that I’m stuck inside you

Who are you?
Who am I?
I can’t breathe
I’m Drowning inside..
Xyns Mar 2014
Shadowed hearts
Dancing on a broken flame
Where they are going
They shall remain

Fractured souls
Ignoring the burning urge
To become whole
Into darkness, they surge

Candle light
Illuminating the shelter
Of those alone
With lives so helter-sketler

Drifting comrades
Ignored calls in the dead of night
Lost in thoughts
They've backed down from the fight

Holy water
Poured out by a pastor
Forsaken love
From thy father

Abandoned faith
Drenched in the guilt of blood
Confusion sets in
Guidelines as clear as mud
I am still working on this but I would love some feedback and suggestions. Tell me what you think so far and what I could do to improve please.
Xyns Jul 2017
I spent a lot of time building bridges
But can't maintain that **** anymore

So I'm gonna burn em down
Say **** em
And watch the ashes hit the floor
Xyns Jan 2019
My time is spent
watching all color drip
and drain..
Leaving only gray..

..lifeless is my everyday..
Xyns Apr 2014
And  it hurt
Hurt so bad

And I caved
Caved again

And I know
I'll never make it
Xyns Dec 2014
Get me drunk
Get me high

Watch me laugh
Watch me cry

Help me make mistakes
Help me get through today

I want to mess up
I want to feel alive

I've had a change of heart, you see.
**I no longer want what's good for me.
Xyns Sep 2017
Sparks suspected to have caused this flame to be ignited
Put under pressure to hide it, conceal it, deny it
Insecurities and greed are the main culprits of all the violence
Curses foretold as warnings in the planets' alignment
Ignorance has been molded into an art or a science
If it isn't explicit, expect that they've securely implied it
So many sounds, go deaf and then drown in the silence
Invading homes and thoughts as though it was invited
Truth exposed is sneakily altered to disguise it
Misleading masses to control a majority's mindset
Freedom lost as they prevent attempts to revive it
Attempts to distract from the reality that existence is timeless
Peace of mind secured when tensions are excited
Crippling angels to prevent the liberty of flying
Heavily fueled by a cocktail of deciet mixed with spite
Significant events whispered as pointless wars are incited
Think of unity as a gryphon paralyzed and rendered flightless
Crowds convinced to be content when mindless
The search continues for those not mentally lifeless
What is considered humanity's finest
Authenticity has yet to be provided
It widens the gap that has us divided
The flame of those being blindly misguided
Runs the risk of roaring wildfires being ignited
No requests for your all, you've already supplied it
Made oblivious during the time of a crisis
Values labeled on treasures proven priceless
Privacy no longer permitted to be private
Eyes wide open yet views remain sightless
Individuality, a thing of which we may one day be reminded
Exterminations ordered of all those free and enlightened
Fortune concealed as the desperate all struggle to find it
Identities and dignity become commonly traded
If only they knew they were being violated
Unfortunately, their ignorance has been properly validated
After the ******, I wonder who lives to inaccurately explain it
Xyns Jan 2015
To the giggles
The midnight texts
The long hugs
The corny love songs
The fake rose in the bouquet
The inside jokes
The piña coladas
The bubbly sodas
The slow walks
The Monsters
The lucky charms
The twixes
The Cheerios
The piled up Mountain Dews
The squeaks and hiccups
The "Hiccup"s
The shared secrets
The references in this poem
The ones no one else will get

Cheers to our friendship.
I know, it's more of a list than a poem. But still.

Nikki Gryphon
Xyns Mar 2017
Words once so tangible
Phrases so easily written
Character after Character
Flowing so elegantly
Cascading flawlessly
Dripping from ****** lips
And filled with a ******'s confidence

Artistic expression
Which can only flourish
In the shallow waters
Of innocence's temper

Dreams clinging foolishly
Fueled by nonexistent beliefs
In nonexistent things
Unknowingly temporary
Oh, so faithful were they
As they faded into memories
And we drained every ******* bit

Purity once so present
Talent once so black and white
Blurs into grey, stoner stories,
Pipe dreams, and *Childish Things
Xyns Mar 2014
Life is like a box of chocolates
People don't read any guide
And we take a bite out of everything
To see whether we like it or not
Xyns Nov 2014
I just want to take a moment to address a very real problem.


I find that the most racist people are usually southern Christians.
And this I don't understand at all..

Christians read the Bible and live by what it says.
At least, they claim to.

The Bible teaches love of all men.
Everyone is made in the image of God, the Creator, the Almighty.

Since all men are made in the image of God,
Are all men not equal?

Every man is equal to every other man.
No person is superior or inferior.

Thus, racism goes against what the Bible is supposed to teach.
So a Christian's racism is against their religion and should be frowned upon.

Also, Southerners are typically the most religious.
Why then is racism such an issue in the south?

It makes no sense for Christians to be racist.
Those who are racist Christians are ignorant and obviously not true Christians.

And to anyone who chooses to use their childhood upbringings as an excuse:
That makes you even more ignorant.

You should be able to think for yourself and realize that your prejudice is idiotic.
And because you claim to have been raised into racism, you are simply blaming your parents for your idiocy and they are just as ignorant as you are.
My thoughts on the matter.
Xyns Nov 2017
Why does every poem published feel risky?
Why does it cause me such a hard time?
I think "What am I even doing?"
And "Am I wasting my time?"

Is it recognition that I'm seeking?
Or is there something else I'm trying to find?

And just what is wrong with me?
Is this a talent, obsession, or is it an affliction?

If you could only see the way i scribble addictively..
I wouldn't be shocked if you staged an intervention.
Am I a poet or am I losing my sanity?
And could all my hopes be founded in fiction?

Still, my goal isn't nearly defined.
My mental organization could be improved..
I write as much as a nut case of some kind.
Is it in my best interest for my pen to be removed?

Patterns and stanzas keep me shallowly refined.
I'll ignore the hazard; it's excused.

*No reason to admit defeat because of cold feet.
Xyns May 2014
She is pretty and bright
She laughs at the jokes
And she sings along

She goes on hot dates
She makes the guys drool
And she is all too alluring

She is funny and sweet
She is a pleasure to meet
And she is liked by plenty

She plays and she smiles
She is supportive and kind
And she holds anyone's hand

She winks at the boys
She is flirty and fun
And she hides it very well

She weeps when there is no one to see
She does things no one would believe
And she screams at herself obscenities

She claws at her skin
She fears she'll give in
And she has no one to tell

She hates her reflection
She knows she's unworthy
And she'll never be released

She drinks too much in silence
She cuts a couple fresh wounds
And she wonders when it will stop

She's an addictive personality
She's addicted to bleeding
And she wishes someone would see
Xyns Sep 2017
You know this is for you, but I'll allow you to remain nameless
It may not even matter; you may not even read this
You probably won't because you're selfish and you're shameless
It's upon you that I'm forced to blame this
I don't know if I care enough to even post this
You know what? This is a write that I won't even finish
You've never cared about me; you don't even deserve the effort of this diss
Xyns Apr 2014
Dear Love,

When you're with me
You heal my heart

But when you're away
I'm sad to say I fall apart
Xyns May 2014
I am ruled by an addiction.
However, this addiction is not my own.
It is someone else's, someone who should be more important that anyone on this planet to me.
But, because of her addiction, is no more than a horrible burden that does nothing but bring tears and hatred.
Xyns Oct 2014
You could give me
A million reasons to hate you,
It wouldn't matter
Because you've given me
A million more to love you
Xyns Dec 2016
"Laughter is the best medicine."
That must be true
I wouldn't believe it
Had I never met you

Your smile was enchanting
A brightness to rival that of the North Star
A single smirk could warm my heart
Sadly, so estranged, we now are

I'd love to deny I developed feelings
And my expressions are elementary
But your words gave things new meanings
And I know this is rudimentary

You were, to me, simply poetry
You made me melt, then fall apart
I can't deny, you took my breath away
Your presence, I can only call art

Free as an Autumn leaf
You moved as the wind blew
For me, if only momentarily
And with the breeze, away you flew
Xyns Nov 2014
If I left..
I disappeared..
And I never came near..
I doubt you'd even notice.
Xyns Jul 2017
I suppose it's time I admitted it
That's the only way I'll come to terms with it
I'm in love with you
And I love the things you do

I love your skin and your hair
The way you're yourself everywhere
I love your voice and creativity
And the way you radiate positivity

I'm in love with you
Yes, it's true
I'm in love with you

I love your eyes and your smile
For you I'd always go the extra mile
I love your words and your honesty
The way you haven't forgotten me

I know it's good that I admitted it
Maybe now I'll come to terms with it
I'm in love with you
Perhaps, one day, you'll love me too
Xyns Sep 2017
You weren't supposed to leave
"Annie, you know I'll always be there"

You weren't supposed to leave
"Annie, you know I'll always care"

You weren't supposed to lie
"Annie, you know me best"

You weren't supposed to lie
"Annie, I love you to death"

You were my constant
You'd never left my side.
You were my constant
In that, I took much pride.
You were my constant
I'm all broken up inside.

You weren't supposed to leave
"Annie, what we have will never end"

You weren't supposed to lie
"Autumn, you're my very best friend"
Xyns Apr 2014
Those rancid shadows
Shall consume
All who dwell
Within the darkness
Xyns Feb 2015
Yours truly,
Forever and Always,
To infinity and beyond.*

P.S. I love you
(Sorry. That was really
Corny, lame, and
From a book
I've never even read.
But yeah..
I love you)
Xyns Mar 2014
Corrupt and quiet
Brain damaged
Like a mental hemorrhaging
A ****** heart's craving

Tattooed on your clear skin
Running hands over it
Dusting off your innocence
Dancing on ground that's caving in

Men and women in pain
Broken children going insane
Holding their breaths
Hearts heaving in their chests

Painstaking memories
Sipping tears from souls unclean
Empty verses, lyrics obscene
Children who will never be seen

You've lost your health
Now, what do you have left?
***** just like the rest
Nothing to show, no family crest

Tear jerkers
Hard workers
Acid-bathed men
You simply cannot win

Thoughts under arrest
Burning names off the list
Fighting with a pointless fist
Lost in the lifeless mist
Xyns Nov 2017
1, 2, 3, 4
Always counting

Staring at clocks
Stomach in knots

Breadcrumb trails
In the little details

Of what has been lost..

I think, maybe
I'm a little

Just counting
Xyns Mar 2014
Life hanging in the balance
Sanity hanging by a thread
I'll take my scissors
And cut that thread
Watch my reality crash
For a peaceful life, I never asked
Xyns Mar 2015
I hate being
And when I'm
I hate being
And when I'm
I hate being
Xyns Jul 2017
He was a broken soul
From a broken home
His heart's a hole
With no self-control
He'd let his emotions go
But he already felt his heart go cold
Xyns Mar 2014
It hurts to see.

Stings to breathe.

What has this world done to me?
Xyns Sep 2017
Life is an up and down roller coaster of disasters
Full of twists and turns and some dastardly *******
Pacifists passing fists passively; are they real or just actors?
We're not on the same page; we're in whole other chapters
You might just find that you're the most complicating factor
And in any moment that things can flip backwards
The best cure may be to forget and get plastered
When you've realized that there's nothing you've mastered
Xyns Sep 2017
Let me tell you what I'm trying to say
In terms a bit less ornate

I'm Gotham
You're Batman
Always saving the day

As Green Lantern
You'd be my ring


I'm Superman, right?
You're my kryptonite

I'm the same for you..
We both know it's true..
Xyns Feb 2015
It felt like D-Day
My world came crashing down
In explosions and
Broken devotions

I broke my own heart
When I broke yours
I felt the pop
The sting
The crack
And finally the suffering

You probably hate me
Because I seem happy
But constantly I'm crying
If only within me

All you ever gave me
Was love and care
But you couldn't soothe
The burning
The nightmares
Though you came close

Why did I give up?
I didn't.
Not really.
But you'll never see.

Because when
The Sun set last night
It set on us
And while the colors were bright
They were dull
They were old

It's nothing new
My ridiculous apologies
My own self loathing
It's actually quite old

I suppose that's why
I got kicked out last night
Well..I'm in tears now
But that I won't show
Because pain is weakness
Reminding me I'm alone

So good night
Sweet dreams
And goodbye to all the notes
And emotions we'll never share
Xyns May 2014
i know you didn't mean for it to happen
i know you didn't start it
but you reacted
and really, i'm not mad
not angry at you at all
baby, i love you no matter what
we'll work through anything
but it hurts
it hurts worse than almost anything else
and i know you regret it
i know you wish you could go back in time
and change what happened
but you can't, and neither can i
and we both know she wouldn't if she could
no, you're not like my ex
you're not an adulterer
but baby, this pain that this has caused
is terribly agonizing for me
sure, there was no ***
but there was a shared intimacy
sure, there was only a short instant of it
but you reacted as though it were alright
i know you hate it more than anything you've ever done
but still, it's hard for me to open my eyes
yes, i cried myself to sleep last night
i say things are gonna stay the same
but honestly, this is harder than i thought
i don't know what to do
but i promise i'm not leaving you
and though this hurts,
i'll still believe in you
but, truthfully, my trust is slightly frayed
on god, i wish i could erase yesterday
Xyns Sep 2017
Maybe I've had an increase in confidence
Or perhaps this is something that I just think is common sense*

You see, the only thing I expect is respect and curtesy
I give it; thus, I expect to receive in return common decency
Don't act sincere then suddenly change on me
I've noticed that it happens constantly
And that's something I just can't stand to see
What I'm asking for is simply sincerity
Just be you around everyone and also around me
It isn't that difficult, honestly
Though, I've learned that to most people it seems to be

I've learned that the Real really are a rarity
It's unfortunate to have that type of clarity
I'll treat you the same way you treat me
I'll always stay the same, how I was initially
And all I expect is respect and always sincerity
That's common decency
At least that's I how I see it, you see
But I see some people don't see it like me
And I think that's just a tragedy
Xyns Nov 2017
Sometimes I gotta wonder what the **** is this high that I'm chasing
Sadly, after all the drugs I'm still alone in my room pacing

Breaking blocks, those building blocks seem so dilapidated
******* words, truths seeming too **** constipated

Black ink stains find revival as I turn to gray and I'm fading
Head to toes, covered in dirt, then used and abused- degrading

Dirt cheap highs to save me from the lows I've been facing
*And **** all as I'm jaded and lost and find myself spacing
Xyns Sep 2017
Bury your every sin in my flesh
As I feel the rise and fall, the heaving of your chest

Etch your scarred memories into my skin
Learn to love the lust that forced you to give in

Let me put your self control to the test
And leave an impression with my moans and my breath

Let yourself let your morals bend
Ignore the fact that this high will have a bitter end
Xyns Mar 2014
It's the dark thoughts you have before you go to bed
It's the silent tears you suppress every time you hear their name
It's the laughter that is only there to cover up the intense dread
It's the disappointment of looking at yourself in the mirror
It's the fake smile you practice wearing for hours in the morning
It's the lonely lunches because you don't have the courage to say hi
It's the irritating happy songs that always seem like lies
It's the disease the doctors claim to know how to fix
It's the endless emotions you deny to your family
It's the broken whispers to yourself because no one else is there
It's the haunted nightmares that replace rest and steal your sleep
It's the cries for help that everyone around you chooses to ignore
Xyns Apr 2014
I grasp for the remnants
Of what I once was
Xyns May 2014
Desperation splattered against my face
From the onslaught of your apologies

Patience radiated from me
To the flood of your guilt

Depression bathed the love
While I gave up on the battle that is my mind

My dear, I love you still and forevermore
But I now bear this ****** crown of thorns

Not a savior am I, for I yearn for one
Only a deeply tired peasant, longing for rest

Now I cannot simply dream a dream
My reality has taken refuge in a nightmare

Being wary of spoken adoration
Longing for my previous joy to return
Xyns Mar 2014
We can let the pleasure
Drip off our bodies
We could never measure
The depths of this affection

The simplest things you do
Change my whole day
The smallest things undo
The biggest mistakes

Our world can crash around us
We'll still have each other
Our life could never break us
We'll still adore each other

I know that you're the one
At the end of the day
Because when all is said and done
We're meant to be
Xyns Mar 2014
I'll burn down my yesterday
Drown in the ashes

I'll cut my past to pieces
Choke on the shreds

I'll choose to love my today
And be devoted to my tomorrow
Xyns Mar 2014
He stumbled through the high grass
It stung as it slapped his face
His mission was to find Joseph
No one else cared about Joseph
And so he would save him
It would be no one but himself

Then there was a leg
One he did not notice
Until he had fallen and
Landed right on top of Joseph
For a moment, he felt joy
But such a fleeting moment it was

Joseph was only another casualty
Nothing but a mound of flesh
His gut was blown out
No one had covered Joseph
When he needed it
No one had known Joseph needed it

But now, he did not allow sorrow
There was no place for it here
On this brutal battlefield
Death was too often out here
Some his friend, some his enemy
Some tears, some rewards

Death had made its impression
Imprinting itself in his brain
Settling into the depths of his soul
Scratching, burning away at him
Yet it did not **** him
He would live to die another day
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