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Phantom Poet Dec 2018
I wake up,
Open Instagram,
And I began to tear up,
The first post is a ram to my heart,
It's hers...,
With someone else,
Always with someone else,
All happy and cheery,
And I'm suffering and misery,
The first thing in the morning I see,
Makes me cry,
Makes me angry,
Makes me wanna die..
Phantom Poet Sep 2017
Wear glasses,
Because weak are my eyes,
Am one of those backbenchers in classes,
Cracking jokes and breaking the ice,
Upon my lips always a,
I try to be the perfect friend,
Take the blame in the end,
Play lots of sports,
Mastered games of all sorts,
Teacher's pet,
Prefer when a plan is set,
But it's all the face of a card,
That's all a façade,
In reality I'm a mess,
Always high on stress,
An emotional wreck,
Overthink every little thing,
I'm the Joker in a deck,
Unwanted and ignored,
I find joy in being lonely,
For then nobody I can trust,
And words won't hurt me,
I may look strong to see,
But inside I'm very weak,
It makes me sick,
Sadness is a pain,
But in it I feel a dark pleasurable gain,
And it kills me from inside,
It is how I am as a person,
It is my style,
My life now,
For tomorrow is another day,
Before everyone I have to dawn a smile..
This is my 100th poem,and for me it's an achievement, and I would like to thank the readers for taking their time and reading and never criticizing, I appreciate it a lot, my little moment of joy it is
Phantom Poet Aug 2016
Starters (salad/fruits)
Wash it,
Chop it,
Dice it,
Slice it,
Garnish it,
Toss it,
Greek it,
Decorate it,
Serve it,

Main course
Cut it,
Chop it,
Slice it,
Mix it,
Bread it,
Sauce it,
Roll it,
Garnish it,
Fry it,
Boil it,
Gravy it,
Season it,
A pinch of salt,
And one over the shoulder for good luck,
Paint it,
Taste it,
Judge it,
Perfect it,
Decorate it,
Serve it,

Cool it,
Ice it,
Slice it,
Decorate it,
And serve it!

A dinner by the candlelight,
And I give you a chef's delight
I watch too many cook shows
Phantom Poet Feb 2017
Today was a cold day,
Sky filled with clouds,
The colour of grey,
Very little sun rays,
Everybody is indoors,
The streets are empty,
The sea is grumpy,
Upon the town,
Hangs a sense of melancholy,
The cold ****** the skin,
The grey empty roads feel eerie,
The scent of rain,
Is in the air,
Within my heart is a pain,
At peace is my brain,
Silence is what I gain,
Everything has a touch of,
Dark grey, blue paint,
Into the silence I roar,
And with pride I stand,
The clouds part and flies down light,
The golden of ichor,
The scent of petrichor fades,
And sunlight shines like the golden of a lion's mane.
That escalated
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
I was nothing  but a pup,
When u brought me home,
And put in  front of me a cup,
Engraved on it my name,
You groom me like a lions mane,
And teach me how to be tame,
I see u leave outside the door,
And I wait,
By the door,
I'm sitting on the floor,
I hear u approach the door,
And I leap off the floor,
For I have  awaited your arrival,
For hours many more,
When I go out,
And roam about,
I cannot see the colour,
But I can feel my surrounding,
And smell the flower,
I sit beside you,
Whining when I need some love,
From you,
And bark "I love you too "
I stay alert,
Till I can no more stay awake,
And tomorrow again is a another same day.
Well I tried something different for once.
Phantom Poet Dec 2016
A friend... A close friend,
Fell in love in such a way,
Her sorrows flew away ,
She unites with her lover,
and she blooms like a flower,
I fear that,
One day She will forget me,
Like many before her have,
Love is a blessing,
But for others,
Their lives it may be messing,
She is gone,
I do not know,
Why i feel so jealous,
Why do i fell so sad,
She was a friend..... A close friend,
For maybe,
I had something for this friend,
Deep within the abyss of my heart,
Or maybe our friendship comes to an end!
I got nothing to say
Phantom Poet Jan 2017
I have travelled a lot,
Since I was a tiny tot,
And I love the airport,
The announcements,
The hustle bustle,
Suitcases being shuffled,
Some on business,
Some on adventure,
Some relaxing,
Everybody flying,
Some sad goodbyes,
And some joyous hi's,
A grand place of memories!
This is why I love ,
The airport
I'm waiting for my flight and thought of writing this
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
Some would say this is heaven,
Some would say this is a dream,
Some would say it's a castle of cream,
Living in it a monster with riches that gleam,
But that is all talk,
Cause it's the story of  jack and the beanstalk,
Some say that it is where one falls asleep,
It rest on clouds,
White as a dead man's shroud,
This is bigger than any nation ,
Because Peoples imagination,
Is something one  cannot doubt.
Cause they imagined a kingdom on clouds.
Please let me know how it is,  u can be honest,  I have no problem
Phantom Poet Jun 2017
I may not be the best at it,
And I don't watch it,
But football is my favorite game,
I love to play it,
Many a chance I got to play,
But God is determined to,
Not let me play,
He broke my leg,
Put in my parents head,
No matter how much I beg,
They won't let me play,
They did,
And the chances were rare,
But when will I play,
When I'm old,
When is that day,
The day I can't play a full match,
There is some things,
My parents will never understand.
I may sound too dramatic but it means a lot to me
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
I had a dream,
No worries and problems,
Having some cake with chocolate cream,
On a picnic,
Sitting by the stream,
Under that shade of a tree,
With a cool wind,
Blowing past me,
I hear the rustling of leaves,
And the flowing of the stream,
Some buzzing of bees,
And chirping of birds,
Living in trees,
And a crunch of twigs,
By some critters running here and there,
I'm sipping on some cold drink,
Writing poems I'm the wind,
Without any ink,
After all I had a dream,
Having some cake with chocolate cream,
By the stream!
Phantom Poet Oct 2016
There was a new girl in class,
I fell in love with her,
And forgot everything about my past,
Wish I could mirror my feelings for her,
Just like chrome cast,
I want to hold her hand,
Sitting on the beach,
Writing messages in the sand,
Look into her green eyes,
In the air blows the wind,
Little chilly as ice
The sun is setting,
The ground is breaking,
And I wake up,
I am feeling,
Sad and bad,
It was just a dream,
Only..... A dream
Phantom Poet Mar 2016
Someone cared for you,
Someone loved you,
Someone wanted you,
And you,
Didn't care,
Didn't love,
Didn't share,
Didn't want,
That someone was me,
Phantom Poet Oct 2017
Every little sound seems loud,
Sounds of footsteps pounding in my head,
Everyone is talking loudly,
Even if I don't want to,
I can still hear what they say,
I bite my nails,
Always fidgeting like a dogs tail,
I grit my teeth,
Keep tapping my feet,
I feel uncomfortable talking on the phone,
I can  hear leaves being blown,
I am nervous in a crowd,
Afraid of sounds so loud,
Fireworks scare me,
Movie halls scare me,
I wake up sweating always,
Carrying a coin with me always,
I feel safe with it,
When tensed I bite the back of my hands,
I feel calm,
I listen to music all the time,
I like to be silent like a mime,
I feel calm by the sea,
Or in the rain,
The sound of water is soothing,
The waves rolling,
Hitting the rocks,
I get distracted easily,
But can focus like crazy,
I have something called,
Based on true experience,
Phantom Poet Jan 2017
A Bright day,
As some would say,
There she stood,
Waiting in the hallway,
Her hair flowing,
Red with a hint of grey,
The elegance with,
Which her body sways,
And the beauty,
Of her flawless face,
Time has stopped it seems,
For me to admire,
The Aphrodite of my dreams.
Got the title from an amazing book I'm reading
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
Go to bed to sleep,
Sleep to dream,
Dreams that u cannot keep,
A lovely place as it may seem,
Counting sheep that leap,
Over the moon in colour of cream,
Mountains and valleys that peep,
Amidst them flows a sparkling stream,
Now we fall asleep,
And dream,
Dreams we cannot keep
Phantom Poet Jun 2017
Assam is a place full of trees,
Green as it can be,
A place with cool breeze,
A sanctuary with animals free,
Here ones soul is at ease,
A place of tranquility,
A place where rice and fish,
Is a delicacy,
Celebrating the harvest,
With bonfires and dance,
A place to celebrate nature,
Here live many a tribe,
They provide with a feast,
Assam... The pride of the east.
It's a state in India which is rarely recognized for its potential
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
Life is like a game of chess,
This is a story of one such mess,
The black army prepared for war,
Because the white army was not far,
The war started,
The black Knight crossed paths with the white queen,
His heart just parted,
Between the love for victory and for the queen,
Little did the Knight know,
Even the king of his army was keen,
On capturing the queen,
The foolish Knight advanced towards the maiden,
Forgetting the main rule,
Going into the enemy's kingdom alone is forbidden,
The Knight was killed,
Whereas the clever king waited for his wish to be fulfilled,
And patiently waited,
For the queen.
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
Ocean ,
Always in motion,
Or sometimes calm,
Like a bird on ur palm,
I wish it no harm,
But to sit beneath it,
And admire it's charm,
The environment is silent ,
And the rays of light passing though ,
Like the melodious Cords of a violin,
The blue colour,
Turns a shade darker,
Going down farther,
U sink in its peace,
And everything above cease,
Above the waves fold,
This is a story never told.
This is based on how the reader imagines it
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
I sat gazing at the empty Sky,
The Sun falling on my face,
one lonely cloud passed by,
It was an ordinary cloud,
But it's beauty swept me away,
I followed the cloud,
It lead the way,
Without a doubt,
It was magnificent,
Until one fine day,
It stormed over me,
It struck the innocence within me,
That day I cursed the cloud rashly,
And God,
And all for appreciating beauty? ,
I always ask God why?,
Why did he put within my heart,
a scar,
And all the almighty says,
Everything is fair in love,
And war
Phantom Poet Nov 2018
As a child,
I would carry something,
It was always on my mind,
It could have been anything,
A rock, a pebble and plastic find,
And I would keep it on me at all time,
I never had any friend,
And that weird thing,
Was mine,
I was hold it in my hand,
Talk to it,
Feel it all over,
And I could trust it,
For months I would carry it,
Till I accidentally lose it,
Or my parents throw it,
Relying and trusting a useless object,
Is much better than trusting someone,
The object will never hurt you,
But someone will,
Now since I don't have anyone,
I carry around a necklace,
I bought it for someone dear to me,
Close to my heart,
A necklace with an S,
But I will never get to the part,
To give that person,
And I just have given everything,
To this necklace,
And I rely on it,
It is a source of pain,
But I just can't seem to leave it.
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
A season when u sit beside,
Some burning timber,
To cold to go outside! ,
Well I prefer being cuddled in a blanket,
And sitting inside,
Best time for hot chocolate,
And Add some marshmallows,
After ye make it,
The lakes are frozen,
People are buying,
Hot cross buns by the dozen,
Dance on ice,
Which once was a lake,
But I find both nice,
Make some snowman,
Or throw some snowball,
Like a professional bowman,
Well I think,
Is best,
When u sit beside some burning timber
Phantom Poet Sep 2016
I wish,
I wish upon a shooting star,
That leaves a streak of light,
In the night sky afar,
I wish I could heal a scar,
Which is deep in my heart,
And I wish that people stop hurting me,
With words like poisonous darts,
I wish,
I wish upon a shooting star,
That leaves a streak of light,
In the night sky afar!
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
When I enter a bakery,
I gaze at the variety ,
Of fresh baked cake,
And cookie dough ,
Ready to bake,
I smell the tempting flavors of donuts,
And the wide range of cookies with nut,
I glance at the crossiant,
Something I gravely want,
I order a coffee,
And a crossiant,
To satisfy me,
I taste the luscious buttery bread,
And relish the spread,
Enjoying without worry,
Well this is the,
Adventure of a bakery
Phantom Poet Dec 2016
I sit here at my favorite place,
On the light brown sand,
And into the vast sea I gaze,
The cool breeze,
Blow between the waves,
In front of me pass by a horse,
A white horse,
A magnificent beast,
As bright as day,
A beautiful sight,
I must say,
As per Greek mythology,
Horses were a gift to human,
From the God of the sea,
They emerged from the churning waves,
Mighty and brave,
Just like the waves,
I the sight before me,
And feeling inside me,
As the waves curled,
Was the best feeling,
The world!
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
When I fall,
U take ur time to enjoy it,
And joke about it,
But eventually u help me on my feet,
Together when we eat,
I steal from ur treat,
But u just pretend u didn't see,
Cause later u'll get back at me,
When I'm in trouble,
U mock me,
But in the end ur standing beside me,
When u know I'm about to lose,
U accept defeat,
Just to get my hopes high,
But overall in the end its me who you beat,
We share moments and memories,
Helping each other,
During times of worries,
But we enjoy together,
Wishing we could live forever,
And all the crazy things we could do,
But in the end,
Ur my best friend.
Phantom Poet Sep 2017
Sitting in an open cargo carriage,
Feet dangling off the edge,
With you by my side,
The world sailing passing by,
Look into the distance,
Into the green mountain side,
Cranking of the train pistons,
Just with you by my side,
Spark of love in your eye,
Living the best life,
Carefree and wild,
The wind against my skin,
The silence within,
The warmth of the sunlight,
Infront the world will glide,
Nothing is more precious,
Than you being by my side.
Was watching the gameplay of a game called l"life is strange " and there was this scene and I loved it so much that I had to write about it
Phantom Poet Feb 2017
There was a girl,
Answers to the name calypso,
She lives since the Greek world,
And before was a goddess,
Daughter of atlas,
A God who lifts the world,
She was exiled to an island,
For all eternal time,
For her crime,
Supporting her father,
At the Titans and Olympians war,
She stood by the sea,
Her Greek gown flowing,
Her hair,
The colour of golden tee,
Her skin is white,
With a shade of pale,
Her eyes hold sorrow,
Unmatched with her face,
Upon her she holds a curse,
Many heroes were sent there,
If she fell for them,
They would be sailed away,
This was the curse of love,
Many warriors,
Came across her,
Even Odysseus,
And all of them,
Left her heart in pieces,
It is rumoured that,
This island,
Is not far from Croatia,
And its name is,
I typed fast and did not proof read it so please excuse any mistakes
Phantom Poet Sep 2018
How do I tell someone,
To stop talking to me,
To get out of my life,
Because I can never help,
But fall in love,
Even after trying to forget,
To ignore,
One message and I'm in love,
How do I tell someone who is hurting,
That I don't want to talk to them,
When I am the only person she trusts,
But even I am hurting,
Only thing is I have no one to trust,
I have to suffer to help her,
To make her smile,
I have to shed a tear from my eye,
I cannot leave her,
Atleast not now when she needs me,
But I do not want to talk to her,
Cuz I will fall in love again,
And she will break my heart.. again,
And never love me like I do,
How do I tell someone,
To stop talking to me,
Seems like I am in a catch 22
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
There was once a guy,
And a girl,
She loved him,
And she loved him until they die,
The guy,
On the other hand,
Wanted something he could not buy,
It was love,
He accepted the girl,
And they lived like a pair of merry dove,
But the innocent girl,
Did not know that,
The guy was in a whirl,
For he loved another,
He kept it to himself,
And he slyly stayed with both,
Put the plot unwrapped itself,
And the girl was furious,
She explained,
How she loved him,
And how he broke her heart,
She asked him,
That did he love her from the start,
And the guy said,
He did not know what love was,
And now he does,
And his heart,
Belongs to a mystery heart,
The girl's life fell apart,
She did not want to start,
Again this,
Coz she did not want anyone to break her,
Remaining heart,
And she believes that one day,
She will fall in love again,
And hoping that her prince,
Will not betray her,
Request from a friend
Phantom Poet May 2018
I made a game, one my website, a small 2 minutes text game, it's a demo .
Please do check it out and give you opinion on it
Thank you ^.^
Link is in bio
Phantom Poet Nov 2017
I feel happy when I hear your voice,
I fell in love with you,
I did not have a choice,
And when I told you,
I could never hear your voice,
Your eyes would never meet mine too,
My heart felt like broken toys,
You became a ghost,
For you I was just another boy,
You are what my heart desires the most,
For you to play with I was not a toy,
I was just a boy,
Whose happiness was your voice,
And he fell in love with you,
He did not have a choice.
I'm really not paying much attention to my poems lately I just write what comes to mind
Phantom Poet Jul 2016
She was the one,
Who didnt love me,
Was the one who left me,
She didn't care,
Her heart was bare,
It was easy for her,
She was the finisher,
She thought She was leaving me,
She didn't know,
She has broken me,
But in reality,
She was choking me.
Honestly It sounded sensible in my head
Phantom Poet Dec 2016
I may not follow the religion,
But i love this festival,
It is celebrated in all region,
Beautiful decorations,
With the couple's if red and white,
And the festive celebrations,
The Christmas spirit,
Is one of a kind,
The time to exchange gift,
Little kids wait for Santa Clause,
But their plan has a flaw,
They fall asleep,
Next morning they run,
To the Christmas tree,
And sprawled below it,
Is gifts received from Santa... Free,
Families get together,
Happiness is in the air,
And its snows forever,
Setting up a Christmas tree,
Setting lights outside,
In the breeze,
The joy of Xmas,
Is beautiful,
And lovely
It's a little too early but i love Christmas
Phantom Poet Mar 2018
I would never hurt anyone,
Or make them sad,
Even if it risks my reputation,
Or make me feel bad,
I would make you smile,
Even if what you say breaks my heart,
In your shoes I have walked more than a mile,
I know how it feels,
And I would risk everything,
Just so happiness a person could feel,
If I cannot have it,
Doesn't mean others cannot too,
I will sacrifice every bit,
Of my emotions just to make you smile,
I would lie,
I hate you for what you have done to me,
But I can't tell you that,
I can't tell you how I truly feel,
It will hurt you,
And I can't let that happen,
I guess I will give up myself,
To you,
Something like a clown,
Nobody sees the frown,
Behind the laughter and mask,
No one sees the heart,
Behind the entertaining art,
No one knows the truth,
This is the purpose of my creation,
To make you smile,
Even at the cost of my reputation.
Phantom Poet Mar 2017
What is it?,
Gaining information,
But what i see,
Is memorizing textbooks,
Forgetting after exams,
Or that's what happens,
In my country,
This is suffering,
How is this teaching,
How is someone supposed,
To grow and live with this?,
I'm grateful i get education,
I'm fortunate,
But I'm still in a cage,
I'm not yet free,
Burden of studies,
Burden from parents,
Burden from grades,
Why judge someone strongly,
With grades,
Grades, marks, point is assessment,
Of skill,
Not the whole life,
I personally don't understand,
How this world works.
I have realized i can't do anything in my last poem i made, not that its impossible, but there is a huge iron cast gate stopping me!
Phantom Poet Jan 2018
Everyone who reads this please write a line in the comments and continue the poem, it not necessarily needs to rhyme please!

I wander along the sea shore,.....
Please do continue the poem
Phantom Poet Jan 2018
everyone who reads this please write a line in the comments and continue the poem, it not necessarily needs to rhyme please!
it is a beach sea water themed

these r lines by other poets I have compiled and it's beautiful, submission r still open in the comments.... please do continue

I wander along the sea shore,.....
Unsure what it is I search for,
Walking wondering across the sand as I'm,
Does someone wait on another shore,
wind and water salty spray...
The roar of the ocean speaking in Nature’s tongue...
my feet sinking in sand marking my way,
With two feet beating the waves kiss the undertow,
I have taken lines from other poets from a  different site, and it's starting beautifully, please do continue it, the same poets may offer more lines to the poem..
Phantom Poet Mar 2021
I recently looked through my poetry,
they are all past stories,
all locked away memories,
I realized something,
something I worry,
all I write are dark story,
fueled by dark memory,
what is happening to me,
when was the last time I was happy,
in my mind is a painful mark,
oh why ! oh why !
are my thoughts,
so dark..
Trying to get back into writing
Phantom Poet Apr 2016
I was innocent,
Thinking life was magnificent,
But then I met these ghouls,
They said they were,
friendly souls,
I befriended them,
Overtime They were precious to me,
Like a prized gem,
But when I needed them the most,
They just left me hanging like ghosts,
These ghouls,
Have ignited,
My inner dark soul!
Phantom Poet Sep 2017
What happens when someone dies?
I say,
There is an island that meets the eyes,
And slowly float from life away,
Upon the banks the perished soul lies,
For now it is free and must find a way,
For eternity to survive,
For maybe the soul can die,

What happens when someone dies?,
I say,
They see endless white light,
And they see what's most precious,
It can be a sight,
To the eyes gracious,
It removes the fright,
It may be deceiving,
From the pain,
Of dying.

What happens when someone dies?,
I say,
A person hears his worst lies,
Has to suffer the guilt,
Of the pain inflicted on many lives,
It is endless suffering,
For those who ignores the forbiddence of sinning,
They suffer for all eternity,

What happens when someone dies?
I say,
They are set free from the shackles and tortures of life,
And that is the ultimate freedom,
For one to desire.
What I expect when I die.... Eventually
Phantom Poet Apr 2016
Demons come from fairy tales,
They are neither male,
Nor female,
They come from religions,
And are found,
In every different region,
Anybody can become a demon,
It's about how one thinks,
When they lose hope,
And is on Insanity's brink,
And they tie the noose on the rope,
To get away from these demons,
Or will one meet them again?,
This ends ,
These demons I am talking about,
Are none other then my so called "friends"!
I'm done with the devil and his dealing,
Where are they now,
When I'm swinging from the ceiling
Losing hope
Phantom Poet Apr 2016
I grew up watching cartoons,
Reading fairy tales,
Believing they existed like the moon,
I thought the world was like these tales,
Fun,  magic and love,
Castles, princesses and magic doves,
But something hit me,
What happens in reality is tragic,
As I grew,
I lost hope,
We are walking on a tight rope,
Walking over insanity,
No excitement,
Life is ,
My biggest disappointment
Phantom Poet Feb 2017
I just woke up,
From deep sleep,
Had a dream,
It was a crazy dream as usual,
But I saw someone in it,
And my stomach felt unusual,
Someone I haven't thought about in in a bit,
Long time,
Someone I tried to forget,
A friend I met,
A friend I tried,
To help,
Or that's what I thought,
From a distance she said hi!,
The way she always would,
Towards her I look,
And felt scared,
Scared when old deep memories come back,
Or was swimming in a void,
Of emotions,
Those 2 seconds,
Opened old wounds,
Triggered old memories,
And old feelings.
There might be a 40% chance that that personight read this
Phantom Poet Jul 2022
I struck up a conversation in a park,
A stranger sharing the seat,
The sun is setting and just about to get dark,
They sounded timid and meek,
We spoke about dreams,
They said ' I find myself standing on a pier,
Looking out to the end and the ocean's gleam',

We met the next day on the same seat,
They said 'today I saw a boat at the end of the pier,
And I had been feeling a fear',
' There is a ferryman in it and calls me near ',
'He doesn't speak any words and just waits'

On the third day I saw them again sitting,
'I've been waking up late each morning',
'The sounds of the ocean keeps me longing',
'I can hear the sounds of the boat creaking',
'And the ferryman continues waiting',

On the fourth day,
'I spoke to the ferryman',
'He didn't speak but he listened away',
'His presence calmed my shaking hands',
'His eyes felt like he was showing the way',
'Under his boat shifted the sands of time',
'I awoke late crying'

On the fifth day,
I sat there and await,
I was curious to hear what they say,
Today they were late,
I looked around to search for them,
I sat there until the dusk at eight,
I wanted to hear about what they dreamed,
I thought to myself they were never late,
They finally got on the boat it seemed,

I stood up and left,
And never again we met.
Phantom Poet Apr 2016
I have these dreams,
They are weird as they seem,
These dreams depict my deepest fears,
But they are not nightmares,
These dreams makes me weak,
And they come few days a week,
I don't know why,
I don't know what,
These dreams have my fears caught,
And every time I close my eyes,
They release this fear,
And makes me shiver like on ice,
Until one day in the future so near,
My eyes would not open,
I cannot smell the morning token,
I cannot move,
I cannot prove,
and I am engulfed in this dream,
I hear the ferry man's bell,
These dreams were a one way stream,
To a place called hell.
Pardon the mess
Phantom Poet Mar 2020
I am in Netherlands,
Through my university course,
Has allowed me to travel across the lands,
Of the beautiful Europe,
Me and a friend have come to lend a hand,
To farmers for voluntary work,
Which is also a school on the farmland,
For kids who can't achieve the mark,
Who can't study in the normal system,
I am in the pure countryside,
And it is beautiful and majestic,
There are fields wide,
Long clean canals blue,
It is a beautiful sight,
I cycle looking at this view,
The sun shining golden bright,
The wind blowing past you,
The dim villages at night,
It feels nice to be away,
Away from the fright,
This is what I like,
This is,
The Dutch countryside
Hello, it has been 2 years since I have been on here, and been on a terrible path, I am writing again, to become normal and get my life together
Phantom Poet Feb 2019
I'm high,
I am going to die,
I'm not gonna lie,
the noose is very sly,
bullets fly,
at my head,
I'm going to die,
I don't have a reason to live,
a knife will slice viens,
I loose blood,
Wither and die.
Phantom Poet Dec 2017
Behind every song is a story,
Some moody,
Even EDM has a story,
It is a powerful story,
With unknown sounds creates,
A musical mystery,
For People it's just "sounds",
Sounds mixed and thrown together,
But it may sound all messy,
Scattered and unorganized,
But to create that ball of excitement,
The music is carefully analysed,
Up untill the last note,
Everything is precisely predicted,
Sounds unorganized,
Creations is organised,
Making it is perfection,
An artist work,
I was trying to emphasize on how much effort music producers have to take to create an EDM track
Phantom Poet Mar 2016
Everybody is studying,
Everyone is worrying,
All are learning,
Their minds are burning,
To the boards they are serving,
They are not slaves making a dam,
They r students,
Studying for exams
I'm  currently in that situation
Phantom Poet Nov 2017
The eyes depict emotions,
The face may hide those notions,
But the eyes show the truth as whole,
They called Windows to the soul,
Everytime I looked into her eyes,
I know she loves me,
But never did her lips smile,
And into my heart never did she see,
Or maybe she learnt to use her eyes,
To deceive me.
I saw it in her eyes but she never admitted it it said those words
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