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Apr 2016 · 427
Morning dusk
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
Now the fog rolls over the hills
The dust in the mountains collect
Now the rays of light pierce through the blinds
Where the flowers rise
Apr 2016 · 389
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
A flit of the wrist in her eyes
Flickering like stars in the night
Less to do with fear, the curiosity of a different view point
Kept her sleeping in the forest
Green grass stains last on this girls jeans. Young, curious, and passionate and innocent the world is bright and resplendent.
Apr 2016 · 910
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
Reborn, his wing span breathes the wind
He sprints to touch land
As he touches land, his hands grasp the ground
Transformation and Deliverance
Watch as he will rise from the ashes
Apr 2016 · 575
Forest Darkness
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
What you see
The car lights through the mist
your silhouette in the lake
the scars on your wrist
sunsets in the day
sunrises at night
Beauty in the eye of the beholder
A day waking up in a hazy most.
Apr 2016 · 464
Hanging Low
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
The sun hangs low
Hanging over your head
Touching your cheekbones
The darkness is pulling you back
The craters of the moon are as steel as stone
A shot in the dark
Nervous hands make this task not a lark
The fire in your heart pounds
Pulsating your veins, within your ears echoing a thumping sound

As you arch your back
Sweat trickles down your arms
Your mind goes blank, you’re ready to attack
Every breathe, the fire swirls
Igniting a spark of light into the dark, an apple appears

The sweetness of light will appear in every dark spot
As the arrow bounced through the darkness the apple shattered
Shattered light. The lightness will succumb to darkness.
A fight you should not fright.
Drawing an arrow towards your light, yet coming into darkness
Apr 2016 · 699
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
Rivers of life rush in as each moment enters my mind
slip down and plop - slowly flowing
Trickling as the past comes forward
And each bellowing cry leads my flowing eyes
To reach within
Each breathe does not run smooth

I fall back into my mind looking I see the
Cinematography lights capture your faces
And each passing laughter captures your spirit
As each passing moment enters my mind as a spinning glow
Every waking moment I'm  holding onto what is left

Every pixelated second reached from your pocket
Lives, breathes, and encapsulates your eyes
Flickers as a breathe from the under currents
Stirring inspiration

Your grace - beautiful - posed - sparkle
Breaks every boundary I knew about you

I climb my mountains, and burn my bridges
Stonemasons carved my road, yet I stand looking at an empty well
I heard laughs and cries of joy, but my trees hid a waterfall
And all were jumping but me
I dipped my toes and now I see I could not dive
But do not be afraid to jump
The glowing mist will circulate in your body - casting a god like shadow
Greeting, gently, fervently - you are here
Do not be afraid

The wheat grass blows beneath me and you stand with me
Seeing what I see
The city lights melt in my arms - and you fade into flashes
Movements of passing gestures and
My love for you only grows, but I stay asleep

Your adagio string symphony fingerprints my fluttering breathe
And your whip in the wind stands still as I see you dancing to your heart
You can not see the regret - it shall not pass
Again, I see you in the wheat field
My hands reach for yours - the dandelion is lost in the wind
The rain falls - the music falls to a slow ending
I grab what I see
Hold it for as long as I can - it will never be to late
To start once more
While holding what - I've become
My growing pains. To learn what you finally love - see it for only a second before it it is ripped away.
Apr 2016 · 632
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
How can I phrase this?
Lamely laid - I've paid my way to my own grave, but I changed
It's the day I will exclaim in pity pools and parade budded skies
My lovely hearts are carried to fry
It's why?  

It's city kings and big boxed lords sitting on lards of lush and luxury
Delivering to the mouths and blistering our hearts
And keeping the steel wall closed from ourselves - we become the consuming  generation

Airdropped from to the earth from a contained hedonistic lair.
We grow in every way and grow through every day


Can you digest what you see?
Can you see, the cruelty painfully pushed as a casualty
Covered like up like a felony
Treated like no biggie
Thee eyes no nothing of what they see
Their story is morphed

And no one wants the truth

So we sit in silence

Until the world sees what I see - justice
End animal cruelty. I'm vegan and I support this lifestyle - it's the best choice I've ever made and I hope you will open yourselves to new possibilities
Apr 2016 · 677
Grate your Pasted Nights
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
When have you graced me with love


Outside - you want yourself, you wait

And I sit in silence - I berate that day your lights filled the sky

Green lush mountains peak to the heavens singing ' my oh my - dreamers catchen the spirit tonight'

But I fall deep to dark ashes and rebirth into the lord Phoenix and become one

I no longer wait, I paint my skies with hues of lavender and peach

Maybe one day you will become one with me
Thinking about me constant dreaming. Really about realizing you don't wait for someone else. You need to find your self and feel content with yourself and then, just maybe something magical will happen.
Apr 2016 · 310
Bedded flowers
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
This is a place where I divide
What I feel and what I see
Convincing, I hide in a flowery castel built by the higher mind
I write and read and hold each word closely
I hold tightly , I speak gently
This is the safe haven of poetic minds
Small little loving piece to express my gratefulness to have a poetic forum.
Apr 2016 · 331
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
The lens captured my heart
But I couldn't catch myself - before to late
Clicking and clacking.... Crumbling and crushing I create
A morphed haze of delusions keeping me steady
I clack along.....
Missing out on beautiful moments in life.
Apr 2016 · 510
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
Crickets creek under the midnight glow
I hear the Violins strumming to the airy night
And as many stars a glow, the warm gust heightens the senses
And fervor stirs in the belly - warmth, touching, feeling
Flickering candle light momentous glow - lifts your head back

The breathes of air gently brisk on your neck
Guiding it's way to your back
Grasping behind you
Holding you tightly - embracing you
The summer breeze welcomes your deviousness
Your imaginings and all of the wild rage, yearning for touches

Laying your back on the dune under the twinkling ceiling  
A distant dream imagined years ago and enters a doubt
Loneliness creeps in and ones ideal twinkles again and hope is restored
The empty echoes filled with cricket squeaks
Jitter bugs and buzzing fills the void of the empty summer breeze
Dedicated to my times at the dunes in Mexico. Quickly writing down something I want, but I'm not sure what it is I want. Side note, I'm so excited to go to Mexico this year. Many years I don't feel a need to go, but recently I'm growing more exciting. When I'm in Mexico I like to be by myself and I find comfort in the sand dunes by the ocean. Tranquility and peace at last, ones mind wanders, contemplates, and idealizes in an atmosphere surrounded by darkness and specks of light
Apr 2016 · 445
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
I feel as though my life is ending
Must I say so, think so, feel something so wrong?
Am I?
Do I know when there is a beginning?

Do I know?
Beginning at a point - ending at a line

Do I know what it feels like to triump ?
To honestly lose ?
To succeed or to fail ?

Should I?  Will I ?

Do I wish to shoot cuspid's bow and arrow? Will I? Could I ?
I have never left my target out.
But will a change in heart occur?

Will I change?
Apr 2016 · 574
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
Can we......
I feel - is all this - wrapped in knots, hope, cloud, and a clout to my head
A motion, flashed - twitched in a second, innuendos
The clock handle moving - while our motion is steady - untouched
Building and falling. Your bravery marked on us both, forever falling to your grip

Green, blue, purple, lively love my dear
Have you whispered sweet nothings
In ones soft ear, caressing them in a trans
Whispering 'it's you'
Finally, a dream caught in your sunrise
The hands you hold me with mold into my side
Marking my hide - burning inside
With passion - fumed, full of embers crystallizing
Will you bring me - collide to me - send me to you
You whisper on my neck touching slowly - counting the galaxy
The lunar collection piled on my back
The mountains of smoke collect in your misted breathe
And your holding me by a whisper - and I drag my arms
Holding you -
Fervor of your brushes - the taste of your wind
Surrounds me - holds me

The world's tipped on its axis, yet my mind is tripped over you
Lost in relish of giddy tickled touches - fools stuck in a dreaming pool of love
Light rays land on your hand guiding a touch once more
You do, hold me - and I you
A sweet young love. Holding Hands - that's all. Starting to be intimate is difficult. The anticipation for the first touch is always so big. When one finally holds the other ones hand it feels like the invisible shield of uncertainty is tactfully breaking down.
Apr 2016 · 370
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
Her chair by the grandfather clock
Creaked with ticking and tocking - a moment awaits
She grips her hands softly
Her furrowed brow creased and squinted a moments memory
The pillows of green lounged and her lover caressed her golden locks


In memories of black and white his arms carried her
She carried him with her
In plushness, her cheeks puffed, her lips puckered
Her blue eyes gleaming vivaciously
As the waving goldness of yellow and orange waved back and forth
Leaning their backs towards the eye of the sun
The couple gleefully, held on to one another

Hours turned over into days - passing by time
They gripped tight on to eachother.
Moving in they moon danced to the stars
Sleeping in their hammock
Yet she felt him loosen with ease
The flower by their sink rotten and cumbled into oblivion
She cried for days yet they held on to each other

The mail man comes early today.....

She heard him cry
The foreboding of death crawled into their home, unexpectedly
The grim fate had him pulled him away
Cut loose and shield our touches - his departure to the battlefield

His flights leaves and time is the hourglass
She recalls the night of his departure vividly

6:34 - Fighting

6:41 - Screaming

6:45 - All of the kitchen ware is shattered

6:53 - Him gluing the parts together

7:00 - Making love

7:39 - Him walking down the street waving

7:45 pm - Lights out

Current Day

Every day sitting
Lights out
Sipping white wine in a tea cup - awaiting a knock

The slow creak of her door opens
Opens ever so slightly, yet she sees a tall shadow
She steps up, puts her cup down and sees someone
Apr 2016 · 608
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
Candidly so,
I'm increased by you
Your love, presence and adoration

Have you came to me so
In beauty, trampled by ways
You can not live without me

Your woes do show
Am I yours - carefully written down
Unknown to you
I am

We've not formally met
Dreaming in your head
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
We need to find out what's right and
Say goodbye to these lies and

Now the ground is beating
Inside my chest
Now the mountain beating inside me

I feel like an empty cage waiting and wishing - wanting
Kissing life away

Please don't say
I'll always remember the day when you walked away

Can't you see
Can't you be
The neurotic psychopath waiting for his ****
Waiting and wishing at least you're kissing the one beside you
I'm not beside you

Can't confide in you
Find you

Deep inside me......
I can never be who I'm daring to be

Can't you see I'm afraid
Enough with this game
I'm tired of being made
Part of your game

I'm wasting myself away to you
During midnight. A punk rock song came on in my head. It was my own original song. I believe it's my deepest desires springing forth passionately and aggressively
Mar 2016 · 844
Bridge to Terebithia
Leila Valencia Mar 2016
I walk between a beguiling trench
A glowing bridge, paraded with gowns
The other side must lead somewhere?

I look, ponder, plummet, down I gaze at..
The face of a girl unfocused
Drowning my mind out
My reflection from above,
Looks at the Wanderer

Beneath the lowly stars hangs my hairs
The crescent moon wanes
Guiling my innocent feet, to walk my wonder - the spirit captures my soul
What I ponder is a creature, staring at me by the bridges' edge

Holding a flaming lantern - taking my hand
Cloaking my dreams in budded flowers
The creature stirred my peeping mind...
I begin to see my maiden's gown fretting, distressing with the wind
The creature of the ghostly figure greets me graciously

I step upon a grave lair
A burrow lays underneath
I sigh, I'm listening to my hand maiden's grief
Must you show me?
Take charge of me?

I'm lost
In unknown territory - casting dark spells and chants in foreign languages - I run

Casting my arms around a vagueness
I familiarize with a homely scent
A green pasture, guiding me

My beguiling bridge doesn't guide me
It leads me
I must take the budded flowers in my pocket
I blow out the lantern flame
I will lead
A time where I must choose my own path. I will not let anyone guide me.
Mar 2016 · 1.0k
Bequeath my Desires
Leila Valencia Mar 2016
There's no reason or rime
My time has not come
Years and fears
Seasons of pitch black

My love Destitute with delusions
Damaged with deranged solutions
My mind painfully persistent
On being unloved

The creeks of my haunted mansion
Bleed without a purpose
Skeletons worship the past
Bones dance around unrequited desires

I dine with golden lambs
And taste the sheep in my hand
My teeth burning through the wet flesh
Holding dainty my ideals

My fainted veil is close to tearing
My pain inst aware of the glass wall between our truth
My mirage sickly - marred with battle wounds
My dynamite left uncapped
The memories soaked in blue
Mines hidden, ticking bombs blew in my face

I'm dancing around the bones of my dreams
Painful desires. Hateful heart to ideas of vulnerability.
Mar 2016 · 401
Leila Valencia Mar 2016
Your book hides its head
Thinks below
Our gaze waits for you
Beginning, the show

Writing My arms in black and blue
Message from lily pad hearts
The start, of a melody
The end of a symphony
See. The glow, the permanent
Hidden code
Showed, what I feel in hieroglyphics
My love will not show
Will not breathe, stand close, or far
Below, ago, you may know
My love can not show
What I cover. What Skin I wear, a visage, but truthfully a disguise of my truest feelings.
Mar 2016 · 726
Thorned Daisy
Leila Valencia Mar 2016
By birth we are ...
Broken into two, one side to touch the sky
One side,
Tangled, and entrenched with layered roots - lineage hissing 'quiet' 'quiet girl'
Our legs Imposed to stay bounded, rooted

A wall continuum, changing of colors
Shapes, Names, Stories, Only the world shakes harder....
Centuries of walls slashing, but the spectators chuckle at the caged song bird
Waiting for its tune. Plucking the feathers?!

Oh, When will
Our names will be filled with love?
When was the Rose unafraid to share it's scent?
Beauty, love, asking for nothing!

But what lies beneath and above
The roots and the sky.
Stuck in between, but bound by shackles of beneath....
If leaving, alone, this woman - Will be rendered hopeless?
Unhappy, unfulfilled, without meaning or purpose.

More, much more - you hold half the sky so touch it - bare handed
Feminism, put in a softer tone. Many metaphors, much symbolism, and plenty of questions one may ponder
Mar 2016 · 630
Leila Valencia Mar 2016
Morning dusk weakens me
Holds me
The grandfather clock ticks
The stained cabinets sit idly
The sprinkles of dust laying
Reminding me of last night

A wish kept beneath the stairs
Was there
Granite and stone freeze
My feet walk upon a frozen wish
Locked, quietly breathing
Carrying me to where I am now
When my mind wanders. It wanders for weeks, until I stop.
Mar 2016 · 669
Held within, without
Leila Valencia Mar 2016
Standing alone, surrounded
Outside a gas lamp - a flickering essence of mystery
A path.

Where it leads.
You choose not to know.
Rather walking inside
A step taken, nothing more
Inside - trapped, tied, tangled, knotted
Names you do not know
Faces glance
You change your name

Masquerade your personality with falsehoods
Shimmy in your dress
Chandeliers quiver to the gowns
Unkind fellows breathe to close
Gracing yourself
Caged with rules
Grappling with tradition
Patronized, condescending, and patted
Played with, passed, and mopped
A chess piece, a card
Your house of cards collapse

The glitter is gleaming in shades of red
Brown, green, and blue
Hiding from our shadows
Dancing in the glitter
Parading around the attraction of light
But masked our identity... With strands of gold

Gold plastered, masked, and molded on our face
Contemporary gold,
Will not ease the pain
The shadows envelopes your heartbeat
Stretching close to the ambilical chord to the light

Every dream fades
All falls into deep darkness
Painful, deep shadows
Your face grusomely scalped
Scarred, scorched, with fear
The truth, rotted, fermented
All that rests is your masquerade gown, but now the moths got to it

Alone, when you are always surrounded
Thinking of what it's like to be lonely surrounded by many people. No matter where I go I always feel so alone no matter how much love is surrounding me.
Mar 2016 · 363
Leila Valencia Mar 2016
Bodies of celestial beings
Beaming inside brimming with glistening specks close enough to touch but far enough to gaze
A whisper touches your arms
It pecks, breathes, creeps on the crook of your neck

She's the whisper of every wind
Every few drop
Sliding down your cheek
Held into a crystal
Hung against the illuminating sun
Rays spreading on a rainbow
Feb 2016 · 782
Internal Universe
Leila Valencia Feb 2016
It is the life you live
Dreams kept quiet
And thoughts beneath
If you speak are you silence
If you think are you talking
If you dream are you listening
Within and much without
A silence taken; it is all one
needs to rejuvenate

Transforming, changing, morphing, always cycling through life
Always thinking who we are and leaving what we once were
Knowing who we are
Forgetting who we are
Dreaming of our selves
Are we here?
Is this me?
Am I me, with you, where am I me?

Alone me
I find time to think with everything I have. I find that the waves will always look blue but they are always clear. Somethings will never change, but I know every night the stars get brighter.
I can't explain it, but every story, connection, formation, shines more light

I see my light beginning to shine.
Personal journey.
Feb 2016 · 1.3k
Crystals within Strings
Leila Valencia Feb 2016
A heartbeat
A soul of sparkling suns under a telescope
Breathing with life

Every glitter sparkles
Every breathe is carefully present
The notes placed on your fingers breathe
They live as you

A soul in the air lingers above you
Everyone lives around you and streams of genuis bounce in
Like a flock of birds
A dandelion in the wind
A shock
The breathe is lost in the strings

And as the bow drops and waves of presence shine upon you
The slow motions of drums and ease mellow
Your breathe was melodic like the sea
It held long enough
And it said
You are beautiful
My beautiful friend is a cello player and her Honors Recital is tomorrow. This is dedicated to all of her magnificent work as a cellist.
Feb 2016 · 710
Leila Valencia Feb 2016
A whisper of delight
Petals of softness
The cloth of beginning
The ribbon that ties the knot
Will become a beauty

A mother's touch heals the wound
And her mouth circles their hearts
A smile is a delicate stream that warmths the soul
A bud that is bursting
Will become kind

Their breathe touches the sky
Lights the stars and sparkles the water
A thorn will become if the soul is trenched with hatred
But he will learn that the soil is the most beautiful place to grow beauty and there it will be, the petals will fall
Hit the ground and leave behind what once was
Feb 2016 · 1.1k
Fleet makers
Leila Valencia Feb 2016
The the ship of the past
The wonder of time
Has no care what is mine
To slip into hypnosis and play maritime dreams
Sailor at heart
Haven't sailed into snow
Fallen into the trenches
Where to next
Is a liking to mine
Jan 2016 · 226
Leila Valencia Jan 2016
My body does not speak on its own
Is it fair, I can not say
It does not think, but I will say
It can feel, the passion
Jan 2016 · 263
Leila Valencia Jan 2016
my dreams, do not dream
but my eyes seem
like a senseless pull is underneath them
i feel unwashed, unclean, but you said, 'dont worry my dear'

i listened my god
you listened by god
then you listened to intently

you tied my arms back and lured me in
this hole i dig, but only for you
my eyes can see you are my only reality
someone who has schzophrenia and can not distinguish reality
Jan 2016 · 248
Leila Valencia Jan 2016
Every time I break the wall, The shatters treat my ears

Idea: inside a mirror looking out. Looking at how others percieve themselves in the mirror and the common themee of emotions when one looks in the mirror.
Jan 2016 · 258
Hour glass
Leila Valencia Jan 2016
Thy past is your dream
your dream has not seen the night
Your dream will not draw its teeth
Your dream is a flash
And I will not pass by and let you ruin yourself.

What has become of this
Madness. Insane Rethinking. Dreaming
What you can not see is what you shouldn't
And what you do is your dreams desires.
Dec 2015 · 446
Leila Valencia Dec 2015
In another dimension in a little glass I am screaming at you
Telling you to look the other way
See the other one
The sound of time is prohibiting me to speak

I can see you need me. I was you earlier
I am watching you and I am crying
Watching you let go of your grip
Turning the other cheek
And feeling afraid to speak up

I know the ending but not enough wind, rain or sun will change you
Im watching you waiting
Fantasizing, dreaming, and feeling
But not doing

The grip of temptation grabs you down
You make the wrong choice and with my view I cry
I am so frustrated because you were one click away

The natural forces  of earth will not weave this union
I am afraid my time is up
You now know what you must do
I am afraid I was to late
feeling distant from life
Dec 2015 · 525
Trechurous Torture
Leila Valencia Dec 2015
Emotional Emotional Wreck
There is nothing that will turn your brain off and on like a dream wiped away
Your fantasies were potent
Not potent enough to speak your thoughts
Not thick enough to grasp the day and shake it in your hands

Messy Messy Head
A rocking chair could do less damage
A roller coaster of energy
Negativity plummeting in your hands
Left with a sigh of relief, yet regret

Burnt Burnt Face
Hot with sour emotions pouring into your veins as a very reminder of your loss
Your regrets
Your pain
Your mistakes

Started in your head
Will not end in your Head
It will end in your heart
Dec 2015 · 178
Leila Valencia Dec 2015
Written in memories and talked about in my mind
there is nothing worse than living with regret
At least you can learn from your mistakes.
Nov 2015 · 426
Bleeding tantrum
Leila Valencia Nov 2015
Nightfall in this hellish warehouse
The burrowing hen stuffs its face in hay
the stallion snuffs at the pole
the branches break as the gliding door opens
within this transition of a crows flight and its landing
you feel the breathe of the mist capture your hand like a cloak
your bundle of midnight dew collecting at your throat
Your feel as though the barn animals and the horses do not feel your pain
they can only soothe it.
Nov 2015 · 250
Leila Valencia Nov 2015
Take one
I'm shuttering

Take two
It is really cold outside

Take three
This is to much to take

Take four
**** it

Take five
What if I'm making a mistake

Take six
At least I won't get a tattoo

Take seven
At tattoo parlor

Take eight
Thinks When can I kiss you

Take nine
I'm afraid

Take ten
I don't want to be touched

Take eleven
Holds own hand

Take eleven 1/2
Runs away

Take eleven 3/4
Sits alone, contemplates

Take eleven 5/6
Falls on mattress

Take twelve
holds up mirror

Take thirteen..... blows out candles
Nov 2015 · 562
Teenager Tragedy
Leila Valencia Nov 2015
Her golden hair, her eyes were wide and her ears were open
I'm going to tell you she was a beauty
A magnificient vacation from your walls of pressure and hatred
A nice getaway in your moments of need

But only when you saw that your needs needed to be met. You thought to say hello, and stop by for a while.
She was still listening with her ears open, eyes wider, legs apart when she sat, and hair golden as the sun.
Only when she wasnt looking you looked for another vacation in an abandoned warehouse where you could easily store away the evidence.

Her hair was always in her face, but after you learned the shape of her hand, you painted it along side your hip, as she swayed back and forth she started to see the  smoke in your eyes.
Her eyes squinted, her hair was a little bit frizzy, and her body was stiffer.
She smelt a different vacation on his back.
She started to feel his hand slide down her - she obliged as she turned her cheek to the wall

Days turned into storms their little island was beginning to sink
She was Circulating, desperately trying to decode him - but she felt the concrete thicken her stance.
The mirror yelled at her thighs and she started to cut her plates in half
The mirror yelled at her hair so she dyed it in black
The mirror yelled at her eyes so she drenched them in black

The next morning her nightmere wasnt gone she saw him and he saw her
He was confused but she was more so.
He looked at her, without a single word pushed her in his car
He legs were so  locked together he had to get a wrench to pry them open, her eyes lifeless, her hair fried  with chemicals - with this gaunt, lifeless, hallow expression she felt numb to the bone, but be was in paradise.

The prickles were stabs to her, his body was suffocating hers - she was paralyzed. He was controling everything he was shocking her body.
"Get off!" "Stop please Stop!" She screamed for mercy and with every gulp,  fear  surged through her body. His paradise was transforming into a tornado - he tried to lock her away in the basement. He put her hands over her mouth "Shhhh keep quiet, just let the storm blow over."

She could feel his pulse, aggression was what the smoke was made out of.

He contained her
Silenced Her
And after he broke through, and completed

She started to weep, and he fell on top of her.

When she woke up, she got out of the car, walked to the ocean
She saw a tiny little island
Closed her eyes
Dove in, and forever there may she stay.
A teenager Lust and Love going in the wrong Direction
Nov 2015 · 1.3k
Leila Valencia Nov 2015
There is nothing I can say
But when I say it
Girls who need to understand that you can also initiate and start something you do not have to wait for someone else's approval.
Nov 2015 · 1.1k
Dream Catcher Rudely Awakes
Leila Valencia Nov 2015
Thy wakened dream fleets into nostalgia
It beckons one taste for love and sorrow
Then It bathes in distance and doubt
My dream my love, is not in love
With the dream I fell asleep to.
Nov 2015 · 1.5k
Leila Valencia Nov 2015
With a thick branch around my waist
I must not be allowed to complain
I want the warmth within my feet
As you sway and fall back and forth
I'm desperately climbing my way up
It is a large feat, but I can see that my eyes do not stop at the top
They stop at the sky
Oct 2015 · 652
Rue the Day
Leila Valencia Oct 2015
Running from this life
A mean, awful person being an *******
Oct 2015 · 563
Girls Lonely Lullaby
Leila Valencia Oct 2015
She was the kindest friend I ever had,
But one I wouldn't say to much about
We'd see eachother on occasion, but she never pushed me
I never felt like she was an evasion to my space
To my crazy little thoughts

Instead she was the soil to my growth
The seed of my confidence
My flower blooming, bursting with colors
My feet firmly planted
I walked with pride
My eyes looked at the stars,  For once I felt assured in my stride

Some nights we stayed up late, our pillows stacking into forts
My eyes twirled like a plane on a rocket
And In my room We danced all night, laughed until dawn
My stomach would clench in pain from laughing
My eyes watered, and my heart was fluttering with glee
I felt whole around her like she sewed a missing part to me

We Shared our darkest secrets for long
My blood sistes, Nothing could every feel wrong
I felt so close to home I could cry, and I did

I told her my somber life story
The trauma, the pain - she held my hand
Before long, I told her my insecurities.
Despising the shape, colors, and texture of my body
I looked at her and held my waist,
I glared at her in disgust, twirling the fat, ripping off my skin
I was screaming in her face

Then I curled into a bundle, ashamed.
She cupped her hands under my chin, and said," I love the way you are, please don't ever change."

Reconciled, I went to hug her to only bring her nearer
Oddly, She didn't hug back because she was nothing but a mirror
Oct 2015 · 391
Leila Valencia Oct 2015
Hello, My name is Nym
I'm not sorry for what I have done
I'm not afraid for what I have done
It is who I am
I shall not fade away in your searing presence
For I shall be the beam of light
When your hope has been nothing but vanished
A young girl, who does not feel slightly defeated.
Leila Valencia Oct 2015
I'm not a monk
I'm not a pastor
I don't call myself the savior
My name does not rhyme with self righteous behavior
But I try, Oh I try to be good

Decent in this world, but my palm stretches itself thin
Trying to collect all the pain and hatred in this world
In doing so I receive permanent scars.
I can not face the bars of this life
This life I desperately want to come home to

I will try oh, I will try to save you all
I may be foolish, hungry, and to idealistic, but for me this room seems white
I may be standing on a land mine, or a gold mine.
Each microcosm I pass I want their microcosm to explode with
Euphoria, Awakening, Enlightenment, and Healing when we meet

These will not be my last words that I speak
These are not the last things I am thinking
But in my heart you will see better days
And I will see oh, I will see you again
I talked to my Dad and I'm thinking about adopting when I grow up. Then we were having a discussion about the foster care system. The foster care system is extremely disfunctional, but I'm optimistic that there is hope. There will be good days like there will be bad days. There is no answer for everything and if you never think about giving these kids a chance then they will be given the worst care because everyone in their life doesnt care about them. It is not up to me to do anything, but as a part of society I feel obligated to help these children out and try to see what I can do to better their lives.
Oct 2015 · 714
My sad view of Life
Leila Valencia Oct 2015
Round and a round up and again
The pouding of fists and the breaking of lead
The moments of treatment the happiness fades
The beating of darkness the bleeding of trades

And my heart will not follow
To the depth and despair
Of the rounds of their tournament
This visage unaware
Of my feelings and tearful sighs from above
I'm a distant stranded character in a land called unloved

I don't string my ties in a knot or a bow my heart is all wound up and will never show
I can't think for anyone
I don't know the path
I find you a journey, but I can't make it last

I'm sad then I'm angry I'm one of the two
Pounding the walls turning them blue
The red in their color the pink in their shades
The granted walls
The absolute shame in my heart from above
It doesn't want love
My eyes scan in them
I don't see the one
Yet I march on
I'm so torn up inside. I don't believe in things for me. I don't see love, I don't feel it. I don't even believe in love. I believe in passion and moments of happiness, but I don't believe in love.
Oct 2015 · 737
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Leila Valencia Oct 2015
Dare to Dream awake
And a fleeting spec of dust falls in your eyes
You wonder with eyes wide open
Is this me?

You stand by the sycamore trees
Palms wide open scanning the branches
Opening your eyes to its length
A little to long you think, to long to want to climb

As time passes by you don't pass by their trail
Its to painful to know where they are, but ask yourself, will they please dream a little dream of me
A little reminder to myself that, when I attach to people, I'm more attached to people who I can't see as often. Recently someone left my life and I wish I did something differently so they could be back in my life.
Sep 2015 · 473
Rounds of Gold
Leila Valencia Sep 2015
Dimmest tights of all
The wolf behind the streets
Beneath a visage of grandeur lay a meadow of gray
Sit, Sweet Dear I only please you to stay
As the dusk turns to night, the dust begins to collect
The cob webs of falsehoods begin to string out further
Oh sweet! Oh dear!
It didnt take long for the dripping crested diamonds to pound into my ears.
As if a night of silk is better than the cotton of truth
And the chandelier is a flies trap am I the fly?

I scurry and buzz, Leap and fall on the ground
I wake up, but these thoughts were only a dream.
This is me when I got caught up in someones wealth and status. Their education, and other factors got in the way of the person. I was caught up in their materialistic achievments and things that I didnt pay attention to their personality.
Sep 2015 · 1.3k
Sqaure Clock
Leila Valencia Sep 2015
My words are the keys off beat
In choir, the one off key
The bird who flies in the opposite direction

The ecentric. They call us the liberals. The freedom fighters. They say were are the hippies, the weirdos.
What makes me different........................
My hat is so tall you can't see the theatre performance
My eyes are so curious I see a light on every ceiling
My hands are so wound they jump like bunnies on every desk
My feet as so tired they twist in the soil

I paint a picture that shows shadow and dark
I feel I am both
I Feel like the wind of the opposite direction
I feel like I am not in tune with everyone else.
Leila Valencia Sep 2015
Temper temper temper temper
Notice me notice me, now stop
like a sewing machine
now stop
pull back like a trigger
now slowly pull back
and BANG
the machines are turning
in and out, in and out
tick tick tick
Im going to bed now
Sep 2015 · 569
Submerge to Death
Leila Valencia Sep 2015
The dream of illusion is the searing wrath the mind can impose
Mind, Break me out don't Break me down

The belief of truth is like wind

The dream of today is like rain

The thoughts of now are like quick sand

You know you only breathe to inhale more bubbles of illusions
The bubbles slide down your throat hot and smooth
Then one day will come and your body was covered in foam, and suddenly
Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

The stinging sensation of air will hit your body
The truth will hit your mind like a swinging pendallium
Which reality will you float to?
When you are stuck in your bubble. One day it will pop, but it is your decision when you will leave your fantasy.
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