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Dec 2017 · 559
working with him
helena alexis Dec 2017
i sighed and walked up to the counter
to order my food while i was finally
on my break after working for 2 hours
i told my manager what i wanted and he
handed me a number

“why’d you hand me a number?” i asked,
confused because usually we don’t do that

“i’m gonna have riley bring out your food to you” he said with a small smirk
i rolled my eyes
as if that’s going to happen
i thought and sat down at a nearby booth

as i was waiting for my food I glanced at my phone scrolling through social media

until i saw you walking towards me with my food you were smiling and laughing while i was a blushing embarrassed mess

“he really made you do it?!” i blushed as you chuckled

“here you go” you handed me my food with a huge smile on your face as i thanked you while you walked away i couldn’t believe it

i kept looking over at you and blushing
everyone knows now including my manager
so this happened at work today
Dec 2017 · 639
imaginary kisses
helena alexis Dec 2017
i imagine you
kissing me but
i know you’re
out there kissing
someone else and
it kills me
Nov 2017 · 1.1k
helena alexis Nov 2017
it’s happening
it’s finally happening
a relationship between us
a friendship at most

long conversations as
we’re not doing anything
small smiles and cute
laughs all around

total eye contact
not turning away
for a single second

this is it
this is what I’ve wanted
for so long with you
i just hope it lasts
we talked all day at work and it was great
helena alexis Nov 2017
being a poet in love
means writing down
every single emotion
you’ve ever felt on to paper

it means turning simple things
about a person into
deep details that only
you would notice

such as when the one you
love simply smiles at you
that could turn into
“his mouth turned upward into
a small smile upon his cheeks
making my stomach erupt
into tiny butterflies”

it means writing every single
interaction you’ve had with that
person and turning it into something
poetic and beautiful even if it’s as
simple as a smile

it means letting your heart
do the writing for you as the
emotions pour out of your mind

but it also means heartbreak
lots and lots of heartbreak
having your heartbroken
even helps poets write about
being in love

it’s hard being a poet in love
because we can never find
someone who truly wants
to be written about
wrote this for a contest enjoy
Nov 2017 · 320
how to write poetry
helena alexis Nov 2017
sometimes you
just need a shot
of inspiration
and a swig of
emotion to help
write poetry
Nov 2017 · 399
find you
helena alexis Nov 2017
i look for you in
the center of
the sun

but it sets
before i
can truly
find you
based off of “find you” by nick jonas
Nov 2017 · 409
smoky nights
helena alexis Nov 2017
music blaring through
the speakers as you
speed down the road
while taking a hit

smoke enters our lungs
as we look as each other
both exhaling at the same time

the nicotine taking over our
bodies as we feel relaxed
and calm letting the buzz
take over us

the smoke filled the car
making it foggy everywhere
the sweet crisp smell of mint
enters my nose

the street lights hit your face
ever so perfectly that you
illuminate the car with your
beauty making your side profile
ever so irresistible

i’d never thought you driving
me home would be so special
helena alexis Nov 2017
1.) after high school, people really do change. your best friend is no longer your best friend, the girl who intimidated you is now one of your best friends, your old friends never really liked you they just kept you around long enough until they drop you.

2.) that girl or boy you’re crushing on isn’t worth it. yes they may be cute and have an amazing smile but it’s never going anywhere. they’ll never feel the same no matter how hard you try to put yourself out there and impress them.

3.) it’s okay to be single. you’re young and you don’t need to be tied down to a relationship right now. go out with your friends and have fun, meet different guys every night. the right one will come your way soon enough, just give it time.

4.) there’s no rush to grow up. you’ve already graduated so it seems like you have to have your whole life figured out right? wrong. You just need to have some sort of plan, and if you don’t have one right away that’s perfectly fine, there’s no rush to grow up.

5.) you will find your purpose in life eventually. you will find the thing you’re most passionate about, you will have a job you absolutely love, making a decent amount of pay, and be happy. it just takes time.
my birthday was yesterday:)
Oct 2017 · 502
avoiding you
helena alexis Oct 2017
how can i avoid you
when you’re in my thoughts

how can i avoid you
when i see you everywhere
i look

how can i avoid you
when i’m in love with
Oct 2017 · 254
make it stop
helena alexis Oct 2017
the memory of
losing you plays
over and over
in my mind
like a broken record
Oct 2017 · 390
helena alexis Oct 2017
“when will it be him?”
my girlhood cries

“sadly, never”
my heart responds
****** frustration will be the death of many
Oct 2017 · 387
helena alexis Oct 2017
“yeah sure i don’t see why not” he says with a small smirk on his face looking at the petite girl standing before him when she asked for a ride home the next time they work.

she blushes and replies “alright cool”
little does the boy know that the girl is infatuated with him.

she asks him for rides home all the time. she stares at him all the time. she’s in love with him and he has no idea.
short story I guess
Oct 2017 · 411
repay me
helena alexis Oct 2017
I’ll take your kiss
over any amount
of money any day
of the week
he owes me money but I’d rather him kiss me ya feel
Oct 2017 · 313
helena alexis Oct 2017
i miss the long summer nights under the moonlight. i miss getting drunk at 2am with my friends and acting like fools. i miss sitting in the backyard smoking **** with him for the first time. i miss going to concerts every weekend. i miss the ****** up nights with my friends. i miss it all.
I miss summer
Oct 2017 · 1.0k
wanting you
helena alexis Oct 2017
i want you
to taste the
sweet nectar
between my legs
that drips ever
so slowly
because of you
so much ****** frustration ahhh
Oct 2017 · 424
night drives part ii
helena alexis Oct 2017
the cold wind
whispers through
the autumn night sky
“its getting colder”
i say as i shiver a little

“I was just thinking
the same thing”
you say as we walk
towards your car

loud music blaring through
the speakers once again as
the bass vibrates through my
body although this time was
different you had turned it down

i took a hit of my electronic cigarette
you instantly knew what flavor it was

you said with a smirk
i felt a blush creep
upon my cheeks

i replied and took another hit
letting the smoke enter my lungs

“can i hit it?”
i nodded and handed it to you

watching you take a hit
was mesmerizing
the way you inhaled
a perfect cloud of
white smoke into your
lungs then ever so
slowly exhaling
gave me shivers
down my spine

our night drives had turned
into something more
slowly but surely

we talked about other things
just simply getting to know
each other

i look forward to our
small talk conversations
every time you take me
he took me home last night, took a hit of my juul, and I have gave him a juul pod :)
Oct 2017 · 1.2k
my favorite form of poetry
helena alexis Oct 2017
let me write beautiful poetry
onto your skin with my lips

each kiss represents my words
my lips represent the pen and
your body as my paper

let me create something
so beautiful with you
I want him to be mine
Oct 2017 · 397
love to read someday
helena alexis Oct 2017
she was poetry
but he hated
to read
why doesn’t he like meeee
Oct 2017 · 1.0k
helena alexis Oct 2017
i smoke to
forget the lies
you told me

breathe hard

feel relaxed
im calm

i don’t think
about you
idk what this is pt2
Oct 2017 · 376
helena alexis Oct 2017
girls are like the sun
always shining so bright
their smiles so soft and warm

boys are like the moon
so dark and mysterious
they hide in the shadows
of the night

together in the same universe
the sun and the moon will
one day collide
idk what this is
Oct 2017 · 367
your stare
helena alexis Oct 2017
i could feel
your eyes
into my soul
he always stares at me when I’m doing my assigned job at work
Oct 2017 · 430
you’re my drug
helena alexis Oct 2017
i crave your touch
like a drug addict
craves their drug
I want him so so so bad
helena alexis Oct 2017
it’s 9:30pm on a
chilly autumn night
i step into the
passengers seat
of your car as you
start the engine

music blaring from
the speakers as the
thundering bass
vibrates through
the entire car
i couldn’t get a word
out because it was so loud

we stop at a red light
I turn to look at you
as the red light
hits your face
i wanted to take a picture
it looked so aesthetically
pleasing with your side profile
as the red light shined in your face
making your face bright red like
the blush on my face when people
ask me about you

your grip on the steering
is so strong that i can see
your veins popping out
you look so focused
when you drive
it’s ****
with only one hand
on the wheel
the other i wish
was gripping my thigh

late night drives
with you are
my favorite

- night drives
made it a little longer and detailed :)
Oct 2017 · 583
night drives
helena alexis Oct 2017
it’s 9:30pm on a
chilly autumn night
i step into the
passengers seat
of your car as you
start the engine

loud music blaring from
the speakers as the bass
shakes the entire car

we stop at a red light
I turn to look at you
as the red light perfectly
hits your face
i smile

your grip on the steering
is so strong that i can see
your veins popping out

you look so focused
when you drive
it’s ****
with only one hand
on the wheel
the other i wish
was gripping my thigh

late night drives
with you are
my favorite
he took me home last night so I decided to write about it :)
Oct 2017 · 536
helena alexis Oct 2017
your lips taste like sin
alcohol breath and
cigarette smoke mixed
with a hint of mint
baby, i’m addicted to you
his lips taste delicious
Oct 2017 · 385
make the angels sing
helena alexis Oct 2017
hearing you laugh
is like
hearing the angels sing
I worked w him today and we were talking and he laughed and it sounded like heaven
Oct 2017 · 492
a simple look
helena alexis Oct 2017
whenever you look at me
the world stops spinning
my soul leaves my body
i am breathless; suffocating
you make me feel like the
only person alive on this earth
he makes me melt
Oct 2017 · 395
helena alexis Oct 2017
she admires him from afar

sneaking glances every now
and then hoping he doesn’t
catch her staring at the boy
she’s in love with
this boy is killing me
Oct 2017 · 406
opposites attract
helena alexis Oct 2017
boys like you
don’t notice
girls like me

you’re the type
to play sports
and hang out
with large groups
of people

whereas i’m the
type to hang out
with a few friends
and read a book

some say
opposites attract
but not in my case
relatable anyone?
Oct 2017 · 421
the day i lost you
helena alexis Oct 2017
I remember being just able to fall asleep. until i received the worst news a 12-year old girl could ever receive in her life. my brother had woken me up. “dad’s dead.” he said. i shook my head “no you’re lying he’s coming home tonight. stop lying.” then my mom came in my room with tears streaming down her face. “it’s true, sweetheart. daddy died.” her voice, breaking with every word. i went into the bathroom and broke down. i screamed and sobbed, dropping to the bathroom floor. this can’t be happening. he was supposed to be coming home. he was on a cruise ship about to come home. he can’t be dead. i was only 12 years old. ever since that night i found out, my life has never been the same.
not a poem
Oct 2017 · 386
unrequited part iii
helena alexis Oct 2017
his dark black hair
reminded her of
the beautiful night sky

his large pink lips
reminded her of
freshly picked roses

she is so in love with him
and he has absolutely
no idea at all
yet another poem about my coworker who is also my crush
Oct 2017 · 385
the rose
helena alexis Oct 2017
she was a rose
a near dead one
her petals are wilting

she’s out of water
she needs to be protected
for she is a rose

a rose who needs love
a rose who has been
stepped on again
and again and again

this poor flower
has been through
so much that it’s
nearly dead after
only living a sad
short life
a poem about my friend who is going through some really hard times right now
Oct 2017 · 3.7k
pray for the world
helena alexis Oct 2017
this world is
falling apart
terror is

natural disasters
striking every other
day it seems like

kids bringing guns
to school where they
are supposed to learn

old men shooting up
music festivals leaving
50 dead and 500 wounded

police killing innocent
black lives who are
doing nothing but
living their lives

im so sick of it
this is not my world
trump is not my president

this is not the world
im going to raise my
unborn children in

i refuse to live in
a world where
terror is everywhere

i just want to feel
safe without having
to worry about if
im going to
survive another day
my thoughts on what is going on in the world right now
Oct 2017 · 238
helena alexis Oct 2017
whenever I try
to stop writing
about you
the words
just keep
itching to
come out
need to stop writing about someone who doesn’t care about me
Oct 2017 · 518
the shooting
helena alexis Oct 2017
music festivals are supposed to be fun
they are supposed to be a music filled event

but instead

a horrible terrifying event
gun shots fired every second
people running for their lives

blood everywhere
screams can be heard
from miles away

this was supposed to
be about the music

praying for you Las Vegas
my heart is with you at this time
wrote a poem about what happened in Vegas my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time of need
Oct 2017 · 1.9k
helena alexis Oct 2017
she’s the type
of girl to
grind your
heart into little
pieces and roll it
then smoke it
right in front of you
yet another poem about my ex best friend
Oct 2017 · 548
helena alexis Oct 2017
pin me up against
the wall and show
the world your
humans are a work of art
Oct 2017 · 778
helena alexis Oct 2017
he pinned me up
against the wall
and kissed me

i asked “why the wall?”

he smirked and said
“because art belongs
on walls”
based off a book I read
Sep 2017 · 1.5k
the little things part ii
helena alexis Sep 2017
if a poet falls in
love with you be
prepared to be
written about

in every possible way
from the way your eyes
sparkle under the moon

to how your lips form
that ever-so perfect smile
it’s the little things that
poets write about

the little things about you
makes a poet want to write
and write until their hand breaks
Sep 2017 · 405
the little things
helena alexis Sep 2017
it’s the little things
that i like about you

like when you squint
your eyes when you smile
or the way you lick your
lips when you see me

i like when you smile super big
showing your beautiful white teeth
or when you stand with your hand on
your hips while you stare at me

like i said it’s the
little things I like
about you
I like him a lot
Sep 2017 · 298
helena alexis Sep 2017
drive my heart
into the night
don’t forget
to pick it up
in the morning
Sep 2017 · 1.3k
wet dreams part II
helena alexis Sep 2017
i hear your voice
in my dreams
as i touch myself

i can feel your hands
all over my body
so rough and hard

i close my eyes as
my lips part letting
out a soft moan

my hands wander to
the waistband of my
******* as they inch
lower and lower

if only these dreams
became a reality
had yet another ****** dream about the boy I like and it just so happens that I work w him tomorrow
Sep 2017 · 457
the boy and his father
helena alexis Sep 2017
there’s a boy who loves his father
a boy who cares about his father
although his father is angry all the time
taking his anger out on the boy

the boy just wants to make his father happy
he doesn’t know why his father is like this

hit after hit after hit

he always forgives him
his father says it’ll never happen again

but it does
based off a character from a show I’m watching
Sep 2017 · 255
helena alexis Sep 2017
my heart
cries over
you at night
why don’t you wanna be with me?
Sep 2017 · 503
helena alexis Sep 2017
your light blonde hair
resembles the sun
so bright and beautiful

my dark black hair
resembles the moon
so ominous and lonely

together we are infinite
in this cruel universe
Sep 2017 · 288
my angel
helena alexis Sep 2017
i hear your
voice in the
sky at night
miss you dad
Sep 2017 · 2.4k
coffee shops
helena alexis Sep 2017
i bring my notebook
into the coffee shop
writing down my
thoughts for the day

sipping on a frappe
i let my pen lead the way
writing and writing
about anything and everything

sitting in a coffee shop
with various voices
alternative music
all around me

meeting new people
focusing on my thoughts
letting the coffee fill my veins
sitting in a coffee shop as im writing this right now
Sep 2017 · 1.7k
finding molly
helena alexis Sep 2017
she met molly at a festival
molly made her happy
molly made her dance
molly made her forget

we’re gonna be best friends forever
molly whispered in her ear

she popped another
forever and ever
she replied with a smile
took molly at a rave and decided to write about it
Sep 2017 · 249
helena alexis Sep 2017
her lust filled mind
ignited a fire inside
of her

she has such desire
to be touched
to be loved
to be wanted
by someone
by anyone

she wants to be loved
lowkey about me
Sep 2017 · 273
unrequited part II
helena alexis Sep 2017
she could
have two
heads and
he still
notice her
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