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Jan 2018 · 436
xxSarahxx Jan 2018
Being bored,
meaning you either aren't doing anything,
have to wait
or did your task for too long.

I am waiting,
but aren't we all in life?
One person may be waiting for the bus,
the other for a cure.
Next one may wait for their first kiss,
first love and last?

Others wait their entire life for happiness
and die in regret.
Even though they have happiness right introns of their eyes,
they are blind.
Why you may ask?

They wait for bigger and bigger opportunities
and they never come.
They fight, they loose, they fail
Fail to see what is really important and right infant of them.

That they have food to eat, healthy children.
The sun blesses every morning each person
And what do they do? They ignore

We are all waiting in life for something,
but make that something worthwhile.
Jun 2017 · 549
xxSarahxx Jun 2017
The woods call my name
I follow the sound
The sun kisses my skin
The wind is my constant companion

Suddenly it went dark.

The wind blew now in my face
The sun hides behind the clouds
The trees call me names:
"you don't have enough time"
"the week is too short"
"you don't deserve any of it"

What is happening?
My stomach is turning upside down
I feel shaky
My breathing is shallow
No escape

The trees grew 100 meters taller
They are not only coming for me,
but are trying to grab me by my ankles
I run
I run for safety

The sun shines out here
The sand under my ***** shoes smiles at me
They are trying to calm me,
so I sit with the sand & listen

The sand tells me stories
It calms me
Now I am here and then I am there
But right now I am here
And I will make the best of it
Apr 2017 · 1.2k
In your Arms
xxSarahxx Apr 2017
Let them be, walk around, be noisy
I lie here on the couch
People talk about school & life
My eyes are heavy, my body is aching
I try to relax in the stressful mind

You lie next to me
An arm around my weak body
My safe place, covered up safely
Everyone is going on, so is time
We stand still & I feel loved for a momentum
In your arms

You motivate me, let me see things from a different perspective, when I am too down to see anything but darkness.
Fibro and You
Apr 2017 · 2.6k
xxSarahxx Apr 2017
Love in this world, at this time  is difficult to  find.
We cling on the positive, because the ugly truth is ugly.
We try telling us, tomorrow it will be better.
This all is just a nightmare & when we wake up we are safe.

Even though there are terrible news everywhere,
we can't & won't loose hope in this.

Love can be found  in this house.
Laughter is heard from outside.
In here, there is a family that loves unconditionally.
You can't imagine what they've been through already.

Their love got them through, the strength to look forward.
They learned & are still learning & living.

But most importantly,
they never lost their hope even when there was nothing.
Happy Easter
xxSarahxx Dec 2016
Get yourself a chronic illness.
You will get frustrated with the pain,
And you will start to be aggressive towards the people you most love.
They don't understand & that's okay, because you don't wish this on nobody.
But you hope that they will understand you.
You fight with them until the picture of them fades in the distance.

Then you are alone on the journey fighting your own body . . .
Feeling like I am loosing you.
Nov 2016 · 905
xxSarahxx Nov 2016
Perfection, a word most people seek for
A state people look for their whole life
This little noun drives them crazy, daily
10 letters, one word makes million people go mad
The house, their lives, their makeup, their work need to be perfect
No mistake can show,
everything needs to look smooth & flawless
Flawless, has the the word flaw in it

Let me tell you something
A little girl asked me once if she looked perfect.
She had black leggings and a pink tutu on, on top she wore a pink robe with a sparkling tiara. In one hand she held a wand and in the other an ice cream. Her mouth was stained with chocolate, twirling to the music. She loved herself, all these imperfections, flaws made her perfect.
And all I could say to her was "Yes", with a big grin on my face.
She looked satisfied with the answer and went on with her perfect dancing and eating her favourite ice cream.

No one could take away the things she loved,
so why do we strive for perfection,
when we actually have everything that makes us flawless.
Oct 2016 · 523
xxSarahxx Oct 2016
You can't trust humanity
As soon as you think you are safe,
somebody pushes you off the bridge,
or stabs you with a knife in the back.
Be careful who you talk to.
They might seem nice,
but sooner or later the true colours will show.
Aug 2016 · 458
xxSarahxx Aug 2016
I got to meet new people
I got to spend time with family
Four weeks gone in an eye blink
I learned a lot about life, people and myself
Me, the person who controls where I'll be heading
If the day is bad, there is always a tomorrow
Make the most out of everything we don't know when all of this ends
Take risks, take chances
Don't care what others might think or say
Do your own thing and let them talk
And the most important part
Just let it go
We can only control so much,
if it doesn't work out it is how things should be
Everything happens for a reason
Don't let yourself down
Just walk through the rain,
because you know the sun always comes out again
We travel to learn, to experience and to understand life better
So, today I will fly home and take things back with me
The good and the bad.
Love yourself <3
Aug 2016 · 463
A Promise
xxSarahxx Aug 2016
A promise to you little girl I cannot make
The things I did to you are not fake
I would be lying if I told you that I had fun
Your eyes don't shine anymore like the sun

The times I left you alone cannot be excused
When they would laugh at you amused
Felt like thousand knives
And they were tearing you apart like evil mice

They pushed you around and used you
You let them come like a soldier who knew
But nobody ever thought to save
I kept you lost and scared in the maze

The past is past
Still we go fast
Even though we aren't both fixed
Society doesn't care and makes us mixed

You remind me everyday
That I lost and broke you in the darkest way
I still hold you close
Like a beautiful rose

Because you are my precious
And everyone who laughed was jealous
From now on I will keep you safe
No one will ever make you their slave

A promise to you little girl I cannot make
You are stitched up and won't break
I will look after you
As if nobody knew

— The End —