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xxSarahxx Jan 2018
Being bored,
meaning you either aren't doing anything,
have to wait
or did your task for too long.

I am waiting,
but aren't we all in life?
One person may be waiting for the bus,
the other for a cure.
Next one may wait for their first kiss,
first love and last?

Others wait their entire life for happiness
and die in regret.
Even though they have happiness right introns of their eyes,
they are blind.
Why you may ask?

They wait for bigger and bigger opportunities
and they never come.
They fight, they loose, they fail
Fail to see what is really important and right infant of them.

That they have food to eat, healthy children.
The sun blesses every morning each person
And what do they do? They ignore

We are all waiting in life for something,
but make that something worthwhile.
xxSarahxx Jun 2017
The woods call my name
I follow the sound
The sun kisses my skin
The wind is my constant companion

Suddenly it went dark.

The wind blew now in my face
The sun hides behind the clouds
The trees call me names:
"you don't have enough time"
"the week is too short"
"you don't deserve any of it"

What is happening?
My stomach is turning upside down
I feel shaky
My breathing is shallow
No escape

The trees grew 100 meters taller
They are not only coming for me,
but are trying to grab me by my ankles
I run
I run for safety

The sun shines out here
The sand under my ***** shoes smiles at me
They are trying to calm me,
so I sit with the sand & listen

The sand tells me stories
It calms me
Now I am here and then I am there
But right now I am here
And I will make the best of it
  Jun 2017 xxSarahxx
Stephanie Lynn
something has to be better
just has to be
what a life to live to always be in pain
what a life to live to never be free
popping pills to end the misery
but in reality it never ends
soon pleasure becomes a stranger
and pain becomes your friend
Living with a chronic illness *****.. the fight never ends.

(C) Maxwell 2014
xxSarahxx Apr 2017
Let them be, walk around, be noisy
I lie here on the couch
People talk about school & life
My eyes are heavy, my body is aching
I try to relax in the stressful mind

You lie next to me
An arm around my weak body
My safe place, covered up safely
Everyone is going on, so is time
We stand still & I feel loved for a momentum
In your arms

You motivate me, let me see things from a different perspective, when I am too down to see anything but darkness.
Fibro and You
xxSarahxx Apr 2017
Love in this world, at this time  is difficult to  find.
We cling on the positive, because the ugly truth is ugly.
We try telling us, tomorrow it will be better.
This all is just a nightmare & when we wake up we are safe.

Even though there are terrible news everywhere,
we can't & won't loose hope in this.

Love can be found  in this house.
Laughter is heard from outside.
In here, there is a family that loves unconditionally.
You can't imagine what they've been through already.

Their love got them through, the strength to look forward.
They learned & are still learning & living.

But most importantly,
they never lost their hope even when there was nothing.
Happy Easter
xxSarahxx Dec 2016
Get yourself a chronic illness.
You will get frustrated with the pain,
And you will start to be aggressive towards the people you most love.
They don't understand & that's okay, because you don't wish this on nobody.
But you hope that they will understand you.
You fight with them until the picture of them fades in the distance.

Then you are alone on the journey fighting your own body . . .
Feeling like I am loosing you.
  Nov 2016 xxSarahxx
Terry Jordan
The first thinkers were poets
Naming Mother Earth
Beginning symbolic thinking
Of nature, death and birth

Though themes are often repeated
Love, Beauty and God
Poetry in the guise of Religion
A prophet or a fraud

The poet resurrects the Primitive
Through allegory and similes
Disarming the unknown like explorers
Sublime Prophets and Visionaries

They must lay bare those treasured images
That must be expressed
Unraveling and revealing the sounds
At each soul’s behest

Encompassing the entire Cosmos
So lyrical the beat
The poet’s excitement flows outward
Laid at the Reader’s feet

So original, individual
She won’t examine or explain
Letting go the festering feelings
Disturbances in her brain

He exposes his dark, wounded psyche
Just to release and express
Such capacity to see and compare
Hyperbole at its best

I love, I hate, I suffer
A special dance in rhythm and rhyme
The poet as a buffer
Lessening the pain and sting of time

Laden with symbol and feelings
She gives you sweet relief
From something urgent, revealing
Confusion to belief

Through a cinematic kind of seeing
The poet purges to transform
By leaping through Alice’s looking glass
She never was one to conform

Quite intolerant of convention
Just like The Mad Hatter
His passions immune to all logic
In syncopated patter

Jamming up the poet’s mind
Struggling for expression
Seeking order out of chaos
An infantile regression

Cleaving to his imaginary world
The poet breaks out into words
Creating sound paintings to be unfurled
So his own agony is blurred

She succumbs to storms of passion
With instinctive techniques
Rhymes and rhythm still in fashion
Out of hand flows mystique

The poet mines from his unconscious
The Reader is not blind
For every single line and symbol
Means something to the mind

Causing an inner liberation
Enlightenment or flight
It is a matter of life and death
When darkness turns to light.
Been working on this piece for a while; my thoughts on the inner mind of poets.
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