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Horse hog beatle eatin mad hair spinning wandering Druid in rags and rage from some untold war,
sweat and secrets in the dust of a sleeve,
the shadows tell of souls that fell and are held in bags, the trophies of the dead,
grim times grim place, a stain, a beard, a violent gleam in an honest eye,
flying eyes with wings that carry we I to salvation known to be see-through truths,
step out of the alley and we call attention to the rips in pockets,
loose girls, loose change, loose lips lose everything,
I will not return, I will not be held,
I will not be judged by sawdust filled domes resting on water bags like rotting fruit still on the vine,
it's almost like the sunshine could be brought down and called mine, again,
every time I see that smile I dance a hundred times on the grave,
my ultimate dream slave,
my body calls once and I move on,
I'm always moving on towards another drawn dawn,
another card burnt into the table,
straying is my way of saying this is real, this is done before my feet hit the ground,
why should I rush the fun of coming undone?
Of sliding down to run up and hang a crow on my brown burnt brimmed hat and sit on a fence watching Him play a tune and learn to lose as He leads those lambs to their doom,
spitin and listenin to that mad burglar spinnin old brews that sleeps the jury and the suits and the brats that cry morning dew on my shoulder,
who says that the road is long? It's just a little dusty and walked on!
Tappin my way to the sky, tappin my way to some sunny day in your eyes, baby blue eyes I can't help but smile, you can't blame me if I smile.
Brad Lambert Feb 2014
That permafrost runs grounded,
soil as iced as tempered tundra sands.

I called you when I got to Rio.
There be a savior alight on a mountain top.
Five messages and a cigar. True to you in my fashion.
Fit brown head in the bathroom, goin' a'gettin' ahead and not behind.
Five messages and a cigar. Shoe-shining. Nods goodbye.
Them Brazilians are sure to be shoe-tappin' good–
I leave some messages.
I smoke a cigar.

Ringing rang raw through the apartment's hide,
twice and again. And then twice more.
Monk tinks tonight
fine glasses clink
convivial banter
bubble pop blink

in breathing rooms
bit woofed and stirred
the smoke mint sound
we dare exhale

Monk swings about
a bell do ding
the huey blues
bird bops on wings

hips juicy moves
rubby mounds wet ****
slow drum rolls blow
dance steady bump

Monk rocks the house
the clock do tick
me feets be tappin
gonna busta trick

key ******* bounce
mouths all agape
we gettin down
like crazy apes

Monk’s muzik rides
a sonorous beam
levitatin hipsters
to places unseen

gosh groovy tunes
a **** good gig
we all stoked up
Monk we do dig  

Monk played alright
some swingin tunes
Happy B Day Monk
you over the moon

Thelonious Monk
(October 10, 1917 - February 17, 1982)

Thelonious Monk
with John Coltrane
Trinkle ******

Anthony Moore Jun 2010
How was I supposed to know
That things would end like this
How was I supposed to know
That you would do something like this
That I would feel a pain like this
Every time you don't speak
My heart becomes weak
I no longer see the love in your eyes
The love I now despise
And hate with so much passion
The emotions erupt within
My mind, body, and soul
That rocks my very spirit
That chisals at my heart
Until you can no longer see it
But I need you as mine
So I hurt no more
So that I really am fine
And I really am ok
So I no longer have to lie
So I can live and not die
I can only dream that dream
I know it won't happen
But I'll tappin' and tappin'
On true love's door
Until I break it down
And demand you by name
With a roaring flame
Of love and nothing less
But I'm too late
You have found you "soul mate"
I guess this is fate
The way its supposed to be
So much I love you
I guess you don't love me
If I could change my ignorence
Alter my stupidity
I would make me see
The way you look at him
The way you used to look at me
No more you stare
Now you just glare
I thought the love we had
Was special and rare
But, again, I was wrong
Now I'm stuck singing
This sad, sad song
With this non-stop ringing
And this constant stinging
Shreding my very being
But I keep you from seeing
My pain and my tourment
My heart thats broken and bent
Pieces are shattered
Beaten and battered
Standing with this girl flirting
Then I see you and him
And for a second all is dim
With the residue of love
But as you pass
So does the thought
And when it and you are gone
I'm back to talking and walking
Just sitting and bullshitting
You have this new guy
And I have my new girl
But I still ask why
Why you still sigh
And reminisce of us
And our secrets in the mist
I also wish we could go back there
So it will be just you and me
So I can whisper softly to you
I love you , baby....
And you can whisper back to me
I love you too....
Love's rendezvous
Anthony J. Alexander 2005
Brycical Dec 2015
Take a moment,

Inhale that infinity carrying all the words that we speak,
both the heavy rock steady deadly second darts
aiming for the bullseye painted on our hearts and
the artistic gypsy dancing ones
like honey whisky giving us a little buzz.

Take a moment,

Exhale this surreal reality of fallacy
don't matter what's happening on Downing Street
or Pennsylvania Ave cause you have more important things to do,
like laugh as you let your mind crash
watching this game everybody's playing like Minecraft.

Take a moment,

Exhale the clenching pain
your brain might claim you shoulda kept hold,
like the Buddha once said it's like grasping hot coal
so blow your dragon breath and stoke our campfire souls.

Take a moment,

Inhale the light,
feel the warmth sojourn and wander
through your veins asunder tappin' 5/4 patterns
hi hat snappin rim clappin' rhythm
filling all schism within as if a liquid bridge joins sides of a grand canyon.

Take a moment,

Exhale and feel the silence...
listen to the surrounding serenity
whispering aplenty serendipitous magnificence
within your heartbeats and breath bereft of distraction.
This sacred and holy action is a sacrament
as you attune into what's happenin both within, and beyond.

Take a moment,

Inhale the heartgasm phantasmagorical adorable
world force of all things , the high vibe entirety
inspiring the fire within everyone,
that sacred holy light igniting the path to your heart
basking in ancient ******* laughter where nothing matters
and the mind chatter is silenced by the awe inducing lucid compassion
of all atoms in union of togetherness.

Take a moment,

Exhale and follow your breath into the infinite.
Olivia A Keaton Jun 2018
today, somewhere where it smells of corn and fire, there was a man in the moon.

his smile was shining and there’s no denying the rhythm in his shoes.

everyone smiled while passing by and listen as I say there was a moonshine twinkle in his eye.

the old man with the clippy clappy tip tappin shoes, dancing under the moon for me and for you.
Nishu Mathur Aug 2016
Take your quill and pen some notes
Love lyrics in melody 
Songs of passion and romance
Write them, love, just for me

Strike a chord, hum a note
Give the words music sweet
Make my heart go flutterin' tappin'
Sweep me off my feet

Then sing them baby like you do
But sing them soft and low
Don't pitch a note too high, my love
For off key you do go

Clear your throat and gargle
Then sing a pretty tune
 Drink some honey lemon tea
Then smoothly you might croon

My hearts a buzz with throbbin' romance
But then it goes off course
Your love notes go all awry, sorry
And you my love sound hoarse

So sing me a love song baby
Try not to go off key
I'll waltz into your waitin' arms 
Love- dancin' you and me
john p green Feb 2016
Don't know just wanna get there
Before I can feel the motion in the air
Times, seems like we're twisted sideways
That's why you better beware
In case you didn't catch it
They'll be following you everywhere
So put on that hat, just let loose a smile
Make sure you don't grimace
Cuz that'll last a long while
Just glad to be back
lize kingston Oct 2013
Everybody listen to the rain comin down
Its going tap tap tap
all around the Town.
And im standin here watchin it pour all around
Watchin it soak and renew this
broken ground.
And each drop is a renewing sound
breaking the chains of the trapped
and bound.
The weather mans calling for more
dark skies
and i know each drop comes when
an angel cries.

So world stop whatcha doin
and listen to the rains
tap tap tap renewin'.
Its washing away all the pain
the tap tap tap is bringing sanity to he insane.
So world stop watcha sayin'
and listen to what Mother nature is

Everybody stop and listen the the
thunder crash
trying to put an end to all the
selfish bash.
Watch as the lightining lights up
the sky
trying to scare all this sin
Are you gettin what im sayin
Stop and listen to what mother
nature is playin.

So world stop whatcha doin
and listen to the rains tap tap tap
Its washing away all the pain
the tap tap tap is bringing sanity to the insane.
So world stop whatcha sayin'
and listen to what Mother nature is

The rain is pourin now
trying to wash this earth clean
some how
its going taptaptap tappin all around
pooling up all over the
Some many drops trying to wash
all the hurt,brokenness and the
When Mother nature sees all this it
drives her insane.
So she sends the rain (tap tap tap)
but is t all in vein?
She sends the rain (tap tap tap) Are you gettin what im sayin'.

So world stop whatcha doin
and listen to the rains tap tap tap renewin'.
Its washing away all the pain
the tap tap tap is bringing sanity to the insane.
So world stop watcha sayin'
and listen to watch Mother nature
is playin'.
Tap tap tap
tap tap tap
Listen to what its doin'
TAp tap tap
Refresh and Renewin'.
R Saba Jan 2014
feet just tappin’ it all out as it comes along
got this down, inscribed in my mind
findin’ more every minute of the day
feelin’ like old-time slang
like easy chords and lyrics
that just spell out my day like i can’t
my words are nothin’, not even
written down the way i say ‘em
just can’t describe today
the way the music can
and that’s alright, ‘cause i’m the one
who’s gonna put music to it
will you play the drums for me?
just need me a walkin’ rhythm
and i’m good to go
one o' those days, eh
Sethnicity Oct 2015
(Release Me!)

I'm the illa Killa Vanilla Consilla
Know That
I be the dope deala and deli meat Grrrrilla
like a Mystical street Thrilla  
The Miracle Manzilla
A Mothra villian Chilla

If you rashin like pencil scratchin
for tongue tappin I cure like
penicillin the Wolf and Ben Stiller
I'm a hot steel on flesh wound heala!

(Bang Bang)
Wake up to phone ringing
I'm head slinging
cloth stacking on a body
I'm sleep lacking
stay on track AND
(click clack)

My engine blows steam to
organize the regime
*** when I'm working
and writing
I am typing
and crying
*** this Job is dying me colors
like slashing my back and
(click clack)

They beast master and calls stack
I get my slack
between breaks and phone clack
and back track
to where the last ink slapped paper
and draw back from vapors
that ventilate out my ears
like kids caper through streets
with Halloween treats
I'm riding rails
like open sails
like blowing gales
it's raining hail
I'm screaming Hell
In this cube E Cell
(Toot Toooot)

My grey matter is burning
My soul coal is churning
like a witch on stick burning
(Crackle Pop Snap)
(To get Back)
I Master peace
cause my mind's eyes flying
the call cue is dying my fingers fly
no longer trying
to typecast
I drive fast
then Breakfast
for den her

The universal remote
is on mute

transcending this dome
my transcendental home
It's my cue

To slip into
the zone
I sip a bit of foam
my cup of coco from
thus releasing my thoughts with YuuHmm

(slurp slurp)

I think for others Daily
Rarely given space or time or Air We
All must trust the Wind gust of
dust and skin gone so scaly
Yet I slither as slow as snails to my home
for me in my dome
to slip into the zone
I sip a bit of foam
from my cup of coco
thus releasing me with an
of work for others Daily
Rarely given time or space or air WE
all must trust the Wind gusts of dust
and skin gone scaly
So we slither as slow as snails
to a home
for me
deep in my dome
sipping on the zone
bit off coco cup foam
slow snails slip
I master peace
A syllable Killer, Inspiration from Inspiration Thanks Ghost!
Pebbles Feb 2011
She paints the mask
Upon her face
It hides the lines
It  hides the grace
Age bestows
Her greying hair
Dignity refined
No longer fair
The boys no longer
Stop and stare

Touched by the hands of time
She paints to remember years gone by

He drives fast
While singing the blues
Tappin his feet
To the blue swede shoes
Distant memories
Of a life gone by
At night you hear him
Head in his hands
In anguish he cries

Touched by the hands of time
In the darkness you hear him
Asking why

Age becomes you
Child of life
Don't hide  behind
Your days gone by
Sea's sweep over
the lines on your face
Growing old is no disgrace
When my baby's web of Whispers
                                  screams I love you in my ear,
    it echos through  grey matted cranium
                                  sending messages ear to ear.

My synapse snapping,
           and gravity collapsing,
    a host to the sensual, 
                    no such word as fear.

                                It really slays me
                                when I see it disappear.

When we make love my ego burns in effigy sending naked stars to fall.
                                 there is nowhere I'd rather be,
                                  it's a natural born lover's ball.

Candles kissing the air, flickering flame of release, total estacy,  
it's not just *** to me, a forgiving rush of peace,
                                         I stand in wait, waiting for your call,
                                         oh will the feeling never cease...
                                    No four-way flashing, not only fore-play happening,
                                                      ­       no yield sign to stop me now.
                                      Like a gold mine, she'll be tappin' me,
                                                     yes, right in the kisser    pow!
                                         My baby is drama free... if anyone creates confusion    that would be me.
                                                             ­                                                                 ­        
                    Everything is oh so fine,
                                yes, I'm hers and she's mine.
                                                   It is one slipping
                                                      shift on into the sublime. 
                                         That's the way i want it
                                      not exactly every ones cup of tea
                                                           still, she brings it on for me. 

                     © 2013
This is a work in progress and is subject to much change. Lord knows what the final piece will look like.

12/12/12...last time we see triple digits for a date.     This may very well be complete.
13/12/12. Still going.
Brycical Jan 2015
In the beginning there was the word
and the word eventually volved into millions
and now we talk with flagrant disregard
meanings are lost in definitions
and we no longer honor the words
that have brought us this far.
Well today that stops as I invite all
to honoring the 8 sacred words.

These are the words groked after birth
inherently transparently giving us our worth,
these words are why we are here on this earth;
Feel, Dream, Creation, Faith, Learning, Light, Being and Love.

The real deal, the one that dictates what you perceive as real, a double entendre for the body and mind, covers the basic five and the infinite emotional responses. Such nuances to each like how the olfactory assists with memory like that time I was makin' golden fluff pancakes and hominy with my Aunt and Uncle getting ready for  Sunday School at a grueling five in the morning.
I still remember mourning Grandma Ruth at my first funeral.
Certain feelings are hard, if not impossible to explain, like when a painting or movie moves you to tears, I still get choked up watching Jimmy Stewart in Harvey.
But still I remember the feeling when this girl ran some ice down my spine for the first time. Now imagine being blind-folded as the cold slowly melts and the drips trickle down and the only sound you hear is her breathing and your heartbeat as she monotonously drags the chill down Yeah, I know you feel me on that one now.
That's the power Feeling can bring about
touching our most primal basic instincts to the intricate emotions someone brings upon your being when they sing that song that gets you every time.  

A powerful word. They can change people and things, just ask one Dr. Martin Luther King.  

Regardless if it's the idea for the Iphone or baby makin, all life originates at creation.
It's why all are god,
why we all got this reason to be
like a painter paints his wrinkled heart on the canvas,
why a poet like me let's words flow out like a dam that's broken.
Creation births ideas and people with vision, we’re all born with this fingertip power
and a joyous vibe in our voice
the brain overrides by the sacred eyes locked grinding oneness
paper to pen, fingers to guitar, man to woman
all ringing out in a deafening bliss entering this world!
Creation breeds change , ideas that shaped the way we do things
like the first aeroplane and those folks who birthed those to think of said thing.
The brain keeps spinning like the invention of the wheel,
keep thinking and dreaming cause creation is a sacred duty to continue evolving.  

Such a muddied word these days, but faith is where all beliefs originate.
I bet you believe you’ll wake up tomorrow after a goodnight’s sleep.
Even that is faith.
The fires of faith forge burning trust when hands shake
Faith is smithed to wave, but never break
And it’s hilt of hope marries the mind to the heart
Faith is NOT a shield to keep other beliefs at bay or people apart
it is inherently a bond of understanding
and accepting from all parts of one self and others through heaven or hell.

There's nothing more sacred than learning, be it about the world or yourself.
A momentary divine buzz as synapses join in realization.
Not everyone can be educated but everyone can certainly learn.

My Uncle used to say he learned something new every day, and I think that's the way it should be,
cause you don't stop learning once they hand that paper to you for graduating school, life is a classroom and we are all the teachers and students but the answers aren't simply in external digital books and slides
a lot of the answers of life can be found inside the classroom of your mind.
If I didn’t look inside I would have never realized my inability to take compliments was technically flat out rejecting kindness someone as tryin to bestow upon me.

Forgive my diatribe but I have a hard time around closed minds cause the brain's a gold mind and info is a much more powerful currency than those political carnies shuffling greenbacks under the coconut.

A special, sacred word illuminating the world's mind and yours,
forget it's ability to help you find what you seek, like that time I lost my
keys under my bed after an art party or the way it startles your senses
when it first appears out of nowhere
the reason light is on this list is because you can add light to light AND darkness,
Can't ever make something more dark, it's just the absence of light, but you can always make something more bright that it blinds you even at night you can ignite a dark world
with a single flame watch it spread like wildfire then nothin's ever the same like a lightning shock to your brain illuminating your whole world cause now your paradigm has changed!

Can you imagine just being? That's freedom. To be is free, free from ego judging thoughts from others and your self, free from worrying about social conventions like waiting for permission to eat because the prayer hasn't been said or taking a job because it pays well but it makes all the days melt into a blurry line. Being is now, it's living in each moment and riding that wave to the grave with no regrets. Just being present is one of the hardest things to master cause the barking past and enigmatic future keep jockeying for attention.

Like that time way back when I stiffed some friends for my part of the rent or anxiously awaiting my move to New York pondering if I should tell my parents. Being is freeing that's why I rhyme and write that's why I let my mad scientist hair sway in the wind that's why I run towards an accident that's why I always know what's happening cause I'm tappin into what's tattooed on my soul. And I know you know deep deep down who/what your being is, but it's easy to let others complicate it with expectations like continuing education after high school and labels like teacher or homeless lunatic but you gotta dig and hold on to what you know is true because being you to the fullest is all you can do.


Love is.
These are my 8 sacred words. What are yours?

Audio version can be found here...
...see me walk in the club.
They say,

"Is he for real?"

I ain't dumb!

Get out the car
and I walk in the club
The walk isn't far
not just a walk,

just, just, just
-just enough

Feelin' it on me, lights and a crowd
doors open up see, -face hit with that loud?

Get out my car
and I walk into my club
check on the til


-this just ain't enough!
Ferrari, lake house, payroll and payments...
girls drop the attitude, I'm keeping you off pavements.

Now walk with me,

get close

you ******* stay closer,
all these tricks here watchin'
now they see you as a grosser.
You throwing money down?
You know my ******* gonna take it
music is so loud,
now ******* you been breaked-in.

Tappin' that *** like Tappan Zee Bridge,
my girls made a connection and that's what it is.
See me get up, see me walk out this club
I got your whole paycheck, -maybe that's just enough?

Ferrari, lake house,
-and I own a club.

Living the dream, got a look and it's loud
I know you looking at me, I stand out in a crowd.

Gettin' in my Ferarr
as I leaving the club
Got a wife, got some kids


-******* I ain't dumb.

Get out Ferarr, get, -get in my club
Get out Ferarr, get, -get in my club
Get out Ferarr, get, -get in my club
Get out Ferarr, get, -get in my club
Check your starring *****,
cause ******* I ain't done.

Get out Ferarr, get, -get in my club.
We do all kinds of things for family that society says is unacceptable. Some people do unacceptable things for no reason at all. Some messages are negative. Some are positive.
Sadolecent Mar 2015
He wants to say I love you,
but leaves it to goodnight.
because love means falling,
and she's afraid of heights.  

He wants to say I love you,
but doesn't want to lose her in morning light.
breaking her heart,
once again leaves it to goodnight.

She wants to say I love you,
but she thinks he won't love her.
When he texts goodnight,
he leaves her with a blur

She wants to say I love you,
but without a doubt
it's coming to an ending
friendship will be over now.

She types goodnight sweet-dreams,
and puts her phone down.
It lights again,
she sighs with a frown.

She reads the message,
well you know what happened,
As she read the message, her toes started tappin'
from her eyes to a heart,
the relationship got its start.
the text said "I love you, Beautiful."
Better watch watcha do around the lab.
Dont let your hunch backed assistant play with chemicals.
Get your head out the coffin and your mother and law
off the slab.

For strange brew.
Can re animate old fiends.
And really mess with you.

One two three four.
You blink and from the grave rises more.
Yes your new discovery wont get your fellow mad
scientest clappin.
they just eat my neighbors oh well you reply.
Zombies happen.

They called out the national  gaurd seems ive created a mess.
People screaming what shall we do?
well run would be a good guess.

His worm filled mouth is open and i dont think
mr zombie wants a kiss.
people sreaming and running in terror shopping at
walmart has never been like this.

Uncle Walter after only seventy years its wonderful
thoose skeletal toes a tappin.
It's become wide spread so I must say.
My bad ya'll but zombies happen.
spooky doopy Jan 2015
leaning on a rusty figure eight
my nails chip away at it
head on the tabletop lifting breaths from the center
minute single snares snap capturing the space
time reddens and swells like a bruise around me

sop up my wilted remains from the garden plots
polyglots in my sinuses whisper rhymes in sanskrit
laughin in rhythm within my toe tappin on icy paths
a buncha doughey toesies poking in the carpet
Rain through the night make it bleed my soul.
Tappin in time fire the breaks still this train does roll.
Warm body in bed no worries cept every hour you wake.
**** em dead only the name do we take.

Little girl you sent me far and wide.
Tore my thoughts apart in you evil I did confide.
Wont you warm these bones again and take this pain away.
Lord how I love the fire and the games a young demon does play.

Howl for me honey across this dark room.
Chase away the burden and help me collect my doom.
Ive gotta problem and you never did care to see.
Lord how i love the dark and this demon that wont let me be.
Brycical Apr 2015
On the street I see people walkin' round
eyes heads hanging low down thinking 'bout needing a couple extra pounds of bread, their spirits cry out workin' off debts 'till after death  
but when I ask "Whassup?"
they stuff it down with "Hey, nothin much" outa reflex,
but instead of this aforementioned fashioned back'n forth imagine what would happen if we shared the caption that our heart was tappin' outa the chest, a distress morse code SOS so,
let's be each other's best friend, and listen to the deluge of moods don't matter if it's green, red or blue cause I have faith we can all handle the truth
since it's a soothing serum not some brooding theorem don't gotta be near to connect, but show yourself some respect and just eject that dejected attitude cause we're all moving through somethin once 'n a while.  

Luckily we, are here, together now
spinnin' round this big 'ol galaxy.
and luckily we, are here, now, together, to make the world better, denizens of the medicine inside of us to jettison hearts and minds shining out like lighthouses guiding ships, to higher consciousness, gettin' closer to bliss but sometimes we gotta stop and sit
and just be just be...  
go slow go slow,
it's all ok to joke and play jump rope with pain instead of novacaine let's meditate to make the world a better place
raisin' your vibration to a higher plain
wadin' in the waters of a patient brain
chillin' in stillness erasing latent fixations
burning sarcophagus thoughts and impulses poppin' up like the walking dead growling echoes of old words heard when I was three, four, five, six gurgling out of parents, school kids and televisions sellin' backwards wisdom on how to be a cool kid, but it smells like *******
from old tools that, aren't the sharpest ones from the shed
like you and me can be 18 join the marines, get a tattoo, drive and put a bullet in some fool  but if you get caught with *** or droppin' some sugar cubes then you're locked up and your life gets ruined.

It don't take some precognition to see all this conditionin' bein' dished is an illusion, a mirage of food only fillin' us with chemical confusion,
it's almost amusing the way they try to make my mind intrude
on just bein' in the moment, bringing the symphony of symmetry inside of me inspiring perspiring  to cry and sing with fire wings triumphantly trumpeting the rhythm of love, as below so above do unto others etcetera etcetera ad infinitum because

we, are here, together now
spinnin' round this big 'ol galaxy.
and luckily we, are here, now, together, to make the world better, denizens of the medicine inside of us to jettison hearts and minds shining out like lighthouses guiding ships, to higher consciousness, gettin' closer to bliss with this flow from the heart
Rain through the night make it bleed my soul.
Tappin in time fire the breaks still this train does roll.
Warm body in bed no worries cept every hour you wake.
**** em dead only the name do we take.

Little girl you sent me far and wide.
Tore my thoughts apart in you evil I did confide.
Wont you warm these bones again and take this pain away.
Lord how I love the fire and the games a young demon does play.

Howl for me honey across this dark room.
Chase away the burden and help me collect my doom.
Ive gotta problem and you never did care to see.
Lord how i love the dark and this demon that wont let me be.
Sam Temple Apr 2014
blood moons rise
and the Temple Mount is cloaked in tear gas
innocent lives lost to the droning of drones
irradiated dirt sets under fingernails fresh from the garden
the horsemen died without a flare
the samurai ghost warriors tremble at Wall Street policy
the tears of ten thousand babies
have been drank by flies
spreading vaccinations and pesticides
to wildlife protection areas.

* eating fast food at the gas station I pause to reflect*

morbid wealth in the hands of the conservative party
granting respite on one out of every 135 african americans
who can tap dance while rapping the Gettysburg Address
but only if they will perform on the upcoming reality show
“The Tappin’ Rappin’ Afrikkkans”
…….sore from the blatancy of new world racism
society sits back pretending to be mortified at the train wreck
but the ratings go up each week as water color fodder
fills the desperate air between lonely co-workers
trying so hard to be clever
they sever ties to cultural evolution
subconsciously choosing instead to live the lie
eat trash wrapped in petroleum
and recycle their ***** waste for the less fortunate
as a tax write-off
I think I am developing a garbage series, but only because I don't know what to call these half doomsdayer/political half ranty self-deprecation things......
It's Tutankhamun bowing down to no man
Got a beautiful Queen one of the few chosen
She slowly toastin' coastin' smooth coatin'
Her beautiful brain with out a polish I acknowledge
Game players spectators all the way to haters
They can't stop me or drop me lyrically
I set em up to the death monopoly cleverly  
Invoke the goetias around me lay my altar
Play repeats of Freddie's gilbraltor tappin' into my lost culture hidden by these vultures
Christian zeal Dec 2013
Sweet bass and hello poet
Treble planes that flys on it.

Head phones that hold music,
But open up and let me do it....ha!
That's ******..

Gutter mine Im blowing kisses
Missle toe  my feet tappin..ha!
That's new Jordans

Sanctified my hands are clapping,
Reader prolly like is rapping?
Just join the dance

Uncle Sam!!
I am pointing like his hand..
Watch the man
Watch the man
I'm just saying lift your hands
Lift your hands.
Put your song on and join the dance..!!!
Join the dance
If you wanna listen to the song go on twitter : look up MR.kooman- hit record

Go to his soundcloud in his bio!!! Then scroll down to you find "Hit record"
Ma Cherie Oct 2016
You're the type a guy,
I can see saying,

"Girl, you're gonna get it,
when I get home."

I'd smile,
look forward,
to your **** self,
the way you smell,
& get ready,
look pretty,
cook dinner,
pick a wine,
set the mood
retire for the evening
sit beneath a lovers moon,
& for dessert,
yummy memories
soooo nice,

get here quick,
'cuz I'm here
tappin' my foot,

Cherie Nolan© 2016
; )
Ma Cherie Oct 2016
What do I want?
That's a very interesting
and difficult question...
so deep, & philosophical,

To wish? To crave?
but not to need?
for me at least
I say indeed,
hope you agreed
a requirement,
I think,
you must feel both,
& also to love,
you ...
must be,
should be,
could be?
...a true companion,
my very best friend
my lover,
who I confide in
until the very end,
your loving hands
on whom we can depend
your pretty lips,
my name he will defend,
rely on in our times of stress,
to whom in all,
I can confess
oh, when my life,
is such a mess,
comforting, trusting
emotionally intelligent
softly encouraging,
challenging me
feels like he's...
my destiny
able to reflect on
personal struggles
while accepting ours
such a beautiful mind
thoughtful and so, very, very kind
perceptive and insightful
to love him, delightful
and humorous
handsome and right
loves me today,
& all through the night
in darkest of hours
& 'neath stormy showers,
astutely observant
sensitive to others
respected by all
especially by Mother,
creative and artistic
& oh so forgiving,
tappin' a foot,
enjoyin' just livin'
poetically rendering
sensual pleasures of life
amidst daily chores
in triumph and strife,
understanding and strong
a love lasting long,
magnetic attraction,
like moth to a flame,
never regret,
this love doesn't blame
in every single way
& every single day,
every molecular cell
in secrets he'll never tell
so beautifully familiar
surging through my veins
every thought inside my brain,
my body filled,
with endless hunger pangs,
my enlarged heart
it gets a start
with eager valves waiting
like a drug
in your hug
in your kiss,
that I miss,
& your lips,
touching me,
with those...
as again skips,
your touch
is so much,
you are more
than before,
& not just enough
a binding agent
lovely & fragrant,
sticky sweet
A tasty treat,
I wait for you,
& love so true,
I want you
I need you
to know love
2 love you,
just one time,
tell me...
cannot be a crime?
a love like this is so divine,
like a beautiful sun coming up,
over the other side of that mountain
an awe inspiring experience
with no interference,
every time I see your face
or when I don't,
my mind retraces,
right there where you are,
& shining like the Northern Star,
you will always be
the same as me,
different from here
and yet still
we are indistinguishable
like a fire
& built from pure desire,
taking us so much higher,
we are one...together,
our love goes on... forever,
a wish fullfilled
a dream come true
we're holding hands,
just me & you
our love is true
& skies are blue,
with me for every tomorrow,
sunlit days & grey skied sorrows,
sit 'neath the fire
my frequent flyer,
when you bury my bones
when you are there at home,
& if you're ever alone,
you'll know me best
& unlike all the rest
like your dark eyed daisy
your lovely baby,
tell my story rich & true
& I will do the same for you,

this to me anyway,
This...Is love.

Cherie Nolan
Here's wishing...on love
betterdays Apr 2014
i'm feeling a just little to
the left of sane today,
don't quite know what it is.
but it feels a little like
that itchy spot in the middle of your back.
you know the one ya just can't reach to scratch.

the day started good..
now a smidge of paranoid and pinch of misunderstood is make making me feel
less than i should
if i had to colour me right now,
it would be a deep grey, indigo blue.
i am just getting a dose of manflu(strange as i am a woman-girl).
but no it's more than that.

i feel rundown, runover, squashed flat.
bummed out busted and outright flustered
yeah adding a dash of that. now i am on a roll down a hill going fast.

nothing of import has happened to make me feel this way.
no arguement, cross words, crisis or dilemma has crossed my path today.

i am out of step,
stomping on toes,
counting to ten,
to save someones nose,
from my tense and tightly clenched fist.

the way that i'm feeling
one of two things could happen.
every body else could...
shuffle to the left a little
to align with me (yeah like thats gonna happen).

....or if thats just a hassle your going to need to:
step aside as my progress,
is now furious
and my wake is wide.

make your choice
my toes are a tappin
i no longer
have time for this lip flappin....

....boom thar she blows!!!!
Homunculus May 2016
Awwww, man, I'm flippin', news reports got me trippin'
My mind's busy racin' foot's tappin, I'm pacin'
They say, and I trust, in a few decades time,
That the icecaps will melt and engulf the coastlines, of
New York and LA, and New Hampshire and Maine, and
New Orleans will be but a massive flood plane,
It's a tad bit insane and alarming to say,
That it's been brought about, by our self obsessed ways,
They say India just had the hottest of days,
Ever seen in its history, see, it's a mystery,
Why we don't act, we have limited time, and
The scientists warn us, as temperatures climb,
While republican senators watch and insist,
It's a "liberal myth" and it doesn't exist,
How I wish I could choke 'em and watch 'em turn blue,
Like the color they hate! It just cannot be true,
We're destroying the means for our species' survival,
Proposals for action all dead on arrival,
Cause Exxon and Shell simply MUST have their profits,
So they buy the elections, and silence the prophets,
They lobby with hundreds of millions in bribes, and
Darken the futures of billions of lives,
Revolt now becomes an imperative need,
We must favor each other, instead of their greed,
We must march in the streets, upon Capitol Hill,
Or on parliament buildings, until we instill,
The fear of the ones who demand something new,
Because, we are the many, and they are the few.
Aztec Warrior Jun 2016
Jitter Buggin’**

“Oh Carol,
don’t let him steal your heart away,
I’m gonna learn to dance
if it takes me all night and day.”
~~Chuck Berry

you drove that cherry red Chevy coupe,
327 and 4 on the floor,
ChucK Berry coming through your door.
“Oh Carol”
you steppin’ out
to dance tonight!
Come on Carol,
there’s a little juke joint
just down the road a way,
so lets go baby
cause when you arrive
the whole place comes alive
and everyone wants to dance and play.
Tight pants and swayed out skirts
fill the music
with rock-n-roll jams, and
“I got my eyes on you baby,
cause you dance so good”.
“Oh Carol”
you’re stealin’ my heart away.
And I’m toe tappin’
hip swayin’,
jitter buggin’
the night away.

Aztec Warrior/redzone 5.10.16
NOTE: the quoted lines are from the Chuck Berry
song “Oh Carol”
Serving time
Doing lines
Making prison bars
Out of razor blades and credit cards
The only clean thing bout me are my arms
Cuz evreything i do harms Others or my self
Yelling for help
Where no one can see me
Tappin out S.O.S's
Who's gonna hear me
Swingin back and forth teeter and totter
Don't like myself
Wish i were hotter
Wanna be like thotties
i mean hotties
Rotting inside out with silicone gel
Maybe then i'd love myself
Don't even know what's real and what's fake
Cuz the emotions i hate
Don't even exist
It's just some *******
i created for attention
But what was the question?
When will i write "i" in the uppercase
Daan Mar 2013
Waiting, outside, for something big to happen.
My thoughts of what might come are blooming
like myrtle does this time of year. They are tappin'
my mind from the inside, all my time consuming.

Waiting, inside, in my bed, rethinking most of
my thoughts, hoping they'll come true, wishing
they will become real. If they do I will, my love,
finally be able to stop my imperishable fishing.

I should commence any form of action, anything
should do. Because doing nothing is nothing I
would do, I think, whilst getting out of my bitter bed.

Maybe I could speak or laugh or squeak or sing
for her. Filled with shame, perhaps therefore I'll die,
hence I have only got yellow courage in my head.
I cross my legs
Everything burns
How can I forget a single slap
paint stick fun
I am sitting on a hundred slaps
I feel my heart beating between my legs
wood stick slap time has begun
I hear your voice
Tap tap tap
DO NOT ***
what what
I am so ready
I could not hide my smile
wickedness **** over and a growl
Twitches all over
and a meow
slaps get harder louder strong
Then his words
*** NOW
waves abound
lips sting
such a sweet thing
memories deeper than skin
B L Costello Mar 2018
You can’t just “let it”
No one wants its,
But we all get it
Sure we pretend,
We’re always “surprised”,
But we know that no one gets out alive,
Sooner or later,
That bird comes tappin’
One crack in the glass,
And it just “happens”
The end at last,
“Never more”,
It will happen again,
As its happened before
Next to the window,
My back to the door
I tease that bird,
Because I am bored
Young and foolish,
The sense I lack,
Despite the crack,
Tapping back!
No worries,
It's never broken before…
“Gotta go...somebodys knocking at the door”.
©B L Costello 2018
Sand Sep 2013
Hair tossed up
Tongue stuck out
Fingers curled and
Foot tappin’

It’s poetry time.
Nikki Jayne May 2018
Mother earth
Look what you've done to me
Toe tappin
Body shaken
Heart pounding
Weak at the knees
Face in your dirt
Oh Mother earth
Got me hypnotized
Took me  by quite surprise
The best dance partner I ever had
Turns out I don't need a man
Oh Mother earth
Look what you've done to me
The best dance partner I've ever had
Anais Vionet Jul 2024
Sunsets of a thousand colors,
jumping into crystal blue waters,
yeah, school's out for summer.

At first, it’s a shock - ignoring the clock,
we’re like prisoners set free
- for a two-month party
- and no responsibilities

Ditch the books ******* - you’re my tribe
- summer’s our vibe - it’s time to slip-n-slide.

Barbeque, corn on the cob, juicy peaches,
lemonade, popsicles, hot sandy beaches,
thunderstorms, short shorts, cotton candy clouds,
let's get a little too silly and a little too loud.

Coleslaw, hotdogs, sharing French fries
Charles smokin' ribs, burgers piled high,
lounging by the pool, with friends dropping by.

Sunglasses, flip-flops, midnight walks, crop tops,
sunrise mornings, throwing frisbees in the park

Playlist DJ’n, the bare feet are tappin', we’re TikTok dancin’,
and, truth or dare, I’m seeing a couple of new romances.

Ferris wheel spinnin', funnel-cake eatin’, roller coaster screamin’,
the kettle-corn’s poppin’ for rom-com streamin’ and reality-TVing.

My mom asked, “Why are you girls all sleeping in one room?”
The answer? “Cause there ain’t no cure for the summertime snooze”

Why doesn’t someone make a sunblock perfume?

Umbrellas, watermelons, 3am dips, Taco Bell trips
and roasting marshmallows on the poolside fire-pit

Beach towels spread like butterfly wings,
hey, our tans are starting to match our bikinis!

Come on, relax, have an ice-cold martini.
We’re not doin’ nothin' - we’re makin’ memories!
My skills be swift as a meteor welcome to the tour
Of Yosef ******* rhymes galore left ya sore
Mentality couldn't handle my lyrical gore
From the sky ceiling to the earth floor
I'm makin' splits like lightening fast and frightening
Even lost spirits got the reciting cuz I'm hypin'
Up the baddest brews sip only a few
Still breakin' crews like news worldwide views
Who could do what I do got the power of Goku
And you be sweet as that purple fool in Ginu
Force forget the source took a spiritual course
Once my brain went into REMS registered my consciousness
Like DMs
See him he ain't as intellectual as Eye
Still got curtains over his eyes beat mesmerize
So much so your pours open from the temperature rise
Know wise guys who demise fakers running around with brokers mentality enterprise
I realize I'm aboriginal and so you are you
Well if you was enslaved too?
The system cuz they love to lynch 'em
You know em' the color I'm talking about
But everybody loves to dismiss about
But the truth is lifting veil while tappin' nails
On the table scared of us breaking the sable
See me I'm just an average dude sike I'm a successors
To MF Doom Whoaaa

While the enemies pistol is shootin'
and the lobbyist still lootin"
Our everyday presence wake up and smell the war incense
See the love to keep fear intense with immense
Nonesense then ask us to repent for the lent
They left on others nations filled with color
Well? It seems like they only attack people similar to Black
But now that you have the facts lets
Get the bumpin' back on track
No locos or rail roads just a dirt road leading the way
To where their souls got taken away
To the crossroads along with skulls and bones
Stolen legacy a representation of brutal democracy
But somehow the black man was made the enemy?
Hidden in the Vatican Rome I'm all alone
Searchin' for destiny but somehow she finds me
Sittin' in the cemetery park with the Buddha sparks
I can't see nothing like an atom to quark
I'm science undefined rewind back to my timeline
Royal ya highness I'm the highest dynasty baby made from the finest Hard fro me to digest
all this knowledge But they stay with ******* stress test oh I guess?
Richard Williams Oct 2014
Travelin' hard,
Hoppin' train cars,
Seeing places that were once afar,
Hear the clickity-clackin',
Of that railroad a-cracklin',
Watch my feet start tappin',
And my lips start rapping,
My words start unwrapping,
As I start unraveling,
Some hysteria I've been feeling,
This road I'm walking,
This person I'm turning,
These people I'm befriending,
The choices I'm making,
The path I'm taking,
It's leading somewhere alright,
But only a small light is insight,
For this outlandishness I'm a-feelin',
For these feelings I'm a feeling,
Why can't I be good enough,
To pursue what I want to do,
I'm not the type of guy to deny,
The feelings that are nye,
How I live, how I breathe,
How talk, how I walk,
Should all be determined by me,
Not some farmer type taking notes,
Like I'm some sort of overdue goat,
No matter what they say,
If I think I can find away,
I'll do what I need to do anyway,
Confidence can be attacked,
It will effect the way you act,
If I can believe in myself,
I can do what would benefit ones-self,
And that's to remain happy,
Not caring about the negativity,
Of ones unfaithful liability,
Or your own self,
Trying to prove your wealth,
Prove your good enough,
Prove you can do everything,
Prove you can be anything,
Prove that you can do what you want to do, To yourself,
Tell yourself your full of gold and silver,
You won't need the confidence to do a thing,
You already have it,
And only you can be blamed,
For letting it boil into shame,
Take your dreams,
And pursue what you want to do,
Don't let anything or anyone,
Spoil your fun in the sun,
Because you never know when you will get a new one,
Instead of wishing for a time machine,
Trying to get a blast from the past,
Just hop on the same train I'm on and let the good times last.

— The End —