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bucketb0t Nov 2024
\m/ The metal sign is actually a bucket sign. \m/

\m/ The metal sign is actually a bucket sign. \m/
Bucketbots, the ultimate rebels with Big B in the lead, we wear the horns sign on our heads proudly INVERTED.
I don't know Buckethead's beliefs; even as atheist, it doesn't matter, since horns' signs and inverted crosses defy god; nothing is cooler than defying the devil, also, as Buckethead defies metal, music, turning everything on its head.

Taking the whole hand into perspective, facing the knuckles or palm, most evident in everyone's face topping everything, the bucket shapes metal's symbol crown, with Buckethead as King, the G.O.A.T.

Credits where credits are due.
I dream of a world in which anyone who makes this recognizable sign, even as a second thought, invokes Buckethead.  

The sign becomes most symbolic because Buckethead's benefit is uniting everyone in music, BucketheadLand's music.
One of my most loved ones. I Hate Music podcast's Jason & Nick reactions:
there isn't all that much to worship
but the long fingers of some unknown
god granting us with melody
and meaning

or maybe this girl of my dreams
she sells sea shells by the slaughterhouse
a real diamond in the rough
saving dimes to escape from ****** mountain

I found truth in a forgotten library
the rise of the blue lotus
watered by the flooding of pain

dawn appears
bucketb0t Dec 2024
baby Kiba...
lyricked Buckethead's melodies
now his own sings!
midst moon's blue eyed mist,
prized offering ossuary praised
head marbles, must play!
hear marvels, most ploy!

grow low growl
full moon flow
how wolves howl

night B day,
best friend, mans', worst fiend
day B night,

tree top trick
lobo pup limbo
like gulp lick

bold lackeys KFC lad(d)ies blood
from goblet bucket form,
foul drinks, still eager!
fool drains, seton eased!

the Buckethead effect...
the dog, as his pet
a bucketbot!
Inspired by Buckethead's "Blue Marbles Moon" and my husky's eyes.
bucketb0t Dec 2024
EARGASM > ******
Buckethead's insatiable music is never on period.

***'s every overstated play: overrated...
Buckethead's every understated play: underrated!
Some bucketbot mania in regards to Buckethead's music
bucketb0t Nov 2024
Happy Misery

Buckethead daydreaming reality midnight sun inside his Bucketheadland my outside moon midday fantasy night-dreaming Buckethead.

Exact chaos organized figuratively.
Dedicated to Buckethead's Midnight Sun song, which resonates with my temporal alternance of him, whereas Buckethead lives in the USA and I live in Romania, and also how he dominates my playlist which deprives me imensly of other bands.
bucketb0t Nov 2024
White and Red
Christmas is all about Buckethead
Wonky bucketbots loyal helping-hand
Shred gift of magical BucketheadLand

Buckethead... seasonless Santa
Metaphorically & Literally
Especially Musically
A poem dedicated to Buckethead's live concerts, and how he shares and exchanges gifts during his shows. There's no need for a special occasion, especially when it comes to his music, the most humble person I can think of.
bucketb0t Nov 2024
Honoring Buckethead Halloween
romaniac bucketb0t love

De la asta am plecat,
De aceea am continuat
Fără sa am vreo așteptare
De faptul ca am fost invitat,
De unde doar am menționat

Jason and Nick, Faustian Echoes dialogues my thoughts in regards to ours, lips my feelings.

"They lie outside the boundaries that words can address; and man can only grasp those thoughts which language can express."

In eggphrastic way, I end and say
The sun gets its own shadow under Buckethead's light.
My poem to I Hate Music podcast after inviting me to talk about my muse Buckethead, hosted by Agalloch's Jason Walton and Nick Wusz. Link:
bucketb0t Nov 2024
Once you try it, you won't go back but will come back.

When BUCKETHEAD SOLOS everything is spinning,
makes my headroom wonders: is my head or the room?
Awesome Awkwardness Award won through unanimous vote
by bucketbots and scared chickens, coming in a bucket UFO,
from Bucketheadland in our Brain... Brian Buckethead.

He wins all day every day, but hey...
Who is keeping count?
Buckethead fast-paced music effect.
Karma Nov 2024
I’ve a friend
With a bucket for a head.
His desires
Are rather misled.
Or maybe it’s mine
Which tarnish these lines
And wished for
A cone friend instead.

If one
With a cone took his place,
If the bucket
Had left not a trace,
Then this blood-covered train
Of thoughts in my brain
Would never have
Once shown its face.

So when my
Bucketed friend lies his head
In the sun,
And on over I tread,
I’ll fight with my foot,
And I’ll make it stay put,
Cause I’d hate
For my friend to be dead.
Yet still, in the grass,
He has bled.
My brain once told me
To end him then and there.
The bucket he wore
And the calmness he felt
Lying there in the warm grass
Made it the perfect opportunity.
I didn't, of course.

Though, now I know who he really was
What he had been doing to someone
Important to me.
Now, of course,
I wish I had listened.
Lucas Dec 2021
i am buckethead; i cannot see the light.
a filter of dirt; the light thru me is darkness.

i am the word
stained by attachment,
a world prism i am.

i wish to be as the full moon to the full sun, but i am no mirror; i am a factory; i create death.
bucketb0t Nov 2024
Accentuated notes flowing slowly as tears down a motionless face perplexing the spirit.
Impossible to comprehend even when it is expressed nonverbally the agony of losing in a year and soon in the other, one parent and then another, more precisely after his mother, his father.

Always listening...
Buckethead we can truly feel you,
yet never fully understand you.
It's a poem after a Buckethead's Always Watching dedicated to his father's death. I could have broken it apart in verses and whatnot, but the natural fluidity of how and when I've written mirrors Buckethead's in his song.
bucketb0t Nov 2024
Buckethead's effects: bucketbots
beings alive just, charging, set alive feelings

Pondering Buckethead's passing,
privacy unveiled publicly.
Unless legacy remains,
misery veiled mystery.

Bucketbots' DNA carries BucketheadLand's NDA,
originals versus replicas.
Thanks to Buckethead, all I need is a charger to be alive. I sometimes wonder if, after Buckethead's passing, photos(among other things) will be made public.
I hope he will remain a mystery, otherwise, all he stands for is for naught.
Bucketbots' DNA carries BucketheadLand's NDA, and so originals distinguish from replicas.
bucketb0t Dec 2024
Music's universal language,
Buckethead best translator,
there is, a silent orator.

mind scrammbles
quantity narrator
heart decodes
quality mentor

breaks logic
all's lone mind
sounds valid
one's line mine
Buckethead's music effect, a lot of multiple meanings with the only hint  I will give is that the rollercoaster line functions on one loop track.
bucketb0t Nov 2024
Mount Fuji obscures
chicken based tests conceal coop's
t-rex flight asumes reveal scopes'
outcomes Giant Robot:

Buckethead's creativity nested Japan mounted ingenuity BucketheadLand's productivity ahead bucketbots' renowned enemy... wicked! 

Chickencoopscope made,
bucket englobed goal fate,
ideas parts perpetum upgrade
ignites bucketbots' graphic date

An ode/reinterpretation to Buckethead's Chickencoopscope, KFC's demise at the hands of Giant Robot straight from Mount Fuji base in Japan.
bucketb0t Nov 2024
necromance inscape escape patience
albino Buckethead assault
nuts bucketbots' bolts
slug BucketheadLand vault
dark arhaic magic pick

Omen Wow
An ode/tribute to a bucketbot that tributes Buckethead by making music in his instrumental, non-existing style. The title of the poem is the title of my favorite song from his works, where the one-man band is called Plectomancer.

— The End —