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Nov 2017 · 531
Valeria Ariza Nov 2017
Corazon, your sweet silver lips haunt me.
I dream of us, eyes wide open.
Your laughter booming grips my diaphragm,
My breath becomes a ghost.
Your smile, a fist in the air, a victory.

Querido, nothing about you is bittersweet
The pain I carry is a privilege
A reminder you were mine.
Moon shaped scars, proof I had peace, I was the owner of a silent heart with a steady beat.

Happiness was you in my arms, chest lingering underneath my fingertips.
Sweet jazz notes fill my head when you speak,
Tu voz, maravillosa.
Cariño, lo siento,

My Darling,
I am a **** fool.
Sep 2017 · 371
The point of no return
Valeria Ariza Sep 2017
Your origin tastes sour trickling down your throat,
your present filled with self-doubt and resentment.
asking why we’ve reached this place
How? in the first place.

A palace filled with all your nightmares painted ivory white,
the walls made of marble begin to crumble.
your bed soft as feathers, flat as every lie you ever dry swallowed
Damnation carved into the headboard rendering the dream catcher suspended above you, useless.

You do not matter, not in this cosmic plane.
Look at the mountains on their tip toes like the black swan ballerina.
The ocean vast, mysterious, endless.
the leaves so green with envy that they are not the ones breathing in.
The dirt like your own mother giving you, (a selfish fiend) every piece of them until there's nothing left.

The hyenas laughing at your ignorance.
Ignorance is bliss.
so much better than this.
So much ******* better than this.

Looks like you’ve given up.
have you had enough?
Ashes to ashes dust to dust.
maybe it's simple maybe, like dying...

It’s just that simple,
It’s just that time.
Valeria Ariza Sep 2017
There are flowers blooming in a long forgotten garden with dead soil and skeletons 6 ft under.
There is a thunder in a still air where time has long been frozen.
There is a dark red flow in a dry riverbed, thumping, thumping, keeping my heart thumping.
There is a breath of fresh air in a toxic toxic atmosphere and it smells of you.
There is finally laughter in a dead silent room, it is raining down my cheeks and I am the one laughing.
Valeria Ariza Sep 2017
Soft golden rays dance off of your lips,
With Fervor you smile, in a world dull and gray,
Leaving me nothing in sight but you,
A rainbow, gleaming through the mist,
an illusion of magic all too real,

Que Lindo eres

I wish to bear witness to your unendurable insignificance,
to how you mean so little,
to how you mean so ******* Much,
The way, like a ghost, warmth haunts me,
lingering from your touch
I Fear my dear, I’ll never have enough.

I fear amor,
I never will be.
Sep 2017 · 424
Valeria Ariza Sep 2017
Ruby red flames Illuminate your eyes,
Ember glow stealing my last breathes
I am rendered speechless, in a world where words are all I have,

Soft lips and a cool smile,
allow me to survive the warmth surrounding you,
How becoming.

Once I saw you like really saw you,
my heart blushed a shade any rose would be jealous of.
My soul awoke to take a second glance
My eyes couldn't believe what they'd been granted.
A mind trick? A demon in disguise?
My mind distorts your beauty in attempt to keep me safe,
but *******
you are beautiful.
Valeria Ariza Sep 2017
A waltz with broken legs and a wailing heart.
A constant state of fear, of the inevitable darkness this way comes.

Where every thought sings to me “Do it.”
She sounds like me, and I’m afraid.
I’m afraid I’ll do it.

My blood would run a crimson red,
My heart would cry me a river.

Tongue tied ******* looking to escape a body, not mine;
a mind out to **** me.

A living broken record.

Without skipping a beat I'm floating again.
What a high! My, oh my!
The whirlwinds calm,
for a moment.
I come back to life.
I go home.

Only For a moment.

A moment..
You see? darling,
If you wait long enough, dear,
I will have plummeted again, and again; Forever, again.
Jul 2017 · 718
Space Cadet (Owl)
Valeria Ariza Jul 2017
So out of reach;
Your feathers soft, peach.
Sapphire heart beating in front of me,
You an astronaut meant free.

O tell me dear, can you see?

A crystal clear reflection in your glacial blue eyes
My downfall, my slowly approaching demise.
I see my pain in a different suit,
Your strawberry blonde lashes hiding your burning truth,

O tell me dear, tell me you see!!

Whilst soaring amongst stars,
May your past scars fade to Black
as you travel through different galaxies,
Leave behind old fallacies

Tell me you've found peace; in the pitch black majesty,

Miamor, Dime que me ves a mi.
Jun 2017 · 1.2k
Insidious Dreams
Valeria Ariza Jun 2017
I am the cold silver light in the darkness.
The rattling madness polluting sanity.
I am both, I am everything.
But mainly I am burdened with truth.

That, is why I am so Afraid of living
Why I am so afraid of Not living

Why I am not afraid to die.

I am the lead tainted paint in a bottle, stirring, absorbing the artist's pain.
In madness I am used to depict a reality ideal.
With every brush stroke, every color, I am killing him, he is using me to **** him,
as he paints murals for the masses to alleviate their suffering.
He suffers from truth.

He is not afraid to die.

I am a chameleon blending in with the rest of you,
Fools, drunk off of false hope and fairy tales
I am the paint, and the painting
I am the artist,

And I am not afraid to die.
First poem of the year, of my decade, of this new chapter.
Nov 2016 · 1.2k
J, your silence burns.
Valeria Ariza Nov 2016
The world falls quiet,
And so do you.

My ears are ringing
Heart swelling
Mi Amor,

The silence burns.

I submerge my mind in liquid courage
and slur my silly confessions,
Puking emotions all over your unread text messages.

Ruby shame becomes me
Whispering evil things to me
Convincing me that I am a burden.

That I am the one that's crazy here.
Crazy in love.
Crazy to admit it.
I am the one that’s crazy here.

You were the one that begged for me to love you.
So why do I have to ask for you to tell me that you love me?
How am I supposed to believe your I love you’s?
Am I so insecure, paranoid?

Is it just me?
Am I crazy?

Crimson waves fuel my heart that whisper Jehime in the silent crackle of the fire that blazes through the night in between my rib cage.

Can you feel that,
Corazón? Do you hear that Mi Amor?
Or am I crazy?

My ears are ringing
My doubts are shouting
as it sears it's emptiness into my soul,

The silence burns.

Pero mi Amor Porque?
Quando yo te di todo mi corazón, porque me haces esto?
God, why don’t you love me?

It is your silence when I ask you these questions,
Your silence when I bleed Te Amo,
that burns, burns, burns.
Nov 2016 · 526
Valeria Ariza Nov 2016
How lost one can get,
I cannot begin to explain.
The impulsive, reckless behavior drives you mad.

In such darkness shines a light.
The flame of survival.
Vicious, untamable, destructive.
But it burns on.
It burns on.

Even on fumes, it blazes through the night.
Because you know this suffering is not forever.
You know that this will end.
You don't know what the **** is happening.
But you know, you have to

You know, how, to survive.

Because there comes the point where you no longer wish to be saved when you no longer wish to fight.
And that is terrifyingly comforting.
Giving up brings relief it brings, the end of suffering.
But fighting and destroying the shadows will bring you life, happiness, and peace.

So **** it.
**** it all.
**** everything.
You will survive.
You will survive falling from the clouds, and you will survive the trenches.
And when you do,
Life will be waiting.
I will be waiting for you.
I write this on surviving your madness, your depression, your suicidal dreams. just surviving in general really, it's hard. but it can be done
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
Happiness is fleeting.
Valeria Ariza Nov 2016
I was happy.

I was happy,
Until I wasn’t.
I fell from grace to the dark depths of hell.

A hell I don’t believe in
Until I find myself there
Cold, hyperventilating
Gasping for air.

Desperately trying to believe in a god who will save me,
Save me from myself.
Save me from the delusions and insanity,
Save me from the self destruction that I love so much.
Save me from the self destruction that I love so much.

Happiness is fleeting

But why, God, *why?
Nov 2016 · 685
3rd Degree Burn
Valeria Ariza Nov 2016
Out there the world is freezing and you're all alone.
The silent whispers of dying firewood, and the howling of the wolves haunt your troubled sleep.
Eyes blood red, tossing and turning in your bed,
pretty colors and savage voices soaring in your head,
you burn, burn, burn , a salvaged wreck.

With passion no doubt, a flaming torch does reside within, powering through your weakness. Your hungry eyes and starry mind can't keep you from touching suns as bright as white as your soul.
You sacrifice for altruism, nobody cares.
You fight for peace , they all wreak havoc.
They say forget it grow up. They invalidate your pain your suffering.
Yet You still stand. With broken legs and bleeding eyes you stand.
Almighty are the oaks that look to you for answers.
All doubting are the ones that believe your truth.
But you still standing sway.
Because nobody sees your freezing lips and trembling fingers,
nobody hears your screaming heart.
You stand in the midst of great shadows and desperately need a hand.
Te amo te amo it resonates in your ears
te quiero, te odio feeding off of your fears, so you jump, and you skip, and your madness spins, and again, and again,
the Devil wins.
feeling your mind slip.
Oct 2016 · 476
Endlich Frei
Valeria Ariza Oct 2016
At long last, the world is rich in oxygen
The leaves greener than your greed overpowering.
There are rhythms in the people's steps and music playing to the swing of their hips.

Great burdens slide off my shoulders, snowflakes falling from my winter coat colliding with the earth disintegrating forever.
It's over.

I write myself love letters, I write to the girl who still stands, for she, she saved me. I fight for her. For the little girl who dreamed of today, for the little girl who's stuck in yesterday.
But It's over.

Chin held high I glide through the room, I no longer feel  paralyzed.
Arms outstretched I kiss to my heart's content!
My ink stained tongue tastes like hope,
Speaking truth and painting stories of greatness, forgiveness, peace. I drone on.
Because it's over.
It’s finally over, my god.
At last,
I'm free.
Oct 2016 · 992
Valeria Ariza Oct 2016
Sweet on my tongue, is the word.
Euphoria an understatement.
I can see again.
I can breathe again.
I can feel the fire again.
Soulless no longer.

I can hear the stars twinkling
I dream of the power of the human brain,
And I feel excited.
I feel excited to live, and to learn.
I am eager for life!
I want more!

It's like waking up from a bad dream.
Like the earthquake has subsided.
The volcanic eruption, catastrophic for being dormant for so long,
So devastating.
But with lava comes new ground, I stand, on new ground.

Pure new beginning.
I've waited all my life for this.
A chance.
A chance to live.

I yearned for life.
I dreamed of a silent heart.
I stumbled and stumbled and fell down.
I fell.
Deep inside the darkest corners of my mind,
I gave up.
I gave up on fighting
And that was tragically beautiful.

Sharp was the thought of insanity.
The cold silver claw thrilling, intoxicating.
The dullness in my eyes, frightening.
I feared for my future.

And so I said "help me".
And she saved me.
When I wanted to drown with intention. My mind said One last stretch till you reach the shore.
Keep fighting just a little longer.
And I saved me.
Thank you.

Welcome whispers life, welcome.
On this new frontier the possibilities, a vast and chaotic ocean.
How fascinating this thing of life.
How exciting.
I wrote this coming out of a depressive episode going into a mania, However, It was representative of the new era of life I was entering. A time after my abuser. An era of growth and advancement and new found self love. an era of peace, of a silent heart.
Oct 2016 · 447
5:13 AM
Valeria Ariza Oct 2016
She parts her lips allowing the smoke to pour in,
It kisses the walls of her hyperventilating lungs whispering "all will be fine"

Her cold gray eyes, tired of they see, set on the ground never to rise .
Her silver gold watch ticking, casting each second into the past, weighs down her wrist, so that she keeps them by her sides forgetting how to wave them in defiance.

The smoke continues to fill her chest.

Her broken fingernails claw at her imaginary frights drawing blood from her skin and strength from her heart.
She shoots every poisonous word ever sung to her into her veins,
Every toxic thought ever swallowed runs down her throat,
And the smoke still enters.

Remembering every ugly slur, her gaze is torn from safety, leaving her fixed on her withering reflection, forever to see only pain she has endured, forever to see my eyes staring  back.

I sing loving melodies to the silver bullets before loading my pistol of strength, I hum tunes for the fallen and bow my head for those brave enough to love her.
I reassure her past the pain will end and condemn every ******* that hurt her.

she smiles  at me as I pull the trigger,
As she descends into the dirt,
all the smoke rises from her lungs whispering "all will be fine"
And she sighs "I know.”
Oct 2016 · 718
Valeria Ariza Oct 2016
Liking you
Had sent me to the depths of madness.
It was when I realized this, that I felt completely sane.
Now it's midnight.
I'm writing to friends, we catch up, and laugh together.
Genuine laughter.
And I don't think of you.
These are moments of peace.
When you're not roaming the halls of my brain
Shaking the delicate equilibrium of moods.
These are moments I can breathe.
These are moments of a silent heart, and dry cheeks.
These are moments that end too quickly.
Because my heart floods with sadness when I think of your horrid beauty
Because I can't bring myself to walk away
Because you love someone else.
Because you love someone else.
Because you love someone else.
Because I can’t be that someone else,
I'm sorry ,
I know you won't care,
Oct 2016 · 590
Nicotine Flavored Love
Valeria Ariza Oct 2016
In the beautiful sun I breathe, I breathe in the toxins of this horrid pleasure,
knowing it will **** me. knowing I’m not this person, I inhale.
My lungs curse me, my heart breaks.
I relish in this self destruction.
Im hurting.
Im hurting.
Im hurt.
Why, I ask.
Why have I become this way.
Why have I become this person.
Who suffers in silence but can no longer contain it.
My blood runs down my face for all to see.
No one sees.
In all my life I’ve never felt so low.
How do I climb out?
Will I ever?
Why is it so hard to be happy.
How can I reverse the damage done to my heart.
When will this suffering end.
O the waves crash hard washing away my hard work, obliterating my self confidence.
Why is it that I am trying so hard to fight? why can I not just be.
I love my friends. I love my mother. I love my sister. I love my brother.
How do I accept that they love me too?
I miss myself, so full of ambition.
So full of light.
My soft supple lips kiss you lightly inhaling your toxic love
I love you.
I hate you.
My new found friends surround me, support me.
I can't lose them.
I would be devastated.
My heart would shatter into a million pieces, I'd never be able to repair every vessel.
My mind would unravel, my soul would be trapped. And I'd run back to you wrapping myself in your venom blanket.
I'd kiss you.
My lungs would curse me
I'd kiss you
And My heart would bleed
I'd kiss you
And My body would tremble
I'd kiss you
Causing the threads holding me together to tear.
I love you
*But you taste like ******* ****.
Oct 2016 · 2.4k
Valeria Ariza Oct 2016
I am dormant
like the volcano.
My hair, brown like the earth.
And my eyes,
like burning embers in the night,
Oct 2016 · 1.6k
The Ring Master.
Valeria Ariza Oct 2016
Darling Dragon Blue,
Your life is a circus
full of ambiguities leaving you stumped,
unable to discern good from bad, truth from lies,
enemies from allies.

The Ring Master,
Master Illusionist,
Master Magician,
call him what you may,
he knows this,
he feeds off of this.

your misplaced trust
gives him power.

He targets you,
his spinning whip sings I love you,
Striking down ******* your soul,
drawing blood from your heart,
Painting hate in your eyes.

He announces you as his greatest possession,
his greatest achievement,
the love of his life.

But now the show’s over.
he looms over you
using his two faced mask to scare you back in your place
feeding off your insecurities and self doubt,
he grows stronger.

“Dance my boy Dance!” he cackles
“Sing my boy sing!”
he lines his whip with false love
to numb your pain.

But only for a little bit.
Only for a few seconds.

Long enough for you to believe it doesn’t hurt.
Long enough for you to forget his dagger words.

A damaged young dragon,
you burn your sorrow into the glass
when you whisper I love you to the mirror.
“I love you” it reads back.
and you feel so empty.

You realize you’re tired of performing on strings.
you yearn to dance freely, to soar high into the unforgiving sky
you want to burn this place to the ground screaming
“I loved you!” Roaring your mighty roar releasing your fright,
Spreading your mighty wings created for magnificent flight,
your bound legs unable to carry you,
you fall to the ground.
cold, helpless, the flame within you
threatening to die out.

The ring master finds you.
a confused frightened smile creeps onto his face
“I love you” he sneers
as he kicks you back into your cage
wondering why, oh why you tried to escape.

again with false love,
he manipulates you, a creature
endowed with so many beautiful talents and gifts,
not realizing he conditions his “ I love you’s” with pain, anger, and hate.

and you a mighty dragon only wish to control your own fate.

And so Enough.
you roar.
The fire inside you erupts into a great blue star
transforming the carbon in your ribs into your
diamond heart,
melting your golden bones allowing you to change form.

For Darling Dragon Blue,

It is HE. that should fear you.

Darling Dragon Blue.


— The End —