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234 · Oct 2023
What will your Future Be
This life is a learning experience, as we journey, on our way,
We each have a different finish line, never knowing our last day,
Everyone thinks, and acts, a little strange to others, in many ways,
New ideas, and messages arrive to us, we share every day.
Who, how and why, are the false prophets around, among us today,
Those who control your life, in person, not recognizing you in any way.
Respect, morals, sharing, with hard work,
Has kept human life alive on this planet, till today, control is the reason,
So many spend hours a day, inhaling, the negative hot topics, of each day,
Through, media, artificial intelligence, which can ruin anyone, in many ways.
After they program one like you, the false one’s can take everything, they started,
Eliminating who you are, your name, means nothing today, now you are an,
E-mail, pass word, then they still do not trust, you do not have any choice,
So they send an email with a code to return, you have no record, not even, the day,
If you jump through the hoops right, they might believe, it’s you.
Look ahead, the near future, robots, clones, looking like, acting, knowing everything,
You do, then at any moment, the false ones, can take every thing you own,
With your name, and possessions, who or what, are you?

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 10/4 /23 AD
every one addicted to screen staring, more time every day, our lives being taken away from the inside, and every month we pay.
231 · Mar 2021
Feeling Freedom
Outlaws from the past,
Old gray-haired men today,
Exploring, on Harley Davidson’s,
Mind entertaining, down highways.

Hair blowing in the wind,
Their nose on the white lines,
Riding their Harleys,
Feeling freedom, every time.

The old ladies,
May have holes, in their jeans,
The Harley Davidsons,
Always A clean Machine.

Tom Maxwell © 02/19/2019 AD 4:20 PM
226 · Feb 2021
Where My Memories Started
I’ve been back and forth, in this hallway,
So many times, during, this life’s stay,
Now over sixty years, the scenery, is about the same.
From the color of the paint, to the pictures, on the wall,
This is the place, where all my memories, started,
Where I first learned to walk, from a crawl.
I came into this life, the youngest, in a family, of five,
Now I am the only one, that is still alive,
My dad built this house, before, I was even born,
This farm field, now A town, that survived many storms.
Now I am the guardian, of my parents, old Lab dog, Ginger,
She spends most days, laying in her kennel, chewing on bones,
It’s special, coming back, owning the house, where you were raised,
One big change, A house is not A home, when your always alone.
                                             Tom Maxwell©03/28/2019 AD 8:35 AM
217 · Jun 2021
Use Your Time Wisely !
I woke up this morning, you were on my mind,
A lost dream, that keeps giving me, special signs,
So many ideas, and dreams, knowing someday,
I will run out of time.
We spend A lot of time, in this life, dreaming,
How many hours, do we waste,
If you live to be, eighty, sleep eight hours a day,
Watch television, for four, along with the other time we waste,
Give or take, half our life away.
We all have different vices, to spend, our time, on being positive,
Or wasting it away, Remember, this is our only chance,
I’ve never seen anyone, come back, after their final dance.
Keep A positive attitude, enjoy A dream, when one comes your way,
Use your time wisely, your time is counting down,
Each second, of every day.

                                                           ­                                                        The original Tom Maxwell © 06/07/2021 10:47pm
214 · Dec 2023
Christmas Turkey Dinners
Some of the memorable thoughts, and comments,
From The Holiday Season – What are they talking about ?
That is the biggest one I have ever seen
How long do I beat it before it is ready
Stop playing with your meat
You will know when it is ready, when it pops up
It is ready, it is ready
Just spread the legs open, and stuff it in
Stop licking your fingers
How long will it take, after you stick it in
Can you handle all these people, at one time
I did not expect everyone to come at the same time
It is a little dry, do you still want to eat it
Tying the legs together, will keep it moist inside
You still have a little bit on your chin and lips
Just wait till it is your turn, you will get some
I am in the mood for a little dark meat
Talk about some huge breast
Get a taste then pass it on
That is one terrific spread
If I do not undo my pants, I will bust them open
Are you ready for seconds
It is cool whip time
The Original: Tom Maxwell©11/16/2022 AD
Not actually a poem, just wanted to share, a little Holiday Humor!
Sitting in my office armed with a pencil in my hand, I just felt like writing, now all I need is a plan.

It’s an early December evening, the temperature outside is cold, with the wind blowing, to stay out long you must be bold.

The nights seem long this time of the year, with colorful lights shining all over, you notice the season of Christmas is near.

The radio is playing some friendly songs for me to hear, while my dogs lay on the floor so near.

I am still trying to think of something to write about, at this time I guess it will just be a moment in this life of mine.

                                                                               Tom Maxwell 12/06/05
There are thousands of people,
Looking for love on the internet today,
I’ve never seen the odds, how many find happiness,
Compared to those who just waste, many months away,

No one has A decision date, listed, the year, and time,
There is always, one more to look at,
Like A child in A candy store line.
So many flavors, to choose from,
It puts confusion, in your mind.

So many, personals, the list should get shorter, every day,
Everyone should be dating, each other,
Just to go out, learn more about life, different ways,
Does looking at pictures, become a habit,
Never noticing years, of life, can be wasted away.

                Tom Maxwell © 3/17/2021  10:00pm
207 · Jan 2021
The Wonderful Show
As I took my first view,
Out of my window today,
I saw the white translucent, ice crystals,
Falling from the sky, my way.

The dormant brown vegetation,
Now a shiny bright white,
It’s hard not to stare,
One of natures, most beautiful sites.

The air temperature decides,
How long the snow, will stay,
For as it rises, the wonderful show,
Will slowly, melt away.

                                                                                                                                                    Tom Maxwell©
206 · Dec 2023
Mushrooms a Racoon and Me
I was walking through the woods,
As I was passing a pine tree,
I noticed in the needles on ground,
The cap’s of a few mushrooms, just staring at me
Realizing, it was late in the season, i moved some needles,
My curiosity, made me take a peek to see,
From my Shroomology experiences, of the past,
I could verify that these were edible mushrooms indeed.
I pulled a few from the ground, they were fresh,
The blanket of needles providing warmth,
Protecting them from a freeze,
I was getting a little hungry, so I took a sample taste,
Remembering, home grown vegetables were good for me.
I was sitting on a hollow log, watching a beautiful sun set,
To the west, waving goodbye, to me,
Enjoying the colorful streaks, in the sky,
Then I felt the log move, under me,
I heard some leaves making noise at the end, of the log,
As I turned my head to investigate, I saw,
Two of the biggest racoon eyes, you may ever see,
I then realized, I was an unexpected, house guest,
So to show appreciation, I shared some of the mushrooms,
I had with me, he nibbled on a few, then ran away,
Not having nothing important to do, I turned around on the log,
To watch the sun rise in the East,
Then I felt something, holding the back of, my jacket,
It felt like a crazy beast, to my surprise, it was the racoon,
His eyes, even larger, as if something scared him, off his feet,
I calmed him down, then he sat on the log, we watched,
The rising sun over the trees, to the East, then he started,
Crawling back into the log, he winked, I said, thanks for the feast.

The original: Tom Maxwell c 12/15/23 A.D.
Don't you just love mother nature
204 · Jan 2021
Always Listen
Always Listen

We create our own ambitions,
Convincing ourselves, what we would like to achieve,
In our dreams, then bringing ideas out, to real life someday.
We accept and agree with others, who do the same,
For moral support, even if they are failing their goals,
Falling away.
We should always listen, to experience, take time,
Try new options, understand, realize, we are the weight,
Holding ourselves down, often a simple attitude change,
Will turn our life, and ambitions around.
For most of us, our daily routines,
Someone showed us at one time,
To bring something new in our life,
We have to let something else go, that holds us behind.

                                                                                                                             Tom Maxwell ©
A poem can be written,
In many, different ways,
Depending, on the authors emotions,
Like everyone’s, changing every day.

It’s not hard to write,
As some think it could be,
Sharing honest thoughts, with feelings,
Maybe guidance, for others, to see.

We all have messages, to share,
Have no fear, of what others might say,
Be open, and honest,
Release your visions, in A special way.

                                                                      ©Tom Maxwell 02/08/2007
203 · Jan 2021
Balancing on a Thin Line
This life we live, is made of dreams every day,
Some we will live and see, others slowly fade away,
Some will change our path, how we work and play,
Others we will look back, wishing we would have stayed.

We never know, what the next moment, may bring,
When starting the next day, we hope to hear birds, sing,
Knowing were always balancing, on a thin line,
There are days we are thankful, that we did not end up in A bind.
                                                                                                                          Tom Maxwell© 2019
203 · Nov 2021
My Last Family Memory
The day light was getting shorter,
A beautiful October day,
It was after dark, I was at the cemetery,
At my dad & moms, and my brother’s graves,
My sister and the lady I married, are buried,
In cemetery’s, about 80 miles, different ways.
I was there for my final, last family function,
Burying, the ashes of my parents, yellow lab, Ginger,
Mom’s final request, before she passed away.
Thirty- four & thirty- three years, the last time,
I saw my sister & brother, ten for dad and four,
For my mother. After burying the ashes, I spread,
Grass seed on the graves, including mine,
Where my ashes, will lay.
I look at people different, than most,
Who just take those who love them, for granted,
Every day. I know I’m next in line, everyone.
Who truly loved me, passed, when I die,
No one left, to pray, or cry.
                                            Tom Maxwell 10/12/2021 AD
honestly this is true, I just have to keep pushing on...
202 · Mar 2021
Where many Learn Bad Habits
It should be illegal, like A dangerous drug,
A constant teacher, of unbelievable junk,
Children, to adults, are totally hypnotized,
Falling over, on the couch, until totally drunk.

Personal imagination, slowly fades,
Separating, entertainment & fantasy, is dead
The talent of thinking, begins to decay,
Remembering, very little inside, A numb head.

The number one baby sitter, from children, to adults,
Where most learn, bad habits, they act and believe,
From A baby, to eighty years, watch four hours a day,
Around thirteen years, of A life, all the cost, and fees,
So much more would be accomplished, without TV’s.

                                                                          Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                               3/30/2019 AD
                                                                                 11:15 AM
Our visions, that we see,
Never are the same,
Mine are realistic,
Yours are just a game.

We can see the beauty,
The stars, bring at night,
Stare at them for hours,
Never see the light.

The moon appears,
So big, bold, and bright,
It’s the suns reflection’
Illuminating, our evening nights.

The trees are swaying,
Are they waving, at you and me,
The force behind them,
The wind we will never see.

Our life this time,
Not a rehearsal for a play,
It could end, at any moment,
Then you will look, at those wasted days.

Those lost years, are gone,
You can not go back, and change,
For the time that’s left,
You can start to rearrange.

There will always be things,
That are different than what we see,
Why add more confusion,
Saying words, you do not believe.

Tom Maxwell © 01/03/2004 AD
Everyone has times, when they think their cool,
Other moments, they feel like a fool.
After years of time, has passed by,
Which days, are you proud of, which ones make you cry?
We create our future, every day, do you want respect,
Are, a name, that just, fades away.
Some of the things, we enjoyed, in our past,
Should just be left, as memories, that will last.
Our bodies, what we think is fun, will often change,
If we ignore the signs, our life, could be rearranged.
To change anything, in our life, during this stay,
We need another plan, how to spend those days.
You have to want, make new goals every day,
Nothing in your life will forever stay.

                                                                   Tom Maxwell® 10/21/05 AD
198 · Jun 2021
Happy Fathers Day
As I grow older I often think of you in my mind, everything you have done for me, over the years of my time.
I am so lucky to have you in my life today, for I have so many friends, who have lost their fathers, years ago along the way.
I have learned a lot, watching how, you survived, over three quarters of a century, so many changes, you are a hero,  to still be healthy and alive.
I could not imagine all of the changes, you’ve had to live with,  from the outside, separate reading room, to modern day plumbing, with a telephone in the bathroom.
You are one of the lucky ones, to make it to the summit in your life, your retired, healthy, do what you want everyday, might sound like a dream, you had, fifty or sixty years ago, on a long hard day.
Enjoy life, and make it easier on yourself in every way, you’ve earned the best, and most of all I love you, Happy Fathers Day.

Think its a hassle to hang around dad, you think different when you know , never again! RIP DAD  2011
196 · Nov 2021
Nothing is Perfect
Tomorrow, will soon be yesterday,
It won’t be shorter, or longer, than any other day,
When your thoughts drift, to the future,
After the excitement is over, what do you see,
Straight up honest friends, and security,
Or hanging from a broken branch, falling free.
We can change, adjust to any situation, if we try,
This negative society, everyone, looks, judges,
For the worst, what is not perfect in their mind,
We cannot pick, who will be in our dreams,
When or how, they may come true,
Remembering nothing is perfect, in this life time.
Never walk pass an open door,
Your true purpose, and happiness,
May be there for you to explore.
The Original: Tom Maxwell 11/29/2021 AD 7:00am
192 · Dec 2021
Creating a stronger, smarter, human is fading,
Look at evolution today!
Raising children, no respect, or manners,
Thinking cell phones, and video games,
Are the path, to a successful life today.
No common sense, making rules, as they play,
Some get too deep, then the gray bar motel, they stay.
A lot of crazy talks, not a clue what they mean,
A bunch of words, no job, they can’t afford a cone with ice cream.
Spending, their grandparents, and parents, retirement away,
Not showing, any love or compassion,
To those who care for them, every day.

The Original: Tom Maxwell ©
12/04/2021 AD
7:00 AM
190 · Feb 2021
A Writer’s Thoughts…
To write Poetry ,
One must relax,
let, their mind slip away,
Discovering, feelings, emotions,
Then writing, what the thoughts say.
It can not be forced, A certain day or time,
Any unplanned situation, can bring the writer A rhyme,
A lost art in society, today, deep thinking, in one’s own mind.

Tom Maxwell
2020 copyright
We live in A world of bad thoughts today,
We accept people are satisfied, when they have nothing to say.

There are many helpful, generous actions, that happen all of the time,
From the news media, to daily conversations, the worst is the subject,
In everyone’s mind.

The people that announce the weather, A daily number game,
Thirty per cent chance of rain, why not seventy per cent, it won’t,
They get paid the same.

We know we will die, not the time or way,
If an investigation, finds alcohol or drugs, they are sure that was the
cause, how do they know, it could have just been that person’s day.

Actually, this world is not so bad, and unkind,
It’s the way, ideas, and words are presented,
To make us think, it is getting worse all the time.

                                                                                                    Tom Maxwell © 07/28/2006 AD
I wrote this 15 years ago, it seems the attitudes, has gotten worse!
You have to be your own leader,
In this life today, so many false prophets,
Trying to sway your soul & money, their way,
Inner self motivation, your spirit, trying to guide,
You, to more positive days.
Where are you in this life, never knowing,
If the finish line, is near of far away,
Hear today, gone tomorrow, life is about,
Experiences, learning, and sharing, not what,
You can steal, beg or borrow.
It does not really matter, if you live your life,
High or low, your not hear, to always be, the star,
Of every show, This life is a stepping stone,
To educate, and strengthen, your soul.

                                       The original: Tom Maxwell© 04/02/2024 A.D.
The longer you are permitted to stay, in this life, today,
Your thoughts change about people, and experience’s,
That crossed your trail, along the way.
Everyone, teaches, and learns from each other, in many ways,
A gentleman, came up to me, thanking me, a talk we had in the past,
He said he was down, on himself, and life, at that time, he said,
That he started exploring, some of my knowledge, I shared,
And his life, turned from bad to good at last.
I never remembered him, he was a stranger to me then,
And a stranger to me now.
I would have never known I helped this man, if he would,
Have not stopped me, and explained his life story,
In a few minutes, of this short life time.
Most everyone, knows others, they want to tell them,
They appreciate them, they just keep the thought,
In their mind.
At funerals, people cry and pray, because they know,
It’s to late, to tell the person, thanks,
You inspired me, during this life time.

                                          The Original: Tom Maxwell ©9/9/2023 AD
I'm honest with everyone I meet, some may not like what I tell them,
honesty is worth it, if your thoughts kept someone standing tall on their feet.
187 · Apr 2021
We Often Have to Accept
We start with dreams, then make plans,
With some visions, out of sight,
Working hard, many hours,
To, make them come out right.
Many do come alive, they come and go,
Unnoticed, at their time
Not the exact place, or people, we vision, in our mind,
We let them pass, refusing, to accept the signs,
Then after years pass, we think back,
How could we be, so selfish and blind.
Our dreams, like ourselves, never perfect, in every way,
We often have to accept, and adjust, to the trail we were gave,
None of us have the power, to change the original plan, in anyway,
We are to accept, share and learn, at this time,
Life is not a dream, for us to lay in the shade.

Tom Maxwell © 4/9/21 AD  1:10 AM
184 · Jan 2021
Our Travels & Journeys
Each of us are very unique,
More than obvious ways,
Hair, color, shape, size, face,
Just our outer shell, during this stay.

Thoughts, from past experiences,
Our travels & journeys through time,
We are all A mixed breed, of sort,
After centuries, think back in your mind.

Any two people, will not always agree,
If to much time spent together,
Humans, sea horses, may be one other,
The only creatures, that try to mate forever.

Respect, learn from, enjoy others,
None of us are perfect, our actions, ways,
We are in this passage of time, to grow wiser,
A short lesson, preparing us, for future days.

                                                                        Tom Maxwell © 12/13/18
174 · Feb 2021
A Real Friend
When you call someone A friend, the thought, should be true,
One of the greatest relationships, of all mankind,
No one should ever come between you,
Special emotions, together you feel,
Help each other, any day or time,
Friends, are honest and real.

Tom Maxwell copyright 8/19/03 AD
174 · Mar 2021
At The End
Time keeps counting down,
Till that final day,
Your reservations are guaranteed,
And won’t be canceled there is no way

You can’t run or hide,
To extend your stay,
Or talk your way out,
With some words you say.

At the end,
On that final day,
You can’t bribe the judge,
With any amount of pay,
You won’t find A lawyer,
That can get you away,
Or appeal his decisions,
They are final in every way.

If you want to,
Clean up your record,
And get your files in line,
You better start now,
Before you run out of time.

At the end,
On that final day,
You can’t bribe the judge,
With any amount of pay,
You won’t find A lawyer,
That can get you away,
Or appeal his decisions,
They are final in every way.

Tom Maxwell copyright
173 · Nov 2021
?? How are You ??
Do you accept others, for who they are,
Along with things they do, you ever think,
How would you be, walking in their shoes.
Have you ever disrespected, anyone, owing,
Them an apology, in some way, any old friends,
You would like to contact, what’s stopping you, today.
Do you pressure, yourself, and others, why,
Are you happy with your relationship, with God,
Are you spiritually connected, or need to try.
Do you hold in anger, you should release from your heart,
If you could begin this life over, how would you start.
If you had an extra hour every day, how would you,
Spend the time, are your priorities in order, what are,
You neglecting, inside your mind.
Do you think, why did God, give you this life, are you,
Working, to get near, are you healthy, and active,
Do you love who you are, so dear.
Who do you look up to, as a hero, why,
Are you considered a hero, to others,
Do you help, or even try.
Do you waste a lot of your time, worrying,
About things, you cannot change, control,
Or understand, what, is the best part of you,
No one ever talks about, or seems to notice,
How do you share it, what, is your plan.

Give it a thought?
This is our only turn, in this life,
We cannot renew, our reservations’,
Live, Learn, Leave, good memories…


The Original: Tom Maxwell© 11/08/2021AD 1:00am
She was A fun loving girl,
That would brighten every day,
With eyes that would sparkle,
And steal your heart away.
Always so positive,
A bright future in her mind,
Whenever together,
Good memories every time.
Now time has passed,
It’s been over A year,
That free spirit inside,
Is confused hiding in fear.
We all have A spirit,
To guide us each day,
Learn to catch the signs,
They come many ways,
When your spirit is happy,
Remember those times,
A feeling of positive freedom,
Showing we are right in line,
Many ways are tried,
To feel good every day,
Never realizing,
It’s someone else’s spirit,
That set’s ours free to play.
Your spirit needs freedom,
That is so missed in your mind,
You can’t substitute that feeling,
Anywhere, anytime

Our physical body,
Can get lost, in these material days,
Often our choices,
Keep our spirit locked away.
Who we are,
Is our spirit,
that guides us where to be,
To the spirits of those,
That set each other free.
We all have A spirit,
To guide us every day,
Learn to catch the signs,
They come many ways,
When your spirit is happy,
Remember those times,
A feeling of positive freedom,
Showing we are right in line,
Many ways are tried,
To feel good every day,
Never realizing,
It’s someone else’s spirit,
That set’s ours free to play.

Tom Maxwell  copyright 3/17/06 AD
169 · Jan 2021
A Colorful View
A beautiful blue bird,
Landed so softly on the redwood,
Back deck rail,
A grayish body, with black, white, and blue markings,
From its head to the tail.
A very strong tough bird to survive,
The changing weather, and environment,
Even though they look so frail.
A background of nature, all a dark green, as far as I can see,
As I look out my window, to the west,
Across the old pond,
There are a few brown branches,
On a dying ash tree.

                                                                                                                               Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                                                              5/26/20 AD
                                                                                                                             7:00 PM
169 · Dec 2021
My Thoughts Are for Others
All the words, I print out of letters,
I do not read over… to impress me,
I’ve experienced the visions, in my thoughts,
The best feeling inspiring others, as they read.

This life is not, a selfish journey in space,
Sharing positive thoughts along, each day,
Helps others and myself process this life,
As we travel on our paths, in different ways.

None of us would survive, on this planet earth,
Without the ideas, from past, and recent times,
Now mixing our knowledge, and suggestions together,
New generations, will sort and separate in their minds.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 11/16/2018
168 · Jan 2021
A Writer’s Thoughts…
To write Poetry,
One must relax,
let, their mind slip away,
Discovering, feelings, emotions,
Then writing, what the thoughts say.
It can not be forced, A certain day or time,
Any unplanned situation, can bring the writer A rhyme,
A lost art in society, today, deep thinking, in one’s own mind.

                                                      Tom­ Maxwell © 1/25/2021 11:15 A.M.
168 · Feb 2021
Just Be Yourself !
The politicians, along with the news media,
Keep stirring the ***, to keep separation, alive
Inside of every one’s mind,
Otherwise, most all of us, get along, fine.
Eliminate the greed, and power race, we are all the same, inside,
We live this short life, then our human body, dies.
There is no reason, to live a life, of fake rumors, and lies,
Even the most powerful, have days, they cry.
Competition, in this life, is just A big game,
Accept who you are, or drive yourself, insane,
Everyone still gets wet, in A pouring rain,
In this life, we all need to work together,
For not one of us alone, can stop A moving train.
Our inner spirit, and knowledge,
Show, our true colors, who we are, every day,
Never try to impress others, be yourself,
Within your actions, and the words, you say,
For very few remember, the design on your shirt,
The very next day,
One bad action, or A few words, they label you,
Your branded, for the rest of your stay.

Tom Maxwell © 1/18/22021 AD   1:00 PM
166 · May 2021
The Beauty of the Ocean
Looking ahead, as far as my eyes can see,
The beauty, of the ocean, brings A peaceful feeling to me.
Walking across the dirt, balancing on rocks, with my hands,
As my step’s approach, I start to feel, the warmth of the sand.
I can feel A warm breeze, from the wind upon my face,
As I watch the waves, coming to shore,
As if they were having A race.
Such a powerful force, as the moon controls, the tide,
I can see some brave souls, on their thin boards,
Trying to catch A ride.
During the day, the glare of the sun, so blinding, and bright,
In the evening, the reflection, of the moon,
Creates, A romantic night.

                                                        ­                                                          Tom Maxwell © 03/11/2006 A.D.
165 · Aug 2021
Live your Dreams
As each of us walk,
Down the lonely streets, of life,
Carrying our dreams in our pockets,
Many people & side shows, we see,
Trying to compete in society,
Holding inside, dreams where we want to be.
Time never rests, day or night,
Caught up in life, years passing,
Will those dreams, ever come to sight.
Dreams in our life, do come true,
We may be older than we imagined,
A different person, by our side,
dreams or short, live every one,
That may have, A chance to be true,
You must, add time and effort, in this life,
To find true peace & happiness, inside of you.

                                                                                                                                   The original: Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                                                                   08/04/2021AD 11:00pm
162 · Apr 8
Watch Notice the Signs
What would you call a normal person today,
Those who go do the same routines, at certain times, they
Always have as an excuse, never trying to convince themselves,
They can do more, no confidence, fear of failure, limitations, in the mind,
The human mind, can only think one way, negative, or positive,
At one time. How  you think, what you take in the most,
Retain and repeat, reflects into everything, you do,
Watch, notice the signs.
A lazy, undisciplined mind, will lead to the worst,
Including self-pity, over time.
If you have a positive attitude, and the will to look,
Relate to the good, in all of your experiences, do it,  be proud of,
Recognize, the smallest, success stories, in your daily, finds.

                                     The Original: Tom Maxwell ©  02/06/2024 AD
160 · Jul 2021
Life’s Train
We each got aboard, life’s train,
Different years, times, and stations,
Never knowing for sure, our direction, or way,
As we ride on our journey, we choose,
Needs, wants, our values, hopefully, good relations.

There are times, everything, rolls smooth and fast,
Others, we will stop and go, slow like a snail,
Realizing, every plan can change,
Much patience, luck, needed in all decisions,
Honesty in all communications, hoping our wheels, stay on the rail.

Everyone’s ticket will expire, we never know, how or when,
As we pass much scenery, beautiful, fun, to sad, confusing times,
As our miles see, many faces, they arrive, and leave each day,
We cherish those who cared, knowing, one day we will hear,
God, the head conductor, say this is the end of the line.

                                                                                                                  The original: Tom Maxwell © 7/9/21 AD 12:20 pm
159 · Jul 2021
Nothing you can Do, or Say
I’m still on A journey, in this body,
Over A half century, of earthly time,
Our age is just A number, as our soul grows,
From information, we pass through, our mind.
I learned, that dreams, do come true,
Some end, in A very short time, many pass un-noticed,
Our thoughts are confused, we do not catch the signs.
Everyone, talks about love, you hear the Four-letter word,
Used, for many reasons, and ways,
If you love someone, and they don’t love you,
There is nothing, you can do, there is nothing, you can say.

                                           The original: Tom Maxwell© 07/23/21 AD 5:30am
158 · Jan 2021
A Lover and Friend
It’s hard to find an honest person, in this world of today, to have a true friend that loves you, is worth more than anything in this life, that will pass your way.
Someone who cares, no matter how you look or feel, always waiting with open arms, when you are hunger, they will feed you a meal.
A person you can count on to help bail you out anytime, and willing to work with you when the relationship gets in a bind.
You can play the people, you pass on the street, but always be honest with a true friend, life is short, another you may never meet.
No one is perfect in this life’s game, when we never admit our mistakes, all we do is ruin our own name.
Finding someone who loves you, and you love too, is a gift you should cherish,  be honest with them in anything you do.
It’s never a matter of who is right or wrong, it’s someone you always want to be with, share life like an old love song.
Never being greedy about material things, we think we should have in our hands, the high should come from having a true loving friend, to share, and explore each day on this land.
Always showing appreciation for everything, and never pushing them away for the excitement, you think a few minutes of pleasure will bring.
Never making up stories, or hurting them to make you feel better inside, the worst thing you could do a lover and friend, is betray them or lie.
Always come forward and apologize, if you turned on a friend that has always been good to you, remember your luck or game will someday come to an end,  you will be all alone, and no one will be there to help, no matter what you do.

Tom Maxwell ©
Many things combined together,
Create how we feel every day,
The conversations we hear, what we believe,
Our attitude, the weather, A few that come into play.
Our willingness to accept changes, thinking positive,
Trying different things, in our own way,
Working towards, even a small goal, something to do,
Changing our routines, often during this life’s stay.

                                                                                             Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                              5/13/2021 AD
Stories, are told, heard, about addictions,
Wasting years of people’s lives day by day.
Television, is the largest, in the world, today,
A constant expense, normally negative stories,
Which are acted out in society, in different ways.
A child, who lives to eighty years, with a four hour,
Habit A day, has paid to waste thirteen years,
Of this one - time precious life, away.

Tom Maxwell © 3/11/21 AD 12:30PM
157 · Feb 2021
Are You An Addict ?
When I hear about someone with an addiction, television is the first thought that enters my mind,
everyone that watches it is into robbery’s, ***, and violent crimes.
They all sit quiet like a rock staring into space,
with no movement at all, and a cold blank look on their face.
So many of them have trouble deciding, changing channels all of the time,
So, for gone they can’t concentrate, or make a decision with their mind.
Many of them got started years ago, someone turned them on to it for free,
now that they are addicted, they are happy to pay a high monthly fee.
Television teaches children bad habits in so many ways
watching the weather man getting paid to lie, and then they learn the truth the very next day.
The viewers hide from their families and friends all of the time,
has anyone ever told you they have to go, they can’t miss their fix, of a repeat TV show.
If you count up all the hours they waste, years over their life time,
that’s why their called addicts, because they altered their state of mind.
The next time you faithful watchers see a story about an addict on TV,
you can hold your head up high and say, that guy is just like me.

                 Copyright Tom Maxwell 08/18/03
156 · Jan 2021
It Was Handed to Me
Will I be living my time alone,
For the rest of this life’s stay,
Long days, and night’s,
Entertaining my mind, in many ways,
All the people, that ever loved me,
Are now resting in their graves.

A thought, always in my mind,
Why this situation, was handed to me,
With no one to, talk, or plan with,
My future does not look to bright to see,
Is there, a reason, that it happened,
Should I try, or just let everything be.

                                                         Tom Maxwell©
                                                            8/5/2020 AD
                                                              12:15 AM
My parents, both siblings, the lady I married, have all died, no children,
I've had to turn A page, start a new chapter.....
156 · Apr 20
Some Days in our Life
Always keep your eyes open,
You never know, what’s in your path ahead,
Your trail could lead you far, or the end could be dead,
Some situations, will be cool, others hot, and you’re clothes,
You will shed.
Other days will be slow, and hard,
You may move, like your pants are full of lead,
After a long night, you might wake up confused, finding yourself,
Laying on a stranger’s bed, it’s normal to make mistakes,
Then you feel like, kicking yourself in the head.

An active, curious mind, will entertain you, many hours,
On different days, many things will be confusing,
Just keep trying to find answers, someway,
There will be moments, you want to relax, and go somewhere,
And play.

Some moments, will seem perfect, everything, will go right,
Everyone around you, will be helpful, and stick together tight,
Other times when you’re awful hungry, even the food you don’t,
Really like, will taste good, to the last bite.

                                   The Original: Tom Maxwell ©  04/19/2024 A.D.
154 · Feb 2021
Follow or Discover
Is it early in the morning,
Our late, at night,
It depends, where you are,
With the thoughts, in your sights.
To some, it’s normal, and right,
Others are sleeping, curled up tight.
You can live your whole life,
Following habits, what others do,
Or experiment, with every minute,
To discover, the best creative hours,
For You.

                                              Tom Maxwell © 02/03/2021 A.D. 1:37 AM
149 · May 2021
A Writer’s Thoughts…
To write Poetry ,
One must relax,
let, their mind slip away,
Discovering, feelings, emotions,
Then writing, what the thoughts say.
It can not be forced, A certain day or time,
Any unplanned situation, can bring the writer A rhyme,
A lost art in society, today, deep thinking, in one’s own mind.

                                                         ­                                                        Tom Maxwell © 1/25/2021 11:15 A.M.
148 · Feb 2021
A Lost Special Friend
A trusting honest person in this world today, always seems to get pushed aside,
for thinking and caring for others and going out of their way.
Someone who will come to help you late at night or early any day,
with open arms of love we should never chase away.
Everybody has someone in their past they pushed aside,
for something they thought was better,
that took them on a downhill ride,
When their world falls apart and all the good times go bad,
only then their thoughts go back to that special friendship they lost,
and wish they still had.
If a long-lost friend ever takes the time to give you a second chance,
let them know how special they are, try to repair that broken branch.

   Copyright Tom Maxwell 03/26/03
147 · Feb 2021
We are tested in life in so many ways, believe me the hardest is when someone we love,
journeys to their next life, always a cloudy day.
Others will say they are sorry, and offer anything they can do,
no one can ever fill the hollow space it leaves inside of you.
Why will be the question that will often come to our mind,
we will never know the answer as we travel through life, this time.
We will never again in this life see their physical being, but often in our times of struggle,
we will receive guidance, help that their spirit will bring.
It’s reminds us of how much we don’t know and understand,
we must be strong and carry on, for it is a part of this life’s plans.
It helps us appreciate people, for the happiness and joy they bring,
not to worry so much about material things.
Be thankful you knew them on earth for the years you were brought together,
always remember in a few short years we will also move on,
our spirit’s and soul’s will be together forever.

          Copyright Tom Maxwell 07/27/03
146 · Mar 2021
My Vision in the Moon Light
I was looking out my window, in the middle of the night,
A bright over powering moon, seemed to hypnotize my sight.
Then this thought, appeared in my mind, to see,
How long will our planet earth last, as we know it, to be.
The year, three thousand eight hundred, and twenty-three.
Through energy in the air, we all receive messages, over time,
We never know when, or where, most we forget fast, this one,
Inspired me, to look up, investigate, with my mind.
Our moon is approximately, two hundred, thirty- eight thousand, miles away, I was curious the same numbers, arranged,
In a different way.
Investigating more, as the bright light shined down from heaven,
Nostradamus, said, the world will end, in three thousand,
Seven hundred, and ninety- seven, a prediction he saw in his mind.
Twenty- six years, was the difference, that appeared in our sign’s, that does seem to be many days, not when you’re, considering, over four hundred years, have passed in time.
If either of us are close, my journey will have something else,
For me in store, I will always remember the moon,
At twelve forty- four, on the first day of February,
In the year of two thousand and four.

                                                                    Tom Maxwell©2004 (rearranged 2021)
145 · Jan 2021
Each drop of Water
When you look at an ocean,
Or the water in the sea’s,
Think of all the drops of rain,
To create the picture, you see.
Some of those drops of rain,
Have been around, longer than me, and you,
Others just arrived, from the morning dew,
We each need, a lot of water,
Just to stay alive.
The next time you see a drip,
Say thanks, for helping you survive.

Tom Maxwell©
                                                        ­                                                  8/06/2020 AD
                                                              ­                                                 12:50 PM
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