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144 · Jan 2021
Everything Works Together
Think about those worms, that wiggle through the land,
They loosen up the soil, so the roots of plants can expand.

Those plants give off oxygen, to support life, on this earth each day,
Some provide the food we eat, and give shelter, to animals, that prey.

As those critters grow, living their lives in so many different ways,
Some of them will be hunted by others, eaten as a meal someday.

Every living thing on earth, works with or for each other, in some,
Special way, all of the plants, and creatures, need one another,
To stay alive to see the next day.

Tom Maxwell copyright 02/05/2003 A.D.
143 · May 2021
Are You Using Your Mind?
There are accidents to diseases,
With countless other, obstacle’s, in between,
If we always worry about everyone, of them,
We can miss the life; we should have seen.
Our mind controls our body, every breath, heartbeat,
Down to each word we say, look towards the future,
Think positive, your body will flow the same way.
When A person always says, I can’t right A way,
Could it be they are too lazy, or afraid to try,
Your better, to give it your best first,
Then, convince your mind, your ready to give up, and die.
When you talk about the weather, more than twice, A day,
Are you using your mind to think,
When you have to look outside, A window, for something to say?

                                                           ­         Tom Maxwell 04/21/2021 AD
                                                              ­                                                      9:00PM
142 · Jan 2021
Enjoy Your Trip
Experience, knowledge, common sense,
How we listen, patience, being realistic,
About our goals, our attitude, reactions,
To situations, understanding, life is not an easy stroll.
A few of the hills, we must climb, as we carry,
Strengthen, our inner soul.
We each have our feelings, emotions, beliefs, dreams,
And plans, as we slowly, try to succeed, in our journey,
Through this life, with our spirit, trying to guide us,
To the eternal land.
Some come easy, others lead to binds, life is like,
A math problem, divide, everything by the unknown,
The length of our life in time.

                                                                                      Tom Maxwell © 1/7/2020 A.D. 11:50 am
138 · Jun 2021
A One of a kind Planet
A one-of-A-kind planet,
In A universe of space,
The only one known,
With life, the human race.

Many countries divide,
Planet Earth, our place,
Different cultures, and religions,
Along with colors and race.

This globe, of land and water,
Reproduces, all survival needs,
Slowly being destroyed,
By the people, and their greed

© Tom Maxwell 06/22/07
We can measure, almost everything,
Ever the speed of light,
From the smallest particle of sand,
To buildings, that rise to the heights,
Even the temperature, or moisture in the air,
The size of our shoes, when we buy A pair,
To the meters in cabs, that regulate our fare.

There are things in life, we can not scale or weigh,
The enjoyment, we get watching the sun set, across the bay,
A friendship that last, with memories that stay,
We can not measure, how long we will live, until the end,
Or the trust we have, between our friends,
Not even the thoughts, that come and go, in our mind,
Or the amount of love, we receive, our give, during this life time.

                                           Tom Maxwell copyright 5/31/2003 AD
Riding the train, holding the rail,
Waiting for my next stop, and future trail.

As most of this journey, traveling all alone,
No past life baggage, looking for, or following me,
As morning & nights pass, where will my next stop be.

Mom left for heaven, six months ago, with her earthly log,
My only family connection, and responsibility now,
Taking care of Ginger, her old yellow lab dog.

As I look down the tracks,
I thought I felt, A drop of rain from the sky,
It will always be tough the rest of my life,
To keep tears, from falling, out of my eyes.

Tom Maxwell copyright 3/2/2019 AD  11:00 AM
137 · Apr 2021
Always Remember
I worry so much about your actions I see,
because they remind me of mistakes made by me.
I could count my mistakes like drops of rain
, and to the people I love I gave so much pain.
Remember, I will always love you till my final day,
Regardless of the roads you travel or your actions or ways.
Even during our good times,
Or bad, life will always bring us happy times together,
and others when we are sad.
I worry all the time trying to accept whatever this life decides to deal,
Often, I am clueless not showing the emotions I feel.
I try to hold inside so many actions of my life in the past,
Always trying new adventures to turn my world around at last.
Remember, I will always love you till my final day,
Regardless of the roads you travel or your actions or ways.
I know I am supposed to lead you standing tall and strong,
I’ve always tried my best and sometimes I am right, but often I’ve been wrong.
Many times, in the past I was wrong in the way’s I’ve sowed my seeds,
    I will always love you and be there in your times of need.
Remember, I will always love you till my final day,
Regardless of the roads you travel or your actions or ways.
I know sometimes I seem insane when my feelings come out from inside,
letting out pressure that builds, while trying to survive, during this life’s ride.
Life has so much to offer us and a lot of knowledge we can share and gain,
Always look towards a happy future, even during our times of pain.
Remember, I will always love you till my final day,
Regardless of the roads you travel or your actions or ways.

          Copyright Tom Maxwell 05/10/03
136 · Jul 2021
Pieces of Life
Searching, A journey, experiments,
Changes, thoughts, beliefs, times,
Attitude, reactions, wishes, wants,
Needs, sharing, caring, binds,
Greed, work, play, analyzing,
Understanding, accepting, finds,
Friends, hate, Love, decisions,
Grief, sins, prayers, signs.
A few of the chapters, we travel through,
We will all leave, with confusion, questions, in our mind.


Tom Maxwell © 7/19/2021 AD 1:08 pm
136 · Jan 2021
Deja Vu
Have I been here before, it all seems like a dream,
I can remember the sounds, and describe the seen.

Is it a day dream I remember, or a memory from one at night,
Or someone's energy I received one time, as a quick flash of bright light.

Did I see the future, take a look ahead of my time, or am I just,
A little crazy, with an imaginary mind.

I know what your thinking, what your about to say,
the way you will explain it, how your emotions will play.

It's happened so often, over the years, in my time,
As if I had the script, stored in my mind.

When I think these thoughts, I never know which ones,
Will come true, when they take place, it's all so clear,
everything is there, even what we are about to do.

Tom Maxwell copyright 02/17/2003
135 · Jul 2022
Never Pretend
This life is a constant search,
For answers to find,
Sorting the why’s and wishes, not by choice,
That were left behind,
Those gears are always turning,
In my mind.
The road is only paved, one breath at a time,
Tomorrow may never be,
Just a dream, in your mind.
There is a dead-end, sign, for each of us,
It’s not far around the bend,
Keep your pedal to the metal, and
Never pretend.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 7/7/2020
135 · Mar 2021
Love is Trust
Love, so hard to explain,
Hopefully, all involved, are thinking the same,
For many, these day's, use the word, as a game,
Causing another, to drop tears, like rain.
To  Love, you have to totally trust,
Love , does not appear, from hours, of lust,
You have to keep feeding the relationship, to keep out rust,
Actions, and words, have to match, that's a must.
135 · Feb 2021
Our Earthly Guides
We all have been labeled,
Tossed our dirt, around a table,
On our journey, to our final day,
We think about our past,
Times, we thought would last,
Those, who helped guide us,
When our soul, was low on gas,
Call them special angels,
When they come around,
They share ideas, and thoughts,
To guide us, straight on the ground.

                                                                                                                    Tom Maxwell©
                                                                                                                    5/6/2019 AD
                                                                                                                    1:30 PM
We can control almost any actions or thoughts, that come into our life each day,
the one thing we can never keep totally in line, is when our emotions come out to play.
Many of people have wished that someone they knew would die, but as soon as it happened,
they were the first with a tear in their eye.
Any sort of relationship love, friendship, or trusting, when it stops for bad or good.
our emotions can put us in a daze, for days, we think about what we never understood.
They are a built-in reality control, to put us in check off and on during our time,
think about how everyone is always in a hurry, then count the people who try to cut in front of you, at a funeral line.
Emotions can even change our body temperature, in an instant like a switch inside,
we can have warm to hot feelings, to a chill with goose bumps, from our toes to our eyes.
Always let your emotions flow, if you try to hold them in,
you will feel lost and alone, as if you were locked up in a closet or bin.
The quicker you release your emotions, your spirit will guide you where to start again,
always remember your emotions are stronger than you, for no one can totally control or hide them within.  

Tom Maxwell © 5/18/2003 AD
134 · Jul 2021
Treasures & Relics
Treasures & relic’s,
Of our time and past,
Hold many answers and guidance,
So future generations,
Survive, keep positive, and last.

Who is the recorder, of the history records,
During, this period, were living today
Will it all be about politicians, will any of it be true,
We all need to bury, our real thoughts,
About The planet earth, and ourselves,
For the future to discover, and learn,
How we lived, each day.

Tom Maxwell© o7/17/2021 AD 3:45 am
133 · Jan 2021
What We Leave Behind
Our bodies, as we know them now,
One day will be all alone,
Burnt to ashes, or buried, inside A coffin,
Six feet under A stone.
A known fact, most of us will never know,
In advance, how we will leave this life,
We are passing through today,
Why, so much hate, and anger,
Which is mainly supported by greed,
While knowing this life, A very short stay.
As humans, we act, talk, as the most
knowledgeable, creatures, alive today,
In reality, we have learned, from others
Almost everything, we do or say.
How we eat, dress, who we accept,
or disagree with, how we share,
or be selfish, we teach, leave behind,
As we help shape the next creatures,
After our very short stay.

                                               Tom Maxwell © 01/30/2021 AD 12:00 PM
132 · Feb 2021
Those Voices, In Your Mind!
Is this the Subject, of the story                    
The way it is, explained to you,
Those, just playing their part,
Or you really, just that board,
Your life, without a clue.

Is it all about competition,
Bragging rights, about what you do,
You will never get ahead,
When you only follow, their rules.

Those voices in your mind,
Your inspirations, for life, this time,
At different moments, in this journey,
They come to life, to keep you in line.
2/12/2020 AD   Tom Maxwell
132 · Jan 2021
Back to Dreaming
I had A dream,
I watched,
As it faded away,
My time moves on,
This moment tomorrow,
Will be known, as yesterday.
We should not expect, every thought,
Will become, real and true,
There is only, one thing we can count on,
Ourselves, what we do.
Most dreams, we picture other people too,
Sometimes, it takes longer to realize,
They are not on the same page, as you.
Should I just give up hope, turn away,
Or call it a learning experience,
Back to dreaming, today.

                                                    Tom Maxwell© 1/1/2021 A.D. 3:30 PM
131 · Mar 2022
Picked the final Hour
What news is being disguised
By the worlds, Dictators, & Hierarchy,
The tales the rest of us hear, each day,
Why wars, conflicts, each of us will die,
Soon enough anyway.
What’s the real urgent reason,
So many innocent people,
You **** along the way,
Why can’t us possible targets,
Know the truth, if you plan to make our day.
Being Rulers of countries A gig
Ninety-nine percent of us normal minded people,
Will never imagine or see, You, have money, power,
Or is it some crazy bet, and you have already,
Picked the final hour.

                                           The Original: Tom Maxwell © 3/7/22 AD
3:00 am
130 · Mar 2021
A Slow Torture
The slow internal destruction of our country today
Dividing, judging, labeling all of the people,
Many in need, all because of personal greed.
The belief of a better future, trust in your fellow man,
Taking time to listen, work with, and understand,
Has all been flushed down the drain, by a few,
Those who buy, a political office, for control,
Personal greed, nothing about helping citizens,
Only those putting cash in their hands,
Their ideas trickle down, many follow,
Knowing somethings are wrong, can hurt others,
They don’t follow their beliefs, why,
It’s more important, to be greedy, politically correct,
Than to help those in need, taking away their relief.

                                                             Tom Maxwell ©
129 · Jan 2021
A Special Sign
This life, is so short,
It’s measured in years,
If we are lucky,
We shed more smiles, than tears.
It’s full of excitement,
Rewards and fears,
We meet, a lot of people,
Only a few friends, we can trust so dear.
We will all have tough times,
Part of this life’s journey, today,
We never know, the length of our stay,
It’s our choice, how to live every day.
We all have beliefs, and want more,
During, and after, this life time,
We all need directions, and paths to find,
None of us know, when we will be given,
A Special Sign.

                                          Tom Maxwell © 1/23/2021 – written 7/3/2014
It’s amazing how an addiction, can grow,
Taking over the human mind, cell phones, televisions,
Computers, the largest ever, to attack, the human race.
Think about the past, television, was totally free,
They start to sucker you in, then they say, cable & satellite,
You pay a fee, there will be no commercials on your TV?,
Your water or gas bills, at your home, you pay for what, you use,
Everyday, to put things in prospective, your television, and sewer,
They charge what ever they want, for waste, no meter, that’s,
Twenty four hours a day, if your home or away. Then they took,
Over the cell phone business, the same people, if not, their bed partners,
How else could they, sync everything together, without your permission,
Any time, on any day? The make many think the cell phone is what,
Keeps them alive, many would be totally lost, with no screens to stare,
At, just for the average person, many hours, in one day.  Vacations,
Use to be a getaway, relax, Leave the phone at home, no way.
People store, more personal information on their phone, than,
They would discuss, with their best friend on any day,
It’s sad, to think humans trust, strangers, more than people,
Close to them, and pay them, and they have no responsibility,
If all of your information was stolen away. Many people,
Can share a home, car, even a pet, mind control,
Share a cell phone, no way!

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 02/11/2024 A.D.
Such a beautiful scene as I look out my window,
everything is so peaceful not even A echo.
The dominate color is white from the years, first snow,
as the sun begins to rise it reflects a blinding glow.
The white ice crystals doing a balancing on the branches of the trees,
as the temperature rise’s they begin to melt and fall so free.
The bird taking turns landing on the feeder with care,
such small delicate bodies to withstand the cold winter air.
The bright red cardinals are the only bold color my eyes see,
as they sit on the deck rail waiting their turn while keeping one eye on me.
There is a gold- colored fox across the creek on the hill,
such a beautiful creature as he sits at the top so still.
I can hear a noise the drip of water as the snow begins to melt away,
enjoy the beautiful things you love in this life sooner or later they will fade.

                                                  Tom Maxwell copyright 01/08/2005
125 · Mar 2022
Our Mind needs Freedom
We are in this life on Earth,
To find our true self in our soul.
We are each an individual searching,
For our earthly survival roll.
This life is a dream, day, by day,
As it is to everyone else, floating on this planet,
Spinning, circling the sun, as time slips away.
Its up to each of us to keep focused, on ourselves, each day,
Mixed with negative and positive people, their habits, beliefs,
And attitudes, its easy to get pulled away from our own experiences,
Inspirations we feel we should live, in this short stay.
Everyone has different Ideas how to live each day,
Do not waste your life, expecting others to change
Our mind needs freedom, notice signs, do not waste time.

                                     The Original; Tom Maxwell © 3/10/22 AD
                                                         9;36 pm
124 · Jan 2021
A Relaxing Moment
The bright color of their yellow flower,
Wild mustard, line the creek side,
As I look out my window, sitting comfortable inside.
A dominate color, of the season is green,
From the zoysia  grass, to the fifty-foot trees,
Through the screen, I can hear the birds sing,
As they seem to float by, with the breeze,
A very natural scene, as far as my eyes can see.

Tom Maxwell © 06/17/2020 AD 3:10 PM
121 · Jan 2021
A Memory of Yesterday
It could be over now,
It could be any time,
When we think of each other,
We will only Have,
Memories in our mind.
All the good ones,
We hold on to,
They will be treasured, every day,
Each of us have a few, over time,
We are reminded,
By certain words, actions, or signs.
Treat others, how you want to be remembered,
Honesty, trust, your caring ways,
At any moment, we could become,
A memory of yesterday.

                                                              Tom Maxwell ©1/09/21  11:AM
121 · May 2021
What is Love…
Feelings, emotions, smiles, and tears,
Someone, you can count on, to be there,
Whenever, life brings you, fears.
A person, who won’t run,
From the unexpected times,
As you share ideas, for future plans,
They will listen, while giving comfort,
Even if, it’s just holding your hand.
You cannot create true love,
As if you were planning a meal,
Shopping, at A mart,
Just looking for a certain,
Age, wealth, and looks,
That is trying to create, a situation,
A reason, many relationships,
Fall apart.
                                  Tom Maxwell 5/22/2021 AD 8:15 pm
121 · Feb 2021
Another Lonely Night
As I lay in my bed alone at night,
I wish you were here to hold me real tight.
Feeling your warmth and those kisses so sweet,
just thinking of you, my heart starts to pick up the beat.
Remembering those time’s you were here with me,
such special memories they will always be.
Wondering when I will see you, it could be any night or day,
you just knock on my door, and your special love always shows me the way.
You answer my dreams, then you are up and gone, and I’m the new subject of a sad love song.
You’ve been hurt before you’re afraid to open your heart to me,
you know how I feel and the love I have for you, that will always be.
So much love to give you, it brings a tear to my eye,
you will never know what we could have if you don’t ever try.
I know in my heart you may never just want me,
then my thoughts of us forever, just dreams they will be.

   Copyright Tom Maxwell 03/14/03
Under the light blue morning sky,
in the wood’s, I can pick out the oak trees,
Their leaves, brown, always last to fall,
As I turn my neck, two deer walk by.
The new grass, natures carpet, beautiful green,
Looking over the rails, of my back deck,
A beautiful nature scene, my ideas I brought to life,
Over the years, I lost my siblings, parents, and wife,
During long hard - working hours, I dreamed,
Of retiring, to happy days, I had a plan to travel,
Across the USA, in my dreams, A couple of houses,
Then to explore, a new RV.  Everything paid,
No credit cards, or any loans, it’s a beautiful,
Saturday morning, I’m living all alone, no one,
To share with, or call on the telephone.
It’s hard to see, wiping tears off my face,
Like a lost puppy, they follow me to every place,
As I ride on planet earth, around in space,
The only real dream, for now, I have, waiting for God,
To call me home, from this life, in the human race.
The Original Tom Maxwell 12/4/2021 AD
120 · Feb 2021
A Part of This Life's Plan
We are tested in life in so many ways , and believe me the hardest is when someone we love , journeys to their next life, always a cloudy day.
Others will say they are sorry and offer anything they can do,
but no one can ever fill the hollow space it leaves inside of you.
Why will be the question that will often come to our mind,
we will never know the answer as we travel through life this time.
We will never again in this life see their physical being,  often in our times of struggle we will receive guidance and help that their spirit will bring.
It’s reminds us of how much we don’t know and understand, we must be strong and carry on , for it is a part of this life’s plans.
It helps us appreciate people for the happiness and joy they bring,  not to worry so much about material things.
Be thankful you knew them on earth for the years you were brought together,  always remember in a few short years we will also move on , our spirit’s and soul’s will be together forever.

           Copyright Tom Maxwell 07/27/03
117 · Apr 2021
Are You Using Your Mind?
There are accidents to diseases,
With countless other, obstacle’s, in between,
If we always worry about everyone, of them,
We can miss the life; we should have seen.
Our mind controls our body, every breath, heartbeat,
Down to each word we say, look towards the future,
Think positive, your body will flow the same way.
When A person always says, I can’t right A way,
Could it be they are too lazy, or afraid to try,
Your better, to give it your best first,
Then, convince your mind, your ready to give up, and die.
When you talk about the weather, more than twice, A day,
Are you using your mind to think,
When you have to look outside, A window, for something to say?

                                                     Tom Maxwell 04/21/2021 AD
116 · Apr 2021
Searching for True Love
So many say, they are looking, for true love,
All around our planet, today,
Remember, love is A four letter word,
Used for many reasons, and ways.

Love, is true feelings, and emotions,
It has nothing to do with your age, or pay,
Remember, relationships, take up A lot of time,
What are you giving up, for extra hours, every day.

If your really looking, for love
It’s not like buying A car, fresh paint on all sides
The friendship will not last, if, your always
comparing, features, and how they ride.

Being honest & trustworthy, is A part of,
The meaning, of true love, in many ways,
It’s to live and create special memories,
Until the souls, rise up and away.

                                                                                  Tom Maxwell ©
115 · Feb 2021
LOVE is trust
                             LOVE is a dream
                             LOVE is a feeling
                             LOVE is a team
                             LOVE is dedication
                             LOVE is a few tears
                             LOVE is a relationship
                             LOVE last for all your years
                             LOVE will give you signs
                             LOVE is peace in your mind
                             LOVE is great joy
                             LOVE takes time

                                            Tom Maxwell copyright 08/17/2003
Every one that every showed true love to me, my parents,
Both siblings, the lady I married, are all resting in graves, no children,
strange thought or not, will there be anyone there to cry, when I die ?
115 · Jul 30
BUT & Why
I was reading a 2005 edition,
Of an Oxford dictionary, and,
And a 1990 version of the,
Websters, New Thesaurus,
Yes, it was a slow evening,
That day. Two common words,
You may often hear, or say,
Why and but, could nowhere,
Be found, as I searched away.
The both are used in negative, or positive ways,
Depending on what you are expressing, and your attitude,
At the time. But you are so sweet, to but I am,
Doing it my way. Why, that was so kind, to,
Why, the hell did you do that.
If you read every word in both of those books,
You learn a lot, and you’ve read almost every word,
In every other book.

                             The Original: Tom maxwell © 07/02/2024 AD
You have never felt true love,
So, you hide your confused heart,
Keeping something else first,
Always an excuse and afraid to start.

Only wanting someone,
For what they have or can do,
Not knowing how to totally commit,
Now your children learn the same from you.

You have been given more,
Money and material things,
With freedom, still afraid to learn about true love,
Never opening up to feelings and peace it brings.

Take time learn to give and accept,
The feeling of love in every way,
You know where it has been waiting for years,
So many good memories to expand every day.

Tom Maxwell 09/14/06
109 · Aug 20
Just Keep Searching
As I watch the wind blow in another day,
Many dreams will fade from yesterday,
The sun will rise again, a new day will begin,
I'm still searching.

We often think, our plans are carved in stone,
Then we look around and were all alone,
Was it wasted time, did we learn in our mind,
Were back to searching.

Searching for the reason, why I am here,
Am I cold, or am I getting close or near,
I will search until the end, some thoughts,
I will stretch and bend, I just know this life, is real,
And  not a game of pretend.

Your ticket will expire, at the end of your stay,
You can't renew it, there is no way,
So make good use of your life, this time,
Find answers for all the questions, within your mind,
Just keep searching.    

                         The original: Tom Maxwell  C  10/ 06/ 05 AD
Wow I wrote this 19 years ago , I can honestly say, I'm still searching....
109 · Mar 2021
The Hippie's Tried
Over fifty years ago, the hippies tried,
To bring, everyone together, spreading,
Peace & Love, for all, across the U.S.A.
The establishment, for fear of loosing,
Their power, control, and payments,
To full fill their greed, locked some up,
While making the rest, split up, hide, or leave.
Imagine peace, love, and happiness,
Throughout our country today,
Look how it is, for us living now,
By following the politicians ways.
The separation of citizens,
Children, with no respect,
Their being killed, on the streets,
Even at schools, more robberies,
car jackings, crimes, more serious, everyday.
A part of the history of our country,
The hippie's tried, to make America,
A better place to stay.

Tom Maxwell copyright 9/17/2019 AD  11:30 AM
Many buckets of rain, have fallen to the ground,
The water in Maxwell’s Creek, kept rising,
To the top of the banks, then out of bounds.
The weight of three large telephone poles, deck boards,
With chains and anchors, kept Schaubert’s Bridge,
Safe and sound, as the water was racing under neath,
Flooding many streets, and low areas down – stream,
Even some major interstate – high ways, had to be closed down.
The next day, the sun was shining, the water was back in the creek,
Birds were singing, the deer were back, roaming around,
As we wait for the next adventure, God, shares with us, through Mother Nature,
When she comes back, to visit our town.

                                              The original: Tom Maxwell © 7/21/24 AD
100 · Jul 2022
They are Among us
Almost one-third of my life, I have been an author,
I never think of myself much that way,
Interesting thoughts flow, I print with a pencil in hand,
What, inspires me, I never start with an exact plan.
Writers, deep thinkers, and prophets, always related to the past,
They are among us, some reading this could be, delivering,
Messages, that will forever last.
They would have a special personality, able to mix with,
All types of people, depending on the situation, are capable of,
Delivering the messages, in many different ways, leaving,
Inspiring information, to others, they may use, will repeat,
While pondering about the impression, that was made,
For the rest of this life’s stay.
Society is hanging over a cliff, through ads, and many other ways,
Creating minds, that money, is so much talked about,
Altering how people think, they refuse to listen, or even believe,
Unless a famous rich person or money is in the conversation, some way.
Think about your thoughts, the messages you receive, and hopefully
The answer will come, for the original plan, and
Peace On Earth Will Be.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 7/7/2022
Life attitude actions future
100 · Mar 2021
Never Knowing
Most everyone craves,
Wealth and beautiful things,
During this life,
As long as we travel here,
Want to see a miracle,
Look into a mirror.
Your soul traveling, in your body,
From a life, in the past,
You are here, to help it grow,
Never knowing,
Which life, will be it’s last.

                                                                                           Tom Maxwell © 3/15/2021 AD   6:55 PM
Life Soul Traveling
We never know, how, when our, in what way,
Every one will leave this life,
We are passing through today, A short stop over,
When you compare it to eternity,
Part of Gods plans, from the very first day.
Death, the one thing in this life
No one in the end, will survive.
Our soul inside, must go on another Journey,  
Until it is perfect, in every way.
A reality check, that can stop us, in our tracks,
Any moment, on any day,
Each of us have, limited reservations,
We can not extend our visit, in any way.
One of life’s lessons,
A moment, we always remember,
Where we were, when the message, came,
Of A person we loved, passing away.
We turn away from our daily routine,
As if we are in a trance
Then we think of our self, our soul
Our we giving it, life, our best, trying to find,
Discover our purpose, why we were given this time.
We each have A soul, that sees,
Through our eye’s, then guides us, from inside.
There is A power we cannot control
We start feeling weak, the tears, begin to flow,
We can not make our selves cry,
Some day out with friends, having fun,
Do not hurt yourself, just stop try to cry.
Why will often appear, in our, mind,
Certain things we will never know,
During our time.
Take time away, from what you
Waste time doing, go visit,
Call, those people you think about,
Their, in your thoughts, for A reason, a way,
Every year, more people you know
Will become, A memory of, yesterday.
Tom Maxwell © 4/25/2021AD  3:30am
A old friend ask me to write something for his brothers funeral   is it any good   Thanks
91 · Feb 2021
A Lost Special Friend
A trusting honest person in this world today, always seems to get pushed aside,
for thinking and caring for others and going out of their way.
Someone who will come to help you late at night or early any day,
with open arms of love we should never chase away.
Everybody has someone in their past they pushed aside,
for something they thought was better,
that took them on a downhill ride,
When their world falls apart and all the good times go bad,
only then their thoughts go back to that special friendship they lost,
and wish they still had.
If a long-lost friend ever takes the time to give you a second chance,
let them know how special they are, try to repair that broken branch.

   Copyright Tom Maxwell 03/26/03
She’s a devil in real time,
Just hiding in disguise,
Her veins full of fire,
You can see, the flames in her eyes,
With horns, on her chest,
That use to point up high,
She’ll lead you straight to hell,
With her mouth full of lies.
She’s stopped counting,
How many, she’s lead to their grave,
Her only goal, in life,
Is personal greed every day.
Fooling endless victims,
Who thinks she is so kind,
Then she walks away laughing,
When their life falls behind.
Conceded is a complement,
When you mention her name,
She thinks,
That the world revolves around her,
And her selfish games.
She’s a devil in real life,
Hiding in disguise,
Her veins full of fire,
You can see the flames, in her eyes.

The Original : Tom Maxwell   rewritten  8/17/2024 AD
Originally written  2007 AD
Planet earth is only so big
Exiting, we each have our own day and way
Adventuring, learning, pre – paring for what’s
Coming, when our spirit & soul, travel away
Excitement, of evil and greed, following the politician’s lead
Only caring about, their personal party, and space
Nations, starving citizens, plenty of rockets to blow up countries
Eliminating a future generation, nowhere to stay       Actually forcing,  intelligent people, to live in evil and fear
Reasoning, not a play, that would take personal power away
There is only one ending, to a power and greed chase, death for all
Home turf earth , not to many compliments, to rulers of today.


                                        The Original: Tom Maxwell © 6/03/2024 AD
Hidden message
85 · Mar 2021
They Do Come True
I had a dream,
You helped make it come true,
So, fast it was over, I still thank you.
It lasted longer, while in my mind,
When it came to life,
It was such a short time.
I could be upset, now that it’s gone,
I’m happy it came to life,
Now it’s time, to move on.
All of us, want more every day,
Never taking time, to appreciate,
This life, the planet, where we stay.
We should be thankful, for small things,
Remembering, at any moment,
They can be gone, or taken away.
Do not waste time, waiting for something,
To come back your way,
You may miss something, else,
That was to be, during this life’s stay.
We all have dreams, often they come to me & you,
Some we never even noticed; they do come true.
Tom Maxwell © 1/10/21
79 · Aug 20
The Golden Years
You Dreamed about it for years,
Worked hard most of your life to get there,
Your golden years,
The only gold, you found or see,
Is in your *****, when you ***!

The original: Tom Maxwell 8/6/2024 AD
We can control almost any actions or thoughts that come into our life each day,
the one thing we can never keep totally in line, is when our emotions come out to play.
Many of people have wished that someone they knew would die, but as soon as it happened,
they were the first with a tear in their eye.
Any sort of relationship love, friendship, or trusting when it stops for bad or good.
our emotions can put us in a daze for days, and we think about what we never understood.
They are a built-in reality control to put us in check off and on during our time,
think about how everyone is always in a hurry, then count the people who try to cut in front of you at a funeral line.
Emotions can even change our body temperature in an instant like a switch inside,
we can have warm to hot feelings, to a chill with goose bumps from our toes to our eyes.
Always let your emotions flow if you try to hold them in,
you will feel lost and alone, as if you were locked up in a closet or bin.
The quicker you release your emotions, your spirit will guide you where to start again,
always remember your emotions are stronger than you, for no one can totally control or hide them within.

        Copyright Tom Maxwell 08/15/03
72 · Jan 2021
Are You Truly Happy Today
Looking for changes, to come my way,
Staring out my window today,
Thinking, all the parts I’ve played,
Chasing sour dreams, I never found,
Passing some sweet one’s, I turned down,
Many lonely nights, just driving around,
Searching for that golden crown.
Always listen to experience, look at the signs,
In life were told so many lines,
Do they live the life, you want to find.
In life we will often, change our way’s,
Those who care, won’t walk away,
It’ only changing, your part in life’s play,
Take A moment, are you truly happy today.

                                                                                       Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                      12/06/2019 AD
                                                                                    3:15 PM
Those who care, won’t walk away,
It’ only changing, your part in life’s play,
Take A moment, are you truly happy today.

                                                                                       Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                      12/06/2019 AD
                                                                                    3:15 PM
We can control almost any actions or thoughts that come into our life each day,
the one thing we can never keep totally in line, is when our emotions come out to play.
Many of people have wished that someone they knew would die, but as soon as it happened,
they were the first with a tear in their eye.
Any sort of relationship love, friendship, or trusting when it stops for bad or good.
our emotions can put us in a daze for days, and we think about what we never understood.
They are a built-in reality control to put us in check off and on during our time,
think about how everyone is always in a hurry, then count the people who try to cut in front of you at a funeral line.
Emotions can even change our body temperature in an instant like a switch inside,
we can have warm to hot feelings, to a chill with goose bumps from our toes to our eyes.
Always let your emotions flow if you try to hold them in,
you will feel lost and alone, as if you were locked up in a closet or bin.
The quicker you release your emotions, your spirit will guide you where to start again,
always remember your emotions are stronger than you, for no one can totally control or hide them within.

        Copyright Tom Maxwell 08/15/03
68 · Aug 2021
One Of Many Thoughts
Our body is controlled, by the thoughts, in our mind,
Negative thoughts, about one’s self,
Bring negative responses, by our body, over time,
Being lazy, convincing, ourselves we can’t
Before we make an effort, to try.
Then we think, what if, often, wandering why,
Peace, happiness, love, no purchase, can buy,
some decisions, we made, bring tears to our eyes,
We age, our positives, by others, pushed aside,
Life of decisions, excuses, final event in life, we die.

                                                                  The Original : Tom Maxwell © 8/29/21 AD
A thought to think about, in your mind,
If you died today, what kind of memories,
Would you leave behind?
You live your life every day, is the knowledge,
In your soul, growing in many ways,
Or is your life, the same habit every day?
Do you ever think pass tomorrow,
What this life will be in future days,
Will every one be free, or forced to live a certain way,
Our generation, is creating the future days,
We are to share our wisdom, with those of the future,
So, they will understand today, that no one,
In this life will forever stay.

                                      The Original: Tom Maxwell  © 06/13/2024 AD
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