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Jul 2023 · 1.0k
Beulin S S Jul 2023
my comfy mattress,
showed your hard work;
you broke your comfort
to give me the best.

You love me,
But, I owe this life to you.

Real love will never look for benefits.
Jul 2023 · 560
miss you
Beulin S S Jul 2023
I miss you,

You are staying in your reality forever,
I am waiting for you in my dreams.

When will you arrive?

I miss you.
missing, feeling
Feb 2023 · 159
A hope
Beulin S S Feb 2023
I know, when I come back
It's not going to be same,
still, I hope
they would wait...
hope, wait , love
Nov 2020 · 541
The day of light
Beulin S S Nov 2020
Wash out all the vengeance

As the water washes the dirt;

Insert new hope and to start newly

As the new clothes embrace your skin;

Brighten your life with new lights

As the lamps wipe out the darkness;

Let the life burst with delight and success

As the bursting crackers drag the delight in.

Bloom with the new start and happiness

Wipe out all the fears...

Let the Day of light cover your life

With bondless happiness and fill you with light...

"Happy Diwali"
Spread happiness with the day of light....
Nov 2020 · 169
Beulin S S Nov 2020
Smile from the heart,
But not from the thoughts
To ruin others...
Smile from the heart can cheer  others ;smiling  with poisonal thoughts
Nov 2020 · 378
In your sky
Beulin S S Nov 2020
If you think I am worthless,
and underrated
I'll become a star
In your sky;
You'll look at me
from abyss to heaven...
But you can't hold me again.
Underestimating is just a fault. Don't  mock others for being slow.
Nov 2020 · 159
Beulin S S Nov 2020
Beyond my desire,
Twinkling gems appeared
Shining to enlighten my life...

All around the world
Rare gems appeared;
Mingled among the souls,
Yearning desires filled with delight.
Precious things coming into life to make us happy
Nov 2020 · 221
Beulin S S Nov 2020
One drop poison

In the ***

ruins your

entire life...

A drop of negativity

Ruins your future.
Oct 2020 · 119
Moving life
Beulin S S Oct 2020
Life of mine
has seen various dimensions
Days of success
Days of failures
Days of disappointment
Days of happiness
Days of betrayal
Days of top and bottom
Even when the days turning upside down...
I longed for a stable life.

Little bit of poisoning thoughts
can ruin a person...
As the Blake's poison tree;
Wrath of mine
can **** me as poison.
My steps must be keen and wise,
when a new day dawns...

I may be shutdown,
I may be left without options,
My days of happiness
will come again
Just to embrace me
to shine my days...

I don't want to run away
I want to be a hero of my life;
My days of spring
will come back to me...
Days of smothering war
will vanish away...

I want to live each day
with my whole happiness;
I want to be smiling
eternally with soul...
I wish to be on highlights;
To move on, in my life...

I want to be a star
Of my precious life;
Nothing can stop
My moving life.
I'll work as bee
to be the greatest star.
Let me live my life
Until I reach heaven...
To  move on successfully in this hardest life
Oct 2020 · 134
The war
Beulin S S Oct 2020
War between

Sleep and memories

Dragged me

to the past

to the future

to the heaven

and the hell..

Pillows bathed

with tears


With my frustration

Embraced me,

When I Smiled;

Finally, I am asleep...

Yet, the war continues

Till the end!
Memorries drags me somewhere....
Oct 2020 · 114
Beulin S S Oct 2020
I am exhausted
  to move
My soul became
Yet, I have gained my strength
from your smile.
Power from an toxicating smile..
Oct 2020 · 95
Beulin S S Oct 2020
If you have a shoulder to comfort

      Pain is a beauty;

If you have hands to hold you

      Falling is a beauty...

If you have a voice to cheer you

      Even fail is also a beauty;

If you have a lovable sibling

      Fight is a beauty...

If you have a real person to love you

       Life is a real beauty.
Life is beautiful in each moment.
Oct 2020 · 111
Beulin S S Oct 2020
Beautiful days...

When I believed the moon

is following me;

When I believed trees can move

Fast with the train...

When I believed swallowed seeds

will grow as plants in my stomach;

When I believed all super heroes

On the screen were real;

When my mom fed me

   with the beautiful stories...

My childhood colours sprinkles

  Smile on my face with my memories.
Normal life of a child yet beautiful.
Oct 2020 · 85
Beulin S S Oct 2020
I wish to be a firefly
sparkling around you,
to make you happy
in your darkness.
Overcoming hardship  together even in the darkness is a part of life.
Oct 2020 · 107
Beulin S S Oct 2020
Life between useless to success,
Path with umpteen thorns.
Criticising may change to praise...
  "I know she'll do it."
But the efforts stays hidden.
Life has some hard path ...
Oct 2020 · 86
Beulin S S Oct 2020
Talents are born with us
never fades;
But some talents shines bright;
some talents remains
hidden until the end...
Staying idle ?
Just equip the talents...
Or else life will move ...
But you won't.
Equip yourself to shine
Oct 2020 · 144
Beulin S S Oct 2020
தமிழ் தாயின் இன்பப் புன்னகை
அழகு தான்...
தமிழ் தாயின் அழகு உள்ளம்
பேரழகு தான்...
பனியாக பொழியும் முத்துக்கள்
தாயின் வியர்வை துளிகள்...
ஒளிரும் ஆதவன் தமிழ் தாயின்
நெற்றித் திலகம்...
கொஞ்சும் எழில், ஒளிரும் உயிர்
தமிழ் தாயின் அன்பு பரிசே...
தமிழ் தாயின் இன்ப மொழி
மிளிரும் அழகு!
அன்னமிட்ட தாயின் மொழி மட்டும்
உயர்ந்து  பறக்க மறுக்கப்படுவதேனோ?
தமிழ் அன்பு
Oct 2020 · 76
Beulin S S Oct 2020
அழகிய வாழ்வின்
இனிய காலங்கள்
கனவாக தான் போகுமோ?
வாழ்க்கை போர்க்களம் தானோ?
Oct 2020 · 106
Beulin S S Oct 2020
Not to create enemies,
With your hardships...
To be with your dreams;
To smash your hardships
To block all your foes;
Grab your chances...
To be with your love;
To create your own world;
Just to be with what you want.
Grab your love or dream; never leave it ...
Orelse You Will regret later.
Oct 2020 · 91
Beulin S S Oct 2020

When I tried to fly;

They thought,

I am useless like


My each tries,

Irritated them

as I am buzzing

Inside their ears;

Still I am trying,

I'm not worried;

Cause, I love me...

The way I try

To be myself...
I try hard  to achieve my goals.
Oct 2020 · 91
Beulin S S Oct 2020
Boneless tongue
sharpened as blade;
shapeless words
fiercely broke 
pounding hearts.

Hardened words 
are made of swords;
It just drains the blood 
from the living heart.
Words are like souls,
use it wise sans hurt.
Sharp words could hurt the heart .
Oct 2020 · 87
Beulin S S Oct 2020
Story of life:

Start with a cry,

Ends with silence.

In between...

We become the hero

Of our life;

Villain of

Someone's life;

Just a minor role

In others life;

Valuable cameo

In someone's life.

Yet, we live or die...

Plot may have  twist or turn.

Just live your life

Our story grows...

Until we die...
Story of our life..
Oct 2020 · 301
Beulin S S Oct 2020
I am in pain...
         My body aches;
                      I am lonely,
                            My world is dark;
I lost my hope...
        I am unlucky;
               I am useless...
                         My heart is broken;
Words of failures,
         Words of ill fate,
                 Words of fears...
                         Never change.
Change your fate ;
          Everything depends on you.
Something will tempt us to utter heart breaking emotions.... Still we can try to change our fate .
Oct 2020 · 140
Beulin S S Oct 2020
I lost my diamond,

I couldn't find it;

Who can find it?

"Lost diamond"

Very precious;

I searched for it,

I lost my thoughts...

Worried for  something departed...

Lost diamond, it's me...
Worried about departed things
Oct 2020 · 150
Beulin S S Oct 2020
My Silence don't mean:

"I am idle and useless."

Even in the silence

Words can speak...

That's the power

Of colourful words...





Emotions travels,

In the mute...

Words grab the heart

In the silence...

When the words flow through pen.
Silence of each person may carry umpteen meanings...
Oct 2020 · 313
Beulin S S Oct 2020
Bee and flower

They love each other...

honey abducted from the hive;

Bloomed flowers beheaded...

They love each other;

Both departed without farewell...

Love exists in sweetness and fragrance;

Used by us, their love is our bait.
Love between bee and flower turns as a bait for humans
Oct 2020 · 105
Beulin S S Oct 2020
My happiness is hidden...
I am searching for it;
Still it stays back.
I'll find it back, with my hope;
My days of darkness will,
vanish from my way.
To Find my happiness
Oct 2020 · 285
Beulin S S Oct 2020
Meet my shadow;

It is just dark...

I talked to it

It never replied...

I yelled to it

It never responded.

I looked at my shadow

In the daylight;

I searched my shadow...

When I am left alone;

Day or night;

Dark or bright;

Shadow travels with me,

Until my end...

No wonder it never leaves me;

I believe it is my "guardian angel".
Shadow never leaves me...
Oct 2020 · 148
My sunshine
Beulin S S Oct 2020
Even if you are a small unknown star...

The universe may ignore you;

Yet, you are my only sunshine...

You lit my heart with lights...

You are my star;

Visible only for my love!
Only visible for love...
Oct 2020 · 170
Beulin S S Oct 2020

It feels disgusting;

When we end up with it...

Without failures, we'll be nothing;

But think, crawling child can't walk,

If he refuses to walk after a fall...

Life goes on with failures;

Yet it is more important  to us;

Just to build the strong future...
Failure is always hard... But the success after the failure is a crown
Oct 2020 · 381
Beulin S S Oct 2020
They told me, "don't worry."

They told me "don't cry..."

They told me, "it's a piece of cake..."

They told me, "you can overcome."

They told me  "there will be a solution."

Yet, they cry for their own pain;

They trembled in fear;

The world pretends to be "OK,"

While we are in pain.

If they suffer...

We console them "As we are fine."

"The world pretends."
Everyone in this world wears a mask for others.
Oct 2020 · 419
I'll shrink...
Beulin S S Oct 2020
I am sensitive;

If you hurt me,

I'll shrink...

If you hurt me;

I'll shrink...

But I'll grow!

I'm sensitive;

My growth will hurt you...

I've my thorns.

I'll shrink;

I'll never stop growing;

I'm a plant  "touch me not"!
It's about life or plant..
Sep 2020 · 213
My role
Beulin S S Sep 2020
I stay hidden in shady woods,

As my world is filled with dark;

My world is filled with hawk...

I search for happiness...

I couldn't find any light;

Yet, I flow as a brook...

To find my role in this life...
To find my role.... I gonna flow as small Brook . Yet, my world is full of dark I can still be happy by helping other with my mere existence.
Sep 2020 · 253
My day
Beulin S S Sep 2020
My dreams are Shining;
Though it is hidden
Under the darkest clouds...
It'll sparkle on the sky;
With vibrant victory
On my Day!
Believing in my dreams
Sep 2020 · 206
Beulin S S Sep 2020
Ever changing portrait,

Seen from the darkness;

Yet, it shines in the dark;

To calm the painful hearts...

No wonder, it's the Sky!
My loveable portrait
Sep 2020 · 289
Beulin S S Sep 2020
Fighting for the biggest piece of cake...

Yet, the cake is on the plate;

From the morning to evening...

Cause, we are still arguing;

With measurements - I think

I should abduct the cake...

Or else my cake may dry;

But our siblings fight never ends...
siblings argument
Sep 2020 · 287
Beulin S S Sep 2020
I asked for chocolate...
  She answered No!
I asked for ice cream...
  She nodded No!
I begged for juices
   She said No!

She gave me tablets
I said No!
She gave me Tea
  I said No!
She gave me porridge
  I said No!

Punishment for playing in rain
  Gained me a fever...
Anger of my mom showered as rain
  And she said: This is LoVe.
love or anger
Sep 2020 · 201
Beulin S S Sep 2020
Even the stars should wait...
For darkness to fill the world...

Though life is hard and dark;
Wait until the day you shine...

The star never glows in day.
Shine from the dark; let your life glow...
wait for your day
Sep 2020 · 101
My belief
Beulin S S Sep 2020
I'll meet you in your dreams;
If you block me in your life...
I believe you'll come to me;
Because I have faith in my love.
Live trust
Sep 2020 · 93
I can't move...
Beulin S S Sep 2020
I lost my freedom;

From the day I met you...

You tamed me;

You hijacked my soul...

I am an ever free bird;

Until I met you...

You kindled my soul;

You are staying in my heart...

I tried to move on...

I told my heart to carry on.

You bewitched me;

You stole my heart...

I can't move a bit;

Without you in my life...
Missing my heart
Sep 2020 · 559
When you feel down
Beulin S S Sep 2020
When you feel down...
When you fell down...
Just don't give up;
Stand again;
Raise up again...

When you are in pain...
When you feel your life is vain...
When you stand alone;
Face your fate;
Believe yourself, you are a miracle!

When you meet with failure...
When the World mocks you...
Don't shrink inside the shell;
The day is still bright;
Carry on with your goals...

When your foes mock you...
When your friends lost faith on you...
Raise again...
Don't look back;
Carry on with your dreams...

When you raise up...
When you build your goals...
Obstacles will turn into steps...
Carry on, move on;
Bid farewell to your worries...
Overcome all your  obstacles
Sep 2020 · 115
Dream world
Beulin S S Sep 2020
Come on my dreams;
Come on my world;
Enter into my dream land...

Drops of rain
Falls with umpteen colours...

Thunder sounds
Replaced with music...

Lightning beams
As colourful night light show...

Chubby clouds,
Helps to transport...

Billowing flowers
Cure pains with fragrance...

Yummy fruits;
Make to stay in youth...

My world is like fantasy;
Yeah, this is the world with no sickness...

My world has no discrimination...
Yet there is eternal happiness...

I'm staying in my world;
Because the real world has umpteen pains.

I wish, the real world with love...
Eternal happiness, with no borders...

Forget the painful world...
Enter my colourful world.
World with different colors
Sep 2020 · 110
I lost my heart
Beulin S S Sep 2020
I lost my heart...
To your pleasant smiles;

Your simple glance...
Has power to grab my mind.

Your silent presence...
Fills my world with music.

Your slight gestures...
Tempting my heart to love;

I wish to be with you...
You are my rose; I am your bee...
Sep 2020 · 77
Real freedom?
Beulin S S Sep 2020
I tried to dance;
They told me, behave like a girl...

I tried to talk;
They told me, don't raise your voice...

I tried to play;
They told me, you can't; you are a girl...

I tried to learn;
They told me, just learn to cook...

I tried to work;
They told me, just learn to manage home...

I asked for freedom;
They told me, this was my freedom...

I started to learn;
They told me, my knowledge is for vain...

One day I can prove...
They were wrong...
Where is the real freedom for a girl..
Sep 2020 · 182
Beulin S S Sep 2020
I was like a mirror...
They showered stones on me;

They thought I am broken;
Yes, I was...

But now I nursed myself;
Now I'm a firm solid...

They can break me;
But, Not my spirit to win.
Aug 2020 · 100
The life
Beulin S S Aug 2020
Life of humans blooms in the world,
With most welcome or sans welcome.

Welcome or sans welcome - happiness,
Stays with the sound value pure heart.

Sound value of pure heart - gets wilted
When the value of pure heart dries.

Value of pure heart dries - when the
World gives priority to money and power.

Priority to money and power - smashes
The pure relationship as the dust.

As the dust,  pampered love - departs
With huge pain and discomfort fills the life .

Pain and discomfort fills the life - pure heart
Drenched in the world of darkness.

The world of darkness - sparkles lights
When the life gives priority for love.

Priority for love - fills our life with colours
Until the flowers of burial fills our body.
Aug 2020 · 136
Flower tunes
Beulin S S Aug 2020
If the blooming flowers can play melody,
Mornings would dawn with fragrant tunes wildly;
Fragrant flowers could tame the noses,  
Weary of sick would vanish sans sources;
Tunes of flowers would capture the ears,
Days bloom as the melody hears;
Blooming flowers spread the love with scent,
Glowing flowers would shred the weary sans hint.

— The End —