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Jul 2020 · 247
Summer Haiku
Regina Jul 2020
summer, marsh concert
wind blows reeds
herons, bullfrogs' songs
Jul 2020 · 196
Regina Jul 2020
nightingales attend
somber, stars
soul departs, eve flight
Jun 2020 · 316
Shamrocks Bleed
Regina Jun 2020
the shamrocks bleed.....Ireland's countrymen gang wars, slaying each others' dreams
Jun 2020 · 532
Dropkick Murphys
Regina Jun 2020
dropkick Murphys.....smoky pubs, height of Irish rough voiced songs, Celtic gifts
Jun 2020 · 239
Scars On A Beauty
Regina Jun 2020
Clover and moss adornment,
fields of ancient emerald mellow,
with spring lambs innocent,
elderly farmer with a tea stained

Yet, north of there,
her people warring,
life spills on concrete,
and in the singing wind
is the song of the Troubles.

My maiden, my Eire,
are you ever at rest?
Where are your children?
Sons and daughters,
youth no more to come home,
Scars on a beauty,
she, she, will it go on into eternity?

My beauty, the souls and
shamrocks in the dew,
weep just as much as you.
Jun 2020 · 402
Medgar Evers of Mississippi
Regina Jun 2020
He was born July 2, 1925,
son of James and Jesse Evers,
Medgar Evers of Mississippi,
World War II veteran,
fought in the Battle of Normandy,
June 1944,
with his soldier brothers
of same and other races.

He rose a leader,
a Freedom Hero,
Mississippi field secretary of NAACP,
President, Regional Council of
***** Leaders,
husband of Myrlie, her purity
of devotion,
father of Darrell, Reena Denise,
and James,
civil rights leadership of the
highest calling,
of a bravery that persevered

That early morning,
June 12, 1963,
a shot of hate tore
through his heart,
he was fallen in his own driveway,
his family witnessed this
most heinous of murders
committed in the insanity
of human acridity,
the bitterness in our psyches.

June 19, 1963,
full military honors,
Arlington National Cemetery,
for a man of a character so
much more loving
than his assassin's.

We, as a people,
we must obliterate
pre-conceived assumptions,
faulty thoughts of each other.

Medgar Evers of Mississippi,
Medgar Evers of America,
posthumously awarded the
Spingarn Medal,
murdered in a country
he fought for,
merited eternally by God.
Jun 2020 · 159
Summer Snow
Regina Jun 2020
In our stroll of a charmed neighborhood-
we came upon a forest green garden arch,
how the crisp white hydrangea
blooms framed it so glorious,
so abundantly,
a vision for dreams to recall,
to those desponding-
this is a balm for their
wounded thoughts,
and for lovers rejoiced in
young union,
as the graying man who
just mowed his lawn sleeps
in a hammock,
in summer snow's fragrance
of no cares.
Jun 2020 · 85
Regina Jun 2020
you would not forgive
tears' silent song ascended to
rapt saints
Sorrow of being unforgiven
Jun 2020 · 177
Regina Jun 2020
dawn, in her envy, disrobes the stars, .....fair moon, sorrows in her sojourn
Jun 2020 · 223
Love Like A Rose
Regina Jun 2020
If we would love like a rose,
soft petals as if a gentle kiss,
of a fragrance nostalgic of
youthful loves,
and blissfully innocent,
unknowing, of the world's woes,
gracefully poised on a trellis,
as if waiting to be asked
to dance a waltz.
Jun 2020 · 255
God's Flowers
Regina Jun 2020
tribute to down's syndrome are God's flowers,
His joy, His own
Jun 2020 · 368
Regina Jun 2020
walk with me, my cherish.....the
shoreline beckons, as our feet
leave hot sand
Jun 2020 · 160
Regina Jun 2020
a toddler's summer of the wondrous....falling asleep in
fireflies' glow
Jun 2020 · 136
Strawberry Kiss
Regina Jun 2020
a strawberry kiss in the
sweetest of summer desires
Jun 2020 · 164
In God's House
Regina Jun 2020
In God's House,
we assemble
and feel so
yet, look askance
and whisper,
feeling as if
we're more
to sit in
a pew
than those
we deem inferior,
we gossip, bicker,
in God's House,
how can we
be compassionate,
if we're not even humble,
in God's House.
May 2020 · 173
Peace Burned
Regina May 2020
he knelt on his neck....he couldn't
breathe, he perished, the people's
peace burned
May 2020 · 363
Sweet Assurance
Regina May 2020
How can the fireflies flit
from a bough to a highest place
just below the Milky Way,
without you here.

How can the blooms of summer
arise in your absence,
how can the cherish that
sparkles between young adults
conversing on a park bench -
go on, without us,
in my memory,
we walk by them,
holding hands, as,
we were once them.

Is this but a tragic dream -
as I pray over your
bedding of repose,
your gleaming white headstone,
in a long unwavering line
of other white headstones,
then, sweet assurance
speaks to me,
though the song of taps
separated us,
one day, the song of taps
will unite us.
In Loving memory of my late husband, who was a Navy veteran.
May 2020 · 83
Romance Of Night
Regina May 2020
my cherished, in stars, arrives......
I recline in his darkest of embrace
May 2020 · 148
Regina May 2020
Perchance, my shy love,
we can unite passionately
as slumbering magnolias
awaken with the moon's
in the summer gardens.
May 2020 · 171
Scandies Rose
Regina May 2020
Will you wait for us,
Scandies Rose ?
to always be your fishermen
for eternity,
the sea with her high swells
has our bodies in her
tidal *****,
our wives in maritime loss,
you were my love, my vessel,
and you went down with us
into January's cold, cold deep,
our five souls God's to keep.
May 2020 · 487
Regina May 2020
mother faded....thirty years ago,
she's a living ghost, haunts me
May 2020 · 118
Jar Of Sorrows
Regina May 2020
you kept a jar of sorrows.....opened it often, many tears we've shed
May 2020 · 219
Regina May 2020
This poem is not the more
traditional fare,
in fact, my humor can
actually scare,
Fartina is a twenty-five
pound, quite pooty dog,
most of the time her
poots make no sound,
But, trust me, your
olfactory sense will
know when she's around.

Debilitating flatulence
emits from her ***,
trust me, you'll run,
it isn't fun-
being in a room with her,
in fact, you'll cuss the little cur,
When salespeople come to
the door,
the only way to get them to
leave, for sure,
is to pretend Fartina is a
well mannered mixed breed,
then, when they pet her,
green clouds arise,
and their faces scrunch up,
no surprise.

She has her own waiting room
at the vet,
because her gaseous emissions
are the worst yet,
so, if you need to give your
in-laws the boot,
give Fartina a burrito,
they'll run, the old coots !!!!!
My late dear husband always thought my humor was, well, depraved. My young grandchildren love this poem.
May 2020 · 168
In The Depths
Regina May 2020
In the depths, the cool emerald, bubbling depths,
a nuanced singing, a beckoning
so clearly in the brine,
pink coral and sea anemones
waving in currents,
I felt so very gifted in the
charms of the sea.

Slate-colored octopus-
dashed away with tentacles
roiling the sediment,
as schools of timid fish,
as if in flight of aimless
directions displayed bright

I thought, how could I breathe
without scuba gear-
yet, the fathoms were so deep,
and I swam with ease,
could it be but a woman mariner's dream?
Despite the elation of a humpback whale's calling medley,
I sighted him, a youthful
merman, as if he was
sculpted from God's own
Heaven's marble,
he had a muscular grace
tapered into a lower physique
with pearlescent scales and fins,
sunlight flickering over his
long hair of silken strands
bedecked with seashells,
singing with his oceanic
blue eyes that Poseidon
himself could not match,
and, of all who inhabit
the sea,
he was singing only for me.
May 2020 · 342
Regina May 2020
their lungs, their lives were cindered....burn pits afire,
our troops came home, can't breathe
May 2020 · 152
Regina May 2020
the lunar light ascends.....deathless elation, celebrants, the Godhead
May 2020 · 120
Regina May 2020
pearl string moonlight on obsidian tides.....lovers linger
on boardwalk
May 2020 · 175
The Souls Of The Seas
Regina May 2020
The souls of the seas will be
committed to their maritime dwell,
and the reflected moon tides
shall have stars on silent waves
that mourn-
when my grieving will leave
from my earthly body,
as the mermen attend my
seashell bier in the vast of
the Atlantic.
May 2020 · 162
No Frills
Regina May 2020
In the rituals
of the life of struggle,
they work the blue collar jobs
of their parents-
grilled cheese, fries,
a shitbox used car,
scratch tickets duds,
so many of no frills,
so many barely getting by.
May 2020 · 126
Frisbee Days
Regina May 2020
arthritic, aging dog,
her fur graying,
sunning herself,
spacious backyard-
clover and buttercups,
bedsheets billowing
on the clothesline,
she daydreams of
running and leaping-
for-the-frisbee days
in her athletic past,
then she gently paws
in the air-
as a dragonfly lazily
glides by.
The dignity of an aging animal.
May 2020 · 193
Angel Lights
Regina May 2020
tiny white orbs swirl
eventide sparkles in flight
angel lights, love sent
May 2020 · 136
Shadows of Night Angels
Regina May 2020
Shadows of night angels
in the mist of spent mind,
awaken from half sleep,
granular eyes-
the lonely chiming
of one a.m.,
writing of
the journey,
an unwanted gift,
and, like a cadence,
fragmented thoughts
march on-
into an overcast dawn.
May 2020 · 144
Food Bank
Regina May 2020
the empty people
miles long
sow the grain again
May 2020 · 143
Regina May 2020
tighten, encircle,
posess, pierce
bereft hearts
as if a
chilly rain,
we didn't know
you would-
become a sudden
traveler of the universe.
May 2020 · 124
Regina May 2020
they lay flowing....shedding of crimson life, blessing of the blood givers
May 2020 · 303
Regina May 2020
mortgage was half paid
punched the clock
global virus roared
May 2020 · 136
Regina May 2020
When you, in life beyond it's own life,
passed in winter's waning rains,
you entered our sorrowed dreams,
several times you've gently
rapped on my door,
I quickly would open it-
yet, no one was there,
are you stepping down from
the cherished heights of
immortality's reach,
to invite us to a celestial
gathering of souls reposed,
singing in golden beams
with the angels?
May 2020 · 191
Forgive and Doves
Regina May 2020
Forgiveness isn't, "I'll forgive you,
if you'll forgive me,"
its a symphony of lilacs in the
springtime fields,
and a song from the wren's
delicate heart,
its when you awaken after a
bitter night of anger melted
into tiredness, and moments
of grief turned to lavender
scented pillows lulling you
into a resplendent dream,
of white doves ascending to
Heaven carrying whispers
of the world praying,
as little workers in your mind
build a bridge of steel cables
of peace forged by God,
whether there's reunion with
those you've forgiven, or not.
Regina May 2020
Oh, "Game Of Thrones", I miss it so, with all the good looking gents,
what's an aging poetess to do,
but lament,
the sight of Kit Harington's assets,
(no, not the **** acting!),
made me want to take a trip down memory lane, so I got
this gray old hen remembers
teenage summer nights laying
on the sand, then-
getting quite sufficiently drunk
with delightful young men!
Apr 2020 · 220
Biltmore House
Regina Apr 2020
She rises in the Blue Ridge mist,
her Gothic presence quite tall,
spirits of the legendary Vanderbilts exist,
they whisper within the regal halls,
when humble slob me does pass-
I wish to mingle with these ghosts of high class.
Apr 2020 · 150
My Brother In God
Regina Apr 2020
The sadness overtook you Tyler,
my brother of the human realm,
unfathomable waters received
my brother, once of the Earth,
its binding boundaries,
now the life of God's love eternal,
for my brother in God.
In Loving memory of Tyler Clementi,
a gay Rutgers University student,
who jumped to his death from the
George Washington Bridge after
being outed and harassed on the
Apr 2020 · 295
The Noble Horses
Regina Apr 2020
The November 25, 1963 day of the cold sun,
the noble horses,
white horses-drawn caisson,
the dignity of their somber gait,
silver shoes resounded on the
the skittish night-black riderless
Black Jack, led down the avenue
of the people,
his symbolic rider, no longer
bound to the earthly life, it's

The noble horses accompanied
him on his journey to the ages,
the mystique, the dreams,
where the ground is hallowed-
Apr 2020 · 215
Regina Apr 2020
roofers in the rain
spared from sun
chimney swifts, gliding
Apr 2020 · 105
U.S. Woman Soldier
Regina Apr 2020
I sacrificed my young life-
just like my brothers-in-arms,
the sun is rising over my
dewy, pristine, white marble
sparrows have begun
their songs of peace
in the stately presence
of dawn,
when my parents
bring me flowers,
I wish I could go home
with them,
my blood,
a herald of my bravery,
just like my brothers-in-arms.
Regina Apr 2020
Myriads of
sleeping babies,
dreaming on
cumulus clouds,
smiling as
the tall angels
with iridescent wings
kiss their cheeks.
Apr 2020 · 186
Regina Apr 2020
The famished arrive in their cars,
a Mass, break the bread,
their jobs gone, pray,
brothers and sisters, pray
Apr 2020 · 129
Poetic Dirge
Regina Apr 2020
Ghostly ebony horses silently plodding in dust along the
slumbering mountains,
in dreams of my concealed thoughts,
the horses' dead eyes haunt
even the recesses, the yielding,
the insane reaches of my mind,
as descending melancholy
imprisons me with its blackness,
its poetic dirge, its deep knells.

A phantom pall covered coffin
pulled by these gaunt specter
this bier in shadows- who is
bourne in it ?
my mortal, it is fragments of
my heart,
which could no longer bear
the loss of the lives from-
world hunger and war.

— The End —