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Zywa 17h
I stand helpless in

the lake, where is the vulture --

that will rescue me?
From poem "1" in the collection "Hogere natuurkunde" ("Higher Physics", 2019, Ellen Deckwitz), page 16-17

Collection "Death on Cast"
Zywa 17h
Plenty of spotlights

under the bridge, spooky, what --

could have happened here?
From poem "3" in the collection "Hogere natuurkunde" ("Higher Physics", 2019, Ellen Deckwitz), page 26 (-27)

Collection "Death on Cast"
1d · 44
Bacon and beans
Zywa 1d
There's nothing to eat in the kitchen
of Charles Frank Watchman
born here in this town

and deceased last winter
We polish the worktop
made from his gravestone

There is not a scratch on it
The coffin in which he lay
have we traded for

nothing, bacon and beans
Times are changing
but inequality is not

no matter how many marches
we walk to the Great Golden
White, Pink, or Blue House
La Casona (Great House) in Caracas, Domus Aurea (Golden House) of Emperor Nero in Rome, White House in Washington DC, Bely Dom (White House) in Moscow and Bishkek, Casa Rosada (Pink House) in Buenos Aires, Cheong Wa Dae (Pavilion of Blue Tiles) in Seoul, and Plavi Dvorac (Blue Palace) in Cetinje

"Mijn zwagers in Venezuela bleken kilo's afgevallen" ("My brothers-in-law in Venezuela turned out to have lost kilos", September 5th, 2016, Koen Greven in NRC)

Collection "On living on [2]"
Zywa 1d
Well, could a fifth wheel

ever be useful as an --

emergency wheel?
Collection "On living on [2]"
Zywa 2d
Don't stand there staring

at the horizon, but look --

where you are and go.
Theatre performance "Holly Goosebumps" (2025, Ada Ozdogan)

Collection "Here &Now&"
Zywa 2d
Look up, look beyond

the point where you stand, the stars --

will show you the way.
Diane Sawyer's interview "Science will win" with Stephen Hawking (and his daughter Lucy) on ABC (June 7th, 2010) --- Song "Sammy" (1966, Ramses Shaffy, album "Ramses II")

Collection "Here &Now&"
Zywa 3d
The moon draws an arc

through the lonely dreariness --

of my empty head.
Composition "Moon Viewing Music" (2018, Peter Garland), for three gongs, part 4 "As I look at the moon / my mind goes roaming / till I live again / the autumn that I / knew long ago" (tanka by Saigyo, 1118-1190, translated by Burton Watson), performed in the Organpark on four gongs by Pepe Garcia on February 8th, 2025

Collection "org anp ARK" #88
Zywa 3d
They prefer to read

what they already know, as --

if that were the truth.
Novella "Sainte Anne" (1799, "Saint Anne", 2012, Isabelle de Charrière / Belle van Zuylen under the pseudonym L'Abbé de la tour), chapter 4: The biased, partisan reader wants to be blindfolded, and he values ​this so much that he even consents to be bored, on condition that he does not have to consider anything of substance.

Collection "Within the walls"
Zywa 4d
Isn't it allowed to

be angry, may I only --

hope for equity?
Film "Prabhayay Ninachathellam" ("All we imagine as light", 2024, Payal Kapadia)

Collection "Changing Times"
Zywa 4d
He is romantic,

in the monsoon he rains his --

kisses down on me.
Film "Prabhayay Ninachathellam" ("All we imagine as light", 2024, Payal Kapadia)

Collection "Changing Times"
Zywa 5d
But why do we live

in such a way that we feel --

we're lacking in love?
Film "Prabhayay Ninachathellam" ("All we imagine as light", 2024, Payal Kapadia)

Collection "Changing Times"
Zywa 5d
My love is leaving

as if I just don't exist --

Farewell, be happy.
Air "Lasciatemi morire" ("Let me die", SV 22), from the opera "L'Arianna" ("Ariadne", 1608, Ottavio Rinuccini, music Claudio Monteverdi, SV 291) - Ariadne

Collection "Love Mind and Death"
Zywa 6d
Waking up, lightly

balancing between repose --

and my brand new day.
Composition "Fragile Balance" (2014, Jürg Frey), for ensemble and piano, performed on four saxophones by the Amstel Quartet in the Organpark on March 8th, 2025

Collection "org anp ARK" #99
Zywa 6d
He asks if I can

cry nicely, the comforting --

will be better then.
Novel "Schimmenrijk" ("Realm of shades", 1999, Rosita Steenbeek), chapter 11

Collection "Em Brace"
Zywa 7d
I now pull back the curtain
to show you this painting
as a very special exception -
my wife, she died young

Since her death she only smiles
at me, you can see it
So sweet, passionately, she looks
Her eyes seem to be thirsty

also for the painter
that is quite clear
She was always very happy
to see others

Everything and everyone charmed
her and received her gratitude
What difference could I make?
And it got worse and worse

I had to restrain her
and then all smiles stopped
Now only in this painting
Only as a painting
Poem "My Last Duchess" / "Italy" (1842, Robert Browning, collection "Dramatic Lyrics")

Alfonso II d'Este, Duke of Ferrara, is a widower. His wife Lucrezia di Cosimo de' Medici died three years ago. He married her in 1558, when she was thirteen, and abandoned her in 1559. In 1564 he negotiates with Nikolaus Madruz, the envoy of the Count of Tyrol, for the marriage of Barbara, the eighth daughter of Emperor Ferdinand I.

Collection "Reaching out"
Zywa 7d
We communicate

in the language of the earth:

rivers, roads and clouds.
Poem "in welke taal zal ik je woorden geven" ("in what language shall I give you words" - "Boekenweekgedicht 2025" ["Book Week Poem 2025"], Sholeh Rezazadeh)

Collection "Home sea"
Mar 16 · 58
[ Educational ]
Zywa Mar 16

books are easily praised, but --

they're hard to follow.
Novella "Sainte Anne" (1799, "Saint Anne", 2012, Isabelle de Charrière / Belle van Zuylen under the pseudonym L'Abbé de la tour), chapters 1 and 2

Collection "Known"
Mar 16 · 45
[ Authorities are ]
Zywa Mar 16
Authorities are

smart, they don't say anything --

they just ask questions.
Novella "Sainte Anne" (1799, "Saint Anne", 2012, Isabelle de Charrière / Belle van Zuylen under the pseudonym L'Abbé de la tour), chapter 3

Authorities: persons and institutions

Collection "Specialities"
Mar 15 · 83
Zywa Mar 15
Only with a stranger
the man I cared for
and with whom I spoke
as if it were him

after all those years
of waiting in vain
back in the city
of my dreams

where young people grow
old from their fate and
swallow their anger

for redemption, only there
with that man could I
say goodbye
to the waiting
Film "Prabhayay Ninachathellam" ("All we imagine as light", 2024, Payal Kapadia)

Collection "Changing Times"
Zywa Mar 15
Don't dream, only then

will you see the light, won't you --

be blinded by it.
Film "Prabhayay Ninachathellam" ("All we imagine as light", 2024, Payal Kapadia)

Allegory of the cave (375 BC, Plato, dialogue "Politeia" ["Republic"], VII 514a-520a)

Collection "Changing Times"
Zywa Mar 14
Slow down now and wait

with me, as in your slumber --

love flares up fiercely.
Air "Mentre dormi" ("While you sleep", 1734, Antonio Vivaldi, RV 725), from the opera "L'Olimpiade" ("The Olympiad" / "The Olympics", libretto 1733, Pietro Metastasio)

Collection "Love Mind and Death"
Mar 14 · 118
[ The fire of my love ]
Zywa Mar 14
The fire of my love

melts the ice of his deceit --

into many tears.
Madrigal "Lamento della Ninfa" ("The Nymph's Lament", 1638, Ottavio Rinuccini, music Claudio Monteverdi, SV 163)

Collection "Love Mind and Death"
Zywa Mar 13
Saved stuff is a nest,

sticking densely around you --

to a dust depot.
Comic strip #94 - "Heer Bommel en Het Ontstoffen" ("Sir Bumble and The Dedusting", 1961, Marten Toonder)

Collection "**** & Lord"
Zywa Mar 13
People who don't have

money, will just have to pay –

with their doom and gloom.
Comic strip #89 - "Heer Bommel en De Hachelbouten" ("Sir Bumble and The Chow Craps", 1960, Marten Toonder)

Collection "**** & Lord"
Mar 12 · 85
[ Omens are not real ]
Zywa Mar 12
Omens are not real,

if you just look carefully –

from where you're looking.
Comic strip #89 - "Heer Bommel en De Hachelbouten" ("Sir Bumble and The Chow Craps", 1960, Marten Toonder)

Collection "**** & Lord"
Zywa Mar 12
Laws are straight and right,

something crooked that is bent --

That is what trade is.
Comic strip #74 - "Heer Bommel en De Achtgever" ("Sir Bumble and The Regarder", 1957, Marten Toonder)

Collection "**** & Lord"
Mar 11 · 110
[ Half awake I am ]
Zywa Mar 11
Half awake I am

floating in my consciousness --

and in my body.
Composition "Fragile Balance" (2014, Jürg Frey), for ensemble and piano, performed on four saxophones by the Amstel Quartet in the Organpark on March 8th, 2025

Collection "org anp ARK" #100
Mar 11 · 73
[ I live, I endure ]
Zywa Mar 11
I live, I endure

the sharp sounds, I kiss the wounds --

then I cover them.
Composition "Drei Allmenden" ("Three Commons", 2020, Klaus Lang), for saxophone quartet and harmonium, performed by the Amstel Quartet  (saxophones) and Dirk Luijmes (harmonium and *****) in the Organpark on March 8th, 2025

Collection "org anp ARK" #101
Zywa Mar 10
The world is asleep,

lightly breathed upon and kissed --

by the rising sun.
Composition "Fragile Balance" (2014, Jürg Frey), for ensemble and piano, performed on four saxophones by the Amstel Quartet in the Organpark on March 8th, 2025

Collection "org anp ARK" #98
Mar 10 · 62
[ Every drop its own ]
Zywa Mar 10
Every drop its own

pathway, that's how water makes --

its way to the sea.
Composition "Uisce" ("Water", 2007, Kate Moore), performed by the Herz Ensemble Singers in the Organpark on February 14th, 2025

Collection "org anp ARK" #91
Zywa Mar 9
Don't stay there alone,

just come out and show yourself --

show all your colours.
Song "True Colors" (1986, Billy Steinberg, music Tom Kelly), sung by Cyndi Lauper (album "True Colors")

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 80s and 90s"
Zywa Mar 9
Talking to a friend

about your loved one is the --

most intimate thing.
Novel "Schimmenrijk" ("Realm of shades", 1999, Rosita Steenbeek), chapter 6

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 80s and 90s"
Zywa Mar 8
The more you want me,

the more you'll see me, even --

when I am not there.
Novella "De heilige Antonio" ("The Saint of the Impossible" / "Saint Antonio", 1998, Arnon Grunberg), chapter 15

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 80s and 90s"
Mar 8 · 110
[ She is taking care ]
Zywa Mar 8
She is taking care,

he keeps kissing it away --

with his laziness.
International Women's Day

Novel "Eerst grijs dan wit dan blauw" ("First grey then white then blue", 1991, Margriet de Moor), chapter I-1

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 80s and 90s"
Mar 7 · 76
Zywa Mar 7
Is thinking ahead

..a Pleasure Dome which you know that
..he will take a shower and then know by the smell of his musk
..what awaits you?

....the art of stumbling in such a way
....that a competitor comes to your aid
....and moving along with your apparent fall crushed by an inconspicuous push
....after which you whine
....about his undeserved end?

......depleting the earth colonizing mineral
......resources and that everyone
......puts together a survival kit
......for all conceivable disasters?

........the Dark Palace of the question
........of how you want to die, not now
........but later with you or rather
........alone with a black pill
........against unbearable suffering
........or a hopeless existence?

Or is it too tiring?
Topspot is a palindrome

Collection "Lilith's Powers" #19
Mar 7 · 71
Thinking ahead
Zywa Mar 7
Prometheus thinks ahead.
I too work according to plan.
I think:

I consider the possibilities.
I am critical of my own plans.
I have patience in executing a plan.
Collection "Lilith's Powers" #19
Zywa Mar 6
What is love now, since

you're gone and I am dying --

in how it was then?
Song "Love is blind" (1976, Janis Ian, album "Aftertones")

Collection "After the festivities"
Zywa Mar 6
It is best to write

with a fountain pen, with ink --

as warm as your blood.
Interview by Jan Brokken with Harry Mulisch, in the Haagse Post, collected in "Schrijven" (1980), and quoted in "Schrijven" (1980), en geciteerd in "Het geheim van de schrijver" ("The writer's secret", 2000, Renate Dorrestein), part 'Love', chapter 'Do you write with a pen or on the computer?'

Collection "Whirligig Scribbler"
Zywa Mar 5
Our very first kiss:

my heart was a little bird --

trembling in its nest.
Song "The first time ever I saw your face" (1957, Ewan MacColl), sung in 1969 by Roberta Flack (album "First Take")

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 60s and 70s"
Zywa Mar 5
I love to dance and

fall in love, even if you'll --

fly away from me.
Song "Fly too high" (1979, Janis Ian, album "Night Rains"), for the film "Foxes"

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 60s and 70s"
Zywa Mar 4
We dance and we stamp

our tears into the plank floor --

crying together.
Film "Ljósbrot" ("Refraction" / "When the light breaks", 2024, Rúnar Rúnarsson)

Collection "Heart's Delight"
Mar 4 · 158
[ Am I not alone ]
Zywa Mar 4
Am I not alone,

is there up there on the roof --

a guardian angel?
Film "Bird" (2024, Andrea Arnold)

Collection "Heart's Delight"
Mar 3 · 161
[ I play the gora ]
Zywa Mar 3
I play the gora,

mother is silent, she sees --

that I don't hear her.
Poem "Die donderstorm" ("The thunderstorm", 1873, Diäkwain)

Collection "Finethreads"
Mar 3 · 340
[ He sings about me ]
Zywa Mar 3
He sings about me,

about my desperation --

Everyone hears it.
Song "Killing me softly with his song" (1972, Lori Lieberman and Norman Gimbel, music Charles Fox), sung in 1973 by Roberta Flack (album "Killing me softly with his song")

Collection "Finethreads"
Zywa Mar 2
We're back in his house,

and my shoes are on the shelf --

And his shoes are not.
Film "Ljósbrot" ("Refraction" / "When the light breaks", 2024, Rúnar Rúnarsson)

Collection "Greeting from before"
Mar 2 · 41
[ Condolences can ]
Zywa Mar 2
Condolences can

be a battle: whose loss, whose --

sorrow is greater?
Film "Ljósbrot" ("Refraction" / "When the light breaks", 2024, Rúnar Rúnarsson)

Collection "Greeting from before"
Mar 1 · 263
[ Why does it happen ]
Zywa Mar 1
Why does it happen,

why does my heart open out --

to love, constantly?
Ghazal  (Ode) 2760 "Water of life" (13th century, Muhammad Jalal ad-Dīn Balkhi Rumi)

Collection "Love Mind and Death"
Mar 1 · 77
[ I do not know why ]
Zywa Mar 1
I do not know why,

but just out of gratitude --

I am moved to tears.
Poem "Whatever it is" (1190, Saigyo)

Collection "Love Mind and Death"
Feb 28 · 130
[ Just live like a bus ]
Zywa Feb 28
Just live like a bus

driver, all the diversions --

then become the route.
Column in De Standaard (2025, An Olaerts)

Collection "Stream"
Zywa Feb 28
Behind the walls there's

a party, and the river --

still remains frozen.
Book "Het geheim van de schrijver" ("The writer's secret", 2000, Renate Dorrestein), part 'Faith', chapter 'About Doing your own thing'

Collection "Old sore"
Next page