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Jan 1 · 108
Chaos and Silence
Cam Jan 1
It makes me happy to go home—
excited, even.
The anticipation of being surrounded by noise and light and love
swallows all else.

I dream about the yellow glow of the windows
that spill warmth onto the driveway.
The smell of fresh air, crisp and earthy.
The promise of family;
voices overlapping, laughter echoing,
draws me in,
gives me hope.

For the first few days
the yelling, the arguing,
it doesn’t bother me much.
It’s a symphony of chaos,
filling the silence I’ve grown used to,
keeping the cold at bay,
patching over the hole
that an empty apartment carves into my chest

I tell myself that it’s normal—
that life changes,
people change,
but they’re still family.
and even when it doesn’t feel like love,
it’s still a home.

Yet after a week,
the yelling sharpens,
the words sting,
The voices rise like waves in a storm,
crashing over me,
and again,
each one heavier than the last.

Like nails on a chalkboard
I flinch.
Tiptoeing over eggshells.
Skating on ice
that never seems to hold my weight.

The home I remember—
a place of bedtime stories and shared meals,
of sticky counters and warm embraces—
it all slips away.
The memories turn brittle,
shattering under the weight of what is now.

I curl in on myself
Becoming small.
The woman I’ve built myself up to be,
feels like a joke.
The battles I’ve fought,
the wars I’ve won,
crumble to dust.

The happiness I once felt
turns sour,
curdling into anger
toward the people I call family.

But it’s not fair.
They’re hurting too,
over the shared home we have all lost.
So my anger and pain,
none of it matters,
and it won’t fix what’s already been broken.

It becomes too much to bear,
the pain of what we’ve lost,
the anger at fate for destroying it,
It’s too loud—
too much for me to handle.
And all I want,
more than anything,
Is quiet.

So I drive,
5 hours and 13 minutes,
to my empty apartment.
Just to be met by dark windows,
empty and hollow,
staring back like vacant eyes.
A contrast to the warm, deceiving glow of my childhood home.

I walk inside
and revel in the silence.
No voices, no tension, no chaos.
Just peace,
soft and comforting.
Like slipping into cool sheets after a long day.
It’s heaven.
For a while.

After a week, though,
the silence and the peace
become suffocating,
The loneliness curls into every crevice of the apartment,
coiling around me like smoke,
sinking into my skin,
seeping into my bones and making them ache.

I feel like a ghost,
wandering a home that doesn’t belong to me.
Sleepwalking through the days,
going through motions that mean nothing.
The quiet isn’t peaceful anymore—
it’s consuming,
crushing the air in my lungs.

all i want
is to go home.
Torn between two lives.
Feb 2021 · 1.3k
Cam Feb 2021
Splish Splash with Tired arms
Inhale Exhale with Tired breath
Yell and Argue with Tired coach
Whine and Complain with Tired swimmers
Loud Static from a Tired radio
Bubble and Pour from a Tired coffee ***

At the pool,
sound became music, and music
a Tired cane for them to rest their weary limbs
I’m trying to read more so that I can enjoy all of your poems as well:)
Feb 2021 · 213
The Silver Necklace
Cam Feb 2021
It’s only a necklace.
It shouldn’t mean much at all,
yet it holds everything I can never have,
it’s all I can do not to fall.

I’m gripping onto the shadows—
to the person he left behind.
Trying to remember his voice, his smile,
to make a picture inside my mind.

Is it strange to hate someone you never knew,
yet love them all the same?
I cannot tell if this is the truth,
or if my head is playing games.

The photographs of his kids and loving wife
make me wonder if he was ever there at all,
or if he was just a ghost of self-made fiction—
the unknown will become my downfall.

The truth is, he has so many others now.
A family to call home.
So why can’t I just let it go,
and go back to my own?

It’s just one silly gift.
It shouldn’t mean so much to me.
But without remembering who I was,
how do I know who I’m supposed to be?
Was I not good enough?
Cam Jan 2021
We too would sit up throughout the warm nights
and laugh around the glowing campfire light,
then twinkling eyes meet from afar
sipping cocoa remembering good times
shared with friends.  We can never go back.

We took shelter from the shadows, from the dark.
When the sparks turned to fireflies, we’d smile,
and wish upon the flickering embers,
letting our dreams float up to the sky,

Speaking with love to them,
who had given me solace
and a safe harbor among friends.
How time did leave, how time did slip us by
to leave us with only faded memories?
This poem is an imitation of the poem "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden
Dec 2020 · 4.1k
I’ll Stay
Cam Dec 2020
You can leave.
and push me away,
but I promise  
I will always stay,
by your side
where I belong,
‘cause even if
you do me wrong,
it’s just me and you
so I’ll see it through,
‘cause don’t ya know,
I love you.
Nov 2020 · 305
Always and Forever
Cam Nov 2020
The people you love,
will always be there
to fill your soul with laughter,
to fill your heart with warmth,
to set the table and pass the food,
to make a toast and cheer to the good times.

Family is forever.
COVID is not.

Happy thanksgiving!
Nov 2020 · 318
The Hummingbird
Cam Nov 2020
Fluttering hearts
beat like drums
against Painted Feathers

Their lives speed by,
fragile and fleeting
like the cherry blossoms
of spring.

Life’s most magnificent picture
painted with watercolor,
on thin paper.

yet peaceful.
but elusive.

I wonder,
if they live life fast

or if we
are just slow.
I’m in the middle of my hummingbird watercolor and needed to give the painting a melody:)
Nov 2020 · 86
Secrets (10w)
Cam Nov 2020
The storms
Hold secrets
Swept up by their ghastly gales
#10w #secrets
Nov 2020 · 151
Stand Strong
Cam Nov 2020
When the world
To let the light in,
Turn on the light inside of you.

When the world
Is awash
With bitter cold,
Fuel the flame in the hearth.

When the world
To silence you,
Scream your name from the rooftops.

When the world pushes you down,
Tests your limits,
And blocks your way,
Find the hand reaching out to you,
And let them pull you back up.

You are not alone.

Our paths may be different but we journey as one.
You will get through this.

I promise.

<3 Cam
Mar 2020 · 106
Cam Mar 2020
At first,
Time is thy enemy
stretching out with
withered hands
stealing your breath
for decades,
until you start to panic
frantically trying to slow down
every moment,
every day,
every hour,
wheezing in

Until the day you realize that Time cannot be fought.
It cannot be wrestled into submission.
It cannot be captured or frozen.

It must be embraced.

You begin to understand that time is not your enemy.
You begin to appreciate all the little moments and love the person that you've become.

We all realize that Time is a gift.
One that we must learn to cherish,
before it's too late.
I think we all struggle with enjoying the little moments in life.  We become so focused on the next job, the next event, or the next day, that we forget to stop and appreciate how far you’ve come and where you are today. I challenge you to just pause tomorrow and enjoy the view.  Enjoy the laughter of the person next to you and APPRECIATE all that you have. It will be worth it I promise:) Time is not our enemy.  So why do we continue to treat it as one?
Mar 2019 · 160
Changing Seasons
Cam Mar 2019
Specks of green,
peeking out from
mountains of white.

Orange breasted
fluttering of feathers,
calling from leafless treetops.

T-shirts and jeans
replacing worn-out
jackets and snowpants.

Rusty bicycles
dragged outside,
After months stored away.

Bouncing basketballs
echo the sound
of children's laughter

Temperatures rise
as the sun warms
winter's frozen ground

Spring is near.
Today I saw grass! Spring is in the air!
Mar 2019 · 354
Happily Lost
Cam Mar 2019
Sometimes I get lost
Staring at stars above me
I hope I'm not found
Mar 2019 · 157
All the Colors.
Cam Mar 2019
People tell me that I have a pretty smile.
But if it's fake, does it matter?

People tell me that I am beautiful.
But inside, I am blackened and charred from years of getting burned.

People tell me that I am strong.
But I don't consider, blocking out the pain "strong".

People tell me that I am brave.
But putting on a brave face, doesn't mean I am brave on the inside.

People tell me I will go places, that I will do great things someday.
But how can I? When I barely get through today?

People think that they know who I am, they think they know ME.
But no one does, no one really knows that on the inside,

I am a child's painting.
They first add blue, then yellow, then green, and red and orange and purple.

And in the end,
its just a blob of brown,

that was once all the colors of the rainbow.
Nov 2018 · 152
Cam Nov 2018
Written stories and
beautiful fairy tales,
tell of how
dusty glass panes
somehow become murals.
Of how
Muddy roads and soggy clothes
somehow become sparkling sidewalks and ballgowns.
Of how
Frogs turn to princesses how pumpkins turn to carriages.

But a what cost,

For all things come with a price
Nothing is really free.
See what you didn´t know is that Cinderella broke up with her prince
Alice got lost in wonderland and Peter Pan never went back to Neverland

So what is the point in the fairy tale?
What is the point of the happiness?
What is the point in trying,
If your world will eventually come raining down around you,
in a thousand tiny burning embers?

Is hope enough?
Hope that somehow you haven´t led yourself off a cliff
For the first time in years?

There is always that voice though,
That little tiny voice whispering in the back of your mind.
Telling you this is the biggest cliff of all.
That this time you wont be getting back up when you fall.
This time there wont be something that catches you
right before you hit the ground.

Right now,
I am just hoping
that hope is enough
to keep my world from falling apart
for the last time.
Nov 2018 · 347
Dream Filled Sky
Cam Nov 2018
“Momma what are stars?” asked the young girl,
“The stars are your dreams little one,
The closer you look the more you see,
focus on one alone and it fades away.”

“Your life is written in the stars,
the brightest are your fondest memories
and the ones you can barely see
have yet to happen.”

“Your dreams appear in the stars
for safekeeping,
so your wishes can one day come true
and the lights that dance
in colorful streaks across the sky,
show your fate and your destiny
flashing before your eyes.”

“The North Star represents you,
as your dreams change,
your world spins,
but you will remain standing,
grounded to the earth.”

“Because the stars are yours to create,
fill the sky with your hopes and dreams,
fill it with love,
because love will shine brightest of all.”

“So make the sky beautiful child
Because you only get one chance
To make it yours.”
Nov 2018 · 200
Shattered Mirrors
Cam Nov 2018
Shattered Mirrors
Reflect a distorted
Image of

And you find
That the person you used to be,
The person you thought you were,
Is unrecognizable
Nov 2018 · 499
Cam Nov 2018
Life changes,
Filling with
That tear down
Once perfect
Childhood memories
Aug 2018 · 658
Cam Aug 2018
I thought it would be easy
I was wrong

I thought I knew what I was doing
I was wrong

I thought I knew which path to take
I was wrong

I thought I could do it all
I thought I was right

But I was wrong
Turns out I don’t know anything

Turns out I have a lot to learn
I made some mistakes
Realized I need to make some changes
Aug 2018 · 194
We got this
Cam Aug 2018
It’s you
And it’s me
And it’s us
Against the world
Dedicated to my amazing best friend who I probably couldnt live without!
Aug 2018 · 425
Cam Aug 2018
Laying on the soft grass
Staring up at the glowing moon
Memorizing the twinkling constellations
I am home
Aug 2018 · 317
Something Worth Reading
Cam Aug 2018
When you don't know what to write
                                   So your thoughts ramble on
Like an endless stream
                                Of nothing

And you try to put together
                                        The bits and pieces
Of rampant words
                                                 That are scattered through
    Your mind

That the final product
Is something worth reading.
I'm just starting up writing again after two months of summer vacation. So I am having a hard time starting up writing again.  I apologize for the two months of unexcused absence but I will be back for the rest of the school year!
Aug 2018 · 749
A Happy Haiku
Cam Aug 2018
I love happy poems
Cause the writer is happy
That makes me happy
You don't read many happy poems, these days.
May 2018 · 327
Cam May 2018
You are all I think about
And you fill my head with wild tumbling thoughts
All it takes it that arrogant lopsided smile
Before my heart leaps out of my chest

And on the days I cant find a smile
You seem to notice,
You find just the right words
To make me laugh

That crease on your forehead
Right between your eyebrows
That appears when you think just a bit too hard about something
Makes me smile
Its one of those things you just happen to notice about a person
That's completely adorable

Your sandy blond hair
That lands on your forehead just right
Makes me wish I could run my hands through it over and over
Until it is perfectly messed up

And your eyes
Have no words to describe them
Ocean blue with soft silver and vibrant green flecks
They somehow have the capability of stopping me in my tracks
With just a glance
They mesmerize me and I find myself unable to look away
Even as you catch me staring

I cant help but wonder
If you notice all the little things about me
Or if you notice anything at all
May 2018 · 229
Follow your Heart
Cam May 2018
Following your heart
Is not knowing where your going
But going there anyways
May 2018 · 312
Pain of Drowning
Cam May 2018
Pain consumes me.
It thwarts all thoughts of me ever being happy.
The dark encloses me in a cage with tall iron bars.
And I sit curled up in a corner,
Head on my knees,
Silently crying.
But some days
The sun shines through the cracks of the boarded up ceiling.
I hold on to that light like a lifeline.
I cherish and treasure it,
Hold and caress it.
Murmur sweet nothings in its ear and try to convince it to stay.
Convince it to chase the darkness away.
But I always have to let it go.
And I go back to my corner,
Curled up with my head on my knees
Until the light comes out again.

My head slowly fills up with water as the darkness consumes me.
And I struggle to keep the tide at bay.
To keep my head above water.
I desperately wish for the light to come back again.
Because without the light
I don’t think I have the strength
To keep myself from drowning
Apr 2018 · 247
Lesson to Myself
Cam Apr 2018
I realized
As I was begging him for forgiveness

I was begging
Me to forgive myself
How do I forgive myself?
Apr 2018 · 280
Cam Apr 2018
Gut-feeling, soul-wrenching, heart-crushing I’m lost I don’t know what do do someone help me I can’t do this anymore not like this not without you tell me what to do why did you leave me I’m sorry please forgive me I tried to come back and now I’ll never know what could have happened what would have happened why didn’t you wait for me now your gone and all I have are broken memories why did you have to go why did you leave now I’m here with no one I’m dying inside and no one understood but you

I promised I would come back
I broke my promise
You died alone

Now I will too
I  don’t know what to do cause it’s my fault he died alone and he will never forgive me.
Apr 2018 · 196
Please forgive me
Cam Apr 2018
It’s too late
It’s too lat
It’s too la
It’s too l
It’s too
It’s to
It’s t
I’m s
I’m so
I’m so s
I’m so so
I’m so sor
I’m so sorr
I’m so sorry
Mar 2018 · 223
I’m Fine
Cam Mar 2018
I smile
And laugh
And talk
Along with everyone else

But inside
My head
Is churning
With thoughts
I know are not welcome

I hold it in
Try to shove it in a box
And throw it in the back of my head
Where I hope I can’t find it

But my wishes are ignored
And they come tumbling back
To the front of my mind
Where they whirl around

“Are you okay?” They ask
“I’m fine” I say

I’ll just try to hold it in
For a little while longer
Until I snap
And slowly disappear
From the life I used to live

I scream and shout and cry
Tired of thinking I am usesless
That no one cares

Trying to trick my self into thinking I don’t have depression
That those people I see in the pamphlets who look so hopless
Couldn’t be me

Maybe if I say that
“I’m fine”
Enough times
I will be okay
Mar 2018 · 400
Horror of all Horrors
Cam Mar 2018
It’s the horror of all horrors
It’s the worst of the worst
And you know that once you catch it
You are really truly cursed

To be under subjugation
Under horrible control
And it’s not planning to give back
Anything it stole

It stole your creativity,
All your rights, your name
And I’m just sick of playing
It’s sick twisted game

I looked up at my sister
She smiled and shook her head
And said it’s writers block my friend
**** it up until the end
Got writers block:(
Feb 2018 · 400
A Choice
Cam Feb 2018
Trailing my fingers along the weathered spines
Which one should I pick?
Feb 2018 · 1.6k
A Child and her Bird
Cam Feb 2018
Today I was told a story
Of a little child and her bird
And of how she had a string
That she tied to its leg
Every time she let the bird go
It would start to fly away, thinking it was free
But she would always pull the bird back,

And the bird never learned
So it kept trying to fly away
Hoping one day his wish would come true

I feel like the bird
Always trying to be free
But being pulled back by some force that I have yet to discover

Maybe the bird always knew
That he would die in the child's hands

Just like I know
That I will keep trying,
Trying to fly away
Even if my string is pulling me back
Not really a poem but...
Feb 2018 · 374
100 days
Cam Feb 2018
100 days
Till the bright white sun
Shines down the earth
Warming me from head to toe
100 days
Till the water sparkles with joy
Happy to be seen after months
Hidden under the glaring ice
100 days
Till we sing around the campfire
Watching the night sky
Come alive with a billion stars
100 days
Till I laugh at the feeling
Of the warm wind
Tumbling through my hair
100 days
I have been counting down summer since school started and as of today there are only 100 days left!
Feb 2018 · 240
I Never Thought
Cam Feb 2018
Once someone abandoned me
I thought that revenge is what I wanted
I never thought I would actually go through with it
I thought it would feel good
To hurt the person
That hurt me
I guess I was wrong
Feb 2018 · 277
Pondering Life
Cam Feb 2018
Its hard to keep up with life
When it seems as though
Life is holding you back
Feb 2018 · 265
Straight Roads
Cam Feb 2018
I thought
The straight road
Would be
Fast and
But it turns out
There's more turns
Than one would think
On a
Feb 2018 · 210
Fake Chances
Cam Feb 2018
Thought there would be
One more chance
For you and me
But now
I realize
There was nothing
To begin with
Oct 2017 · 215
Cant Let Go
Cam Oct 2017
Cant let go
To the sky
To the stars

Wont let go
Of the bright meadow
filled with spring flowers

Never letting go
Of the long open road
Weaving through the field

Just hanging on
To the world

Until I have to
Let it go
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