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928 · Apr 2015
Gave it All Away (By. Red)
You're here, trembling with fear
You made it clear
You turned your back and now you've gone astray
Nothing left to say
What's standing in your way?
You had the chance to never walk alone

But you gave it all away
When I needed you to stay
Just open up your arms I need you here
I can't do this on my own
I got nothing left to show
Open up your arms I need you here!

Again, lying in your bed
Nightmares is in your head
Facing all that you just threw away
At the edge again
It's coming to an end
You had the chance to never walk alone

But you gave it all away
When I needed you to stay
Just open up your arms I need you here
I cant do this on my own
I got nothing left to show
Open up your arms I need you
I need you, here! Here!
I need you, here! Here!

You gave it all away
I needed you to stay
Open up your arms I need you here!

I can't do this on my own
I got nothing left to show
Open up your arms, I need you here
But you gave it all away
When I needed you to stay
Just open up your arms I need you here
I can't do this on my own
I got nothing left to show
Open up your arms, I need you here!
Why do you leave me here? Alone in all this fear...
900 · Dec 2014
You  make my blood boil when you
Are  using your cruel ways to hurt those I love,
A  bomb that causes them to go detrimental, and you flood
Poison**  through their thoughts, deafening out my cries.
826 · Jan 2015
****** hands in the dead of night.
Crimson stains dousing the pools.

Body on the ground.
Knife through the head.

The rage got out.
And I killed someone.
Words hurt more than we realize...
My friends are living proof because I was stupid.
819 · Jan 2015
The Dark
When the lights go out
and darkness swallows everything,
you will find me panicking.
I am petrified
of what could be hiding,
waiting for me to fall asleep
so it can **** me with ****** claws.
781 · Dec 2014
is the loudest
noise that humans can comprehend.
765 · Dec 2014
The Center
Is the center of a circle the safest?
Could it really be where the less of the pain courses through these veins?

Is the center of a circle the safest?
Could it really be where I can rest these weary limbs?

Is the center of a circle the safest?
Could it really be where I can keep the blood from flowing?

Is the center of a circle the safest?
Or could it be where I am trapped in the webs of your darkness?
761 · Dec 2014
Sharp edge
Calm down-
it's almost over.
Just wait a little longer,
and the nightmare will end.
Put down the sharp edge,
and listen to me:
Your thoughts are like fog,
a fog so thick breathing is agonizing.

Calm down-
it's almost over.
Blink and it'll be gone,
the nightmare will end.
Put down the sharp edge,
and listen to me:
Pain won't make it end,
it won't end because it'll cause more pain.

Calm down-
it's almost over.
Close your eyes and it'll be gone,
the nightmare will end.
Put down the sharp edge,
and listen to me:
Follow my voice,
for my voice will get you through this mess.

Calm down-
it's almost over.
Don't let the blood leak out and it'll be gone,
the nightmare will end.
Put down the sharp edge,
and listen to me:
You will be alright,
*soon enough that you will see the light again.
Don't let the darkness bring you to self-harm. You're more precious than the plants or water or universe. You just haven't seen it for yourself.
735 · Dec 2014
Trapped in a web of lives.
Trapped in the hole dug.
Trapped in the steel doors of your mind.
If only you could get yourself out.
690 · Jan 2015
What a man is
A man is someone
who will protect you
until his last breath.

A man is someone
who will love you
no matter what.

A man is someone
who will care for your children
when you cannot.

A man is someone
who doesn't mind your faults
even when they're huge.

A man is someone
who stays by your side
even when he's not there.

A man is someone
who will not smother you
even when he wants to.
I don't want a boy
for a husband.
I want a man
in blinding light.
687 · Jan 2015
My poems
are not all the same.
Mixed emotions,
you see.
Some are depressed,
some are just sad.
Some are happy,
and some are mad.
I am a poet,
I write what I feel,
although I am as numb
as my fingers
on a cold winter day.
678 · Dec 2014
The rain pours down,
like the tears from my eyes.
I can't stop you from harm,
I can't stop you from going.
I don't know why you want to leave me behind,
but I know you just want to go.
668 · Dec 2014
Moonlit Path
Why am I here?
Do I have a message?
A purpose?
Or am I just walking aimlessly,
down a moonlit path,
surrounded by darkness
as well as a light
that leads nowhere?
668 · Jan 2015
Anxiety Attacks
Like an animal inside you,
trying to get free.
So painful,
the demons killing me.

Like someone's strangling you
from the inside.
Lungs in agony
in a dreadful line.

It's hard to swallow,
it's hard to breathe.
Thinking of the problems
within me.

"I am a mistake,
so why should I be?
All I do is hurt
those who are closest to me."

These are the thoughts
within my brain
as I try to clear them,
but doing so in vain.

I am trying to swallow
the feeling of disdain.
But I am choking,
melting away.

Soon enough,
the demons run and flee,
leaving me with thoughts
that will never leave me be.

It's like a battle,
right in my lungs,
right in my mind.
I become so blind,
that it's hard to be me.
I suffer from anxiety attacks
when my nervous system racks.
It sets me away
in the wolf pack.
662 · Dec 2014
If only my eyes could see white,
rather than the black of your,
653 · Jan 2015
I Stopped.
It was a waste of time,
so I stopped doing it.
Now I can't do it at all,
no matter how much
I feel like I should.
I stopped,
and now I can't.
Plain and simple
as pain itself.
I told myself not to cry.
Now it feels like
it's impossible to ever do it again.
Sometimes I try to force them out,
but my tears have run dry.
646 · Dec 2014
Shut up
My dear parents,
please shut up.
I'm tired of the yelling,
tired of the fighting.
Your hurtful words
hurt more than each other.
"Our marriage is in jeopardy."
No, that's not what I want to hear.
Please shut up,
or you'll break
our already shattered lives.
Think of the consequences
of your actions.
If you split up,
you'll tear me apart.
From house to house
I'll go when you make me,
but when it's time for sugery
have fun paying.
You two are children,
seeming I'm the adult.
You fight for no reason,
it breaks my heart.
I just want to be happy,
though that's a joke.
Your arguments are choking me,
the fear and anger battling inside me,
ready to explode.
I wish you would just shut up already
before you tear our family more.
638 · Jan 2015
You said you loved me
when the clock hadn't ticked five minutes.
So I said it back,
just to keep you happy.

I know I'm a liar,
and I shouldn't be.
It was the only way
to protect your feelings.

You were smothering me.
So many I love you's,
so many love notes.
Too much for me to handle.

I felt like I was suffocating,
choking from the inside.
I didn't know how to handle the situation,
I'm sorry that I lied.

Please don't be sad.
Please don't cut your wrist
only because I cut our 'ship.
Please don't die...

I'm always here,
if you need a friend.
No, not another lie.
Just something to live with.

I'm sorry
for all the pain I caused.
I'm sorry
your emotions got too much
for me.

*I'm sorry I never tried.
I'm sorry for being a coward...
I'm sorry for lying...
Please don't hurt yourself...
It'll only make us cry.
632 · Dec 2014
You lie,
you hate,
you make us suffer.
You let terrorists free,
to **** us all.
You send us to war,
how stupid are you?
You make us pay more than we should;
you're going to ruin the economy.
You should never have been here,
should have never been born.
You should never have been given authority,
never should have ruled.
Thank you Obama,
for making a mess
of the lives of an entire country-
population 316.1 million.
I could say much more,
but the rest is a mess,
but the one you created
is bigger than the rest.
I am probably going to be killed by the government but oh well.
631 · Dec 2014
I didn't care
I didn't care what you thought of me.
I didn't care if you even liked me.
I didn't care if you thought I was prettier than the night sky.
Then I stopped caring about you,
and moved on.
596 · Dec 2014
As I watch the sunset,
I see it is like a life,
gone in the blink of an eye.
Just like *that.
574 · Jan 2015
Where are you?
You're not responding to anyone,
and the last trace of you
was four days ago.

Everyone's so worried
that you might be dead
but we hope you're not.

Why won't you respond?
Was it something I said?
Or are you just too sick to press send?

We need to know,
my friend.
Please tell us that you're not dead.

Where are you?
What can even be said?
Where have you been for the last week and a half?
One of my friends
won't respond to anything.
We're all scared that he might have killed himself...
567 · Jan 2015
I bet she's pretty.
I bet she's tall.
I bet she's nice yet not.
I bet she's smart.
I bet she's funny.
I bet she knows how to have fun.
I bet she does her hair everyday.
I bet she has nice clothes.
I bet she has a nice phone.
I bet she sends late-night texts to you, saying she loves you.
I bet she expresses her feelings.
I bet she knows you inside and out.
I bet she's all the things I am not.

I may be smart,
and maybe a bit pretty.
But that's where it stops,
for I don't do my hair everyday,
or wear make-up.
I don't express my emotions,
through this sweat-shirt.
She's nicer than me,
but I can be when I feel it.

Why can't you notice me,
like you notice her?
Why can't you see,
that I'm actually here?
Why can't you tell,
that I'm alone
in this box of loneliness?
565 · Dec 2014
I'm invisible,
I know you can't see me now,
*I've always been a ghost.
549 · Dec 2014
Can you hear me?
I see the scars
on your wrist.
I see the tears
rolling down your cheeks.
I scream at you to put the knife down,
but can you hear me?
Can you hear me at all?

I see the pain
that you're bearing.
I see the abuse
put onto you.
I scream at you to put the bleach away,
but can you hear me?
Can you only hear silence
through the slicing detriment
of your own affliction?
Anyone else know someone like this?
538 · Dec 2014
Let's shed some light on the subject
of how my life is going.
God answered a prayer,
and here I am smiling.
Never thought it'd happen,
never thought I'd see joy again.
But here it is,
joy standing in front of me.
It leaps into my eyes,
and dances like a willow tree in the wind.
I am happy once again,
but how long shall it last?
480 · Dec 2014
I Can't Stop
I can't stop
these hands
from expressing these feelings.

I can't stop
these eyes
from glistening with tears.

I can't stop
these feet
from running away.

I can't stop
these legs
from darting.

I can't stop
these limbs
from trembling.

I can't stop
these thoughts
from turning dark.

I can't stop
this imagination
from imagining the worst.

I can't stop
thinking about
what you did to me.
469 · Jan 2015
Let go of me
Grabbing my sleeve,
as I try to leave.
Tears running down your cheeks,
tears running down mine.
I don't want to go,
but it's against my will.
I'm chained to a wall,
as the blood falls.
Drip, drip, drip
down to the floor,
and killing my whole.
I will wait for you,
as long as you wait for me.
This is not suicide,
this is not a cut.
This is just my soul
thinking of the future beyond.
456 · Dec 2014
Freedom, so sweet.
If only I could grasp you,
if only you were near.

My demons attack me,
spilling crimson blood.
I'm losing the battle,
fear consuming me.

I don't want to hurt anyone,
I really don't.
Everyone else,
deserves better than me.

Can you please go away?
Leave this war to me.
May I just go?
Or must I plead?

Over and over,
memories again.
Over and over,
on rerun.

My head turns away,
my demons to fearful to look at.
I ignore them,
just as they destroy me.

I reconstruct,
build my life again,
only to have to taken,
only to have it destroyed.

I hate this life,
but I'll wait for the next.
I'm not going to die,
no, not yet.
437 · Jan 2015
I thought
I thought I could love you forever,
but then you saw my broken scars.
I thought we were perfect,
but it all went down in flames.
I didn't think my fight was over,
but I knew it all the same.
I thought you weren't
400 · Dec 2014
I*  *felt like I could trust you, but I
Misread  the caring look in your eyes, and
You  *are the one that caused my doubtful heart, one that can never trust again.
318 · Dec 2014
A Million Pieces
You inflict my pain.
You cause my stress.
You cause the agony that
rips me to a million pieces.

You cause my suffocation.
You cause your hands to choke me.
You cause the black that
makes it seem that I'll explode into a million pieces.

You cause the poison to enter my veins.
You cause my blood to run dry.
You cause my death that
tears the rest to a million pieces.

Sometimes I wish
that I could tear you to a million pieces.
But I hold back
for I am not like you.
I am not a murderer.

— The End —