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Dec 2015 · 597
Winter Leaves
It's cold outside on the streets
But even colder inside my heart
For your love is like the leaves
That grow on trees in winter


Winter leaves are as absent as you
In the presence of my life's problems
Or when I need a shoulder to cry on
Or a soft, warm hand to hold
Dec 2015 · 1.7k
Most men run like clockwork.
Each piece is relevant to the system.
Alas, I am different.
I am a clock, like all other men,
But I am filled with broken parts:
Broken gears, broken hands,
And broken everything else.
I can no longer move forward in time
For my hands are stuck
Cursed to tell and retell one minute.

Why would the clockmaker
Turn me into a monstrosity?
Is this a punishment for my sins
Or is it a challenge I cannot win?
Am I broken to start with
Or is this a cruel joke?
I wish not to retell the same time
Because it is a time that haunts me.
A time that has brought me grief.
Fix me, so I may not be stuck.
Dec 2015 · 656
She's just a friend
Who I share common interests with
She's just a friend
Who doesn't reply sometimes
She's just a friend
I talk to about movies
She's just a friend
I share my favorite songs to
She's just a friend
Who listens to my sadness
She's just a friend
That I share stories to
She's just a friend
That I think the world of
She's just a friend
To whom I would give my heart to
She's just a friend
Who I'd want to hold hands with
She's just a friend
Who I'd trust with my heart and soul
She's just a friend
That I want to see when I'm sad
She's just a friend
That makes me happy
She's just a friend
That makes me sad
She's just a friend
That confuses my emotions
She's just a friend
I wanna see all the time
She's just a friend
I'd write poems to
She's just a friend
I would cry to
She's just a friend
Who haunts my dreams at night
She's just a friend
Who makes me drink to forget her
She's just a friend
That breaks my heart every time I see her
She's just a friend
That breaks me every time I think of her

*She's just a friend
And I'm just a friend
And that's all we are
And that's all we will ever be
Even if it hurts me
Dec 2015 · 1.0k
Failed Expectations
I wanna talk to you
Like I'm yours and you're mine
Slow deep conversations
At two in the morning

Us traveling the world
Like we're birds in the breeze
Exploring all the bumps
And the cracks on Earth's face

Hearing your soft whispers
Say "I love you" at night
While the world is asleep
And enveloped in dark

Your lips and mine touching
As fireworks light the sky
Burning bright memories
In our lives' pages
We expect too much.
Dec 2015 · 703
I Thought I Was Over You
I let go of you
I thought of other things
And I was in bliss

I was alone now
And I was enjoying
Silent solitude

You were off my mind
You were nowhere near me
I thought I fell out

I was moving on
From you and from the past
And then I saw you
Dec 2015 · 547
let the world crumble
would you hold my hand
     while the world crumbles
     around us?

i would hold yours
     as long as you agreed
     that I do

you won't hold mine
     if you had the choice
     but that's fine with me

in all truth,
     my world crumbles everyday
     because i can't have you
Nov 2015 · 2.0k
(I need to buy more alcohol)
Hell's day to-morrow
and I am all out of ***
To help me sleep
Maybe I will be up all night
waiting for Death's sweet embrace
because I know that the Reaper
will bring me peace
I drank the last of the *** last night.
UPDATE: Found some *****
Nov 2015 · 676
Third Time's The Charm
Third time's the charm
They always say
If the third time
Was the time
That you'd get hurt
The most
Nov 2015 · 1.1k
I am jealous
Because he is the poison
In your bloodstream

He is the darkness
That haunts you at 2 AM
When you're falling asleep

I wish to be the one
Who keeps you up at night
Making you think of ruined futures
She is the canvas of the night sky
That has the stars painted onto her
She sparkles with billions of lights
Of ***** of burning gases
And she makes it look beautiful
Like the stars aren't burning *****
Of gas that can eat
Planets entirely in one bite
Nov 2015 · 532
Cry To Sleep Once More
Tears well up in my eyes
As I wait for night to pass
The quiet hours never lie
As sad emotions flow and flow fast

It's pain
That I feel
I don't want to
Cry to sleep once more
Nov 2015 · 1.3k
Bacardi Blues
I'm running on Bacardi
Drinking like a slob at this party
My heart reaches for her hand
But only on the bottle does it land
I pour another cup of drink
And into a mattress I sink
Thinking just of her
As the world around me blurs
My heart twists and turns
While my esophagus burns
My face goes numb
And now I am drunk
Don't drink that stuff.
Nov 2015 · 1.9k
My heart is a planet
Or was
Because now it's
An asteroid belt
That floats
Around the sun
The bright star
That is you
There was a time when I told myself that I couldn't live without her.
There was a time when I thought she was everything the world could offer.
I used to think that she was who I would grow old with.
I used to think that we'd both be happy with each other in the next 20 years.
I used to think that I wouldn't survive college for a month without seeing her.

I was wrong.
I was wrong to believe that I would love her until I died.
I was wrong to believe that one day I would wake up beside her.
I was wrong to believe that I would hold her hand and call her mine.
I was
I should have known better to not dwell in my childlike fantasies.
I'm no Prince Charming.

What did I know of live?
I was infatuated.
Dangerously infatuated.
I was at the point where I would be willing to kiss her
just to gain her attention, just her attention.
I knew nothing about how love worked.
All I did was give her my heart and watch happily as she took it
and stomped it
into a
mushy paste.
Something in my mind told me that she would be reciprocating my feelings, but I was
Sorry for the wall of text.
Nov 2015 · 922
What Love Lost Is Like
She's half a heart
Because you took more away
Than you gave her

She's mad at night
And tries to sleep
Searching for peace

She can't see through the rage
Or through the tears
Or through the pain

What you did was fail her
Because she believed
In you wholeheartedly
Nov 2015 · 915
Darkness In Light
Being as lonesome as I
Expels all thoughts of happiness
A darkness looms over me
Telling me to give up hope
Reality is cruel, but
I shall stand tall
Combatting the demons
Everywhere in sight
Oct 2015 · 641
Two Twenty-two
It's now two twenty-two
I've got nothing to do
I'm just thinking of you

Imagine us somewhere
Breathing the cool night air
Not giving any care

Laying there in the grass
Watching shooting stars pass
Snuggled with you, fine lass

The sky drapes us in dark
But with you it's not stark
For you brighten my heart

It's now two twenty-two
I've got nothing to do
I'm just thinking of you
Oct 2015 · 493
Her Name...
Might add on this when I have the time.
Oct 2015 · 966
I Want You To Fall For Me
I want you to fall for me,
So I can hurt you
Just as much as you did me
I want you to feel
Your heart burst like a balloon
On a sunny day
I want you to be in tears
Of sadness, not joy
And watch you cry your heart out
In hopes I'd  turn 'round
Cruel they seem, my thoughts now,
But you did the same
The morning you turned your back
I was born again
Into who you see today
If you want the old me back
You will have to dig
Because he was buried deep
In his now dead heart
The heart you stomped on back then
The one in the dirt
My poor, beat up, dead, black heart
How I wish daily
That my heart beat like before
So I could love more
But it is impossible
For it lost the fight
I want you to fall for me,
So I can crush you
Until your **** heart gives out
And you cry to sleep
For the rest of your **** life
Oct 2015 · 2.6k
You are Monday
I don't look forward to you
But I have no choice

I hate you so much
But I cannot get away
For you are a part of life

My soul aches
Because you hurt me
And I can't escape

I despise your presence
But because of you
I look forward to Friday
Oct 2015 · 425
Don't look at me with your ******* eyes
Your stares do nothing but make you look high

Don't speak to me with your ******* tongue
All that's left is for it to pour dung

Don't hear my words with your ******* ears
Because you might stain yourself in fear

Don't touch me with your ******* hands
For all I know, you could have had them up your ***

Don't breathe near me with your ******* lungs
I don't want to share air with a skunk

I have more to say. Alas, I'll stop
After all, I've already come out on top
Always for him, never for me
Is what always runs through my head

Always for him, never for me
I wanna fill my brain with lead

Always for him, never for me
Just spit in my face right now

Always for him, never for me
Tie me up and make me drown

Always for him, never for me
Choke me until I black out

Always for him, never for me
Turn my neck into a blood spout

Always for him, never for me
Always for him
*Never for me
Why must you choose him over me?
Oct 2015 · 412
I don't know
If I've fallen
Like Lucifer

I feel like
I've fallen into
Hell below

But this hell,
I like it
I'll stay

For this burning
Is hidden beauty
It's her

I've fallen hard
For only her
Oh no

This is bad
Because I love
Wrong people

I hope that
This time I
Am wrong
I am ******.
Sep 2015 · 460
What You Are
You are subpar
How I wish she could see that
You probably know it yourself

You are the grimy ****
On the soles of my boots
That I scrape off on the curb

You are the lesser human
And I am the pinnacle of greatness
I hope you know that

You are the bottom of the food chain
And I am on the top
I will drink your blood

She doesn't deserve you
She deserves better than that
She deserves me
Stay away from her.
Sep 2015 · 555
To The Bastard With My Name
To the ******* with my name
I will gut you and choke you
I swear you will never see day

How dare you take warmth
From my light
When it flickers in the wind

I will gouge your eyes out
So you never lay your eyes
On what provides me happiness

I will **** all those you hold dear
They will be the kindling of my pyre
Your fate shall be the same

Let this be a warning
Begone, foul beast of the night
And I will let you watch from afar
Weak I was and weak I am
My heart breaks for her once more
I play the game of love when I can,
But I cannot even score

Cry I did and cry I do
I cry to sleep every night
On my cheeks the tears they go
Oh what a terrible sight

Loved I tried and love I try
But I'll always end up hurt
Once again my poor heart tries
And the blood, out if it, spurts
Sep 2015 · 1.2k
I am Dante
I am a poet, a writer, and a fool
My love for her burns worse than hell

I will go through the circles
Of the nine hells below
Just to have her rest in my arms

My soul will suffer
As those below do,
But my love for her will guide me

The fires may touch my skin
And the hopelessness will hit me,
But I will keep fighting for her

I care not for the souls of the souls of the ******
I only care for the soul of my love
For she is my Beatrice
Sep 2015 · 364
Split In Two
Who do I love anymore?
My heart calls for the both of them,
But God knows I can only have one.

My hear is split in two
And I cry because those two parts
Are both just as broken.

The universe plays its cruel game
Of making me feel the fires
Of their hearts burn for others.
No. I'm not cheating on anyone.
Sep 2015 · 613
I Thought I Saw You
I thought I saw you, I really did.
I've been missing you.
I know you don't care anymore,
But I wish you would.

I thought it was you,
She looked like you.
I wish she were you
Even just for that moment.
Jul 2015 · 500
This is for me.
I'm not crying for you
I'm crying for me
I've wasted

to me now
Jun 2015 · 462
A Crappy Poem About Poems
I'm out of words
I'm out of love

I need something
To be thinking of

I need to write
For it's in my soul,

But what's in my heart
Is a gaping hole

I'm forcing myself to write
Oh god, it hurts. *****.

Where was the blood that used to flow?
It's thinned out. Why is that so?

Do I need to love so I can write?
I don't want to feel pain, nor shall I fight.

Argh. This writer's block hurts like knives.
I'm too tired to rhyme so never mind.
Sorry this *****.
May 2015 · 504
I'm Tired
I'm tired of writing poems
Nobody cares to read
People don't know how hard it is
To carry this deed

I'm sure people open it up
And see the writing's length
I'm sure if it's too long
They would rather save their strength

I know this for a fact
Because sometimes I do it too
Sometimes I'm too lazy to read
My apologies to you

I'm tired of writing poems
That nobody bothers to like
It makes me feel depressed
And want to stab myself with a spike

It makes me think in depth:
Do I write **** or not?
Well if it is as bad as I think
I hope that **** gets hot

The world will go on as it is
Where I'm just another face
I guess I'll be forgotten
And I'll be buried in the days
I'm tired.
May 2015 · 376
Just a quote
"Love pushes people to do things they wouldn't normally do. Sometimes it's more of a liability to love."

- Me
Not really a poem.
May 2015 · 208
I don't want to write about you anymore.
May 2015 · 1.8k
The Girl In The Red Dress
She danced and laughed like she was a person,
But inside she was an evil demon.

The red of her dress bounced from wall to wall.
How could it be possible not to fall?

Her horns sprouted from inside her head
And what she told me filled me with dread.

"I don't love you. I think I never will."
No other words but those make me want to ****.

I burned inside, I regret having fell.
For falling made me feel the fires of hell.

The dress she wore turned into her skin.
Oh god forbid what I'm about to get in.

Never had evil looked so sublime.
Now I wish for this demon to be mine.

My feelings for her then became dire.
She grabbed me and threw me into the hellfire.
May 2015 · 693
Never Forget Her
"Never forget me."
She scribbled on the letter
That is what I remember
When I try to make my life better

"Never forget me."
She wrote in her cursive hand
I told myself to lam
But what happened was a countermand

"Never forget me."*
She happily wrote on the page
Those words were my *******
This can be cured only by age
She wrote me a letter once. ONCE.
Mar 2015 · 373
Haiku #8
Just take my life now
I do not want to study
Please put me to rest
**** me.
She never smiled for the soothing sounds of my smooth soliloquies
Nor did she fathom the frightful forms of my words
She didn't enjoy my empathy nor my engaging emotions
She did not bestow her best upon me,
But I still love her longly, largely, and life-filled.
I'm trying out a new style. Haven't perfected it (obviously), but at least I'm trying.
Mar 2015 · 618
How She Was Like Space
She painted dark canvas of the night sky
With her beauty worth billions of stars.
She was a source of time dilation,
For every day I knew her felt like decades.

My life orbited around hers like a moon to a planet,
But I was merely a moon while she was a solar system.
I was an irrelevant speck of dust floating within her galactic heart.
I wish I could turn into her one and only star.
A bright flame danced in my heart
It danced because of love
It spun and moved with grace
And moved from place to place

It filled my soul with warmth
And the strength to carry on
Every time I left to fight
It filled me with soothing light

The fire danced for you
So our souls could one day unite
The fires in our hearts would merge
And the electricity in us would surge

But then the fire in me burned out
From your gust of icy wind
That I was in darkness for so long
And I had no will to be strong

After a while, a new fire was lit
And it's heat burned blue
It was hotter than any fire in the land
Not even I could make a stand

This fire was eternal
This stationary burning blue
It burned for the lust of bloodshed
The flame kept still, never turning red.

Every day and every night it burned
Through my heart and soul
I realized that the fire was still for you
I did not know what I felt or what to do.
Hey guys! Sorry for the entire time I haven't been posting. I've been (having a mental breakdown) studying and stuff. Anyway, here's my new poem.
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
A Letter To A Part II
All I want is to talk
Again like old times,
But I'm so full anger.

You wrote to me once.
You told me to never forget you
Forgetting you is impossible.

I think about you everyday
Even if I don't want you
I couldn't forget you if I tried.

You're a lost cause,
But I'm trying to fight
Even if it means dying

Just shoot me already.
You already took out my heart.
Finish me off.

Please I'm begging you,
Just end me
Because I don't want to live like this.
September 15, 2014

I have decided to post this series of poems. I don't know how many letters I'll write in the future or maybe I'll just stop writing the letters altogether.

Another thing, almost everything in this series is raw. Should I keep posting or what?
Jan 2015 · 469
Three Hundred Sixty-Five
Has it really been a year?
A year of pain and bad memories.
Let's talk about it.

Imagine all the time I spent thinking about what you did.
Imagine all the time I used falsely hoping.
Imagine all the nights I spent thinking what was wrong with me.

I thought you were a good person.
I thought you would keep your word.
I thought you wouldn't do such a thing.

It's been a year,
Yet it only feels like yesterday.
Truthfully, everyday feels like that one day last year.
Jan 2015 · 768
A Letter to A
I promised to love you
I promised I swear,
But sometimes those're broken.

Just as broken as my heart
On the very night that you broke your word.
I hate to remind you about it

I hate reminding myself too.
The thing is, I did love you
Despite all the pain.

I've learned to forget,
But I haven't learned to forgive
Even though you apologized

With your amazing, angelic voice
I'd cringe at the thought
Because no amount of anything

Could cure this feeling
Because I don't get over some things
But I'm trying to get over you.
September 10, 2014

I have decided to post this series of poems. I don't know how many letters I'll write in the future or maybe I'll just stop writing the letters altogether.

Another thing, almost everything in this series is raw. Should I keep posting or what?
Jan 2015 · 293
I Don't Know (10w)
Sometimes I don't know what I want out of life.
Jan 2015 · 407
I don't need to choke back tears
Because I ran out
When you left me to rot
Jan 2015 · 430
All you've left me is sadness
Reality is cruel
Rage is what flows through my
Icy veins and heart
After all we've been through
Nothing remains of our friendship
End my life now
Jan 2015 · 411
Haiku #7
Be my source of light
Elucidate my life's path
And I shall be free
Dec 2014 · 2.7k
A Sad New Year's Eve
It is the eve of the dawn of a new time
Tonight I fill myself
With any alcoholic drink
To curb the curses this year has given

I'm sad again like always
So I'll be drinking to forget
All the memories that hurt
And all the problems I have

I wish you a Happy New Year
And may you find your happiness
While I find mine
In a shot glass
Happy New Year
Dec 2014 · 316
Starless Night
I always thought
I would tell you
That every star in the sky
Would be a year for "us"
And here I am
Seeing this blank night sky
And it showed me the truth
Of you and I
"Each star in the sky would be a year of you and I."
Dec 2014 · 3.3k
Happy Birthday
I wish I could say more,
But I could only say less.
So here is a poem for you
I will not jest.

I wish you a long life
And a good one too
I wish you excitement
So you'd have something to do

I wish you good health
One that will not expire
For in these times
The need for health is dire

I wish you a world
Wherein nobody would hate
Such a beautiful person such as you
On whatever date

I wish you happiness
Unlike me who is sad
I'd want you to live
Without regretting the life you have had

Finally, I wish you love
One that will last lifetimes
A love so powerful and strong
That it can slow down your time

Happy birthday
Dec. 29, 2014

It's someone's birthday today.
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