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(A Psalm of Exaltation: God's name is a
strong refuge.)

O Lord, your name protects—
Even as a shadow covers from the sun.

It is a lovely name, comelier than the lily
And sweeter than the rose.
And holy. All-powerful
And high above the earth—
Even higher than the heavens.

Nature provides crannies
For the tiniest creatures.
And dens for the wild beasts
That they might dwell safely.

The fox is protected
In the burrows of the earth,
And the squirrel finds refuge
In the hollow of a tree.
The scorpion's sanctuary
Is beneath a rock,
And the hive is a shelter
For the bee.

Even so, Lord, by your wisdom—
You have established for us a haven
In your name, wherein we are safe.
Your toothbrush next to mine, your shoes on the rack, your favourite mug & your pyjamas that I now can’t go to sleep without. Everything makes me feel like you’re here with me.

You know how the sunlight gives the pond beautiful algae, but the same algae leaves fishes breathless? Likewise, I feel so suffocated by your presence.

Every single thing only serves to remind me of your absence. I realise then, that I’m alone in this place. I am without a father. I’m crippled and incomplete and I’m alone and I’m without you.
Never ever find refuge in a person
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2018
When wild day collapses on me
I can't breathe or reach the air
My tired lungs are trying to find
That's the moment I need you there

I can stand up on my own
Til my endeavors start going wrong
When I become too weak to move
My consciousness depends on you to be strong

I try my hardest to be perfect
Sometimes my fickle hopes take flight
Once they are crushed again I know
You'll be waiting to make it right

You are my lasting refuge and relief
The anchor keeping me on sore feet
Your beautiful smile holds me here
Without you my wounded heart wouldn't beat
I like this one.
Snehith Kumbla Feb 2018
pronounced now in
their diminishing magic,

over the populous, rash,
self-destructive, tragic,

refuge for the scatter-hearted,
giant cover for the romantic,

trees for memories, smiles,
journeys, and paths nomadic
unnamed Jan 2018
i find myself drowning in murky waters,
an oil spill of equations and metaphors,
quandaries and paradigms.
the sun is a constant overcast even on the most blinding days,
faces are grim even with the brightest smiles.
messily scrawled words read chaos on pristine canvases,
incessant scribbles drill canals into my brain.

one tentative tap away,
always one tentative tap away from reality,
but never quite there,
and so i fall deeper.

thin heels clicking against glossy tiles,
heavy footsteps shuffling into classrooms,
distant chatter stalking my shadows,
actuate stings of dread luring me in.

thread-like strings are attached to my limbs,
a marionette with a feeble attempt of procuring freedom,
i am a victim to disorder.

inundated with scattered pages,
furious streaks of neon hues form riots across my desk.
before me stands a mirror of my very own thoughts,
and my mind takes everything in
only to be left with nothing specific in the end.

i work with a jumbled puzzle set,
consisting of no essential moment
to print itself onto my memory.
yet there remains a fascicle of nerves
waiting to be heard,
but it becomes like me—submerged in murky water.

living in chaos is living
where moments are constantly out of focus
and the abundance of simply everything is too overwhelming.

but to wake in the earliest hours of the day
when the sun is still yearning to lie upon a mattress of stars
and neighborhood lights are flickering onto rusty street signs and empty tar roads,
is a blessed refuge from the tumultuous scenes
that plague me daily.

silence slices through the fog of my cognition like a bayonet,
and i blink away my sleep-addled state to take a dip in the tangerine skies.

nascent rays gleam over rooftops,
trees become silhouettes on an oil painting,
and golden clouds blush from the soft caress of the sun.

for some reason,
the experience felt foreign,
like a mirage of all of the images i was never able to grasp.

dawn is a portal to another realm,
a shelter to shield myself from the murky waters,
only there’s still no escape—
i’m just no longer drowning.
i find that i can breathe.

(chaos is loud but silence is louder;
i wouldn’t mind listening to silence for a day,
because i’ve already been listening to chaos for years.)
Pain, mayhem in words is huge tonight
My rhyming may cause a deluge tonight
A besotted, is fond of her for last time
God, In her arms, he seeks refuge tonight
Poet in a state of confusion, when words turn away and poet has to seek refuge.
Ileana Payamps Dec 2017
And here I have been able to find refuge.
It is more than a simple pencil and paper.
This is where my tears fall and my smiles last.
This is where I have been able to find purpose, sincerity, and freedom.
I have found love and understanding.
This is where I found my talent.
Here I have found my sweet escape.
This is where I found myself and I decide to stay.
In the pencil and paper.
my sweet escape.
Cleo Nov 2017
A shrinking shadow
Where else will I find refuge
For my blistered feet
Aislinn Miell Sep 2017
Before today, I had nearly passed it
Everything I was
Everything I felt
Had faded out.
I was me again.
The me that found comfort in an empty house
The me that did not despise faults
Nor repulse complexion
The me that could simply live as ONE
As if I could finally sense that beneath my hardened flesh
And weakened bones
I was in existence.
Aware of my ever-growing world.
Yet the end was foreseen
Neglected. Overlooked.
I just never expected it to be today
My fragile refuge is due to cave in
Its thin walls crumble and decay
until the only thing to breathe was your name.
ShowYouLove Jul 2017
The knowledge of God is like a mustard seed: tiny at first, yet it grows so tall
It takes time and love, faith and joy above all.
Spiritual growth is a journey; dangerous yet rewarding.
Each time we step, we grow a bit. Someday, on eagles’ wings, we’ll be soaring.
But we can’t do it alone. We need the one up above
And no matter what we do, he is looking down in love.
Walking with us in the good times and carrying us in the bad,
I look to the Lord as my brother, friend, and dad.
If we have the smallest bit of faith and find good water, soil, and light
We can take root and one day be a shelter for many in flight
With tenderness and care with patience and with peace
For one so small there is so much potential for growth and increase
See what God can do with so little and make it so grand
It’s astounding to image for you and me what God has planned

We live in a world where bad things and evil walk among the good and just
Sometimes the weeds and thorns choke out the good wheat
Other times, they grow together, wrap and intertwine and to pull out the **** is to **** the wheat
Jesus, you speak in parables to try and make the message more relateable, more easily grasped.
You also warn and remind us to repent and to be careful that we are not caught up in the temptations and wiles of this earthly life. Help us Lord to be open to your voice, to hear your word, and inter the message in our hearts and in our lives. May our eyes, ears, heart and mind be open and receptive soil to see, hear, love, and understand your love and truth. You are the Way to the Father, the Spirit of Truth and Light, and the giver of Eternal Life. Grant, we beseech you, faith and understanding the size of a mustard seed that we may grow in wisdom and stature before God and man and be a refuge for all those in need. We ask this and all things in your Most Holy Name, Jesus. AMEN
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