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Sum It Sep 2014
There is this kind of time in everyone’s life. That was what I was told. I was also told I was peculiar in a nice way. But I am not going deep down all this time and peculiar thing and all. It is just that sometimes I feel so empty and I was also told that when you try to write something you should try your best to describe all sorts of stuffs so that the readers will get to know the kind of thing you are feeling. Like for now, the kind of empty I am feeling. Kind of funny though, who would want to know what I am feeling and on top of that who would want to know the kind of empty I was feeling. Anyway, I was feeling very empty yesterday and I am writing all this because I just thought it was pretty cool to feel empty, kind of, just like that. I am not being emotional and all but that is how it is, you like to feel sort of lonely, sad, happy or whatever at time, just like that. And when I driving on my bike, I speed it up to the most it can bear or most I can bear and twist and turn and run over other motor bikes and stuffs that are moving in the road in a kind of modest way but I know they are as ******* as I am. But hell with that, I don’t want to know if anyone is ******* or not. I can’t even think about the right word to replace the *******. But, you know what I mean. It’s kind of sad to find that everyone is *******. Then, that makes me madder and I speed up more. I start to rip apart my accelerator, literally. You know what literally mean, don’t you? It’s when you do something in a literal way just like when some lousy guy start acting out too corny while they say they will bring down the stars and moons for the girl they love.  To hell with love, love is the stupidest thing that will ever again happen to me and if that happens then I will crown myself with all kind of stupid crowns and be the king of stupid. But love was kind of good feeling too.  Anyway I just try not to end up breaking my neck when I am in bike. But you know then I just intently look at the something something that is coming towards me and then I feel like speeding up more and just encounter that innocent ***** face to face. Yeah, I mean it. I feel like pointing the direction of my bike right to that something something truck or stuffs that, just like you know when an archer aims. You know then, I also have this shrewd kind of look in my eyes, like I am dead serious about what I am going to do. Its fun when you know you won’t but you act like you will. Yeah, I just feel like heading right towards the something something and hit it right on its grotesque face with some silly stupid art. Then, can you imagine what will happen? I can see every ******* retards gathering around me. I am lying down with blood over everywhere. I can see pieces of my grand motor bike here and there. I can see the driver of that something getting out and trying to explain that I was the one who came directly into him as if I was attempting suicide. To hell with suicide. What kind of person does suicide. I can see traffic cops and medics and all. They are just trying to carry me to hospital. But I know I won’t want to go to hospital because hospitals make me sick. There are lots of sick and depressing people around. If they would want to take me anywhere then I would like them to take me to mountain top from where I could see a bluest lake  all the clear reflection of clouds and the greens and rainbows and butterflies and all those stuffs the poets from nature describe in their poem. But I know they are too busy for that. They are some stupid people who just want me to admit to hospital. Anyway, when they start to lift up, I just get off the stretcher and start laughing out loud. I will tell them that I am okay and its all my ****** series of imagination and show them that I don’t have wounds and all but they will just vanish. I keep laughing and laughing because then I could finally feel or imagine the pain that I will go through. The pain that will fill me up and I don’t feel empty anymore. That is the exact kind of empty I feel. But that is not enough, I am still on my bike. If you have lost me, I want to repeat all that happened was just a part of my imagination. I imagine stuffs a lot and I think they are cool when I imagine stuffs about dying and just waking up as if I am just taking nap and waking up. Is there anything like that rebirth or stuffs? Anyway, I am still on the bike. I speed up thinking all these things and then I make my way through a very narrow alley between two moving something trucks or buses and there… That is the right kind of empty that just got filled. You know it or not, when you speed up and make a narrow escape from between the moving trucks just closely to save your life. Man, I can feel the air move through my veins and I can see my heart flying out of my chest. Man, was that crazy? I ask to myself. To hell with it. I am still alive and breathing and I am not feeling empty anymore. But as I keep thinking, I just get so mad. I don’t know at what or at whom. Everything is so pale and depressing. I try to cheer myself up looking at the clouds and green trees and trying to think about witty lines that’s funny to me and all and all and them , all it just makes me so mad, just more depressing.

That right, I then stop my bike on the side rail and start thinking about writing about all these stuffs. Because I have this group of friends who kind of poem and stuff and they are pretty good too. I also poem and stuff sometime but nothing that I wrote ever became good. Because I can tell by reading them all that, the stuffs that come in paper are not everything I feel. Like if I have to use percentage to say how near they are to the amount I feel, it would be like ten percent or around. That is not much. Even the government value added tax is thirteen percent. I was trying to be funny but hell with that. I was just feeling empty and all and now I am on my bike stopped on the side of the huge highways where everything is moving. Its depressing to find out that everything is moving , everything around you and you are the only one stopping to look at them moving. If only there was someone who was there by your side to hold your hand and look at all these moving vehicles and the traffics and kids holding the hand of their mothers and fathers and uncles to cross the road safely and those dogs and oxen lying over the road.  To hell with it, if there was actually someone who would be by my side, I won’t be feeling empty and imagining crazy stuffs and stop my bike trying to write a poem out of it or something or anything just so I can be more cool showing my rad poem to the group of my circle who poems. Man, do I love that ? I can certainly make a good actor out of me if I play in a move but it just make me feel more sad and I don’t know why. I look around if I can find any teashop or anything. Just so, I could sit there and order a tea and stay sad and pale and then someone would come and ask me. Hey boy whats the matter with you? Then I would just ignore his question. People can be real nosy sometimes. I am just siiting here having tea and something man. Head off to you own way, I will tell that. Why would I tell me why I was sad anyway. I was thinking about a beautiful girl like an angel that we see in movies , beautiful like that when the word beautiful fails to describe the amount of beauty she has,  I was trying to imagine a situation when I am sipping over my tea sadly and then this angel comes over and ask me what is that making me look pale. She would say nice stuffs to me and man, do I fall in love again? Man… love is the silliest thing ever. You can have enough of it. I was just feeling empty because some girl told me that she doesn’t have anything for me. Even I didn’t have anything for her . But you know there are times when you actually fall in love like madly in love. It’s the same person everywhere, all around you. You can’t just stop thinking about her. But the one who said she has nothing for  me, she meant no feelings or loves that she can do to me. We met few times, two or three and she was nice and all. I was funny and all. But even I haven’t felt anything towards her. Now she is really beautiful with this hair and this long slender face that she has. And then you know it when you want to fall in love. I wanted to fall in love with her because she was exactly the type of the girl that people have to fall in love with. She was active and hardworking. She has a good smile and dimples too. Man, those dimples drive me crazy. I just feel like diving into those tiny little cheeks and then right into her heart. And on the top of that wavy curly hair, it can drive anyone mad. Well, it drove me mad and that is why I am trying to fall in love with her. But anyway she told me last night or sometime in past that she doesn’t feel like that. I want to tell her that even I don’t feel like that with her. But I don’t want to because that may just drive her away from me all more. But anyway I was just mad when she told me that. Not mad like psychologically but like emotionally. I was just trying to explain her that we should may be spend some time together and get to know each other and all because you know I was kind of trying to fall in love with her and wanted to know more about her and make a lover like impression on her and all but man, was she crazy or something? She just said she doesn’t want to. It just made me so mad that I started my bike , yeah after paying for tea and all. I speeded up again and I didn’t want to stop but I had to stop because of this stupid traffic signal but my legs were all dancing because I was anxious and all and I just wanted to cry for nothing. But I can’t cry because I don’t feel like and when you feel like crying you cant stop it anyway. Those stupid tears will just fall off. Then The traffic signal goes green and I speed up and want to race with someone and feel good by beating them. But then there are other bikes that goes ahead me and that makes me feel more sad and then I just so over the yellow side line and start driving like slug. Man, I am extreme. I can feel it. I try to think about writing all this when I go home but I know I wont because I have done this many time and I have never written anything. Its just like that.

Its just like that. You have all these stupid to intelligent ideas an stuffs when you are walking or on the bike but I never do anything. When I reach home, I change my dress start it all again. I start to become normal like nothing is wrong with me. It just drives me crazy.. everything is so wrong with me. I have to be somewhere is some other good job that I will enjoy and that also pays me pretty good so that I can enjoy and all. I also have to fall in love with this girl. I have to complete one of my research paper so that I can earn good reputation among these technical circle of mine. I have to pen down some good stuffs so that I can perform it loudly in front of everyone and then everyone would cheer for me and all. I will just act modest and bow down. I also have to meet some of these my school friends and all and have some crazy times with them mocking the professional life and all. I have to be with my family, go to temples and stuffs and pray and ask the god to help me focus in my pursuit, which I am not sure what that is so I also pray and ask the god to show me the  right path. Its easy to pray and all and just stay happy thinking god will do everything but hell with god. I also have to prepare for this test and I have to complete reading this book and man, I have so much to do. I can’t just waste my time just like this.  

**There are always enough stupid things to drain the best outof you and leave you in terrible vacancy.
I will look at it and edit it sometime, not too soon though.
10.4k · Jul 2014
Monsoon Madness
Sum It Jul 2014
The sun breathing deep,penetrating
my lovely clouds ,his horses
Running high and with pride
taking joy at my wanning mood

My skin denies the clothes over it
Rejecting the sweltering walls
Adding me with more sweat
Was there any worse day?

Inside my temporal erupts atomic
volcanoes fueled with solar fission
My legs hang over walls of ponds
How lucky are the frogs under mud

With involuntary scratches on my hair
I look around for my baby clouds
The only drops that gather is my own
As I patiently wait for wind
to drop some leaves

Patience might be the only virtue
against the dry spell of the sun
in the middle of monsoon
That seem to burst prior clouds

Trees hang their branches patiently
Crows crowing, now tired of thirst
Not a single ant comes on my way
The ever growling dog sits irritated
but quietly against the fly

I can tell of every thoughts around
But who is there to answer
Will this day come to end
or shall the world end for it
7.3k · Feb 2014
Confession to My Crush
Sum It Feb 2014
Since the day we met, I am struck and stung
From that day, my inside is singing this song
All I want to do is see you and hold you
I want to tell you, I think I love you

When you come near my sight
My senses pop out and I lose my mind
I want to hold your hand and make you smile
I want to talk with you and walk a million mile

When you look at me and you touch me, I get butterflies
Your words fill the empty space where my heart lies
This heart has been crushed and cut with knife
Your voice, so sweet to me, bring it back to life

I was smashed; my feelings were burned down to ashes
Frustration gulped me and I got serious depression cases
I was lost for very long hours of years
Scared, taunted and hollowed with fears

Now I can see the spark in your eyes
I have fallen for you, and it’s no lies
My blur life has changed to a beautiful bokeh
I want to confess I love you......................
July 8, 2013
6.5k · Sep 2013
Kathmandu Monsoon *Haiku*
Sum It Sep 2013
On my gumboots, S p l a s h!!!
New ponds on the road, I found-
Muddy; blur Memories!
Sum It May 2014
1.You have to write a poem on the given prompt for each day [in the given order] and then share it with fellow challenge takers (optional but recommended) by posting what you wrote in your blog or on Facebook or wherever. To make sharing and tracking easier, you can use this hashtag: ‪#‎eleven11poetrychallenge‬
2. The poem can be of any length and the prompt can be interpreted anyway you want. Poems can be written in English or Nepali.
3. The whole idea is to write, share, grow and have fun! So if you are cool with it, check this space for daily prompt.
Day one: A poem from the perspective of an inanimate object
Day two: A poem in the format of a conversation
Day three: Write a poem that tells a story (with a beginning, middle, end..but not necessarily in that order), which is completely imaginary or is not based on a reality that YOU know of.
Day four: A wishlist, with 11 of your wishes.
Day five: Write a Haiku. Or two.
Day six: Let's talk about ***, baby! [Write a poem about *** (not *** and gender, '***' if we are unclear.]
Day seven: Only sixteen--a poem about the person you were when you were sixteen [or about the person you want to be, if you are not yet 16]
Day eight: A poem describing a photograph or painting.
Day nine: Write a letter to your murderer.
Day ten: A poem about your worst nightmare.
Day Eleven: Write a poem about yourself, in Nepali. IF you already write in Nepali, that is great. If you don't, then this prompt s your chance
Initiated by :::

Today is the last day of challenge
4.8k · Oct 2015
Ode to the Mountains
Sum It Oct 2015
Here, now, I sit quiet thinking about
all the times
When like pendulum I was lost in crowds
and noises (like pendulum)
to and fro.
I replay recklessly the jobs that soaked me up and
the times of life living no life
How quickly we tend to forget the spaces above clouds
low on air but high on intoxication
The valleys hidden beyond horizon
The shrubs welcoming with berries amidst thorns
streams and brooks to displease your thirst
and the soft bed of moss and grasses
The no man land, the nature- full of hospitality

I must go there, the place that came searching for me
The place I have in my dreams
Let me walk out for a while
jumping off this walls we built
Lets go dancing to the sound of silence
Country roads, lead me there
Mountains are calling and I must go!
Recently we went for a trek in Panch Pokhari, Sindhupalchowk, Nepal. Google about it. Heaven can wait, Visit Panchpokhari first. Very Wild abd Adventurous. Must go for All trekking lovers!
3.3k · May 2014
Tuna-Muna ( Magic Spell)
Sum It May 2014
Walking alone
with some music
breeze whispering to trees
stars winking ceaselessly
alone with nothing but you
I have always thought
Why is mind so fond
of nights at dawn
of moon behind clouds
of clouds that has fallen
of face behind veil
of things we lose
of feelings untrue
What is so precious
about stones that shine-
only on light.
Written on April 16, 2014
Got deleted by mistake. #repost
3.2k · Aug 2014
Sunflowers and Candles - 1
Sum It Aug 2014
I have seen the night
I have seen the day
I have seen butterflies over flowers
for nectars and for pollens
I have seen fireflies over moon
for heaven and for solace
But I have never seen this
what I see today
Candles and Sunflowers

I am in a field of green
over a top of hill, lovely
under the black with twinkles,
now and then.
and there are candles all around
and there are sunflowers
dancing and swaying with mountain breezes
and I am here, not astonished at all
I smile at everything
because the candle burns all my existence
and my memories sway slowly
memories of time when I have been sunflower
and i forgot sun would come back
but my desperation told me candles can do better
and I was not wrong
No sun can replace the candle
That have ignited and waxed my love
I do not desire sun any more
When you are here
2.8k · Jul 2020
मन~ सुन
Sum It Jul 2020
मन~ सुन

कहिले काहीँ तहल्न निस्कदा
दिन भरी पानी पर्दा
उर्लेको हनुमन्ते झैं
एकान्तमा बसेर चियासगैं
तिम्रो यादहरूमा तड्पिन
मन लागेझै लागेझै गर्दा
मन अझ शून्य शुन्य भइदिने
मन ~ सुनको दिन।।

अरूबेला लिखुरे देखिने
र आज
सारा धर्ती बगाउझै गरेको
त्यो लिखुरे हनुमन्तेको
छेउमा गएर
मनको सारा भावना बगाईदे न
भन्न लागेझै लागेझै गर्दा
मन यतिकै यतिकै
शून्य शुन्य भइदिएको
मन ~ सुनको दिन।।

तिमीले पनि मलाई
सम्झेको छौं कि जस्तो
र त्यही सम्झनामा
बगेका आशूंहरू पो
हुन् कि
मेरो घरको छतमा आएर
मलाई कविता लेखुझै लुखुझै
मन पुरै शून्य शून्य भएर अल्मलिने
मन ~सुनको दिन।

बादलमा लेखेको नामले त
वर्षातमा यादले भिझाउने रहेछ

मनमा लेखेको नामले चाहीँ
बेला बखतमा
मन व्यग्र व्यग्र बनाई
शून्यताले भिजाउने रहेछ

मन ~सुनले बेइमानी गर्यो
या हो प्रेमले...
2.2k · Dec 2013
Panda crying for moon
Sum It Dec 2013
Have love ever been easy to deal with sympathy?
Just so, Her iron lung breathing calamity of apathy
Beyond eyes and words ,her beauty spoke
Kindle once vital, now perish slow with smoke
Suffocation cannot feel this good, can it?
a crime of love shall never see acquit

A poetess sung for me a poem of love
Soft words - with stings of  venomous dove
Being so deluded by some natural artsy
Dreams woven on silent obscure spree
Cold touch of her once warm soul
Shattering pieces  now never be whole

Poignant themes of once happy souvenir
Whispering breeze of lonely December
Brings me smile then tears falls down
a deep breath sigh and again I avow
holding onto the keepsake- my folded hands try
Squeezed by broken dreams- once more I cry!
2.1k · Jun 2014
Ghost of Night
Sum It Jun 2014
Ghost of Night

Night engulfs me with its sombre darkness
Cigarette glowing with all its fury
I try to lit my heart and search,
something I never had
and that always went missing
Questions rumble loud inside
Lots of questions, like unending drops of monsoon
hitting the roof above me
And the question always starts with 'why'
I always believed I was hopeful,
Future will welcome me with good accords.
How long will it take to find the future?
Its scary to consider if I will be always stuck in past.
I try to find among the ashes going down on tray,
the answer to every why.
night slugs down its way
The rain piter-patter continuously, undesirous to stop
I wonder about the picture of damaged organs
on the cover of cigarette packet,
Are these even real?
(I peek inside and wonder why so much of smoke in there)
At times I peek out of window
hoping to see stars above rain.
All the lights from starry sky lost among heat of monsoon.
Hope always covered me with disappointment
If only I had a mystical pet of nine coloured feathers
That could fill me with colours enthusiasm. (why)
Is that moon that's glowing meekly over there
or am I just sleep deprived?
Every night ***** little life out of me. (why)
It won't be surprise to find my breath
held inside ,
cold and undaunted by questions,
one fine morning.
Sum It Mar 2014
Around Mayadevi Temple (Circa)
Surrounded by pillars of our age
Cultivated with reminiscence of a
graceful child and his mother
Smiling ruins reflecting the history
A child of destiny who stepped in
with his seven birth steps over lotus
A tribute from Ashoka,
Cylindrical pillar inscribing his regards,
To the one who chose world enlightenment
over easy royal luxury,
To the one who turned him knight of peace
from emperor of wars.
No Shoes Allowed Inside
Leave your turbulence and rush out the gate
The chanting of mantras will cool down your hot head
The cameras of tourist will bring smiles to face
And at reflection on sacred pool,
Where Mother Mayadevi shed down her motherly sorrows
Over the transformation of Beloved Prince to Holy Buddha,
Let you find the lost purpose in ripples of calmness
The place where Sidhhartha played as child
and grew up to be Light of Asia
Nurture again the true purpose as for being Human
For Peace , For harmony, For Love
As you nap under revitalizing shades of Peepal trees
Inhale today, the air that whistles your resolves
Inside garden of peace, Around Mayadevi Temple
1.8k · Apr 2014
Sum It Apr 2014
Cluster of night light
Season of dark renaissance
Cloudy autumn spree

Weeping Memories
Attuned Melancholic Scream
Dead and lost Spring

Flutters of Dust Speck
Round around Nothingness
Milky Way Express
Haiku(s) ‪#‎eleven11poetrychallenge‬ Day 5
1.8k · Sep 2013
Annoying Affection of mine
Sum It Sep 2013
Annoying Affections of mine
For reason I do not understand
For reason I should have understood
but which do not get inside my head
or which are unacceptable on my heart
I suppose that is why it is said
Being blinded by love; literally
Sarcastically; Seriously.

Annoying---- that is the exact word;
the word to describe my feelings;
my feelings which I suppose as
emotions of affection
but Annoying --- this is to her
the woman I show
my emotions of affection

Texts carrying my Number
Mails sent from my address
Phone calls with my voice
Letters with my initials
Best wishes with my deepest regards
if anything is connected to Me
My and Mine
annoying--- that is the exact word;
Argh! Annoying affections of mine!

Affectionate chills
Flames of annoyance
burns these hearts: hers and mine!

*Annoying Affection of Mine
Written on August 6, 2013
1.7k · Apr 2014
Insane Austere Hallucination
Sum It Apr 2014
Insane austere hallucination

The last day of year is once again here
And it feels like someone is dying
I should celebrate perhaps
and I am.
I should and So I will!

The feeling of uncomfortable happiness is creeping from above my toes to my head and beyond
to high and infinity
-The giant hairy creepy happiness.
Death is not usually celebrated
but some are exception
and party is totally not optional.

Just like in Ghodejatra the death of Tundi is still celebrated.
oh poor demon!
Just like in bisket jatra the death of two big big giant snakes out of queen's nose is celebrated
What a auspicious occasion to celebrate
And so will I.
I should so I will!
The end of another year won't be same anymore.

I must feel lucky
for what faith has endowed on me.
I must so I will.
And as I witness the clouds covering the corpse of late year I cry with extreme pleasure
Sorrowful.But the sorrow isn't supposed to be mournful.
Because its death of what should have never breath.

I never needed dose of Mushroom or LSD or whatever the fancy name the drugs is called by.
I always lived somewhere else.
I was always dead at the moment.
And I always felt like I was living my death
May be in hell.
So I must have been bad when I actually lived.
I cant forge any other logic from what I learnt in this world.
My birth was hallucination.
I am in trip since then
and the world is going round round round.
I can feel at the speed of 465 meter per second.
Its a derived scientific data.

May be tomorrow is new day of new year.
But it will be just another year of hangover.

Hang on new year!
Sum It Nov 2015
तिमीसगँ बिताईएका थोरै पलहरू
कोपिला बन्दै सुस्तरी रमाउन खोजेका
प्रेमका स्वप्निल कल्पनाहरू
फूल्न नपाउदैँ
फूलाउन खोज्दा खोज्दै
पिटिक्क भाचेर तिमी हिड्यौँ।
तर सजिलै यो फूल औलाउन पाएन
मन विचित्रको हुँदो रहेछ
मनको किताबको पानाहरू बीच
जतन गरि राखेको त्यो कोपिला
आज फेरी सम्झनाको पाना पल्टिँदा
भेटिएको छ
मेटिएको छ कि केही थोरै तिम्रो माया भनि केलाउँदा कहिल्यै नऔलिने गरि बसेको पाए
अब सायद फूल त हुने छैन यही कोपिला
तर पनि रहर छ, अर्को फूल रोप्ने
त्यसै गरि, त्यसरी नै तिमी सँग
पिटिक्कै भाचेरपनि नसुक्ने नऔलाउने
मखमलिको फूल जस्तै
जीवनमा किन खै
तिमी मात्रै यसरी मनपर्यो, म साच्चै बुझ्दिन
Sum It Jan 2015
देशको आकार नहेर तिमी
छाप्रो नै होस् बरू
यहाँ सारा मन अटाउछ
आगँनको दुर्गन्धमा
तिमी मुख बिगार्लाउ
आमाले नै हो त्यो सफा गरिदिने
बुबाको पसिनामा नाक खुम्च्याउछौ भने
सम्झ, त्यही पसिनाले ले नै हो
तिम्रो भोक तार्ने

जब उदाउन छोड्नेछ सूर्य
तब घामको महानता हुन्छ ज्ञान
जब रोकिन थाल्दछ सास
तब हावाको मूल्य हुन्छ ज्ञान

देशको सिमाना कोर्ने रगत सम्झ
देश बनाउन कति घाम चाहिन्छ
राष्ट्रमा जीवन भर्ने ती योद्धा सम्झ
राष्ट्र जोगाउन कति सास चाहिन्छ

तिमी आज जात हेर
आफ्नो भेष भाषा हेर
तर एक पटक मन खोलेर हेर
त्यो सब जोगाउन कति ठुलो छत चाहिन्छ
माथिको त्यो आकाश हेर

पराईको तिमी हिरा भन्लाउ
आगँनको त्यो लालीगुरासँ हेर
हिराको चमक तिमी भन्लाउ
तर मन रमाउने सुगन्ध नभुल

छाप्रो नै नहोस् बरू
मन बिसाउने अरु काख हुन्न
आमालाई अत्याचार गर्ने
कदापी कहिल्यै सपूत हुन्न
दाजुभाइको हात हेर
घर जोगाउन अरु साथ हुन्न
त्यो छातीमा स्वाभिमान हेर
बुबाको जस्तो अरू आसिर्वाद हुन्न
1.5k · Jan 2014
Apathetic diffusion
Sum It Jan 2014
the dust bloomed amidst the green
the shadow rose and parted from me
and me, i stared inside
i was hallow all in between..
i was not me for what I mean
i was only puppet to be..
...-"no turning back" was the decree
a gush of suction from my queen
with love and affection
set me free . OM!
1.4k · Jul 2014
With Life so Drunk
Sum It Jul 2014
Life is pretty drunk
With all the madness suppressed
under the veil of formalities
With all the wildness hidden
behind rocks of normalities
My life would have flew if
you had taught me
Gravity wasn't the only reason
My life would have been LIFE if
you had said the heaven exist in life
not after life...
I have been drunk with dreams of desires and ambitions
I have been so destroyed with convolutions and conjugations
And I still act sober
with life such drunk
If only I had been informed
Life is not for drunkards
I would have refused my birth
Sum It Apr 2014
Friedrich Nietzsche had once told
"Let us beware of saying that Death is the opposite of life.
The living being is only a species of death and a very rare species"

And I know exactly what it means.

I live with the generation
Not wanting to live
Our television shooting guns from Middle East
Our screens begging help from Africa
when America enjoys the Oscar and
Britain and Australia rambles about Ashes
I live with the generation
who think football is not a game but passion
who think war is not crime but just another compuer game
They are dead
They have been fairly killed

I live with the generation
whose dreams are Made in China
Advertised with British Accent
Available on Sale during one of the Christmas
And sometimes they fall from sky
I live with the generation
who have forgotten apple is actually a fruit
But they unfold apple for birthday twice a year
Who grows food on binary
Cannot separate beef from buff
And eat dust coated with sugar
They are dead
They have been fairly killed

I live with the genration
who are better aliens
My generation wants to find vampire for soulmate
They plant to fight against zombies
Our ninja cuts fruit
We are so anxious instead of praying
we run around temples
Even the birds are so angry because
George R.R. Martin kills all our favorite charaters
and Sheldon cooper can't be helped
Everyone thinks they are Sherlock Homes
But can't find socks for school
They are dead
They have been fairly killed

We hate mathematics because
they are not pop songs
We prefer walking almost ****
Maybe because we dont have AC on clothes
We extremely love our parents - in our wall
But we forget where they work
We make happy faces in window pane when sad
We kick street dogs when mad
And if they bite back, we **** them all.
**** dogs! We dont need them.
Cats rule the world.

We regret too much.
Earth is our burden.
We wait endlessly for apocalypse
We are dead.
We have been fairly killed
Drugged and Polished
Addicted to dying
And Saved everytime by our
- American Superheroes

About Me
I sell peace for money
I advertise hunger for donations
I live in a haunted house
Ghosts have stopped crossing my way
They cook in my kitchen and
are naked on my bedroom
I am not interested in blood
I need coffee to keep me alive
I inhale smoke to pump my lungs
I live near Mount Everest
Enthralled by Nuclear Bombs of North Korea
Not able to see Smokes from America
eating our Snow

And my greatest tragedy
I am in a country where
we need to be in queue
wanting to live
waiting to die

We have been fairly killed.
We still think the sky is blue.
1.4k · Mar 2014
Incoherent Drift
Sum It Mar 2014
I waft through solids
I cling to the non existent
I creak and croak as I rotate
I beep as I sling
I am running straight in spirals
Nothing is ever same
But I am. I am same with all the noises
The noise of valley, and misty entropy
Here,carried along with dusty nebula
Nothing ever seems same. But I am.
I exist forever same with incoherent drift.
Sum It Apr 2014
Happy Tantra Diwash

सभ्यता र विकासको सदकमा आज
विस्मृतिका गाडीहरू हुकिएका देख्छु
सपनामा देखाईएका सुन्दर बगैँचा आज
कालो धुंवाले घेरिएको पाउछु
ठल्ठुला श्वरमा जोड जोडले चिच्याइएका
टोल टोल वस्ति वस्तिमा गुन्जाइएका
कहिले लोकतन्त्र कहिले प्रजातन्त्र
कहिले जनतन्त्र  कहिले गणतन्त्र
नामका अमृत वचनहरू आज सम्झिन्छु
सम्झनाको हरेक प्रहारसगं आत्तिन्छु
आत्तिन्छु म सोच्दै "के मैलेभाषाको अर्थ नबुझेकै हुँ त?"
"कुनै तिर्सनामा मैले गलत व्याख्या पो गरेको छुँ त?"

यदि हैन भने
किन स्वतन्त्रताको जन्जालमा अल्झिएको पाउछु?
किन सुक्दै छन् तिर्खाहरु
किन डबिन्दैछन् पाइलाहरु
किन म आफै देखि भाग्न बाध्य छु?
किन यति धेरै प्रश्ण छन् वरिपरि?
तन्त्रै तन्त्रको मन्त्र उच्चारहणले गुन्जायमान
भड्रगोल भई फात्तिएको छ किन यो सडक

यदि हो भने
धिक्कार छ सबलाई
यत्र तत्र छरिएका सपनाहरु
अझै तन्त्रैतन्त्रमा रुमलिएका आशाहरु
मलाई अनि तिमीलाई जसले तन्त्रहरु
कैयौँ जन्माए
तर मृत जन्माए।
1.3k · Jun 2014
Sum It Jun 2014
In my mobile phone, I
have your picture
from long ago
which sometimes I watch
again and again
again and again
I zoom in and zoom out
The hair which were always messy
like my room, and you complained
The nose that was red once
because you cried hard
for you heard
the world is failing and we are to blame
I did not care about world
this world or that.
Your nose is not red in the photograph on my mobile phone,
Its just
And I watch your photos
every details of your face
to breast
eyes to thighs
all in just right place and right size
that mufler you wore in every winter day
Does it keep you warm
from the cold feeling
I left the last time we met?
,I wonder.
that bag lying on your side
which sometime I carried for you
I do not know anything about you now,
and I only carry some bags of memory
And I watch the only photograph
left on my mobile phone
Just to remember how much I have
forgotten you
and how much is left to forget
May be, I will never forget the smiles turning to tears.
1.3k · Apr 2014
महा आक्रोस
Sum It Apr 2014
म युद्ध लड्न चहान्छु
संसार एकातिर राखेर म सारा जगत
थर्काउन चहान्छु
राम्राको अनुहार कोपरेर
बोल्नेको मुख च्यातेर
चल्नेको हात खुट्टा भाचेर
सारा जगत मास्न चहान्छु
आइज सिङ्गल सिंगल॥

कुकुर होस् कि होस् बिरालो
सागरको मुनि होस् कि सगरको उकालो
मोटो, पातलो, होचो होस् कि अग्लो
चट्टान जस्तो साह्रो होस् या फुल जस्तो कमलो
केही, कसैलाई राख्दिन म बाकी ं
अाज, अहिले नै म युद्धको शंकघोष गर्न चहान्छु
चहान्छु हैन गर्छु। आइज सिंगल सिंगल।।

काचै खाइदिन्छु सबलाई
मलाई अघाए बाग्मतिमा ढलसँगै बगाईदिन्छु
तर कसैलाई आज बाकीँ राख्ने छैन
आज दया नि छैन माया नि छैन
कि म छैन कि तँ छैन
लाटो रिस उठेको छ
यो रिस खेर जाने छैन।
आइज सिंगल सिंगल॥

को हो अगाडी आइज!!!
मेरो पेट्रोल चोर्ने को हो?
1.3k · Sep 2013
*Rose Without a Thorn*
Sum It Sep 2013
No matter how hard this be
This has to end someday
Changes keeps on changing
How deep and hard we keep hanging

Has anyone noticed a river without a bend?
Does anyone know winner without played game?

A warm sun follows with every rain
With sun just hiding- so will be this pain
No rose bloom without thorns beneath
Even the calm moon has dark spots on it

Have you ever seen a rose without a thorn?
Ups and downs come from the time you are born

Sleep shall be hard with pain and misery
Dream a beautiful moment for tomorrow's victory
Even the brightest sun sets with the dark night
Fresh new morning waits on the other side

There is always a fresh new beginning after every hardest end
have you ever seen a river without a bend
have a ever noticed a rose without a thorn
Written on February 22, 2011
1.3k · Nov 2013
Sum It Nov 2013
A tiny flame of desire burns you inside
No, Not friction due to lack of space
but space in-between full of violent turmoil
your dreams are high and you are weak
You want to walk alone
Be there on the top alone but crave for slaves
slaves to hold same desires and puppets to your mood-swings
You shout them words and You cry alone
You scratch your brains out, your visions blurs you blind
you cannot want but to want just little warmth
but desires inside burns your inside
its not them , but just you inside
1.3k · Apr 2014
Sleep Paralysis
Sum It Apr 2014
Sleep paralysis

The pages of book fluttered
Shouldn't I be turning the pages?
(I must have thought.)
My hands paralysed and
my eyes pierced through pages
In the background someone screamed

The scream was getting louder
Slowly overshadowing all other noises
Shouldn't I look out if someone needed help?
(I must have thought)
I was running so fast and not a inch did I move
And suddenly someone was choking me to death

I must scream for help.
(I must have thought)

I was screaming.
I was running.
I was choking.

Thank you mom. right on time. phew!
1.3k · Apr 2014
New year day!
Sum It Apr 2014
With my head
still on my bed
I try to peek out for new lights
for new inspiration
for new myself
among the crowds of desolate.
Everyone is excited about some new year.
Me too.
and I look back at the old year
and the older one
more older one.
I remember my friends
the members of my family
the rags on the street
the kings of the doomed
Try to look at their old year and new year
everyone is happy.
much smile and happiness.
But they fear tomorrow they have to forfeit
what today they are celebrating.
even the newspaper.

I never celebrated the name.
1.3k · Sep 2014
of dream and anxiety
Sum It Sep 2014
Time will demean you
Time will felicitate you
There was once
A little boy
who dreamt of being a star
that shone brighter than the moon
He loved his days when he could play
hide and seek, all evening long
Later lying over green grasses
letting his life to recollect
The tree under which he use to lie
with branches, where he used to swing
is no more.
His dreams of star brighter than moon-
moon was never brighter than star.

There was a boy once
who was stupid with all his freedom
with desires, where his dreams used to swing
The tree is no more
The boy is no more
Time tells the stories
inside the head
of mysteries, of universal alchemies
and of adventure misunderstood, not understood
and understood years later, when it first demeaned you
Dreams work in strange way
Desires **** in worst days
and time is still waiting for the felicitation
to tell the little boy
there are no stars brighter than moon
1.3k · Sep 2013
Sum It Sep 2013
My problem with me
is the problem of mine
of not knowing
the Problem I have
and I am still suffering
without knowing why
This sweet suffering
started with you
crossing my view
and that view hitted me
somewhere beside my eyes
may be, heart-- guess why
that is where my problem lies
its normality is gone
Also may be mind
ask me again--why!
I lose myself
when I am with you
I lose myself from me
To find myself in you!
My problem with me
is the problem you give
by not knowing
the problem I have
with you; around you
without you; among everyone
Written on August 24, 2013
Sum It Jan 2014
Dripping water from faucet of heaven
pierced down the sky of my realm.
Last dream.
The sound went tip tip for two seconds and rimose creeped on my poise.
A fakir without head told me on my abrupt attention
"Find the sun,my son."

Old ragged converse from the stinky corners slipped out and hesitantly told
"You can't walk with me. You selfish rant"

The path was smooth to bore the hell out of me
From dawn to dusk I was among the rainfall of misty fumes
Slowly I vapoured too.I was informed
By voice unsung
"The sun shines only behind the clouds"
The dripping memories from faucet of heaven creaked inside me
I sublimed in absence of myself and words came out "what for?"

The  yellow ball of hot moraine bulbed out. The sun- it said, "What for"

The fakir without head spoke " the night is done"
1.2k · Oct 2013
Sum It Oct 2013
All those love cliches feels like some new enlightenment
And those love quotes seems like written just for me
I am searching again for that long-deleted love song
Absolute Alexithymia which I feel now...
I wish to borrow those cliches one more time
just for you and make it last forever more! <3 :)
1.2k · May 2014
Look how they look
Sum It May 2014
A crow in sorrow
drenched in monsoon
The song of new season
that flooded the village
And the once green cornfields
now enzymed so minutely
A crow sings today
for his wife is waiting
and his children are waiting
drenched in monsoon

A vulture soaring upright his zenith
A happy season to follow
drenched in monsoon
And less he cares the thunders
or the bolts of lightening
the angry droplets eating up the village
A vulture drenched in monsoon
waits for the last crow
A feast to be ready

Some die in despair
Some in excitement
In season to change
1.2k · Jan 2014
The fan rotates forever
Sum It Jan 2014
Soft breezes of clean melancholy
Pumped out with constant velocity
Its striking again, and colder she is

He awaits the lubrication
to ease down the ongoing friction
Bearings creaks and pushes off balance
And The fan rotates forever of today

The growing ebbs of falling tides
Now buries deep inside the highest cliff
The soft breeze ***** in with higher velocity,
subsidized adiathermic smiles react
Smells of heated tissue everywhere

And the fan rotates forever
Tiring job of being a healer
when you are damaged from forever
Clasping the final breath
The fan rotates forever of today
Sum It Nov 2022
कहिलेकाहीं -
कविता लेख्न मनलाग्छ
देशभक्तिको गीत लेख्न मनलाग्छ।

अनि लेख्न बस्छु...
तिम्रो -
मुहार सम्झिन्छु
देशको मायाले -
तिमीलाई छोडेको पल सम्झिन्छु
अनि अल्मलिन्छु...
लेख्न छोड्छु

मेरो देशप्रेम पनि अपुरो अपुरो लाग्न थाल्छ!
मेरो प्रेम पनि अपुरो अपुरो लाग्न थाल्छ!
1.2k · Mar 2014
To lonely lady lost in crowd
Sum It Mar 2014
And she started drifting slowly
away, as my hands slipped
and among the city of solitude
I stood estranged one more time
Only silence could save me
Only darkness was needed to heal me
there I stood like dusted statue
Still breathing, sometime gasping
lips sealed and eyes closed
My left palm over my eyes
Over irregular wet contours of my face

Things could get worse
Had I desired anything more
it was just love
it was only love
all I did was lose my heart

it was just love
and love it all was.
1.2k · Sep 2013
My Secret Chamber
Sum It Sep 2013
There is a secret chamber on my crib
Secret enough to hide me when I want to leave behind the world
Secret enough to shelter me when I am alone

I usually go to the secret chamber
Sit there for hours
and hours
and plus some minutes, just to sit there
Sitting there I think about many things
Many things from world
and beyond world
Many things about horses of our world
and Unicorns which are beyond our world
Many things about rainfall in the monsoon
and Stars shower beyond our world
and many things which makes sense
and things that doesn't make any sense except to me

I love my secret chamber
For the peace it gives
For the turbulence it settles down
For freshness and the energy afterwards

And I noticed today, Since many days
Many things I think about, in my secret Chamber
has been all about you
many things all about you!

I was connecting you with many things
things happening and that has happened to me, around me
I was
drawing pictures of you, flying on my pet unicorns
My unicorn would take you above the clouds
and I would come there from the secret pass of my imagination
Just to see how happy you are
How excited you have been

I connect you
Making equations of your and my principles
your activities relating to mine
your necessities compared to mine
just to make sure
there is a balance of emotions and logic

Today, i was taking a nap on my chamber
where I had a dream
about you
you were gone
your weren't playing with my unicorn
and your parts were all gone from my equations

Terrified I woke up
I was drenched in sweat and
trying hard to find some air
My secret chamber gave me no more peace
I felt jailed inside
I felt I was under custody of my imagination
my desires and my own dedication

I cannot think of anything else
I am just waiting for you to
come back and hold me again

I was told then, by someone inside my head
you got reasons to leave

just like that, you leave! and reasons???

I have been hearing gossips about you being
but you make sense to me
how can you not be real?

and I also hear
you being a bad dream

I don't know If it was supposed to be Good
I don't care if it is not good at all
All I know is I still care
All I care is if YOU are here!

Since many days, on my secret chamber
I have been thinking about many things
many things all about you
without you, I have nothing to do
Without you, I am who?
Written on August 4, 2013
1.1k · Dec 2014
You make me feel . . . bad
Sum It Dec 2014
For all those moments, I tried so hard
You make me feel... bad
For all those lack of words,
oh! beauty, beauty...
How weak can you turn these words
What new words should I create
To pronounce your marvel inside out
You make me feel so new
yet I can't blossom nor bloom
How deeper intensity should it beget
The one word- that can recreate your grace
Of time- history to future
Where do you belong...
Oh darling, my darling
You are my mystery island
And for all these questions unanswered
Through words...mere words; so incomplete and fragile
For all these emotions unsettled
love and deeper, yours and mine
You make me feel so goodly bad
Yet in silence, you make me whole
Delightful with sweeping flashbacks
And still I feel so bad
For every thought, I lose words to poem you
For every second, I seem to miss you
For every moment, I miss to respire you
For every chance, I fail to whisper "I love you"
1.1k · Sep 2013
The War Flower
Sum It Sep 2013
Ever since I was, Me,
This particular me

I was told;

I cried and whimpered-

I cried and Whimpered,
as I came out of womb,
still in wail, still in snivel,

I was staggered,
in utter astound, and amazement;
For absolutely no reason,

I Sniveled,
and sniveled that day,
into the madness I was in,
out of universe, into parallel whim,

I wondered,
I wondered:
Am I dead into my bones,
Where is the world, I have known,
The world, I have known for for 9 months-

or am I just a door, opened into storms,

May be it was for today, for few moments,
the Ill be gone !
Or, May be I was reincarnated into days,
of games leading to this game;
or was I just a foible,
dependent to layers,
of layers,
expanded into life's flare;

I was staggered,
in utter astound, and amazement;
For absolutely no reason,

I cried and whimpered,
as I came out of womb,
still in wail, still in snivel,

I was staggered,
in utter astound, and amazement;
For absolutely no reason,

Yes, Peace, all peace,

Yes Love, all love,

Dear Harmony,
All Harmony,

Then again,

I jump down the lanes of memories,

She says,

Are you done trumping?
Aren't you late for working?
Aren't you late for life, this real life?

Then slowly,
I go mad,
By and by,
I am Mad,

into today and tomorrows,
into emotions and fears;
Covered by joys and tears;
Eroded into feelings,
leading unto her being,
it again becomes a helpless game,
I cry and whimper

And there she is,
after all this while,
she seems to be in my dreams,
or in her dreams,
where she wail, and snivel !

Glued into her memories,
her eyes, to mine,
distant aero-plane into her abstain,

not much of caring,
yet, in her cosmic sharing;

repairing myself, into her un-caring,
tunneling a way, into sharing;

that love, that peace
that harmony;

in her tummy, had her, as baby, where a cell grew into body;
in some hide and seek, in melancholy

a bit sloppy, a bit swampy;

into dancing infinity,
along, my pace in her infinity-
my safari, in her serenity;

like some birds, singing songs,
of wordless hums,
just some gongs,
in shores, in her floor,

a flower out of spores,
her songs,
silent applause,
of this bird, who explores,
into the space-less, horizons

that thunderbolts,
**B O O M
Written on September 2, 2013

Written in collaboration with Aadarsha Bhattarai
You can follow his blog here
Sum It May 2014
I have some secret feelings
Which only I can feel
Which only I have known
And no matter how much something
relates, they won't ever be same
But I cannot write saddest lines like Neruda
nor can I get drunk like Bukowski
with these feelings of mine
They know no words
But they are master of silent dark tortures
Which only I know
When the night engulfs me whole
I shine with inhibitions
They dance over my skins like cataract
And I drown with condemn for myself
I get burnt under water and buried above clouds
And only I can feel it
No matter how deep I hide, these will never leave me
And I know this because I have tried
I sit beside window
My secret feeling glancing at me from moon
from stars, from clouds
and bullies me sometimes with gush of wind, sound of dogs
and engines tht rolls
late at night
The building with a light turned on
in one of the rooms
puppets my feelings with shadows
There lies two beings biting hard at my wounds
And I just sit at my window feeding them
With smokes of metaphors and alcohol of rhymes
Beacause only I can save me
which I fail everytime.
or only she can save me
And I am sure to die of this.
1.1k · Sep 2013
No Poem
Sum It Sep 2013
There are good poems
and there are bad poems
and apart from that
there is NO POEM

I usually go with NO Poem
"no poem" is my way of poetry
Good poems are sensible
They are written with words of senses
Words with intelligence
Words of emotions
Words of virtue
Bad poems are irresponsible
Poems of offence
Poems of unhealty mockery
they are written with nonsense
and I am with NO poems
I am neither sensible
nor irresponsible
I neither make sense
nor do any nonsense

"I am stuck!"
that usually happens when I write poem
and in the end
there is NO POEM
No poem is my way of poetry

*But this poem is not No poem
it is a bad poem
for humor :D

Written on August 4, 2013
1.1k · Jan 2014
Sum It Jan 2014
the beep sounds from distant slowly fades inside my head
the box quivering with agitation gives more sound of beeps
something i never felt before hits me hard, inane race stirs up
stand back, not knowing when the senses left and came back

Thrills - run wild over ups and downs of not so lovely brains
the beeps buzz around like the never end ceasing sound of 'OM'
something I never desired for me, mockingly banters around
stand back, not wanting to feel the same air again and the heat

What new it possibly could fill me with when everything around is ragged and rusted;
When there is no paint to color them and there is no scrubs to clean.

What can I possibly speak on my behalf, there is nothing more I have left for explanation. Like some dementia, I circle around my own periphery to find out what could I have left behind and end up questioning all the things which were there with tags of well-accepted meanings. The meanings now slowly rises up like smokes from the chimney of the distant brick factory. It suffocates me already! yet the distance so far and it will never reach me. And I pick out my pen and start giving every subjects and objects disposed in me with the marks of asterisk. Now then, I go for the corner which I can't find anywhere because I am already floating in the space of nowhere land like a nowhere man. Just plain agitating suffocation is the feel you get in nowhere land. Blood ***** up all my stored energy to rush and cover a distance of less than one hand from heart to my brain. It fountains out through my eyes. But no reds!!! Just blue!

Let me  clear some space from the middle of everything and give a big asterisk with a big question mark '?' on its side.

The last (for today) beep sound bring me back to my senses. The message from the other corner of telecom network doesn't seem to make everything alright but I seem to collect my own image on this world.

"Maaf garnu hola tapai le samparka garnubhayeko number uthena"

I hurl my bag and zip my jacket.

Take me where you want to, take me where now I need to
Take me home or let me crawl;or just let me kiss the ground
Enough is never enough. More is less than more. take me out if you can
stand back, moving just means passing out and coming back .

Let me pass or take me through. Its a cold new year day, isn't it?

Well, HAPPY New year!
1.1k · Sep 2013
Scribble Me
Sum It Sep 2013
Half pages of scribbled line
you can't make out any sense from it
close your eyes and touch with your heart
you may feel something
did you?


A face that smiles with mask of paint
you can tease the hell out of it
close you eyes and laugh again
you may feel something
did you?


Words, words you see
words you hear
Words irritating you
you can't understand anything from it
close your eyes and try to hear
you may feel something
did you?


You see messed up paper
you don't see its rejection scribbling the love

You laugh at a red bulging nose of clown
you don't its flames of heartache

you see lots of hypocritic words
you hear messed up babbling
you write for my incorrigible
abuse me
stab me
tell them i am a thief
tell them i stole your space
write about my insanity
sing about my irritation
burn me with lectures of reality
Reject me

Add one more scribble on my page
Written on July 15, 2013
1.1k · Jan 2014
Sum It Jan 2014
Inter-wreath souls communicating in silence
Despairing distance just making it more intense
Slow dancing fumes of proximal hazy memory
Flashing lights of the destined future glimmery

Fateful rendezvous of unprepared agitation
Acquiesced drift along the preordained creation
Out of the blue we fell in love,now suffocatingly confined
And why love, the grey shade concealations so refined

With silence, we endowed recentful persuasion  
With lectures, we plundered for destined evasion
My love, we lived love for life sustained both
Now we travel opposites as we found loathe

So long, what we came together for
So long, to our ever enjoyed rapture
1.0k · Sep 2013
Sum It Sep 2013
I have ruined your love for me
Don't ruin my love for you
Written on August 31, 2013
1.0k · Jul 2020
मनको कुरा
Sum It Jul 2020
के छ र बाकीँ
चाहन- यो मनसगँ
दिन पनि त
होस् न केही
सोच्थे सधैं यहीँ

राखे मन बांधेर
ठोकिन आइनौं
मन बाधेर त
झन् खुम्चिने रहेछ
मन त
फुकाए पो
अझ पाइने रहेछ

तिमी ठोकियौ
र फेरी चर्केको यो मन
संगालिएको छ
नत्र अझै कति
कसेर बाध्थे होला
झह कति छिया छिया
पार्थे होला
मन त
फुकाए पो
अझ समालिने रहेछ
Sum It May 2014
म हांगो समाति उड्न खोज्छु
अनि पातसगैं झरेर सुक्छु
म बादल सगैं उडिहिड्छु
अनि झरीसगैं वर्षेर बिलाउछुँ

म सुकेको पात हुदांपनि
हावासगैं बहन सक्छु
म झरीसगैं वर्षेपनि
नदीसगैं बहन सक्छु

किनकी मलाई था'छ
म उड्न बनेको हुं
म एकदिन आँधि बन्नेछु
म बग्न बनेको हुं
म कुनैदिन बाढी बन्नेछु

म छुँ
म हुँ
एक अन्नत यात्रा

मेरो अस्तित्व शुन्य
म घुमिरहन्छु
न छ मेरो कुनै शुरूवात
न छ कही अन्त मेरो
मेरो जन्म यहीँ
मेरो अन्त यहीँ

म छु यहीँ
म छैन कतै
DAY ELEVEN: Write a poem about yourself, in Nepali

The final day of 11:11 Challenge!!
984 · Apr 2014
Crow and Crow
Sum It Apr 2014
crow and crow

What is so fun about crowing?
Every morning the moon dissapears
Her trial still fresh
encircling the sky.
Not even sun can evaporate.
And with every new hour
I play a game-
Finder's Keeper.
Fun it seems.
One time I found a ring of fire.
A diamond engraved to its depth.
I kept it-
I tried to keep it.
I was left among ashes.
Treasure hunt, fun it seems.
But what is fun about crowing?
Every sound is fun,
when in silence,
you are haunted.
954 · Apr 2014
Sum It Apr 2014
In me, In my heart
Gentle whispers of solitude
slips from the blue gaze slowing
turning black as you step by step
start to cease to exist.
My beats going awry,
My tongues slipped as I tried to speak
" was this all? "
Eternity changed its seasons.
The warmth in you began to freeze
And ice age was once again here
We spoke many things in silence
Things only we knew
And exchanged feelings
that would never actually become sounds
We could tear apart the world and
stitch it back exactly the way it was
But today was one of such day
when I didn't care to tear me apart for world
to bring you back
The endless gaze gradually fading
Were you even listening?
Were tears supposed to roll?
Numbness crept into me
when you whispered
"We have always drifted together"

I stare at the only way I see.
We shall always drift together.
Day 2 #eleven11poetrychallenge

Prompt: A poem as a conversation between two people

(many things were spoken in silence so still a conversation :bleh: )
954 · Mar 2014
Life Up ( note to self)
Sum It Mar 2014
Lifeless inside of me,
the light peeks, spring up
Do not hold despair on
finding little mud in island of gold
Hear the echoes you inscribed
from the top of the hill
,you named success

Life up.
Taste the mud sometimes
In mud get nourished new seeds
Say hello to your friends
Do not be surpriser if they
offer you their clean handkerchief
they are friends, that explains

Run with denial for things that
do not belong to you
Run with spirits from place where
you don't belong
you are born to live and
show how its lived!
Life up!
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