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Jul 2023 · 338
I wish I was out there
Shylah S Jul 2023
dancing on the edge of Andromeda
planets of pink trees and blue grass
animals of strange proportions
infinite possibilities of people
strangeness of otherwordly physics
warp tunnels to endless planets
cruising among the space rocks

I wish I was out there
I don't really belong

I tell myself I'm already here
a floating blue ball in our little galaxy
into whatever is held in the stars beyond
Aug 2022 · 167
nighttime hues
Shylah S Aug 2022
shadowed faces
muted colors
harsh lamps on dark streets

comforting blackness
echoing steps
soft hum under distant engines

tired eyes
tripping brains
delirious laughter over stumbling sidewalks

spilled secrets
crisp air
intoxicating freedom in inky anonymity

surreal insomnia
liminal spaces
world viewed from a cozy box
my favourite time to go outside is after midnight
Mar 2021 · 271
Shylah S Mar 2021
it holds onto me
bending my reality
setbacks in sobriety
falling very quickly
Sep 2019 · 223
so bad
Shylah S Sep 2019
I want to drink so bad
feel a burn in my throat
watch the whole world float away
the feeling of the overwhelming
tightening it's grip on my throat
disappear like smoke

I want to smoke so bad
laugh without reasons at all
forget my own existence
touch my hands as if they were not my own
untether myself from the hardwood floor
loosen the ropes of reality

I want to fall so bad
infatuated bubbly giggles at their name
sweaty palms when I look too long
flirty nothings kissed emoticons
teasing looks stolen across the room
sparks running through sober
Shylah S Jul 2019
today it would have been three years with you
three years with one of the most beautiful souls I've ever met
our story got cut short

in another dimension
in another life
we're sitting on a beach warm sand under our feet
we're looking over the city at night lights twinkling like stars
we're biking along the harbour the sea water reflecting in the sun
we're kissing behind the bookshelves in the science fiction section
we're dancing to your favourite songs under the moonlight in the park

your smile bright our love light everything would feel so right but now matter how much I wish it might

you're not here.
happy three year anniversary to what it could have been baby.
Shylah S Jul 2019
you were my prince
a forever lasting fairytale
we were walking on the hill
towards the pink sunset

no one ever talks about what's after the hill.
no one mentions the dark forests
the windy summer
morphing into a frost bitten winter
biting chills
I lost you in the snow
within arms reach
but thick ice between us

I know we tried to melt it.
hug our warm bodies against it
breathing bitter air as water droplets fell
we were so close

but it was too cold.
my prince was forever on the other side
we look through the icicles
catching your sparkly brown eyes
wet with tears
and we smile

one last time.
before walking away to find warmer lands
maybe one day it will be summer here again
windy hot days
the breeze ruffling your dark caramel hair
our touch warm and smiles bright

or maybe there will be a better princess that you will find.

I love you.
I miss you.
Feb 2019 · 189
broken chocolate
Shylah S Feb 2019
severed pieces
bitter cocoa
brittle and misshapen
deformed from the heat
beyond recognition
50 percent off
Jan 2019 · 411
today i walk
Shylah S Jan 2019
walk with my head low
black pavement on bright streets
a streaky city sky
musical notes from an alley
buzz of mechanical wings
today i walk alone
the night bleeding into my skin
i really am walking alone
Dec 2018 · 583
My words are tired
Shylah S Dec 2018
my words are tired
want to be loved
want to be held close as you fall asleep

my words want to have a home
want to be spoken freely
want to be met with open arms

my words want to live in the heart
be written in the teeth of a smile
be spun like wool from the tongue

my words wish to be heard
be embraced by open ears
be whispered in softness
Feb 2018 · 310
Shylah S Feb 2018
a smack in the face
so quick
I didn't even have time to blink

I am livid
I am mad
I am terrified
I am hateful
I am confused
I am lost
I don't understand

I am sad
Nov 2017 · 424
A Man
Shylah S Nov 2017
once there was a boy
he wanted to be a man
but he misunderstood
he saw these self-proclaimed "men"
stoic big strong
sweep a lady off their feet
smooth as butter on a frying pan
he played dressup
crisp suits and hats

I fear he failed to realize though
he was a man
in fact the manliest of them all

a mark of a man is not
how many women swoon in his presence
the way he walks
the depth in his voice

it's his compassion
to be truly himself
to love fully
of pure heart
for that is the man to rule all men
Oct 2017 · 308
dark rose
Shylah S Oct 2017
roses bleed
adorned upon gold leaves
thorns prickle on sheets
fine pinks turn gray
fall into soil
grows again bright pink
Oct 2017 · 208
On a Sticky Note
Shylah S Oct 2017
as the days go by
and the nights grow cold
I will call you mine
and never let you go
Jul 2017 · 9.1k
I like ugly guys
Shylah S Jul 2017
no, I'm not talking about the ones with big noses
or greasy hair

not the ones with bad breath
or round bellies

no, I just like them raw
a little broken, a little sad

the ones with scars
a story to tell

I sure know how to pick em' you might say
but I'd never give them up any day

a whole adventure in a person like the outdoors
one with canyons and mountains he would let me explore
only ugly guys give themselves all at once
no parts hidden, everything is exposed

vulnerability is thought to be a weakness but in reality it's bold

I like ugly guys.
So go out there and be real, often we hide because we fear getting hurt. But in that fear we miss out on the world, we miss out on living, and worst of all, love. So even if we may get bruised, get to the lowest of the low, you'll one day stumble upon something that embraces you as you are, something that cherishes your ugliness unconditionally, something that inspires you to be better, whether that be a passion, a person, or something as simple as a smile. Is it really worth hiding if you miss on the chance to experience that?

Edit: I am very grateful to everyone who took the time to read my work and am in disbelief a piece of mine chosen as the daily pick for the very first time! This community is amazing :)
Feb 2017 · 574
Sad Poems
Shylah S Feb 2017
It's hard to write a sad poem
my heart wants to fly
scream words of passion and love
not cries of sadness and pain

lost my touch as a poet
forgotten what's made me angry
I don't need to fret
sparks can be sweet

see the only thing
a poet knows better than saddness
is the longings and whispers
of the tragedy we call love
Feb 2017 · 845
Your Eyes
Shylah S Feb 2017
I'm convinced they're made of something not of this world
a base of molten gold
swirled with chocolate caramel and speckles of silvery glitter
a dash of fresh honey
a depth only I can see
let me stare into them for the rest of eternity
Jan 2017 · 742
sleep is blissfully unaware
Shylah S Jan 2017
feel it beneath my eyelids when I sleep
a reminder of the days past and ones yet to come
Sep 2016 · 910
Shylah S Sep 2016
music flows within
a dance of light and colours
let it control you
inspired by an unpoetic sister
Sep 2016 · 3.7k
From A Handsome Prince
Shylah S Sep 2016
Dear Shayla
my dear sweet beautiful woman
your sweet voice is like honey
after hours it still sounds lovely
such an angelic voice in such a magnificent human
I love every inch of you
I love kissing your whole body
while playing with you naughtily
my love it’s such a wonderful view
just watching you
I am writing this poem
to show you how much I appreciate
that chance you gave me to date
the most beautiful poem-worthy woman in my life
I love you

dear my wonderful sweet man
your words bring the widest smile to my face
I couldn't help but giggle and sigh
dating a poet was the greatest choice
I could ever make
your words remind me of your touch
of how you taste
let's spin pages upon books of our love
how life wouldn't feel the same without us
not hearing your voice whisper to me everyday
thank you my darling prince
for showing me what it's like to be loved
and for what it means
*I love you
Aug 2016 · 634
Shylah S Aug 2016
It's different seeing something in reality
after spending years in your head
a figment of your imagination
to see it in all its glory
written out by hand
crafted in real life
a real fantasy
Shylah S Aug 2016
Do you like science? Cause I've got my ion you
we're a dance of subatomic particles, you get my cardiovascular system worked up

"Nerd," you declare with a smile sweeter than C6H12O6
I glare at you and giggle louder than 194 decibels, we break all the laws
I'm so attracted to you, scientists will have to make a 5th fundamental force

we fit together like sticky ends of DNA
I fall in love with you every time I see you, faster than my DNA replicates
being in your arms feels like homeostasis, we'll last longer than thorium

I think I'm kinda maybe trying to say
every time light reflects off of you and onto my retina the sudden protracted cardiac arrhythmia I get tells me that gulp Iloveyou
Aug 2016 · 730
Shylah S Aug 2016
I'm flushed from the novelty
I'm elated from the passion

you wake me better than coffee
you sweeten me better than sugar

your words tug at my heart
your whispers short my circuit

your touch sends sparks through my fingertips
your voice rolls off of me like honey

I'm slowly going insane
I'm quickly falling

for you.
For someone special.
Jun 2016 · 943
I Want Freedom
Shylah S Jun 2016
I want freedom

I want the freedom to choose
make choices without superficial consquences
leap in a cage with no bars created by unjustified morals
open my ears something I was never quite allowed to hear

I want the freedom to feel
the trivial pressured guilt washed away by the sounds of laughter
staring into the abyss of a lover's eyes without needing to check if his skin was as brown as mine
open my heart to ideas once only spoken in ***** whispers and frowns

I want the freedom to go
walk drunkenly in the ghettos hand in hand with friends
impromptu trips with no questions asked no "who, what, when, where, and why?"
open my eyes to a world hidden behind dusty shutters and broken blinds

I want freedom

it seems so easy to say
the idea of freedom out-weighing the cons
yet I'm afraid to make the hard choice.
Apr 2016 · 693
Bitter Crystals
Shylah S Apr 2016
Bitter Crystals
told me they weren't edible
a silly fabrication no reason or rhyme
a mixture of 14 letters in a random array
yet each sound capturing a byte of meaning
a thick cloud of metaphors and connections
finding the meaning in the meaningless
told me they weren't edible
Bitter Crystals
Feb 2016 · 523
Lost Screams
Shylah S Feb 2016
I scream and shout over your shoulder
10 decibels too loud yet it's like it never reached your ears, not a single noise
not even the sound of the truth
can't help but wonder
Do you hear me?

take comfort in the fact no scars, no marks were left on my skin, only salty tears
I tell myself sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me
its all a lie protecting myself, telling myself it's okay
Do you feel me?

choke back tears did it really happen if you can't see it?
too many questions dancing in my head, this won't happen again sometimes we all get out of control right
kisses mean nothing, can't even apologize, am I that worthless?
Do you taste me?

making endless excuses I believe, just to remember that the only affirmation of my pain is locked up in the twisted vault of my memories
still wear your favourite red dress and rose perfume only time you're ever happy
Do you smell me?

other days it's like I'm not even there, out of sight, out of mind, just a distant thought within you but you have to remember that I see you!
I see all of you!
like a ghost or I'm invisible I start to float away
Do you see me?

wasted time, regret, a death sentence I condemned
too many questions maybe this is the end
*Did you ever love me?
*modified piece, a slam poetry style
Shylah S Jan 2016
a perfect time
to change the world
explore exotic places
do something crazy
surprise people
achieve the things your insanity creates
Jan 2016 · 471
Shylah S Jan 2016
I was looking for the murderer in you
the serial killer
the ******
the thief
the criminal

now I realize I should have looked in the mirror.
Jan 2016 · 689
Shylah S Jan 2016
A fresh beginning
A new lung full of air
A clear slate
A different set of eyes
Let's make the best of it. Happy New Years :)
Dec 2015 · 579
Shylah S Dec 2015
Come watch the dancing flames with me
Dec 2015 · 3.4k
Time Capsule of Emotion
Shylah S Dec 2015
I transfer my emotions and feelings
into words

After writing, I cease to feel them.

But when reading them again after eras gone by

I feel the spark of it
a little flashback
like a time capsule
for emotions.
Oct 2015 · 1.0k
I Hope
Shylah S Oct 2015
I hope you look back and smile

at the millions of happy memories
at the inspiring people you've met
at the laughter you've shared with others
at the amount of care and love you've felt
at the kind words you've shared
at the little things that make this world great

I hope you look forward and realize

how many extraordinary things are going to happen
how many new seeds will be planted
how many brilliant things you will achieve
how many stories will be shared
how many dreams will be reality
how many things make this life worth living

I hope you keep moving forward.

*"We either make ourselves miserable or make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same" - Carlos Castenada"
For a dear friend
Sometimes it's great to be reminded <3
Sep 2015 · 351
One day
Shylah S Sep 2015
One day

I'll see your face
touch your lips
hear you speak

and we'll sit there happy and in love
you'll tell me all the ***** things you believe in

kind of seems like a dream right now

One day
Aug 2015 · 1.4k
Our Story
Shylah S Aug 2015
I was sad at the prospect
                   that we must have a sad ending

I was afraid I would forget
                 the euphoria of us even slightly touching

It was with a heavy heart
                I said the wretched words "goodbye"

But when I look back at it

The sorrow and tears are gone
                 I'm left with cherished memories

Our ending isn't sad
                 our ending is insignificant

Our story is one that will be alive for **centuries
Jul 2015 · 4.2k
A Little Ray of Sunshine
Shylah S Jul 2015
I found a little ray of sunlight
that was here the entire time.

It was shining right in front of me
and now I can call it mine.

It makes me wonder
how I hadn't noticed it before.

Maybe it was hiding--
it probably was.

But guess what?
I found it.
I found her.
It took a while, but now
we have all the time
in the entire ******* world.

A little ray of light.
My little ray of sunshine.
Jun 2015 · 1.4k
Shylah S Jun 2015
I believed everything
thick and thin
every word
every breath
every sigh.

Maybe you were

I believed everything
all your lies.
bad bad feelings make me feel very very bad.
Jun 2015 · 397
My Dreams
Shylah S Jun 2015
Dreams* *-> a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.

My dreams aren't dreams.

They are wishes.

I want them to come true,

I want to put them in action,

Jun 2015 · 382
Shylah S Jun 2015
How many times does a heart
have to be broken
before it is irreparable?
Jun 2015 · 346
Shylah S Jun 2015
My mind often makes
Irregular circles
In the dark.
Late night thoughts.
May 2015 · 2.2k
Hollow Happiness
Shylah S May 2015
Some go in search
thinking they have no other forms
for hollow happiness

yet they are surrounded
by the beauty and "happy"
yet they search
for hollow happiness

when will this
unsustainable quest end?
Only sentenced to the worst
a never-ending battle
for hollow happiness

So maybe its time to open your eyes

stop being so blind to this beautiful world

and find real happiness.
Little rant of the day.
May 2015 · 2.1k
Shylah S May 2015
a simple word
complicated meaning

They say poetry is a way to explain the unexplainable
So here I go:

No words
No poem
No gifts

will ever fully show
my gratitude
my love
for you

But every year I try for you

Because I love you.

My mother
Amma is the Tamil translation for mother.
May 2015 · 1.0k
Shylah S May 2015
Pain is not
The break of skin
Or a slap that formed a bruise

But it is
The break of heart
Or the deep dent in a soul
Pain comes in a variety of forms, and poetry is one of the ways to express the kind I am talking about here. Pain.
May 2015 · 967
Shylah S May 2015
can make me sad today

Not the air brushed skies
painted in a disarray of grays

Not the frown of a stranger
darkening the room

Not the loss of a lover
or the goodbye from a friend

As much as it hurts
All good things come to an end

But I am not sad
**I am not sad
Apr 2015 · 1.6k
Shylah S Apr 2015
A death sentence
but worse.

It is commended by you.
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
Single Tear
Shylah S Apr 2015
A single tear
could break my skin
when sticks and stones
Apr 2015 · 548
I'm not sure
Shylah S Apr 2015
I come back inside
cold from the windy winter day
worst day to wear a short sleeve
you know about my bad decisions

I sit down
hands, face and feet numb

"My hands are freezing!"

I rub them together
no warmth

You watch me
grab my hand
interlock our fingers

my heart stops
I cease to breathe
from the cold
or you
I'm not sure

You laugh
I look down

I interlocked my fingers wrong
How did I fail so terribly?


I am happy
and warm

from your warmth
or the rush of unexplainable emotions
I'm not sure
Apr 2015 · 1.8k
Everyday Smiles
Shylah S Apr 2015
Every time I think of your face
I smile
like an idiot
a big silly grin
and it happens in the awkwardest of places
people look at me
"Is she okay?"

I don't care
make me smile everyday
Apr 2015 · 940
Mr. Right
Shylah S Apr 2015
I will meet the "right" person
in one who constantly
surprises me
In a good way :)
Apr 2015 · 1.7k
Shylah S Apr 2015
Somebody could be thinking about you
right now
hard to believe

I usually do the thinking

Could someone
at the thought of me

My brain says
probably not

My heart wants to say
Apr 2015 · 751
I am
Shylah S Apr 2015
So, hello
My name is Shayla
I have a lot of problems
I am aloof
I am loud
I am crazy to some
But most importantly
I am me.
Apr 2015 · 377
Hold On
Shylah S Apr 2015
I can only hold so many
In the palms of my hand
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