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Pdub Dec 2014
True longing doesn't come from the head,
It comes from the heart.
In moments of clarity,
And despair.
Longing knows no bounds.
It creeps up on you
And takes hold of your ground.
When you think you have a handle
On your life
It stops by...
For longing extorts your heart
To never say goodbye.
I long for the day I long no more
Pdub Nov 2014
The red balloon in my chest--
It swells and pounds
And pitters around town,
To it's very own delight.
It wanders, and whimpers
And hints at secrets
That linger, indecipherable,
Even to it's owners might.
It throbs and seethes
The poignant things-
That no one wishes to endure.
It dances and prances
To seldom advances
Avoiding emptying, evermore.
Yet I find myself with a red balloon,
Tucked neatly beneath my chest,
Once deflated by love lost,
Inflated, once more.
To you, you alone are the reason for my sanity.
Pdub Sep 2014
I long to be desired--
    Not just once, but always.

I long to be desired--
    Like the way a child plays, with his favorite toy.

I long to be desired--
     Not by many, but by you.

I long to be desired--
     I love me, do you love me too?
Pdub Sep 2014
******* kisses, across the sea
Until the day, they land on me.
I'll await your presence-
As we long to be;
Together again, by the sea.
Pdub Sep 2014
The beauty you seep, it comes from the
Cracks and Crevices of the wandering soul within.

I untwine you.
You know this to be true.

There isn't a piece of you that can deny
The Earth or the Sky
of the Love you expose--
through the Cracks and the Holes.

Continue on, I'll come along,
Or see you one day//
Though I'm sure you'll evade.
Pdub Jan 2015
My affinity for sleeping
Is not to rest–
But rather,
To wander
Myself; my missteps.
I seal myself away
In a timeless tomb
Where I can hope
And dance
And love
Whomever I choose.
I do not find my time wasted
When I drift away in the night
I find myself again living
In leau of reality's knock.
Pdub Nov 2014
I cry when I'm alone
For things that haven't happened.
Pdub Apr 2015
I used to think if I closed my eyes
The nightmares wouldn't be around
It isn't until now that I've realized
You have to get lost to be found.
Pdub Dec 2014
I knew the hurt of my heart strings,
Wasn't all for naught.
For the pain I feel is beautiful;
A soul no longer lost.
Pdub Feb 2015
When I think of you now
I do not feel the burning of desire
To ravish your sweet, sweet, flesh.
I only hold a passing thought
Of something left behind; unkempt.
For a flickering moment
I held steadfast
That I simply could not live again.
But every morning the sun returns
As a reminder
To just, breathe in.
Pdub Dec 2014
I look at the sad, aged rides outside of grocery stores every now and then. It wasn't until recently that I knew why they drew me in so much–they reminded me of my love life. Always too open and available for the ride, with a menial return and reward. Never a soul that got on cared for the old ride, and began to walk past it's haunting exterior. But there's always one boy, that will always ride that ride; over and over and over until he simply runs out of time, or something to provide. But, the joy, in that child's eyes, with his soul soaring high, only for a few moments; that is love. And that is what I will always have to remember.
Pdub Feb 2015
I blame you
For holding on
Not giving me the closure I deserve.
I blame myself
For holding on
Not admitting goodbye is the cure.
Pdub Dec 2014
You are the reason for my madness;
For my sleepless nights alone.
You are the ghost that haunts me,
Bleeding me to my bones.
You are the cure,
I so helplessly seek.
Yet I know from our past,
One taste of you—
Is my defeat.
Funny how the remedy kills you.
Pdub Jan 2015
Does fear lie more in knowing?
Or what remains unknown?
For me it's become clear as day;
Knowing you has tarnished my soul.
Pdub Nov 2014
When I'm on the cusp of love—
Everything ceases to exist.
You make my world stop,
And fast forward into the abiss.

When I'm on the cusp of love—
I'm bursting at the seams.
Because I've finally realized,
My reality has become my dreams.

When I'm on the cusp of love—
I truly must confess;
I've already been in love with you,
You just haven't professed it yet.
Unrequited love, or mutual agreeance?
Pdub Dec 2014
You are more than the love of my life
You are the stars
And the ocean
And the air I'll always breathe
The moon I'll always gaze upon
And the wish I'll always make
You are what keeps me up at night
You are the spirit
I will always long for
Promise me you will too.
Transcending love.
Pdub Dec 2014
The Law of Attraction may say:
That what you say or do,
Can change the future in your way...
But I call *******.
Because the only way the future "changes"
Is due to randomness.
Nothing you say or do
Will alter the outcome
Of our dismay.
Proof you have done nothing wrong, but exist.
Pdub Dec 2014
You seem to have mastered
The art of yo-yo-ing hearts.
I doubt you'd say the same
Because to you,
it's a game from the start.
Pdub Oct 2014
You changed me (not jaded)
You gave me (your world)
You don't question (what is ours)
But I have to, my sweet.
I have scars, upon scars.
I am more than the compilation of hurt I've endured. I just hope you understand.
Pdub Aug 2015
The only thing burning in this August heat is my mind rewinding our time; repeat

The only thing burning in this August heat is my mind rewinding our time; cease
Pdub Feb 2015
A part of me knows love
Can't be stopped
Because it's a riddle
That only the heart understands
In time; yet,

A part of me knows love
Isn't meant to last
Because something forced
Only then falls apart
Just as fast...
Always choose love.
Pdub Feb 2015
Who then could be called sane
When facing love's deathbed?
Pdub Feb 2015
A chasm'd lit spark in the sky
Once was the love
That brought together
you, and I

A solemn howl of natures fury
Once foreshadowed the love
That would escape
you, and I

A slight warmth of skin
Felt on my flesh
Reminicent of the days
Well kept, and spent

A breeze dancing blissfully
Once ignored by the rest
Now is all my heart feels
Tucked beneath my breast
Pdub Dec 2014
To fully love
You cannot set limits
Or measure your worth
By another's opinions.

To fully love
You cannot doubt
Or be unrealistic
About the time you have together.

To fully love
You must acknowdge
Love is a transfer of two energies
Forever traveling in time,
Until the sparks cross paths again.
Pdub Feb 2015
I never thought the day would come
When I felt empty inside
Not hollow—
Meaning I lost something once mine
Just empty—
Meaning a part of me has died.
Pdub Sep 2014
how does one pause the inner workings of a mind?

does it simply take time?
a long unwind?

or does the mind know what's best- when the mind's keeper is at rest.
sleep dreams thoughts
Pdub Dec 2014
Being in love with you has never caused me hurt. I've only ever wanted to be happy, and to share love you deserve. I contemplated how real you were from the very start. You were strong, and confident. A ghost that came from the dark. It wasn't until I was too far invested, that I realized you took my heart. Now I'm left here, staring down the end we both knew was imminent. But the only words that come to my mind: I've loved you, from the beginning.
Still trying to grasp what has happened to me.
Pdub Oct 2014
To love me, you must know the truth.
That I've been damaged,
But you are quite the opposite of what I dreamed. Nothing bad, just unforeseen.

To love me truly, you must already know--that the light you cast, has revitalized my soul.
Pdub Dec 2014
To love—
Is to trust someone with matches,
As you play in puddles of fate.
Pdub Sep 2014
Take a stroll with me-
   It's anything but dreary.
The songs of sweetness in the sky
    Are frequent and quite merry.

The Summer's kiss is abundant,
     The leaves whisper to the trees.
Strolling silently I listen-
     To the melodies around me.

I must admit, my only desire'd be-
For someone to stroll with,
      alongside by me.
summer love desires
Pdub Nov 2014
My everything and my nothing
It's always there for me
To comfort
Or remind
That time is all I seek
It's eerie when it's around
The voices in my head chatter
Silence keeps me company
It makes your voice matter.
Alone isn't lonely
Pdub Dec 2014
I fancied the idea
Of you needing me
Just a few days
Turned into most nights of the week
You showered me with love
And adoration I craved
But the tables have turned
Now you're the one who's sane
Your love is my drug
I could take every night
To drift away to sleep
And greet morning light...
Pdub Dec 2014
I have not one, but two Hearts
Residing inside my chest.
One is on the brink of falling;
Madly and deeply in love with you.
And the other,
Has one foot,
Precariously out the door.
Pdub Sep 2014
You can't move on
      If someone's still holding you back.
Not necessarily tied down
      But having your mind off track.
The worst part isn't
      In losing your head
The worst part lies
      In losing your friend.
Pdub Dec 2014
Your love seeped in my veins
In an everlasting trickle
Creeping up my spine
To the tips of my flesh, it tickles
Visions of us flash
Like a the glorious death of a star
That's been burning bright for too long
You're magical, that way
With a touch of ubiquity
But not for long—
I know you'll always be with me
In this lifetime, and the next to come
Because if you'll settle for forever
Our love can never be undone.
Pdub Sep 2014
there's an eloquent mystery in the air--
ever hear it calling?
       over here, over there?

there's an eloquent mystery in my mind--
I answer the voices, one at a time.

there's an eloquent mystery, about you, you see--
i heard you calling, and you called back to me.
Pdub Dec 2014
Soul mates are fleeting
Like the sun,
Forever chasing the moon.
For the one who I'll always be chasing.
Pdub Sep 2014
there's always going to be a reason
     you come running back around.
unleash me, i bequeath thee--
    there is no second time now.

keep your distance, my dear,
     you're coming too close.
there is no place for you here,
     only long ago, hope.

please leave me be,
    i want you no more.
there was only one reason we met,
    simply; wrong love lore.
Pdub Jan 2015
Love cuts you deep
Love heals all
Love leaves a scar
Love makes you fall
Love is the answer
Love causes doubts
Love has a reason
Love can't fade out
The end all.
Pdub Nov 2014
The love of your life
You may have already met
Or you may meet tomorrow
Or in another lifetime, somewhere far away...

The love of your life
You may never meet
Or you may never see for more than three days,
though the time you spent was enough to last always...

The love of your life
May be the one who got away
When the second you parted,
You collapsed,
because you lost a part of you,
That day.

The love of your life,
Will never run away
Because the love of your life is simple,
It's you.
Please stay.
Pdub Oct 2017
A part of me will always wonder
And fulfill the dreams we always had
In the reality which took the route desired
And not the route which was planned

A part of me will always wonder
If your words still ring true to-day
Or if the ringing in my ears I hear
Is just your voice, fading reluctantly away

A part of me will always wonder
Why you chose now to reveal your soul
If it is my happiness you seek and long for
I'm afraid it's lost, ice cold.
Pdub Sep 2014
I fall quite seldom, nowadays.
It's hard to love,
     when it's been stolen away.
Like the hands of time
     that rotate indefinitely.
I'll come back to you, my darling,
     next time, eternally.
Pdub Sep 2014
I got a case of the Blues
And they're bogging me down!
I breathe
I move
I listen.
Yet nothing's changing now.

What do you do when you got the Blues, and nobody knows your plight?

Do you yell and scream?
Ask for help?
Or choose to take on the silent fight?

I gotta case of the Blues, but darling, you need not worry.

They should be gone in due time,
But for now, they're in no hurry.
Pdub Sep 2014
I often wonder what it's like,
to live in a world, enclosed by delight.

It's beginnings and ends
are one in the same.

What one may call the end,
is another's noblest Game.

"Carry on, carry on",
say the specs in the globe.

Fall fast, fall hard,
until the end is known.
Pdub Oct 2014
my heart excites at the thought of what could be-

yet all I know, is fateful retreat.
Pdub Sep 2014
he who has not been hurt,
has done so before.

the cycle of loving, and taking,
shan't continue; no more.

the reason for trust
the reason for pain

lies not in your actions
but in your words of vain.
love relationships thoughts sad soul
Pdub Sep 2014
I feel so hollow inside.
My life was full of love
   And wonder
   And hope.
Yet what still lingers inside-
Is the memory of you and I.
Pdub Sep 2014
I knew I loved you,
     when I couldn't help but stare.
I knew I loved you,
     when you would stroke my hair.
I knew I loved you,
     when you knew I wasn't alright.
I knew I loved you,
     Because it, I couldn't fight.
Pdub Sep 2014
I know why I cry inside.
The parts of life I discover, collide.
Deep in the trenches of my soul
beams of light maneuver--
        but never reside.

The joys and pains are one in the same.
When all you've ever wanted,
is something you've never gained.
Pdub Jan 2015
My tears will never stop falling.
This hole will never go away.
My love for you will **** me inside;
The same love I hoped would stay.

My dreams will always be of you.
My love will be steadfast.
I know I'm not alone on this.
I know our love will last.

I can no longer be with you, my dear;
This truly eats at my soul.
At once the love I have for you is clear,
It transcends this life and more—
Sometimes, love is meant to not last physically, but in your dreams and soul. I will always adore you, and love you deep from my core.
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