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Maia Vasconez Sep 2019
Keep the lights off,
I look too much like my mother today.

Pack the sadness up into boxes and
put it away. No one wants to see that anymore.

All my friends are rays of sunshine and
I have to bite my cheek.

I don't smile,
I bare my teeth.

I keep them all at arms length unless

they can feel their way through the hall
in the dark,

now that every room gets dim
with me inside of it.

In fact,

what if we sleep through this one?

What if I just lie down
and let the birds peck at me?
Sep 2019 · 192
Maia Vasconez Sep 2019
In the mornings,
I ate like a hummingbird. Handfuls of
white chocolate chips and blueberries.
Saucers of green tea.

You do not know devotion until
you have seen these rituals.
These little rituals
where a young girl wakes up,
strips down,
holds her breath, and
steps on the scale.  

I wanted to hear my skeleton rattle inside me like
a set of keys.

I had a tape measure under my bed,
and a death wish.

There is nothing I know,
nothing more precious than this.
I wanted to be
rough, and
jagged edges.

She’s a fairy, she just
can’t fly because
she doesn’t eat.

Have you seen the disappearing act where
the girl makes herself shrink and no one
notices because
she is already small?

I won’t stop until
I drink air and eat sunshine.

I won’t stop until
they worry (they love me).
Sep 2019 · 590
Maia Vasconez Sep 2019
The weatherman said it was going to rain but he didn’t mention
when it would let up. It’s been raining for years.

I keep telling myself I’m not allowed to be this downpour,
this unhappy
all the time. It doesn’t help.

I don’t want to be brave today. I don’t
want to do the work today. I don’t want to do the work today. I don’t want
to do the work today. I don't want to.

The only thing worth living for is the sunset. I’m letting things
pile up instead of taking care of them. I want to see
how high I can get.

This is the terrible precipice I’ve been peering over.
Everyone/ no one is worried for me.
If I fall on them,
I will be so heavy. And what is it if it isn’t

everyone you take with you on the way down?
I thought I would fall right into the sunshine. I thought I’d be
covered in it.

Oh my god I can’t die yet,
my room isn’t clean.

Look, I brushed my hair.
I got dressed.

See, I'm better now. See?
Maia Vasconez Mar 2019
For some of us it was Valentine’s,
for some of us it was the first day of lent.

So what are you going to give up?
She was sulking on the couch,
he was doing coke in my living room,
and there were strangers in my home,    
I’d let them in.
I was just sipping lime and gin.
They wrecked my house,
and I let them.

I said, I’m serious
what are you going to give up?
And we went around the circle,
one by one:
I told him to
stop doing coke,
I told her to
stop dating older men.
They both said no,
they tell me to stop being a buzzkill.

The room swelled. We moved downstairs
and she was
dancing on a pole,
and he was talking business
with people I didn’t know.
And I was taking shots of ***** then
I wanted to feel like
a swing set.

I was swaying and
he was holding me upright
and he was
placing his jacket on my shoulders,
I have always been the coldest.

His arms cinched around my waist
and he was like a life vest.
And for a moment
I was above water,
or at least not drowning.

On the counter,
there were wilting roses and
chocolate covered strawberries.
In the mirror the word LOVE
spelled out EVOL.
There was pink on all the walls,
a bowl of candy hearts that said,
I don’t know how to be sweet
I don’t know how to be soft

He was playing with my hands
and tracing circles in my palms
and I was letting him.
I was getting drunk,
and he was begging me to
take another shot, and to
take another shot, and to
take another shot,
to break my will.

He found a way into my bed,
he asked if he could stay
and I don’t know why I let him in.
He was not special and
I was not that drunk anymore.

It was lent and I was
going to give it up,
give it all away,
give in.

It was lent and
I was going to
give up.
Jan 2019 · 557
Maia Vasconez Jan 2019
So the weather eventually had to warm.
The first time I wear a t-shirt in his car he is
stealing side eye glances of my bare arms.
He says, I like your bracelets and with his
hands on the wheel nods to the one
slipping down his wrist, which I gave him.
And he must think he is so clever because
What we are really looking at now are the pale,
matching, horizontal lines going up and down our flesh.
           I shake my head, I change the subject.

Later we are holding lighters up
to dandelions and watching them burn.
We are lying in a field of clovers,
He moves closer.
           He points to the damage and asks,
           What happened here?
He asks me like I could tell him a date,
He asks me like it’s history
He asks me like I might say
It was the Summer of 2014
but I can’t name what battle took place.
          I shake my head, I change the subject.

So after you pull another girl into my bedroom, after you pushed
everything off of my bed and onto the floor
to make room for what you’d do with her,
I inspect the damage.
I pull the bracelet that I gave you from the wreckage.
I leave you in the window, I never see you again.
I leave paper cuts on my legs in vain,
I never see you again.
I have scars that take the shape of your dizzy,
lazy fingers tracing my limbs.
I will never see you again.
Poem for closure
Poem for Luke
Maia Vasconez Jan 2019
I keep thinking about the night
he sat across from me
ripping into a pomegranate
with his hands but
I couldn’t stop seeing it as
a bleeding heart.

He put his lips on
My lips but
It just felt like he was trying to eat me.
Jan 2019 · 1.1k
Maia Vasconez Jan 2019
He broke the door, not my arm.

I thought it'd be
so much worse than a hole in the wall.
I thought the Big Bad Wolf would come out
and blow this House of Cards down.
Jan 2019 · 629
Depression Poem
Maia Vasconez Jan 2019
Another day spent
with my head under the covers
and the kitchen is, I swear to god
a mile away.
I think I'm so out of it
I wouldn't even deserve
a participation award.
Little by little becoming more
passive and less aggressive.
Someone says my name wrong and
I don't correct them.
It's a game of charades where
I act out The Sadness but
no one can guess what it is.

I can't talk about it here. The walls are too thin. Some days the sheets are so heavy that I can't get out if bed. I just wallow in it instead. I just wallow in it instead.
Work in progress
Jan 2019 · 1.2k
Maia Vasconez Jan 2019
She looked at me and pulled the scissors out of my hands. Her eyes drift towards my arms. She says she never trusted me with anything sharp.

I have serrated edges
I need someone to keep me away from high places
They read my diary pages and look at me like my guts are hanging out
She tells me I'm made of glass and she is getting tired of existing as an ambulance

Sometimes I go out too deep
I put so many holes in the ship I can't believe it didn't sink
A zipper on each wrist,
a body scratched like an old disk.
I needed a life vest
I needed bandages
I needed sutures
I needed stitches

I wound up stranded
in a doctors office
where they asks how bad
it hurt on a scale of 1-10

I came with
etched into my limbs
I scar like tree bark

I never get better
The nurses used scotch tape to put me back together
This poem has been inside me for years. I finally spit it out.
Maia Vasconez Nov 2018

Thinking about it gives me lice, oh my god it bugs me. Sometimes it still feels like it might set my skin on fire, most days it just feels like a sunburn.

I would love to move on but she's stuck in my head like a song.
U take up 2 much room in my head
Oct 2018 · 183
Lake Eerie
Maia Vasconez Oct 2018
A body in the freezer. A bag over my head. A black eye like an oil spill. I’m still pulling out the splinters. A damp spot in the basement. A stain on the carpet. Every coat hanger in the closet. On the ceiling fan. Dangling like an ornament. A chill in these hallways. Footsteps in the attic. A broken light switch. Duct tape over my mouth so I won’t talk about it...
Well what do you think, is this house haunted?
Oct 2018 · 309
Good Company
Maia Vasconez Oct 2018
Scary when you can go all day without saying a word. At some point you end up in restaurants and grocery stores hoping someone who works there will ask you what you want, if they can help you find what you're looking for. And you will say I hope so but I don't know if anyone can.
She said I like the idea of being so lonely I'd cut myself in half just to have someone to talk to.
Oct 2018 · 4.5k
Poem for Traitors
Maia Vasconez Oct 2018
It's not that I’m hurt, it’s that I think I’ve been wounded.
If you wanted to be animals you should have done it outside.
I said you made me too sad and he sends his condolences in a get well soon card and he asks if he can sign the cast.
That night left a bruise.
And I'm
                 Still reeling.
Oct 2018 · 839
Maia Vasconez Oct 2018
She undresses like an orange peel.
It's her lace on the rug and
she is so dizzy from kissing him.
Oct 2018 · 241
Maia Vasconez Oct 2018
I will get to the bottom of this and by that I do mean the bottle.
I will go until my bellies full of venom and like cement,
It will churn in my stomach all night.
My head is always spinning like a washing machine.
No one ever hits on you if your drinking straight whiskey.
May 2018 · 12.8k
A gamble
Maia Vasconez May 2018
1.He’d say anything to get me out of my shell.
2. His pupils are hard, black marbles and I want to flick him off of me.
3. He is always shuffling through women like they are a deck of cards.
4. It’s just how the dice rolls.
5. I was afraid of falling, of my arms snapping like wishbones.
6. He waits until I’m swaying like a door hinge.
7. My eyes are wide like 8 ***** and he hits me with that same click, roll, thunk of a pool ball table.
8. You are cursing me. When you yell, you are cursing me.
9. “Come out, come out, wherever you are…”
10. I hope the bruises on your legs turn into birds. I hope you get out of here.
This is for anyone whose ever been hurt by a man
May 2018 · 2.1k
Spin Cycle
Maia Vasconez May 2018
I keep having dreams that I'm in prison, whats the worst thing you've ever done?

I had a bowling ball in my stomach and everybody looked like pins! I wanted more limbs. I n3eded a labotomy! I needed a power outage. In all my reacurring nightmares I look like a natural disaster.
Which would you rather do: implode, erode, dissolve, evolve, disintegrate, collapse, or dissapear?
There is always so much false hope here
It feels like im going to rip like wet paper. Believing in something is like drawing angel wings on the back of a white tshirt.

Is he real? I want to know
I think I'll ask my magic 8ball...
Apr 2018 · 697
Maia Vasconez Apr 2018
I like boys who look like deer in the headlights. Shy. Startled by the movement of clouds.
He looked like a cherub. I miss the callouses on his hands. Everything he says sounds like rain water on the outside of a window! I shoved his love letters into beer bottles and threw them into the sea! It's the ven diagram of our bodies overlapping.
I spell it all out in refrigerator magnets.
I wanted someone I could make snow angles with...
He tied balloons to my wrists and I got carried away.
I've had butterflies in my stomach for weeks and I can't swallow and I can't sleep.
Jan 2018 · 297
Maia Vasconez Jan 2018
Wolves stopped whistling when I put the invisibility cloak on. I guess you don't need magic to dissapear. It's just all black always. Black jacket, black jeans, black shoes. I keep my head down and my mouth shut and it's no wonder.
Jan 2018 · 299
Maia Vasconez Jan 2018
They say that when you call your demon by name you gain power over it.

So I started writing yours in bus stations, on walls, in bathroom stalls. But it never ends. No more 7am blue heavens. These days I walk around with a storm cloud over my head. All my dreams have been slasher films lately so I stopped looking for ****** behind the shower curtain. I made every wish on 11:11. I blew the candles out on my birthday. I planted dandelions. I couldn't sleep, I had to look for shooting stars. I pulled my eyelashes out, I went bald trying to make my dreams come true.
I only prayed you'd take me back or if not that, god might take me instead. Skeletons of these dead romances.... Do you believe in second chances?
Breakup love
Nov 2017 · 457
Maia Vasconez Nov 2017
Her lipstick's the same red as the car she crashed into that ditch. And you can't help thinking her whole head is a car wreck. You have a fleeting thought you wish she'd die in an accident. You try not to think about it. Sometimes you take the detour to ride past her skid marks. And sometimes you want to make your own right there.
Oct 2017 · 553
Maia Vasconez Oct 2017
Why was leaving me as easy and ugly as taking off velcro shoes. It made that tearing noise too. I don't feel so good. I lost my appetite. She said leave me alone and my heart sped up and then it flat lined. I keep telling my dog I'm clairvoyant. That I always knew I'd end up this disappointed. Gutted. Just like a fish. Just as messy, not so tragic.
My first poem since july, yikes.
Jul 2017 · 434
Maia Vasconez Jul 2017
your per
 looms in every room
she writes apologies with sharpie on her skin
holds promises in place with bobby pins
licks the flavored chapstick from her lips
leaves indents of nails in her closed fists
her hair is still wrapped around the teeth of my comb
our outline pressed into the memory foam
Turn left at this light and it'll take me home
Take me home
and if home is where the heart is
then why do I feel so alone
(the second I can't smell your sickly sweet cologne?)
I wrote this in 2015 donut judge
Jul 2017 · 494
Maia Vasconez Jul 2017
Put down your back seat and make a bed
It is 8:04am
You turned your knees into ash trays
I keep asking how you ended up an addict... all you say is smoke follows beauty
You point out the birthmarks on my arm and say an angels kissed me. But I'm not blessed. I guess, I don't know...
Jul 2017 · 293
Maia Vasconez Jul 2017
she said stop hanging onto people by threads. guess id just rather have stitches than lose another friend. when nobody loved me i lost my head. please dont do that to me again. please dont do that to me again.
Jun 2017 · 952
Maia Vasconez Jun 2017
You know it's bad when you start reading through the personal column and craigslist ads. No first date to the movies, he showed up in a suit to a house party.

  Someone keyed a sad face into the side of your car. You should stop breaking hearts. I heard you like games, so let's play hide and seek with our feelings! I think I'd go out all night with a flashlight just to find out if you've missed me. Sometimes I have half a mind to file a missing person report but god knows where you've been and the authorities always come up short.
And I'm awful sorry that it happened like this but I deserve better than a sloppy first kiss
May 2017 · 343
Maia Vasconez May 2017
I guess it was cuz he grew up an only child but
he never learned how to share.
I ask him how his day went
and he doesn't answer.

Sit in the silence and hate god for all his violence.
I want to take a break,
He tells me to empty my pockets if I need more space.
Why do they always make it feel like it's your fault when it starts to fall apart?
I'm not the one who ****** it up, I'm not the one who ****** this up!
May 2017 · 600
Maia Vasconez May 2017

About the scratches... I just wanted to put a hole in myself that I could actually see. Snap out of it please. Please please please. Come on back down now....

Sometimes you just need to leave your body, sometimes you try to nail yourself to it instead. Sometimes your mind puts some distance between your hands and head, and that's the closest you ever get to flying.
Apr 2017 · 446
Maia Vasconez Apr 2017
You're always saying, "I mean of course I love him... he's my dad". You should see your face when you say that. You don't light up, your hands don't get warmer, your heart doesn't skip a beat. No, you say "of course I love him... but..." and your whole face sinks. Tell me all about how great he is then! How he hit you, how he's always drunk. On the phone yesterday you said "love you" before hanging up and... the static on the other end just laughed.
Blood doesn't equal love. Even your family can betray you.
Dec 2016 · 804
Maia Vasconez Dec 2016
When you moved out I think that's when I first became a vacant lot. When did I start hammering "for sale" signs into my heart? When do I stop? And I'm empty more than half the time but, so what? You get used to waiting around for anyone with furniture to fill you up.
Dec 2016 · 742
Maia Vasconez Dec 2016
The heart is the same size as the fist. If they are both beating do they serve the same purpose?
Dec 2016 · 4.5k
Maia Vasconez Dec 2016
My foreign friend once went through my bag and found a bottle of ibuprofen. She said I wonder if these are her anti-depressants because if so then they're not working. Once my friend, excuse the bruise, my friend thought the rope in my room was meant for a noose. Once I regected food all day and so she spooned the meal to my face. She said "good girl" when I made myself a sandwich. She used to cringe every time she saw my ****** up wrists. She said her dad ******* when she was a kid and once she took a pen to her own skin. She said you know that feeling when you throw up ice cream? and I was the only girl who got it. Who really, really got it.
So, I remember sitting in the park by the waterfront smoking flavored cigars. It's starting to get dark and your leaning on my arm. I wanna split a cigarette but you're saying how I always get the filter wet. You were both the hardest and softest girl I'd ever met. We got our cards read that weekend. The tarot lady said I'd fall in love, I said bring it on. Well, I remember nights in a used hotel room, wound up on the bed was the only time you let me hold you. I used to give you chapstick every time you asked for it. You said you only missed me when your lips got chapped. and those days we weren't friends were the worst ones that I don't remember too well. I forgot how we both pulled the devil when we got our cards read. What I remember is that you were there for the worst anxiety attack. It's still funny cause you're the only one in the room who was scared. And the next day I'm dead inside and somebody's in my ear telling me about how they're making an effort to be friendly and I'm the problem, I'm not reciprocating. You ask me why I'm wearing a hat, It's so I can hide my shame under it. Today I don't have a voice, I can't talk. Can't say what I'm upset about. And I remember somebody telling me that if I thought happy I'd be happy which lead to break down sobbing in the bathroom and you came in and talked me out. You never blamed me, never thought what happened to me was my fault. And you listened to me spew about what it's like to have no friends and to hate yourself so much. And you didn't ask questions... you just loved. Loved, loved, loved. So much that I saw it building up in myself. That first jump into the pool in our sweaters and sharing showers and drying in the sun. Listening to you mumble in your sleep, combing through your hair with my thumb. And you said the first time you saw me you thought ****! Another girl that's too pretty. I think we should still be... lying on a sun lit deck. You're reading my books, I'm wearing your shoes. We should still be out on the lake, eating lunch in one of those big red canoes. We should still be jumping off the dock, yelling when the fish swim near us. We should still be up on a hill where we can smoke and watch the sunset fall to dusk. I should still be waking up late in your tent and stealing the blankets. We should still be up all night talking politics and arguing semantics.
So yes, I remember lying in your arms those last few nights while watching shooting stars. Those nights I wished so long and hard to never feel lonely again, I realized this summer that's my biggest fear. And this summer! This summer I feel healed! You bandaged me up so the good bye was rough. I felt like child peeling old band aides off.
Before she left she told me what I needed to fix about myself. In our soggy t-shirts, we have our toes diped in the water. She grabs a pool noodle out of my hands and as she bends it in demonstration says I have no back bone she can take whatever she wants, she can just have it. I'm too flexible. But she opens up, tells me about the guys she's ****** and how she's never really been in love. She tells me about her girl crush. She says if I'd told her I'd loved her first, "like I SHOULD have" then she'd of been crushing on me instead. I just wish I could have been the one to drop her off at the airport. I helped her pack her bags and watched her slam the car door shut. It's different when you're forced to be apart, she didn't have the chance to make me hurt. I count the miles that seperate us. Guess I'll just love her from a distance.
This is probably the longest thing I've ever written. I've been working on this for a month and a half I think but I'm not sure how I feel about it. It's a true story, my summer with a British girl. We were in a big city but also spent most of our time in the woods in the middle of nowhere. Anyways, suggestions always welcome!
Dec 2016 · 541
Break it off
Maia Vasconez Dec 2016
Well, there is a place I go to get a bit of quiet. If the night is mellow, I'll turn on some mellow tunes to match it. Oh and, it's soft here. I feel too large for the bed that I spread myself on… You know, if you let yourself walk too deep in thought, you could get lost and at night it's dark on memory lane.
    And then I'm drifting again. I dream of awkward reconciliation, of a confrontation we've already had before. We sit side by side on the sidewalk by some park.
“Take me back”, I'm saying. And she sinks to the floor.
“Dummy", she sighs. "I don't love you anymore”.
I wrote this the 3rd time you broke my heart... or was it the 4th?
Dec 2016 · 677
Maia Vasconez Dec 2016
This was predictable. The revolt was inevitable. Try to suppress a mob who all want one thing. The masses can riot. Anger's not quiet. We are all qualified to rebel. Revolution is beneficial, an uprising essential. Resist the urge to follow the leader. A dictator is not in your favor. The disgraced, it is their turn. Object the men who prefer the violent. A tyrant does not stay silent, neither do we. It is appropriate to howl and claw at a system that does one wrong. Injustice is where turmoil stems from.
Dec 2016 · 423
Maia Vasconez Dec 2016
This is your fault isn't it. You are why I can't feel nice things. I'm the victim in this situation. I see my perpetrator in him.
Dec 2016 · 546
Maia Vasconez Dec 2016
So if you're gonna put a ******* gun to my head, put a gun to my head. I'd understand why you'd feel the need to do it. And if it's money you want, I keep cash in my socks.
        So take my jewelry. Come to my house, the doors aren't locked so you can ******* rob me. I'd take my arm off and hand it to you if you wanted it badly. You can use force or you can take it gently. And If you want to **** me for it, go ahead and **** me. I don't need anything more than you do. Be a parasite, take my food. Cut my bag open, spill the contents. You can have whatever's in my pockets. Be a vandal, defile me. Be a thief, steal my identity. You can ask or you can just take it. I'm unimportant, but take my soul if you think it's worth it.
Dec 2016 · 1.4k
Coffee and Rum
Maia Vasconez Dec 2016
Hija morena
Con los ojos de lodo,
Y piel oscura de café con ron.
Los labios manchados rojos.
-?Es sangre o vino?-
Me mira con los ojos podridos
Y dice,
-Lo que tu quieras-


Darker daughter
Eyes like mud,
Skin like black coffee and ***.
Her lips stained red.
I ask,
"Is it blood or just wine"?
She looks at me with rotting eyes.
"Whichever you want it to be".
Make more bilingual poetry guys! Hac Himel convinced me to post this, shout out 2 him.
Dec 2016 · 1.3k
Maia Vasconez Dec 2016
My eyes roll back in my head.
Get the bad thing out. Just **** it.
Summoning or suppressing demons: Take a pill and swallow hard.
Have you ever lost control of your body before?
Dec 2016 · 596
Maia Vasconez Dec 2016
I wish what happened had made me bleed.
I'd like to bite down on something thick like raw meat and if it's my own tongue then so be it. Even if I could keep my big clumsy mouth shut i'd still ***** or cut my wrists up all over the carpet for attention. Look at me! Or past me. I'm not good at being ignored. Or I'm the best at it.... I'm a phantom in the sense that I'll make you uncomfortable but no ones sure if I'm even there or what the hell I'm still bothering them for. So if you're not going to see me for me, I'll pull a white sheet over my body and creep through your house in the dark. And if you're going to look my way with a guilty face then you might as well just keep your eyes shut. And I hope someday you can remember who I am. And well...., ******* for not seeing a good thing when you had it. Now haunting you is just another one of my bad habits.
She said stop hanging onto people by threads. I guess i'd just rather have stitches than lose another friend. When nobody loved me I lost my head. Please don't do that to me again. Please don't do that to me again.
Nov 2016 · 608
Maia Vasconez Nov 2016
It's been months now but
You still ask around, "Why'd he do it?" like there's no one to blame.

When I entered the house where the ****** took place, I was there for awhile before I felt the extra space. I saw his things. His belongings. His half eaten food. Halfway things he had half the intention to live through. I wasn't aloud upstairs where the body was found. You tell me you were home but you didn't hear the sound. You were tired, didn't hear it fire. Since you slept through the bullet, now you don't sleep at all. Every time you close your eyes you see the bullet hole.
 In an attempt to rest better, you went to the morgue to replace his ****** face with the peaceful one. Funny how angry he always was, this was the first time you'd seen him so calm. Maybe its not a shame that he's dead, maybe the shame is in the way he was living.
So stop asking why he did what he did.
He was just eleven when he brought the gun to his head. He was still a kid when you sent him to heaven.

She checked every phone, his search history, every conversation looking for a motive and she still can't find what pushed him over the edge. I knew how he'd do it. His fascination in guns was no coincidence. A reason arms do less good and more harm, expetially in the hands of the metally ill. I hope this is a reminder to tell everyone how much you love and appreciate them, he sure didn't hear it enough and you sure can't tell him now.
She checked every phone, his search history, every conversation looking for a motive and she still can't find what pushed him over the edge. I knew how he'd do it. His fascination in guns was no coincidence. A reason arms do less good and more harm, expetially in the hands of the metally ill. I hope this is a reminder to tell everyone how much you love and appreciate them, he sure didn't hear it enough and you sure can't tell him now.
Nov 2016 · 765
Maia Vasconez Nov 2016
Everything's dull like a butter knife. I sit around for hours scratching my arms trying to make a dent. You can't cut yourself with a butter knife, can't create excitement this way. You'd pull a gun on yourself, or a fire alarm. Brain numb, an act of terrorism on your boredom kingdom. It's not fair to compare this to solitary confinement, but my mind has sure gone stagnant. I'm a sitting pond. I'm stale bread. I am sour milk. I am freckled with mildew.
 I am, quite simply put: stewing here.

You can be in a place so long it feels like fermenting. You can be in a place so long you forget that you're sitting.
You can be in a place so long it feels like fermenting. You can be in a place so long you forget that you're sitting.
Nov 2016 · 407
Maia Vasconez Nov 2016
She said "Hey you" with so much syrup. It hit me and slid down my arm like thick cold putty. My tongue felt spent and numb like i'd burned it or something. How do I respond to that? She speaks like a low note, like shes humming. Like the dial tone of someone who could actually feel sorry.
God, i'd cut those words into my flesh if I still had that kind of anger left. I want to make a raging claim. Instead I just wear her same condescending tone like its an oversized coat. Choke those raw words out of my throat...
     I say, "Hey there!",
Chipper as ever, and swollow hard like it doesn't taste bitter.
Picking my poison and it tastes like bitter, bitter almonds.
Nov 2016 · 353
the miss(us)
Maia Vasconez Nov 2016
It's not even that I miss **** that much, or the nicotine. I think I just miss the action of inhaling something denser than oxygen... And my teeth are whiter since I quit smoking. I can't get this foggy picture out of my head. The two of us are setting fireworks off on a bridge and maybe its just because I have to pass it on my way to work every morning but I miss you lighting my cigarettes and the rocket ships for me.
Oct 2016 · 408
Maia Vasconez Oct 2016
Kiss it make it better,
Hike your skirt up a little higher.
No one ever looked at you the way friends do.
This is what you call fooling around,
And you do it with him and You do it with a frown.

And he won't remember your name,
You can't get dressed without a flash back these days
And he won't remember your name
You can't get dressed without a flash back these days
Oct 2016 · 691
Maia Vasconez Oct 2016
Where I used to be deep and dark she just calls me evil... Well I say I'm the devil.
               "You're actually malicious"
      I'll admit my intentions are suspicious.....
Manipulative ******* use their fingers to keep the world spinning.
Oct 2016 · 220
Maia Vasconez Oct 2016
You were made to consume,
Gorge like a tick.
You're good at ingesting
Stuff your face,
Make yourself sick.
Promise this is the last meal before the execution and after this
You will be a good little twig,
Little branch,
Little stick.
Hide the plates, burry the silver,
You'd feel a lot more like an animal if you ate with your hands and feet off the floor.
You're a round thing now and your throat goes raw spending hours upside down, trying to get the gunk out.
Yeah, you eat so much its like chewing on paper.
You're taste buds give up,
Lick the spit off your fingers.
This is how you indulge.
You'd eat a sand bag if you had to,
You'd swallow bricks to feel full.
Binge ed
Oct 2016 · 417
Stab me!!
Maia Vasconez Oct 2016
Well stab me enough times and the skin doesn't grow back,
Use all different kinds of knives!
Rub salt in the slits,
A body scratched like an old disk.
Still, It's different when the blood dripping from your wrist to your thumb is warm...

///You wouldn't look at me if you didn't have to,
You wouldn't speak if I didn't make you.
How do you say I'm ******* sorry in sign language? Since you're not gonna listen,
You put your hands over your ears every time I walk by.
Oct 2016 · 1.3k
Social Anxiety
Maia Vasconez Oct 2016
I come in, full grin,
Gauging how anxious I am by
how bad my hands are shaking.
Social anxiety; this party turns into an army.
"Wish you were here"
They're kinda joking but it sounds sincere.

I feel like a public service announcement
Their ears perk up,
They can tell that I'm nervous...
I'll take anything if it means I'll start talking and
I'll say anything if it makes me an easy going person.
Oct 2016 · 1.1k
Maia Vasconez Oct 2016
He eyes me like he's hungry for a steak,
Like I'm something on a plate.
His voice is sweet and low but fake.
I questions his intentions,
Wonder why there's salt on the table...
Yeah, warm me up.
Thaw me out and maybe I won't taste so much like cardboard.

He told me he knows how to love a person,
I told him what he knows is how to eat a good meal.
He told me he knows how to love a person,
I told him what he knows is how to eat a good meal.
Oct 2016 · 283
Self Harm
Maia Vasconez Oct 2016
She looked at me and pulls the scissors out of my hands. She says she never trusted me with anything sharp.
Her eyes drift toward my arms and
I try to roll down my sleeves.
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