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Jan 2016 · 4.1k
For Duke
Jessie Jan 2016
Page 1 The first time I met Duke, I was tripping on shrooms. In fact, it was the first time I dabbled in psychedelics as well-- just don’t underestimate me in the marijuana department. The moment I can recall vividly comprised of the walk from the music hall which brought us to underneath the Moody Towers residential buildings, where there is wind and benches. A square of dirt rests behind the two benches facing one another; the distance apart from the benches being just far away enough to notice the gap of distance when conversing with someone on the other side. There was a main square of dirt, consisting of hundreds of butts twirled within the earth, scraggly weeds, and one relatively low sitting, yet ominous tree. This tree often glowed during the segments of the day in which the sun found itself to gazing down on the towers and its delinquent inhabitants. On many occasion during these occurrences you could find me, or perhaps Duke, basking in the serenity of the simplicity of the slivers of light breaking free through the emerald green mass of the tree. On this particular night I’m recalling, it was nighttime, causing the yellow of porch lights to dim the other color palettes. Except the sky was royal purple, and the grass in the distant hillside was writhing and crawling and breathing-- according to the mushrooms. Half of the bodies there that night were standing, half sitting, and there couldn’t have been more than a dozen of us. Here is this person in my indirect line of sight, and I couldn’t quite pinpoint the gender, but cute regardless. My guess of girl pursuing boyhood turned out to be correct. Small, almost delicate frame like mine, only he attempted to conceal his when I had long ago grown out of that. With a plaid button down and the collar poking outside of his oversized dark casual suit blazer. It was tied off with baggy khaki pants and clunky black sneakers similar to the ones the chefs in the cafeteria wear with a sense of longevity.
Page 2 His hair took inspiration from the typical pubescent teenage boy, straight and shaggy, and nearly covering the ears and eyes with a combination of strips of platinum blonde, ***** blonde, and light brown wisps. His almond shaped almond colored eyes were framed with black, square and thick glasses, but they seemed to help compensate for size with the natural petiteness of his face. Pink snakebites resided beneath his bottom lip, emphasizing the common nature of his lips that often formed a tight line, even when speaking. I only saw him from a distance that night. We didn’t introduce ourselves to each other until the next day, at that same location. There were less people now, and I was no longer in an altered state of mind. Well, to be honest, I still most likely was, but it certainly wasn’t shrooms. I don’t remember who began the introduction first, but I know his was accompanied with an abundance of compliments on my outfit and level of cuteness. As masculine as his mind was, he could still have an appreciation for the arts, for unique style, as any natural born writer would be so inclined. So there, underneath moody, I met him, within a social circle so new to me yet so familiar within the ebb and flow in the air of cigarette smoke, sometimes so pungently thick and keen against the tide of stimulating conversation. I felt a sense of belonging new to me.
Page 3 And there again and again, I saw him. The central station of our friends. There I slowly got to know him. I learned he lived about an hour away from Houston, he was a creative writing major, he was a freshman just like me and lived in the same building as me. We were both INFP’s on that Meyers-Briggs personality test. I had never met another INFP. In fact, the more I thought about it, the more his general profile seemed familiar to me. And then I remembered. RoomSync, an app the university had us use to select a random roommate. I remember considering someone’s profile that possessed all the qualities of Duke, before my current roommate reached out to me, unfortunately. Duke might have been my roommate in another reality-- remember the Multiverse Theory. I wonder if that would have even changed anything. But that thought process is futile. Once, in the initial stages, Duke had been rambling about modern horror and the author of the fight club, and where the two converge with the product of a gruesome short story. Not many accepted Duke’s invitation to read the short story, but I volunteered. But that is when I remember the beginning of Duke’s admiration for fight club. The concept of it. In fact, one of the first nights, I remember vividly as the Fight Club Night. Where Duke insisted on starting up our own Smircle fight club sometime, what what better time to do so, he thought, then right at that moment with his buddy Otis while drunk on ****** life and four lokos and *****? They were both at least eight shots deep in their sorrows when they ended up disappearing for what seemed to the rest of us like mere seconds. When we found them, we had ventured that way due to the need and ability to smoke a bowl behind the dumpster a few steps nearby. And when we found them, only one was standing. In the recounting later, Duke had apparently taken a nasty blow to the stomach after slamming a few hits in himself.
Page 4 As he lay there, sprawled face-down on the pavement, disoriented and disheveled, for a solid eight minutes at least until he determined he wasn’t going to puke. The remainder of the night was spent accompanying the rest of the group with Otis, forever refusing to let go of the moral dilemma that had just been established by this pseudo-fight club on which it is incorrect on all accounts to punch a drunk person in the stomach, because they are, in fact, drunk. This might appear annoying after a while, but the radical and lively energy that would radiate from the banter of Duke and Otis made this situation anything but.

Page 5   And so were my first stories of Duke, and so it was for many stories to come. Our stay at this place began to feel more permanent as our bodies would steadily adjust to the ranging, sporadic temperatures outside and as our eyes took in absorbing the physical evidence of the seasons. As it was, at any time throughout the day, my route would take me down to our spot underneath Moody, where Duke might or might not be there himself, shmoozing around with cigarettes and doodles on pen and paper noteworthy of Tim Burton. I got to know Duke. He seemed to have mastered the skill in which I prided myself most in, and that is the warmth near him that urges someone near him to just open your heart and reveal your thoughts and secrets-- that blind trust. Duke had a way of getting to exactly what was on my mind. And in exchange of me sharing, out came the stories of Duke’s life, the sad, ****** up, abusive stories. I heard those the most, for they were also the most compelling, and most exciting, and ******* sometimes Duke could even make them funny.

These days, Moody feels empty. Just because of minus one.
This is a short story I wrote for a dear friend I met my first semester in college, and this dear friend committed suicide before Thanksgiving in 2015. The page numbers stand for the pages in which I wrote the original copy, on fragmented pieces of notebook paper. It’s a very rough draft, but I wanted to put it out into the world. You will be severely missed, forever and always, Duke.
Jessie Dec 2015
No good comes from
Playing out conversations
Inside my head-- a broken record player

Baby, if this was a jumbled song, I had long since driven myself mad with the tune.

But no good comes from me reaching out to him. Not when the melody is stuck in my head, and my instinct is to selfishly hit repeat.
Dec 2015 · 675
Powdered Nose
Jessie Dec 2015
Distilled sunlight and a steel breeze
Emphasizes the anxiety steadily
Burning, broiling, bubbling within me
The events of a tumultuous life takes my mind for a tumble.
Clench and release, ready to unleash--
The pains of day to day.
Even my ******* heart won't stop beating long enough for the sun to extinguish it's blazing hard stare.
All that's left is numbing gums.
Nov 2015 · 931
Downpour of Morning After
Jessie Nov 2015
Slight stirrings of slumber
lifting their heavy traces from our entwined figures in the late morning brought us to murmur mini kisses
into wherever skin met mouth, wanting to waste the day away in an oxytocin coma.
Not even the thrum of rain woke us up,
but it was brought to our attention that we were both ravenous.
Whispers and nods on the matter of waffles,
and then at a snail pace we remained loyal to the pursuit of our destination. To the cafeteria we walked not hand in hand,
but side by side,
enveloped in a dry space
surrounded by a world of maddening wet.
He held the umbrella.
Jul 2015 · 1.7k
Latte Love
Jessie Jul 2015
Your skin like the smooth, creamy
Half and half that I love to taste,
That I dump excessively
Into my coffee, my coffee which
Slowly turns into the color of your
Light latte hair.
Rich aroma, strong taste.
Your warmth fills me up, our passion
The steam rising from a hot morning drink.
The need to wake up with you
Envelops me every morning.
I love you more than my favorite coffee cup.
I need you more than I need my caffeine fix.
You always know how to
Seductively enliven my senses
When we're in bed.
I whistle for you like the boiling water
I forgot on the stove ages ago,
And it's still singing.
Coffee love passion *** caffeine
Jul 2015 · 628
My rock
Jessie Jul 2015
I guess this happens every time;
I never say goodbye to those who leave.
So once again here's everything I never told you, but it's all you this time.
Remember when we would throw rocks at the stagnant pond like pounding them against a monumental moment on a timeline strung from our soliloquies sounding out against the blockade air, and now just silence.
Well here's to another rant,
Except now you'll have to settle for a bitter poem just like you'll settle with your relationships.
So here's to all the wasted pursuit of a companion.
When the tide finally came in with the message in a bottle holding our fate,
I saw you'd rather immerse yourself in comfort than face the rough knowledge you always conveyed to me so adamantly.
And in that moment I realized you were the loveliest hypocrite I ever befriended, but now you're just a lost soul, with no eyes and ears to watch or listen.
And it's a wonder I don't lose myself all over again when your sturdy rock crumbles and dissipates away.
Jun 2015 · 747
Relationship (10 w)
Jessie Jun 2015
"No wait, a tea."
"Yeah, mango?"
Apr 2015 · 2.4k
Doll House
Jessie Apr 2015
I know you think about me on the way home
I know you think I want to be alone
I'm accustomed to calling on the phone
I'm accustomed to making it on my own
But I've dreamt of places you've roamed
I see the same passionate soul
You've romanced me in your loving tone
Your fiery moan, your satisfying groan,
And with it a price, mortality a loan
So my eyes I have sewn,
To my porcelain skin and my doll-like bones,
My true light has shone-
China Doll, a title for the throne.
I can be yours if only you would know, Just know if you break me you can never let me go.
Mar 2015 · 2.0k
An Ode To The Stars
Jessie Mar 2015
You deserve an Ode, so here I shall bode.
You are the freckles on a child,
sporadic, excessive, and just as wild;
the raging dots of acne on a teenager,
hormones and stress as the main factor;
the bullets from the bullet point to-do list of an undergrad,
and maybe sometimes the actual bullets
in a graduate who would rather eat bullets
than check off another bullet
from their bulleted to do list.
You are many. You are few.
The wrinkles of the elderly;
the cracks on a highway;
the hairs on a head;
the texture on my ceiling.
I exist secularly. I lie here alone. But you.
You are all encompassing, omniscient, and misunderstood.
Not only visible at night, as you claim,
but forever present in the eyes of a lover.
Not capable of granting wishes as they say,
but still worthy in the eyes of humans to discover.
They discover and uncover another and another-
a never-ending game of hide and seek.
And you laugh, scoff at those who feebly scramble
in search of a higher power,
when there is no power higher than the stars.
found in a school notebook
Jessie Mar 2015
Once I would've filled my shoebox with tangible memories
Materialistic items
But movie tickets, receipts, newspaper clippings, they all have something in common
They all fade
Cease to be anything but scraps of recycled material
I have long since moved on from
Temporary importance
I fill my shoeboxes with abstract now.
What's in your box?
Feb 2015 · 475
Jessie Feb 2015
I kept replaying this over and over,
Like a memory soundtrack.
Click, Repeat, Click, Repeat.
But I only liked it the first time.
Feb 2015 · 650
Jessie Feb 2015
I practice careful observance,
Which involves taking time out of my day
To sit on a park bench;
Feeling and embracing brown colors, Brown confidence.

I peeled open the **** of an Extinguished cigarette
And examined its contents,
Assessed the components
Of what makes up happiness,
And its characteristic unattainability,
And wonder why there should exist a word that's impossible to perform.
And flicked away a bug complacently.

When contentless is so often reached,
What's the difference between passion And stability?

Forever existing as the bags under my eyes,
Keep flicking until it burns out,
Or so I tell myself.
Jessie Dec 2014
There is a dark aesthetic
In the horror-house of a horror story
Where emotion is merely blue ambiance
Treated constantly like mental patients

Every day I face
multiple cages and tanks,
Doors with locks, doors with bars,
Sealed blinds shut tight
and tight schedules sealed shut,
Leashes and collars,
Choke chains and smoke chains-
From the fire that engulfed the flame.

I can tell you all their names;
The birds, the fish, the dogs, the cats,
The animals that were tame.
Those that were as helpless as I.
I can tell you where I am from.
And I am the one who is ablaze.

How can I already sit and ponder,
"I wish I knew then what I knew now?"
How can I already have arthritis of the soul,
How can I already be too tired to fight anymore?

Arguably a tad too young for depressing, nostalgic introspection-
But I can tell you why. I can tell you how much my small frame
doesn't quite fit the brooding thoughts that seep through
my heavy head holding hostage my body
My body is not to blame for this haunting,
lingering past in the shape of a house
It was the limbs performing the directions,
carried out and controlled by the mission control center
to this messed up operation existing within
the confines of my cage
No time to tell my story before the fire engulfs the flame.

But I can tell you all their names;
The abusers, the users, the accusers, the persecutors
Those who broke me to make me tame.
I can tell you where I am from.
And I am the one who is ablaze.

I cannot remember
I cannot tell you my name.
Nov 2014 · 522
Love Lonelies
Jessie Nov 2014
Love aches
Like an eight hour shift with jelly legs
Love expects
Like when it's nice to have texts from you after work
Or when I play out a scenario of you waiting up for me with candy
Love lonelies
Like when I have no reason to be but I am
Maybe because separation anxiety isn't just for dogs
Love uses
Like when I finally learn you have to be selfish with *** sometimes
Love cross fades
Like when I'm drunk on your taste with smell mingling
And high on your presence
Love grows up
Like I am beginning to
New phase in my life
Nov 2014 · 409
To End With A Sign Of
Jessie Nov 2014
A quote:
if you ride like lightning you'll crash like thunder;
Through depths of despair we plunder.
Driving around and I wonder,
Why I hated the sound as a kid of thunder.
Oct 2014 · 465
Jessie Oct 2014
seat me next to your garbage and pickings
in the backseat of your car

you go back and forth
circling around
for the carcass to consume
preparing for the surprise attack
but you won't touch m--
Jessie Oct 2014
"Surviving solely
On caffeine and nicotine
Hazy baby
Crazy maybe
But I am a being
Forever being."
- The way I use to describe my daily muse

Terms are the worms of the garden of expression;
Words must be chosen in the utmost discretion.
Through the rhymes, walking the lines
Between Romantic and pedantic.

Simple semantics-
There is no such thing.

In humanities we learn about semantics
(among other areas of expertise).
There's no humanities without semantics (among other areas of key).

The instructors instruct,
"It's easy, it's simple, it's breezy"
But the instructors don't conduct
How semantics can never be easy.
Aug 2014 · 566
Jessie Aug 2014
I saw my shadow laid out before me on the wall, and it was bigger than me, and frightened of itself. When it began to run, I dragged it back and sewed it back on in a ****** mess. Sometimes you pin to yourself the things that scare you the most, because at least fear is a black-or-white emotion. Sometimes I walk through the darkness inside my own home, and sometimes I trip and stumble on furniture edges and shoes near the doorway that were forgotten. I walk around and around, my eyes never fully adjusting to the darkness, but around and around I go. Because it is the only time in my fleeting existence where I don’t think about who I am, for I am too preoccupied with the paranoia in my head that there might be demons forever watching me. Occasionally, they chase me up my stairs on their hands and feet, growling and snarling obscenities unimaginable to anyone else except for inside my own head. I wonder what would happen if one day I made it to my room too late and they caught me. I wonder what the insides of other people’s heads look like.
Aug 2014 · 1.0k
Jessie Aug 2014
As the water and suds recede,
I allow the bubbles to seep into my ears
the sound like Pop Rocks candy
exploding in my brain
drumming in my ear drums.
When it is over,
I wring out the washcloth
and watch as the water does
a tornado dance down the drain--
and my tears with it.

But the bubbles will linger on my body
will cling to me like a desperation
I once felt from you.
Jul 2014 · 1.9k
Jessie Jul 2014
Do you also wince at the seeds of a watermelon
crawling there inside your mouth?
Do you also feel the bile inside begin swelling?
No way now it won't come out.

I eat only the ripest from the market
yet am forced to spit out with haste.
All the maggots and vermin seem to target
just the fruit I yearn to taste.

Life is a malicious prankster
and whatever grows are her tools.
If you're handed lemons, don't thank her-
for the only ones who take it are fools.
Jul 2014 · 649
take me away yellow
Jessie Jul 2014
My routine:
Sit on the fourth step from the bottom
Stare right
through the window speckled front door
Out and beyond
gazing at culdesac concrete
Waiting for the color of the street to transform lighter and lighter until brightness
If the color made from
someone's headlights
was a Crayon color, I would name it
I wait for the color
I wait for the signal
For someone
To save me
Jul 2014 · 940
Jessie Jul 2014
When I saw you I swore you were deity
of purity or corruption I could not discern.
Mighty as so,
I named you after a Greek god-
built you a temple,
because I want to shovel
buckets of grapes into your mouth
and quench your thirst.
And breathe heavy.
And dig into lushes.
And tender bruises.
I can let you smite me.
It is true
the fallacies of this earth word
are many.
I just hope I give you
reason enough
to stay.
Jul 2014 · 721
choked up (10w)
Jessie Jul 2014
blame it on those eyebrows arching over baby blue lies.
say anything reference
Jul 2014 · 485
(Not) Always
Jessie Jul 2014
My back was always as straight as a needle.
And I was just as pointy.
Line of sight was always parallel to the ground.
I never looked down for anything, always forward.
My positive light infected everything I touched; a disease of the best kind.
Oh, and when I walked - no - I drifted
Like on clouds, from place to place
With an air of confidence all around me.
I was graceful,
I was determined,
I was inspired,
I was...
Not always like this.
Not always like this.
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
I'm Sorry, King Bee
Jessie Jul 2014
How invigorating
When the dew from the night
Carries over into the day
And my flower is a sight
To behold a certain way.

How enchanting,
An aroma to trap
A sweet smell to entice
Any insect on the map
And the King Bee for a price.

How misleading,
When you want what you think
Is all you need in this world
And it leads to the brink
Of your demise, and just think,
Only for a girl.

How simply pathetic,
The way you would blindly trust
Me opening my flower petals for you
When it was only for lust,
But darling, insist I must,
it's simply what I do.
Jun 2014 · 5.6k
Jessie Jun 2014
It is a growing issue
that the amount of metaphors
never used before by the hand of man
is decreasing significantly
and needs to be addressed soon
because the number of poets appearing
out of nowhere
is increasing exponentially
because we all want to
compare our love to the wind
forever competing
for self entitled originality
and instant gratification
until all we have left in this world
is cliche
after cliche
after cliche.
Where will we find ourselves
when we find out
all the words are taken?
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
simple satisfactions
Jessie Jun 2014
I want to swim up by your side
Between the sheets, through the tide

Warm my toes and take me under
Through depths and air bubbles we plunder

Your skin has a flavor, but do me a favor

Avoid all the retrospections
Focus on simple satisfactions

Your nose crinkles when you stifle a yawn
The longest hour is right before the dawn
Jun 2014 · 2.9k
lunchtime limerick
Jessie Jun 2014
You stupid little ****,
with all your lack of wit.
I was deceived.
I can't believe
I let you lick my ***.
Jun 2014 · 560
Summer Rain
Jessie Jun 2014
It was never the best of times, and it was never the worst of times.
It was - is - simply, the times.
Certainly not the most memorable at any rate.

But oh, the wet quicksand mud beneath our feet
steals our shoes from us
if we are in too deep,
as we always are.
Many times I have to dust off
my fish netted spaghetti legs.

And still, we dance like hooligans
in the middle of the soggy road.
And we beg for the rain
to keep pounding on.
And we will never stop.
you are correct if you caught on to the A Tale of Two Cities reference
May 2014 · 1.1k
Jessie May 2014
It was a big gulp of breath
a gasp for air
and one long, infinite conversation
encompassing all of the
hard questions
leaving no corner unturned
walking through the spectrum
and never sparing a fleeting detail.
It stuttered to a stop
halfway through the lecture.
And now I may never know
what could have been covered.
May 2014 · 804
Jessie May 2014
A hummingbird’s fragile heart can beat up to 1260 beats per minute.
That’s a whopping 21 beats per second,
Which is rather fitting,
Because my pumping ***** manically pounds against my chest at a constant rate.
It only comprehends one anxious speed: fast.
What is also fitting,
Is that hummingbirds are capable of flying in all different sporadic directions,
And I am never meant to be in one place.
We are not meant to have a standard sightseeing radius of one cul-de-sac,
But rather drift and soar to various dimensions and realities.
Without this freedom, we both simply cease to exist as an entity.
And so, when we find ourselves trapped-
Which is the one primitive and instinctual fear birds and humans alike have in common-
Desperation and panic cannot begin to describe
The depth of the dark cave of unfitting enclosure
In which our brightly vibes of body and mind find ourselves in.
We ****** and thrash ourselves in a suicidal manner against the bars,
We refuse food and drink in silent protest and rebellion,
And then beg and plead with our captors to be let free at last,
Wondering why, the hummingbird and I, deserve to suffer.
What did we do?
Claustrophobia is a serious issue. And it does not have to be in the form of a cage.
And it chokes.
Hummingbirds are delicate creatures.
If you squeeze too tightly, their eyes will bulge out of their skull,
And their heart will race to extreme measures,
Until they are crushed and are no more,
Leaving the captor’s hands wet and sopping
With blood and guts and feathers.
Please do not crush me.
May 2014 · 587
Jessie May 2014
The grip I had on the ground was unsure and unsteady, due to the textured rocks encompassing the area, as well as the predictable plank of wood every foot or so. My body was sideways, but directly parallel to the galloping pair of thick metal bars that never intersected, and appeared to go on forever. Forever. My view of this place was eternal.
On either side of me, I could only see a few miles out before the thick fog kidnapped my beloved pathway, my beloved railroad. So I guess my view really was not eternal, but when your standard sightseeing radius is only as big as your cul-de-sac, a few miles in each direction sounds pretty appetizing.
Something about train tracks, they just soothe me. Perhaps it’s because I look for symbols in everything, like the way characters in a good novel do. What can I say, the potential for adventure is too **** high for me not to live my life always searching, and always following an invisible path of inner meaning. That’s the only reason I can come up with as to why I like trains. Maybe they symbolize a journey; an adventure to embark on. Maybe the different pathways one can take in life. Options are always good. Maybe it’s a sense of always moving forward, because trains hardly ever chug backwards. They just trudge along, ever so steady. I just find that so **** pretty.
It probably doesn’t even matter that I like trains and railroads, or why I think I like them. What’s important here is the small and simple fact that I was standing on a great set of tracks that day with two very special people that I knew at the time. It wasn’t planned, this encounter. Things like this are never planned. In fact, I couldn’t quite believe we were there. I had just needed some Chick Fila or something. Comfort food is always nice. But that’s the thing about good friends. They know things about you, like how you have this weird thing for railroads. And they try to make you feel better on days such as when you found out your dad disappeared.
So they pick you up and ignore the clean streaks left on your face when your tears plunged through the makeup on your cheeks, because you wouldn’t want to talk about that. She takes you to her boyfriend’s house, who inadvertently happens to be with the ex love of your life. And as it turns out, what you need isn’t at her boyfriend’s house, but the ex love of your life offers to get it from his house, which is how the ex love of your life came to be sitting in the backseat of your best friend’s Volvo on the worst day of your life, en route to the neighborhood where the ex love of your life lives, which happens to be located near the railroad tracks oh sweet lord. And when the stuff needed was recovered at the ex love of your life’s house- well we’re already here, so why not go under the railroad bridge and put that stuff to good use. Good friends do exactly that.
In the distance, I hear what sounds like my sanity whistling a high, single-note tune. It was coming, but maybe in about twenty minutes. And we had to leave in ten, because with me, there is always a time limit. I am always running from, away, and out of, time. But I try to enjoy the fleeting, split-second moments I am lucky to receive every now and then. Like right now. Because who would’ve thought I would be straddling the train tracks, ******, at one of my favorite locations ever, with my best friend and the ex love of my life that, side note, I haven’t spoken to in an awfully long time and who, by the way, keeps gazing intensely in this direction. Definitely not me.
I would’ve been fine with a Chick Fila run, but as I said before, best friends know when you need a nice adventure before you even have to attempt to subtly hint at it and hope for the best.
not a memoir this time just a project for creative writing
thought it might be a cool intro to a john green-esque realistic fiction novel
just playing around
May 2014 · 500
Empty Walls
Jessie May 2014
Oh bulletin board,
you are an ever-growing hoard
of memories no one else will remember.
Positioned so carefully in December
so the moon can illuminate you
through my sorry window in blue
on nights when I require tormenting.
You love to evoke my lamenting
about how I seemed to overlook
an important aspect that shook,
about how those on my wall
would never be able to recall
any thoughts of me at all
thumbtacked on their wall.
none of you will remember me but i will remember all of you
May 2014 · 562
Night Memoir
Jessie May 2014
For the first time that night, I felt like I should never have climbed out of my laundry room window, creeped into a foreign car, and ended up inside a mystery house. How could I have been so oblivious and naïve? His name was Cody, the possessive and powerful varsity football player who chose to act upon his compulsion. Why did I have to come here?
I continued to search my way out of that labyrinth of a house, stumbling stumbling further and further from the back room, from which I could hear Cody calling my name. Twenty more steps. If I was going to escape this predicament, now was the time to do so. There were only fifteen steps separating the front door and me. I attempted to stifle any audible sound emitted from my feet so that the football player wouldn’t be able to hear me if he listened. Ten more steps. Eight. Seven. His beckoning grew closer and louder, as if he were right behind me, reaching for me just to drag me back into submission and compliance. Only four more steps. Three. The door was in focus for me now, so close I could touch it, my freedom and its release. I forced whatever mental and physical strength I had left into my hands to push open the door and step out into the humid summer night. Behind me, I heard Cody attempting to reason with me, which almost made me turn around, but, with my resistance, I found myself spitting the words: “How dare you, don’t you touch me... I have to leave now...” I was about to lose it. My heart was racing. My lungs were desperate for something more than short, panicky breaths. My body was close to giving up, giving in, surrendering...
No. Out into the night, I slammed the house door behind me and walked determinedly to the car.
My fingers dialed the number to my sister on my phone. My sister, who was supposed to protect me, and didn't. I said:
“Take me home, now.”
Never shall I forget that room, the room where it happened, when I was kissed and touched for the first time against my will.
Never shall I forget being pinned down on a smelly bed.
Never shall I forget that boy’s contorted face whose hands wandered over me with such desperate need in a silent place.
Never shall I forget that night which consumed my faith in love for many years.
Never shall I forget the mouth that deprived me of oxygen and mashed our tongues together.
Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my youth and my innocence and turned my hope to narcissism.
Never shall I forget those things, no matter how many times a boy tells me it’s all right now.
Originally this was a school assignment, after this my english teacher and i were pretty close

this is the night I've pinpointed to be the source of a lot of my problems
Apr 2014 · 531
Jessie Apr 2014
Two cups of coffee at midnight was a bad idea.
At least I am not alone in this room,
I have my lonely feelings to keep me company.
I could reach out to you
except you are probably at some radical party
(because you go to those now)
making out with some girl I used to be friends with back in the day
when things went okay for me
and all I have
is this stupid website where I can
post mediocre and sub-par scribbles
at a half-*** attempt to feel important.

So I won't disturb you
or you or you or you
and anyone else who is off enjoying their lives
free from restrictions
while I am stuck in a box,
shapeless and undefined and constricted
and all kinds of filthy words
because it is 2 a.m.
and I really should not have had
those two cups of coffee
because all I can think of are filthy words.
I cant sleep and not one person on this site can judge my posts
Jessie Apr 2014
I look at you when it is safe,
and try to pick out
any old semblances of who I
fell in love with.
I see nothing.
Maybe it was all a figment of my imagination,
something I dreamed you to be
and willed it into reality.
That would make much more sense,
considering the fact that
this poem I write could be addressed
to more than one.
I sense a pattern here.
And yet they tell me it is not my fault,
but fool me once,
three times,
Maybe it really was my fault
and it was never there to begin with.
Maybe it is my fault.
Apr 2014 · 731
Old Soul
Jessie Apr 2014
I walked for eternity
and could not find one place
to sit and rest my tired bones in peace
that did not have car atrocities echoing in the distance
and did not have styrofoam cups poisoning the ground.

For once, I would like
to know what it would be like
to find a clear creek and
scoop up the crisp water
with my bare hands and naked soul
and drink its essence
without disintegrating
from the chemicals.
belated earth day poem
Apr 2014 · 6.9k
Jessie Apr 2014
Who will play the river and who will play ocean?
That is to be determined, although I can stretch farther than you.

Where freshwater and saltwater meet;
that will be our special place
where love can flourish.
Biodiversity has never been lovelier.

Let's hope that no dams keep you from coming in to me
and destroy our sanctuary-
our estuary.
But you know how it is these days.
cheesy, bye
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
Jessie Apr 2014
undeniably facetious obstacle
that's what you are to me
something I must overcome
well you have alienated me so much
you might as well call me an extraterrestrial
yet you are the one who abducted me
not the other way around
but practicalities are useless with you
at least there is life on other planets
so I will get into my spaceship
and blast as far away from you as I can
Mar 2014 · 10.4k
Jessie Mar 2014
Let me trade in my smile for fangs
And my feminine fingers for paws.

Let me trade in my manicured nails for claws
And my curly locks for silver fur.

Let me trade my heart shaped mouth for a long snout
And the freckles on my nose for whiskers.

Let me trade my curves for a round, bushy tail
And my clumsiness for strength and agility.

Let me trade my tears for whimpers and barks
And my voice for howls in the night.

Let me trade my dinner reservations for hunting down a moose
And my poor senses for keen ears and a nose.

Let me trade my soul for a different one
And become a friend to the moon.

Let me live my life as a wolf
And all that it encompasses.

Let me symbolize the dawn and the dusk
And let me symbolize the converging of light and darkness.

Because that is wolf,
And that is what I see, when I look in the mirror.
Mar 2014 · 458
Jessie Mar 2014
My dog thinks there is a scary monster
living in the closet
but really it is just our vacuum
I wonder what kind of things
that live inside the closets of our minds
are really not that scary after all
maybe they aren't even monsters
Mar 2014 · 600
Blank Stares
Jessie Mar 2014
I have been trained so well
that my blank stare is near perfection.
Practice makes perfect.
Sense the enemy and avoid direct eye contact.
Locate your chosen line of sight;
a poster on a wall, your own shoelaces.
Follow through.
I see with my eyes that we are both skilled
at not seeing the other.
It has been drilled into my bones.
Look away. There is nothing to see here.
Not anymore.
Feb 2014 · 909
Jessie Feb 2014
I knew from that moment on
every word and every phrase and every sentence
thought up in my head and emitted from my fingers
would turn into cadaverous dead bodies
that would turn into silhouetted skeletons
that would turn into fine powder blowing in the wind
that would disappear into a deep and dark abyss
deeper than any abandoned tire in an old forest
and darker than the pupils of my eyes
I knew I would be forever forgotten
Feb 2014 · 929
Night Light
Jessie Feb 2014
With a childhood comfort,
most of my existence
I have had dreams
in the light;
because I am not a cave man
with electricity at my fingertips
whenever requested.
This light, with
a firefly hum and glow.
Then I reasoned with myself.

A lack of melatonin
rushing through veins
never did any good
to anyone.

Last night,
I slept
in pitch-black darkness
and now,
oh my oh my,
I can't differentiate between
my dreams in the light
or my thoughts in the dark.
Feb 2014 · 801
Jessie Feb 2014
I look at the same place
A thousand times
And I still will not be sure
That it is reality

I don't always say what I mean
And I mean a lot of things I don't say
So I talk with you in my head
And you, and you, and you
I always get replies

I catch myself smiling or frowning
And then I give myself a scolding
But the worst is when I forget
Which conversations were real
And which ones were not

My body twitches
And I can't stop
Feb 2014 · 1.3k
Jessie Feb 2014
Wherever he walks,
droplets of chemical toxins are emitted
from the soles of his shoes.
Hansel and Gretel.
I follow his trail of breadcrumbs
like it is all I have to hold on to.
A winding, infinite path of poison.
I have been exposed to too much radiation-
to take one more step is to seal my fate.
But I am lost, and so all I can do is
An oldie i found ah so wow
Feb 2014 · 1.9k
Lucid Dreams
Jessie Feb 2014
I have seen nothing
and I am even less
I have been here my whole life
Redundancy has a comfort to it

But I have dreams
about climbing redwood forests
higher than any skyscraper
that have faces etched into their trunks
and dreams
of mushroom houses with neon skies
and being kidnapped by wolves and we howl and howl
Sometimes I even have lucid dreams of flying
walking through walls
and time travel
I have dreams of being a hero and saving the world
and there's a recurring one about falling in love with
a man I do not even recognize yet

So hopefully you can excuse me
for not always being ecstatic
when I wake up in the mornings
and find myself in a human bed
Jan 2014 · 868
Jessie Jan 2014
Don’t let me wake up please
I don’t want to wake up with thoughts like these:
Love? Is that some sort of cheese?
Don’t let me wake up thinking
I’m worth more dead than alive
I don’t want to wake up by your side
I don’t want to open my eyes
If you aren’t who I dream of at night

Don’t let me wake up with regret
I haven’t felt much regret yet, yet,
I feel like it’s coming faster than an air jet
Filled with important people I have never met
I don’t want to wake up
Wondering when it went wrong
Trying to remember, but forgetting the song
Wondering if I should have known all along

Don’t let me wake up as my mother
Don’t let me wake up as my father
I want to wake up like a lover
With roses by my bed and not a revolver.
Jan 2014 · 984
Jessie Jan 2014
do you ever listen to
that guitar singing its sweet pain
and feel your chest swell up like an infection
and feel your throat constrict like bad asthma
as you are yet again sorely reminded of
all the things you wish to forget

but you refuse to let a tear escape
because all the progress you have made
will have been for nothing and nothing only
watching the sun rays catch on the city buildings
as you drive drive drive all the way through
wondering why you feel so trapped
when the world feels so big

my favorite song and
I showed you my favorite part
you robbed me of my innocence
and you stole my music and my taste
didn't even have the decency to say sorry
yet you have the audacity to ignore my existence

I'll make sure to drill oil spill worthy holes
into your forehead through rotting skull
to make up for your lacking eye contact
I guess some things never change
Jan 2014 · 6.6k
Jessie Jan 2014
we smoked our cigarettes
and belted out car duets

never listened to any advice
figured trial and error would suffice

we ate past when we were full
and felt life's strange alluring pull

but we learned it was never enough
to sit back and relax and love

you can't repeat the past, Gatsby
I wish someone would have told me
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