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22.6k · Jul 2018
abuse of power.
Jul 2018
your worth is unmeasurable

its value is so high
yet so low

all it takes is
the right person
to determine
how much you’re worth

don’t let an unmeasurable soul
measure your worth.

don’t let one with an
unmeasurable worth
determine the value
of yours.
- don’t gift fragile hands with the power over your worth and be surprised of the repercussions.
1.8k · May 2023
May 2023
it was the sunset that promised you a new day, a better day
the colour of her smile after she made a silly joke
the adorable giggles she hid and the shy confessions she made

the warmth of her hugs, words and her eyes
it was the comfort that bloomed when she told me 'everything will be okay'. the safety I found in her eyes when I nodded, believing it too.

the sleepy goodnights and cheerful good mornings. it was the orange love between yellow smiles, forehead kisses and red-burning flames of passion

love that was always there, even when the sun went to sleep.

it was the all-encompassing flutters in my chest when we were together. orange butterflies racing against one another.

orange was the colour of her love, like the sunset, that always promised a better day
orange hugs. forever missing you.
1.1k · Dec 2019
Dec 2019
just like that
we said goodbye

not to leave
but to commemorate
the good times

and to welcome
in some more.
Thank you.
980 · Mar 2021
Mar 2021
just when you think you've moved on
you find yourself back at square one
with an evolved mindset and mentality
ready to do the same thing that forced you to change
once again.
had to repost one of my favourites. maybe it's the beginning of my comeback.
978 · Dec 2023
Dec 2023
what a privilege it is
to celebrate with fireworks.

to hear thundering booms fill the air
and not simultaneously be full of fear.

to have the sky painted
with vibrant dazzling colours -
not the grounds stained
with new shades of red.

to hear the calming whistle
and anticipate a euphony -
not a cacophony of
cracks, bangs, screams and cries.

what a privilege it is
to have never heard the latter.

what a privilege it is
to associate explosion
with new beginnings -
not an impending end.

what a privilege it is
to celebrate with fireworks.
food for thought. thankful for the privilege i hold. wishing for better days across the world.
780 · Mar 2018
Mar 2018
people are poetry

often times we overanalyse,
expect too much
and demand an answer
from the most simplest concepts.
the simplest people.

people are poetry
for what seems to be complicated
can be the described in the simplest terms;
if only ears are patient enough
to await the meanings that unravel themselves.
people are poetry
for they are simple
yet intricate,
coherent but complex,
and ever so full of meaning;

if only ears were patient enough to await the meanings
- that unraveled themselves through time and understanding -
only then will we accept that people are poetry.

Hi please like, love or share if you like this :) I’d love to receive any feedback also.
697 · Feb 2018
Feb 2018
I don’t trust people anymore.
I just dont have time for all of that;
faking myself, my reactions, my real thoughts
just to make it easy for someone
who wouldn’t reciprocate my actions

I just can’t trust people now.
they’ve done so much to hurt me
bring me down, see anything but happiness on my face

I don’t allow myself to trust people anymore.
because they think that promising you
that they love you and they’ve known you for so long
is enough to stitch and cover up their words,
hidden glances and watchful eyes

Thats why I don’t trust people anymore.
because they strike you at your weakest
like a snake hiding through the grass
until theyre close enough
to hit you where it hurts most

Thats why I’ve had enough
of trusting people.

hi, if you like this please leave a comment, a like or even love :)
575 · Feb 2018
Feb 2018
today i felt the need to let go.

no, im not telling you for the
sake of seeking attention.

but today i had to let go...

let go of my worries,
stresses, thoughts, insecurities
that have been engulfing me;
worsening by the moment.

so i erased it all from my mind.
only giving it the freedom
to return at any other time

any other time
but now.

because i could no longer carry
the suffocating weight of
the burden of those feelings
on my mind

my sanity was on the
brink of mental destruction,
overwhelming and no control.

so i let it out feelings and thoughts
in a way that brought with it
a limited peace card.

in the form of steamy streams of
hot torrents that manifested
the arduous pain - my bottled up
emotions and its result that
came in floods leaving me feeling
a drip of rectifying relief...

but not close to
feeling satisfied.

although to be honest
it pacified me
long enough for me
to attentively apprehend
that emotions and feelings
were tides; continuously
falling and rising

but with time
I’d be in the last stages
of my metamorphosis
I’d be in control of the tide
I’d be surfing along its waves
finally infused with tranquility

because for the first time
in what would be a long time,
i would be at peace.

if you liked this give it a like, love, share or even add to your collection :)
529 · Jul 2018
i lost focus
Jul 2018
for a moment i lost focus.

i lost focus.
began to forget
parts of myself
that made me

i lost focus on myself.
only to direct it to the
temporary world that
we live in.

for a long time
i lost focus of my mind.

only to focus on the
blur and haziness
that is my life.
-feeling out of touch is one of the worst things yet.
520 · Mar 2018
Mar 2018
just when you think you've moved on
you find yourself back at square one
with an evolved mindset and mentality
ready to do the same thing that forced you to change
once again.

Hi please give a like, love or share and leave a comment if you like this or have any feedback! Thank you
501 · Mar 2018
overthinking feels like...
Mar 2018
gorging through the sturdy built walls of persona
the piercing beak spares nothing of your emotion

unwelcomed but persistent it swoops down
filling your ecstatic mind withs its ferocious feathers of poor aura and corruption

malovent in its actions; its screeches reflect off of your deception
of things that you once loved and held with full appreciation

that’s the power of overthinking -
for it’s suspiciously secrete like the crow,
surviving off of adverse assumptions.
overthinking really does overpower us.
500 · Feb 2018
Feb 2018
don't stay in your circle.
don't trust the people you see,

don't stay in your circle.
don't become comfortable with the constants that
distract you from the painful truths of reality.

don't stay in your circle.
don't deny that things aren't going your way.
don't detach yourself from the you you want to be.

don't stay in your circle.
don't rely on a persons exhibited thoughts of you.
don't believe so easily, for you will fall just as easily.

don’t stay in your circle.
don't risk your wellbeing for a momentary feeling of joy.
don't forget that people shouldn’t be trusted.

don’t stay in your circle. or you’ll be restricted the chance to know the damage of your circle. because despite it being able to strengthen you... it also blinds you, manipulates you and dominates you.

don’t stay in your circle for they are the subjects that will destroy you. leaving you no where to turn to. and absolutely nothing to look forward to.

so don’t put yourself in that situation.
dont stay in your circle.

if you liked this please give it a like, share and even love :)
472 · Apr 2018
your life.
Apr 2018
so you went on to let things go,
to stay away from the people who loved you most.
all because you were looking forward to something
perfectly undulant, so unexpected and so unfortunately right for you.

but what you didn't know
was that you were looking forward
to what would be the declivity of your life.

undulant. unexpected. unfortunate.
- it is what it is
444 · Feb 2018
Feb 2018
And don't spend your days weeping,
over a subject that doesn't stop to wonder
about you and your worrying demeanour.

And don't even bother spending nights
and even days empty, hoping for a reply
from the mysterious person who once filled your mind.

And don't you think to question yourself
for their demeaning actions
that have left you cold and unattached.

For if they wanted to
they would've.

if you like, please share and heart :)
426 · Apr 2018
irreplaceable mistake
Apr 2018
of all the mistakes
you will make
avoid ruining
the trust that
one has for you

see trust as water.

when water spills
you can always
soak it back up

it will never
be the same amount
that it initially was.

—-the truth about trust
243 · Jun 2021
pass the parcel
Jun 2021
strip her down
enjoy her
pass her on
use her
rip her apart
then pass her down
celebrate her
strip her down
expose her

until the skin she's just gained
has shed
left on the ground

then pass her down
thinner and thinner
lighter and lighter
pass the parcel
last layer of skin
until she's stripped to the bone
but still

the game must go on

pass her down
pass her down
to be used
one last time
pass the parcel

until she - the parcel -
gives in
and passes
i found myself being passed around. finding comfort in wishing that i was the skin that was torn off me - so then i'd finally be free from the many hands trying to claim me.

— The End —