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Oct 2019 · 838
Blind Distance Oct 2019
Mi az ördög történt, gondoltam ott
és akkor; felderengett előttem egy tengerpart,
amit már nem látogatunk meg, de te
csak tovább ontod magadból a bullshitet
egy írógép lélekölő kattogásának ritmusára
a sajnálatodat egy piros kupaknak látom
hófehér homokszemek rengetegében, jézusom,
mennyire lassan telik az idő így a huszonnegyedik órában
hát nincsen benned semmi kétség? atyaég,
de utálom jó ideje ezt a szobát,
csak ne lenne ilyen szűk a komfortzóna
a te szavaid visszhangozza a koponyám csendje
s én a döbbenettől felnevetek: emlékszel még?!
nincsen ennek semmi értelme, milyen jó anya lennék,
mondod; az olasz riviérán hunyorogtam volna a messzeségbe,
ha nem dobod el magadtól a lehetőségét
istenem, te-nem, te nem tűntél ilyennek ezelőtt
- és mi lenne igaz azután, hogy még te is, aki
kötelet fontál velem a távolságból, te
elengeded a végét és nézed, ahogy zuhanok
megmentettelek volna önmagadtól is, ha hagyod
ránk nehezedni a boldogság súlyát, akartad?
valaha is, vagy nem is, de bevallhatod, hogy találtál mást
felveszlek a földről és recéid számolom
szénné égett valóságok között ficánkoló remény,
amit a beléd vetett hitem táplált, mióta
egy kurva nagy találkozásból születtünk újra
milyen üresen tátong a tér a fátyol mögött
lassan csordogál medrében a néma odaadás,
ahogy távozni készülsz még utoljára, kedvesen
szólsz hozzám, ne veszítsük el egymást, kataklizmám
voltál s leszel az örökkévalóságig, hisz tudod, de én
már csak a vállad fölé képzelem óvatosan
nem fáraszt többé a gondolat, hogy te is el -
hagysz, amint a nap felbukkan sivár léted
általam felvirágoztatott hajnalán.
Aug 2019 · 394
Blind Distance Aug 2019
The thick fog of the forgotten lands
pays tribute to the waste in the sand
as the seagulls scream at the top of their lungs
when the cold night falls and the waves start to bend

The magnified sound of angry horns
slowly rolls out from water to the shores
while the madmen watch their world come apart
prayers find home among the gods of the heart

One soul is lonely if nobody resonates
with the pain that is being felt at high sea
but a single lighthouse touches their faith
from behind curtains of despair and greed

A soldier it is in the blue countryside
this building that keeps on shining a light
withstanding the wrath of thunder and time
guarding the realm of men from the dark

So did the sailors set foot once again
their demons confined in the harsh winter rain
but the glass of the bottle is prone to break
for the ocean calls forever and the hardship prevails
Jun 2018 · 492
A fleeting miracle
Blind Distance Jun 2018
It seems to be so close, yet
nobody has ever touched it because
it is reserved only for one person
in the whole universe
who fails to reach out when
there is no time,
- of course there is, but isn't it easier
to paint a picture where
blame is the invisible colour
and the audience is just
a secondary, talking mirror
with a story about the
fleeting miracle
in an pinewood box, located where
only the bravest can find it, but that is
entirely impossible to execute from a
collapsing castle of hopes
stretched out horizontally to reach the ends
of worlds with diverging objectives, thus
the happily ever after is only reserved for
one person, who is brave enough to
open a treasure.
Life is hard nowadays. Making choices is difficult. I hope it will pass soon.
Mar 2018 · 456
Blind Distance Mar 2018
The dominant word is the marrow
attention is the bone
and it engulfs every. thing. in an instant
in fact, as we speak
Another hundred will add to the stream
of signifiers that do not mean
what we intend to say
at all
but that is just how it works
A snapshot of the state of affairs
and one might wonder how it happened
That we act as we utter
And the world disappears in a mighty cloud
Of hashtags and codes
encrypted in the shallowest dimensions
of the unconscious mind
in the deep yellow seas.
Nov 2016 · 1.6k
Blind Distance Nov 2016
Rab országban rab a lélek
Álmukban látják, hogy eszerint kélnek
Sokszor érzik, hogy tenni is félnek,
Mert elmenni vagy maradni egyaránt vétek.

Rab országban rab a gondolat
Megfélemlítő a véleményáradat
Köves partjain töredezik a vakolat
Bélyegét rányomja az uralkodó-i hangulat.

Rab országban kirakatválasztások
Üvegarccal ellátott ó-rendszerváltozások
El nem feledett múltbéli hazugságok
Alkotják fog hegyén a megrekedt átkot;

Hisz rab országban megállt végleg
Nem érdekel senkit a rothadó lényeg
Belülről zabálja széjjel a féreg
S démonok torkából zeng az ítélet,

Hogy a szabadság nem egy állandó tényező
Csak addig a miénk, míg van hozzá levegő
És nem nyugszik bele búsan a független megvető
Hogy szépiaszínre vált lassan egy gondolat, oly felemelő,

Hogy csak szabad országban lehet szabad az élet,
Tengerkék igazával megvetettek a remények
S nappalok, holnapok, éjszakák vagy fényévek
Távlatából sem csorbulnak a ránk váró jövőképek.
Oct 2016 · 562
Once you taste it
Blind Distance Oct 2016
Lust is a poison that taints the soul darker
Once you leap into the sea it will swallow, swallow it all
All of you gone in the deep waves of despair and hopelessness
You are the statue of dignity until the moonlight burns a hole, well it stings
All of the flowers plucked so vigorously from the stem of gentleness
Don’t be the one who backs down
Don’t be the one who returns empty-handed
You are just one in a million
One in the everspinning madness of passionate eternity
Turning around, spun by the momentum of regret
Objection caught in a breath, I do not want to hurt you
Nor do you want to be here with me tonight
Cushions so soft against bruised up skin, scars on scars
We sway to the melody of stirred up surfaces
God might look down on us lost animals
Foolishly licking the wrong wounds
Creatures of the night, begone now
Let the soul rest, return the body where it belongs
Lust is a poison that makes the world go mad
And I succumb to the weight of guilt to become free once again.
Jul 2016 · 660
Farewell life
Blind Distance Jul 2016
Blurry colours, blurry lights entangled in a wacky dance
Stumbling across faces of the past, faces haunting the place
It doesn’t hurt until the glass cuts your skin
Cushioned by a farewell lullaby, the words seem to escape
Caught in a breath, why can I not tell them
„This is probably the last time we see each other” -
The emptiness a millionfold in their eyes
My reflection imprinted on the vision of eternity
Wondering whether the seeds of memory blossom one day
And I wave goodbye to the  sweet flashes of youth
Goodbye, my friends.
May 2016 · 1.0k
Blind Distance May 2016
Kedvetlenül pillantott a semmibe; és a semmi visszanézett
szemezésüknek a következő harmincnyolc esztendőben
az idő rohanása sem vethetett véget -
így vétetett hát semmibe a tétova merengés
"hogy mi mindent jelent a valódi létezés?"
a nevetést, csendülést, fájdalmas teremtést
miről nem tudott semmit, de a semmi sem tudta jobban
hogy az életben az értelem legtöbbször szótlan
és a jelentés csak délibáb a neuron-szőtte bogozatban
az álomban is az a szép, hogy illékony és megfoghatatlan.
Dec 2015 · 513
Blind Distance Dec 2015
How about planning the future, stupid
You think you can dance around fire unharmed
Tongues of scrutiny licking the flesh from your bones
Blood drawn out before the shame could burn holes
You do not even know how your words soothe my soul
How they make me want to scream into infinite satin darkness
If there is God, he might want to punish the sinner
Teaching a lesson of not touching the apple
If there is God, he should tell me the reason
Why I always walk down the path straight to oblivion
Sep 2015 · 1.8k
Touch the devil
Blind Distance Sep 2015
Touch the devil
Feel the heat against
Hot, hot skin
We are alone
Privacy granted
In hell and beyond
No need to hold back
Freedom of sensation
Freedom of emotions
Doors ajar
Pushing further
We are one
Body and soul, but
Space today
Embraces us whole
Stars in the darkness
Etch us onto silver
We are nothing but dust
Come down to the river
Whirled up in the night
We shimmer so bright
In the coffin of lies
Surrender, collide
We are the sun
Tales have been told
Of sinners' desire
Touch the devil
And let us burn up with fire
Sep 2015 · 685
Blind Distance Sep 2015
A dangerous world is lying ahead
Nobody is safe til the lions are fed
A lustful anticipation spreading out in thy toes
Gripping the edge of sanity with hope
"To jump or not to jump?" into madness, it seems
Stuck in the throat of an army of kings
But the greatest glories came to those that went deep
Well, wanting to change is the only way to succeed
Looking into the pond that reflects all your fears
Be proud to stand your ground in the cage of predators
As your body gives in and melts into the ground
And waves wash ashore what was left of the unsettling sound.
Aug 2015 · 1.8k
Blind Distance Aug 2015
You could see the light growing bigger and brighter
when I broke down on all what had been lost on a whim
To sentiments tainted by a vigorous crimson
Blood-shaded hatred directed at no one in particular
But there had been moments of wonder exclusive to us
Crawling inside me like the veins in my vessel
You are my only shelter, grand savior in hell
I traded my soul just to ease all this pain
Of driving your caress and friendship away
Escape to be found where you cannot follow
Contaminated with devils, mockingly teasing
Contemplating whether death will be soothing or bleeding
fear it or not, for it will bring peace upon me
and I’ll gladly follow down the emerald path
Hoping to receive mercy at the almighty crossroad
Facing none other than Her, I’ll stand naked in front of
The indestructible, curious spirit of the auburn-haired Lovegod.
inspired by reading the harry potter books again
Aug 2015 · 982
Blind Distance Aug 2015
Szertelen, szédült vadhajtások
övezik zarándoklatom hajnalát
volt egyszer egy képtelen álom
azon hajtja be vágyam zálogát
Érdekes, ahogy a köveket fújja
kell, hogy legyen ebben szenvedély
Otromba képzelgések szövik alakosra
Azt, mit elhordott a pázsitos éj
Sokan félik e száguldó vonatot
Pillanatkép a mozgó vásznon
Hisz létezésünk nem több a nyárnál,
mely jégbe fúl a halálos ágyán
Majd virágot küld énnekem s neked
Rákulcsoljuk ujjunk, s együtt féljük a közelgő telet.
in hungarian
Jun 2015 · 436
Save me
Blind Distance Jun 2015
Mind drifts off about smiles to be cast on you
Do you still think about times when we touched?
Do you feel the fear lingering in the depth of silence?
         *that emotions can evaporate just like the rain

Can we be sure to put up with this fight?
Can love move its soul onto strangers reflection?
Please, don't be mad for my thoughts
Please let me stay shut as I don't want to lose you
         Because sometimes I wonder if you are still true me
Faith seems so shallow in the face of tomorrow
         And shattered illusions are taking their toll
If we are a puzzle I learned how we fit
Save me from the days when these joints take a shift
Save me from the the harm that my doubt is creating
For as my skin chills from warmth in the darkest of hours
and if we reach out to space, together at once
we can interlace our lives and suffer what it takes
to close our eyes tight and leap deep into fate.
Jun 2015 · 704
Little chunks (a tale)
Blind Distance Jun 2015
They flew away. Far, far from the present, out to the blue ocean.

They seem happy now.

A long journey has ended. Maybe you know this tale.

It started with a thunder. A white flash, striking into the ground.

The earth was shaking, it had the power of Creation.

People would whisper in fear, they could not have understood.

This day, Stars were born. Bright, bright wonders.

The Earth slowly began shifting, its shape bending and aching.

A new world was about to be born.

It was from this moment, that they could commence flourishing.

They needed light, soil, and heat.

From the instance the second one evolved out of the first, they started working;

Day and night, sewing small fractions of energy, intertwining their thoughts all the while.

With increasing harmony their efficiency multiplied.

When the time has come, the timber sufficed to set sail.

Out into the darkness. Warm, heavy smells, flesh on flesh.

The stars shone brighter than ever.

The impulses left burning marks behind. Trees, flowers and feathers spread out in the meadows.

Leaping into the water again and again. Drowning in the sensation.

Roots were growing deep into this young soil, they were satisfied.

The horizon was melting into the sky. People would become terrified.

The more time passed, the more the water thickened.

They stopped feeling the chills in their spines; their limbs would go numb.

Sinking slowly into their Art, the fire turned into smoke.

Tranquility. Trust. Hope.

Years have gone by.

From afar, a strange sound shook the waves.

Stars, again, became visible above the mirrors.

People would not see them anymore.

Suddenly, something akin to a cocoon, cracked open and revealed an Object. It was solid and cold.

When they looked around, they could not find what they needed.

No light, no soil, no heat.

They were free to go.

So they did.

Would you have seen their wings, you would have mistaken them for the wind.

Disbanding into nothing.

Only a few marks have been left behind.

People would walk on the ground were the lightning hit.

They are happy now.
A tale of Nature.
Jun 2015 · 1.2k
About future loving
Blind Distance Jun 2015
Day 93 of our life in a bubble
The boy is so busy, he is always so busy
Talking is cheap, why would we waste time
on exchanging news
about our uninteresting life
His Majesty isn't fond of upscale technology
Spares his voice for interpersonal chats
Even about seeing, there is that thing about believing
(Hearts are bleeding)
No, only mine is feeling
That way when he disappears in a parallel universe
Dimensional leap to a beeping realm
in my head it counts up to a thousand years
On day 365 comes the anniversary of tears
And Fate starts working on its final scene
The curtains have fallen, curtains’ been called
The Prince rides away on the blue farewell road
No man left behind, it was his only chance
to fulfill all his dreams
and wish the Girl all his best.
May 2015 · 592
Blank page (10w)
Blind Distance May 2015
Look around; All these people
Their souls... are on sale
P.S. So is mine.
Apr 2015 · 658
Blind Distance Apr 2015
Federal sounds
Oligarchic beeps
Monarchic shouts
and Presidential pleads
are the core of the beat
the beat of the World
they unite all the poor
lift chores from the rich
they are children in the sand
stealing toys on demand
the classical war
rocks gently to the sky
birds are the remix
to the pain in our lives
red buttons shining bright
playing blues in the light
pause is a lie
no time to rest eyes
the stick hits the drum
and paces with the jive
now dance around the fire
give in to the desire
and laugh about the joke
that humans are Creators
and Destroyers of the Folk.
Apr 2015 · 4.5k
The Shy Girl
Blind Distance Apr 2015
Walking in a room or strutting down the street

                 Inside a tunnel of ignorance she steps or takes a seat

She feels the hungry glances devouring her soul

       Pray that the gist of her laugh remains whole

Follow those hands running along the thin hair

                 Blushing as the gesture burns down in a flare

(Women are to be conquered

                 And you can take her with a gentle smile

She will drop all her defences

                 On her knees to please your diguise.)
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
Telling a secret
Blind Distance Mar 2015
They say it happens all when the Time comes
Seems that the clock stopped finally ticking
For when it runs a thousand miles
There is no one to stop us
From doing our own thing
You know it doesn't matter what the others are saying
One day a scholar, the next without power
We are the masters of our destiny, so is the Truth
No clock
No fear
No globe
Can destroy what is meant to be.
Mar 2015 · 724
When Fools get Crowned
Blind Distance Mar 2015
Last night I thought you knocked an apology at my door,
But fools do not know how to save the hearts of their soldiers
No wonder that the streets go empty on your command when you just say so
Oh, isn't it beautiful
Aren't you proud, boy
"Eyes are the windows to one's soul" went the saying
But hell has more grace reserved in the chambers

Last night I sorted out all of the laundry moments
Pretentious remains of a battle long forgotten
But then again, it wouldn't mean a thing to me
Ego can't hide in the swamp of your story
Held in place by the sheer force of pity
You are just a product of a ****** up society
Never mind my sanity, I humbly admit
That soldiers do know how to lose all their guilt.
Not relevant anymore today, but it was some years ago.
Feb 2015 · 615
It is unheard of...
Blind Distance Feb 2015 lie to deaf ears
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
Blind Distance Feb 2015
Denial is my potion, oh love, why aren't you here
I could show you my garden full of colorful laughs
Glistening sparkles are the petals of my mood
Is there anything to say, darling, when everything is so perfect
When our love will be stronger than the one of those other - pff - pathetic strangers
Come, be joyful with me, even in your absence, will you
Give me the first spin in this magical, merciful (wewillmarry)-go-round
And be there when it ends, let us rejoin for ever and once!
Jan 2015 · 618
Head of the Dragon
Blind Distance Jan 2015
Uproar, it is of your pleasure

Bouncing around, tossing aside

Victories, victories,

Magic, magic,

Head of the Dragon, body of mine.

Scream, louder than water

Flowing through pain, cherish your daughter

Agony, agony,

Magic, magic,

Head of the Dragon, body of mine.

Unravel*, enigmas hiding inside

Love is your weapon, love on a dime

Malicious, malicious,

Magic, magic,

Head of the Dragon, body of mine.
Jan 2015 · 1.7k
Drown in rejection
Blind Distance Jan 2015
Love is like suffering on purpose
seeking for those moments
When loving doesn't hurt
I'm aiming for a little grace
it's like wandering in an unending space
'Cause it's you who knows where to go
But I can't find the path nor the right choice -
And I'm crying in an empty window
just to embrace the obvious
and catch the last star to fall...
Jan 2015 · 661
Focal Point
Blind Distance Jan 2015
Down in the wilderness a young boy was born
Roses in cracks growing, choking on a little toy
- Is there tomorrow? - Birds rush aside,
No, boy,
Tomorrow is lighter than the birds that fly high
- Give me a sword and I shall defeat - he said
Words so faint, sharp as the deadly end
Devotion so fragile as the broken wings
See the darkness unfold in the depth of the cold
The aged man knew that noone could withhold
The games of yesterday evolving and shaping
A dreamful, tomorrow-like vision of everything
Life embraces as beautiful.
Kind of word-doodling.

— The End —