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Sep 2014 · 1.9k
My Greatest What If
a gale Sep 2014
“You are my
greatest what if,”
she whispered

But **** it,
what if was never enough
to make her stay

What if was never enough
to make things right

What if was never enough
to make things work

What if was never enough
to keep her from letting go.

What if will never be enough

a. gale
Sep 2014 · 2.0k
a gale Sep 2014
“And her eyes,” he said
“They burn through me
like wildfire
every time her eyes
meet mine.”

“It’s not like fire,” I sighed
“You’re just in love with her
which makes everything
about her more amazing
than it really is.”

“Love?” he laughed
“What do you know about that?”
he asked as he looked at me
like wildfire, I thought
if only he knew

a. gale
Aug 2014 · 898
Broken Strings
a gale Aug 2014
Here’s to the boy
Who was first in line
And strummed
These heart strings
And taught me
How to play

But you strummed
Too hard
As the strings gave in
And you didn’t bother
To even fix it

But my love,
Won’t you at least
teach me
How to play with
Broken strings

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 547
What If
a gale Aug 2014
It’s been years
Since I last saw you
As we talked
Like nothing happened
As I asked how you were
You made me think
Things were good
But before I left
Out of earshot
I wish I never
Heard you whisper,
“You were my favorite
And most painful
What if”
Because, my dear,
You are mine

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
a gale Aug 2014
“Let’s play a game,”
You said
As you held my hand
And we ran around

You’d chase me
Every time I run
Look for me
When I hide
And catch me
Whenever I trip

It was wonderful
And magical
Until you let go
It was all part
Of the game after all

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 672
One Day
a gale Aug 2014
One day, you'll meet someone
but not just anyone
Someone who brings you to your knees
Who will make you fall hard
Only realizing then
why it never worked out with anyone else
Someone amazing
who will make you take all the risks
because you know it's worth it
She's worth it.
And that's the person you'll know completely.
Seen her best parts
amazed by the way she is.
Seen her worst parts
But not being able to leave her
Even when she's being a *****.
One day you'll meet someone
who you'll love unlike anything else
who you'll fall for unlike the other times.
Someday, you're gonna fall in love
and never fall out of love.
One day, you're gonna fall in love
with that one person
with the right one.
But until then,
I'll be waiting here
Wasting my wishes
on shooting stars, eyelashes, dandelions,
11:11's, and wishing wells
Hoping that I would be that girl for you
as you are that boy for me.

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 1.5k
Close, Cross, Count
a gale Aug 2014
Close your eyes
Cross your fingers
Count to ten
that's how I've always been
hoping everytime I open my eyes
somehow 'll get what I want
If I don't
maybe it's just not meant to be
But as I sat here
the moon as my company
the space beside me
emptier than it used to be
eyes closed
fingers crossed
as I count to ten
hoping you're finding
your way back to me
but as I reach to ten
opening my eyes
uncrossing my fingers
I guess the tears
could speak for itself
Maybe it's not meant to be...
But it has to be
Close your eyes
Cross your fingers
Count to ten
as the tears
won't cease to stop
If it's not meant to be
then I'll find a way
Close your eyes
Cross your fingers
Count to ten
If I leave now
you might come back
to an empty space
If I leave now
I might not see you
back here with me
"Close, Cross, Count"
I whisper to myself
I don't know
how many tens I've counted
Close, Cross, Count
Maybe it's not meant to be
maybe you're not coming back
maybe your absence
is permanent...
Close, Cross, Count
I know I should stop
this foolish wishing
But as I stood up
begging myself not to cry
all I could do
is Close my eyes
Cross my fingers
and start Counting
the days
or months
or years
or decades
until your back

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 1.0k
Ripped Pages
a gale Aug 2014
I wrote about you
And I wrote about you
And I wrote about you

But things have changed
And all those pages I filled
I’ve ripped out
Hoping, maybe
If I rip these pages
I’d be able to rip
You out of my life

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 1.4k
White Dress
a gale Aug 2014
It’s sad
because she wore a white dress
as she said goodbye to him
letting him go, finally.
When she should’ve worn
a white dress
as she was walking down the aisle
already practicing her I do.
It’s sad
because she paired it
with tears
that carried her crystalline pain
when she should’ve paired it
with her biggest smile
carrying her most genuine happiness
It’s sad
because she was ready
with her “I do”
But not with her
It’s just sad
because he could’ve said
his I do
But now,
he couldn’t even whisper
his goodbye.
He didn’t see her
in her white dress
and he was gone
before the happiest day
of their lives
before the day
he’s been waiting for
all his life.
It’s sad
that he’s gone forever
while she’s in her white dress
with the smallest hope
that this was only a dream.
And it’s simply tragic
that their story ended
before they even began
a new beginning.
That her white dress
is the closest thing
to what could’ve been.

*a. gale
I actually had this idea as a story, not a poem. But I was too lazy to even write a short story.
Aug 2014 · 495
What You Taught Me
a gale Aug 2014
You taught me about the sky
About all those stars
And the moon

You taught me how to dance
Without a care in the world
To sing bravely off-tune
To smile with no trace of doubt

You taught me the darkest of blacks
To the brightest of whites
The in-betweens of everything

You taught me so much
But never did you teach me
How to get over you

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 431
A Girl Like Me
a gale Aug 2014
How can a girl like me?
Who forgets
To do her homework
Wash the dishes
Bring what’s needed
Find it so **** hard
To forget about you?

How can a girl like me
Who gets easily lost
In road maps
Poetry & stories
Grocery stores
Always find her way
Back to you?

How can a girl like me
Who gets over
Her failed tests
Wasted money
Lost phone
Still not over you?

How can a girl like me
Who always seemed smart
Be stupid enough
To think I have a chance
With you?

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 474
Too Late
a gale Aug 2014
There was a boy
And there was a girl
Who both fell in love
With each other
Who both never knew

Years has passed
When they cross paths
She was with someone else
Who she gave a look
So familiar to him

When he realized
He wanted to tell her
He felt the same
But he saw her smile
And that’s how he knew
He was just too late

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 992
Maybe Never
a gale Aug 2014
you said,
"is a too scary word.
Maybe we could
just say
'til we meet again."

"But when is that?"
I asked

"Maybe weeks,
years later.
Maybe even never."

So here I wait
'til we meet again

Here I wait
for weeks,

Here I wait
for something that's
maybe never*
going to happen
Aug 2014 · 1.8k
Losing You
a gale Aug 2014
I lost you
in the most
horrible way possible

I lost you
to nothing
I lost you
without even a chance
of having you

The letting go
went before
the holding on

The period
began our sentence

The goodbye
came even before
our hello got a chance
of getting out

An ending
without an opening scene

Darling, I know
I have no right,
but I miss you
too **** much
to forget about you.

Aug 2014 · 1.9k
A Drunk Message
a gale Aug 2014
I never told you this
And I won’t remember
In the morning
Because here’s the thing
I loved you then
I love you now
But I don’t want to
Love you still
It’s just too **** hard
And too **** cruel

So I’ll send you this
While my brain is asleep
And my heart is wide awake

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 813
Make Your Choice
a gale Aug 2014
Make no mistake, choose what is right
This heart of stone or that of a marshmallow
This unclear path or that of the lighted, which to follow
Make your choice and put up a fight
Either you hold on tight or just let go

The clock is ticking and so is this heart
Take your time but be quick
Walk to the finish line but run to where you start
Make your choice, take a pick

But before you choose, always remember:
Open this stone you'll realize the sincerity it promises
Risk to the unclear you'll see adventure that's endless
Make your choice, it's one way or another
Either you hold on or let go
But all I ask is that you'd let me know.

*a. gale
This is actually an old poem. Which is why you can notice rhyming schemes and lengthy lines, something unlike me. Just saw it and though 'oh what the hell' :)
Aug 2014 · 7.6k
Lego Dreams
a gale Aug 2014
Do you remember the simple times?
No worries, no pain, just simple glories
Of building the tallest and largest building
Just made out of bricks of colorful pieces

Each one sticking to one another
Piling up by color and size
You would put on a smile filled with pride
Whenever you finished every brick
on top another

But what did you do when you left
and came back
then all you’ve built
was broken and gone?

“Don’t cry, child, it was only legos,
time for the real thing now.”
was what you were told.
“This time, child,
don’t make your dreams
out of lego bricks.”

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 470
Sad Truth
a gale Aug 2014
The wind danced through her skin
humming his name in her ear
the daylight breaks through
aiming for her touch
Though darkness crowded
in her eyes.

She pretends it’s his fingers,
his voice, his aimless touch
that hoped to see
the lightness in her eyes
once more.

She pretends all she wants
clouding her thoughts with lies
but unable to hide the truth
of how sad it is
to have loved someone,
to love someone,
and always love someone
who has been touched by death.

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 570
Story To Tell
a gale Aug 2014
I have a story worth telling
it does not begin with,
“Once upon a time...”
Nor does it end with,
“Happily ever after.”

It starts with the eyes closed
at the break of dusk,
Ends with a deafening sound
in the sunshine madness.

What a cliche it may sound
When the story I have yet to tell
is simply a fantasy
of you and me.

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 2.1k
Meet Me Halfway
a gale Aug 2014
I caught a glance,
I thought you saw.
I know you from before,
you’re the boy my dreams draw.
Here I am down on earth,
there you are in the company of the moon.
You’re completely out of reach,
but I still dream to see you soon.

I’ve counted the nights
I’ve counted the stars
I’ll be catching fallen ones,
and put them in my jars.
Tired of wishing on shooting stars,
I’ll make it on my own.
Simply because, you’re my only dream
reality has ever known.

I’ll fly to the moon
with this star-made balloon.
And so here I am in the night sky
where my stars are city lights.
The farther I go,
the nearer I am to the risks I fright.

I kept going ‘til my stars lost flight
And so here I am,
halfway there
with you in sight.
I’ve got nothing to do
but wait here and stay,
while my mind countdowns ‘til the day.

I fell asleep with you in reach,
waiting for your rescue
because you’ve got my heart to teach.
This time I won’t leave.
This time I’d wait instead.
This time I’ll prove the promises
I haven’t even said.

Almost there,
but here I’ll stay.
Just wake me up,
when you’ve met me halfway.

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 452
Girl Like Me
a gale Aug 2014
How can a girl like me?
Who forgets
To do her homework
Wash the dishes
Bring what’s needed
Find it so **** hard
To forget about you?

How can a girl like me
Who gets easily lost
In road maps
Poetry & stories
Grocery stores
Always find her way
Back to you?

How can a girl like me
Who gets over
Her failed tests
Wasted money
Lost phone
Still not over you?

How can a girl like me
Who always seemed smart
Be stupid enough
To think I have a chance
With you?

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 525
Like The Movies
a gale Aug 2014
I leave the door open
Stay awake at 3 am
Sit by the window
Every time it rains
Waiting for things
That’s never going to happen

But darling, I need to stop
Because things like that
They only happen in movies

And, darling
This is nothing
Like the movies

Because, darling,
You are never coming back

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
Her Happily Ever After
a gale Aug 2014
She pictures millions of scenarios
Under the pouring rain
Or with a sunset view
It doesn’t matter
As long as you’re back
Because she was convinced
You were her happily ever after

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 802
The Girl
a gale Aug 2014
I wanna be the girl that makes you smile on a bad day
the girl you can’t wait to see everyday
the girl that your mind leads to out of the blue
the girl that makes you happy
the girl you’d wait for in your whole  lifetime
the girl you can’t stand losing
the girl that you’ll never let go of
the girl you’ve painted your future with
the girl that would take your last name
the girl to mutter ‘I do’ on your wedding day
the girl that you’d love last
the girl you’d hold onto when your hair is gray
I just want to be
The girl I’ll never be.

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 556
a gale Aug 2014
I can call you
an acquaintance
someone I know
or even a friend
whom I've come to understand
I can call you
darling or dear
but there's nothing there
I can simply call you
by your first name
just like everyone else
or even your last name
which I'd like to have as well
I can call you anything
but I can never
call you mine

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 915
a gale Aug 2014
Before you walk out of the door
Before you walk out of my life
I have one last question
I need you to answer

Since when was forever temporary?
You promised me forever
I told you not to promise
things you can’t keep
You told me you won’t break it
But you’re walking out on me

Since when was forever
A few months?
A few years?
Since when was forever numbered?
Since when did forever end?
Tell me,
Does forever even exist?

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 1.5k
a gale Aug 2014
I've been rewriting our history
on the ripped pages of my notebook
with the cheap ink in my pen.

I've long forgotten
how we ended
I've long forgotten
all your goodbyes
or how you stopped saying goodnight
replacing them with farewells
how you barely even whispered
how your hand let go of mine
how your smile disappeared
in the back of my mind
stuck in my memories
imprinted in my brain.

Don't worry, Love
I've long forgotten these things
Don't worry about my pain
I've replaced this event
with the tip of my pen

Don't worry, Love
I've forgotten all the details
and only remember the story I've created
I've replaced this memory
with such an impossible fantasy
in this story you held on
in this story you kept your smile
in this story you hugged me tight
we had that drumroll before the happy end

Instead of walking away
you ran after me
Instead of goodbye
you said goodnight
Because, Love,
goodnight will always be different
from goodbye

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 22.0k
a gale Aug 2014
I have been watching
the sunset again.
Observing how it takes
a dip in the sea
coloring the sky orange.

I'm waiting for you
hoping to bump into you
Maybe you decided to watch it
as I was.
Foolish as it is
I did it anyways
carefully observing

as the sun bids me goodbye
it reminded me of you
that even though you were leaving
I still watched.
maybe this time
it ends differently,
it never does.

Don’t be bothered
I’ll get over it.

I’ll laugh about it.

I’ll stop looking for you
I’ll stop wondering where you are.
I’ll stop watching sunsets
hoping for you.

I’ll get there, dear
Just not today.
Because today,
I’m still chasing the sun
making sure the sunset
never ends.

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
a gale Aug 2014
Like two missing puzzle pieces
that found its way to each other
filling the empty spaces of the other.
Like a torn picture
being put together
after being pulled apart.

How your fingers
interlock with hers
filling the spaces in between.
How she found
the missing parts of your smile.

How she is your other puzzle piece
your other half of the torn picture.

How she is with you.

How there’s another puzzle piece
on the other corner of the picture.
How there are other pictures
torn as well.
How all these things
are still hoping to be perfect
for the other piece
for the other half.

How I still wait
for your fingers
to interlock with mine.
How I still wait
to be the one to complete
your smile.

How I am with you.
They tell me to let go
because you have found
the perfect girl
and that’s not me.

But tell me,
how do you let go of something
you don’t want to lose.
How do you let go of something
so **** important to you.

Tell me,
how do I let go of you?
I know I have to face the facts
But I’m sorry
because I’m still holding onto the possibility
that yes,
she is perfect for you,
but maybe...
Just maybe...
I am the right one for you.

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 738
When She Falls In Love
a gale Aug 2014
When she falls in love
I can already predict...
It’ll be like she’s by a cliff
about to take off
and all she’ll tell me
is that she’s just testing
her new pair of wings
But I know better...
I know she’s gonna jump
Hoping she could fly
But ends up falling
And she won’t ask for help
Not until she’s 10 feet above ground
And we both know it’s too late
But she didn’t know
I snuck a parachute with her
so she doesn’t have to fall hard

Because when she falls in love
she’s gonna fall hard
When she falls in love
there might not be someone
prepared to catch her
But I’ll be there
prepared to help her

When she falls in love
and hits the ground
I won’t be there
to help her forget
But I’ll let her know
she doesn’t have to forget
to stop the hurt

When she falls in love
I’ll be there to help her let go
to lose her grip
uncurling her fingers
one by one

And before she falls in love
I’ll prepare her
for all the possible hurt
I’ll let her know
that when she has her heart
set out for
hellos and I love yous
sometimes all she’ll get
are goodbyes
But I’ll also tell her
to keep on hoping
to keep on dreaming
because someday
someone will come
with a heartfelt hello in hand
unaccompanied with goodbye

When she falls in love
and gets her heart broken
I’ll be ready to storm
into her room
Because sometimes she laughs
when she’s not supposed to
but cries
once the lights are off
the door is closed
and the music is too loud
in her mind
I’ll be sure to be the one
to open the door
turn on the lights
and replace her sad songs
with my out-of-tune singing
Maybe she’ll laugh
Maybe she won’t

Because when she falls in love
there are only two outcomes
either you fall and hit the ground
or someone catches her
and never let go
And while she's still
falling and hitting the ground
I’ll be there to let her know
love isn’t everything
I’ll never fail to keep reminding her
that everything happens for a reason
that people leave
because they’re supposed to
that it only means
she’s got it wrong
this time around
and that’s how she’ll realize
the right one
And that it’s gonna hurt now
But she just has to give it some time
And these are just words
she might not believe it right away
but I’ll make sure
she realizes it soon

And when she falls in love
and somebody is ready to catch her
ready to hold on to her
I’ll be there to tell him
how absolutely unfortunate of him
to be the one to catch her
but how lucky he is
to have her
But for now
I’ll tell her
to stop looking
for Prince Charming
because she’s no Princess
in a Disney fairytale
for a Knight in Shining Armor
because she’s no Damsel in Distress
from the Middle Ages
for Mr. Perfect
because she’s no Ms. Perfect
or some heroine
living the pages of fiction
but I’ll tell her
to wait for the right one
because chances are,
if he’s right for her
then she’s for him as well

*a. gale
This is the longest poem I wrote. This is for my best friend, and my nuggets of wisdom for her. So when life separates us and I'm not there for her and her broken heart, all that I want to say are here.
Aug 2014 · 842
My Forever
a gale Aug 2014
"Lend me your
he said with a smile
and so I did
not knowing
I was already
giving him
my forever

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
Friday Nights
a gale Aug 2014
“Am I worth wasting
Your Friday nights with?”
I asked so nervously
As a smile crept up
Your thin lips
You said
“I’ve already wasted
So many nights
With just thoughts of you.”

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
He Waits
a gale Aug 2014
Through all those days
When the sun shines brighter
Than his hopes
He waits

Through all those nights
When the stars refuse to fall
For his wishes to come true
He waits

Through all those times
He ever wondered
When is long enough
He waits

Then when she came back
But not to him
She was never his
But still he waits

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
Another Chance
a gale Aug 2014
I messed up
And made mistakes
We kept falling
Until we hit the ground
For the first time
You’re walking away

But before I lost hope
You turned around
And smiled

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 2.9k
Start It Over
a gale Aug 2014
I’ve torn the pages
And crossed out words
If it’s worth a try
I’m willing to rewrite
All that has been

I’ll change your goodbye
To goodnight
Turn the ending
Into the ******
I’ll go back
And start it over

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 5.2k
Another Try
a gale Aug 2014
She jumped
She flew
She fell

But she climbed
Her way back to the cliff
Because things like these
Are worth another try

you're worth
falling for
more than once
Aug 2014 · 381
Never Even Asked
a gale Aug 2014
You’ve shot me now
But I’ll take the bullet
Stitch it together
And hold your hand
Because I’m the fool
Who gives out
Second chances
Even when you
Never even asked

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 8.2k
a gale Aug 2014
We mess up
We fall down
But we’re always
A sleep away
From a second chance

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 340
What it seems
a gale Aug 2014
He used to
hold her hand
like he'll never
let go

but things are not
what it seems
because you see,
he let go

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 1.5k
Strangers Again
a gale Aug 2014
Let’s just forget
About everything
The history
And mistakes

Let’s forget
Each other’s name
And meet again

We can ask the same questions
Laugh at the same answers
But this time, darling,
Let’s not make the same mistake

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 14.5k
Fragile Hug
a gale Aug 2014
He hugs her tight
Hoping the pieces
That has fallen apart
Will somehow find ways
To go back and fill
The spaces they’ve left

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 389
a gale Aug 2014
All he did
Was stare
But I cracked

All he said
Was goodbye
But I still broke

All it was
was almost something
But I will never be the same

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 700
Handle With Care
a gale Aug 2014
She held her heart out
Filled with tape and glue
As her hand shakes
You can barely read
How it was plastered with
“Handle with care”

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 1.9k
Star or Sun
a gale Aug 2014
I remember you said
“I’d rather catch a falling star,
Even if I could have
The blazing sun”

But darling did you notice
How my eyes lit up
With such hope
As she was the sun
And I was simply
A star
That’s falling for you

*a. gale
Aug 2014 · 406
Here's to the boy
a gale Aug 2014
Here’s to the boy
Who gave me his heart
Who lent me his days
To show me I mattered

Here’s to the boy
who gave me promises
he intends to keep
who wouldn’t mind at all
to spend what’s left
in his life
with me

Here’s to the boy
I never even met
Who might just be a dream
Or some fantasy

Here’s to the boy
I hope that exists

a. gale

— The End —