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Alexis K Jun 2020
I was so focused on the Ball.
I was always told to keep my eyes on the ball.
I was ready for it, I was more than ready.
The ball came to me fast, spinning in the air,
I held the bat tightly.

I was watching the ball so long.
It flew in the air, pride swelled within me.
It was an air-ball, gone in the wind.
I was finally achieving what everybody wanted.

I watched the ball so long that I didn't notice everybody had packed up and left.
I watched the ball so long,
I didn't see the virus coming my way,
I didn't see masks being put on right in front of my face.
I watched the ball so long,
I didn't know the game was over.
It hadn't even Started and yet we had lost.

I had watched the ball too long.
I missed everything else.
323 · Mar 2019
Alexis K Mar 2019
I try to write
poems, stories, and songs
All I want to do is express myself
Yet none are strong

Nothing is good enough
It doesn't express my feelings
It's way too tough

I suppose that means
It perfectly represents me
Simply, not good enough
316 · Nov 2021
Game of Life
Alexis K Nov 2021
I used to believe that my life,
would be like a choose your own adventure book.
Where I would make a decision on page one,
and multiple throughout my chapters.

I have found that life is less of this chapter book,
and more like the board game life.
You draw a card every round but it's always predetermined.
You do not make choices on every page but five or six the entire game.
Job or school?
Risky or safe?
Family or continue?
But those cards you draw you are stuck with.
The bad ones and the good.

In hindsight, you do get something from what you cannot control.
100k life bucks, but is it enough?
Not when you're no longer playing on the board,
but living your own life.
You do not get the reward at the end to see who won.
But life lessons instead.

As much as I wish life was a choose your own adventure,
it seems more like a game played as a child.
If my life was like one of those books though,
I hope at the end of my book,
the choices I made lead to the best possible me.
Since there are no life bucks and no winners in this game.
I hope my life is worth it in the end.
314 · Apr 2019
Get Real
Alexis K Apr 2019
"You need a good education to live a full and happy life."
                  "You'll never make it without a degree."
                                 "Be reasonable."
                                          "Have a plan B."
                                                     "Be realistic."

What's realistic to me is different than what's realistic to you.
        I don't want a plan B, my heart is set on one thing.
               If being reasonable means working a dead end job,
                     consider me the contrary.
                            No degree means no me? What about Brian Adams,
                                Adele, David Bowe, Thomas Edison and even
                                    nine US presidents with no degree and
                                       amazing lives.
                                         Some people I know dropped out of high
                                          school, barely know how to sign their name
                                        and living their lives to the fullest.

So do not tell me what to do or who I am or who I have to be.
         I will be me, even if that means I am a starving artist at fifty-
                 Even if that means I am couch surfing half my life while
                     finding my dream job.
                         Even if that means I am unrealistically hopeful my
                             whole life.
                                At least I am not a pessimistic, discouraging, sad
                                    being. Like you want me to be.
312 · Oct 2023
"Life's Not Fair!"
Alexis K Oct 2023
They said.
But they didn't have to fight themselves to get out of bed.
They didn't have to consciously chew and swallow their food.
They didn't spend the night awake wishing God to put them to sleep.

Life has never been fair.
They said.
I believed that this is what you meant.
And then found out that my mind was not like the rest.
That I would have to physically fight my body to get help.
I would fight my brain for the rest of my life.

"Life's not fair, get over it."
They'll say.
And then they'll have no problem waking up the next day.
310 · Sep 2017
Alexis K Sep 2017
In the darkest corner there
Hiding far and near
He hides from
And hide from me
Seeking his one and only Anabell Lee

For a love that's not known
Is secretly shown
He searches, he sees,
His beloved dear Anabell Lee.

He might be young
But youth means nothing to him
For tied is not is tongue
When says 'I love you' to Anabell Lee

The last words he speaks
The Last time he sees
His beloved Anabell Lee
For the time :
Based off of Edgar Allen Poe's 'Anabell Lee'
304 · Mar 2021
Alexis K Mar 2021
I wish you could see you the way I see you.
The way I see your eyes light up with excitement.
The way you smile naturally.
The warmth that radiates from your love.
I wish you could see you the way I see you.
Because then you could see the many reasons why.
Why I love you.
300 · Jan 2018
A true reflection
Alexis K Jan 2018
Flowering beauty

Contemplating self worth
Opposite of perfect
Not good enough
Feeling little
Ending up alone
Nearly beautiful
Crying on the inside
Extra ordinary
296 · Jan 2019
The World
Alexis K Jan 2019
Sometimes I wonder
If this world is just a blunder
If one day
We'll all be escorted away

Sometimes I hope
That's there's somewhere better
We will all stay
Till the world's been cleansed with soap

Sometimes I desire
For this world to die.
So that we can rebuild
Without all the smoke and fire

It's not just the people
But the buildings they make
That break our beautiful world down
Until it's all fake.
295 · Sep 2017
Alexis K Sep 2017
With the sky so blue
Those beautiful orbs
Your eyes, blue too.

For they shine like the sea
But not green and misty
Like the beaches of white sand
With the water crystal clear.

The shells under the water
Gleam and glow
They bring sparks of color
Like your eyes when the sun is low

There's so much they hold
Most I couldn't bare
But I wonder how they're so strikingly bold.

Your eyes are blue
They shine like crystal water
And see shells gleaming.
But beneath those eyes
There is a person
Behind your pearly white smile
There is a soul.

For features can be beautiful
But nothing can outdo
A beautiful soul.
294 · Jun 23
Love Me
Alexis K Jun 23
I wish it was easier to love me.
But is it so hard to give what I give?
289 · Sep 2017
I Am
Alexis K Sep 2017
I am America's Pride.
I am freedom
I am glory
I see a diverse culture of free citizens
I seek peace
I am America's pride.

I am beauty
I am motivation
I though the world's heart.
I worry about war
I cry for wounded and fallen soldiers
I am America's pride.

I believe on eqaulity
I say "justice for all"
I have people yearning to be with me
I hope for the best
I dream for a world united
I am America's pride.

I am glory.
I am freedom.
I am beauty.
I am united.
I am just
I am America's pride.
I am the symbol of America.
I'm the American flag, flying high.
288 · Apr 29
Alexis K Apr 29
Should sting.
They should make you want to crawl out of your flesh prison.
They shouldn't be flowery.
Nor sweet, simple, and easy to read.

My words bite at your arm,
Like the truth of society burns your eyes.
These words are the venom in my bones.
T H I S  I S  M Y  P A I N
Feel it as deep as I was forced to at 8.

This is the truth.
My words may never be full of light.
But the world holds a flashlight,
And pretends that they can see.
I may be 'deranged'
But  a  t    l e  a s  t
C          A        N
S        e       e
286 · Nov 2023
Return To Sender
Alexis K Nov 2023
This longing that is constant is not what I expected.
The weight of existing is a shotgun pointed at my temple.
Sometimes breathing and eating require too much.
The anxiety and detrimental stress consume me.

Return To Sender.
283 · Aug 2021
Not Good Enough
Alexis K Aug 2021
I am working so hard.
I know I'm doing enough.
Everyone's impressed that I'm doing well.
There's no way I won't make it.

A 6.5 will get me in.
I have a 6.71.
Trying so hard, and doing so much.
Oh look, I didn't make the cut.

I guess I am not good enough.

After so much work I want to give up.
My heart, my soul, my life, and even mental health were sacrificed.
Just so I can be told it wasn't enough.
Can I just give up if I am not enough?
If I do my best, and I make the deadlines and meet requirements,
Why in the world are you telling me:
"Not Good Enough."?
282 · Apr 2019
A Sea Of Demons
Alexis K Apr 2019
It burns.
It's so cold.
The ice surrounds me.
My arms and legs are swallowed whole.
It feels like fire licking me, perspiration dispersing soaking me.
My lungs are no longer working, spasing in pain.
I need to inhale, but I can't.

I need to.
But I know I cant't.
My ribs are being crushed.
My life is being ****** away from me.
The excruciating pain that is this.
The overwhelming sensation.
I know I am dying.
Slowly, Painfully.

I need to breath.
I inhale deeply, searching for the air.
I am met with ice, more and more icy crystals.
I'm kicking and getting no where, I am trying so hard.
I can hear them calling my name, 'just a little more'
I cant go anymore. Their words are not enough
I can not make it out of this, I cant fight.
I cant fight my demons, impossible
They are drowning me.
I can't get out.
I tried.
277 · Aug 2019
Alexis K Aug 2019
I could write

A simple rhyme
Simply to take up time.


A quiet novel
Whispering about a lover who grovels.  


A bold song
To share what’s been on my mind so long.


This is just a simple rhyme.
Simply because I have the time.
268 · Jan 13
Alexis K Jan 13
I don't care anymore.  

I don't care if my body were to eat itself from the inside out.
It would hurt and be terrible for a while.
But I can't imagine it'd hurt worse than living my life like this.
267 · Feb 2022
A Moment Of Silence
Alexis K Feb 2022
Followed by prayers
Men and women fighting for their lives.
262 · Dec 2023
I know
Alexis K Dec 2023
That's it is hard.
To see me like this.
Have you reminded yourself recently.
That I don't want to be like this?
254 · Oct 2023
Alexis K Oct 2023
Have you ever wanted to *****,
Just so the discomfort wasn't entirely in your head?
Would it feel more real then?
251 · Jul 2020
To be a Woman
Alexis K Jul 2020
What is it like to be woman?

We hold power.
But we also hold fear.

Power of distraction.  
Fear of rejection.

A man may never understand
That on the way to a predominantly male scene,
We plan our argument.
In case we are disregarded because our *******.
In case they look at our little brother to answer questions
About our own cars.

A man will never understand what it is like.
To be told to wait til you’re married.
“Your husband might want kids.”

A man will never understand what it is like.
The fear ripping through our veins as we walk alone.
Especially at night, our keys between our fingers ready to strike.  
He will never understand what it is like.

To be a woman.
To be female.

And a woman will never understand what is it like.
To be a man.
To be male.
251 · Sep 2017
Brown Eyes
Alexis K Sep 2017
Chocolate brown
Something that always brings a smile
Your eyes similar, unable to make someone frown.

For bedroom eyes they say
They're so deep and so brown.
I could stare into your eyes
And still be lost upon them.

For dark brown eyes
So deep, so powerful
They conjure up
The true meaning in your soul.

Baby girl with those big brown eyes,
You'll lead someone to happiness
If not yourself into the depths of your rise

For the little boy born with bedroom eyes
You'll lead a girl to bed with you
If only to talk all night

For the blue sought after
Brown just the same.
Little children with brown eyes, forever play the game.
244 · Sep 2017
Nothing Will Change
Alexis K Sep 2017
You may not see me
For my mask of sorrow hides me
You can see me smiling
But that's merely what I want you to see.
I'm not blind to your pity

Yes, yes.
You say I'm brave and oh so strong
"Everything will get better"
Please be quiet
For my ears are sore,
And this conversation is much too long

I don't want your pity
I don't want your sorries
Yea I'm hurting
No I'm not okay.

Yes I'll survive
Yes it'll be alright.
But I don't want your casserole
I don't want your muffins

I don't want your attention
Now that I've lost someone so dear
I don't need your homemade cookies
And don't want to sit and talk
And No, I don't want a beer

Yes I'm hurting.
No I'm not okay.
But I don't want your help.
Nothing will change anyway.
244 · Sep 2021
Alexis K Sep 2021
Who am I?
I am the girl who lined her ducks in a row.
I am the girl who laminated her high school graduation plan.
I am the girl who hung the requirements above her bed.
I am the girl who cried the first time she got a C on a test.
I am the girl who has tried so hard her entire life.
I am the girl that everyone used for notes.
I am the girl that kept the class afloat.
I am the girl who always knew what she wanted.
I am the girl who had it all figured out.
I am the girl with a plan.
I am the girl who attended three schools at once.
I am the girl who graduated with honors in a technical school.
I am the girl most likely to be successful.

Who am I?
I am the girl who decided to go to college during the pandemic.
I am the girl who thought I would regret waiting.
I am the girl who thought I would graduate in four years.
I am now the girl debating dropping out.
I am the girl who has given up.
I am the girl who is tired beyond belief.
I am the girl being rejected.
I am the girl who is failing.
Failing to stay afloat myself.
Failing to meet the requirements.
I am the girl who is doing well but not enough.
I am the girl who has forgotten.
Forgotten how to live, laugh, and enjoy life.
I am the girl who is stressed.
I am the girl that adults tell to relax.
I am the girl who has lost herself.
I am the girl with no identity.

I am the girl with no identity.
Because my entire life was future-based.
Because I was the most likely to succeed.
Because I did everything in my power to be the best.
Because I still was not doing enough.
I am the girl who was supposed to be an inspiration.
I am the girl who was considered lucky because I always had a plan.
Now I am the girl who is lost.
244 · Jun 14
If Nobody Was Watching
Alexis K Jun 14
I would simply drift away.
I smile thinking about it.
I would just rot.
I would no longer exist as human.
I would let my body decay.
I quite enjoy the thought of allowing withering away...
241 · Oct 2023
Alexis K Oct 2023
My heart is beating in my chest.
In my head.
In my fingertips.
My tummy is cramping and the pillow is making noise.

I can't get the pillow to keep quiet,
I can't keep my head from pounding with the thumping of my heart.
The porch light sears it's way through the blinds and blackout curtains.
Snores surround me from my partners.

But I can't get the pillow to keep quiet.
I push my head harder into the bed.
But the throbbing of my heart travels to my toes.
Why is my heart so loud?
Why is the light so bright?
Why won't the pillow keep quiet?
I'm tired.
236 · Oct 2017
Too Young
Alexis K Oct 2017
Too young to understand
Daddy's not coming home
Yet too old
Not to care

Little girl
Looking at her mom
Wondering, wondering,
What was going on?
Why was mommy sad?
Had me and brother been bad?

Too young to remember
When daddy was there,
Too old to forget
That he was ever here.

Little kids,
Innocent and pure
Looking up at mommy,
Holding daddy's picture dear

Little girl
Too young to remember...
Daddy's eyes,
His voice,
His smile or size,
Too young to remember.
Too young to say goodbye.
And now,
Too old, only able to fantasize.
My father died when I was two from cancer. My older half brother remembers little things, simple things about him that seem meaningless yet would mean the world to me if I personally could remember them. I've only had pictures and others to fill the gaps.
This is one of my poems for him, my very first on this site was for him as well.
234 · Sep 2021
Alexis K Sep 2021
When you're gone...
It's lonely, I'm very lonely but it's peaceful.
I would take peaceful over not feeling lonely Every. Single. Day.
228 · Apr 2019
That Love
Alexis K Apr 2019
I am inexplicably excited to experience that love.
The love my mother had with my father.
The love that movies are made from.
The love that poems derived from.
The love that songs are based on.
The love the is irrevocable.
The love that is idolized.
The love the joins two.
The love that is true.
I am inexplicably excited to experience that love.
226 · Dec 2021
Alexis K Dec 2021
Everyone thinks "ah, it'll never happen to me"
A tragic accident.
Thank god, it'll never happen to me.
An unthinkable loss.
Man, if that ever happened to me...
A joyride gone wrong.
A day that never ends.
A fatal diagnosis.
A single doubt that takes out balance.
But that will never happen to me.
I guess we'll wait and see.
225 · Jul 19
I Hate Love
Alexis K Jul 19
Because it is so easy for me,
To give it in baskets handwoven.
In mason jars filled to the brim.
It is so easy to be in love with you.
It is so easy to love you.
Yet so hard to feel loved by you.

Love holds me in this noose,
One that I can't undo.
I hate love.
I love loving you.
I wish I felt you loved me like you say you do.
225 · Aug 2019
Alexis K Aug 2019
One word that row off the tongue so easily can destroy one's soul.
people who haven't gone through it don't know it's affects.
People who have cut and burned and scratched and harmed themselves are yelled at.
Yet the peoe who tell them Not to, a good chunk of them haven't gone through and don't know that it's not something you can control.
Once you're in your deepest state of depression,  it's easy to go insane and hard not to harm yourself.
When you think that you've finally recovered from depression you're wrong.
At least for some people.
For me.
You get to the point where you think you know what happiness in and the  you realize. Nobody is smiling at you. They're all smiling at your "friend" who always walks away with people they know whithout asking if you wanna go.
No one ever asks if YOU wanna go hang out. Nope. They only ask if they don't wan a go alone or need something from you.
And after a x"happy"x day you go home. Sleep it off. Wake up. And then it hits you again.
So you're crying and you don't even know why.
But once you stop crying, you have a moment to realize why you we're crying.
Because one person in this world cant do anything but be there.
In the nidist of the crowd, they're just there.
Like a little piece of dust. They have no reason to be there.
They just ARE.
And yet people say that life is a blessing and to live it while you can.
We are born to live and we all live to die. So what's the point of living life if it just contradicts.
I talk a lot of happiness and inspirational **** but that doesn't mean that's who I am inside.
Inside this dark body.
There is no soul anymore.
For I am too grown to live carefree.
To live happy.
To live the fullest.
To live at all.
Depression always come back to attack.
53 and counting.
Scars that show my feeling locked behind the bars.
53 of my visible war scars.
People have encouraged me.
People have yelled.
And yet the small silver piece of metal still lays in my drawer.
The small silver sliver of hope.
People don't understand what it's like to be me.
For I am not like others.
I asked.
'How do you feel afterwards?'
They all said;
And then they asked me.
'How do you?'
And of course. My answer.
In control
Confused '
I laugh the whole time.
I cry because it doesn't hurt and I know that it should hurt.
I cry because all the emotions flow out into the small silver metallic blade.
And it flies angrily over my wrist and arm.
And yet I'm still in the stage of depression.
224 · Dec 2023
Alexis K Dec 2023
I am the partner.
The partner that reminds you,
You're doing a good job.
Especially when all you can do is get out of bed.

The partner that drives to get your safe food,
After a long day of work so that you eat.
The partner that checks in regularly.
The partner that will always take care of you.

I am the partner.
The partner that slowly falls apart.
Because I will only always take care of you.
224 · Sep 2019
Why so old?
Alexis K Sep 2019
When did I get so old?
Too old to kiss my mom on the lips??
Too old to tell my sister I love her???
Too old to even hug her????
When did I get so old?????
So old my back kills me??????
So old my knees buckle???????
So old I’m losing my thoughts,
As if my cards are constantly being shuffled.
Why did I have to grow?
209 · Oct 2023
Alexis K Oct 2023
I am so exhausted by this feeling.
So tired of being tired.
So tired of feeling helpless.
There's nothing I can do to make it go away.
Nothing to make it pass faster, or to change my mind.

So I sit in this feeling.
With no other option than to let it suffocate me.
I hope I'll come out alive.
201 · Dec 2018
Alexis K Dec 2018
Forget world peace.
Create peace,
There's too much hate here for us be peaceful everywhere
200 · Nov 2023
Alexis K Nov 2023
Crashing against the rocks.
                Washing away the sand.
                             Weathering it to glass.

Depression is like waves.
                  And I am already glass.
I am tired today.
197 · Mar 3
Alexis K Mar 3
In my own body.

Unable to life the weight.
Pulling me into the cement.
Unable to hear the world around me.
My heartbeat too loud.


In my own mind.

Locked behind bars,
And Unable to need.
Numb, or screaming trying to get out.
Both locked inside the walls.
Nobody but myself to hear.

193 · May 2021
What Lies Ahead?
Alexis K May 2021
I am so inexplicably scared for what lies ahead.
This is too specific of a dread.
What I do not know could **** me,
Yet I don't have a clue what I don't know.

I am sorry.
I can't imagine what my life could be.
Let alone what it looks with both you and me.
192 · Jan 2021
Alexis K Jan 2021
In a world of good versus evil
Where the evil believe they're good
and the good believe they are the good ones
Which one are you?
189 · Jan 21
"Why are you so tired?"
Alexis K Jan 21
Because there's
Fire along my skin.
Ice shards in my lungs.
War in my head.
I've anvils for feet.
Air feels like water.
I'm drowning, unable to move.
Paralyzed in life.
"Guess I didn't sleep well again."
188 · Aug 2023
Alexis K Aug 2023
I know what it feels like to drown.
In demons you can't fight.
To drown in emotions that aren't even there.
To drown in the salty tears from your eyes.
To drown your voice out from the rest of world.

It's been too long. This cycle.
I'm exhausted.
Fatigue eats at my lungs, my legs and chest.
All while I tread the salty tears of life.
Would it bring peace to relax?

I envy the dead, I can't wait to finally get some peace and rest.
186 · Dec 2021
If They Died
Alexis K Dec 2021
If they died what would you do?
I cry when they leave and sometimes when they're right next to me.
So maybe if they died I wouldn't have tears to cry.
No that's not right.
I'd cry all day and all night until I was dry.
Until my face was tight and my eyes and throat sore.
I'd spend a lot of time in bed.
If they died.

If they died? I'd die too.
Only my death won't require my heart to stop beating,
Or my lungs to stop breathing.
Only my death will allow me to still feel the pain of desire.
The need of contact that can no longer be satisfied.
I'll still see them everywhere that the space is empty.
But I'll never get to embrace them again.
Never to kiss, or hug, or play with their hair.
You see if they died...
I'd be nothing but a shell.
Because the rest of me would be buried with them.
185 · Aug 2021
Not Trying Enough
Alexis K Aug 2021
I know you're trying,
But your trying hurts just as much.
Alexis K Sep 2021
I wish I believed that it would all work out in the end.

I wish I didn't feel so alone in a crowd of people I know.
179 · 2d
Battle Scars
My scars, battle wounds.
They're supposed to remind me the battles I've won.
So why does it feel like the battle only really just begun?
177 · Sep 19
To Be Understood
Alexis K Sep 19
Is to feel heard.

As I sit with only the gulf as my friend,
I know.
In the darkness of the night,
With its chills never-ending, I know.

I will never know how it feels
To be understood.

I have been listened to before,
Comforted and held.
But nobody understands.

I sit on the concrete ledge.
Sand and waves below me.

The waves know, what I feel.
The solitude in a sea of water.
Never alone, yet never supported.

The music in my ears,
The waves crashing below me,
And the chilling night sky,
They all know.

And yet.
I am the only of us four,
To feel, to bleed emotion.
I will never know
How it feels
To Be Understood.
176 · Dec 2021
Dropping Out
Alexis K Dec 2021
it is not 'failing' you see,
but instead more like taste testing...

I tried it, I gave it a chance
I put forth effort yet
No matter how many times you taste the same ingredient over again
If you do not like it that fact won't change.
176 · Oct 2017
Alexis K Oct 2017
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