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175 · Feb 2022
The Arrival
Alexis K Feb 2022
Finally, I've arrived.
My heart and mind can now rest.

If only my arrival wasn't equally my departure.
175 · Jan 2021
Alexis K Jan 2021
I sit alone in my car
and the music is blaring
so I can scream all the lyrics
soaked with the pain I'm feeling
171 · Sep 2023
Alexis K Sep 2023
Have you have been struck with such desire,
That your soul is consumed by fire?
166 · Jun 2018
Alexis K Jun 2018
With the sky a beautiful grey-blue
I only admire you

Even the sun, a burning brass
And the simplest beauty in blades of grass
I can only wish to get to you fast

In the nights when trees sway and thrash
I can only hope our time to last
164 · Feb 28
Alexis K Feb 28
Words scribbled in agony...
Cries screamed into the void...

Sounds of life.
Of coping.

Silence is the real killer.
When I need the most.
I say the least.
164 · Aug 2022
I'm Fine
Alexis K Aug 2022
"Hey, are you okay?"

I am drowning.
Fire licks my lungs,
anvils sit in my stomach.
Fingers snake around my wrists pulling me down.
Chains clink as they tether themselves to my ankles.
My throat is being crushed by that monster.
My mouth is covered.
My watery tears are enough to overcome this.
I cannot scream.
I cannot cry.
The bags in my eyes grow deeper.
I am a shell of what I was.
I cannot see what is in front of me.
I can not see what could come.
I am drowning.

"I'm fine. Just tired."
I smile.
Depression is a real monster, and I hope everyone out there has someone to talk to it about and we're not all stuck in the same "I'm fine." response.
156 · Oct 2023
Rest of My Life
Alexis K Oct 2023
When everyday feels like this.
I cant imagine living the rest of my life.
Fighting this hard just to survive.

If this is the rest of my life.

I wish I didn't exist.

I wish I could be erased from the hearts of those who love me.
That I could never have to deal with trauma that is my mind.
That the people I so dearly love wouldn't be affect by my lack of time.

The gravity of this feeling in my body,
Outweighs the guilt I feel for thinking it.
The desire to just be nothing, courses through my bones.

If this is the rest of my life.
I have three reasons to stay.
Three people who love me, and wouldn't have their life any other way.
But if this is the rest of my life.

I will always struggle.
I will always be fighting, every day.
I will always be exhausted.
By the time I wake up in the morning.

If this is the rest of my life.
I will always wish the younger me was strong enough to act.
I'll wish I made the decision before I had my three reasons,
For the rest of my life.
150 · Dec 2021
Alexis K Dec 2021
Will he think of me?
Every face I've made?
Every morning's goodbye kiss,
And every night's I love you's that he'd miss?
Will he think of his brethren?
Those standing next to him?

When his job is to lay on the grenade,
And all you want is him out of harms way.
You begin to pray.
May God protect every man and woman who protects me.
And send mine home to me every time.
150 · Oct 2021
Lost (DRAFT)
Alexis K Oct 2021
Who am I?
I am the girl who lined her ducks in a row.
I am the girl who laminated her high school graduation plan.
I am the girl who hung the requirements above her bed.
I am the girl who cried the first time she got a C on a test.
I am the girl who has tried so hard her entire life.
I am the girl that everyone used for notes.
I am the girl that kept the class afloat.
I am the girl who always knew what she wanted.
I am the girl who had it all figured out.
I am the girl with a plan.
I am the girl who attended three schools at once.
I am the girl who graduated with honors in a technical school.
I am the girl most likely to be successful.

Who am I?
I am the girl who decided to go to college during the pandemic.
I am the girl who thought I would regret waiting.
I am the girl who thought I would graduate in four years.
I am now the girl debating dropping out.
I am the girl who has given up.
I am the girl who is tired beyond belief.
I am the girl being rejected.
I am the girl who is failing.
Failing to stay afloat myself.
Failing to meet the requirements.
I am the girl who is doing well but not enough.
I am the girl who has forgotten.
Forgotten how to live, laugh, and enjoy life.
I am the girl who is stressed.
I am the girl that adults tell to relax.
I am the girl who has lost herself.
I am the girl with no identity.

I am the girl with no identity.
Because my entire life was future-based.
Because I was the most likely to succeed.
Because I did everything in my power to be the best.
Because I still was not doing enough.
I am the girl who was supposed to be an inspiration.
I am the girl who was considered lucky because I always had a plan.
Now I am the girl who is lost.
143 · Apr 2022
Dear Dad
Alexis K Apr 2022
I think you'd be proud of me.
I own a house, and a car.
I live in a neighborhood that waves to you just because you're their neighbor.
I just wish you could be here.
18 years doesn't seem too long when I barely knew you.
But the rest of my life sounds forever.
Forever until I can see you again.
141 · Sep 2023
"Im fine"
Alexis K Sep 2023
When my need to be held
Meets my crippling fear of being taken cared for
140 · Mar 19
Flesh Prison
Alexis K Mar 19
My body
If I could control it,
If I was fully aware,
I would stop my heart from pumping.

Free my soul.
From this flesh prison
That keeps me down.
137 · Jan 7
Alexis K Jan 7
Definition: without companions; solitary, or sad because one has no friends or company.
Example: this author
137 · Apr 2019
God Is A Woman
Alexis K Apr 2019
God Is A Woman.
God is a black woman.
God is a black woman, with frizzy coarse hair.
God is a woman who knows that everything is not what it seems.
God is righteous and good. God is a righteous and good woman.
God is a smart woman with more knowledge than humankind.
God is a black woman, with frizzy coarse hair.
God is a black woman.
God is a woman.

I cant wait to meet the woman who rules the world.
132 · Sep 12
Alexis K Sep 12
If I was an animal,
I would be a cat.

Not because they're agile and fast.
But because we hide our pain.
We prefer to crawl into a small spot,
And quietly hurt, than to cry out for help.
127 · Oct 2023
Alexis K Oct 2023
I wonder if I'm loved enough for my partners to even know this account matters.
125 · Nov 2021
Alexis K Nov 2021
I'm sorry I can't help your depression
But I'm dealing with mine.
120 · Apr 2019
Grandma's Kitchen
Alexis K Apr 2019
She thought we loved her cooking
And I didn't like to lie,
but could you just tell your grandma
"I really dislike this potpie."?

The cooked carrot and soft noodles.
It was like deconstructed *** pie.
The celery and stringy chicken.
She loved that dish, but most definitely not I.

We almost always had it,
ladled into a bowl, the smell well known.
The creamy pasta was deceiving,
the taste...well, i wish my taste buds were out on loan.

But she'd smile at us,
we'd smile at her,
we wouldn't say a word
and we would watch tv with her

I wish I could taste that concoction again,
I would eat the whole bowl.
How I wish I could hear the clanging of her cooking.
Cooking of the food I would swallow whole.
Because the dish is even worse now that she cant make it.
May as well be eating coal.
One can only wish for the stupid, stinky, lovely dish.
115 · Oct 2023
Alexis K Oct 2023
I've imagined it a thousand times.
Hoped for it more.
Sometimes I lay awake at night,
Coming up with different scenarios.
I imagined myself having a stroke.
I even imagined overdosing.
And then compulsively looked up if I could do such a thing on my medication.
I guess I'll be here a while.
111 · Jun 2021
Alexis K Jun 2021
"I would never miss your wedding!"
Too bad it wasn't your choice to make.
If only we had it earlier today.
Before you had been taken away.
110 · Apr 2019
A Strange Encounter
Alexis K Apr 2019
"I'm getting bullied by my wife." He said.
His voice was soft, his tone was light.
It was joke, no harm was in sight.

I just smiled and walked away.
But I begin to wonder.
Should I have stayed?
107 · Feb 2021
His Arms
Alexis K Feb 2021
Its been a long day,
so excruciatingly hard.
I've been put through the ringer and back
In this never ending day.
Now that its coming to a close
I cant wait to go home and be in his arms.

The warm embrace that awaits me is what keeps me going.
The safety and smell within his arms
Is all I have wanted all day.
I finally get home,
To remember I am alone.

Because his arms are occupied these days.
106 · May 2021
Alexis K May 2021
I am having such a hard time.
My life is young and I have decades to decide
How I exactly want my life.
But I cannot imagine my life past today.
I can only imagine my life this way.

I cannot imagine myself with grey hairs.
I cannot imagine my husband and children in my house.
I cannot even imagine the house we would call home.
I cannot answer the typical questions:
"Where do you see yourself in five years?"
Logically I know that I would be graduated.
I would be married by then,
And even living with my husband.
Yet my answer is "just like I am today."

I cannot see, imagine, or fathom my life after today.
Yet I have always planned for it anyway.
My future is so unclear to me
And so thank you, for seeing me in yours.
Quarter-life crises are where it's at
105 · Oct 2023
Alexis K Oct 2023
I'm so tired
But I can't sleep

My eyes burn
But I can't sleep
104 · Aug 2019
Alexis K Aug 2019
Fifteen years old and pregnant
Just a child yourself.
Your big doe eyes wide
As you proclaim you’re doing what’s right.  

God will help you
He will lead the way.
This baby being brought to us
Will be in good hands.
For it’s not just a child
But soon to be grandmother and aunt
103 · Sep 2021
Alexis K Sep 2021
The world is on fire.
The world is underwater.
If the world is ending,
I hope it does soon.

If the world is ending,
Why are we still moving?
Why go to work or school?
Why continue to live this same day
over and over and over again
just for it to be the last?

If the world is ending,
I want my last day to be known.
So I can sit in the sun, hammock,
and pretend I am having fun.
If the world is ending,
I do not want to continue this in vain.
And if the world ends,
I hope humans cease to exist.
Maybe then the Earth can be Fixed.

I wonder how long the world will last.
I wonder how long I will last.
Because we all know.
The world is ending, and fast.
100 · Apr 20
Sick Fantasy
Alexis K Apr 20
Sick indeed.
But a fantasy it would be.

Follow me home...
Rip my heart from its chest.
Dismember my body,
So I can be free.

A fantasy of choice,
Not taken by me.
"How to sign up to be a murderers' next victim?"
100 · Feb 6
To My Lover
Alexis K Feb 6
Whom hasn't been loved before.
Who hasn't learned to accept it.
Doesn't believe himself worthy of it.

I am excited.
To see the softness in your eyes,
As you realize just how much I love you.
I am honored to love you how you never knew you needed.
96 · Mar 2021
Trying to float
Alexis K Mar 2021
Everyone says I'm thriving.
When really I am drowning
just barely making ends meets
Rushing and rushing and pushing and pushing
finally done
except I'm not.
It's never done it's never over
and I have to keep pushing
when all I want to do is sleep.

And nobody really knows
just how much I'm trying to float
but its doesn't really matter
because even if they knew,
there'd be nothing they could do.

So I just have to keep pushing
until next week,
next week will be better
but then next week comes.
And I tell myself I just have to get through this week.
Next week will be better.
Tomorrow will be better.
Except it won't.
95 · Feb 2021
Alexis K Feb 2021
I thought that I was fine.
Thought I was too tough to cry.
Until I slept alone that first night.

Every time my head laid on the pillow,
My eyes burned no matter how long they were closed.
Every time I looked around, I realized just how alone I was.
I laid crying my eyes out that night.

It was the first time but it wont be the last.
95 · Jul 7
Alexis K Jul 7
Yesterday a car crash,
But not bad enough.
Today I'm sore and tired,
But not dead.

I'll try harder next time.
94 · Sep 2019
The Downs
Alexis K Sep 2019
Suddenly the gorgeous blue sky is making you mad
Suddenly the wind in your hair reminds you of what you can't have
Suddenly you can see yourself laying on the road in front of you
Suddenly your friends make you tired
Suddenly the alcohol doesn't taste as good and the high is gone
And suddenly, you're in a low.
And you feel like going slow.
And you don't care to know.
And you just wanna go.
93 · Aug 2023
Alexis K Aug 2023
I want to go home.
I'm tired, please let me go.
I wanna go home.
I wanna go home.
I just wanna go home.

"You haven't even left yet"
93 · Apr 2019
Seven Lines, One Week
Alexis K Apr 2019
Sunday I worked early in the morning. I did nothing more.
Monday I went to school, then to my hotel where my keycard wouldn't open my door.
Tuesday I competed in my contest, thought I did quite well.
Wednesday we got the results and I went swimming. Turns out I didnt do so swell.
Thursday I went to school again, then I went to work. I learned night shift.
Friday I didnt have school, so instead I did nothing but sit.
Saturday I worked the morning then sat down to write. I still dont know what I'm writing or if this a good bit.
93 · Jul 2021
Alexis K Jul 2021
I am ready to sleep now.
It been a long day.
I can not longer stay awake.
As I close my eyes tonight,
I feel at peace. It would be the best sleep ever.
But I did not know it would be eternal.
91 · Jan 14
Love A Stranger
Alexis K Jan 14
It's hard to fall out of love with someone
You never really loved.
But it's hard to love someone I've never known.

How could I fall in love with a shell? Someone who never is themself?
I don't know what they like,
What they want, or dream about.

I don't think I've ever really met them.
But here I am again.
Because I may never meet myself.
I may never know who I am.
So how could I love a stranger?
How do you?
90 · Aug 2023
Alexis K Aug 2023
Do I hate my friends?
Or am I just distancing,
Because I'm afraid they'll learn to hate me

What friends?
90 · Aug 2023
3 Thousand
Alexis K Aug 2023
Three thousand, two hundred.
That's my word count.
But only of my published poems.
That number is so much higher on paper.

Three thousand words to say to you.
I'm tired.

Over three thousand words,
But these are a first.

I've never wanted to **** myself.
But I've never wanted to be alive.
Sometimes I wish I could JUST exist.

If there was a switch, it'd be flipped.
89 · Mar 2021
No Big Deal
Alexis K Mar 2021
I have a problem.
You see, I am that type of person.
The type of person who cannot handle their own issues.
And pushes them to the side burner.
I ignore my own problems to help others with theirs,
and they never have a clue that my *** of problems is causing a fire right in front of their eyes.

I am the type of person who can smile as if my world isn't crumbling around me.
So that you can unload your problems onto me.
I have a problem.
Where I do not think my problems are issues
and they do not need to be addressed.
Simply because I tell myself "It's really not that bad."
"Others have it worse."

I am the friend that everyone goes to but sometimes,
I want to be left alone.
So that maybe I can deal with my own *** of problems.
A lot of people, myself included, ignore their own issues and invalidate them. Try to correct that if you are one of those people because your issues are JUST as valid as someone elses. I am good at telling other people their valid but not myself, I often use a plate analogy. Some people have paper plates and some have plastic and some have glass. If you continue to pile things onto your plate, that paper plate will break and then the plastic and then the glass. Just because you plate is stronger, doesn't mean that what is on it doesn't matter. And vise versa, just because your plate is paper and breaking fast while other's are fine, that does not mean that you're defective. It just means you need a new plate and often times we get a plate from someone else. (Therapy, support, etc.)
88 · Aug 2023
Life In Third Person
Alexis K Aug 2023
Have you ever felt
Like you were living your life,
In third person?

Like the person you are,
The body you use,
It doesn't really belong to you.

Like you're just the observer?
Life is a movie,
And you've got a front row seat.

I'd like control of my body please.
86 · May 2021
Not Enough
Alexis K May 2021
My brother is the epitome
Of doing just barely enough.

My sister is the epitome
Of not giving a ****.

I am the epitome
Of growing up too fast and taking on too much.

Yet I am not enough.
86 · Aug 2023
Shut up
Alexis K Aug 2023
My body is in pain.
All I want to do sleep.
But my brain won't shut up, saying I'm not doing enough.
85 · Apr 2019
Alexis K Apr 2019
More often than Not.
I am in my own thoughts.

They tend to freak me out.
They always make me doubt.

I doubt myself,
I doubt everyone else.

I doubt my friends,
And I wonder when we will end.

And when I'm in a group,
I simply turn to soup.

I move wherever they push me,
and absently agree.

I when I try to talk,
I mess up so much they gawk.

When someone says I am easy to get along with,
I dont tell them its because I am liquid, sliding along their width.

I simply go with the flow,
Allowing them to think they know.
85 · Sep 2021
Alexis K Sep 2021
The way I love you is beyond words.
But your smile gives me joy,
Your laugh plays in mind all day,
and your smell eases me to sleep.

Your insecurities don't show to me
like they do for you.
I just see the beauty in your eyes,
the way your body heat envelops me.
The way we fit so perfectly,
and how seemingly perfect you are.

I love you not despite your flaws.
But I love you with your flaws.

I can love you so tremendously,
Yet believe I am incapable of being seen the same way.
Why do we love endlessly,
And believe that we aren't worthy of love.
If you can love..
You can be loved.
You are already.
84 · Jan 9
Dear Life
Alexis K Jan 9
I resign.
Sincerely ~ *******
83 · Feb 2021
Alexis K Feb 2021
I can not try anymore.
I'm ready to give up,
because this is too tough.
So I cannot try anymore.

                          I cannot try anymore.
                          I'm experiencing burnout,
                          And still not doing enough.
                          So I cannot try anymore.

I have no more to give.
This has ****** the life out of me.
Between the pandemic and life,
Work and school,
I am spread way too thin.
So I cannot try anymore.
83 · Jun 2019
Alexis K Jun 2019
I wonder
Do you feel the same things I do
When we walked in the darkness
With only our little candles to guide us

If my flame flickers
Will you wait to see what is in store
Or will you tell me
“Hold it like this a little more”

When the wax burns my hand
Will you tell me to man up
It’ll go away
But do you know I’m allergic?

When my light begins to fade
Only to dissipate
when I have no lighter to help myself
Will you lean in with your flame?
Will you give me your fire for a split second so mine can begin again?
Or will you say “I got you next time”
“I’ve just got too much on my plate”?

What if there’s no next time?
Because that disappearing flame was the only life source.
Because my demons keep blowing it out.
Because i can’t see without it.
Because i can’t see the paths, or why to continue moving.  
Because without it I can’t see why to stay here.
69 · Sep 1
NOT Demure
Alexis K Sep 1
Nothing about life is such.
Life is not modest,
When it throws you a curve ball.

Life is not shy,
For it will grip you by the throat.
It is not reserved,
As it fills Earth with disease.

Life is not demure by any means at all.
It is not unassuming,
Nor mild.
So grab it by the mother ******* *****.
68 · Mar 19
It Takes Time
Alexis K Mar 19
It won't work for a few weeks...
Med changes...

You have to give it time.
You have to work hard.
I've been fighting my entire life;
Just asking for some ******* help.

It doesn't seem worth the time,
When all my energy is used
Simply retrieving said meds.
Just for no change at all.
I hope it will be worth it anyway.
67 · Mar 19
Alexis K Mar 19
I see you.
Writing love lyrics,
Wistful dreamy poems
They are beautiful.

Everytime I read one, I smile.
Because they are beautiful.
I can't produce my own for the darkness controls me.
My words are venom, poison leaking from my veins.
My rhymes are sobbed and not spoken.
My lyrics bring tears to the eyes.

Because it's hard to write what's beautiful.
When the world is so vicious.
I envy the naivete.
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