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Sunflower May 2018
Today you asked me
why I dont want to kiss you anymore.
Darling it's not that I dont want to.
I do.
But when our lips collide,
all the lies slide off my tongue onto yours.
And when our lips depart,
your mouth speaks the lies,
I fed to you.
And im stupid enough to believe,
all my lies that spill through your gritted teeth.
And that darling,
Is why I dont kiss you anymore.
Maybe it's not as good as you thought it was.
614 · Jul 2018
Sunday 2nd July
Sunflower Jul 2018
My little girl its been a year,
you're growing up so fast.
My little girl I cant believe how beautiful you've become.
My little girl I'm sorry that your daddy has left you alone,
but he's always looking after you my child.
So happy birthday baby girl.
I will come and see you very soon.
For my goddaughter
575 · Jun 2018
Coming out, loud and proud
Sunflower Jun 2018
I first knew I was gay
When my best friend kissed me
She came out a year before
she told her parents one night at the dinner table
And they told her they loved her no matter what and that
It’s a parents job to support their kids in the decisions they make
So I had no reason to be scared , Right?
So mum calls me down for dinner
Me, mum, dad and my little sister all sit at the table
Mum asks me how my day has been
And I tell her that my best friend kissed me
Mum spits and says
‘How dare she!’
Dad looks disgusted and says
‘I bet you pushed her away.’
I look down at my food in shame
‘No. No I didn’t.’
Both my parents look at each other with anger in their eyes
‘I’m gay.’
‘Get out my house’
I get up, pack my bags and go.
Its been 5 years and now I’m married to a female
And now I know
When I told my parents I didn’t push my now wife away
I didn’t feel ashamed
I was proud
484 · Jul 2018
Sunflower Jul 2018
Some people say goodnight when they mean goodbye.
I say night when I mean bye.
Because bye's like this one are never 'good'.
03:00am thoughts.
Sunflower Jun 2018
I’m so sick of constantly being rushed, I’m sick of being told I’m doing something wrong, I so ******* done with being threatened to be beaten the **** out of it have my stuff smashed by both ******* parents. Im sick of being told that not wanting to do something is wrong or being made to feel so.
I just don’t get why it’s okay for a parent to tell you that they are going to beat the living **** out of you.
Or “oh you’re cutting yourself because you want attention, but don’t worry if I tell you that everyday you’ll realise that it’s stupid, because Tianna is such a independent, down to earth girl, who really just wants to fit in.”
“Oh yea she was in hospital, she slipped and fell. And had to get stitches, she’s fine now though. I’m totally not lying because I’m disappointed and very embarrassed that my daughter turned out to be a disgusting, lazy, attention seeker.”
“Oh how’s Tianna? She’s great she has her faults more than not but she’s honestly great to have around lie and I used to trust her so so much”
“I’ve thought about kicking you out, again. But, that would look bad on ME. Don’t you know how much I ******* hate you sometimes. Like, I look at you and have no love for you. ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME.
You’re behaviour reflects on ME. And those scars make ME feel sick.”
Oh cause don’t worry mummy you don’t need to worry about me anymore because you can’t worry about someone who doesn’t worry about themselves.
I’m just so done with acting like nothing is wrong.
Or actually being scared when someone says they have a problem, but not the scared scared. Like the scared of how you’re gonna punish yourself this time
Feeling the need to say sorry 100 times and assure them that you care deeply about them 200 times
I’m so sick of feeling like EVERYONE has a problem. When really it’s me who has a ‘problem’
Don’t take this the wrong way but that’s one thing about love. When you are so deeply in love with a person their hurt falls on you too. Their anger angers you. Then arguments. Both of you are ****** up and broken. But you love eachother so much that you just keep on relying on one another to climb up the wall then pull you up too
But that’s the thing both of you are too ******* weak to do that
So it’s a cycle of getting down, climbing up, failing at pulling up the other one, getting down, then switch
Self harm is self harm. Excessively or not it’s still stupid. Temporary pain even the smartest people know won’t help in the long run
But we all repeat and repeat. Oh but it looks so pretty and it’s beauty distracts me from the ugly truth.
But the pain is always gonna ******* linger and linger until one day you realise that sad isn’t the only way. Sad is one way. The wrong way but looks so identical to happiness it’s cousin from across town.
So many people make the mistake of mistaking happy as sad but they all one day find the path to happy.
After walking past so many signs saying no. No this is not the way
They finally realise that the only person who can help them is themselves
In the words of Neil Hilborn; “I don’t think being creative and mentally ill is just related, i believe it’s the same thing.”

I hate my mind.
Actual rant to my girlfriend :/
479 · Jun 2018
To my love... (part 2)
Sunflower Jun 2018
To [insert name here]
I'm writing this letter to tell you
I still pick my scabs
Whilst sitting in the shower
Under the rain of my depression
I'm writing to tell you that
These scars are no longer just mine
They're yours too
They are yours and mine because
I don’t want you to find your own
Little herd of scars
I want to share mine
I want your pain to be mine
But darling
‘I want’ is equivalent to ‘I need’
And I need you
Another for my girlfriend <;>,<;>
Sunflower Jun 2018
Daniel was a boy of talent and charm
He smiled when the world didn’t
And he cried when no one would see
He made sure no one ever felt like they were alone
And no matter the severity of a lie or action
He always had room in his heart to forgive.
Daniel left behind a daughter
Not even 1 year old
When you had a life like his
Its not easy to get around the mental scars
People had once cut deep into his skin
And the hatred injected in his veins
Daniel was one of the nicest people
And he’ll forever be in our hearts
390 · Jun 2018
Daily Motivation
Sunflower Jun 2018
Why stress about what will happen in the future,
when you can enjoy what is happening now?
Have A Great Day!
376 · May 2018
Travelling the world.
Sunflower May 2018
Why did you go?
More importantly where did you go?
I’ve looked everywhere for you so you can return my heart but,
Now I’m weak without it.
And I can’t look anymore.
I asked.
I begged you not to leave.
Only a few more hours I pleaded.
‘No!’ You screamed.
Will I ever have my heart back?
Or has someone else already got it?
Not that good.
Feeling sad today.
369 · Jun 2018
348 · Jun 2018
Sunflower Jun 2018
There is always a 'me' in 'someone'
You can never be too in love with yourself,
because self love is the key to loving anything else.
You can not love anyone else unless you love yourself.
And loving yourself comes before anyone else's feelings or priorities.
Hope this helps
345 · Jun 2018
To my love...
Sunflower Jun 2018
To [insert name here]
I love being in your company
Without you a day feels like a week
A week like a year
Yet only after minutes it feels like an eternity
Though the sun shines outside
We stay inside because
Why enjoy the sun when I can enjoy you?
I’ve got a new found love
for the electric shock that goes through my body when you;
Drag your finger down my spine or
When you draw little circles on my inner thigh
I mean we mess around
But ******* when we do
I feel like it can cure every year of depression I’ve dealt
Since I met you there’s a new light in the end of the tunnel
And this time its not the train
I actually wrote this for my girlfriend >.<
338 · Jun 2018
Safe without him here
Sunflower Jun 2018
When your girlfriend got the call
That her uncle had died
She broke down on the floor in an emotionless daze
You held her in your arms and whispered into her ear
Then she started laughing; crying
Tears of happiness
But when you asked her why she could feel such emotion in this situation
She smiled and said that she was free
She was free?
You asked her how so
And she grabbed your hand with such beauty and compassion in her eyes
“I can finally get over what he did to me.”
“What did he do to you?”
You wipe a stray tear from her rosy red cheeks and she kisses your hand.
“He took away my innocence before I could even spell the word.
But I’m safe now.”
She got up and walked into the bathroom like nothing had even happened.
Hope you'll like it.
336 · Oct 2018
Sunflower Oct 2018
Sometimes too much is going on to focus on one thing.
But, in the times when your mind is so blank, like paper just carved from a tree, you crave to think something more than numb.

One thing that we dont realise is that we have the most thoughts the minute we are born.
334 · Jun 2018
Sunflower Jun 2018
Today, is going to be a good day. No matter how it started off.
327 · Jul 2018
I'm not a cheat.
Sunflower Jul 2018
It's like you think one day I'll slip and call you by his name.
Or that his name is on the tip of my tongue.
319 · Jun 2018
Public Service
Sunflower Jun 2018
Working in the police force
Offers many traumas
You see people do unthinkable things
And meet some strange people
I love my job
I really do
But the worst thing you experience
Is when you have to go to an un-expecting family home
And tell them their;
Is not coming home
struggles of the police
Sunflower Jun 2018
The headlights of the car light up the highway before us
Her smile is the only thing keeping me from stopping the car and going back to my old ways
And her eyes
The road sign says “Turn ahead.”
She turns up the volume and we sing along to  our childhood songs
And her eyes
“Turn ahead: Steep cliff.”
Her fingers brush across my crotch, and her fingers loop around my belt
“Steep cliff. Pay attention.”
The car swerves off the road out of my control
Her eyes
The car spins; flips, racing down the cliff
like the wild horses she loved to spot on daytrips we had on Sundays
Our clothes float like the gravity had left us
Yet the car was still crashing down to earth
Her eyes
We are left hanging upside down, like marionettes from our seatbelts.
I unbuckle mine and fall to the ceiling that was never meant to be a floor.
Her eyes
She’s hanging beside me lifeless and limp
Bleeding from her now exposed collarbone cut from the crystal shards around us
Her eyes
Her eyes
Her eyes
They were still as beautiful as they were
before they gathered a cloud of lifelessness before them
I'm proud of this >,<
292 · Jun 2018
Sunflower Jun 2018
What even is love?
It’s the word that brings two people together
But it was also love that bought us apart
You can still love someone else
When you swore your heart to someone else
You know
The sad truth is
So many people are not in love and together
More than
People are in love and together
Hate Love Hate Love Hate Love Hate
286 · Jul 2018
A Certain Type Of Sadness
Sunflower Jul 2018
There is a certain type of sadness
when your not sad for yourself
you are sad for someone else
because they are too afraid to show it
.stressful day.
272 · Jun 2018
How you really feel...
Sunflower Jun 2018
Today in class
We were describing how we’d feel to be trapped at sea
Words like;
- Isolated
- Vulnerable
- Powerless
- Intimidated
- Hopeless
- Alone
I don’t know if it was just me but,
When I said those words
I wasn’t thinking about being trapped at sea
I was describing my everyday struggle
Of being trapped in my mind.
I wrote this ages ago oh my lord.
267 · Jun 2018
Daily motivation
Sunflower Jun 2018
Today will be a good day because today isn’t yesterday.
263 · Jun 2018
Daily Motivation - 27.6.18
Sunflower Jun 2018
If you have a problem with someone or someone has a problem with you;
don't waste your time wishing bad on them
because by doing that you're being distracted by what you want to achieve.
if you spend you're day negatively thinking about them.
Negativity will come straight back to you.
Be Happy, Focus On What You Want To Achieve.
Sunflower Jun 2018
The first time you put the blade
To your beautifully clean unscarred skin
You'll be too sad to feel the pain
Like your mental pain will outweigh the physical
You'll bleed
But all you'll feel is a wave of calm
Then you'll go to sleep
On a tear-soaked pillow and blood-soaked bed
The next day at school
You'll get the
‘are you okay?’
And you'll repeat
‘I'm fine.’
But when you get home
You'll mark your now
Beautifully marked and scarred skin again
But this time you'll feel nothing
And wont be satisfied until
You're covered in crimson red ink
Please stay strong no matter what the issue.
182 · Jun 2018
Sunflower Jun 2018
I'm so tired of feeling lost in a world of loud souls,
Everyone knows who they are
And I'm just here playing
A lifelong game of hide and seek
With my identity
It’s not that I don’t know my name
It’s that I don’t know who was behind it

— The End —