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May 2019 · 473
Dreams - by God
Prince eduard May 2019
Ain't dreams are those which fuels us?
Ain't it which drives us to the the limit?
Sometimes, even beyond!
Ain't it the feeling of ambition?

What would it avail a man by succeeding?
What would a man gain by completing dreams?

No, nothing
I'd rather be bold,
than fret and make false news
Rather be fearless,
than make others grip to vain hope, and pride

You do things and you gain nothing
Hold on,
You know why might be?
Wicked ways do not profit
Like, When you work for money,
you become a slave to it
And nothing will ever satisfy your unhealthy desire
When you're intoxicated in getting fame,
You're intoxicated to sin, to death

Self-ful, self-ish..
Your dreams are but a dream
And your treasure does not avail nor gain
But for once you know true love,
Not self-love nor possession-love
But charity, a Love of God,
And naturally, follows a love of humans
Supernatural things happen

Charity is a gift of God!
And unless a dream becomes God-given dream
God-size dream, a dream full of love!
Behold, for God is Love!
Patience, kindness, humbleness, pureness
These forms of love, for true love is perfect!
Only those of righteousness shall profit
You might gain knowledge, possession
Vain! For it is passing!
By your works, express love
And you piles up golden and shimmering treasures
Where no thief can steal, and no moth can destroy!
You got a treasure in Heaven!
And your true heart which abide in the Kingdom,
Is where your treasure will be
So brethren--- keep your hearts pure!

God is our strength,
From everlasting to everlasting He's been there!
Even sometimes, us, unknowingly,
He comforts,
For if we listen to a woman,
He might come as a mother
When we need uplifting,
A rocking lyrics in a song
You know, when we look clearly,
We'll see Love doesn't discriminate its form
For whenever you seek it, it shall be given
But--- In ways mysterious, and in thy perfect timing

It is also true in dreams,
We have given a chance to pick ours,
He loves us so much He gave much freedom
For us to choose for ourselves,
Even in our wrong choices, He understands us
And let it be to be even our gain
He rebukes errors, and lets us reason for ourselves
But most of all, His love He gives so we might be saved
And our dreams are more than dreams
We seek ten, He gives one hundred
It's His grace infinitude

So for this moment
With me and the angels
Let's praise, give thanks, and worship the Lord Christ Jesus,
Hallelujah~ Glory be to God in the Highest!
You are worthy! The lamb who's been slain!
You are faithful! You're our God!
Saviour of all mankind!
(note: With God, everything is possible! When you believe, or pray and don't doubt at all, you will receive)
(Ps. This piece is for all to see, but especially those with an open heart, It has Christianity in it but with an open mind it avails and has great purpose)
May 2019 · 432
Prince eduard May 2019
So caught up by the world
     And its cares
But ye shall seek God
     Thy Kingdom above
And remember,

     From worldly things
          You must be free

So caught up by the world
     And its dares
But ye shall seek God
     Thy Kingdom abide
And remember,

     Thy grace and love is
          More than enough

So seek it!
Be blessed! So God bless you and those around you! And everyone! This has a part 2
Prince eduard May 2019
If just not our fleshly desires
     Will persist,
And our hates and proudness
     Will decrease
If just not our fame
     We mind
And soaring profiles
     We try to find

If just.. not...

Then maybe our numbness shall dissipate
And Your loving grace we'll perceive
Much more, we'll feel
And someday, In Your arms, we'll hope forever to be

If just.. not...

Then surely, Our true hope we got, we'll believe
If just not...
A question, are you willing to find? To seek the one you've so for long (even unknowingly) longed for? Or have you, and is willing to continue.. the answers, keep to yourself.   And surely, that hope, will remain. Alleluia
Apr 2019 · 296
Prince eduard Apr 2019
A mom is here
Doing laundry
I ought to help
Just here waiting
Till' she's finished
Washing and operating
The Mecin cuci
Or so-called washing machine

She put the clothes
Around it, one by one
She pour it
Until it's finished
Another batch is waiting,

Next, she hang it on
A wire line, some on
A plastic array
Of divided spaces

Until it dries by the suns heat
Overtime, now it's time
To collect it
Yes, It's our job to fold it and
Order 'em in our
Respective cabinets

Until another time,
Another day of washing
Apr 2019 · 543
Queen Upon a Throne
Prince eduard Apr 2019
Siiting in a throne
A holy maiden worthy of its title:
Queen in battle
Majesty, and glory with a crown

Been in sorrow
Gone through tribulation
But there's tomorrow
Where happiness is a seedling
She's with us, her hand, lending

Oh mighty woman
A paragon in virtue
Thy enemies sue you
But to no compare they'd be thrown

A mother of all nation
A sister of all dear children
Oh God in Heaven
Deemed you worthy, indeed it happen: now you're

A Queen upon a throne
Mother Mary
Now she's upon a throne
Apr 2019 · 902
Guardian Angel
Prince eduard Apr 2019
In a bizarre place
The moment I looked to my right
I slowly get to my pace
But before, I took a gaze

I think I saw an angel...
Taking a second glance,
I notice closed-folded wings
Well now I'm sure,
He's my guardian angel

One word:
Purity. To describe him
That look in His eye,
Chilling my nerves
Fulling the sight
Oh, eye-to-eye

Wavy, curly hair
Brown and blonde fair
With length up to chin
Such gracious Mr. 'Him'

Small lips
Bright scene
Ambience light
Feelings aright

Pointed nose
Moreno skin
Like those, calm,
Tanned in the seashore

Glowing, aura around him

A mesmerizing sight
His eyes, pure, innocent light
Oh Love, how I love you
Singnifying Almighty's presence

Worn, fine-linen robes
I'd like to touch, to feel
His warmth, emanating
From his to me
I'd like to---

Smiles, I hugged him(!)
I just did it(!), out of love, joy
It seems fast, fast yet slow
His expression, quite surprised, yet not
But his eyes, that concern he has
I see= compassion (love)

Oh how I wish to be just like that,
Forever, with God, Jesus
Meanwhile, a hope remains,

I came to my retreat,
I noticed a single folded li'l paper
He held, opened
In mine's interpretation, it reads,

(promises he'll keep,)
No matter what,
I'll send to proclaim thy message
Whenever one need thee

(and many more, I left unnoticed )

Then he made me feel,
I have to go somewhere

God knows
God knows

Then in a distance
I saw a woman approaching
So beautiful,
Of course, hey, she's my mother

She led me
God, and angels,
They lead me

I dreamed of this, and now I dreamt it

( in the end, what matters to me is that even once, I know God is with me. And love follows wherever I go)
Apr 2019 · 575
Go on
Prince eduard Apr 2019
In Life,
You can walk, or run
But you might get tired

Rest, and go on

In Life,
You'll meet people
First your parents, then friends

You'll have fun, yes
But you'll also be sad
Discouraged, irritated

Rest, and go on

For In Life,
You might go in rounds
You might have to dive, or fly

And sometimes,
You might want to increase your brightness to see clearly

But remember,
There's a father cheering up on you
Whom, loves you, dear

You will get burn out
You'll get stressed out
But remember

Sin(death) is not the solution:
Rest, and go on
God bless you!
Apr 2019 · 208
poet's utterance: poetics
Prince eduard Apr 2019
Ever had a moment of black out?
No, not that
The writers-block thing

Had you want to try to connect things
Yes, something like that
I used to do it too

Feeling something wrong?
Then surely, something needs fixing, or no

Yes, I'm just saying

Have been in-love?
How can you forget you first love,

Hmm.. Not that,
Connect it, try again,
Don't fret

The one who said He loved you
Even before your wife or husband had
Or even before your mom had

You'll get it,
When you ask for it.
Surely, just go on,

Now, now,
You've stay?
Such bravery! Or curiosity

You'll get answers:
You're His child, precious child,
- Our Papa, Jesus Christ
Seeforyourself youllsee itisrevealed revelation poetics child poem poet utterance
Apr 2019 · 337
Prince eduard Apr 2019
Why don't you use less

Our Father,
Papa in Heaven

He told us to love
Not to discourage or anger neighbors

He told us to encourage
For we are encouraged,

Deadly, the word:

So two words:
Use, less
Or not at all
Apr 2019 · 314
Prince eduard Apr 2019
I really have
The Love of Divine

Though I might doubt
And will sin

With the angels,
He, HE loves me
Glory, it is in you Oh God
Apr 2019 · 160
In My Belly
Prince eduard Apr 2019
I always prompt
The things I do
It begins with a simple strike:
In my belly

For which I feel,
God is with me

Connects me in my heart to His
His everlasting purpose
Which I gladly will be
Apr 2019 · 419
Prince eduard Apr 2019
In simple glee
I will set free
My voice inside
Which sing praise God!
I really love the which which loves, the which which worships
Apr 2019 · 245
How I Long
Prince eduard Apr 2019
In times of brokenness
You gave me the light,
The hope to walk in
You gave me the road,
Now I'm believing

Now you revealed unto me
The truth to which you love me
And I just want to say
Oh how I long

I long to be with thee
"Patience, dear, patience," a whisper came upon me
Apr 2019 · 406
Smile, He Got You!
Prince eduard Apr 2019
When life gets you hard
And you start to lose your sight
When you feel like sinking in a pond
Like you've fallen at such height

Peace, it is well
Smile, with your mind
Don't quarell

And remember
God is with you, He got you!
Just when we are blind
He puts His hands on our eyes
Our visions are again found
And we'll see Christ Jesus with a smile

When you understand
Yet still in fear, come,
His image in your heart
And fix ours to His
For he is Love
You've asked and now you have
Peace, He brings
Calms thy precious feelings

-   Now, beloved
Peace, it is well
Smile, with your mind
Don't quarell   -

-   "Ugu" * blob * blob
* Heart crumbling like paper,
Oneself drowning in 'water'
"How... Can I, be happier?"
Hey, hey! My friend
We'll get you out of there
Just grab my hand
... I'll be waiting
Till' you're finish in that worldly illusions   -

"UwaA, I'm drowning!
Somebody help, I don't wanna' be here"
Yes beloved that's it
I'll help you, just trust me
"Umu," * cries "why can't anybody hear me?"
No! -no my child
Open your heart, Just focus on me
"Hmm?"   Son...
"Father? Papa!"   -

-   Yes, yes my dear
Good job keep going
* tries to reach hand  * grabbed
"Hwaa-" * cough * cough
* cries * cries louder
It's alright, it's alright
You're now risen, now you're with me
"I'm sorry~!"  My Child,
Be glad! You've died and you've risen
You've been lost and now you're found
I love you, and I know you can do it
"Thanks, Papa."  * Papa smiles
Now, now, cheer up we'll have a feast  -

Oh Love infinitude
How great is thee?!
Indeed, God is Love
To future, now, and from before

You've got nothing to fear
Drowning? Losing? -Enemy?
Just go and take up your positions and God will give you victory!

-   Dear child, I bring you
Peace, it is well
Smile, with your mind
Don't quarell   -

When you ask for something
And it is in-line with His purpose
Believe and you got it
Just trust Him, His perfect timing
So why dont you just?...
Smile, He got you!
To serve people, is to serve God
Before it's creation, I was thinking of a concept, it begins with a simple encouragement, "Smile, He got you!"
God bless!
To note, the dashed paragraphs are a story,
My story, actually, Our story.
Jan 2019 · 867
The Lord and His Bard
Prince eduard Jan 2019
The ashes fall
The grass wither
But my love for you
Shall never bitter

In front of the world
You're here with me
You've guided me
and so I never withdrew

As I walk
You established my steps
As I fly
I glide by your wings
And with You I swifts

But whenever I fall
You catch me with Your love and all
When I drown
You pushes me up with no frown

This journey is but 'like' a game
You move here and you risk there
But as I walk, If ever I fall
You smile then You pull
Yes! You're there and You rule!

You're a helping hand amidst all
I will praise you
I will love you
I will be grateful to You and will sing as the trumpets blow

For You're my Helper
How can I be more happier?
All of them might be against me
But my trust in You shall never leave me

It will all end
But my song for you shall never bend
And things might go wild
But my Lord, I'll be forever your bard!
A declaration of praise, gratitude, confirmation, worship and love
Jan 2019 · 432
In Your Name
Prince eduard Jan 2019
Jesus Christ
Your name is a stronghold
Yes, it is where we go
A name everyday we hold
When we lose our way
It's where we're bold to go on to

Your name is powerful
Simple yet has all wonders
It's where we came sinful
Yet in your name made graceful

We cry in the midst of life
And you're here and you're our light
We came to You, hurt
And You healed us
You give us hope
You gave us faith
And You use everything around us
As You will to enliven us
Oh! You enlighten us
Oh God, In Your Name
Inflame our love

You humble the prideful
And you don't like the boastful
But you exalts the humble
And by Your grace
You give us without number
In Your name our voice we lift
In Your name our hands we raise

Like a mother warship, the main force   An eternal limitless power we've got in Your Name
Oh what a Righteous God we have in You
What a Faithful Friend we're with You
What a Loving God our cries known by You

A Word but mystified in all it's essence
You can't describe all its fullness
Because eternity, the being All-Powerful it represents
Now I wish to feel it in every senses

Oh in Your Name we are safe
In your name we're comforted
I pray that whenever we call in Your Name
You send angels upon us
Lift us when we "lame"
Hallelujah! God bless!
Jan 2019 · 459
Time is at Hand!
Prince eduard Jan 2019
Realize that the end is near
Realize that time is at hand
The place is here
Act! Come to your band
And say that there is no time
there is no time and place for sin
Cause the King will come
Like a thief in the Night
Look! Can't you see the world is in dark!

There's nothing that can bend
Or shorten and even lengthen
The time that we have been given
but the Father, all-knowin'

He alone knows
And says: Behold I come
For time is at hand
oh, it's repeated
because yes, it's of a great importance

Repent! He says!
Know my word
Heed my face, He says
Mark my words!
I love it
I love God
He cares and warns us
He waits for everyone to know
He gives you chances to repent and change and He waits for you
The question is.. are you waiting?
Jan 2019 · 279
Prince eduard Jan 2019
My lord
Oh, my God my landlord
you are my life
you are my everything
I'm nothing without you
Now I offer my life, my soul
from you to me and to you
You made me
I'm just giving it all back to where it's worthy
To where it belong
And to where it for so long have longed

I love you, oh Father
you are my family
and your children are my sisters and brothers
I am yours, let it be

I will sing praises to thee
Wherever, whenever
I will always thank thee
Wherever, whenever
and i will always love and worship thee
Wherever, forever

Nothing I can say but Hallelujah
I believe and declare you are Yeshua
Jesus Christ, my God, my Saviour, my Lord
To where my life is dedicated for ever
oh Hallelujah
Nothing I can say but Hallelujah!
Just.. Hallelujah

— The End —