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Ariana Robinson Aug 2015
I felt everything you ever done to me
Cursed me with the words that fell from your mouth
Nursed the bruises left on my skin by your hands
And every time you spread a woman's legs that weren't my own
I felt that too...
And then even when you did feel me when we were supposed to be sharing those intimate moments
You weren't always gentle
I felt everything you ever done to me
Ignored me when I needed you
Even at night, my silent cries could be heard
Yet you turned your back
As I placed my hand over my mouth, choking back my sobs
Everything you ever did to me
You will soon feel
It's your turn to scream in agony
The same way I did for you
But you won't have me
The same way I didn't have you...
Ariana Robinson Sep 2015
You talked a good game
And I believed every word you said
Did you really mean any of it?
Or was I just a convenience for you?
A distraction from the chaos you call life?
Funny how your words mean nothing to me now
And neither do you
Ariana Robinson Aug 2015
The needle ****** my body
Ink flows from its point
Caressing my skin, creating memories
Could be a reminder
Or a message
The telling of a story
The marking of words and images
Upon my body to cover my scars
And turn them into art
Ariana Robinson May 2015
People say that I'm not the average black girl...
And I don't know whether to take that as an insult or a compliment
Am I not the average black girl because I am so well-spoken?
The fact that I am able to articulate my words...
Or that if a person misuses a word that I simply correct them?
Am I not the average black girl because I don't wear a weave in my hair with noticeable tracks?
Or that instead of me shaking my *** for the world to see...
I choose to make something of myself without diminishing myself?
Am I not the average black girl because I chose a path different from the other black girls...
The path of the dropouts, and being baby mamas at the age of 16...
What is the average black girl?
To me, there is no such thing as the average black girl...
The word "average" is what society has pegged a black girl as being the norm of what black girls are seen as or are supposed to be.
But me, I'm just a black girl
Ariana Robinson Jun 2016
Sometimes, the best of you is brought out by the worst
After people do their damnedest to destroy you
After they have stabbed you in the back
And shot a bullet through your heart
You find the strength to get up, to fight
You take your wounds...your bruises...your scars
You pick up the pieces and build something  new
And the dents and cracks left over
Well, if you run sandpaper over a diamond, it'll eventually smooth out
Something I had to do because I refuse to break.
Ariana Robinson Sep 2015
Pushed past the breaking point
A line that shouldn't be crossed
Passed the point of no return
The final threshold
There's no going back now
Ariana Robinson May 2015
Sometimes, the depths of myself are hard for me to even comprehend.
The perceptions of myself reflect within each other.
The image shown is sometimes obscured based on the light...
Or the shadow that casts over it.
Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
The storm of uncertainty clouds the mind
Making thoughts unclear, blurry...
Your conception of right and wrong, obscured...
Ways of which you've learned, forgotten
A face that should be familiar has become a stranger
The deafening sound of silence has driven you to the edge
You wonder when you will fall...
Or will someone come to your rescue, to rescue you from falling...
I used to be a damsel in distress until I decided to rescue myself
Ariana Robinson May 2018
The soul is like a garden
You plant and water enough
And receive the right amount of sunlight
Something beautiful will grow
Maybe a flower...
I prefer a rose
Or a sunflower

You leave it unkempt
It dies  
or nothing grows
It becomes barren
With weeds sprouting from the earth

Now, which garden would you want?
I would suggest the one full of life and color
The body is a temple
Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
It holds you within its clutches
Embracing you in its veil, shrouded in shadows
It whispers sinister sayings in your ear
It stands in your corner
It follows you wherever you go
Invades your mind with dark thoughts
Controls your actions to where you lash out
It's turning you into what it is, to take its place
You become

I wonder who will take your place?
Ariana Robinson Apr 2015
His words caressed my pages
His ink flowed from his pen
Creating sweet poetry upon my blank canvas
Ariana Robinson Jun 2016
If I could speak with the old me
The first thing I would do is give her a hug
No one understands her pain like I do
I would dry her eyes full with tears
She has cried enough due to pain
Only tears that should be shed are of happiness
I would tell her to watch out for a certain guy
He caused a lot of unwanted problems
But she'll make it through
Finally, I would tell her to hold her head up high, her shoulders back
A queen wouldn't want her crown to slip
It's the new and improved me writing this to my former self
Ariana Robinson Jun 2015
I waited...and I waited

But I never got that phone call
The one that I have been waiting for all day
Just to hear your voice
To hear the reason why

Why you chose to end us
Why you chose to stop loving me
Why you chose to throw away something of significance

But instead...I get a text
Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
Her soul became broken
And so many times, she tried to fix it
Times when she came close, it would shatter again

She died on the inside

The shards of her shattered soul contained images
Memories that she wished to forget
Why would she want to put the shards back together?
She died, and another person appeared with worse problems and a more broken soul
But this time, add the hurt...the pain...the struggle that came along with her life
Aren't you surprised the new person hasn't broke yet?

She will be broken soon

The cycle repeats itself
How long you think it will take before she is broken and a new person appears?
Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
She was forced onto the bed or pinned to the floor, the environment didn't matter, the outcome was the same
His breath would graze over her neck, he groped mercilessly
Never once did she look into his eyes or made a sound
Never once did he hesitate or stop his assault
Never once did she attempt to stop him, out of fear, out of embarrassment
The tearing of her clothes, his brutal grunts
She never utters a word or makes any movement
Her head would be slightly turned away from the scene, her eyes opened, staring into space or closed, not wanting to watch this unfold
A sharp intake of breath would pass her lips as his assault began
His continuous thrusts felt as if needles were pricking her untouched skin
The agony goes on for seconds, minutes, maybe even hours until he finishes
He tosses her aside, doesn't matter, the outcome is the same
She stays immobile, on some occasions, crying softly
She doesn't know why it happens, it just does
Her body is a fortress he conquered, which now lays collapsed
Her emotions, her thoughts, scrambled
The pain she feels from the assault goes unnoticed
Never utters a word or makes any movement
The reoccurring thought crosses her mind, "Why did this happen? Why did it happen to me?"
He takes one last look and then leaves
She lays there on the bed or the floor, her arms wrapped around herself, cradling her body
Doesn't matter what the environment is, the outcome is always the same
Her innocence is taken and now she has nothing...
Ariana Robinson Jun 2016
When said to the average woman, it's an insult
When said to me, I tilt my head back and grin
I fix my imaginary crown before it slips and say,

"Yes, I wear that crown proudly. Want to know how big of a ***** I can be?"
I know I'm a *****, but only when necessary.
Ariana Robinson Jun 2015
The eyes are an unusual creation
One's viewpoint on what is seen and what isn't differentiates
Sometimes, they play tricks on you
Other times, things are seen which shouldn't be
Often, they dance when taking sight of something beautiful
Or are cast downward when in pain
Deep in thought, they stare into space
Fill with tears when experiencing hurt
The eyes conceal the innermost secrets
Said to be the windows to the soul
When people stare into them...
What do you think they see?
Eyes seem to have a world of their own
Ariana Robinson May 2016
Never quite felt like this before
This new feeling can't be described
It causes a smile to grace a face that wore a frown
It causes a sparkle in the eyes that shed tears
Laughter spills from a mouth that never uttered a word
Feeling light on feet while dancing
This new feeling I can't quite put my finger on
But I like it
Maybe, I'm finally happy
And just enjoying living in the moment
My newfound happiness
Ariana Robinson Apr 2015
When in the middle of the night, he pulls me closer to his chest as he sleeps, wrapping his arm around my waist.
How I feel butterfly kisses grazing my neck in the early hours of the morning.
Some mornings, I awake to a racket coming from downstairs, and I smile knowingly, smelling coffee.
Or when he wakes up in the morning to get ready, I wake up not long after, and I cuddle more into the sheets, breathing in his cologne.
After we make love, he holds me in his arms, stroking my hair, while kissing my forehead, and I soon drift off to sleep.
But the one moment I love experiencing with him is when we lock eyes with each other and he stares at me as if I'm the only one in the room.
Ariana Robinson Apr 2015
They say that true love doesn't hurt and they are doesn't.
However, an imitation of true love can cause a broken heart.
Ariana Robinson Aug 2015
Everything burning around me...
Yet I remain untouched
Ariana Robinson Aug 2016
I used to be a damsel in distress until I decided to rescue myself...
Waiting for Prince Charming to come and save you from your tower is a waste of time. Climb down the tower yourself...
Ariana Robinson Oct 2019
He says to me,
"Letting you go wasn't easy."
As if being the one being let go was a walk in the park
As if he wasn't the one that pulled the trigger
Aimed directly at my heart
Ariana Robinson Apr 2022
Life passes between you and I
As our eyes met
And you saw everything you needed
As I saw everything I've been looking for
Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
Sometimes you find the missing pieces, other times you find new pieces to replace the old ones...
Some people have shattered, some remain broken
Ariana Robinson May 2015
He should have been the complement to my heart, not the remedy
Let's just say that love isn't what I thought it would be
Ariana Robinson Oct 2017
Her hand rests above her heart
Grasping for something that ain't there
But in her mind, she remembers that cross her father gave her
She does that whenever the weight of the world drapes over her shoulders
And when that dark cloud pitter patters rain onto her head
Inhaling the troubles that will come
And exhaling once her tears have dried
Her face as blank as a canvas before the artist splashes the paint
Yet through the windows to her soul, you see how hard life is beating on her
Breaking her spirit
But of course, she simply decorates her face with a smile that never quite reaches her eyes

And says, "I'm fine."
I say I'm fine even when I'm dying...
Ariana Robinson Sep 2021
I wish I could scrub you from my skin
But your fingerprints have seeped through to my soul
You left smudges, marks
                 on my windows
And now, I think I will never be free of you
You have ruined me for anyone else
I don't shine quite the same
And it's a shame
I've given so much of myself that now, I'm left with only pieces of who I once was
After you waltzed in
   like the Devil in the pale moonlight
With your promises
as empty as they were
And your "I love you's"
even I knew they were lies as they fell from your lips
But I believed them
And I actually thought you were different
Silly me because I'll be spending a spell
Trying to wipe you away
I refuse to be dirtied by the likes of you
Ariana Robinson May 2015
You broke me and I fear I can't put myself back together...
Ariana Robinson Apr 2015
In life, you don't know what cards you're dealt, but make sure you know when to hold and when to fold.
Ariana Robinson Jun 2016
There's something about stars
Have you ever gone out to a field, laid down a blanket, and just stare at them?
They're just beautiful to look at
They're simply beautiful because they're being themselves, shining at night
Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
My horns are holding up my halo...
Ariana Robinson Oct 2016
Just a mess
Something's always wrong
Or needs to be fixed
Or is out of place
And cracks start to damage the already flawed surface
In need of repair
And underneath...

Never seen such ruin
Something once so beautiful has become marred
A soul in shambles
Wonder what caused that to lose its light?
Have I always been such a mess?
Ariana Robinson Jun 2016
My momma raised me just fine
But sometimes, I had to do wrong on my own
How else was I supposed to learn the difference between right and wrong?
Life didn't come with instructions.
The response to people who ask me, "Did your momma raise you better than that?"
Ariana Robinson Dec 2017
Don't waste time staring at a sunset that you forget your time in the sun

*Feel the warmth of the sun
Ariana Robinson Jul 2016
I'm sure it hurts the same
When an angel falls from Heaven
And when a demon crawls up from Hell
And us humans being stuck in the middle on Earth
I'm sure it hurts the same
I was watching the show Supernatural and it just popped in my head.
Ariana Robinson Apr 2017
The devil can lie with a smile on his face
That is so convincing
He'll have you believing it's the truth
Ariana Robinson Jun 2016
We all have a bit of monster in us
I just seem to be in tune with mine
And it causes me to be a bit of a heathen
Not really a heathen. I can be an angel...with ill intentions.
Just kidding or am I?
Ariana Robinson Sep 2016
"I may be almost heartless, but that doesn't mean I don't have a soul..."
Ariana Robinson Sep 2018
I have to give you points for originality
I thought I had heard them all
All the reasons
All the excuses
As to why people break hearts
And you broke mine
Because you were scared of what could be
That's the first time I've heard of that
So you threw away everything over the possibility of something going wrong
That's smart
My breakup from the guy who I thought was the one
Ariana Robinson Feb 2019
See, with people like me
We expect good things to come as a surprise
And bad things to come like clockwork
Isn't that sad
So to the question as to why I don't put faith into anything
Or believe in anyone
There's your answer
Ariana Robinson Nov 2017
She seems to have lost touch with herself
Drowned in the sorrow that flows within her veins
Tears staining her face once again

Though the thought of being immune to this feeling crossed her mind
She has felt it so many times before
Inflicted upon herself by those she thought would never leave bruises
Inflicted upon herself by herself
Not giving others the opportunity to mar a soul already damaged
And yet it feels brand new every time

So much hurt inside one body
Of memories of forgetting herself
Of feeling searing pain course through her
When he broke her heart
Yet he promised to cherish it
When her father hurt her mother
Forgetting she's reflection of the woman she calls "momma"
Of when her brother imposed between her thighs at such a tender age
Leaving himself in the corner of her mind
And every now and then, he slips from the shadows
Replaying that moment on a continuous loop
Of when she lost herself within herself
And couldn't find  herself in the dark

She should be used to it
But it always feels brand new
Ariana Robinson Jun 2015
Beautiful ain't always pretty
Ariana Robinson Nov 2018
Why would I wear my heart on my sleeve?
Such a dangerous place for it to be...
Ariana Robinson Apr 2022
You cross my mind so often
Might as well say you live rent free in my head
Ariana Robinson Oct 2015
Even a man who is the devil while awake, can seem an angel as he sleeps
Ariana Robinson Jun 2016
Holy hands make me feel more tainted than I already am
I accept being a sinner wholeheartedly if that means I'm being me and not pretending, unlike others.
Ariana Robinson Apr 2017
The heart is an instrument that falls in love all the time
And sometimes, too easily
But it is rare when the soul falls in love
It needs the right person to set the spark
Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
Fate's a *******, Karma's a *****...
Ariana Robinson Oct 2017
You know the one thing we are guaranteed in life is our death
How ironic
There's no running from it
Or hiding from it
Or bargaining with it
Just when it's your time
It's your time
I wonder when will it be mine
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