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Ariana Robinson Oct 2017
Her hand rests above her heart
Grasping for something that ain't there
But in her mind, she remembers that cross her father gave her
She does that whenever the weight of the world drapes over her shoulders
And when that dark cloud pitter patters rain onto her head
Inhaling the troubles that will come
And exhaling once her tears have dried
Her face as blank as a canvas before the artist splashes the paint
Yet through the windows to her soul, you see how hard life is beating on her
Breaking her spirit
But of course, she simply decorates her face with a smile that never quite reaches her eyes

And says, "I'm fine."
I say I'm fine even when I'm dying...
Ariana Robinson Sep 2021
I wish I could scrub you from my skin
But your fingerprints have seeped through to my soul
You left smudges, marks
                 on my windows
And now, I think I will never be free of you
You have ruined me for anyone else
I don't shine quite the same
And it's a shame
I've given so much of myself that now, I'm left with only pieces of who I once was
After you waltzed in
   like the Devil in the pale moonlight
With your promises
as empty as they were
And your "I love you's"
even I knew they were lies as they fell from your lips
But I believed them
And I actually thought you were different
Silly me because I'll be spending a spell
Trying to wipe you away
I refuse to be dirtied by the likes of you
Ariana Robinson May 2015
You broke me and I fear I can't put myself back together...
Ariana Robinson Apr 2015
In life, you don't know what cards you're dealt, but make sure you know when to hold and when to fold.
Ariana Robinson Mar 2015
My horns are holding up my halo...
Ariana Robinson Aug 2015
The eyes say all that needs to be heard
Even when the mouth is silent
Ariana Robinson Dec 2016
Words hurt
Similar to how a fist can bruise skin
Words crawl underneath your skin and get stuck there
Twisting you from the inside
But what makes it worse is the person the words are coming from.

A mother telling her daughter she isn't pretty enough
Begins the journey of a girl trying to define her beauty
Caking her face with makeup to "enhance" or "alter" her appearance
Wearing clothes that barely cover skin
She does not know or see her beauty
Going through her life seeking approval
By doing things that defile what makes her beautiful
If she believes she is beautiful, then she is
No one else's opinion of her beauty should matter
Only her opinion of herself matters

Just one word can change a person's perspective of who they are and what they believe in

A boy telling a girl he doesn't love her anymore
Changes her perception of what love is
Whether she deserves it and who will be the person to finally give it to her
She pushes away man after man, afraid of putting her heart on the line
Afraid of  putting her all into something that's worth it
Sweetheart, just because one man hurts you does not mean the next one will
Don't miss out on your white knight because of a few jesters (**** fools).

Words hurt
They can cause bruises
They can open wounds
Even ruin lives
So be careful with what comes out if your mouth.
Words do hurt.
Ariana Robinson Jun 2015
The love I had for you was boundless, limitless
If you needed more, I would have gave it to you
The love I had for you was unconditional
There was nothing average about it, it wasn't lukewarm
But I guess the love you had for me had bounds and its limits
You gave what you thought I might have needed
I guess it wasn't unconditional because when we ended, it was if the love you had for me no longer held value
But the love I had in me I gave to you
And that was my mistake
Giving unconditional love to someone who can only give me conditional
In you, I found a person that I couldn't live without
But I guess to you I was a person you could live with
I wish there was a way for me to turn off emotions, but I can't
But it seems your emotions turn on and off
One day, I'm your everything
The next, I'm just a friend
And you expect me to accept just being your friend
I loved, no I love you too much to be just your friend
And according to you, we can't be together
So let's just be strangers who shared some memories
He broke up with me and I'm going to be ok
Ariana Robinson Jul 2017
I miss staring into them there eyes
Those brown eyes that for some reason dance when they land on me
Those eyes I love staring into
That make me forget where I am for a moment
I miss the feeling of your hands
The way they held onto mine and never seem to let go
When you would brush your fingertips against my cheek
I would lean into your touch because it felt like I've been there before
Like I was home
I miss feeling your warmth
Felt like it wrapped me up and surrounded me
Almost like the love you had for me radiated from you
And when you would lay beside me, I dreaded your spot being empty
I miss the little things you do
Like fixing the ******* my shirt because you're OCD about those sort of things
Or when you would ****** off my scarf or pull my hair from the bun it was in because you loved seeing the hair that adorned my head
And the feeling of your lips on me was enough to rattle me from the inside
I miss your voice
Listening to you speak about anything caught my attention
Especially when it would be about something you have a passion for
But mainly, when "I love you" seeped from your lips and into me
I knew you meant it
I just miss you
I miss my boyfriend. Long distance relationships ****.

— The End —